2014 Ubud Writers & Readers Festival Program

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s a r a s wat i


w i s d o m


k n o w l e d g e


WELCOME t’s hard to believe that I am writing the introduction for our 11th program. Time has flown since the Festival’s first shaky beginnings and we are now older, wiser and a much larger organisation! The Ubud Writers & Readers Festival has made a permanent foot print on the cultural profile of Bali and we are proud of that achievement.


I am thrilled about the theme Saraswati: Wisdom and Knowledge. By a stroke of good fortune, the Saraswati weekend falls at the same time as our Festival and this year we pay homage to all that she represents. Saraswati embodies the spirit of Bali and paves the way for discussions on how we treat our people, from aged to displaced and Indigenous, how we learn and the wisdom to be gained by creative expression. This year we also pay tribute to Lempad and his extraordinary artwork. The Festival team continues to grow and we welcome our new staff members who have made a great contribution to the stellar team. The Festival is a result of their dedication, professionalism and hard work. Angela Bennetts now heads the marketing team, Triny Tresnawulan is our Communications Coordinator, I Made Suka Merta is Production Officer and Kadek Purnami has stepped into the shoes of Festival Manager. Well done to all of you. Eleven years down the track doesn’t mean Festival life is trouble-free. Like most arts events, we continue to struggle for support, especially in this almighty election year. I pray that 2015 will be easier, but, in the meantime, I also thank our devoted sponsors who continue to stand by us, with a special thanks to the Australian Embassy who continue to value our contribution to the literary arts in Indonesia and help us when times are tough. And there are changes ahead. After the Festival, we will say good-bye to the Festival office and move back to Indus, our original home. A big thanks to our landlord, Pak Rabin, who kindly lent us the Left Bank space for all those formative years! I am also proud to announce our new partnership with the DSC Prize for Literature that will see each winner from India appearing at the Ubud Writers & Readers Festival. I am a big fan of collaborations and believe that linking with our neighbours is an important step in reaffirming our identity as a significant Asian event and serious player in the global literary arena. Once again, we have an extraordinary line-up of Indonesian authors, artists and activists who will tell their story alongside international guests from more than 25 countries. From morning until night, they are guaranteed to inspire you in more than 50 venues across Ubud. Perhaps they will change your world.

I once again welcome our esteemed writers and devoted readers to the 11th Ubud Writers & Readers Festival and hope you enjoy the spirit of Saraswati in our charming home, Ubud.

Janet DeNeefe

Festival Founder & Director


Maka jika digali manfaat dari nasehat Krishna ini, “Selamatlah Pandawa dari konspirasi musuh.” Ilmu Pengetahuan memberikan inspirasi, pada segala bentuk pembebasan, bebas dari kebodohan, kemiskinan, penindasan, perbudakan dan segala bentuk dari keterbatasan menuju pada ketidak terbatasan. Kehidupan berasal dari kehidupan, Pencipta sebagai ‘Yajna’ kurban ciptaanNya. Dalam Shastra Veda, Pengetahuan yang diturunkan Brahman disebut Brahmawidya,Pengetahuan Brahman ini, mengandung; filsafat, etika dan estetika, ada dalam diri Devi Saraswati sebagai Shakti Deva Brahma. Devi Saraswati mengajarkan untuk mencapai ‘supreme reality’ yaitu; “Jalan bagaimana mengelola dunia materi dan dunia spiritual untuk mencapai tujuan utama hidup manusia yaitu; sat, cit, ananda.” Masyarakat Bali merayakan Hari Saraswati pada Hari Sabtu Umanis, Watugunung sampai Hari Rabu adalah mencapai tujuan utamanya, yaitu; Maha Catur Purusha Artha. Hari Sabtu diyakini saat turunnya Ilmu Pengetahuan ke dunia, Hari Minggu disebut Banyu Pinaruh, saat ini masyarakat Bali melakukan Tirtha yatra ke tempat suci karena air dianggap sumber pengetahuan. Hari Senin disebut Soma Ribek, saat orang Bali mengaktualkan pengetahuannya untuk mendapatkan kehidupan materi yang layak, Hari Selasa adalah Hari Raya Sabuh Mas, dirayakan supaya pengetahuan yang dimiliki bisa mencapai kemulian diri, dan Hari Rabo adalah Hari Pagerwesi dengan Ilmu Pengetahuannya bisa mencapai ‘Keabadian Hidup.’ Yang kami Muliakan. Bapak, Ibu, Saudara, para penulis, wartawan tulis/cetak, pembaca, sponsor, sukarelawan, Puri Ubud, LPM, Lurah Ubud, Tripika Ubud, Kepolisian Republik Indonesia, Pemkab Gianyar, Pemprov Bali, Kementerian Pariwisata R.I. Saya atas nama Pengurus Yayasan Mudra Swari Saraswati mengucapkan penghargaan setinggi-tingginya dan terima kasih atas partisipasinya baik berupa materi maupun moral untuk kelangsungan UWRF ke XI tahun 2014. Kami mengundang Anda datang pada Pesta Sastra Internasional ini, “Pastikan Anda medapat Kebajikan dan manfaat.” “Parehivigramastetram IndramPrcchavipaschitam Yastesakhibhya a varam.” (Rig Veda Sukta 4). Artinya; “Wahai para pencari kebijaksanaan, pergilah pada yang bijak dan bajik bebaskan dirimu dari kesalahan. Pergilah pada pemberi dan penganugerah itu, Dia akan menjadi teman karibmu. Pergilah Dia akan mencerahkan mu.” Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti Om

