Zoutpansberger 26 May 2023

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Klein Mia (5) oorlede

Die vyfjarige Mia du Plessis saam met ma Marinda. Klein Mia is Saterdag, 20 Mei, skielik oorlede. Foto verskaf.

Deur Andries van Zyl Familie van die vyfjarige Mia (Carmia) du Plessis wat skielik Saterdagoggend (20ste) oorlede is, sukkel steeds om haar dood te verwerk.

“Dit was vir ons almal net te vinnig en te skielik. Ons het geweet dit kan enige oomblik gebeur, maar nie nou nie,” het ouma Dora Bester

skoonmaak. Toe sy by die kamer kom, toe trek Mia’tjie net agteroor,” het ‘n hartseer Dora gesê. Aanvanklik, het Dora gesê, het Marinda gedink iets sit in Mia se keeltjie vas. “Sy het probeer kyk en mond-tot-mond [asemhaling] probeer doen,” het Dora gesê.

Maar dit was te laat en ‘n geskokte Marinda het haar verloofde, Mario Oggioni, geroep en gesê sy dink klein Mia is dood. Mario wou dit

News with an independent soul 26 Mei 2023 www.zoutpansberger.co.za PRYS: R8,00 BTW Ing. Jaargang 39 Vol.21 Joubertstraat 16B Louis Trichardt TEL: 516 4996/7/8 9 772409283001 21 ISSN 2409-2835 Audited
Distribution Figures
Dr Sarah has hand in new Botswanan stamp series - page 3 Oud-Triegie gekies as beoordelaar vir top SA kompetisie - bladsy 2 BREKKIE CRUNCH WRAP FREE CAPPYJUICE 3490 e-mail: elektries@pdotto.co.za Containers For Hire PD OTTO ELEKTRIES 24 HOUR CALL CENTRE: 083 251 8139 High Tension Work (HT) Tension

Mr Solly Noor (centre) received the Masjidul Quds Lifetime Community Service award on Saturday. Next to him stand the chairperson of Masjidul Quds, Mr Sattar Parker (left) and a trustee, Mr Liakat Sonday. Photo supplied.

Lifetime service award given to well-known Solly Noor

Well-known local entrepreneur and philanthropist Mr Solly Noor received a coveted Masjidul Quds Lifetime Community Service award on Saturday night during a gala event held in Kelvin Grove, Cape Town.

He is one of five South Africans that were honoured this year by the Cape Town-based organisation. The other recipients were Dr Imtiaaz Suliman (founding member of Gift of the Givers), Sheikh Sadullah Khan (a world-renowned Islamic Scholar and CEO of Islamia College), Mrs Zuleigha Mayat (author of several books, including the acclaimed Indian Delights) and Nakhlistan (a community-based

“En op wie was Hy veertig jaar lank vertoorn? Was dit nie op dié wat gesondig het, wie se lyke in die woestyn geval het nie?”Hebreërs 3:17.

Die gevaar is dat ‘n ongelowige, wat in die woestyn lewe, in die woestyn kan omkom en nie sy finale bestemming bereik nie. Op hierdie moontlikheid wys die skrywer aan die Hebreërs.

Baie van die Israeliete het net tot by Kades-Barnea gekom, maar nie in die beloofde land nie. ‘n Ganse geslag het in die woestyn gesterwe. Daarom dat die waarskuwing nou gehoor word: “Laat ons dan vrees dat, terwyl die belofte om in sy rus in te gaan nog standhou, dit nie miskien sal blyk dat iemand van julle agtergebly het nie.” (Hebreërs 4:1).

Wat is die kenmerke van hierdie woestynlewe?

Daar was rusteloosheid. Nou is hulle op die walle van die Jordaan, dan weer naby die grense van Egipte. Daar was geen rus nie.

Sommige gelowiges ken nie die Sabbatsrus wat oorbly vir die volk van God nie (Hebreërs 4:9). Hulle ken net ‘n lewe van val en opstaan, van donkerte eerder as van lig. Nou voel hulle hul so naby die Here, dan weer leef hulle in die wêreld.

Dit is miskien ‘n beskrywing van jou geestelike lewe, innerlike konflik, onbestendigheid en spanning.

Nog ‘n kenmerk van die woestynlewe is onvrugbaarheid. Israel het in die veertig jaar niks opgebou nie. Daar was wel ‘n tabernakel, maar dit was net ‘n tydelike hulp totdat ‘n meer permanente struktuur opgerig kon word. In so ‘n bestaan kon hulle niks positiefs lewer nie.

Ons is gered om te dien. Is daar die nodige vrugte in jou lewe? Watter direkte getuienis gaan daar van jou lewe uit?

organisation feeding thousands of poor and destitute people for the past 39 years).

Masjidul Quds is an historic Islamic Mosque complex in Gatesville, Cape Town. The building is a replica of the Al Aqsa Mosque in Palestine and houses the Islamic college, which offers diploma and degree courses and an afternoon Islamic School for younger children. Masjidul Quds hosts a special inter-faith IFTAAR every year to spread the message of unity in diversity among leading South Africans. Among the many world-renowned dignitaries who have graced this event, was the late Anglican bishop, Desmond Tutu. The organisation also recognises achievers and those individuals who contribute to the service of humanity and the cause of justness.

When Mr Noor’s resumé was read, special mention was made of the support of his wife, Zohra. He received the accolade for his noble work in philanthropy, human rights and corporate excellence. He is a former president of the World Memon Organisation and served on numerous boards of NGOs. He is well known in the business world, where he served on boards such as that of ABSA Bank. He also served as a trustee of the Wits University Foundation and was a director of the Investec property group.

Although the Noor family no longer stays in Louis Trichardt, he is widely regarded as a local resident, and he still owns many business and residential properties in the region. In the early 1990s, he served as chairperson of the Greater Louis Trichardt Transitional Local Council’s executive committee. This was a tumultuous period, during which strong leadership was needed to ensure the smooth transition to a new political dispensation.

Oud-Triegie gekies as beoordelaar vir top SA restaurant kompetisie

Deur Pétria de Vaal

Die Louis Trichardt-gemeenskap is trots daarop dat Marisa Munroe, ‘n oud-inwoner, onlangs aangewys is as een van die beoordelaars van die New Media Eat Out Woolworths Restaurant Awards (EOWRA).

Marisa Munroe is werksaam by Woolworths se hoofkantoor in Kaapstad. “Tans beklee ek die posisie van ‘Head of Product and new Business Development’ en is in die proses om die leisels van ‘Chief Innovation and Product Direction Officer’ oor te neem,” sê Marisa. Sy is baie opgewonde oor die eer wat haar te beurt geval het om as beoordelaar op te tree.

Abigail Donnelly, hoofbeoordelaar, het Marisa genader en gevra of sy belangstel. “Hoe kan ek nee sê vir so iets?” vertel ‘n opgewonde Marisa. Die New Media EOWRA is dié geleentheid waar gesoek word na Suid-Afrika se beste restaurante. ‘n Paneel van beoordelaars is almal spesialiste wat oor ‘n magdom kennis en ondervinding beskik. Die span bestaan onder meer uit sjefs, restauranteienaars en ander professionele persone wat die land deurkruis om die hoogste aangeskrewe restaurante te evalueer. Elke aspek van ‘n restaurant-ervaring, soos die kwaliteit van die kos, die drankies en die atmosfeer, word ondersoek.

Sedert 2022 is Woolworths hoofborg van die EOWRA. “Van kleins af het ek belanggestel in kos, resepte en kook. Ons het aan die destydse ‘Leserskring Boekklub’ behoort. As vyf- of sesjarige kon ek ‘n boek kies. Dit was ‘n resepteboek!” sê Marisa.

Marisa is die dogter van wyle Tobie en Molly van den Heever, wat Vonitel Radio oorspronklik besit het. “Die feit dat ek in ‘n boeregemeenskap op ‘n plaas grootgeword het, het my baie respek geleer vir goeie kwaliteit produkte - my pa het self op klein skaal met avokado’s geboer. Die kompleksiteit van boerdery, maar ook boere se passie, lê my na aan die hart. Dit het tot gevolg dat ek baie respek en waardering vir rou materiale het,” sê Marisa, self passievol.

Marisa is vroeg in haar lewe blootgestel aan die “kos-heldinne” van Louis Trichardt. Hier dink sy onder andere aan tannie Athri Wessels, Zanette Wessels, asook Martie Naudé. “Hulle was die kostannies wat absoluut rolmodelle vir my was!” sê Marisa.

Met ‘n tikkie nostalgie dink Marisa terug aan haar skoolloopbaan en in die besonder by Hoërskool Louis Trichardt. “Mev. Elna Bresler het vir my die wetenskap van kosmaak geleer in daardie warm asbesklas. By die huis was ek vry om uiting te gee aan my kreatiwiteit.” Volgens Marisa het hierdie twee elemente haar toegerus om te doen wat sy doen – en wat sy die meeste geniet. “ ‘n Ander onderwyser by wie ek ook baie lewenslesse geleer het, is Cronnie Cronjé,” noem Marisa.

Marisa het ná haar studies by Tukkies (B. Huishoudkunde) by Woolworths se hoofkantoor ‘n aanstelling te kry. “Ek het gedink ek gaan net vir ‘n rukkie daar wees. Dit is nou reeds 23 jaar!” sê Marisa. Sy vertel ook dat haar werk heelwat van haar vereis, soos byvoorbeeld om in voeling te wees met tendense in verbruikers se gedrag. Hierdie inligting word geanaliseer en nuwe strategieë ontwikkel wat kan lei tot nuwe konsepte, resepte en so meer.






