Who regulates insurance companies?

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Who regulates insurance companies? And where can I find out rules they must abide by, if such a thing exists. I was hit by a UPS vehicle and their insurance is Liberty Mutual. Apparently this company is a disreputable. They can't even get to repairing my car for a week because the adjuster (just one?) is out of the office until some time next week. Is this legal? I'm going to have to get my insurance to pay the repair on my vehicle and go after them. This is going to put me in a bind with a planned vacation with family from out of state in that I won't have a car now. Who can I complain to? Related

How to get health insurance for a pregnant woman in California that is a LEGAL immigrant? Ok, my fiancee is pregnant. She's a legal resident, but from what I understand, she isn't supposed to use any type of public benefits (aka welfare) and we really don't want to either. I have company health care (HMO), but my company won't pay for her, and for me to add her onto my plan is like $900 more a month (IT IS INSANE!!!!!). She doesn't work as she is a stay at home mom. We are not married, but we were planning on an October wedding before she found out she was pregnant (7 weeks), I imagine we are still going to stick to our plans. How can we have this baby? I make $36,000 and live in San Diego. This would be our 2nd child, I can barely make ends meet. Before you judge me about having another kid without the true financial means, she was on birth control for 2 years. We don't know how this happened, but I guess it's not true 100% protection. Are there any insurances we can get? How can we get help with this baby? What can we do? Thank you for your help." Can I find out how much a car is worth through an insurance agency? I'm curious about this because I read it somewhere and I am wondering if anyone knows anything about it and if they do, what should I ask for when I call? Any suggestions as to who I should call?" Auto cheap insurance required! I am seriously looking for cheap auto insurance for my car and my realtives too? I am seriously looking for cheap auto insurance for my car and my realtives too. Can you suggest me some auto cheap insurance ? Should I get insurance on a car loan? It's been many years since I got a car loan, but we're in need of a replacement car. I started to get pre-approved, but during the process they asked about insurance on the loan. Things like death, DISM and UEMP . I've no idea what the last 2 are; or if I should or shouldn't get it. This may be what I've heard called GAP Insurance , although doing a web search on that term resulted in hits related to car leases, and I'm not looking to lease a car, but to buy one, so I don't know if that applies or not. Bottom line: do I need this or not? I'm sure the answer, in part, will be it depends ; well, until I know what it depends upon, I can't make any intelligent decision about

this." Quick insurance quotes with no personal info? Hi, I'm doing some research into what I want my first car to be. I've narrowed it down to the original Golf GTI, original Mini Cooper S and the Peugeot 205 GTI. I love all these cars but I need to insure them for a 17year old boy. I am a careful driver but you know how expensive insurance is. I live in the UK and want a quick insurance quote without having to put in all my details such as where I live. Any websites that can let me do this? Thanks!" Would a MINI COOPER 1275 CLASSIC be a good first car? I will be 17 in July and soon after will be learning to drive. My dad said he will get me a car for my birthday. I really like this model of a classic mini and the ones I have been looking at are going for about 640+ but I am willing to pay about 1000 (maybe a little more!! ) for one. I am aware that Classic Minis are going up in price. Will this be a good car for a new driver?? "I will turn 64 in March, I am a widow, how can I get affordable health insurance? Dental and Vision most important No current health concerns How much would insurance be when you first sign up.? well im about to turn 17 and the car i have is a 2000 pontiac gran prix with the 3.8L V6. i live in the city and my grade average is 89% and have allot of experience driving. id also only be driving to school and work about 15k a year. and currently the car has 160k on it. i hoping someone can give me a price of what it would cost me, as iv tryed to get insurance quotes online but never recive the quote itself." Car insurance when buying a new car? Hello,i have seen a used certified car online and very much interested in haggling with the car dealer to buy the car,but my problem is,i have heard you need insurance coverage on the car before the dealer will let you drive off the lot with the car.So my question is how do i go about this when i havent yet selected or bargained for the price of the car before purchasing.I am driving 2 hours to-and-fro to get this car and cant afford to go home without the car the day i go to the dealership.How do people go to car dealerships,haggle on any car they love in the showroom and drive home the same day? I cant buy insurance that i may not need( example buying insurance on a 2009 car,but later get a good deal on a 2010) Any help on how to get the car insurance issue straightened out before i go haggling for cars?" New Driver Car Insurance? Hi all, How does a new driver go about getting insured for the purchase of a new car? Having never been insured before, how would I go about legally driving away a car newly purchased? So the scenario is that I have sourced the market and located a car. It is a private sale or from a garage. I have never driven before and therefore never been insured on an vehicle. How do I go about ensuring that when I purchase

