What's the 411? Atlanta

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What’s the 411? Atlanta: Christian Events


Interview with Playwright, Shenise Blake

June 2nd at 2pm, 5pm and 8pm Georgia Tech Student Center Theater, Atlanta Tickets $15 in advance, Package Deal 2 for $25 http://brokentheplay.eventbrite.com Broken is a story of forgiveness, faith and facades. When the matriarch of the family passes away, the dynamics of the family change. Can the family survive the lies, hurt and pain or will they stay broken? The play focuses on four sisters and their not so traditional views of grief. The comedic nuances and powerful singing by this dynamic cast is sure to be a hit that you don’t want to miss. Special appearance by Jermel Howard from the films “The Brave One” and “Queen of Media”. About GIPSEE Production GIPSEE is an acronym that means “God’s Inspired Poetic Scribes Enlighten Everyone.” A percentage of GIPSEE Productions proceeds will go to Sophie’s Voice Foundation and the Fuller Center for Housing.

May 2012

What inspired you to write this play? After suffering the devastating loss of my mother, I poured my grief into writing the explosive play “Broken” which deals with the very real aftermath of grief’s impact on the family left behind after a sudden death. What advice would you offer to others on how to heal from the loss of a mother? Reflect on the good times you had with her, give yourself permission to grieve, don't dwell on what you didn't do and lean on God. Know that there is no 'right' way to grieve but with time, love and God, there is healing after you have been broken.

Find more events at www.The411ATL.com


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