Can you name any specific health care costs or health insurance premiums ?

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Can you name any specific health care costs or health insurance premiums ? 1) Can you name any specific health care costs or health insurance premiums that have decreased as a result of Obamacare ? 2) Can you name any specific health care costs or health insurance premiums that have not increased following Obamacare ? Related

AAA insurance question! I just got my license!? I just got my license today! I'm 18 and live in California. 1. Can I drive with people under 18? 2. My mom has AAA auto insurance for her car, and that's what I was driving when I had my permit. Is it still ok to drive the car now that I have my license? 3. I didn't understand the scoring system. I got 5 wrong, and obviously passed what is that in a letter grade or percent? Thanks. God Bless." First year car insurance for 17 year olds for a small car? Has anyone recently passed there driving test and brought car insurance? If so how much did it cost and for what car? I don't want answers just saying thousands , I would like people who've recently got car insurance." Who provides motorcycle insurance for 17 year old? I need to know who will provide insurance for a 17 year old male in Alabama. The bike I want is street legal; it is a Roketa 2009 200cc. How much is insurance on a xr 125? Hi im 16 with a provisional motorbike license and was wondering how much the insurance would cost me on a honda xr125 worth 2500 Where i can get car best insurance information ? give me a website of car insurance information . Do I need insurance to take my drivers test? I want to get my licence and all I have to do is take the driving part. The car I am going to take my test in is insured in another persons name but since I'm not a registered driver on the car, am I still able to drive it just to take my test? I've tried getting on the policy but they will not insure me until I have a valid license, duh lol. So how exactly does this work?" Name on car insurance?

Is it possible to buy a car under my name but have the car's insurance under my dads name? Why is insurance for mazda cars so high? I heard mazda cars often increase your insurance? Why do they? Is it for a good or bad reason? Answer with detail please :) Do car salesmen get free dealer insurance to drive any car? As above, I've been offered a job by a franchised motor dealership, just curious if as part of the job you get free insurance to drive all vehicles? And do you generally get a company car. It's a big part of the decision I have to make. Any help or advice would be great." Where can I get good credit insurance? I have heard good things about One Source ( for credit insurance. I would like to hear other peoples thoughts and opinions. Cheap car to insure at 17years old? Hi, I was wondering if someone could help me. Ok, When I'm 17 I'm intending getting a car straight away and putting it onto my dads name. (he has been driving over 30years so it should be cheaper atleast a few hundred - his is like 300 per 6month's driving a 1.8 litre Ford Focus) Anyways - I have enough money to get my driving lessons completely paid for and passed (ofcourse as I was promised for it to be paid) and I have a few thousand left in the bank Anyways - I was wondering if someone could recommend a car for me. I'm into like these kind of cars: Vauxhall Corsa Vauxhall Vectra (the 05 type) Vauxhall Astra (the new kind of hatchback (05 again I think) Ford Mondeo 2001 Ford Fiesta (I love those modified but not for a first car!) Fiat Punto 2005 Seat Ibiza I know nearly everyone will be saying the Corsa is the least to insure of which I know it is (Insurance group 1 I think) but.. Its just not my sort of car for my first car but I would like to have it later in life. I'm 15 the Now (16 in March) and my dads covered with E-Sure. What car would be best to insure (In order)" Two insurance on the same car? My dad has insurance on Saga and his policy ends beginning of October. I (age 19) wanted to insure on the same car from June till October but saga wouldn't let me (since I'm not 50). Is it possible for him to take another insurance from June onwards for a year and add me as a second driver till October and the take me out - while keeping Saga/s insurance running at the same time?? Why is it impossible to buy complete insurance? Why is it impossible to buy complete insurance? (Preferably if you know a lot about economics and health insurance) Whats a good health insurance company?