the car I am legally insured/taxed? When looking online, they need all the details about the car before I can arrange insurance, but I cannot guarantee the details of the car until I have seen it in person, when I expect to make the purchase. Any advice/links would be great. Thanks" How much does car insurance typically cost for a teenager? My grandpa bought me a car for my 16th birthday. Now, I'm finally going to get license to drive it after it sitting in the garage for nearly 2 years. I was wondering how much the insurance is going to cost me. The car is a 1996 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo 4x4 Automatic 4.0 Liter. I don't know what insurance company my grandpa goes through, but I do know that my Jeep is one of 3 cars on the policy. One is an 80s model F-150, and the other is an SUV that is only a few years old. He said that all I'd have to pay is the extra money to add me to the insurance on the jeep. He's currently the only one listed on it. I have exemplary grades." How good is Delta Dental Insurance and is it worth it? My mom is out of work and needs to have some dental work done. I was thinking to get her a Delta Dental Insurance in the hopes that it will help her. If you currently have this insurance or had it in the past, could you please tell me if it's worth it. Thanks." "Can I fight an auto insurance company, to prevent my car from being declared a total loss, in California?" Its an older car but only has a small dent. I understand that its the value of the car vs their estimate of repairs that they are basing this on, but they didn't include options like A/C, cruise control, power door locks and power mirrors and others when figuring its worth. They instead based it on an average car in my area. When doing the math the difference between fixing the dent and totaling the car came out to $18.00. Clearly the addition of the options would have covered that spread in my favor. I want to fight this because I don't want to have a salvage title. I was not at fault and the other parties insurance has already sent me a check I have not cashed nor have I signed anything. I want to know what I can do. And if I am stuck with the total loss, do I have the right to recover for re-title and re-registration charges and smog fees that are going to add up to a few hundred out of my pocket since I am keeping the car. Thanks for taking the time to read my question." Best car insurance companies? I am 22 and needing to get car insurance for a 1996 Ford Escort. I only want Liability. Any suggestions? Wat do u think insurance would cost for a 1967 mustang? i try to find it on insurance company pages but it dont help How can you find out a property owner's insurance company? Can you sue the owner for violent acts of a minor who lives on their property as well as the violent act physically occuring on their property? My daughter was jumped from

behind and beat violently in the head. The girl recieved a ticket yet my daughter had to go to the hospital. Now she is afraid to go to school. The attacker is in her class. How much is teenage car insurance? I am 15 years old and going to have my permit. I want use my dad's car who already has insurance. But, based on certain websites they say i need to include licensed drivers on my dad's car insurance. I think we do not have me listed. Is it possible to include me as a licensed driver. I am currently under Nationwide. Will it cost me to be included? If, so how much or what is the average and how do I do it?" "I damaged my car, i got a quote off the garage, and the insurance said they will pay,?" so i let the garage send a quote and the insurance said i can leave my car in, but now i have found another garage nearer to my house and he will match the quote, plus repair it at weekend , so i dont need the car. can i change to this garage .. i live in Ireland thanks" ** How much does car insurance cost for a 16-year-old in California? Grr. I REALLY need to drive inorder to get home after sports, but my dad says that insurance costs too much... and I'm not about to walk home or take the bus when it's late. There are so many weird people and molesters out there. ='(" What do you think is the cheapest insurance out there? i'm trying to switch from my current one.? i currently use allstate. I pay about $160 a month and its not even full coverage Car insurance companies? Are there any car insurance companies which don't appear on comparison websites that are cheap and competetive? In the UK. Thanks Where can i find affordable health insurance ?? I am a single mother of two daughters. I make too much for medicaid, the kind my job offers is too much for me to pay, $332 per month. Is that good or bad, the $332??" "Im 18, how do I apply for car insurance? my mom is a b**** and is dropping me from the family car insurance things and was like you have untill friday to get your own insurance I have absolutely no idea how this stuff works. and know that it will probably cost more because its for only 1 car. help! Im 19 need health insurance?