Drs. Ketut Suardana, M. Phil

Chairman Mudra Swari Saraswati Foundation

2014 UWRF


With my own personal passion for Indonesian food, there will be languid lunches, cooking demonstrations and classes over the four days. Some of our talented authors will also share their favourite recipes. In between, there will be extraordinary performances, film screenings, workshops, and cultural events with a few surprises thrown in.

lmu Pengetahuan adalah persembahan yang paling tinggi nilainya dari segala bentuk persembahan yang dipersembahkan manusia kepada alam semesta dan segala isinya. Pengetahuan bagaikan air yang mengalir, seperti aliran sungai Saraswati, Krishna dalam Mahabharata bersabda kepada Arjuna, “Ketika Devi Saraswati tidak bisa berjalan di atas permukaan tanah karena suatu sebab, Devi Saraswati akan tetap sampai dengan menelusuri bawah tanah.”


Welcome from Our Patrons Om Swastyastu


uja dan puji syukur kami panjatkan ke hadapan Ida Sanghyang Widi Wasa karena atas karuniaNya kami dapat menyelenggarakan Ubud Writers & Readers Festival (UWRF) yang ke-11 pada 1-5 Oktober 2014.

Tahun ini UWRF mengusung tema Saraswati: Pengetahuan Dan Kebijaksanaan, sebuah tema yang telah menjadi inspirasi bagi penulisan karya-karya sastra utama. Digambarkan sebagai Dewi yang mengendarai angsa dan keempat tangannya membawa lambang-lambang suci, Saraswati adalah simbol makna yang seyogianya diterjemahkan agar kita bisa memperoleh pemahaman dan tuntunan dalam menjalankan kehidupan ini. Dalam penjelajahan atas Nama, Rupa, Guna dan Sakti dari Sang Dewi, setiap orang tentunya akan melewati pengertian dan pergulatan yang berbeda-beda sesuai dengan keahlian dan karakternya masing-masing. Namun, niscaya semuanya akan bermuara pada sebuah kebijaksanaan. Pemilihan tema ini tentunya harus diapresiasi dan semoga dapat mendorong lahirnya karya-karya sastra yang dapat menjadi tuntunan zaman. Ucapan terima kasih saya kepada panitia penyelenggara yang telah bekerja keras dalam mempersiapkan dan menyelenggarakan festival ini, serta kepada semua donatur dan pihakpihak yang telah mendukung terlaksananya UWRF 2014. Dalam kesempatan yang berbahagia ini, tidak lupa saya mengucapkan selamat datang kepada para penulis dan peserta festival. Selamat berkarya, semoga kebijakan Dewi Saraswati membimbing kita semua. Om, Santi, Santi, Santi, Om Salam Budaya Pembina UWRF Tjokorda Raka Kerthyasa, S.Sos, M.SI.

n 2012 I was honoured to join the Ubud Writers & Readers Festival as a guest, and two years later I am equally honoured to join as International Patron.


While first and foremost a musician, I am deeply passionate about words and the worlds they open up. Literature and the arts is essential in any society; and Ubud Writers & Readers Festival does such an excellent job in nourishing the role of both in Indonesia and beyond. Ubud is dear to my heart; the collision of writers and artists from all corners of the world that makes up the unique spirit of the Festival; the bottomless generosity of the Balinese; the sticky days and cooler nights. I look forward to returning again sometime in the future, and in the meantime spreading the word about all the important work being done here. Nick Cave Ubud Writers & Readers Festival International Patron

Festival Staff Festival Founder & Director Janet DeNeefe

International Program Manager Summa Durie

General Manager

Contents Welcome .......................................................................................... 1

Kadek Purnami

Getting Started ............................................................................. 4

Indonesian Program Manager

Learn Bahasa ................................................................................. 7

I Wayan Juniarta (Jun)

Marketing Manager

Partners ............................................................................................. 8

Angela Bennetts

Thank You ...................................................................................... 12

Sponsorship Coordinator

Support Us .................................................................................... 13

Communications Coordinator

Highlights ....................................................................................... 14

Pande Parwata

Triny Tresnawulan

Main Program .............................................................................. 18

Account Officer

Special Events ............................................................................ 26

Ni Wayan Widiatmini (Widi)