I'm on my dad's insurance until I'm 25. I'm now pregnant and my insurance doesn't cover the baby. What's a decent health insurance that is reasonably priced and good for me and my baby? Whats a good car with low insureance and good gas mileage!? im looking for a car that had good gas mileage and low insureance. i was really looking into a jeep and trucks and some cars.. that looked sporty.. but i know sporty cars have high insureance.. im looking for somthing that will be a good first car..but im not sure... What is the comparison between permanant life insurance and Roth IRA? Advantages if any Disadvantages if any I want to by a nissan s-cargo does anyone know anything about them or what the insurance cost is?; Nissan s-cargo this is the site for my car and I love it just curious what the insurance will before I make a offer and would like to hear opinions and stories about them. "Do you have to insure a car, if you dont drive it?" I am 17 and currently learning to drive. I have found an ideal car, peugeot 106 quiksilver to precise. and looking at the specs i really do like this particular one that for sale at the car showroom. It will be another 2 months untill i finish all my classes and take the driving practical test. by this time this car may be sold and i might miss it. Due to the high car insurence for young/new driviver myself and me with the provisional liscense, it may be something that i cant afford. So i want to buy the car and park it in my street. so here is the question: Will the veichal need to be insured if i dont drive and just intend to leave it parked at all time on a driveaway/street? and will it be illegal if i do not insure it? P.S. i am intending to to drive the car only after i pass my practical test and also after taking Passplus" What's the cheapest liability insurance? What's the cheapest liability insurance? 1999 Pontiac Grand Am SE auto insurence? how much will it cost for me monthly just estimate the price please to have insurance on that car thanks and are ponitacs goood with there motor and all that it has 172000 miles on it for $2900 should i take it or na just tell me about the insurance please thanks Where can I find affordable health insurance with no waiting period for maternity coverage?

We're residents of Virginia, but use a doctor and hospital in North Carolina, and can't seem to find a thing. Doesn't need to pick it up as a pre-existing condition. didn't find a thing for us. Any help is appreciated." A few questions about SR-22 Insurance? Alright, so I'm getting slightly annoyed of the DMV as I've visited them three times already an had literally no progress made in all those lame visits... Anyways, I only got insurance so I can drive, but my car has failed smog three times now so that wont be happening and I'm now paying non-owner SR-22 insurance. Here are a few questions I have about the SR-22 and any input would be much appreciated. 1) What are the exact consequences if I choose to cancell my non-owner SR-22 insurance? I acknowledge that I will have to restart the process all over again when I want to reactivate it, but will the price be raised even more and the time frame? 2) Who do I call to find out how long I have to have SR-22 insurance; DMV or Local Court? 3) When does the SR-22 officially get activated, when the judge orders it or when I first started paying for the insurance? (I'm asking this because the insurance company I'm with is saying I shouldn't cancel because it will restart; I got the DUI 2 years ago and acitvated the insurance about 2 mounts ago.) I'm planning on going to a 4 year college so I don't want to be paying not to drive...! *I live in California if that helps you answer the question." Cheap full coverage insurence? where to find cheap full coverage car insurance How do you pay an insurance deductible? Well i sadly wrecked my car today i have full coverage because i have a loan from a bank and im still making payments on it. I let the insurance company know. But my deductible is $1,000.00 and i dont have a thousand dollars. Can you like make cheap payments on that or do you need it all upfront? Or do i not have to pay it right away?" "Car insurance rates are extremely high, what if someone was rich and owned like 50 vehicles...?" How much would their insurance be every 6 months to a year ( I know it varies by person, but lets say this guy is just an average driver maybe committed one accident in the last 15 years. Is male. ) He's a really rich person..." Can you name any specific health care costs or health insurance premiums ? 1) Can you name any specific health care costs or health insurance premiums that have decreased as a result of Obamacare ? 2) Can you name any specific health care costs or health insurance premiums that have not increased following Obamacare ? Driving Someone Else's Car...Do I need Insurance? Okay lets say that I have my license but I don't have car. If I have a friend or a family that lets me drive their car and I get into accident...who's fault would it be? Mines or the owner's? And If I do drive someone else's I need insurance to pay for the owner's car if I accidentally damage their car? Or no?