Im 19 and I really need affordable health insurance. Neither for my parents can afford to put me on their insurance. Also i have a few preexisting medical conditions that makes it harder for me to find insurance. Does registration of a car affect insurance rates? My fiancs father gave us this old(99) car and signed it over to her. Last year we used that as a trade in for a new(08) car. We just transferred over the plates and registration because it was easier, she absolutely hated being there for as long as we were. Now she only has her permit but is under the insurance policy. If the car was registered to me, a licensed driver, would it affect our insurance policy/rates?" Who regulates insurance companies? And where can I find out rules they must abide by, if such a thing exists. I was hit by a UPS vehicle and their insurance is Liberty Mutual. Apparently this company is a disreputable. They can't even get to repairing my car for a week because the adjuster (just one?) is out of the office until some time next week. Is this legal? I'm going to have to get my insurance to pay the repair on my vehicle and go after them. This is going to put me in a bind with a planned vacation with family from out of state in that I won't have a car now. Who can I complain to? What is a cheap good health insurance company in CA? hi im 15 years old and i need health insurance for sports and i also need doctor check ups and dental maybe even eye check ups, my parents and i cannot find a company that is cheap and just for me. what is a cheap but good company to go with for health insurance in california?" Vauxhall Astra 1.7 cdti Insurance? I'm 17 soon so i'm looking for cars to get, and I've been looking at a 1.7 cdti Vauxhall Astra (100bhp) 3 door, and i can easily afford a decent 2005-07 model but its the insurance I'm worried about, i don't want to buy a nice decent first car and not be able to insure the damn thing, and all of the quote websites I've been on are giving me stupid answers so I'm just wondering if any of yous have had one of these for your first cars and how much it cost to insure it or if you just have a good idea on how much it would cost? thanks." Car insurance for you? Not to sound stalkerish at all lol I'm just a lil confused on car insurance and want to know what about average is. So can you please put how old you are, what car you drive, and how much you pay... Thanks ALOT it means alot to me :)" Cheap car insurance for a 17 year old male? I passed my driving test last month and did my pass plus last saturday. I'm now stunned to find that the lowest i've seemed to get my car insurance is 5000, I'm a full time 6th form student so how am I meant to pay that? Is there ANYWHERE where I can get cheap insurance for my car? (except gps box insurance with restrictions such as fines for going out past 11pm) any previous experiences? or recommendations? I understand that 17 year old males are higher risk to road users than others, especially

newly qualified, but there must be some loopholes in the system which will enable me to get a cheap quote? Many thanks." Does applying for life insurance require a social security number? I'm applying for life insurance and the insurance forms ask for a social security number. Does the insurance company really need my social security number to process the application? What would be considered as a franchise of Allstate ? ? Would it be the actual insurance agent ? How much does it cost to add an additional insured to car insurance? A ball park figure is fine. Car insurance arghhhh !!! help? OK how does this sound to you guys? my mum has two cars one of which is insured with me as a learner im 19 and my sisters as a full driver 22 she is also insured with her own car but on my mums so she culd take me out to learn and for emergency reasons ok so the second car is going to be insured under the same company on a diffrent policy with my mum only. aparently this sounds suspecious ?? pepole think the 1st car is mine but its NOT my mum will be the main driver on both i she will decided which car she takes one day and which the other not me but she got the second car because my sister who is insured on the policy aswell well her car broke so she took a lend of my moms which was annoying for my mom coz she needed it and when she takes me out to learn my mom got fed up waiting till we come back to she jist got a second car to aviod that ! when i pass my test yeah i will be a full liceance on the policy im currently on but that does not mean it will be my car ! only time i can driver it is if my mom or older sister is not using it. BUT ppl are convinced its mine and all that ? surley an insurance company cant refuse to insure??? Do anyone have an idea about how the insurance of 1992 mistubishi expo cost for 19 years old male? Do anyone have an idea about how the insurance of 1992 mistubishi expo cost for 19 years old male? Do I pay the excess on my car insurance when a claim is made against me? I know that I have to pay when I make a claim on my car insurance, but im not sure if when someone makes a claim against me if I have to pay the excess in that instance?" Insurance Cost For 16 Year Old Boy 2008 Nissan Rogue? Im a 16 year old boy with a 2008 nissan rogue, my parents aren't letting me drive without them in the car yet because we still need to get car insurance for me. About