“My radar is oop vir kos. Ek reis baie, gaan dikwels oorsee, woon seminare by en besoek restaurante oral oor die wêreld. I am immersing myself in the world of food,” sê sy. Sy is nie self ‘n professionele sjef nie, maar is ‘n kranige tuiskok en verloor haarself tussen die bladsye van ‘n resepteboek. “My man, Lance, en my twee seuns (onderskeidelik 15 en 17 jaar oud), is my grootste ondersteuners en moedig my aan in alles wat ek doen. You should not only survive, but thrive.”

Op ‘n vraag op wat sy na die beoordelaarstafel sal bring, antwoord Marisa: “Bring science to the soul.” Sy voeg by dat ‘n restaurant baie mooi kan wees, die ontwerp baie professioneel, ‘n gepaste atmosfeer kan hê en die diens uitstekend kan wees, maar as die kos nie lekker is nie, is die restaurant nie so suksesvol nie. “ ‘n Mens moet weetgierig bly en oopkop na elke liewe spyskaart kyk!” Sy voeg by dat ‘n mens sensitief en “oop” moet wees wanneer jy beoordeel.

Marisa is avontuurlustig wanneer dit kom by kos, geure en smake. Sy is altyd op soek na iets

nuuts. Sy het ook al aan alles geproe wat voor haar neergesit word – selfs in Oosterse lande.

“Die enigste kos waarmee ek sukkel, is die sagte, loperige geel van ‘n eier,” lag sy. Om beoordelaar te wees vir EOWRA gaan haar die geleentheid gee om die plaaslike restaurantwêreld te betree. “Ek gaan die hart en siel van ‘n sjef leer ken deur die kombinasie van sy unieke vaardighede, verbeelding en die natuur se milddadigheid.”

Vir meer inligting oor die aanwys van die beoordelaars kan lesers na die volgende skakel gaan kyk: https://www.eatout.co.za/article/ meet-judges-2023-eat-woolworths-restaurantawards/.

Marvin’s death a great loss to all

With great sadness the Chambers Attorneys family in Louis Trichardt had to say goodbye to their beloved Marvin Ramuhashi (photo) who passed away on Tuesday, 16 May, at the age of 41. “Marvin worked at the firm for 10 years. We will always remember his great smile, humble heart, who lived to serve our clients. Marvin, you leave behind beautiful memories. You will be greatly missed and forever be in our hearts. Thank you for the life we shared. You’ve touched so many lives. It’s so hard to say goodbye,” said Ms. Stephné Chambers of Chambers Attorneys. Photo supplied.

Ek is ... die Weg, die Waarheid en die Lewe
Casper Venter: 082 857 0022
Emil Gaigher: 082 892 8862
Mcleod: 083 403 5752
Brennan: 082 902 6271
Oud-Triegie en Soutpansberger Marisa Munroe. Foto: Shavan Rahim (New Media).

Dr Sarah has hand in new Botswanan stamp series

Baobab expert Dr Sarah Venter from Louis Trichardt recently received another feather in her cap when she was recognised by the Botswana Post Philatelic Bureau for her contribution to Botswana’s latest series of stamps, which was first issued on 8 December last year.

Venter helped to write the information sheet of the Botswanan giant baobab trees featured on the stamps, in collaboration with Botswana’s Department of National Museums and Monuments. This stamp issue commemorates four iconic baobabs in Botswana and pays homage to the Mighty Fallen Chapman’s Baobab. The other trees featured are the Green’s baobab, Kubu island baobabs, Baines’ baobabs and the Kasane prison and postal tree. The artists of this edition were

Philip Huebsch and Monkgogi Samsonis, both citizens of Botswana.

But how did Venter become involved with the project?

“I got an e-mail from the Botswana Postal System. Luckily I did not delete it like one does with most ‘spam’ and I actually saw that it was a proper e-mail. I saw that they were going to do a stamp collection, which I though was very, very special. It seems that the Botswanan Postal Service is still in operation and for them to do a series of stamps on baobabs is particularly special, because baobabs are such an important part of their environment and of their heritage,” said Venter.

Venter was very excited about the project, especially regarding her love of this ancient tree species. “What I think is very important is that these historic trees have been around for well over 1000

years, and to commemorate these trees in the way that Botswanans have done, is to really give them acknowledgement … They have really given their baobabs their due importance,” said Venter. In the same breath, she expressed her hope that baobabs will be honoured in the same way in South Africa one day. She referred to South Africa’s own Champion Tree Project, of which seven giant Baobab trees have been marked and measured by the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry. “Those really ought to be part of a tourist route, which should be part of a heritage that everybody knows about and gets celebrated for. One of those trees is our Big Tree out in Venda, which is the biggest baobab tree in the world,” said Venter.

Venter said working with the artists Philip Huebsch and Monkgogi Samsonis (both Botswana residents) on the project had been a pleasure. “Philip contacted me and he shared his picture, particularly the cover picture of the baobab flower with the moth on it. We discussed the position of the moth and what species of moth he should use. So, I had quite a lot to do with making sure that that picture was accurate. He was lovely to work with,” said Venter.

Asked if she would enjoy being involved in similar future projects, Venter agreed enthusiastically. “Absolutely! I would love to do something similar, particularly with baobabs in South Africa because we’ve got

these seven giant Baobabs. In fact, we’ve got a lot of other amazing baobabs, but these particular ones are the biggest in South Africa. It would be lovely to do a series on these trees,” said Venter. As for the immediate future, Venter will continue to focus on baobabs. “I am busy with so many different things, but I’ll be visiting the Chapman’s tree in June this year. I have not visited it since it collapsed in 2016. I will also be going to the Green’s Baobab,” said Venter, The aim of these visits will be to try and find out why these big trees had collapsed. “I have

been going to each of the trees that have collapsed and the ones that haven’t and looking at the reason for their collapse. I would like to get to the bottom of why the Chapman’s tree collapsed. It could just be that it got too big and too old. Or it could be that it got a disease – nobody really knows. So, I will be looking into this. But generally, most of our big trees are actually very healthy and surviving extremely well,” said Venter.

For more on the project and photos, visit the Baobab Foundation’s website at https:// baobabfoundation.co.za/sa-

An example of the first-day cover of the series of new Botswanan stamps commemorating the country’s biggest baobab trees. Tribute is also paid to the Chapman’s baobab (left). Image supplied. The souvenir sheet of the new stamps. Image supplied. bao-expert-help-with-botswana-stamps/. Dr Sarah Venter.

Die CVO Zoutpansberg buite Louis Trichardt het Maandag hulle Top 3 presteerders per fase aangewys. Die top presteerders in die junior fase (Graad 4 tot Graad 6) was (voor, van links na regs) Milan Schalkwyk, Cathryn van Rooyen en Rinhard Schalkwyk. In die senior fase (Graad 7 tot Graad 9) was dit (agter) Steph-Mari Viviers, Elizma Dafel en Jeandré Maré. Foto: CVO Zoutpansberg.

Roshini publishes third book to help people heal

“People keep asking me: ‘Why do you carry on with life the way you do?’ My answer is usually: ‘I do this to cope.’” These are the words of Louis Trichardt resident Roshini Pakkiree while reflecting on the launch of her book, Reflections of Faith, on Saturday, 20 May, at The Garden Venue in Johannesburg.

On 25 October 2017, Roshini and husband Mark Pakkiree’s world came crashing down around them with the unexpected death of their only child, the 16-year-old Sanjit, because of illness. Since then, her journey to overcome the loss of her child inspired her to begin writing about her grief and healing process. She has already published two books, namely: A Life Altered – my journey from tears to hope and Pieces of Us – how our marriage healed from the loss of a child.

“Through my books, I help people to heal. I share with people that I’m not getting OVER the loss of my son, but I’m getting THROUGH it. In the book [Reflections of Faith], I look back at my life. I learnt that, over years, God gave me a lot of experiences when I was still young. He wanted me to be prepared. One gets stronger with things that happen. You become a resilient person. I was such a brave girl. I took risks and DID things,” Roshini says.

After the passing of her son, she was often asked: “Why don’t you behave like other people?” She then tells them that she was already “built” for other things. “Faith is acquired over years. You learn it through experiences – you are not born with faith. A soldier must be trained for war. Maybe the fact that I was in the police, was my calling,” Roshini mentions.

because you lost something or somebody. When a tragedy happens, God jumps in so fast. Healing starts immediately. I am not strong by myself. I ask for the strength of God.”

Roshini shares: “I wrote Reflections of Faith to share some life-changing events of my life that helped in shaping and encouraging my faith. My reason for sharing my life’s experience is to show people that we all have a journey to live and fulfil. No matter what experiences we have, later in life - as we evolve and start to reflect on our life - we see the reasons for the series of events that may prepare us for life’s challenges. In my book I show how I was being prepared for the major tragedy in my life. It is not everyone’s journey, but it is my truth and my reflections of how I developed and strengthened my faith in the Almighty.”

Hoërskool Louis Trichardt het drie nuwe gesigte by hul onderwyskorps verwelkom. Van links na regs staan me. Monique Visser (Engels), me. Anneline van Wyk (wiskunde en rekeningkunde) en me. Lianè Oosthuizen (wiskunde geletterdheid). Foto verskaf.

