Bear Tracks - The WVU Tech Magazine Spring 2013

Page 19

volleyball court and 24% liked the

idea of a horseshoe and cornhole area. West Virginia University has

given WVU Tech $50,000 to help

with the redesign of the green space. Long’s plan is to put in the basketball court first because it was the most

popular among students. After the installation of the basketball court the plan is to look at putting in a picnic

shelter with the remaining funds. Long has even suggested the idea of trying

to raise additional funds in order to

be able to put in a larger picnic area. Once the final bids for the project are received the University will begin the site redesign process.

Since its opening in 1969, CoEd

has been a home away from home for

Tech alumni John Jarrett of Jarrett Construction and Ed Robinson of E.L. Robinson Engineering partnered with the TGBAA to create conceptual drawings for the wall project. They have donated their time and resources to give WVU Tech a landscape design and a cost estimate summary for each phase of the project.

You can leave your legacy with

many alumni. When the plans to raze

the purchase of a brick that will

year, the Tech Golden Bear Alumni

$100, you can have a brick engraved

the former dorm were announced last Association (TGBAA), in partner-

ship with WVU Tech, immediately went to work planning a fundraising

campaign to build a permanent sign

on the site to welcome future generations of Golden Bears.

become part of the welcome wall. For

with a commemorative message. Brick sales will be open to all alumni, faculty, staff, students and friends

of the university. The Association’s

fundraising goal is $30,000 and the campaign is expected to launch by



Steve Claywell,

Commencement in May.

“We have taken on this project

This is a project that is very important to the students and Tech campus.” Dr. Steve

“Our names will forever be linked with Tech through a one-time donation to the school that taught us so much.

because we see this as a way to create

Claywell added, “CoEd gave

a legacy for all of us that love Tech,”

many of us memories that are still

president. “With this project, our

we made lifelong friends, fell in love

said Steve Claywell, ’74, TGBAA

names will forever be linked with

Tech through a one-time donation to the school that taught us so much.”

For an additional $50 donation

to the Tech Golden Bear Alumni Association you can own a piece

with us today. It was the place where (and maybe even fell out of love), pulled all-nighters and relaxed after

long days of classes and activities. What better way to honor those memories than through this project.”

The CoEd site project promises

of the bricks that were saved

to bring new potential to WVU

assisting the TGBAA can e-mail

alive. Students and alumni collabo-

from CoEd. Those interested in or check the alumni website at for updates.

Tech while keeping its history rating for Tech’s future illustrates the pride that all Golden Bears share for our University.

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