how much would it be to insure me? I have a 3.75 highschool GPA and Im an honor roll/mostly A average student. no driving incidents either" Health Insurance? What is the best affordable health insurance for a low income middle age woman in Southern CA? Just a question about Geico's insurance rates versus their advertisements? for as long as I can remember Geico has always used the advertisement pitch about how much money you can save with them. What I'd like to know is there some kind of communication breakdown between their marketing and pricing departments? I decided to get a Geico quote once, I was 27 years old at the time male unmarried and a spotless driving record. they quoted me like 800 dollars for 6 months!!! at the time I was using Nationwide where is was paying a hair under 500...a YEAR!!! yes this was the exact same amount of coverage/ deductible car everything. everyone else I know has had similar stories about Geico's rates. so tell me if anyone knows when the speak of 'all the money you can save' with them, just what the hell are they talking about? where do they get their facts at?" Low cost health care for an adult in California? Could you tell me what kind of resources are available for a single male who makes $1,800 a month and needs affordable low cost health care coverage in California? What does the state offer if anything?" What type of car is cheapest to insure? I am 16 and looking to buy a car under 10k. I want an SUV but what I hear they are a lot more to insure than a sedan? is there a big difference in insurance price when it comes to Suvs, sedans, and sports cars? For example here are three types of cars one a suv, one sporty, and one sedan. Which will be cheapest? Ford Expedition Mazda RX8 Chevy Malibu" What is the cheapest student health insurance plan? What is the cheapest student health insurance plan? Auto Insurance Experts: How much will I be penalized for lapsed insurance due to non-payment (I'm unemployed)? I have been without insurance for nearly a month now. I have been unemployed for 5 months, but I will start a new job next week! Yay! Since I will start working soon, I will be able to afford to pay again. My car will also be paid off next month. I plan to go with a new company. (I do not have loyalty to the current company.) I used to have a well-known national company for years. When I first lapsed six months ago, my long-time company DOUBLED my monthly premium. I went for a low-budget, local company. Will the new company force me to pay for the time I did not have insurance? Or will I face a penalty? Will they charge me a higher rate? **Believe me, I know that I am taking a terrible risk driving around without insurance. I know that it is

illegal...but I have been unemployed for 5 months, and have used the little money I had to pay rent, utilities, my car, groceries for me and 3 kids. I just had no other choice... I just want to be prepared for fees, higher rates, penalties, etc. Can you please give me some advice and suggestions on how to get myself back on track? Thanks." Looking for insurance? I'm self employed and I drive for a living, I own a freightliner and it has 90k miles on it. My warranty is going to run out and I'm looking to get a extended warranty but no success. I was thinking I could get insurance to cover it. Does anybody know of anything else! I'm just trying to protect my business." "Recently hit by another driver, got estimate for his insurance company. Not sure I should repair for that cost" My car is a 1994 Lexus ES300 with 125,000+ miles on it. I would say it is in good or fair condition, the leather seats are cracking badly and it has a few scrathes, etc. I'm just wandering if it is in my best interest to repair this car or for it to be totaled out. The estimate for repairs in $3500.00, which could always go up once repairs start for unseen damage. I'm just not sure the car is worth repairing for that amount considering its condition. The damage is to the drivers side rear panel which is now rubbing something when I turn either way or go over any kind of bump in the road. The estimate does not consider repair for that since that could not be seen by looking at the vehicle. They are also saying the paint can't be matched perfectly because of the fading caused by sun and weather over the years. With everything considered my resale value is not good. I did want to sale this car at some point and get newer car." Whats health insurance?? :O? i need an MRI but we dont have health insurance so its going to be a while before we can get all the money. whats health insurance do? how much is it? Car insurance deposit? i want my car insurance to start on 11th feb. my quote says i need to pay a deposit followed by 11 monthly installments. If i signed up for the policy today to start on 11th will they ask me for the deposit to be paid now or will they take it on 11th? Is Unitirin a good insurance company? I need to get new insurance ASAP... is Unitrin OK? Best place for cheap car insurance? where is the best and cheapest place for me to get car insurance at 17 years of age.....thanks to all that help.....car will be a vauxhaul corsa 1.0 What insurance would i need and where should i go to get it?