Hierdie week, 25 jaar

gelede in die Zoutpansberger

Hierdie week, 25 jaar gelede, het die Zoutpansberger se voorbladberig van 22 Mei 1998 gehandel oor die Groter Louis Trichardt Oorgangsraad se jaarlikse begroting van R88 miljoen vir die 1998/99 finansiële jaar. Dié begroting is wêrelde verwyder van die R1,65 miljard begroting (bedryfs- en kapitaalbegroting gesamentlik) wat verlede jaar deur dieselfde munisipaliteit goedgekeur is.

In 1998 is die R88 miljoen begroting as “konserwatief” beskou, met ‘n verhoging van tussen 3,2% en 5,4% in tariewe vir die gewone man op straat. Die begroting het in daardie stadium voorsiening gemaak vir ver skeie kapitaalprojekte (vir ‘n totaal van R17,4 miljoen) wat onder meer ingesluit het die opgradering van die munisipale kantore ten bedrae van R2,18 miljoen, uitbreiding aan die elektrifiseringsprogram (R3,25 miljoen) en die herstel van strate, ook R3,25 miljoen. (Die kapitaal begroting vir die huidige Makhado Munisipaliteit vir die 2022/23 boekjaar beloop R449,8 miljoen).

Wat die bedryfsbegroting betref, het die 1998/99 begroting vir R71 miljoen (R1,205 miljard vir die 2022/23 boekjaar) voorsiening gemaak, ‘n 19,46% groei vanaf die vorige jaar. Uitstaande skuld was in daardie stadium ook reeds ‘n probleem, met ‘n 86% agterstand in sekere areas van die begroting. Die bedrag

uitstaande op die 60­dae periode het meer as R7,5 miljoen beloop. Wat salarisse betref, sou 32c van elke R1 wat in daardie stadium ontvang is, gaan om die raad se salarisrekening te betaal.

In ander, meer positiewe nuus, het die voorblad ook die aanstelling van mnr Henry Denner as nuwe skoolhoof van Hoërskool Louis Trichardt aangekondig. Sy aanstelling het gekom ná 17 maande as waarnemende hoof.

She continues to say: “I think of my son every day. I ask him for his guidance. God is still giving me so much to help me to live. You are blessed when God steps in when you are in trouble. We are all on a journey to go to the ultimate place one day. We have to make the best of life HERE. Everybody has a choice to live either miserably or happily. You cannot shy away from the world

The new rooftop solar photovoltaic (PV) installation at Shoprite in Louis Trichardt, which can generate 409,252 kWh. Photo supplied.

Shoprite aims to generate 25% of own electricity within next five years

Load shedding may have many negative consequences, but it has had one positive outcome – it has boosted the drive to implement greener and more sustainable energy sources. In Louis Trichardt, the major shopping centres have also adapted, installing solar panels on large parts of their roofs to supplement the supply of electricity to businesses.

In one of the latest developments, the Shoprite store in Burger Street completed a rooftop solar photovoltaic (PV) installation that can generate 409,252 kWh. This will add to the Shoprite Group’s growing network of solar-powered and renewable-electricity installations across South Africa.

Chain stores such as Shoprite are already making a significant contribution to alleviate the

country’s power-supply problems. “The group’s current installed capacity of solar PV generates almost 50 million kWh annually, with 174 534 m² of solar panels across 71 sites, the equivalent of 24 soccer fields. This is enough to power 4 554 households for a full year, easing pressure on the national electricity grid,” the group said last week in a statement.

Sanjeev Raghubir, Shoprite’s group sustainability manager, said that renewable energy enabled their stores to reduce their environmental impact, and in some cases allowed them to continue operating during power cuts.

“We aim to power 25% of the group’s operations with renewables in the next five years and to meet our science-based emission-reduction targets, including net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050,” he said.

Roshini Pakkiree, photographed at the launch of her latest book, Reflections of Faith, on Saturday. Photo supplied.



• Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (LTT)

Tshirululunistraat 28, Sondag 09:00, Tel: 015 516 2272.

• Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (Musina) Cass Straat 16, Sondag 09:00, Tel: 015 534 2126.

• Agapé Gemeente (LTT) Sondae: Afrikaanse diens om 08:30 insluitend Peuter-, Kinder- en Tienerbedieninge. Sundays: English service at 10:30 including Toddler-, Children- and Teen Ministries, phone Pastor Chris Mattheus Tel (082 696 2619).

• AGS Louis Trichardt Munnikstraat 70, Sondae om 09:00, past. J. Wilkins (071 161 9254), J. Victor (073 799 8479), M Struwig (083 400 2511).

• AGS El-Shaddai (Musina) Watsonlaan 17, Sondag 10:00 en 18:00, Past. Boetie Visser, Tel: 015 534 3361 084 456 6959.

• AGS Levubu

Sien Levubu Christelike Gemeente (Hatfield).

• All Nations for Jesus Christian Centre (LTT) 93 Burger Street (Maranatha Centre), Sunday 09:30 & Wednesday 18:00, Past Benjamin Sithole, Tel 083 532 9492/ 015 516 2275.

• Anglican Church St Marks (LTT) 128 Munnik Street, Sunday 10:30, Rev Robbie Novella, Tel: 015 516 5165.

• Baptist Church (Musina) Corner of Whyte & Limpopo Street, Sunday 09:30, Rev Paul Richardson, Tel: 015 534 0479 or 082 446

What is

Donderdag 25 Mei

Droomsindroom tree op by Triegies

Hoërskool Louis Trichardt nooi alle inwoners uit om op, 25 Mei, te kom luister na die bekende sanggroep Droomsindroom. Die optrede vind plaas op die skool se rugbyveld en kaartjies is beskikbaar by die skoolkantoor teen R80 vir laerskoolkinders en R100 vir hoërskoolleerders en volwassenes. BBP-tafels is ook beskikbaar teen R2 000 per tafel vir 10 mense. Die optrede begin 18:30. Vir meer inligting skakel, Madelein Nel by tel. 083 388 7933.

27 May


SPCA Mutt Mile & Murph Challenge

The Louis Trichardt SPCA‘s next Mutt Mile will take place on 27 May, but at a different venue. This time, it will be held at the Muscle Den Gym at Louis Trichardt High School and will coincide with the gym’s family-friendly Murph Challenge. The day’s programme will kick of at 07:30, with the ever popular Mutt Mile. Entry costs R20 for the 1,6km event and R40 for the 5km event. The Murph Challenge will follow at 08:15. The challenge consist of a 1,6km run, five pull ups/ring rows, 10 push-ups, 15 air squats and a 1,6km cool-down run.

Entry for the challenge is free. For more information or to book a stall for the day for only R50, phone JP at Tel 078 568 7718 or Monique at 078 568 5333.

Gallagher, Tel: 015 516 0566 / 082 664 1393 (Catholic Church Musina, Tel: 015 534 2085).

• Chapel of Grace Church Sunday 09:00 - 11:00 at Forestry 165 in Louis Trichardt (temporary)/ Siloam/Nzhelele Past Oke Tel 083 461 6455.

• Corpus Christi Christian Church Corner Tarentaal and Tuva Street (Makhado Park, Extension 8), Sunday service 09:30, School of Ministry at 13:30 on Sundays. Pastor Peter Thovhakale Tel 082 691 9943.

• St Peters Church (LTT)

33 Breda Street, Sunday 09:00, Tel: 083 377 0984 (Iain Purdon), 084

404 0050 (Soekie Bierman).

• Emmanuel Christelike Kerk (LTT) Koraalboomstraat 3, Sondae 09:00 & 18:00, Jeug Vrydae 19:00, Past. Andries van Heerden, Tel: 015 516 4282 / 083 357 1658.

• Evangelies-Gereformeerde Kerk (LTT)

LTT Lodge-saal (Hlangananistraat), Sondagoggend erediens 08:00, kontak ds. Herbie Lyon Tel: 082 906 0288.

• Gereformeerde Kerk (LTT)

H/v Anderson & Songozwistraat, Sondag 09:00 en 10:45, leraar ds. Innes Nagel, Tel. 082 701 5602.

• Gereformeerde Kerk (Musina) Wilsonlaan 1, Sondag 09:30, Ds. Hannes Lee, Tel 081 043 0910 of 015 534 2253.

• Hervormde Gemeente Louis Trichardt (Musina & Alldays)

H/v Stubbs & Forestryweg, Louis Trichardt, Sondag 08:30, Alldays (09:30 elke tweede Sondag). Kontak dr. B.J. van Wyk by tel. 082 629 9851 vir meer inligting.

• Hervormde Gemeente Zoutpansberg (LTT)

H/v Stubb & Forestry, Elke tweede Sondag om 08:30, Dr. B.J. van Wyk, Tel: 082 828 5711.

• Hervormde Kerk Zoutpansberg: Geloofsbond van Hervormde Gemeentes (LTT)

H/v Stubb & Forestry, Sondag 10:15, Ds. Ronel Eckard, Tel 072 122 7956.

• Hervormde Kerk (Geloofsbond Musina)

H/v Van Zyl & Celliersstraat, Sondag om 09:00, ds. Eddie Eckard, Tel: 015 534 2519 of 082 958 9095, Kerkkantoor 015 534 2756.

• Lede in Christus Kerk (LTT) Joubertstraat 29, Sondag oggenddiens 09:30, evangeliediens om 18:00. Past. T. Gilfillan, Tel 082 465 8774.

• Lewende Woord Louis Trichardt Sondag erediens 10:00 te 49 Rissikstraat. Past. Andrew Bezuidenhout (071 078 1631).

• Levubu Christelike Gemeente (Hatfield) Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Craig Whitcomb, Tel 015 583 0134 of 084 400 8937.