Program Coordinator Gustra Adnyana

Graphic Designer

Surf Stream & Digital Dialogues ..................................... 30 Yoga & Environment Day ...................................................... 31

Sathya Wiku Narabudhi (Kuncir)

The Kitchen & Fringe Events ............................................. 32

Production Officer

Film Program ............................................................................... 36

I Made Suka Merta (Abut)

Administrative Assistant & Ticketing Officer

Arts Program ................................................................................ 38

Ni Made Dwi Ermayanthi (Erma)

Cultural Workshops ................................................................ 40

Children’s & Youth Program Coordinator

Youth Program ........................................................................... 42

Ari Putrayasa

International Program Coordinator

Children’s Program .................................................................. 43

Yudi Jangger

Book Launches ......................................................................... 44

Volunteers Coordinator

Workshops ................................................................................... 46

Assistant Volunteers Coordinator

People You’ll Meet .................................................................. 48

Yoshida Chandra (Ochie) Paris Duarte

Writers Index .............................................................................. 65

International Media & Publicity Coordinator

Daily Schedule .......................................................................... 66

Office Assistant

Night Schedule ......................................................................... 74

Holly Reid

I Wayan Arjana

Security Officers

Artists Music ................................................................................ 76

I Made Kalimusada, I Nyoman Budiarsana

World Map .................................................................................... 77

Indonesian Curatorial Committee

In & Around Ubud .................................................................... 78

Ahmad Fuadi Debra H Yatim Ketut Yuliarsa

Main Program Area Map ...................................................... 79 Ubud Map ..................................................................................... 80

Getting ABOUT Held annually in Ubud, Bali’s artistic and cultural heartland, the Ubud Writers & Readers Festival has become Southeast Asia’s largest and most renowned cultural and literary event. This year is the Festival’s 11th chapter.

THEME The festival theme – Saraswati: Wisdom & Knowledge – is inspired by the Balinese Hindus’ devotion toward Saraswati, the Goddess of Science and Arts in Hindu mythology. In Balinese visual art, Saraswati is depicted as a beautiful, fourarmed lady standing on a giant lotus and accompanied by a white swan (wisdom) and a peacock (beauty). Her hands carry four objects that symbolise the varying qualities of the science and arts.


Please note the sessions listed in this program are correct at the time of printing. Any late changes to session times will be displayed at the Box Office and communicated via social media (find us @ubudwritersfest or #uwrf14).

TICKETING INFORMATION It’s easy to buy tickets to the Festival. The Festival is made up of a combination of ticketed and free events. To attend the MAIN PROGRAM panel sessions, you can purchase either a 1 DAY PASS, a 4 DAY PASS, a FRONT ROW RESERVE or ALL ACCESS PASS. These tickets allow you access to all panel sessions at the three main venues: Indus, Left Bank and Neka Museum. The MAIN PROGRAM runs from Thursday 2 Oct – Sunday 5 Oct. Once you have picked up your DAY PASS from the Box Office, you may simply turn up to your session of choice; seating is not allocated.

Balinese Hindus celebrate the Day of Saraswati once in 210 days, during which offerings are placed on books – the earthly throne of the goddess.

If however you have opted for the FRONT ROW RESERVE or ALL ACCESS PASS you may reserve your seating with our Priority Seating Coordinator. More information on this can be found online.

Being a festival of writers, and of letters, it is truly appropriate for UWRF to present Saraswati as its theme. It is also in line with the festival’s tradition to introduce the wisdom of Bali to the global world.

To attend TICKETED SPECIAL EVENT and WORKSHOPS, you will need to purchase a separate ticket.




These are NOT included in the DAY PASS price. The Festival offers an extensive program of FREE EVENTS, including the Arts Program, Children & Youth Programs, Book Launches, Film Screenings, Fringe events and more.

The Ubud Writers & Readers Festival is held across more than 50 venues around Ubud. For locations of specific venues, please turn to the map at the back of the program.

Please note there is a tiered pricing system to ensure the Festival is accessible to local as well as international writers and readers.

If searching online, each venue has a Google Map location to help you to locate it easily.


The three main venues where the Main Program sessions are held are all located within easy walking distance to each other on Jl. Raya Sanggingan. The main venues are Indus Restaurant, Left Bank and Neka Museum. Taman Baca is also nearby, and is where you can find the Festival Box Office, Information Booth, Children’s and Youth Program sessions, food stalls and more. The Kitchen is held at Toko Toko Restaurant; buy tickets at the Box Office and on the door. There is a Main Program area map on page 79, and an Ubud area map on page 80. For frequently asked questions about Ubud and the Festival, suggestions for local attractions and things to see, information about taxis and getting around – and more – please turn to ‘About Ubud’ page and please visit our website: www.ubudwritersfestival.com

2014 UWRF

Tickets may be purchased online at: www.ubudwritersfestival.com For customers buying via payment gateway trybooking.com, Australian Dollars are used. If you have no credit card, please see alternative payment methods listed on our website.