I'm working between 3 employers doing carpentry and need to insure myself incase i hurt myself and can't work for a number of days. Also incase of something severe happening like losing a hand or breaking bones. I need to know what insurance i should get and what kind of cover. I don't know a lot about insurance so any information is really appreciated. Thanks Drew Affordable care act being implemented question? How would you explain when/how the ACA is being implemented? I'm writing an article and here's what I've included in the first paragraph: As the new Affordable ...show more Who regulates insurance companies? And where can I find out rules they must abide by, if such a thing exists. I was hit by a UPS vehicle and their insurance is Liberty Mutual. Apparently this company is a disreputable. They can't even get to repairing my car for a week because the adjuster (just one?) is out of the office until some time next week. Is this legal? I'm going to have to get my insurance to pay the repair on my vehicle and go after them. This is going to put me in a bind with a planned vacation with family from out of state in that I won't have a car now. Who can I complain to? Cheapest car for insurance? My parents have agreed to get me a car, but the insurance has to be cheap. We have allstate and i have no idea what the cheapest car would be to get, insurance wise. thanks for any help!" How to get off my parents insurance? I have insurance through my dad but because of a $5000 deductible and my income it is useless to me. He refuses to let me off it. Also refuses to let me get off of it. I'm 20 years old and could go to the health department nearly free if only I didnt have medical insurance> HOW DO I GET OFF THIS? Affordable and good quality health insurance? I'm looking into purchasing some health insurance. I'm 20 years old with no major health concerns. I'm thinking about Allstate but I hear it's around $100 a month. "How much is the fine when a cop pull you over and dont have licence,insurance and tags!? My uncle got pull over by a cop and gave him a fine without taking his car away(he got lucky) he didnt have a license or insurance and somebody stole his tag! he's not a resident or a citizen somebody know how much is that fine????he still have to go court but i wonder how much is going to be???? Trying to repeal the Healthcare law which is good for the American people the only thing republicans hope?

Trying to repeal the Healthcare law which is good for the American people the only thing republicans hope will put them back into the White House? Insurance company not paying for car repair that isn't my fault? I was in an car accident. I was in the right hand side of the parking lot and I was backing out of my parking space. I was in the middle of the parking lot, and a guy pulling out of his parking space on the left hand side of the parking lot. While I was in the middle of the parking lot, the guy back his car into mine (In a hurry). After this accident happened, this guy admitted that he hit me and the accident was his fault. The police showed up and we told our stories and he admit to the police that the accident was his fault and it was on the police report. After the accident, we went our separate ways. I talked to my insurance company and they told me that since the guy that hit me admitted that he caused the accident, I had to take it up with the guy's insurance company. I called the insurance adjuster from the other insurance company and gave my statement and he told me that he viewed the accident as both our faults and would not pay me to have my car fixed. And I told him that his client admitted to the accident and he said it didn't matter. I would have to go to my insurance company to have my car fixed. I have arbitration. Also, the adjuster said that I can go through arbitration. I don't know what to do. What can I do about it?" Cheapest operating cost for motorcycle/moped/scooter? What make and model will get you down the road the cheapest, but not necessarily the quickest? I am also asking that you factor in basic maintenance like oil changes, tires, etc along with insurance. Explain what you know." I can't afford full coverage insurance for my car loan. Are there any consequences? I can't afford full coverage insurance for my car loan. Are there any consequences? Is it a bad idea to get your own car insurance at 18? I wanna get my own car insurance! I wanted to know if it would be a bad idea or a good life lesson! Is it true that car insurance cost more with new cars? Because I want to get a 05 Suzuki Forenza! It's a used car it's only 2,000! Any parents out there please help! I need all the advice I can get before I turn 18!! Thanks!!" Whats a good cheap auto insurance company on just liability? ( I am 24 in college)? Whats a good cheap auto insurance company on just liability? ( I am 24 in college)? What's the cheapest car for insurance? What's the cheapest car for insurance? How much does motorcycle insurance cost for a teen? I am currently 15 , next year i will get my liscence and buy a Kawasaki Ninja 250R 2010. I live in Quebec, and I really need an answer, please not just a go get a quote..