• Methodist Church (LTT)

79 Munnik Street, Sunday 09:00, Minister Walter van Wyk, Tel 061 004 8658 or WhatsApp 064 81 280 7150.

• NG Kerk (Levubu) Perseel 316, Sondag 08:30, Ds. Petrus Kriel Tel: 015 583 002 082 898 2081.

• NG Kerk (LTT)

Erasmusstraat 23, Sondae: 09:00 oggenddiens & kinder- en kleuterkerk; 10:15 kategese; 11:00 Soekmekaar (1 x pm); 11:00

Waterpoort en Bandelierkop (1x pm); en 14:00 Kutama Sinthumule

Gevangenis; ds. Jan Pretorius (079 881 9673), ds. Corné Burger (073 759 0451), Kerkkantoor 015 516 3902.

• NG Kerk Soutpansberg (LTT)

H/v Stubbs & Andersonstraat, Sondag 09:00, ds. Etienne van Staden (083 274 3227), Kerkkantoor 079 116 1700.

• NG Kerk (Musina)

Ds. Henricostraat, Sondag 09:00, ds. André van Rooyen, Tel: 082 468 7640 / E-pos: ngkmsa@lantic.net of alvanrooyen@gmail.com.

• New Covenant Kerk/Church (LTT)

115 Krogh Street, Sondag 09:00 en 18:30, Louis Trichardt, André van Niekerk, Tel 015 516 5305 or 082 926 7313.

• Ou Apostoliese Kerk van SA (LTT)

Kroghstraat, Sondagdienste 09:00 tot 10:00 en aanddiens 17:00 tot 18:00, Priester JJ Janse van Rensburg, Tel. 072 544 7505.

• Reformed Church Songozwi

Corner of Songozwi and Anderson Street, Louis Trichardt, Sunday 11:00, Rev Paul Mushayabasa (076 860 0669).

• PPK Bet-El Gemeente (LTT) Rissikstraat 50. Sondag: 09:00 Hoofdiens & Kinderkerk, 17:00

Connect Groups. Vrydae 19:00 Jeug. Past Anthony Hees 084 418


• Sewendedag-adventiste (LTT)

Groblerstraat, Saterdag 09:00 en 11:00, leraar Johan Steyn, Tel 082

372 7362.

• Sewendedag-adventiste (Musina)

H/v Turner & Whytestraat, Saterdag 11:00, Marguerite Sindon & Marietjie Diener, Tel: 015 534 3240 082 358 2526.

• Volle Evangelie Kerk (LTT)

H/v Rissik & Burgersraat, Sondae 09:00 & 17:00, Past. Rudi Swart Tel: 079 520 2844.

• Volle Evangelie Kerk Ebenhaeser (Musina)

H/v Turner & Watsonstraat, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Jimmy Venter, Tel: 082 920 4493.

• Veritas Gemeenskapskerk (LTT) Munnikstraat 128 (St Marks), Sondae 09:00, dr. Philip Venter, Tel. 083 444 7672.

Vrydag 26 Mei


Die Gereformeerde Kerk in Louis Trichardt se volgende Dopperkuierkafee vind op Vrydag, 26 Mei, plaas en die spyskaart sluit in Dopperburgers teen R25 elk, kaas-, rib-, of hoenderburgers teen R30 elk, ‘n Russian en slaptjips teen R30 elk, Hake en slaptjips teen R30 elk en slaptjips teen R10 per pakkie. Hierdie Vrydag word twee kombo’s aangebeid om van te kies. Kombo 1 kos R60 en sluit in Hake, Panko prawns, calamariringe, viskoekie, slaptjips, 300 ml koeldrank en suurlemoen en tartaarsous. Kombo 2 kos ook R60 maar sluit in ‘n kaasburger, Russian, slaptjips en ‘n 300 ml Koeldrank. Plaas jou bestelling by Nanette voor Vrydag 12:00 by 015 516 4007 of 084 304 4764. Bestellings kan Vrydagmiddag vanaf 17:00 by die Dopperkerk afgehaal word.

Saturday 27 May

MTB Challenge

The gruelling Miami Magoebaskloof MTB Challenges will be held on Saturday, 27 May, presented by the Tzaneen Cycling Club. Three race distances can be chosen from, namely a 15km (R80 entry), 35km (R200) and 70km (R250) with the races starting at 08:00, 07:45 and 07:30 respectively. The venue is Westfalia Faerie Glen, Tzaneen. To enter, visit www.entryninja.com. Water points, food stalls, a beer garden and emergency services will be available. For more information, phone 082 804 0060 or 082 443 3864.

Saterdag 27 Mei

CVO ZPB Knipmesbraai

Inwoners van die Soutpansberg kan hulle begin gereed maak vir ‘n lekker boerekuier tydens die CVO Zoutpansberg se “knipmesbraai” op 27 Mei op die plaas Vijgeboomsdrift 6,5 km uit Louis Trichardt op die Levubu-pad.

Die braai begin om 12:00 en kaartjies kos R300 per persoon en sluit ‘n knipmes en een koeldrank of bier in. Vyftien skape sal op die spit gebraai word, met musiek deur Juba en ‘n kontantkroeg ook beskikbaar. Verder sal ‘n 4x4-demonstrasie ook gelewer word. Neem kennis dat slegs ‘n beperkte aantal kaar-



Albasini Dam 99.8% 99.8%

Ebenezer Dam 100.3% 100.3%

Flag Boshielo Dam 103.8% 102.9%

Glen Alpine Dam 100.5% 101.7%

Luphephe Dam 100.8% 100.8%

Middel Letaba Dam 5.8% 6.1%

Nandoni Dam #101.4% 101.4%

Nsami Dam 73.7% 73.9%

Nwanedzi Dam 100.2% 100.2%

Nzhelele Dam 100.5% 100.6%

Tzaneen Dam 99.2% 99.7%

Vondo Dam 100.3% 100.7%

tjies beskikbaar is. Om ‘n kaartjie te koop, skakel 083 645 8313 of koop by die Caltex-vulstasie, Fresh Stop, U-Print of by die CVO Zoutpansberg.

AGS Pinksterdienste Saterdag/Sondag 27/28 Mei

Die AGS Louis Trichardt almal uit na hulle Pinksterdienste volgens die Handelinge kerk op 27 en 28 Mei, met pastoor Kobus Sieberts van die “Bikers” kerk as prediker. Hy sal praat rondom die tema: Die Heilige Gees en ek. Saterdag, 27 Mei, se program begin met ‘n manne-ontbyt en diens om 09:00 by die kerkterrein te 70 Munnikstraat. Kaartjies kos R70 per persoon. Dit word gevolg met ‘n aanddiens om 18:00.

Op Sondag, 28 Mei, begin die Pinksterdiens om 09:00, gevolg deur die laaste diens van die naweek om 17:00.

Kaartjies vir die manne-ontbyt is beskikbaar by Ronel van der Schyff by die kerkkantoor tussen 12:30 en 16:00 of tel. 072 644 7494, asook by Frieda Marais by tel. 063 694 9804.

2 Junie


Dopper Jag/wildpakket- en wynveiling

Op 2 Junie bied die Gereformeerde-gemeente Louis Trichardt om 18:00 die grootste wild/ jagpakket- en wynveiling tot op hede by die kerk aan. Die program sal bestaan uit ‘n ete met allerlei heerlike geregte uit die plaaskombuis teen R200 per persoon, waarna die veiling sal begin.

Hierdie jaar word verskeie wegbreekopsies (verblyf), asook ander gesogte items soos ‘n braaitrollie, handgemaakte messe, ‘n beroepsjagterkursus, ‘n bees agterkwart en ‘n geskenkbewys ter waarde van R8 500 van CJO Welding, benewens die jagpakkette en wyne opgeveil. Die jagpakkette sluit in geweerjag en boogjag, met wild soos bosbok, koedoe, rooibok, wildebees, bosvark, njala, blesbok en eland wat gejag kan word. Nuwe items op die lys is ‘n tiervisvanggeleentheid en ook ‘n ete vir vier persone. Die wynveiling bied iets vir elke smaak, van die duurste wyne vir die fynproewer tot alledaagse wyne wat geredelik bekombaar is, asook ‘n verrassingspakkie. Vir meer inligting oor die veiling, asook die bepalings en voorwaardes wat geld, skakel gerus vir ds. Innes Nagel by 082 701 5602, Ansu van Staden by 083 561 1155 of Japie van der Goot by 083 268 3128. Moet dit nie misloop nie!

