Fall 2013

Page 76

Cling to Hope: M u s ta r d S e e d N e c k l ac e A lone yellow seed dances within the glass chamber of an intricately-cast pendant as a constant reminder. Engraved back: ”If you have faith as a grain of mustard seed...nothing shall be impossible unto you.” 1H” pendant, 30” chain. Organza pouch. #21998 $19.95 ($40. value)

F i l i g r e e C r o s s P e n da n t

A delicately scrolled cross pendant is blessed with opalescent crystals with a tendency to favor bluish-rose and mint hues. Chain 26”. Pendant 2”. #22292 $19.95 ($25. value)

C ry s ta l B a l l W at c h

A glass sphere harbours a magnified quartz timepiece within a tasseled brass frame. 1” pendant. #20595 $39.95 ($60. value) 32” chain.

My Cat’s L o c k e t The larger chamber, guarded by a smug cat, provides for a pair of small photos within, while kitty dangles a tinier locket of her own. Chain 32”, Locket 1”. USA. #8338 $49.95 C oordinating K itty ’s C apture R ing (online). #20002.

D e m u r e V i o l e t s J e w e l ry

The shy purple bloom is enameled upon a Swarovski crystal and marcasite heart motif. Inspired from an art deco design. 18” necklace, 1H” pendant. USA. Necklace . #22088 $39.95 Violet E arrings . 1H”. #22089 $29.95

Beribboned Amethyst Pin

Countless marcasites are painstakingly set by hand upon a vintage replica brooch that appears to be an estate jewel. Genuine Austrian crystals. #13539 $39.95 ($45. value) 2”.

Amber & Sterling

H u mm i n g b i r d ’ s R o s e

When pressed against the skin, the acid in amber is believed to strengthen immunity, energize, relieve muscle pain, and emits a soft fragrance when warmed by one’s heat. Sterling Silver. 18" chain. 1H” pendant. #22508 $59.95 ($80. value) A mber Rose E arrings .(online) #21592 $39.95

Iced Delicacy C ry s ta l H e a d b a n d This chain of meticulously hand set stones is a subtle version of the tiara. #6834 $24.95 ($30. value) Nocturnium

S t e a mp u n k C u ff B r ac e l e t

An early scientific instrument for controlling moonlight wavelength emulations, this filigreed band is handcrafted by metal smiths in England of purest pewter and gold brass. #20721 $69.95

W i n d s w e p t B r ac e l e t

A picturesque nymph cast from an Art Nouveau match safe is rendered to the wrist adornment. Ornamental silver-plate embellishments and hinged cuff. Handcrafted by the legendary designer Miss Ellie Mathias. 2H” face. USA. #22086 $89.95



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