WBC 2012-2013 Viewbook

Page 5

Dr. Walter Norvell Department:

Christian Ministries


Assistant Professor of Christian Ministries


B.A., Union University (Sociology)

(Counseling & Personnel Services)

M.A.R.E., Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary

Ph.D., Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (Concentrations in Foundations,

Church Administration, and Youth Ministry)

Areas of expertise:

How People Learn; How Teachers Can Help Students Learn More Effectively; Spiritual Transformation; The Role of the Holy Spirit in Teaching and Learning

Outside interests:

Fishing, camping, gardening, antique and flea markets.

M.S., University of Memphis

Every person has a worldview, either consciously or unconsciously. We have ways to make sense of reality even if we are not aware of them. —Walter Norvell, Ph.D.


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