Has anyone heard of Unitrin Direct Car Insurance. Yay or Nay? I need to purchase car insurance right away. Their rates are pretty low. Any feedback would be appreciated. How to calculate california disability insurance? How to calculate california disability insurance? How can I start an auto insurance business in California? How can I start an auto insurance business in California? Does a junior instructor need insurance? I have had a few people around my barn asking me to give lessons, just little beginner lessons, nothing major. The barn owner said if would be alright, but I had to look into what type of insurance I would need and so on. I am not exactley sure how much insurance would cost, and if I would even be making a huge profit. My question is, do you need insurance if you are under 18? Are you then considered a junior instructor and it is not needed? If it is, about how much is the average insurance?" Insurance for a van ... not too sure..? Hi I just bought a 1979 Dodge Camper van which is in great condition with low miles on it. I want to get it plated which is fine but also I want to insure it but I am not sure what to expect, is it going to cost me less or more because of it being older? I am 26 years old and Ive had my license since 17. Ive been insured under my parents insurance as a 2nd driver since 17 also. Even if I didn't drive it all the time they just kept me on it. Well I'm not sure what else I can say to help out with an estimate of the insurance. Maybe some of you have better knowledge, I live in Canada, Quebec. Thank you. Btw this is my first owned vehicle which is kinda weird hehe but yeah I'm learning." "Will my insurance go up, if my parked car was hit and not occupied?" My Car was hit While parked and was not occupied (nobody was in the car) The car that hit my car, pulled out of the parking spot and was trying to hide. i went and filed a collission report against the driver. what will happen now, will my insurance rate go up? or will i be at 100% no fault. I know some insurance companies try to rip us off. plz help What is the average cost of car insurance for an 18 year old female in California? What is the average cost of car insurance for an 18 year old female in California? What happens if a 16 year old in NC is caught driving without being on the insurance policy?

The owner of the car has insurance on the car but his daughter is not listed as a driver on the policy. "I need to find how much insurance would cost on a dodge charger, tune-up, tires etc including coupons? what site should i go to..? California speeding and no proof of insurance ticket? It was dark and raining. I just came off the bay bridge in SF and am positive I was driving below 40 on the bridge and between 40-60 when I got off the bridge. The cop was on 80E past fremont exit. He said I was at 67 in a 50 zone and also did not give me enough time to look for my proof of insurance. He said lets make this easy and quick and cited me for speeding and the no proof of insurance as non-correctable. It this accurate? I don't think his radar reading is accurate. How can I challenge this? My insurance say I have to pay for the other parties repair costs and hire costs? Do I have to pay for their car hire costs? I thought their insurance paid for it as you have that option when purchasing insurance whether you want courtesy car or not?? please help Car insurance quote should i pay? i took out a car insurance policy 3months ago the operator quoted me 1050 pounds which i thought was a bit expensive, she said if i canceled within 14days (cooling of period) i need not pay no moneys!! i canceled within 8days. i got a cheaper quote elsewhere, Now the 1st insurance company are going to take me to Court they are saying i owe then 320 for 8days cover! should i pay them? whats the Law on this can any one help me has i don't think i should pay it." Is home insurance quote negotiable? Just got a new quote on home owner insurance. It is slightly better than my last insurance company, but not by much. Is this quote negotiable? Or it is what it is, take it or leave it?" How much is your car insurance? Not to sound stalkerish at all lol I'm just a lil confused on car insurance and want to know what about average is. So can you please put how old you are, what car you drive, and how much you pay... Thanks ALOT it means alot to me :)" Which is the type of insurance to avoid? Which is the type of insurance to avoid? A- mortgage insurance B- identity theft insurance C- disability insurance Why?

