Westside's November Newsletter 2015

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Ecuador 2016 T

his coming July 2016, Westside will be sending a team to Shandia, Ecuador. This will be our third trip down since 2012. Each visit has been an incredible time of developing relationships with the local community as we spend the week living in their village, working hard to meet the physical and spiritual needs of the people.

don’t know your ministry gifts, that’s okay. You’d be surprised at how your very presence is a gift, and guaranteed you will have an impact on people’s lives just by going and building relationships and showing care towards the people of Ecuador. Not only will you impact them, but your very life will be transformed in the process.

At Westside, we believe that if you are willing and able, God will use you. If you don’t think you have much to offer, or

No matter who you are, what your skills or giftings are, what age or gender, we know you can make a difference!

If you or anyone you know are interested, there will be an information session on,

NOVEMBER 8TH AFTER BOTH THE 9:15AM & 11:15AM SERVICES in the youth room to fill in the details and to answer any questions you may have. I look forward to seeing you there! Ashley Calvert Missions Coordinator

CELEBRATING BAPTISM SUNDAY NOVEMBER 29 9:15 & 11:15 Please speak to Pastor Dave or email him at dave@wbchamilton.com if you are interested




Saturday, November 7th 9:00am - 12:00pm

Sunday, November 15th please have your shoeboxes dropped off

Thursday, November 19th meet in Fellowship Room: 7pm

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October Unified Giving: $12,290

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