Fall 2016 Program Planning Meeting

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Program Planning Meeting Fall 2016

Agenda LIVE 


Payments & Financial Aid

Program Timeline

LEARN Course Information  Expectations & Participation Agreement 


Internship Search Process

Live The UC Washington Center 

Located in the heart of D.C.’s bustling Northwest District

Only a short walk to two major Metro stations

Conveniently located adjacent to Dupont Circle

Housing Payments Total Housing Cost: $3,306.00 IMPORTANT deadlineS Please do not make the first housing payment before the due date below. The other two payments can be made before their deadlines. Date: Monday, May 16, 2016

First Housing Payment & Processing Fee NOTE: Please do NOT submit the first payment or processing fee prior to this deadline.

Action Needed: Make $1,102.00 + payment coupon + $20 non-refundable processing fee + payment coupon to the cashiers office.

Second Housing Payment Only the 2nd and 3rd housing payments can be made before their deadlines.

Action Needed: Make $1,102.00 + payment coupon to the cashiers office.

Third Housing Payment Only the 2nd and 3rd housing payments can be made before their deadlines.

Action Needed: Make $1,102.00 + payment coupon to the cashiers office.

Date: Wednesday, June 15th, 2016

Date: Friday, July 15th, 2016

It is the students’ full responsibility to make all housing payments by the payment deadline. Students will not receive a bill or invoice by the campus. Fees must be paid by the deadlines listed unless the student is on a financial aid deferment plan. How to Make a Payment We would prefer that all housing payments be submitted directly to the cashier’s office in Dutton Hall (mailing address can be found on the Cashier’s Office Website) Checks should be made payable to UC Regents. Students should list their name, student identification number and the participation quarter on the check and submit it with a payment coupon to ensure the payment is credited to the correct account.

Financial Aid The rent at the Washington Center is $3,306.00. If you are a student receiving financial aid, you can elect to be on the housing payment deferment plan. The deferment plan allows students to be billed the total housing cost by the student fee deadline on September 15, 2016. You are responsible for paying all the housing cost by this deadline. Please note that you will not receive a paper bill. Students with an unpaid balance will be assessed a late fee and dropped from their classes. Do You Want Your Housing Payment Deferred For the Fall 2016 Quarter? Email Cheryl Purifoy by Friday, April 29, 2016. Please put this in the subject line of your email "Last Name, First Name: Financial Aid Deferment Request". Example: Purifoy, Cheryl: Financial Aid Deferment Request. IMPORTANT deadlineS Deferment Request (See directions above in yellow box) $20 Non-Refundable Processing Fee + Payment Coupon

DUE: Friday, April 29, 2016

Make checks payable to UC Regents. Please include your student ID number on the check. Do not submit this fee prior to deadline.

DUE: Monday, May 16, 2016

Total Housing Payment ($3,306.00) Â

Pay fees by September 15th to avoid the drop for non-payment process. Please visit the Financial Aid Calendar to see the fee deadlines.

Payment Deferred until Thursday, September 15, 2016

Students on financial aid are still required to pay the onetime processing fee of $20.00 due on Monday, May 16th.


Class rooms in the UC Washington Center Small class sizes

Hands-on research opportunities

Great faculty

Course Information

Register through UC Washington Center  

Ignore UC Davis pass times (yikes!) Emailed registration instructions from UCDC center

View course listings on UCDC website  

Syllabi Professor contact information

Course Information

Students will receive 12-16 units of credit for the following: 

Internship – 8 units

Core Seminar Course (Research Seminar) – 4 units

Optional: Upper Division Elective Course – 4 units

Courses UC Washington Center in DC

Sample Fall 2016 Classes Core Seminars (Also called research seminar) 

Congress and Politics in Washington, D.C. This thematic research seminar will explore the history of Congress. General Research This seminar complements the internship experience of participants in the UCDC Quarter in Washington program. General Research (UCLA only) This seminar complements the internship experience of participants in the UCDC Quarter in Washington program and is the keystone classroom component of the program. International Development This is an introductory course to the international development field. U.S. Supreme Court Gay marriage. The death penalty. Abortion. Health care. Cell phone privacy. The U.S. Supreme Court has heard cases on all of these topics in recent years, and its decisions ultimately touch the lives of all Americans. Washington Focus Our nation’s capital is a center of governance and politics but also of historical sites, research institutes, arts and cultural institutions, and diverse communities. Washington Media This seminar will explore the rapidly changing relationship between the news media, political communication and governing. Washington offers the perfect backdrop with the opportunity to visit iconic institutions, such as the White House Press Room.