Where can I get low cost life insurance for my parents? My parents are getting older now and I was wondering where was a good reliable place I can obtain low cost life insurance for them in case something happens to take care of their bills and wishes? I've seen ads on TV and the internet, but I can't tell who is a reliable company and it would be great if they don't have to go through a medical exam. I'm not looking for a million dollar policy or to get rich, just something reasonable to help take care of their bills and stuff should the worst happen." Average Car insurance cost? Im an 18yr old female living in Wyoming. I have a clean driving record and drive a 1990 honda accord. Does anybody have an idea on how much car insurance would cost me Car insurance help !!? well you know how if your paying for your car monthly the insurance is more money because the car isnt fully paid for yet, well is there any insurance companies that don't make more" "What would you do, get the used car or new one?" Okay so ever since years ago I've known that my grandpa has an account for me and his other grand kids for our first car. There is a limit. Now, I went out and picked out the car I wanted. A 2009 Toyota Corolla. Which I can pick any car, new or used as long as it is below the spending limit. (mine is that I picked) But my aunt, (Who is in charge of the money sorta, but will let me get what I want cuz she has no say) Is trying to convince me to get a used car and spend like max 5,000 on it. Her friend's son's friend is selling his car for 1,000. it has 200,000 miles on it and looks like a piece of crud. Needs new tires.. all that stuff. She thinks I should get this car or another used car because mostly all teens get in an accident when they first start driving (I am 18) but so what? Even if I get in an accident in a new of used car, thats what insurance is for! And I got quotes already on my new car how much it would be, It wont be in my name either because it'll be wayy more. So my quesiton is: Would you spend the full amount on the car you want now? Or waste 5grand (or less) on a crap car that will mostly suck away the money from that account (if something happens cuz its so old) She says that in a year or so I can still get the car I want. (I would have enough money) But thats not the point.. I don't see wasting 5grand on a car. And it would be wasting. What do you think? Whats should I do and how can I say no to her idea thanks :)" How much is car insurance? My mom said she would buy me a car, as long as i payed for the insurance. Im thinking about getting an SUV if that matters. Also I'm Terrell Owens so money is not an issue." Cheap auto insurance safe to have? I'm going to buy auto insurance and the rates I'm getting are pretty low, $72.00 per month (Progressive) and $92.00 (Geico). But I picked the state's lowest minimum

coverage that was available, and I was wondering if it's safe/okay to do that? Thanks :)" "Motorcycle Insurance Rate New Driver 22 years old 1974 Honda CB360, How Much?" I'm buying a 1974 Honda CB360 Bobber motorcycle, I'm 22 years old..have had 1 ticket in October for running a blinking red light at night, 1 speeding ticket that got dismissed in court and 1 speeding ticket that stuck a 65 in a 55. I live in Michigan and this is my first ever motorcycle. How much am I looking to pay? and what is the best company to get insurance, online it says Geico wont insurance motorcycles in Michigan so cant use them. Full time college student if that matters any" How much insurance should I have on a 12 year old car? Should I have full coverage or can I get by on something less? How much does it usually cost to insure a big (600cc and above) motorcycle? How about a 250cc? Or does it depend on the type of bike I have? Can you name any specific health care costs or health insurance premiums ? 1) Can you name any specific health care costs or health insurance premiums that have decreased as a result of Obamacare ? 2) Can you name any specific health care costs or health insurance premiums that have not increased following Obamacare ? Online insurance quotes? I've been surfing the web for insurace quotes. I am a first time car buyer and I am only 16. I want to find a site that can give me a very basic quote, like an area I can be confident in. I DONT want to have to enter my email, phone number or anything else of that matter. Just quick, simple and, well, general. Best site to meet my private requirements? Thanks" Insurance pre-existing injury? I took the ACL surgery, I had the insurance but I paid 100% because it was pre-existing. My question is: if 6 months later , I play soccer, still have that insurance and get my ACL torn again, Will the insurance company consider it as a new injury and pay for the surgery, because it is completely healed after 6mos, OR they won't because the injury is on the same knee and I still have to pay 100% of the surgery. Thank you very much." Is Liberty National Life Insurance is a good company to work for? Ok, like a few days ago i've scheduled an interview with National Life Insurance company and was really excited 'bout workin' there until today, but tomorrow (8/05/09) i have my interview...anyways, while i was making some more researches about the company so that i could present my questions to the interviewer (u know when he/she will ask me if i have any questions...) and then i stumbled upon some acclaimed Liberty National Life Insurance scams ...u know how people can be HORRIBLE on the

