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Maturity is commonly used word, but when asked what the word means many people simply shrug their shoulders. Maturity isn't a word that has a clear definition. Being based primarily on one's connotation, it doesn't mean the same thing to everyone. Personally I picked this word up through context. However, upon doing a careful study of where this word originates and other's connotation's, I feel I've achieved a relatively good understanding. Webster claims the word to mean "based on slow careful consideration," but I feel there is much more to this word than that. How can a word our society uses so much have such a loose definition. Teacher's and parents refer to their children as mature or immature. But maybe one teacher's definition more content...

However can one express maturity at all times? Maybe someone's "best possible outcome" differs from another, who is then more mature? Again, maturity is driven from one's own connotation. This is why there is such confusion in adolescents and their push to become mature. In Joyce Carol Oates – Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been, there is a conflict with maturity. Connie, the stories main character, feels she is extremely mature, so she does stuff in her opinion mature people do. This leads to a stranger showing up on her doorstep asking her to come outside and drive away with him. The story says, "She could see then that he wasn't a kid, he was much older–thirty, maybe more. At this knowledge her heart began to pound faster." It concludes with Connie leaving with the man and our imaginations predicting the rest. This story helps to demonstrate the differences on the ideas of maturity. One hundred years ago, at the turn of the century, maturity was viewed much differently then now. Children were supposed to of been "seen not heard" and were considered mature by staying out of affairs. Now–a–days, society's stressing that everyone's opinion matters. Back in 2003, fourteen year old Brittany Bergquist and her brother twelve year old brother Robbie started a program known as Cell phones for Soldiers. The aim of this company is to donate a total of twelve million dollars in prepaid phone cards to the soldiers to call home via donations of old phones. We Get more content

Essay about Defining Maturity

Definitions of health

It is fairly difficult to define health as there are no agreements between scholars. This is why many sociologists focus their research on the different issues and problems of ill health.

Positive definition of health: positive health looks at the physical, emotional, intellectual aspects of a person's wellbeing. This is in the way that they do not have any diseases or ailments.

An example of the positive definition of health in a health and social care is a nurse in who is working in a hospital can say to one of their patients that have recently started exercising to become more 'healthier' 'you look very healthy'.

Positive health looks at what aspects of health are there and which ones make us more content...

An example of holistic health could be that a psychologist's client may have bipolar disorder and the psychologist would still focus on all of the other aspects of their client's life and not just on the symptoms the client is experiencing of bipolar disorder. Holistic health looks as everything as a whole and never different aspects of health individually.

World Health Organisation definition of health: the World Health Organisation defines health as "not merely an absence of disease, but a state of complete physical, mental, spiritual and social well–being."

An example of health defined by the World Health Organisation in a health and social care setting could be that in order for a patient of a doctors surgery to be healthy they would have to have a complete state of physical, mental, spiritual and social well–being. This means that if a patient was in a wheel chair they could never be seen as healthy as they do not have a complete state of physical well–being. The World Health Organisation thinks that people must have all complete aspects to be completely healthy.

'The Clinical Iceberg' is a term used to call the levels of illnesses that are found from official statistics. This is because some people do not always seek medical attention when they become ill therefore these official statistics may not be correct and showing the 'true' levels of

on Definitions of Health
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Definition Essay


Definition Essay

Definition: The aim in this essay is to define, explain, and exemplify something. Generally, in definition essays, we try to make the terms that we use understandable for the reader. Our understanding of a term may be different from the general concept, or we may be focusing on a specific aspect. Giving an exact definition would enable the reader to follow the ideas and arguments in your essay. Organization: Definition of a term is generally given in the introduction. The development of the essay is dedicated to the explanation of the term. There are many ways to explain a term. It is also possible to employ more than one of these methods of development. Below are some of the types of organization more content...

Love is not another seasoning to bottle and stick on the dust–lined shelves of the spice rack. Love is not to be confused with adhesive tape. Instead, love is a great counterpart to late, evening thunder storms on hot July nights. Love goes well with cold pizza on picnic blankets. Love is cold, wet sand between bare toes. Love is a capitalistic sell–all for novels, Top–40 pop songs, summer movies, and greeting cards.

Copyright @ 2006 Bogazici University SFL 2 of 3

DEFINITION ESSAY In its simplest terms, love is a four–letter word. Much like other words of similar letter make up, when expressed it can evoke laughter, pleasure, pain, anger, and virtually any wave of reaction. Love also can be confused with feelings of indigestion and gas. Houses have been built, burned, and banished because of love. retrieved May 12, 2004

Copyright @ 2006 Bogazici University SFL

Copyright @ 2006 Bogazici University SFL 3 of Get more content

The definition of literature has been discussed and argued over time and there is no precise answer to be given. Any reader or author can define literature as whatever they wish it to be defined as. This is more of an opinion of how one views certain pieces of work or writings and whether or not they feel that is actually literature or not. Literature is any type of creative writing such as fiction or poetry, for example. Literature is also any form of body of written works of language, which could be from the English era or even as far back as the Shakespearean or Elizabethan era. It is also work from a specific period or culture defining key elements or somehow relating to and/or expressing how it is exactly from that time. more content...