IN PERSON Tickets can be purchased from the Festival Box Office from September 17, 2014 to October 5, 2014. From September 17 the Box Office will be based in Left Bank, Jl. Raya Sanggingan (next door to Indus Restaurant), from 9am-5pm. From September 24 until October 5 the Box Office will be based in Taman Baca, a venue area also on Jl. Raya Sanggingan, and will be open 8am-4pm. The Box Office accepts cash (Indonesian Rupiah), Visa and Mastercard.

TICKET COLLECTION All pre-booked tickets will be available for collection from the Festival Box Office from 17 September – 5 October. Please bring your trybooking.com receipt to exchange for passes. You must provide identification (including your STUDENT or KITAS card if required) and proof of purchase with you to collect your tickets. Please check your tickets carefully upon receipt. There will be no refunds or exchanges. 4 DAY, 1 DAY, FRONT ROW RESERVE and ALL ACCESS passes to the Main Program are NON-TRANSFERABLE. Tickets are issued to individuals by name, and may not be shared or given to others.


AUD 400.00

IDR 4,000,000

Indonesian 4 DAY PASS

AUD 50.00

IDR 500,000


AUD 190.00

IDR 1,900,000

Indonesian Student 4 DAY PASS

AUD 12.00

IDR 120,000

International Student 4 DAY PASS

AUD 125.00

IDR 1,250,000

International 1 DAY PASS

AUD 117.00

IDR 1,170,000

Indonesian 1 DAY PASS

AUD 13.00

IDR 130,000



AUD 64.00

IDR 640,000

Indonesian Student 1 DAY PASS

AUD 3.00

IDR 30,000

International Student 1 DAY PASS

AUD 32.00

IDR 320,000

ALL ACCESS PASS & FRONT ROW RESERVE The ALL ACCESS PASS is an ultra-limited offer (of 10) allowing access to: reserve seating at all Main Program events, a 4 DAY PASS, a lucky dip of 5 Special Events, and an invitation to the exclusive Opening Night Gala. This pass also includes a designer UWRF 2014 merchandise pack. The FRONT ROW RESERVE is a limited offer (of 20) allowing access to: reserve seating at all Main Program events and a 4 DAY PASS. This pass also includes a designer UWRF 2014 merchandise pack. For more information about these options, please go to our Buy Tickets page online. AUD 899.00

IDR 8,990,000


AUD 499.00

IDR 4,990,000



OTHER TICKETS For Special Events, Workshop and Cultural Workshop prices, please check the relevant pages in the Program Book or online.

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g et t in g s tart ed CONNECT WITH US! We welcome (and encourage!) you to get involved and photograph, tweet and blog about your experience while at the Festival. Out of respect for our writers, please ensure your phone is switched to silent in all sessions and that your camera flash is switched off.

Facebook: www.facebook.com/ubudwritersfest Twitter: @ubudwritersfest Instagram: @ubudwritersfest And trend with us, use the Festival hashtag #UWRF14

MERCHANDISE There’s no doubt you’ll leave with memories to last a lifetime – but what about a memento or two also? Festival Merchandise can be purchased from out the front of Left Bank and from the Box Office in Taman Baca. Goodies include elegant Saraswati t-shirts, notepads, and tote bags.


Rediscover an old literary flame or find a new favourite?


Stock up your To-Read list at the Festival Bookstore (courtesy our friends at Periplus), top floor at Indus on Jl. Raya Sanggingan.

2014 UWRF


While many people in Ubud speak English, making the effort to chat to the locals in Bahasa Indonesia – or even better, Basa Bali – will always be appreciated. Here are some simple phrases to help you on your way! English:



How are you?

Apa kabar?

Punapi Gatra?

I’m good

Baik/Baik-baik saja


What’s your name?

Siapa nama Anda?

Sire Pesengane?

My name is…

Nama saya…

Wastan tiang…

Can you please help me? Boleh (saya) minta tolong?

Dados tiang ngidih tulung?

Can I help you?

Ada yang bisa dibantu?

Napi sane dados tulungin?

I’m lost!

Saya tersesat!

Tiang paling!

Where is…?

Di mana…?

Ring dije…?

I’m sorry

Maaf (ya)

Ampura (nggih)

Excuse me



Good morning

Selamat pagi

Rahajeng semeng

Good afternoon

Selamat siang/sore

Rahajeng siang/sore

Good evening

Selamat malam

Rahajeng wengi

See you!

Sampai jumpa!

Benjang malih nggih

Thank you

Terima kasih


Very good

Bagus sekali

Becik pisan

Walking around

Jalan jalan



Di sana





Celebrating the life and culture of Bali Dances of Bali A vibrant collection of photographs and descriptions of the many dance forms that are found in Bali. Kartika, in this book, has captured what is truly a beautiful art form. Book talk in Nomad, Jalan Raya Ubud 1 Oct: 4-5.30pm

Real Bali A charming and colourful guide to Real Bali. This book re-opens the unique cultural attractions of the island, focusing on Bali’s temples, palaces, museums and environment.