internet. so anyways people (customers or employees, especially EX employees) were saying really bad stuff about the company. Like, LNL insurance doesn't pay people fairly, and that if you just wanna buy a pair of shoes to wear then it's a fitted company to work for, and all the bad things u could fact, the ex employees were really crucial about the company. So now, i'm really nervous about working for them you know? I mean what if what those ppl are telling the truth and that i'm just heading toward god knows what?! What if i get the job and realize then that everything that was being said on the internet was true? What if they don't pay me fairly? or i don't know.... All of this has gotten me very if any of u guys can be any help with reliable sources, or just helpful suggestions would be more than great! Thankx and oh lol i didn't realized i wrote so much...sorry 'bout that though...." How much would car insurance cost? I am almost 16 and am going to buy my uncles 2010 Chevy Camaro SS with 700 plus horsepower and would like to know how much it will cost to insure it thanks Driving without car insurance? So, Im broke and I know its a really awful idea to drive without car insurance, but Im a little unclear about what the rules actually are. I know it is illegal to drive without car insurance b/c I got a ticket for it once when I just didnt have my proof of insurance with me, but it was a pretty small fine, is that the only legal consequence of it? I'm a pretty good driver, no accidents so far (knock on wood), and if I were to get into an accident it would probably not be my fault. Is it true if you get in a car accident without car insurance and its not your fault then you are still financially responsible for the damages to your car? ...Like because you dont have insurance the other drivers insurance doesnt acknowledge the accident or something? Anyway, as of 10 min from now my insurance policy will expire and im tempted to not get new insurance for a month or so until im more financially stable. What are the consequences im missing? Anyone know of really cheap insurance? other thoughts? BTW im still paying down the last couple thousand dollars on my car so I think i may be required to have full coverage insurance or I default on my loan, but im not sure. My loan is through a credit union, what may be the consequences if they find out?" How much would insurance cost for a 22 year old to be insured with his mother? My mum has been driving for 24 years . The car I want to be a secondary driver is the Honda Jazz 2004 which is 1.3 Litre. How much is insurance looking to cost around? What is the cheapest car insurance? I'm young and living on my own so I really need car insurance thats good but reasonably priced. Can you get insurance on a vehicle if your license is suspend? Can you get insurance on a vehicle if your license is suspend? Insurance on Rx-8 for a 29yr old male?

I'm almost 29 and I'm thinking of buying a Mazda Rx-8, the 230bhp version. I've got 2 yrs no claims and was wondering if anyone of similar age has one and if they could give me an idea of what the insurance would cost in Ireland??" Car insurance question? say i get insured first time and i need to get my car to a road safety test and it fails badly and would cost to much to repair (more than the car is worth) can i cancel the insurance say 2 weeks after getting it? if yes, does there usually be a cancellation fee?" California insurance program help!!!!!? i applied for insurance with them and they sent me back a letter saying i didnt qualify because i wasnt licensed continuously for prev 3 years.....ive been driving since i was 16 and now im 22 i had tickets prior but recently i obtained a dmv record and all of them are cleared ......but my license was suspened when i was 19-20 do you beleive this could have been why i was rejected????? What are my options to get my car back from the insurance company? I got into an accident about a week ago. the front passenger side was damaged. the insurance company told me today that it was a write off. they wouldn't be able to fix it, which is complete bull. It is a 98 Honda Civic with 200,00 km on it, and they are giving me $2800. What can i possibly do? Can I get my car back and repair it myself (by myself i mean a bodyshop i will take it too out of my own pocket)? What happens in that case? Will they give me any money or would i have to pay them?" "Im looking for good affordale health insurance, please help?" hello, I need to see a doctor as soon as possible but i don't have insurance. anyone know any good affordable health insurance. thank you in advance" What would my insurance be for a kia forte? him im 16 im a male i want a kia forte lx all black, it would be my first car what would my insurance be" What insurance company offers the cheapest insurance rates for teenagers? after drivers ed, good student and other discounts.." What does auto liability insurance cover? I'm confused. I have a cheap car (read: old, not worth $1,000, beat up) that I need insurance on. I'm not worried about paying for my car to get fixed if damaged. However, I have a problem with scraping people's car. For example, I drove my car out of a parking lot and nearly bumped into another one, leaving maybe a scratch or dent. Would liability insurance cover that? Does it help pay for the OTHER car? 'Cause truth be told, my car's not worth paying insurance for ha ha. VA's minimum is