1728. • Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk (LTT) 1st Sunday of the month combined morning service (English/ Afrikaans) 10:00. Rest of the month English morning service 08:30. Afrikaans morning service 10:00. Evening services combined 18:00. Prayer meeting/Bible study Wednesday 18:00. Ds. Johan Marais 015 516 2714. • Catholic Church (LTT) Corner Burger & Jeppe Street, Mass times: 1st Sunday 10:00 - 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sunday 17:00, Father Frank
22/05/2023 According to latest available information from the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry as on Monday, 22 May. Dams/damme: 15/05/2023 # Means latest available data (Source: http://www.accuweather.com)
Louis Trichardt Saturday, 27 May High: 22oC Low: 10oC A morning shower, not as warm. Sunny and very warm. Friday, 26 May High: 29oC Low: 14oC Mostly sunny. Thursday, 25 May High: 28oC Low: 11oC LOUIS TRICHARDT • SAPS/SAPD - 10111/ 015 519 4300 / 083 206 5594 • Ambulance/Ambulans - 015 516 4378 015 516 2395 • Electricity (after hours) - 087 350 2764 • Water (after hours) - 087 350 2764 • Fire Brigade/Brandweer - 015 516 0551 015 516 0554 • Munisipaliteit/Municipality - 015 519 3000 • Hospital (Government) - 015 516 0148 / 9 • Hospital (Private) - 015 516 0720 015 516 6980 • SPB Dorpswag - 083 364 4592 MUSINA • SAPS/SAPD - 10111 / 015 534 7601 • Ambulance/Ambulans - 10177 / 015 534 0061 • Fire Brigade/Brandweer - 015 534 0061 • Hospital (Government) - 015 534 0446 / 7 • Municipality - 015 534 6000 • Electricity/Water - 083 457 2183 LEVUBU • SAPS/SAPD - 015 583 7400 015 583 7418 • Municipal and other services (see Louis Trichardt) NOODNOMMERS EMERGENCY NUMBERS
happening? OPKOMEND All kinds of everything sale at mall Saturday 27 May The Louis Trichardt Methodist Church invites all residents to their ALL KINDS OF EVERYTHING sale on Saturday, 27 May, at Makhado Crossing Mall. Something old, something new and something just for you will be on offer, say the organisers. The sale will be at the entrance next to Nandos. COMING SOON NOW SHOWING AT STER-KINEKOR THEATRES FRIDAY 26 MAY - 1 JUNE SEE MOVIES AS THEY WERE MEANT TO BE SEEN, ON THE BIG SCREEN BOOK US Standard rates apply. Free minutes do not apply. TicketLine JOIN US FOLLOW US

Sun through high clouds.

Low: 11oC

Monday, 29 May Sun and some clouds.

High: 28oC Low: 9oC

Wat gebeur?

Saterdag 3 Junie

NG SPB Boerebasaar

Die NG Kerk Soutpansberg is druk besig met reëlings vir hulle gewilde Boerebasaar wat vanjaar op Saterdag, 3 Junie, sal plaasvind.

Smaaklike gebak, vars groente, vleis, en vele ander geurige geregte en snuisterye sal teen sakpaspryse beskikbaar wees.

SPCA Farmer’s Market Saturday 3 June

On 3 June, the Louis Trichardt SPCA team once again invites you to join them for their Craft & Farmer’s Market at their premises along the Vondeling Road from 09:00 to 14:00.

The usual variety of stalls selling food, homemade produce, arts and crafts, jewellery, books, etc. will be available The Legacy vet shop can provide all your pet’s requirements too.

Your support of the market stalls enables the stall holders in turn to support the SPCA. If you wish to book a stall for a small donation, contact Grietjie on 072 516 6895.

Week 4-11 June

David McDonald to speak at Emmanuel

The Emmanuel Church in Louis Trichardt has invited residents to come and listen to wellknown guest speaker David McDonald from 4 to 11 June.

On 4 June, McDonald will conduct the morning service at the church at 09:00, followed by evening services each night at 18:30 until 11 June.

McDonald will also be the guest speaker at a special business breakfast at the church on Wednesday, 7 June, from 08:00 until 10:00. The cost is R150 per person or R1500 per table (seating 10).

For more information or tickets, phone Charmaine at Tel 015 516 4282 or 083 700 8119.

Saterdag 10 Junie

Laat Lente en Herfsakker hou basaar

Die inwoners van Laat Lente en Herfsakker aftree-oord in Louis Trichardt nooi oud en jonk na hulle basaar op Saterdag, 10 Junie.

Lekker tuisgebakte koeke, terte, gemmerbier, boereworsrolletjies, pannekoek, groente, ensovoorts sal beskikbaar wees teen bekostigbare pryse wat jou sak sal pas.

“Kom ondersteun ons gerus,” nooi die inwoners.

Naweek 23/24 Junie


Die streek se mense word uitgenooi na die jaarlikse Kremetartfees wat weer op Hoërskool Eric Louw se skoolterrein op 23 en 24 Junie sal plaasvind. Buiten vir ‘n groot verskeidenheid vlooimark- en kosstalletjies, beloof die Mej. Kremetartfees-kompetisie om ook weer baie aftrek te geniet. Wat vermaak betref, is bekende Suid-Afrikaanse kunstenaars Ricus Nel, Liza Brönner en Steve Hofmeyr reeds op die spyskaart.

Toegang beloop R120 vir volwassenes en R70 vir skoliere die Vrydag en R150 vir volwassenes en R70 vir skoliere die Saterdag. Naweekkaartjies kos R250 vir volwassenes en R140 vir skoliere. Toegang is gratis vir voorskoolse kinders. Diegene wat dalk tafels wil bespreek vir die gaskunstenaars se vertonings kan vir Koekie skakel by tel. 076 649 1461.


stunning surroundings with superb views and follow village streets, earth roads, firebreaks and single-track footpaths, avoiding the main R71 and R528 roads,” said the club. Registration can be done online at www.myactive.co.za or www. rotaryhaenertsburg.co.za. For more race info, visit https://myactive.cc/IronCrown2023. The Trail Run offers three options: a strenuous 22 km race (starting time 07:30 -R150 online or R160 day entry); less testing 10km race (starting time 08:30 - R130 online or R140 day entry); and 5km fun run (starting time 08:00 and R60 entry).

All participants finishing the 22km and 10km runs and children under 12 competing in the 5km run will win a medal. Dogs are welcome but unfortunately no medals are offered for the canine participants!

Sunday 16 July

Delville Wood commemorated

July 2023 marks the 107th anniversary of the Battle of the Somme, one of the bloodiest battles in human history.

fought for control over a small piece of land in the northeast of France, called Delville Wood.

On Sunday, 16 July, at 11:00, a special service will be held at the MOTHs’ Turbi Hills Shellhole to commemorate Delville Wood and to pay tribute to the South African soldiers who lost their lives during this war. For more information, Old Bill Ben Wolff can be contacted at 084 368 7045.

Vrydag 21 July

APK Wildsete

Inwoners kan nou reeds ‘n aantekening in hulle dagboeke maak van die APK Louis Trichardt se wildsete op Vrydag, 21 Julie.

Kaartjies vir die smaaklike ete beloop R200 per persoon of R2 000 per tafel van 10 persone. Dit is ‘n driegang-maaltyd en eie drinkgoed moet saamgebring word.

Om ‘n kaartjie te koop of tafel te bespreek, skakel Susan Terblanché by die kerkkantoor by tel. 087 233 5065 of 063 158 4208.

Die Moths se Turbi Hills bomgat op Louis Trichardt, in samewerking met Stoke’s Safaris Messina, bied weer hulle baie gewilde jagpakketkompetisie aan. Die jagpakket sluit in die skiet van een swartwitpensbul, een koedoe- of elandbul, een blouwildebeesbul of -koei, een rooibokram en drie rooibokooie. Die prys sluit ook in akkommodasie vir twee persone vir drie nagte. Kaartjies vir die jagpakket kos R250 elk en is beskikbaar by Burt (082 800 0938) of Barries (082 498 3767). Die naam van die gelukkige wenner sal op 24 Junie vanjaar getrek word, met die jagnaweek wat vanaf 6 tot 9 Julie vanjaar geneem moet word.

Dorpswag straatkafee Saterdag 1 Julie

Inwoners word uigenooi om op Saterdag, 1 Julie, die Soutpansberg Dorpswag se straatkafee te ondersteun.

Boereworsrolle sal verkoop teen R25 elk, stokworse teen R10 elk en pannekoeke teen R5 elk. Die verkoping vind plaas langs die Safari-vulstasie, reg voor die dorpswag kantoor.

Between 1 July and 18 November 1916, more than one million men were wounded or killed on the banks of the river Somme in France. Among the soldiers killed and injured were more than 2 400 South Africans who

The Rotary Club of Haenertsburg invites the region’s athletes to start preparing themselves and enter the 2023 Iron Crown Trail Run on Saturday, 8 July. “Join us for a 22km, 10km or 5km exhilarating run in the clear, fresh mountain air in Haenertsburg. The routes are through

ZOUTPANSBERGER, 26 MAY 2023 7 If you know of any upcoming events, e-mail Andries: news@zoutnet.co.za EVENTS?
Entries open for Iron Crown Trail Run
8 July Jagpakket te wen Saterdag 24 Junie
Insp Lawrence Khodobo Cell 082 965 5151
Sunshine and some clouds. Tuesday, 30 May High: 24oC Low: 5oC Plenty of sunshine. High: 25oC Low: 6oC Wednesday, 31 May
High: 26oC
Sunday, 28 May
CURRENTLY UP FOR ADOPTION AT SPCA LOUIS TRICHARDT Contact Insp Lawrence Khodobo Cell 082 965 5151• Follow SPCA Louis Trichardt on Facebook Winona Female Watson Male Balloo Male Miley Female Ray Male Laika Female
Savannah Female
Darcy Female

Bekende onderwys-egpaar groet die Soutpansberg

Deur Pétria de Vaal

M. Jonathan Lockwood Huie het eens gesê: “Vier elke einde, dis die voorloper van ‘n NUWE BEGIN” en vir die bekende onderwyser-egpaar Kobus en Sussa Ehlers het die tyd gekom om afskeid te neem van hulle geliefde Louis Trichardt en sy mense ná langer as vier dekades se lief en leed.

“In hierdie tyd van ons lewe moet ons hierdie pragtige dorp en gemeenskap verruil vir ‘n nuwe begin by ons nuwe tuiste, Negester Aftreelandgoed naby Bela-Bela, waar ‘n ander soort, opwindende nuwe fase van ons lewe voor ons

lê. Hoewel nuwe vriende en nuwe uitdagings vir ons wag, bly ‘n groot deel van ons harte by Louis Trichardt en sy mense agter,” sê die egpaar.