Secret Bali Bali’s traditional life that continues behind the buzz of the ever-growing tourist industry is recorded by Jill Gocher’s captivating words and images in Secret Bali. Book talk in The Elephant, Hotel Taman Indrakila, Jalan Raya Sanggingan 3 Oct: 5-6.30pm

Indonesia’s Hidden Heritage

Ibu (i.e. Ibu Ayu, Ibu Ruby)

Indonesia’s Hidden Heritage is a vibrant and insightful travelogue, delving into the far corners of the archipelago, discovering hidden cultures and forgotten traditions.

To respectfully refer to a man who is more senior than you:

Book talk in Alaya Ubud, Jl. Hanoman, Ubud 4 Oct: 4-5.30pm

To respectfully refer to a woman who is more senior than you:

Bapak (i.e. Bapak Wayan, Bapak Mitch) Fancy learning more? Why not join us at Bahasa Breakfast, a daily

Available in good bookstores throughout the Island

language lesson to kickstart your day? For more information head to the Special Events pages.

For further information: +62 361 823 67 22/33 nowbali@phoenix.co.id A NOW!BALI PUBLICATION





tandjung sari


cape of flowers

2014 UWRF



Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Jakarta

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2014 UWRF




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t h an k y o u Private Donor: Bapak Putu Rabin Festival Friends: Sarah Forbes Pam Allen


Alistair Speirs All of our Intepreters All of our Volunteers Anak Agung Anom Baris Anak Agung Dipta Anna Hasset Bali Discovery Tours Bapak Sapta Nirwandar Bapak Surato Siswodiharjo Bar Luna Staff Bendesa Desa Pekraman Padang Tegal Bendesa Desa Pekraman Ubud Brimob Polda Bali Bupati Gianyar Camat Ubud Casa Luna Staff Danielle Purcell Danramil Ubud David Parrish Devin Kirk Luna Dinas Kebudayaan Provinsi Bali Dinas Pariwisata Gianyar Dr. Gede Budana Elia Sumantov Emma Harrison Clark Fadilah Putri Nabighah Gubernur Bali Hank Abramson Hannah Purdy Honeymoon Guest House Staff I Gusti Nyoman Sudara Ibu Kompol Ida Ayu Dayang Ida Bagus Gede Gunawan Inar Andrea Prakosa Indus Staff Ivor Condric Janice Gabriel Jay Thorpe Jaya Partha Jero Mangku Made Subagia Jill Dawson Joanne Davies John DeNeefe John McGlynn John Millard Daniels Judi & Eddie Jagger Kapolda Bali Kapolres Gianyar Kapolresta Denpasar Kapolsek Ubud Kate Hall


2014 UWRF

Kayti Denham Kelihan Desa Ubud Kaja Kelihan Desa Ubud Kelod Kelihan Desa Ubud Tengah Kementrian Pariwisata & Ekonomi Kreatif Kementrian Pendidikan & Kebudayaan Kepala Lingkungan Banjar Ubud Tengah Kepala Lingkungan Banjar Ubud Kaja Kepala Lingkungan Banjar Ubud Kelod Lindia Palupi LPM Ubud Lurah Ubud Mabes Polri Masyarakat Ubud Maxine Fleming Muhamad Arif Rahman Nancy Anello Nyoman Ada Nyoman Kenyot Nyoman Suda Nyoman Suwitra Nyoman Umbara Ochie & Stephen & the Cinta Bahasa Team Pallavi Aiyar Pecalang Desa Pekraman Ubud Phimella Soelaksmono Puri Saraswati Puri Saren Ubud Putu Aditya Nugraha Reena Balding Renee Thorpe Sabine Engert Sarita Newson Shelley Kenigsberg Suzanty Sitorus Suzy Hutumo Tamarra Kaida Tjokorda Oka Artha Ardana Sukawati Tjokorda Gde Putra Sukawati Tjokorda Gde Raka Sukawati Tjokorda Ngurah Suyadnya Tjokorda Raka Kerthyasa Tony & Maureen Wheeler Ubud Transport Community Uti Warih Wisatsana Warwick Purser Wayan Budi Wayan Sunarta Wayan Suteja Wayan Widantra

s u p p o rt u s Ubud Writers & Readers Festival is Southeast Asia’s largest and most exciting cultural and literary event. The major annual project of the not-for-profit foundation, the Yayasan Mudra Swari Saraswati, the Festival was first conceived of by Janet DeNeefe, co-founder of the Foundation, as a healing project in response to the first Bali bombing. The Festival relies yearly on obtaining in-kind support, grant funding and sponsorship. So that we can keep creating a world class Festival that celebrates extraordinary stories and amplifies brave voices; tackles global issues and big ideas, we ask for your help and support. You can support us in a few different ways: as a Festival Friend, as a Private Donor, as a valued Partner, through in-kind support and more.