the 25/50/25, so that's my insurance policy." As a new Driver when should I expect my insurance costs to lower? Here is the background: I am 27 years old and I just learned to driver a little over 7 months ago. I know that as a COMPLETELY new driver my insurance costs weren't going to be the best so I was surprised when most if not all companies I went to quoted me at about 400-450 for 6 months of full coverage. I thought this was very very good because that is about what my husband pays and hes had an perfect driving record since he was 17. Well when I went in to buy my first car ( brand new and financed, so I needed full coverage based on my state laws. ) Before I left the lot I called my chosen insurance company and they activated my insurance for me. To my dismay but not complete shock they told me they would have to raise the quote because I didn't have a driving record yet. ( At this point I had only had the license about 3-4 weeks I don't quite remember ). I was told this should clear up the next time I renew. Well my premium has actually gone up fifty dollars ( instead of down 150 )! I was shocked. So, out of curiosity I got quotes from other places now and it was just as expensive if not more so. What happened? I've had no moving or parking violations, my driving record is perfect. I thought I would ask the yahoo community before I call my insurance company to point fingers." How much would a 2001 vauxhall astra cost for insurance for a 17 year old male? No sites please i would like to know roughly how much... x How to become an insurance agent in california? How long does it take and where to go in ca central valley area or bay area anything about this would be greatly appreciated thanks! I have a question about the Subaru Wrx Sti and Insurance? Hi, My name is Adrian and I'm 20 years old and just go recently got 2008 scion TC 2 months ago, and yes I made a mistake because I should have gotten the used Subaru Wrx Sti 2005 and has 23,000 miles or above with modded exhaust. They are selling for 19k... Guys Do you thinks its ok to trade in my Scion Tc for subaru wrx sti??? I dont have credit and currently building it up by paying my car, insurance and cellphone... My insurance cost for my Scion Tc is $239 i know its high because 21 century consider it as a sports car not 3 door hatchback... Do you think my insurance will lower since the Subaru Wrx sti is older and its sedan... Thanks you!!!! BTW THIS IS THE SUBARU THAT I WANT TO TRADE IN" Having a baby in Texas with no insurance.? My friends husband died 10 days ago, he had a family insurance which now comes invalid tomorrow. What can she do, she has no money to pay insurance and is 7 months pregnant. Is there some sort of welfare or social help ? There is maybe a possible payout from 401k insurance and she could use that money but it may not arive in time."

