Yo Vizag Magazine February 2010

Page 57

Uncommon: Finding Your Path to Significance by Tony Dungy Former†Indianapolis Colts†head†coach Tony Dungy†is out with his latest book -Uncommon: Finding Your Path to Significance. This†is not a football book but has its fair share of football examples. The book focuses on what it means to be a man of connotation in a†society†that is offering young men so few positive role models. Itís an important book for everybody whoís interested in an honest and heartfelt example of how to live a significant life ó an ìuncommonî life that can be far from how the world is defining success these days. Coach Dungy always has a technique of getting himself out of any trouble he is in. The book talks about different topics we all face in everyday life in a way that makes you feel like thereís still hope. Itís a great way to gain a further perspective on his thoughts with specific examples from his own experiences.

Deathís Mistress by Karen Chance Deathís Mistress is the second book featuring Karen Chanceís vampireslaying heroine Dory Basarab. This book is a sequel of her first book Midnightís Daughter. Events in Deathís Mistress follow on from about a month after where Midnightís Daughter left off. The story has characters and a romance plotline that spans both books. With a plot that spans the layline racing World Championship, illegal Fey artifact smuggling, mysterious murders, the machinations of the Fey royal court and the political manoeuvrings of the vampire senate, readers will need to be paying attention to all the twists and turns along the way or risk being left behind. Deathís Mistress is fast paced but the plotís linear timeframe makes it easy to follow. With its vampcentric storyline Deathís Mistress is recommended reading for vampire fantasy. Fans will be pleased to know that Karen Chance has been contracted to write a third book in this series. Yo Vizag 57 February 2010

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