Festival Friend Program An individual can become a One-time Hero (but Long-time Friend) in our Festival Friend program, with pledges ranging from $100 for a Thank You in the program book (turn to page 12) to $5000 to support one whole panel session during the Festival (with other perks for you, as well.) Even a small donation will go a long way in helping us put on a five day Festival full of riveting panel discussions, in-conversations, literary lunches, and workshops, as well as film screenings, night parties, arts events, and more – many of which are offered for free. In addition, we are proud of our continuing success in bringing Indonesian and international writers together on a world stage and expanding the readership of contemporary literature across genres and cultural divides. In advance, thank you.

Head to www.ubudwritersfestival.com to pledge now.

Become a Partner The Festival offers a range of sponsorship packages offering Festival Partners and Supporters extensive entitlements and promotional opportunities. The Festival also works with individual Partners to develop tailored sponsorship packages to suit the specific goals and aims of your company or organisation. You or your company would be satisfying your Corporate Social Responsibility – but you’d also be gaining exposure with a large and dedicated community. With a yearly attendance upwards of 20,000 and spanning Indonesia, the Asia-Pacific, Australia, the UK, USA and beyond, this is a unique opportunity to speak to people who are passionately interested in and engaged with the world around them.

support us

Become a part of the conversation, contact us: sponsors@ubudwritersfestival.com

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highlights FROM THE UBUD WRITERS & READERS FESTIVAL ARTS PROGRAM 1 October Pecha Kucha 8:00pm - 10:00pm | BETELNUT Pecha Kucha means fast furious fun, as brave Festival artists step onto the stage to share things they love in the 20x20 format: 20 images, each for 20 seconds. This worldwide phenomenon again comes to Ubud; be prepared to uncover the unexpected.

2 October Reinhard Kleist & Johnny Cash in the Jungle 6:00pm - 9:00pm | ALILA In this unmissable live art event, Germany’s most talented graphic novelist Reinhard Kleist will treat us to a ‘comic concert.’ Reinhard’s drawings of icon Johnny Cash will come to life on the big screen as the sun sets over the Ayung River; all to an electrifying set by tribute band John & the Jail Story. (A shuttle bus to-and-from this event and the Main Program area will be available)

3 October Tribute Night to Lempad 7:00pm - 10:00pm | LOTUS STAGE A night of homage dedicated to one of Bali’s greatest artist, the late I Gusti Nyoman Lempad. A screening of Lorne Blair and John Darling’s documentary Lempad of Bali will reveal the great artist’s last masterpiece while scholars, friends, musicians and poets will weave stories on his lasting and profound legacy.

Poetry Slam 7:30pm - 10:30pm | BETELNUT


Uniting world writers to slam, spin and splice their original words in a fiery literary battle to be crowned the UWRF 2014 Poetry Slam Champ, this celebration of the spoken word is not to be missed. Judged by a glittering array of global poets and hosted by Australia’s Slam Champion, things are bound to get a little bit dirty…


2014 UWRF

4 October Zine & Makers Fair 1:00pm - 5:00pm | TAMAN BACA Bright talents from Bali and beyond showcase their DIY publications and handmade works of art, each a sum of much love and time, stitches and sweat. Start a conversation, swap and sell, and walk away with a memento of your time in Ubud.

Oceania Under the Stars 6:00pm - 11:00pm | BLANCO MUSEUM From Sokola Rimba’s jungle schools to powerful Māori voice Tama Waipara; from Ontosoroh’s electrifying danceopera fusion to the world’s most renowned didgeridoo player WillIam Barton – take yourself on a sensory journey across Oceania all in the magical tropical setting of the Antonio Blanco garden.

Ontosoroh Photo: Sam Oster

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Ontosoroh is supported by the Australia Indonesia Institute & The Australian Embassy’s Arts and Cultural Program 2014; generously supported by the ANZ Bank, the Australia-Indonesia Institute, Queensland University of Technology, Curtin University, Deakin University, Ernst and Young, Flinders University, Macquarie University, the University of New South Wales, the University of Queensland and the University of Tasmania Sokola Rimba is supported by The Body Shop Indonesia


5 October

Closing Night Party 6:00pm - 11:00pm | BLANCO MUSEUM At this must-go party of the Festival, the night sky is your witness for an evening of vibed-up world-music, exuberant dancing, and shoulder-rubbing with Festival friends, artists and old-hands. Drink in the sights and sounds and leave with memories to last a lifetime.

