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Federal program lowers barriers to rooftop solar

top off fuel tanks.

• Plan ahead; combine errands or activities and avoid extra driving.

• Inflate tires properly; cars with soft tires can take up to 5 percent more energy to operate.

• Purchase an electric or a more fuel-efficient vehicle; Compare electric vehicle models available in Vermont, at Drive Electric Vermont’s website: https://www.driveelectricvt.com.

• Keep vehicles in good repair: Repairing a vehicle before extensive problems occur can save money, increase performance and help to protect the environment. Vehicle emissions warranties exist to help protect health and the environment. Vermont law requires more extensive emissions system warranty coverage than what is required under federal law.

At a late-June event in Waterbury, Vermont’s Congressional delegation joined U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Michael Regan to announce a $7 billion grant competition for rooftop and residential solar that will increase access to affordable, resilient and clean solar energy for low-income households in Vermont and across the country.

Established by the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, the “Solar for All” program will award up to 60 grants to states, territories, Tribal governments, municipalities and nonprofits to expand existing low-income solar programs and develop and implement new solar programs nationwide.

“At a time when people are struggling to make ends meet, all while dealing with the existential threat of climate change, we must make residential rooftop solar a reality for low-income and working families that need it most,” said Sen. Bernie Sanders. “I look forward to working with the EPA on this program to make it more affordable for low-income and working-class families to install solar on their homes and save money on their electricity bills, as well as help create millions of good jobs in Vermont and across the country.”

Residential solar cuts home energy bills and provides families with resilient and secure power. Solar for All will help low-income and disadvantaged communities experience these benefits, including guaranteeing a minimum 20 percent total electricity bill savings for households participating in the program.

The deadline to apply is Sept. 26. Application materials are at https://www.grants. gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=348957.