Wearable Technology Has a Bright Future in Android - Hyperlink InfoSystem

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Android Application Development India

“Mobile” is moving on to new horizons. Curiosity and the need to always create something better even spectacular drives man to move ahead in life. If this wasn't so, we'd still be stuck in the dark ages fishing and foraging for food. And we'd still be using our old brick phones to communicate. Mobile phone have brought a kind of freedom and security, along with entertainment like no other. Smartphones took it to another level, it became so essential that people wouldn't leave their homes without it. It helped you across all aspects of life, whether it was making calls and staying in touch with your friends and family, or playing a quick game of candy crush while waiting for your coffee, or be it looking at possible routes before a trip or organizing your work for the week. The smartphone has truly mobile by giving us information in a neatly packaged and relevant way. And everyone was happy with that. People started arguing how it was reaching the saturation point, though, stating there wasn't really another way to channel the mobility. But then came the era of Wearable tech. Prior to this Google was well known for it's Android mobile operating system. Android Application Development India professionals became in demand because of their skills and experience in creating various innovative solutions for the platform. But as mentioned before, work was always on to create something new. Other companies were coming up with solutions but nothing grabbed the attention of the general public or the media alike, like Google Glass. But Glass didn't seem as viable of an option, when it came to mainstream usage. Keeping aside it's price of over $1000, it posed privacy issues, people seemed that the idea of a user walking around the street with a gadget attached to their face that could record and even take pictures was odd. A more toned down but equally refreshing idea was that of a watch like device. A device that could be worn on your person without attracting a lot of attention, which could even interact with your network of devices like smartphones etc., and which could provide crucial information about your body while having the ability to track, analyze and broadcast this information is making this the hottest new addition to the tech world.

Android App Development India should leverage on this new facet of portable tech and work on creating software solutions that make use of its versatile nature. The options are endless, like creating an interface with say, a bluetooth headset that would enable the user to have preliminary information about the call details and then choose to interact with the call. Or talking about more personal information, the device can track your physical activity as well as have the potential to analyze body stats like blood sugar etc. ———————————————

Hyperlink InfoSystem is a Mobile App Development Company offering great mobile development solutions at the competitive rates of $15-$20/hour. A member of the prestigious GESIA, Hyperlink InfoSystem has been providing Software Development solutions like Android Application Development India, iPhone Application Development India , Windows Mobile App Development and Website Designing, since 2011 and has clients spread all over the US, UK, Canada, Germany, and India.

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