For more unmissable arts events, turn to the Arts Program on page 38.

hh ii gg hh ll ii gg hh tt ss

Alphamama & Ben Walsh are supported by the Australia Indonesia Institute & The Australian Embassy’s Arts and Cultural Program 2014: generously supported by the ANZ Bank, the AustraliaIndonesia Institute, Queensland University of Technology, Curtin University, Deakin University, Ernst and Young, Flinders University, Macquarie University, the University of New South Wales, the University of Queensland and the University of Tasmania


2014 UWRF


Festival Welcome


9:15am - 9:20am | NEKA

9:20am - 9:30am | NEKA

Join us as Festival Founder & Director Janet DeNeefe opens the 2014 UWRF with a reflection on the festival’s everevolving mission, its challenges, and its inspirations. She will unwrap the theme Saraswati: Wisdom & Knowledge, delving briefly into why Saraswati embodies the spirit of Bali and what we have to learn from the wisdom of creative expression.

After 18 years campaigning for environmental and social justice issues, Bustar Maitar turned to Indonesia’s forests at the helm of the dedicated Greenpeace team. Hear his forecast for the future, and the knowledge and wisdom he hopes will help protect them.

Destination Unknown

Myths of our Making


With a new president in place what can Indonesia and the world learn from the last election? Three influential minds will grapple with that question and examine what lies in store for the world’s third largest democracy.

“You can only explain the real through what is supposed to be unreal.” – Sjón. Behold this meeting of minds meander through mythology and its relevance to modern times and cultures.

The Indigenous peoples of neighbouring lands – Nyoman Sadra from Bali’s Tenganan village and Clarrie Cameron, a Nhanhagardi man from Western Australia – come together to consider what it means to be a custodian of an ancient culture.

CHAIR: Janet Steele FEATURING: Azyumardi Azra, Elizabeth

Pisani, Goenawan Mohamad

CHAIR: Michael Vatikiotis FEATURING: Faisal Oddang, Krishna Udayasankar, Sjón

CHAIR: Emma Masters FEATURING: Clarrie Cameron,

The Right Track

The World of Can Xue

Gandhi, Revisited

“There are some moments in life that are like pivots around which your existence turns – small intuitive flashes – when you think you’re on the right track.” – Robyn Davidson. Nearly four decades on from her momentous cross-Australia journey, we hear where Robyn is at now.

“Successful artists are all able to manipulate the ‘balance of forces’ – they’re that kind of extraordinarily talented people.” – Can Xue. China’s leading avantgarde author reveals what’s behind her work, and her nom de plume.

Gandhi transformed Ahimsa – nonviolence principle – into a potent tool for social change. His teachings influence political and human rights campaigns to this day. Prominent Indian authors and Gandhi’s Balinese spiritual disciples pay homage to the humble man revered as ‘Mahatma’ (Great Soul).

CHAIR: Trisha Sertori FEATURING: Robyn Davidson

CHAIR: Michael Cathcart FEATURING: Can Xue

9:00am - 9:15am NEKA

9:45am -11:00am | NEKA


11:15am - 12:30pm | NEKA


2014 UWRF

9:45am - 11:00am | INDUS

11:15am - 12:30pm | INDUS

FEATURING: Bustar Maitar

9:45am - 11:00am | LEFT BANK

Nyoman Sadra

11:15am - 12:30pm | LEFT BANK

CHAIR: Ketut Yuliarsa FEATURING: Cyrus Mistry, Agus Indra

Udayana, Nyoman Sadra

T H U R S D AY 2 O C T O B E R

To buy your 4 DAY or 1 DAY FESTIVAL pass and gain access to the riveting Main Program sessions, head to ubudwritersfestival.com or the Box Office.


12:45pm - 2:00pm | NEKA As languages and narrative styles are layered over each other, are we at risk of losing unique cultural voices? Hear from these writers as they delve into the challenges and complexities of their literary voice.

CHAIR: Debra Yatim FEATURING: Chuah Guat Eng, Minae

Mizumura, Tash Aw

Sir VS Naipaul in Conversation

2:15pm - 3:15pm | NEKA An in-conversation with Sir VS Naipaul, the Trinidad-born, UK-based writer whose impressive trajectory includes a knighthood, a Booker Prize and a Nobel Laureateship. This is a rare, once-in-alifetime opportunity to witness one of the literary legends of the 20th century. CHAIR: Rio Helmi FEATURING: VS Naipaul

Ethics, People, Place 3:30pm - 4:45pm | NEKA

CHAIR: Lisa Dempster FEATURING: Carl Hoffman, Colin

Thubron, Tim Cope

A Nation at the Intersection

Patricia Grace was the first Māori woman to publish a collection of short stories in 1975. A leading voice in Māori literature, her stories introduced the world to her people’s culture, life and history, and now you can hear more in person.

In 1998 a repressive regime that ruled the archipelago for more than 30 years collapsed. Since then, the national press has enjoyed a freedom not often seen. Three journalists sit down to dissect the truth, the fiction, and the future of this captivating country.