"My car got impounded for no license or insurance? How much, and how can i get it back?" Hi, i got pulled over today for having my windshield cracked, now they impounded my car for 30 days because i had no license or insurance(I know) Can i get it back sooner? How much will it be at the end? I am in Arizona btw.." How much is car insurance for a 97 corolla? please don't say ask your insurance company because i wont know until a couple days later. i just got my license and im 17 years old and i have a 97 corolla. The car isnt in the BEST condition but its still in pretty good condition and i was wondering how much would the insurance be considering i took driving classes at the school and am dadap certified (that alcohol lesson thing) thanks Which car insurance companies aren't on comparison sites? I know direct line don't use them but what others don't? I've checked all the comparison sites but would just like to check the ones they don't cover. Thanks. "For a 17 year old, How much about is car insurance (relatively) and which places are cheaper? We were thinking State Farm or Country Can you name any specific health care costs or health insurance premiums ? 1) Can you name any specific health care costs or health insurance premiums that have decreased as a result of Obamacare ? 2) Can you name any specific health care costs or health insurance premiums that have not increased following Obamacare ? Will i lose my health insurance? i am a full time college sudent, 17 years old. i have HIP health insurance derived from my mother. (i have it since im the child). if i change my mailing address to be different then hers, will the insurance still cover me? thanks." I need a new credit card so I can pay my car insurance.? Can I get a new credit card then pay my 400+ car insurance with it and then be able to pay it off gradually without having interest rates added to the bill? The cards say 0% interest for the first 9 months BUT they then say if you pay your credit card bill in full you don`t have interest on it. What does this mean if it already states you don`t have interest for the first 9 months anyway? It doesn`t make sense, none of it." About how much would the minimum amount insurance cost a typical rider to drive a motorcycle? About how much would the minimum amount insurance cost a typical rider to drive a motorcycle?

How can you get around motorcycle insurance? I am trying to get a 2007 Kawasaki ZX-6R. I got denied for the kawasaki card, but they said I could probably get approved threw a bank or another lender. But that way I would need to get insurance, is there anyway of getting a loan without having to put insurance on the bike. I live in the state of florida if that helps." Buying auto insurance for the first time? lets say the policy will cost me 3,000 dollars. When i first buy the policy, do i pay the whole 3k up front or do i pay it in increments (i.e, 1500 for the first 6 months, then 1500 for the second)" Which is the best Health Insurance and Car insurance in NYC? if you know the answer to each or any let me know Thanks.... Car insurance i am looking for the cheapest as far as health insurance i am considering HIP PRime but not sure if its good.. if you know about hip let me know if thats a good choice.. only reason why i might choose that is because there are no copay and no deductibles :) FREE lol but i want to make sure its a good choice... besides the obviouse.. take care and i am thanking you in advance for your advise Can i get new york insurance while maintaining a florida tag? Can I get new York insurance while maintaining a Florida license plate? Who do you think has the best car insurance rates? Who do you think has the best car insurance rates? Car insurance $6000!?!?!? I'm 18 years old, have a clean driving record, and i drive a 2007 honda civic coupe. My name is insured on my parents honda pilot and lexus 350(suv). For some reason my insurance (for myself only not including famly) is around 6000. is this right? i'm under AAA and they said its going to be this expensive with any insurance company. I have 2 way coverage and and $250 deductable. Can someone name some other company that charges significantly less with coverage and a deductable just as good. Links and sources would be appreciated also" Insurance with US license. Loophole or stupidity? I am an 18 year old british citizen. I lived in the US for 6-7 years and got a license at the age of 16. I am now in the process of getting car insurance. and am wondering if this 'loophole' is technically legal. I can drive on my US license for up to 12 months, during that 12 months I can get a UK prov. license. take the driving lessons and do the theory/test to get my full UK license. while shopping around last night I noticed a website saying 'provisional insurance is cheap, but expect it to go up once you pass your test.' Now, I understand the reason why it's cheaper is due to the fact that you probably wouldn't be driving as much, and you need a 'known' driver with you in the car while you're driving. However, couldn't I be considered my own driver? If I have a