Vir hulle is die Soutpansberge die plek waar sekere mense en plekke in ‘n mens se lewe ingroei – iemand of iets aan wie jy jou toevertrou, waar jy altyd welkom voel, altyd veilig voel. “Louis Trichardt was ons tuiste vir meer as 43 jaar. Baie mense, en veral kinders, het in ons harte ingekruip,” voeg hulle by.

Die Ehlerse beplan om hulle voortaan besig te hou met baie stokperdjies, maar gaan eers projekte voltooi wat half gedoen is. Dan lê lekker dinge voor, soos rondreis, plekke sien waaroor

hulle altyd nog net gepraat het en nog vele meer wat op die emmerskoplysie afgemerk kan word.

Die egpaar is veral dankbaar vir die voorreg en roeping wat hulle as onderwysers en opvoeders by Laerskool Louis Trichardt gehad het om ‘n positiewe vingerafdruk te kon laat op elke lewe wat by die klaskamerdeur ingestap het. “Ons wil ons puik, toegewyde, uiters bekwame en dinamiese, hegte Triegie personeel-familie uitsonder en bedank vir die jare se kameraadskap en ondersteuning. Ons is trots daarop om deel te kon wees van so ‘n uitstaande personeelkorps wat hulle roeping uitleef. Baie dankie ook aan elke ouer van ‘n Triegie-gesin wat ons deur hul kinders in hul huishouding toegelaat het en dat ons saam met julle die pad kon stap en op hierdie manier gesamentlik aan julle kinders se toekoms kon bou,” spreek hulle hulle dankbaarheid uit.

skoon en die voorreg om te kan fietsry op al die kronkelpaadjies in die bos. Ons wens vir elkeen die moed van die son toe wat elke dag opkom en helder oor almal skyn, asook die ingebore sterkte en krag om deur die duisternis die sterre te kan sien blink.”

Die Ehlers egpaar se opregte wens is dat Louis Trichardt se “gentlemen” en “gentlewomen” die streek net mooier en mooier maak, met eienskappe soos empatie, regverdigheid, eerlikheid, integriteit, hardwerkendheid en nederigheid. “Ons plaas hierdie mooie Soutpansberge en sy mense in ons Skepper se hande, om dit die beste gemeenskap vir die toekoms te maak.”

Raai raai wie of wat en waar is ek?

Lesers het kans tot Maandag, 29 Mei, om in te skryf vir die Zoutpanberger se vyfte skattejag-kompetisie.

Elke twee weke sal die koerant een of twee foto’s publiseer van ‘n gedeelte van ‘n bekende landmerk, gebou of item uniek aan die Soutpansberg. Dié foto(s) sal egter slegs ‘n klein gedeelte van die volle prentjie wys en dien as ‘n leidraad. Een of twee ander geskrewe kriptiese leidrade sal gegee word, wat inwoners kan help om die landmerk, gebou of item uit te ken. Die “skattejagters” kan hulle antwoord, naam en telefoonnommer aanbring op die gedeelte van die koer-

Neem deel aan ons nuutste kompetisie en staan elke tweede week ‘n kans om R300 te wen!

antknipsel onderaan die foto. ‘n Selfoonfoto moet daarvan geneem word en per WhatsApp gestuur word na tel. 072 822 3262 of per e-pos aan news@zoutnet. co.za. ‘n Gelukkige trekking sal gehou word van alle korrekte inskrywings. Neem egter kennis dat deelnemers slegs een keer kan deelneem per kompetisie. Wanneer die wenner se naam aangekon-

dig word, sal ‘n kort geskiedenis gegee word van die landmerk, gebou of item wat afgeneem was. Terselfdertyd sal ‘n nuwe foto(s) met leidrade verskaf word vir die volgende kompetisie. Tydens elke kompetisie is R300 op die spel vir die persoon met die regte antwoord wie se naam eerste getrek word.

Meegaande is ons vyfde kompetisie se foto-leidraad:

Hulle voeg by dat dit besonders lekker is om te sien en te hoor watter hoogtes oud-leerders bereik. “Ons het groot waardering daarvoor dat ons deel van julle lewens kon wees.”

Teenoor die Haantjiekerk, Stad op die Berg-gemeente, spreek die Ehlerse ook hulle dank uit vir soveel hulp, liefde en omgee, met besonderse geestelike leiers “waarvan ons al die jare deel kon wees en op die kerkraad kon dien. Ons is dankbaar vir vriendskapsbande wat ons hier kon smee”.

Die egpaar vervolg dat, selfs al spoed die jare oor hulle heen, sal hulle verblyf in Louis Trichardt met Hanglip as baken, altyd in hulle gedagtes en in hulle harte bly. “Wat ons die meeste gaan mis, is die berg met sy pragtige natuur-

Fotoleidraad: Hierdie gebou is in 1952 voltooi en dien sedertdien as vergaderplek vir sy lede. Sy lede en die organisasie waaraan hulle behoort se geskiedenis in Louis Trichardt strek egter terug tot 1913.

Naam & Van:

Selfoon nr:


The guys from Round Table Zoutpansberg 66 (RT66), with the assistance of the girls from Ladies Circle 4 (LC4), collected canned food and non-perishables in front of Soutpansberg Spar on Saturday, 20 May, for Louis Trichardt’s less privileged. In total, R6 681 worth of food items was collected. Both charity organisations expressed their gratitude towards all who had made a donation. The food will be donated to the Feed the Hungry project. Pictured from left to right are Cherise Hamman (LC4), Tanya van der Merwe (LC4), Riana Otto (LC4), Pierre Smalle (RT66), Riaan Hamman (RT66), Johan van Zyl (RT66), Leigh McGaffin (LC4) and Corrie Dercksen (friend of RT66). Photo supplied.


Tel: (015) 519 3000 Fax: (015) 516 1195 Private Bag X2596 Louis Trichardt 0920


Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 19 of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, Act 32 of 2000 that the 174th Special Council meeting will be held as follows:

Date : Wednesday, 31 May 2023

Time : 14:00

Venue : Council Chamber

The Final Budget 2023/2024, Final IDP 2023/2024 will be considered during this meeting. Enquiries must be directed to S G Maguga or M D Munyai at (015) 519 3000.

Civic Centre

83 Krogh Street, Louis Trichardt

File Number: 4/2/2

Notice Number: 98 of 2023

25 and 26 May 2023

Die welbekende onderwys-egpaar Kobus en Sussa Ehlers, wat die Soutpansberg vaarwel toeroep vir ‘n nuwe begin in Bela-Bela. Foto verskaf.
Ad designed by Zoutnet Publishers
MUNICIPAL MANAGER MDM/lh/CouncilBudgetMeetingNotice_31May2023
Cllr MD Mboyi Speaker of Makhado Local Municipality

Kind-hearted Anelia shows compassion for injured man


In a cruel, hard world, knowing that some kind, good-hearted people who value human life are still among us is a relief. Anelia Botha from Musina is one of them. She recently showed that only a little compassion and humanity for others are necessary to make a big difference in this life.

Like every other day, Anelia was driving to work on the N1, past the China Mall shopping centre on Friday, 5 May, when

she saw a man lying in the middle of the road. Although he was clearly in great pain, people were driving past and around him. Some actually stopped to take videos and photos of him, yet no-one seemed to make any effort to help this man.

When Anelia pulled over next to the road to see what was going on, she was told that the man had been run over by a car. The driver was still sitting inside his car, in shock.

“I immediately went over to the injured man and realised

that his pulse was very low. I was worried that he might die, so I started to pray for him. I took my towel, put it around his bleeding head and asked the Lord to save his life. Bystanders were staring at me as I sat there with my hand on the man’s bleeding head, praying for nearly 40 minutes before the police and ambulance arrived.”

Anelia, who is a member of the Musina Community Church, said the man’s family members had taken her number and called her two days later to meet them at Messina Hospital. “When we arrived there, we found the victim, Elvis Tachiona, in high spirits.

To our amazement, he had no internal or brain injuries as a result of the accident. Recalling how he had lain there helplessly and badly hurt in the road, I now saw the greatness of our Lord Jesus Christ,” she said.

After Elvis was discharged from hospital, Anelia went to visit him at his home and prayed for him again. “I am a born-again Christian, so I believe in the power of prayer. That is also why I helped Elvis, even though I didn’t even know him. I am very happy that I could help him in his hour of need, but I’m worried about people who don’t seem to value human life at all. How can you continue taking videos or photos while you know someone is in pain and needs assistance?” she asked.

Filled with joy, Elvis thanked Anelia for her kindness. “I don’t have enough words to thank her for saving my life,” he said with a big smile.

Maak ‘n verskil hierdie winter en ondersteun RSG en Bergcare


Met die winter op hande word inwoners van Louis Trichardt en omstreke se aandag weereens gevestig van die groot werk wat deur personeel van Bergcare gedoen word. Hierdie projek “deur die gemeenskap, vir die gemeenskap” geskied op vrywillige basis, met die organisasie wat staatmaak op skenkings om die nood van andere te verlig.

Ten spyte van talle organi-

sasies soos kerke en besighede wat by die projek betrokke is, bly die nood soms oorweldigend en word tekorte deurlopend ervaar. Om hierdie tekorte aan te spreek, het Bergcare heelwat projekte aan die gang. Een van die projekte is die borg-‘n-bord-kos projek waar mense ‘n plakker van R20 kan kom koop en dan, in stede van geld, die plakker aan ‘n hulpbehoewende mens kan gee wat dit kan kom ruil vir ‘n warm bord kos by Bergcare.

