Viva!Life Issue 55

Page 39

Vegfest and Viva! a marriage made in heaven The passionate people behind VegfestUK have kindly invited Viva! to be their guests of honour at this year’s highly-anticipated Bristol show, which many thousands of people will attend. To celebrate our 20th year as a voice for animals around the world, we saw it fit to do it in style, with our very own Viva! marquee. We will have a large selection of stalls and the Viva! Team will be in full force, selling our guaranteed vegan merchandise, providing details of our many campaigns and answering ANY question you might have about food, recipes, nutrition – in fact anything about going or staying vegan! NEW for this year, we will be offering free goody bags, available exclusively at the show to those who take out membership. You can help yourself to free ‘go vegan’ packs and we’ll be launching our

hot-off-the-press Everyone’s Going Dairy-Free guide – chock full of recipes and essential information for new vegans. For more information on Viva! Talks and Cookery Demos at the show, be sure to visit for daily programme schedules. See you there!

VegfestUK’s tireless director, Tim Barford, says: “Viva! are a top, top team. What they've achieved in their first 20 years – and especially in the last decade whilst in Bristol – has been nothing short of phenomenal. But it's the thought of what they could achieve over the next 20 years, especially if enough people get behind them, that inspires me hugely. Viva! are very, very welcome as special guests at our event for 2014.” 39

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