just give me a number please!" What is the penalty for driving with no insurance? What is the penalty for driving with no insurance? Reducing health insurance costs? I have health insurance through my employer with 80/20 coinsurance and a $1000 deductable. My employer pays 60% of the premium. Are there any changes I can make to reduce my out of pocket expenses? Is It A Good Idea To Get Rental Car Insurance? I was posed that question yesterday when I rented a car. What do car insurance investigators do? My fiancee is an excluded driver on my car ins. He was driving my vehicle one day and got into a very small 'fender bender'. His fault. Barely bumped the lady. When she filed a claim, my insurance called me. Well of course I tried to convince them that i was driving the vehicle, but they don't believe me. My own car insurance. Aren't they supposed to be behind you and not the other driver? But anyway, he said SINCE he doesnt believe me, he's going to get insurance fraud investigators to do some investigating. The woman's car isnt worth but $900 blue book value. The fix of her bumper cost $1600. I'm not understanding why this is a big deal. I get that I'm trying to cover myself and have ins cover it, and lying about it, so please don't scold me for that. I'm just trying to get advice on this, and what i should do NOW. I'm not sure if the whole investigation thing is a joke, or something serious. Also, if i were to turn around and tell them that my fiancee was really driving, what would they do now that I've lied? Does car ins go on your credit if they drop you? HELP!" What companies offer mobile home insurance? i live in ny. all the ones i've found don't do ny or won't insure us because of the age. it was made in 1979. the only one i could find was geico but they want an insane amount of documentation that i just can provide. like if the roof has been replaced and stuff. i know insurance on such an old home is pointless but i have to have it in the park where i live and moving it isn't an option. "Car parked on drive, do I need insurance?" I am buying a car in aprivate sale very soon, although will not be able to drive it until April 1st. Will I be able to just leave the car on my drive without insurance or is that illegal?" "I heard that if you have good grades, your insurance rate will go down.?" I'm about to get my permit this summer, but I have one F (I'm not a slacker, but I just couldn't handle the work) Anyway, my mom said that if I don't get this F up, I can't get

insurance, cause nobody will insure me. Is this true? Also, another question... Do I only need insurance on a car, or do I need my own insurance or could I drive my mom's car legally (when I have my permit)?" "Who has the cheapest car insurance in Houston, Tx? I have Geico right now.. I am a 17 year old boy who has a car accident on his record (in june 2010). "What is an affordable used coupe for about $8,000 that wont be incredibly high on insurance?" What is an affordable used coupe for about $8,000 that wont be incredibly high on insurance?" Where can I get health insurance at low cost in Colorado? Where can I get health insurance at low cost in Colorado? Do I need Liability insurance? I live in So california, and just brought lots In Texas,Arkansas and Utah.The lots are vacant land. Im being told that laibility insurance might be wise. is there someone out there who knows for sure." How much are your car insurance(College Kids) (Iam 22)?? Iam 22 now, I am under my fathers geico policy, I pay $278.00 a month, not even full coverage. My car is Nissan Maxima 00. I have never been in car accident since I got my license for 4 years now. I know Iam paying little too high cuz my sis who turn 18 is also on the policy now by law. For that price I should be getting full coverage !! But wondering how much are you guys paying for your insurance monthly etc? College kids related only please, dont tell me you pay dirt cheap cuz your 40 years old, thats obivious. Also what is the cheapest company I can switch to ? cuz Iam in college and have barely any money, all my money goes in the insurance and if Iam lucky I get to gas up a full tank maybe once a month lol." "How much would insurance be on a 2001 Porsche 911 Turbo, im 16?" okay how much would first the down payment be? wich my parents will pay for, how much will the monthly payment be when i have nothing on my credit and im 16, and how much would ensurance be ? i live in northern california if that helps near sacramento" Who regulates insurance companies? And where can I find out rules they must abide by, if such a thing exists. I was hit by a UPS vehicle and their insurance is Liberty Mutual. Apparently this company is a disreputable. They can't even get to repairing my car for a week because the adjuster (just one?) is out of the office until some time next week. Is this legal? I'm going to