What we expect from you… Participation Agreement 

Student & UC representative

Campus & program standards of conduct apply:

 

Washington Center Everywhere else (e.g. internship organization, community, etc.)

Fulfill program requirements on campus

e.g. meetings, workshops, documents, etc.

Subject to discipline measures of program and university

Participation Agreement continued 

Fulfill academic requirements

Issues regarding residence life will be referred to the Residential Services Director of the UC Washington Center

Subject to all University and campus policies

What can you expect from us? 

Advising  Drop-In Advising: 1350: The Grove, formerly Surge III

Professional Development  Online workshops  Internship Search, Resume & Cover Letter, Interview Skills, Professionalism  Resume, Cover Letter & Internship Search COFFEE HOUR Guidance Monday, May 16th Tuesday, May 17th Time: 3:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. Location: Room 1353 The Grove, formerly Surge III

Resume, Cover Letter, & Internship Search We will help you to write, review and format your resume and cover letter to make you the most competitive candidate possible. We have scheduled three coffee hours. You are welcome to attend any or all of these events. If you cannot attend these events go to the ICC events.

Internship Interns carry a variety of responsibilities, including researching, writing, and attending and reporting congressional hearings. In addition, students may be responsible for general office organization and upkeep. The most successful interns are competent at working individually or in group settings, and are committed to learning as much as possible from the experience. Students working for academic credit work three to four days per week (24-32 hours) to allow time for academic and research obligations. Internships with Early Deadlines Because of the need to satisfy a security clearance, some internship deadlines occur before Washington Program deadlines. These organizations include the Department of State, the Department of Defense, and the White House.

Program Planning Meeting

s es oc

DC g in

The Internship Process


Int ern in

Individual Advising Available


Secure Your Internship

ar Se

Arrival in DC!


Submit Internship Proposal

Submit Internship Search Form

sh rn te In

Submit Final Student & Advisor Internship Evaluations

Application Process ICC and CLL Professional Workshops

Resume & Cover Letter Coffee Hour

Resume & Cover Letter Review

Advising 

Individual Advising Meeting(s)

Drop-In Advising 

1350 The Grove (formerly Surge III). Check contact page for hours

Social Media

Social Media

Social Media

Social Media

Social Media

Ways to get and stay involved with the campus program while you're in DC While in DC Name that Gnome Take that Gnome Be a blogger Picture contests Send picture or post to Instagram When you return • Be an ambassador. Ambassadors are automatically featured on the website & marketing materials • Be a mentor to a student coming the next quarter

Announcements Fr i day, Apr i l 29t h Wr i t e t h e f o l l o wi n g i n t h e s u b j e c t l i n e o f y o u r e ma i l : " La s t Na me , Fi r s t Na me : Fi n a n c i a l Ai d De f e r me n t Re q u e s t . " Monday, May 2nd Co mp l e t e t h e o n l i n e h o u s i n g c ont r a c t . I n s t r u c t i o n s wi l l g o o u t o n Fr i d a y , Ap r i l 29t h


I f you a r e c ur r e nt l y on f i na nc i a l a i d a n d wi s h t o h a v e y o u r h o u s i n g p a y me n t s d e f e r r e d , p l e a s e s e n d a n e ma i l r e q u e s t t o c p u r i f o y @u c d a v i s . e d u . On l y s t u d e n t s c u r r e n t l y o n f i n a n c i a l a i d c a n b e p l a c e d o n a d e f e r me n t p l a n .


Pl ease gi ve st af f 2- 3 days t o r evi ew your document s and r espond back t o you.



Thur sday, May 5t h

Monday, May 16t h Make $1, 102. 00 + $20. 00 nonr ef undabl e pr ocessi ng f ee + payment coupon t o t he cashi er of f i ce.

Monday, May 16t h Tuesday, May 17t h Ti me: 3: 00 p. m. - 5: 00 p. m. Locat i on: Room 1353 The Gr ove ( f or mer l y Sur ge I I I )

Th i s f o r m c a n t a k e u p t o t wo h o u r s t o c o mp l e t e . Th e I n t e r n s h i p Se a r c h Fo r m wi l l b e u s e d t o ge ne r a t e l i s t s of i nt e r ns hi p oppor t uni t i e s t o he l p you t hr oughout t he s e a r c h a n d a p p l i c a t i o n p r o c e s s e s . Pl e a s e r e f e r t o t h e r e s o u r c e ma n u a l f o r t i p s o n t he i nt e r ns hi p s e a r c h.

