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Conforming to code

Vermont needs it as we work toward reducing greenhouse gases and battle climate change.

As a buyer of a service, homeowners have a significant say in ensuring that their home is safe, comfortable, healthy, durable, energy-efficient, and one that uses products that absorb carbon — all of which are hallmarks of a high-performance building. That should be the new standard for home building, and we need to help builders achieve that standard.

To guarantee that a home building or retrofitting project can stand the test of time, it is essential to hire a “high-performance certified” builder to prevent potential disasters. Although referrals can be helpful, they may not be adequate to ensure longterm durability and performance. Poor work performance, such as inadequate water, air and thermal control layers; insufficient flashing around windows and doors; and lack of attention to exterior water drainage, can lead to severe

Williston’s Community Newspaper Since 1985 www.willistonobserver.com

P.O. Box 1401, Williston, VT 05495 | 802-489-5499


Rick Cote, Associate Publisher rick@willistonobserver.com



Jason Starr editor@willistonobserver.com


Jan Kenney jan@willistonobserver.com


Susan T. Cote susan@willistonobserver.com


Michael McCaffrey office@willistonobserver.com


Friday at 5 p.m. for the next Thursday issue rick@willistonobserver.com, 802-373-2136


Deadline is Friday 5 p.m. There is a fee for business, real estate, help wanted and legal ads. Free classifieds must be 25 words or fewer and are printed on a space available basis.


Deadline is Monday noon for Thursday issue. News/ story tips are welcomed. Letters to the Editor must be 300 words or fewer and should include your name, address and a daytime phone number so that we can verify the letter’s author.

The Williston Observer reserves the right to edit or refuse submissions or advertising. Opinions expressed in the paper are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the paper.

A publication of Twin Ponds Publishing LLC