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Princess Mary Gate Helicopter Park

Editor's Note: This is an excerpt of the statement from Wendover Parish Council on 14 January 2022. The full statement can be found at https://wendovernews.co.uk/news/an-update-from-wendoverparish-council-regarding-the-helicopter-park-in-princess-mary-gate/

As Chair of Wendover Parish Council (WPC), I am giving an update on the background to the removal of the Helicopter Park. The park is owned by the Ministry of Defence, not owned or maintained by the Parish Council. As such WPC have no jurisdiction over what happens to the equipment or facilities as it is essentially private property.

The Helicopter Park at the Princess Mary Gate development has been subject to vandalism for some time. Initially an idea to install CCTV was put to RAF Halton by the Council, in a bid to stop the damage. The RAF reported that CCTV could not be installed on MOD land. The Royal Air Force Police stepped up their patrols in an effort to prevent further damage.

Over the last year the park has been fenced off at times, when vandalism has caused the park to be unsafe. In November, the Council received notification from the RAF Halton Wing Commander stating that the repair cost for the past couple of years was already £8,000. They made the decision that any further damage would result in the removal of equipment that would ultimately lead to the closure of the park. The residents on the estate were informed in November.

Sheila Bulpett, Chair, Wendover Parish Council