FI RST HOUSI NG PAYMENT & PROCESSI NG FEE DUE Not e: Pl ease do NOT submi t t he f i r st payment or pr ocessi ng f ee pr i or t o t he deadl i ne. Fi n a n c i a l Ai d s t u d e n t s wh o a r e o n a d e f e r me n t p l a n d o n o t n e e d t o ma k e a n y h o u s i n g p a y me n t s u n t i l Se p t e mb e r 1 5 , 2 0 1 6 . Ho we v e r , t h e y wi l l s t i l l b e r e s p o n s i b l e f o r pa yi ng t he $20. 00 pr oc e s s i ng f e e b y t h e May 16, 2016 d e a d l i n e .

May 30t h t o June 3r d

I n your emai l pl ease i ncl ude your f ul l name and st udent I D number , and i ndi cat e t hat you have been accept ed i nt o t he Washi ngt on Pr ogr am f or Fal l 2016. Tuesday, May 31st

FI NANCI AL AI D REVI EW St udent s on, or who have r ecent l y appl i ed f or , f i nanci al ai d can cont act Fi nanci al Ai d Of f i cer Soua Lo at sxl o@ucdavi s. edu f or i nf or mat i on r egar di ng f i nanci al ai d. De a d l i n e f o r s u b mi t t i n g 1 0 a ppl i c a t i ons t o i nt e r ns hi p or ga ni z a t i ons Al umni Mi xer & Di nner 5: 00- 6: 00pm Get t o know your t eam and l ear n about past exper i ences f r om al umni !

Tuesday, May 31st 5: 00- 7: 00pm TBD

COFFEE HOUR Resume, Cover Let t er , & I nt er nshi p Sear ch We wi l l hel p you t o wr i t e, r evi ew and f or mat your r esume and cover l et t er t o make you t he most compet i t i ve candi dat e possi bl e. We have schedul ed t hr ee cof f ee hour s. You ar e wel come t o at t end any or al l of t hese event s. I f you cannot at t end t hese event s go t o t he I CC event s.

Act i on: Up d a t e y o u r r e s u me b a s e d o n t h e a d v i c e you r e c e i ve a t c of f e e hour s or t he I nt e r ns hi p a n d Ca r e e r ( I CC) wo r k s h o p s . I f you c a nnot a t t e nd a ny of t he e ve nt s a bove , r e f e r t o t he r e s o u r c e ma n u a l f o r i n s t r u c t i o n s . Pl e a s e s e n d y o u r c o v e r l e t t e r AND r e s u me t o g e t h e r a s a wo r d d o c u me n t ( NOT a p d f ) t o wa s h i n g t o n p r o g r a m@u c d a v i s . e d u f o r r e v i e w. An y r e s u me s t h a t a r e n o t f o r ma t t e d a c c o r d i n g t o t h e i n s t r u c t i o n s wi l l b e r e t u r n e d wi t h o u t r e v i e w.

Wednesday, June 15t h Ma k e $1, 102 + p a y me n t c o u p o n t o t he c a s hi e r of f i c e . Fr i day, Jul y 15t h Ma k e $1, 102. 00 + p a y me n t c o u p o n t o t he c a s hi e r of f i c e .

Roommat e Soci al

6: 00- 7: 00pm Roommat es wi l l be det er mi ned. St udent s who cannot at t end t hi s event wi l l be aut omat i cal l y pai r ed wi t h a r oommat e. I f you f i nd a r oommat e pr i or t o t he event , send t he name( s) t o washi ngt onpr ogr am@ucdavi s. edu wi t h al l r oommat e( s) copi ed on t he emai l .

SECOND HOUSI NG PAYMENT DUE Fi nanci al Ai d st udent s do not make t hi s payment i f on t he def er ment pl an. THI RD HOUSI NG PAYMENT DUE Fi n a n c i a l Ai d s t u d e n t s d o n o t ma k e t h i s p a y me n t i f o n t h e d e f e r me n t p l a n .

TOTAL HOUSI NG PAYMENT DUE Fi nanci al Ai d St udent s Onl y Thur sday Jul y 15t h

St u d e n t Fe e Pa y me n t De a d l i n e —La s t da y t o: Pa y f e e s a n d a v o i d t h e d r o p f o r n o n - p a y me n t p r o c e s s .


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