Gastric Sleeve Surgery in Mexico

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Gastric Sleeve Surgery in Mexico Gastric sleeve surgery is something you should consider if you have a bodymass index over 30 and can’t lose any more weight by diet or exercise. Weight loss surgery can be extremely expensive, but gastric sleeve surgery in mexico is less expensive than it in the United States. However, there's no diminution in the type of care you’ll receive in Mexico. What Is Gastric Sleeve Surgery? Much of the stomach is flexible and can expand to accommodate the food you eat. However, there is a part of the stomach that is quite rigid. In the gastric sleeve procedure, the surgeon cuts away much of the elastic part of your stomach, leaving only the inflexible part which he or she will staple shut. Even though this sounds drastic, the doctor can perform this operation laparoscopically. In laparoscopic surgery, the doctor can work through small incisions in your abdomen and with a tiny camera and a light. The doctor will be able to see what he or she is doing through a video monitor nearby. When the surgery is finished you will be left with a sleeve shaped, fairly rigid part of your stomach. The stomach will not be able to hold as much food as it did previously and further from this will not be able to expand as much. Another factor in the surgery is that the part of the stomach that’s been removed secretes ghrelin, a hormone that makes you hungry. One advantage of this kind of weight loss surgery is that it doesn’t involve the rest of your digestive system. It is also shown to be better for patients who are extremely obese or whose health is poor. Patients also recover faster than they would from a surgery that involved other organs of the digestive tract. The surgery takes about one and a half hours and you will need to spend about three to five days in the hospital and about two nights in a hotel. You will be able to go back to work in about three weeks. As with most weight loss surgeries, you will start on a liquid diet. Then, as your body heals, you will be able to eat pureed foods then resume a diet of solids. But you will not be able to eat as much food at one time as you could prior to surgery, which will contribute to weight loss. Another good factor of the gastric sleeve operation is that the weight loss is gradual. Problems including excess skin can occur if the patient loses weight too quickly. Gastric sleeve surgery is a fantastic option for those looking for weight loss surgery. Considering having your gastric sleeve surgery in Mexico should be considered if you want to save money but receive a high quality of service.

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