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Training is important because it represents a good opportunity for everyone within a company to grow their knowledge base and improve their job skills to become more effective in the workplace. Despite the cost of training, the return on investment is immense if it is consistent. Below you will find some upcoming training opportunities you may be interested in.



Introductory Certificate in Bookkeeping using Big Red Cloud Business Accelerator Programme- 21st September GDP Champion 22nd September

This practical, certified course with 12 weeks’ access to Big Red Cloud gives you a strong foundation in Bookkeeping Principles using practical worked examples and realto-life case studies. You will also be introduced to VAT and RCT as well the key skill of Cash Budgeting.

FIND OUT MORE This 10 stage program has been created by Simon Haigh and Jason Cooper to address the most relevant, and sought after, skills for any aspiring entrepreneur and established SME owner in 2021. You will finish the course will the skillns and information you need to succeed.

FIND OUT MORE Involved in manufacturing, transportation or storage of pharmaceutical or medical devices? Do you need a better understanding of your responsibilities to ensure supply chain compliance?

If so, this is the webinar for you.