have to get my insurance to pay the repair on my vehicle and go after them. This is going to put me in a bind with a planned vacation with family from out of state in that I won't have a car now. Who can I complain to? Insurance company GETTING AWAY? I was reently rear-ended, my vehicle was totaled. My MEDICAL insurance paid for all our medical costs, does that mean that the other drivers car insurance company gets away without paying anything. At the hospital I gave all my medical insurance info, recently I got a letter from the hospital saying that all cost were already paid by my MEDICAL insurance company. Is the other drivers CAR insurance company gonna get away without paying anything? They have accepted FULL fault, since I was rear-ened." "Car insurance sent me SR-1 form, What to do on SR-1?" I got into a solo or at-fault accident cause i skidded off the road due to the road being wet after the heavy downpour. Nothing major and my first ever accident so i decided to report it to the insurance for a claim but decided to disregard the claim since nothing needed to be repaired except an alignment because i work on cars so nothing seemed broken. Now that it's been disregarded, mercury insurance sent me an sr-1 form stating i must fill it out or my license will be suspended within 10 days. If i fill it out and since there was no damages over $750, will there be an inspection to my vehicle?" Why do car insurance companies do credit checks? I have just renewed my car insurance and made a massive saving from 162 per month to 79 per month. But the first few wouldnt let me pay monthly because of my credit history. Why ...show more Cheapest car insurance for first time driver? I'm a girl? I'm looking for insurance that is as cheap as possible. I'm a 17 year old girl who is currently having driving lessons. "Car rental insurance, please help!?" Hello everyone, I am really confused and need your help, please. I rented a car from Avis in Calgary, Alberta and drove to Vancouver, BC. I got involved in an accident that although my car was not damaged, but I think I am considered cause of the accident (two cars were badly damaged). I did not ask for any insurance of the rental car. My understanding was that the third party liability is covered by my own car insurance. However, someone called me earlier from my car insurance company(state farm) saying that they are not responsible. Today the rental car company has called and left me a message asking me to call them. I do not know what should I prepare myself for? Am I going to be charged to pay for all the damage? That'd be terrible. Please provide me with any information you have. I don't know what to do." 16 year old male car insurance? I am currently 15 and going to be 16 and getting my license . I am going to be driving a 1997 chevrolet corvette. Ik this is going to be exspensive but my parents are going

to help alot. I was wondering about how much i would be paying? Insurance for additional drivers has shot up? I'm 16 and looking forward to buying my first car, so a few weeks ago i saw that if i was the additional driver on my dad's policy it would only cost around 400. However i have tried a few recently and they all have shot up to 1500+!!!!! Does anyone know why? It's ridicuolous how much they are trying to charge me for first years insurance." How much will my car insurance cost? So im 18 years old . soon im going to drive a 1999 Mitsubishi eclipse gst ( automatic ) I have only been pull over when I was 17 years old for no driver license or permit, driving with no insurance, and blasting loud music, and I did paid the ticket on time too witch was 340$ so I was wondering can I still get a permit or driver license? Because some people said that I can't take it till im 21. Also some people say that i'll have to pay like around 400$ per month for insurance. is that really true?" What is a good insurance I could get for my mom? She's bipolar and schizophrenic. Medicines are at ridiculous prices for mental illness... we're paying over 1,500 a month in medications. Is there anything that could help? Aside from medical(might get denied). We live in california." Is there any dental insurance to recommend for adult orthodontics? I am 26 years old, and I want to wear braces. I try to enroll a dental insurance to save money but failed to find one that covers orthodontics for adults of my age. Can anyone give me any recommendation for the dental insurance? Many many thanks." In the state of california is it illegal to drive a car with out auto insurance? In the state of california is it illegal to drive a car with out auto insurance? Will car insurance cover me if an unlicensed driver was driving? I have a problem. My car was wrecked by an unlicensed driver. I didn't know that person's license was suspended. Will my insurance still cover it? My car is messed up pretty ...show more Car Insurance question - Do you own your home? We just got married and the house is in my husbands name, even though I am on the deed papers as well. I am just applying for a car insurance and I'm not sure what to answer to that question... Any advice please?" Insurance for new driver?