In her poem, "Dylan" in lines 4 and 5, she writes, "Her hair was a halo of warm light / and color dripped off her tongue" (23). The reader can interpret just from those two lines the creativity and imagination not only in that one poem, but also in all poetry. The description of hair being a halo of warm light allows the reader to use his or her own imagination to perceive that image in whichever way they would like. Creative writing can be determined by many other things not only image or structure of how the poem is set into stanzas, but what is left up to the reader for interpretation. Jewel writes in "Cautious" in lines 23–29, "an open vessel / whose function it was / to be filled / until my consciousness / could return and / spit out / the bad seeds" (18). After reading these lines the reader can be left with different feelings and emotions that vary from disgust or simplicity. This is just another example of how poetry is creative writing. According to the American Heritage Dictionary, literature is defined as being the body of written works of a language, period, or culture. An author of any specific type of writing or works can include certain details pertaining to language or other details, which allow the reader to develop a sensory image of that specific period or culture. If the reader had no prior knowledge to the language, period, or culture of the writing he or she would be reading, upon reading and analyzing

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Sometimes a person may feel that they have no purpose in life. Finding out who you are just takes the time of sitting down and thinking of the importance in your life. Who am I? I am Mercedes Kimberly Kingston, and I am a person with different personalities, characteristics, and identities. The many ways, in which I identify myself, in fact, are the ways that define who I am. My Identity is something only I can fully define. I have a little brother, which makes me a sister; I have two loving parents, which makes me a daughter; I am in college studying medicine, which makes me a student; and I have wonderful friends in desperate need of support, which makes me a wonderful best friend. Before anything, I am a big sister more content...

It is seen as an essential part of learning and using what you learn in class. But when you get loads of class work and have very little time to finish it, then it becomes an unnecessary burden. Yet, sometimes, for me, it is the fact that I procrastinate that prevents me from completing a task. For college student, like myself who is working to pay for college, large amounts of class work usually brings lots of stress and fear of not being able to get good grades in many of my classes. Yet, I have support from my family, friends, and some peers who encourage me to put up a good fight in reaching my goal. I am a student that has gone through so much to get here, where I am. There were times that I had strong feelings that I would never be in college, just because of the negative energy I forced upon myself. Since pre–K, I have had this problem that if I can't do something I just give up, and stop trying. I still have this problem, but I have learned to get a control on it. The biggest problem was graduating from high school. I never thought that I would ever graduate. But I knew, as a student, I should at least try and show my teachers that I am putting effort. And now, I'm in college, studying pre–med, and hoping to become either a pediatrician, or a NFL Doctor. Growing up as a daughter to a single mom, was, I think, the best experience ever. I was, and am still, very spoiled. I always had everything that I ever wanted. And

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Defining Myself Essay

Team Player A team player can be associated to any type of profession a person participates. The dictionary defines team players as a number of people associated together in work or activity. Team players are the type of people with a tremendous personality who contribute and motivate themselves in many areas. They include the military, sports, work, and families. However, there are a few things team players are not. Let us explore these aspects closer. A team player must have a tremendous personality to be successful. A tremendous personality includes being friendly, tactful, and diplomatic. A friendly personality is good to help keep the other players in harmony. It is imperative to have a friendly personality so others more content...

When a team player gives time to other members of the team, other team members hold him in high praise. This will affect team members putting forth additional effort. Sometimes team players will contribute money if it helps the team reach its goal. Overall, team players contribute their ideas, time, and money to bring the morale of the whole team to the highest possible level. A tremendous personality and contribution will lead to positive motivation on a team. Motivation is the key to why team players try so viciously. A team player motivates the people around him/her by always having a positive attitude. Being recognized as a leader, he/she must set forth a good example. There are two ways a team player can show motivation. They are always striving for mission accomplishment and constantly wanting the team to be successful. A team player strives for mission accomplishment by showing no concern for his/her own individual needs. This will make the team want to work together as one until a particular task is accomplished. As a result, the team will be successful and show great pride and dignity in whatever missions that may arise in the future. Therefore, a team that achieves mission accomplishment and team success will produce many team players where everyone is a leader. Team players can be found in different types of groups. They are in the military service, on sports teams, in the work place, and inside of families. In the military, they are usually the leaders

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