Gastric Band Surgery

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Gastric Band Surgery Many individuals are choosing to have weight-loss surgery in Mexico, with gastric band surgery being the most popular. One of the main reasons for choosing Mexico is due to having world class surgeons at an affordable, lower cost. The amount of this weight-loss surgery varies from surgeon-to-surgeon, but the prices are significantly lower in Mexico. Although the price of surgery is more affordable in Mexico, the quality of the procedure is the same. Bariatric surgeons in Mexico are highly trained and skilled. Patients can conduct research about the healthcare facility’s accreditation history, and other gastric bypass surgery information through the many websites dedicated to medical tourism in Mexico. Before choosing a bariatric surgeon and facility in Mexico, you should make sure you are receiving the best care. It is wise to research several of the top bariatric surgeons in Mexico before making a final decision. Patients should verify where the surgeon has trained, and inquire about how many gastric band surgeries that the surgeon has performed. It is an unfortunate topic, but it is important to inquire about mortality rate, as well as the history of complications, especially those pertaining to gastric band surgery. Patients planning to have gastric band surgery in Mexico should be prepared to stay in the country for at least one week. The recovery time for gastric surgery is three days, but most surgeons in Mexico will requests a patient stay longer, to ensure no complications occur. Depending on the hospital, patients will either stay within the hospital or in a nearby hotel once discharged from the healthcare facility. Taking a companion is something you should also consider. This can help the patient receive the support and assistance needed once he is discharged from the hospital. If you do choose to have a gastric band operation in Mexico it is important that you find a way to have follow ups after you procedure. As these follow ups need to be with a bariatric surgeon once a month for several months following the procedure it is impractical to stay in Mexico; therefore you need to find a nearby bariatric surgeon that provides follow-up services. If no complications have occurred with the gastric band procedure, the patient can check-up with a bariatric surgeon every three months. Since gastric bypass is a complicated procedure, you should understand that you will need lifetime follow-up care after having this procedure done. Having gastric band surgery in Mexico is more affordable in comparison to the U.S which is mainly due to the high rate of malpractice suits and issues related to health insurance companies in the U.S. Patients will be under the care of highly skilled physicians in Mexico, and most of them are board certified in the U.S. Some of the bariatric surgeons in Mexico not only meet, but exceed the U.S. standards. The main differences in choosing a gastric band surgery in Mexico in contrast with the U.S., is the culture, location and price.

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