For a new male driver that just got their permit, which car would have cheaper insurance? 2013 Audi A6 3.0T or a 2000 Corvette convertible Most people's first responses are the Corvette, because it is a sports car. However, it has only slightly more power than the Audi, and is worth less than half of what the Audi is. Both cars are titled under the same persons name, if that makes a difference. Would the difference in value make the Corvette's insurance cheaper, or will it still be higher?" What car insurance company do you use? My car insurance is 2,200 a year and my parents are looking for something cheap. We have state farm. Any suggestions?" Whats an Average Insurance Quote For a 15 year old? I recently bought a car, so its not a family car. Its a vw manx buggy i use it to go the desert with my brother who is 25. I need insurance and I am wondering how much average it would cost to put just me on the plan. Our current insurance is wawanesa so maybe their price??" What is the average price for motorcycle insurance (PLPD or full coverage) for a 17 year old with 0 tickets? What is the average price for motorcycle insurance (PLPD or full coverage) for a 17 year old with 0 tickets? Is a 2000 Grand Prix gt sedan considered a sports car to insurance agencies? I want to buy this Grand Prix gt sedan that's for sale but I can't afford a sports car car payment it's my first car will insurance consider it a sports car What is the best car insurance that you don't have to pay much in any state? I live in NJ and paying half as my car cost... What is the best way to shop and compare for disability insurance? 30 year term life insurance? We want to buy a house and since stated income loans are no longer available, a friend has offered to cosign for us to help us get the loan we need. We want to be sure that no accident will keep me from being able to pay the mortgage so that we all can sleep soundly. Thanks for any advice!" Insurance for a car? how much would car insurance for a 99 s10 blazer when im 18 and not have full coverage and also have a car crash ? and one ticket for rolling stop its going to be most likely to be over 500 dollar a month right ? and a male

"I moved to long island, port Jefferson area. Anyone know a really cheap auto insurance around here? I really need one before it starts snowing..Walking and taking the bus here is a nightmare. Please help. What company has the lowest auto insurance rates? My insurance rates just went up $100 a month because of speeding tickets I got last year. I took an improvement class right after I got the ticket and am also getting ready to turn 25. I was hoping my rates would go down and nit up to $250 a month. Anyone know any companies? I need to get health insurance. What's affordable and good? I live in Southern California. Recently, my neck has really started to hurt and I think I might need an xray. I haven't had health insurance in so long. What would be the proper steps to take? I need something affordable." "Car accident, insurance coverage, process?" I had an accident with another car on the highway, road condition was icy. I traveled with 46-50 miles/hour, kept the car in my lane, followed the cars with normal distance. The other car - one lane or two lanes to the right of me hit an icy spot and crashed into the right side of my car at the door and partially the right fender. I had no damage in the front side of my car, but the front of the other car is damaged substantially. First she admitted that she hit an icy spot, but gave the police another untrue statement about the accident. No tickets were issued by the police. We both have full insurance coverage. The damages on both cars clearly indicates, that her spinning car caused the crash. I already contacted my insurance company. Is there a chance that the insurance companies will be able to work this out and her insurance company will pay for the repair on both cars? Therefore, I will not have to pay my deductible amount? Can the ins. co. override her statement if the independent investigation indicates that her car caused the accident ? Thanks for your answer." Who regulates insurance companies? And where can I find out rules they must abide by, if such a thing exists. I was hit by a UPS vehicle and their insurance is Liberty Mutual. Apparently this company is a disreputable. They can't even get to repairing my car for a week because the adjuster (just one?) is out of the office until some time next week. Is this legal? I'm going to have to get my insurance to pay the repair on my vehicle and go after them. This is going to put me in a bind with a planned vacation with family from out of state in that I won't have a car now. Who can I complain to?

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