Hulle is ook besig met hulle

sop-in-‘n-bottel projek.

Tans deel die organisasie elke twee weke deernis-pakkies aan 244 persone uit. Die pakkies, bestaande uit noodsaaklikhede soos toiletware en kos, word saamgestel uit skenkings, maar soms ook uit eie fondse. Om fondse te help genereer het die organisasie ‘n herwinningsprojek waar mense herwinbare materiaal by hulle kan kom aflaai. Inwoners kan ook hulle Charity Shop besoek op die hoek van Erasmus- en Burgerstraat op die perseel van

die NG Kerk Moedergemeente. Inwoners kan ook ‘n draai maak by Bergcare se kwekery. Donasies is ook welkom en kan inbetaal word by ABSA Bank, rekeningnommer 913 202 5836 met takkode 334149.

“Ons bedank graag elke persoon of instansie wat reeds op een of ander wyse Bergcare ondersteun,” het bestuurder Melanie Denner gesê. Sy het ook Maandag hulle jongste projek aangekondig, hulle Winter Hoop Projek, wat in samewerking met RSG aangebied word. Die projek vind plaas vanaf 1 tot 30 Junie, met Bergcare wat as aflaaipunt punt sal dien. Sien meegaande advertensie vir ‘n lys van items wat geskenk kan word.

Vir enige navrae oor hoe om betrokke te raak of hoe om te help, skakel Melanie by tel. 082 927 8215.

Students from Ridgeway College in Louis Trichardt participated in the second round of the AMESA Maths Olympiad on Friday, 19 May, at Louis Trichardt High School. In the junior section, Londani Rambado, Tanatsiwa Madzima and Unarine Makhado went through to the final round, with Londani Rambado taking second place in the district. In the senior section, Stanley Chabalala and Nicole Muleya reached the final round of the competition. Stanley Chabalala was the top achiever in the district in this round. Pictured in front, from left to right, are Londani Rambado (Grade 8) and Nicole

Ridgeway College’s junior U/16 and senior U/18 chess teams also played exceptionally well during the Edugro High School Sports Festival at Ashbury College in Benoni on Saturday 13 May. The U/16s were placed second and the U/19s third. Pictured are Ridgeway chess players (from left to right) Victor Nemafhohoni, Nxiximo Baloyi, Thoriso Matswiki, Samuel Batebo, Hope Mamphwe and Divhani Kharidzha. Absent: In the orator competition, Ndivho Mukoma (Grade 12) received second place overall. Photo: Ridgeway College.


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Bergcare op Louis Trichardt vorm deel van RSG se Winter Hoop Projek en het inwoners uitgenooi om betrokke te raak. Muleya (Grade 12). At the back are Mr Tulani Gwaza (maths teacher), Stanley Chabalala (Grade 12), Unarine Makhado (Grade 9), Tanatsiwa Madzima (Grade 8) and Mr Allington Lunga (maths teacher). Photo: Ridgeway College. Anelia Botha and Elvis Tachiona, in high spirits two days after the accident. Photo supplied.

Bietjie minder as ‘n week tyd om foto’s in te skryf


Die streek se fotograwe het bietjie minder as ‘n week oor om in te skryf vir die Zoutpans-

berger se gewilde kalenderfotokompetisie vir Mei.

Die streek se fotograwe sal tot en met die laaste week van elke maand hulle foto’s vir daardie

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‘n Maksimum van vyf foto’s per fotograaf per maand kan ingestuur word, maar fotograwe kan vir meer as een maand inskryf. Oudergewoonte soek ons na daardie spesiale foto wat die uniekheid van die Soutpansberg-streek uitbeeld, van unieke landmerke en besienswaardighede tot die natuurlewe. Die foto moet egter binne die afgelope 24 maande geneem gewees het en moet die fotograaf se eie werk wees.

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Een van ons gereelde deelnemers (en wenners) Pietman Muller het hierdie Kwikkie met weerkaatsing op Levubu met sy Nikon D4 met 500 mm lens afgeneem. Sy sluiterspoed was 1/1 000 van ‘n sekonde met lensopening van f7.1. Sy kamera se ISO was 1 800.

Slegs hoë-resolusie digitale foto’s (verkieslik landskap-formaat) sal aanvaar word. Die foto’s (wat goeie kwaliteit selfoonfoto’s ook kan insluit) kan in hoë resolusie per e-pos gestuur word na news@zoutnet.co.za, of op CD of geheuestokkie ingehandig word by die kantore van die Zoutpansberger te Joubertstraat 16B in Louis Trichardt. Elke inskrywing moet vergesel wees van die fotograaf se naam, kontakbesonderhede, waar die foto geneem is en met watter kamera dit geneem is. Die 12 wenfoto’s sal aan die einde van die jaar in ‘n groot-formaat muurkalender vir 2024 saamgevat word. Die kalender sal dan onder

Learning to care

In keeping with Ridgeway College’s theme of reinforcing the effective care of pets, Barks & Bubbles were invited to spend the morning at the Early Childhood Development centre at Ridgeway College on 5 May. Hayley Waller (right), the passionate local entrepreneur behind the Barks & Bubbles brand, brought along a few of her pets to create awareness of animal care. The young learners enjoyed spending time petting and learning about the finer details of pet grooming. Hayley’s fur babies also thoroughly enjoyed being the centre of attention for the morning. This initiative highlights Ridgeway’s commitment to collaborating with local entrepreneurs and businesses for the benefit of their children as well as the community. Photo supplied.

ZOUTPANSBERGER, 26 MEI 2023 10 Keeping the lights on! Since 2000 082 498 1484 Accounting / Tax / Payroll / Bookkeeping Contact: 083 492 2663 • BEARINGS • BELTS • PULLEYS • GEARBOXES • CHAINS • SPROCKETS Industria Road (next to All Power) Tel: 015 495 1624 Ad designed Zoutnet Publishers Cell no: 083 452 1646 Derik Prinsloo c/o Rissik & President Street, Shop No. 7 Tel: 015 516 4913 / 060 980 0944 HIGH QUALITYBATTERIES DRY ICE NOW AVAILABLE! Cools for up to 24hrs during loadshedding Tel: 015 516 0180 079 490 2067 / 082 825 9391 MOTORREPAIR SERVICES Fro a l l y our automotive repairs&maint e n ecna Where customers become friends Piggyback trailer to let • Contact: 015 516 1248 Kontak Johan/Tinus:015 516 1248 / 6655 / JC: 071 884 7711 Reconditioning suspension on trucks, busses and tractors One year warranty 55 Commercial Rd, Louis Trichardt Paper, Stationery, Cartridges, Stamps Face shields & hand sanitizers now available All your businesses on one page usiness irectory bb 4 Full colour adverts from as little as R1 560 p/month Email: george@zoutnet.co.za or marketing@zoutnet.co.za Small but they work HARD! 082 327 45 w w w.tirhani.co.za 80 COMPLIANCE: DEPOSIT: CONFIRMATION: GUARANTEES: AUC TION T YPE: REGISTRATION: REGISTRATION DEPOSIT: BUYER’S COMMISSION: PAYMENT: w w w.tirhani.co.za GOVERNMENT DISPOSAL 38 BUSINESS STANDS ONLINE PROPERTY AUC TION JUNE 14th BIDS CLOSE @ 11:00 JUNE 12th BIDS START @ 09:00 COLLINS CHABANE LOCAL MUNICIPALITY Viewing Dates: Viewing Address: * Bidding Centre Available 224 Collins Chabane Drive, Malamulele

Ridgeway Preparatory’s senior chess team competed in a national chess tournament at Ashbury College in Benoni this past weekend. The event included all Edugro Schools throughout the country. Ridgeway’s team represented the Limpopo Province proudly and walked away as champions of this annual event. “Louis Trichardt has many schools that have excellent chess players and our weekly league matches have prepared us for this wonderful achievement,” said Ms Shereen Tayob from Ridgeway College, who enthusiastically travels with the children on a weekly basis. Photo supplied.

Ridgeway College’s netball, soccer, chess and orator teams participated in the Edugro High School Sports Festival at Ashbury College in Benoni on Saturday, 13 May. They competed against Ashbury College, Tersia King Learning Academy, Middleburg College and St Francis College. Ridgeway’s U/14 and U/17 netball teams were placed second overall. Pictured are the U/17 players. In front, from left to right, are Nduvho Mulaudzi, Thato Choabi, Melody Machaya (coach) and Dimpho Matswiki. At the back are Nhlawuleko Hlavangani, Rolivhuwa Murashiwa, Wamashudu Makulana, Temoso Modike, Zoe Kamera and Buitumelo Khumalo. Photo: Ridgeway College.

Triegie se eerstespan rugbymanne en afrigters ná hulle wedstryd wat 59-10 in Triegies se guns beklink is. Foto verskaf.

Goeie vertoning vir Triegies teen

Northern Academy


Hoërskool Louis Trichardt het Saterdag, 20 Mei, weereens skoonskip gemaak in hul ligawedstryde, die keer teen Northern Academy.

Op die rugbyveld het Triegies se o.14-span die kompetisie kafgedraf met ‘n telling van 64-0, terwyl die o.15’s hulle stryd 36-0 gewen het. Die o.16’s het ook 16-14 en die tweedespan 15-0 gewen. Triegies se eerstespan het Northern Academy 59-10 geklop.