provisional license would I not be eligable for provisional license insurance? is this legal? or am I just being a hopeful idiot?" CAR INSURANCE?!?! the quotes im get...? I Recently passed my driving test, and now i cant seem to find a cheap insurance quote, the minimum im getting is 2000 pound a year!! im only 18 and live in england. does anybody know of any cheap insurance site's?" "Im 16 and i want to get a R6, i want to know how much it would cost for insurance?" I live in the U.S, Florida and i am taking the MSF course." How do i fight GAP insurance? hello.... so i purchased a vehicle in 2006..... didn't like it too much so i took it back to dealership and traded it for a different vehicle and bought full warranty on it. dealership said the warranty was good for 50000 miles or 4 years. the vehicle was totaled just recently and i owed about 7500 dollars on it. my insurance paid 6100 dollars for it and i was thinking ok no problem the gap will cover the rest , but the gap insurance is only paying 212 dollars on it. they said there was some left over loan on my old car which they will not cover... i don't know much this insurance crap but its really breaking my balls that i will have to paying almost a 1000 dollars out of my own pocket. is there any i can fight gap insurance and have them pay the entire left over loan??" What is online insurance? onlin insurance pr5ocess and ways and meaning Maturnity insurance? do anyone know of any insurance that cover maturnity that will not cost an arm and a leg. my husband had good insurance and they had a lay off and friday is out last day with that insurance so does anyone know of any insurance for maturnity coverage that would be a great help. Auto insurance info Help!? Im 18.yrs old and am planning to get a RED 96 mitsubichi eclipse rs ...i dont know how much the insurance is going to b and am wondering if itll be too much?? also wondering wat is the cheapest auto insurance in michigan? Car insurance coverage? So, my car was stolen from my driveway and was found crashed into two houses in a few towns over. My insurance policy doesn't cover theft/vandalism but it covers collision. Since my car was recovered from the theft but ultimately ended up in a collision, shouldn't I be covered? Professional opinions only, please."

Term Life Insurance at age 21? I am 21 and I was wondering if I should purchase a $1,000,000 term life insurance policy through USAA. I received a quote for $42.19 (and an additional $11.66 for waiver of disability) and the premium is guaranteed for 30 years. Do I need this policy at my age? Also, should I get the Waiver of Disability for $11.66 more per month? All answers are appreciated!" First Car help - cars with cheap insurance?!? I have been looking around at cars for ages now as i can start learning to drive in about 4 months. But as you know, when you first learn to drive insurance prices are a joke, my parents will pay for my first car and insurance but they are kinda stingey when it comes to insure so only wanna spend around 1.8k per year, but they dont mind buying me like a 4k car, they wanted to get me the new ford KA but i just don't really like it, I know i sound ungrateful but i'm just seeing what other options i have as im gonna be stuck with it for a good few years. I also quite like old cars like like MG MGB's, i also like the new fiat 500 but these are a little over my price range, please suggest some nice cars :( with cheap car insurance!! (so probably around 1L engines)" Health insurance for someone with a preexisting condition? I have heard about plans that are available through association memberships with limited benefits. Is this a legitimate method of obtaining coverage for someone who is otherwise ineligible for insurance? Any other suggestions? The high-risk pool insurance in California is not affordable. How much should i expect to pay for car insurance? im 20/ male/ new driver/ will be driving a used, regular, good condition, non-sport-car sedan, or something of like/ and in los angeles ca thanks" How much would car insurance cost for me? i'm a male, 17 years old, live in nj, no accidents/traffic violations, vehicle is a jeep wrangler from the 80s or 90s, i have state farm now" Can employers in California ask for medical record for insurance risk assessment? Can employers in California ask for medical record for insurance risk assessment? USA - healthcare for the uninsured? Is it true that if you get sick in the US and don't have insurance the staff @ the hospitals are not obliged to treat you? What if you got run-over for example? Or rescued from a housefire and were covered in burns? What are the requirements to be taken off my parents car insurance?

I plan on getting my own car insurance and moving out but my parents need my new living address and I don't wanna give it to them cause I don't want them knowing where i'm going to be living. Does the insurance require this type of information to remove my name? Can you name any specific health care costs or health insurance premiums ? 1) Can you name any specific health care costs or health insurance premiums that have decreased as a result of Obamacare ? 2) Can you name any specific health care costs or health insurance premiums that have not increased following Obamacare ?

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