Hire iPhone App Developer at Great Cost Effective $15/hr | Apple Wants You to Feel More - Hyperlink

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Hire iPhone App Developer at Great Cost Effective $15/hr | Apple Wants You to Feel More Hyperlink InfoSystem Since its the season for Apple rumors, here's one other to tickle your curiosity. Apparently, Apple might implement a new feature in the iPhone 6 that might be a bit different than what we've normally seen. We've seen that in the mobile market, the biggest players yet are Apple and Google. And there's only as many features you can shake up and reintroduce in your respective platforms before hitting a roadblock. Here's where you need to come up with new things to wow and attract your users so they don't jump ship. Well, Apple has done a relatively good job at coming out with faster, lighter and better products than those available in the markets as competition when it comes to hardware quality. And a good job at software too.

And now they're planning on bringing to their mobile devices, a new kind of feedback that lets you feel. At least, if the rumors are to be believed that is. Apple now, are trying to reinvent the user experience in letting them feel the results of then actions. Sure, many of you may be familiar with the haptic feedback in your smartphones, where clicking on the back button for example would make the smartphone vibrate, in a nutshell different gestures would incite some sort of feedback from the device in the form of a vibration. Thereby helping them feel something for their actions. If this is the case, it would bring up an interesting scenario for apps. No doubt that people have now been able to hire iPhone developer to create various types of apps that have taken all sorts of routes when it comes to displaying important info when they wanted to the users. But all these weren't any different from those done by everyone else. Something that can't help you out for far in a very competitive market like the mobile market. Again, we can say with some certainty that Apple is now going to come up with iPhones that are going to bear larger screens than it has ever released. And what this news means, is that gaming and entertainment in general are going to be greatly affected. Something that hasn't caught a lot of attention

before. We're getting more and more near to blurring the lines in between reality and the virtual World, with technology's rapid development pace helping users interact with with each other in ways that couldn't even be dreamt just a few decades before. This news also comes in the heels of a tablet like device created by an entrepreneur that lets you invoke physical bumps on the screen that act as the keyboard, thereby eliminating the need to carry a separate keyboard, like people have to, these days. When you don't need it, flipping a switch flattens the surface yet again, bringing the screen back to its conventional tablet self. Now, if you choose to hire iPhone app developer to develop an app for you, then you can sit down with them to discuss what the new possibilities would offer you in the near future.

Well, there's also a possibility that this may end up never happening too. But we tend to focus on the brighter side of things, so, I'll say that this is sure going to be pretty interesting if everything does work out. Imagine being able to feel different kinds of textures on your phone in response to different inputs for example. Alright, coming back to things that have a better chance to be implemented in the newest iPhone 6, we got to see a video where a reviewer had gotten their hands on the alleged iPhone screen that's made of sapphire, which, by the way, is the 3rd hardest material known. In the video released, we saw the screen part being brutally handled and still emerging the winner. Not only was the part stabbed with a knife and scratched with keys. It was also stepped on and bended in a way that couldn't be withstood by any device available in the market now, but like I mentioned earlier, it withstood everything. Another thing that we're getting to see quite a bit is how gadgets are communicating with eachother and are able to perform tasks that end up being quite convenient for the users. Examples include your smartphone sensing that you're inside your home and therefore don't really need to have the device locked, and locks it the moment you leave the house. Hire iPhone application developer and you can

get to implement features like this in you app that'd help users not have to perform extra steps to complete a task, for example.

NFC or Near Field Communication is something that's been thrown around a lot these days and seems to be something that can make our lives a whole lot better if implemented properly. Think of a scenario that where you're out shopping and you enter a store that has special beacons present that sense that you have a compatible smartphone and pushes relevant information to your phone, for example depending upon your location will tell you what the latest discounts are. Or whether fresh stocks have arrived for a particular type of clothing that you're looking for. Who knows maybe in the near future we'd be able to just use our smartphone and swipe it over a product that we're looking to buy and that'd be it. No more insane crowded cash counters where you have to wait in a queue for 20 mins to buy a can of soda.

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