Op die netbalbaan het Triegies vier van hulle wedstryde teen Northern Academy gewen. Die o.14A-span het 15-4 gewen, terwyl die o.14B’s met 10-11 verloor het. Die o.15A-span het die kompetisie 36-18 gewen, so ook het die o.15B’s hulle wedstryd 15-2 gewen. Triegies se 16A-span het met 22 doele elk gelykop gespeel teen

Northern Academy se o.17-span, terwyl Triegies se eerstes 4119 met hulle opponent afgereken het. Triegies se o.16B’s het egter 3-38 verloor.

Hoërskool Louis

Trichardt se meisieso.15 en eerste hokkiespanne het ook teen

Northern Academy te staan gekom. Die o.15span het 0-0 gelykop gespeel, terwyl die eerstes hulle stryd 2-1 gewen het. Triegies se seunshokkiespanne het albei hulle kragmetings verloor, met die senior seuns wat 0-4 en die junior seuns wat 1-2 verloor het.


Ridgeway College’s netball, soccer, chess and orator teams participated in the Edugro High School Sports Festival at Ashbury College in Benoni on Saturday, 13 May. They competed against Ashbury College, Tersia King Learning Academy, Middleburg College and St Francis College. Ridgeway’s U/14 soccer team was placed first overall. Pictured are some of the players with coaches Mr Sugar and Mr Dibakwane. This is an excellent result, considering that Ridgeway were competing against much bigger schools. Photo: Ridgeway College.


Results: parkrun #111 - 20/05/2023

Every Saturday at 8:00am



• Number of events: 110

• Finishers: 843

Aandreeks Puntestand en Opponente


• Average number of finishers per week: 41.4

• Average finish time: 00:42:33

• Female record holder : Donna GREYLING - Time: 21:19 (04/01/20)

• Male record holder : Livhalani MUDAU - Time: 16:16 (10/09/22)

What is Louis Trichardt parkrun?

A free, fun, and friendly weekly 5km community event. Walk, jog, run, volunteer or spectate – it’s up to you! Every Saturday at 8:00am

Where is it?

The event takes place at Louis Trichardt Tree Sanctuary, Limpopo Tourism Info Centre, Corner of Songozwi Street and N1.

What does it cost to join in?

Nothing - it’s free! but please register before your first run. Only ever register with parkrun once. Don’t forget to bring a printed copy of your barcode (request a reminder). If you forget it, you won’t get a time.

How fast do I have to be?

We all run for our own enjoyment. Please come along and join in whatever your pace!

For more info & results just scan this QR Code:

ZOUTPANSBERGER, 26 MAY 2023 11 Pos Parkrunner Gender Age Group Time 1 Brian PELI Male VM55-59 26:29 2 Fanie BOTHMA Male VM40-44 29:23 3 Diana JORDAAN Female JW11-14 29:46 4 Ivy THOMAS Female VW35-39 33:14 5 Marinda KROUKAMP Female VW50-54 36:55
11, 18 & 25 Mei 2023
CLUB 11 MEI 18 MEI 25 MEI TOTAAL POSISIE Span Naam Opponent Punte vir Punte teen Verskil Opponent Punte vir Punte teen Verskil Opponent Punte vir Punte teen Verskil Gem skote 9 JLB Forestry 13 67 33 34 10 63 37 26 5 0 60 130 1 3 Outcasts 2 58 42 16 13 68 32 36 12 0 52 126 2 8 Madi Tanks 4 50 50 0 11 74 26 48 2 0 48 124 3 6 Jandre Cronje 11 56 44 12 14 63 37 26 13 0 38 119 4 7 Thompson Motors 5 58 42 16 4 56 44 12 11 0 28 114 5 12 KCM 10 43 57 -14 1 56 44 12 3 0 -2 99 6 14 The Bowling Stones 1 58 42 16 6 37 63 -26 4 0 -10 95 7 10 Raymond Glass 12 57 43 14 9 37 63 -26 1 0 -12 94 8 4 Spice Gils 8 50 50 0 7 44 56 -12 14 0 -12 94 9 5 Annik 7 42 58 -16 2 52 48 4 9 0 -12 94 10 2 Wawiel 3 42 58 -16 5 48 52 -4 8 0 -20 90 11 1 Vavhenda Bricks 14 42 58 -16 12 44 56 -12 10 0 -28 86 12 11 Oil Shoppe 6 44 56 -12 8 26 74 -48 7 0 -60 70 13 13 NTT Izusu & Honda 9 33 67 -34 3 32 68 -36 6 0 -70 65 14 LOUIS TRICHARDT BOWLS CLUB, C/O ANDERSON & RUH STREETS, LOUIS TRICHARDT. CONTACT NO: 084 505 3663 Soutpansberg Gholfklub HOLE 19 th Fixtures/Bepalings BS - BeterBal StaBleford, IS - Ind StaBleford, BBB - B/Bal BonuS Bogey, HS - HoueSpel gS - gekomBIneerde StaBleford, 4Ba/S - 4Bal allIanSIe StaBleford, 2B/aS - 2Bal amerIcan ScramBle, BBm - BeterBal mult plIer, 4 man cHa cHa cHa, IB - Ind Bogey, Sd - ScramBle drIve uitslae/results Opkomende Kompetisie Formaat Kompetisie Datum SACM Gholfdag 26/05/231 Woensdagspel Datum Hoofborg Formaat 17/05/23 Eie reëlings IS Plek Naam Punte 39 Johan Pretorius 37 2 Johan Cronjé 36 3 Bertus Guillaume 1 Saterdagspel Datum Hoofborg Formaat 20/05/23 Eie reëlings IS Plek Naam Punte 38 Brink Schlesinger 37 2 Flappies Labuschagne 36 3 Bennie Smith uittel 35 4 Quentin Thompson Eie reëlings 27/05/23 -
Anje Swanepoel, matriekleerling van Hoërskool Louis Trichardt, het onlangs deurgedring na die tweede rondte van die ATKV redenaars. Foto verskaf.


Die afgelope naweek het die Louis Trichardt Rugbyklub se spanne behoorlik die “vloer gevee” met Noordelikes van Polokwane.

Te midde van die koue misweer Saterdag, 20 Mei, het Louis Trichardt se manne die veld aan die brand gespeel in hulle tuiswedstryde teen die manne van Polokwane.

Eerste aan beurt was Louis Trichardt se derdes, wat Noordelikes 38-7 in die stof laat

byt het. Louis Trichardt se Lawrence Matongo het hier weggestap met die Speler van die Wedstryd-toekenning.

As die toeskouers gedink het die derdespan se oorwinning was ‘n wegholoorwinning, het die tweedespan se wedstryd hulle beslis verkeerd bewys. Hier het Louis Trichardt se manne hulle eweknieë van Polokwane met 73-7 vermorsel, met Louis Trichardt se Mpho Nekhumbe wat as Speler van die Wedstryd aangewys is. Louis Trichardt se eerstes het egter die

beste vir laaste gehou met ‘n ongelooflike en ongehoorde 86-0 wen teen Noordelikes. Hierdie was die Speler van die Wedstryd Louis Trichardt se Solly Mukhuthu.

Eerstespan afrigter en ondervoorsitter van die Louis Trichardt Rugbyklub Pieter Viljoen was baie beïndruk met die klub se vertoning en het plaaslike rugbyliefhebbers uitgenooi om die klub te kom ondersteun tydens hulle volgende tuisveld-ligawedstryde teen die Potgietersrus

Rugbyklub op Saterdag, 3 Junie. Die derdes se wedstryd skop om 15:00 af, met die tweedes wat om 16:30 op die veld sal draf. Die hoofwedstryd van die dag tussen die twee dorpe se eerstespanne begin om 18:00. Toegang by die hekke beloop R40 per voertuig.

Eerskomende naweek sal die Louis Trichardt manne na Musina reis vir hulle volgende ligabepalings. Die tweedes skop om 16:00 af en die eerstes om 17:30.

oor Noordelikes het Saterdag, 20 Mei, op eie bodem begin met die klub se derdes se 38-7 oorwinning oor hulle opponente van Polokwane. Foto verskaf.

Zoutpansberger News with an independent soul www.zoutpansberger.co.za PRIME SPOT AVAILABLE! Khathu 071 188 5055 / George 082 419 2359 ZOUTPANSBERGER, 26 MAY 2023 12
Die Louis Trichardt Rugbyklub se segetog Ook Louis Trichardt se tweede rugbyspan (foto) het Saterdag, 20 Mei, beïndruk met ‘n 73-7 oorwinning oor Noordelikes op Louis Trichardt se tuisveld. Foto verskaf.
Trichardt se eerste rugbyspan kort ná hulle 86-0 oorwinning oor Noordelikes op Saterdag, 20 Mei, op Louis Trichardt. Foto verskaf. Louis Trichardt mors met Noordelikes 86-0 73-7 38-7 EXCL. ON THE ROAD FEE • T&C’ s APPLY • E.&O.E. Tel: (015) 516 5175/6/7 • Yassin Ayob: 078 678 6200 • www.ayobmotors.co.za • Sales: Nimesh: 076 352 2244 R409 995 2017 Mercedes Benz C-class C180 AMG 78 500km R529 995 2023 Toyota Corolla Cross 1.8 GR Sport R529 995 2007 BMW Z4 177 000km R469 995 2019 BMW 2 Series 220i Coupé R394 995 2019 Mini Countryman Cooper Auto R999 995 2022 BMW 2 Series M240i X drive 10 000km 2018 Land Rover Range Rover Sport HSE SDV6 53 000km R1 199 995 feat. CLUB 5490EACH Imagesforillustrative purposes only.
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