12:45pm - 2:00pm | INDUS

CHAIR: Nic Low FEATURING: Patricia Grace

12:45pm - 2:00pm | LEFT BANK

CHAIR: I Wayan Juniarta FEATURING: Agus Rois, Erni Aladjai,

Gillian Terzis

A Creative Change

Island to Island

As global warming, deforestation, unchecked development and sea erosion beset Indonesia, its inhabitants battle to bring environmental issues into the spotlight. Some hold rallies; others organise fundraisers; these three artists are saving Indonesia’s environment one artwork at a time.

Two emerging writers from Australia. Two emerging writers from Indonesia. An overland journey from Jakarta to Bali. Listen to lessons learnt and stories earnt from a cross-country trek this foursome will never forget. Presented by Asialink Arts & the Emerging Writers’ Festival, supported by Arts Victoria

CHAIR: Suzy Hutomo FEATURING: Celia Gregory, Made

CHAIR: Sam Twyford-Moore FEATURING: André Dao, Gillian Terzis,

2:15pm - 3:15 | INDUS

2:15pm - 3:15pm | LEFT BANK

‘Bayak’ Muliana, Robi Navicula

Maggie Tiojakin, Ninda Daianti

Stepping Back from Consciousness

Understanding Islam

3:30pm - 4:45pm | INDUS

Join winner of the 2013 Goldsmiths Prize and the 2014 Baileys Women’s Prize, Eimear McBride, as she discusses her ‘genius’ debut novel, its unique positioning of the narrative voice and more.

CHAIR: Rosemary Sayer FEATURING: Eimear McBride

3:30pm - 4:45pm | LEFT BANK In the post-9/11 world, Islam has been viciously accused and staunchly defended across borders. A scholar, a poet and a comedian will consider what constitutes Indonesian Islam and how it differs from the forms adhered to by fundamentalists. CHAIR: Janet Steele FEATURING: Azyumardi Azra,

Goenawan Mohamad, Sacha Stevenson

2 0 1 4 U W R19 F


Meet four travel writers who have covered ground in some of the most inhospitable and dangerous places on the planet. When out there on their own, what ethical rules apply in accurately capturing a people and their place?

Small Holes in the Silence


MAIN PROGRAM F R I D AY 3 O C TOBE R Lempad: the Man, the Legend

Wide Awake Language

The Treacherous Writer

“One great part of every human existence is passed in a state which cannot be rendered sensible by the use of wideawake language, cutanddry grammar and goahead plot.” – James Joyce. Tune into a consideration of giving form to the subconscious, led by four trailblazers.

Navigating the treacherous waters of your family’s history is no mean feat. Listen in as these writers reveal how they handled outing the skeletons in their family’s closet.

CHAIR: Eleanor Limprecht FEATURING: Bunyamin Fasya, Eimear

CHAIR: Lisa Dempster FEATURING: David Leser, Hannie

Pilgrimage to Higher Places

Minae Mizumura’s True Novel

Poison or Passion: The Rise of the Super Bule

Few travel writers can truly capture the intricacies and colour of far-off places like Colin Thubron. From his 7,000mile journey along the Silk Road to his pilgrimage to the sacred Mount Kailas, join this British great as he roves over his memories from the road.

“By choosing to write in Japanese, I am doing my share to prevent the world from succumbing to the tyranny of English.” – Minae Mizumura. This experimental novelist will reveal the complexities of translation, and how to transplant a Western Gothic onto Japanese soils.

Expatriates or ‘bule’ have long played a pivotal role in shaping the social landscape of Bali. Join this sure-to-bespicy exploration of the influences expats bestow or impose ... depending on your standpoint.

CHAIR: Deepika Shetty FEATURING: Colin Thubron

CHAIR: Juliet Winters Carpenter FEATURING: Minae Mizumura

The Wave that Shook the World

Great Greats


Elders: in some cultures revered as the gatekeepers of wisdom, in others thought better out of sight, out of mind. How does the way in which we treat our forebears affect who we are, and how we feel about getting old?

In our hyper-connected world we can all do our bit to support different causes. But does that petition you sign and share actually make a difference? Hear from these #activists as to what works for them and what they’re fighting for.

9:00am - 10:15am | NEKA This multi-talented maestro impressed scholars and art collectors alike, and in his hometown of Ubud, people are still mesmerised by his temples and statues. An art critic and an art connoisseur will illuminate the artist Lempad, who achieved a legendary status here and abroad. CHAIR: Rio Helmi FEATURING: Agung Rai, Jean Couteau

10:30am - 11:30am | NEKA


11:45am - 1:00pm | NEKA


A decade on from one of the most catastrophic tsunamis in modern times we meet a panel of writers who were affected by the tragedy, and hear how they have documented the stories from the road to recovery. CHAIR: Dian Fatwa FEATURING: Debra Yatim,

Manuka Wijesinghe, Noel Trustrum

2014 UWRF

9:00am - 10:15am | INDUS

McBride, Sjón

10:30am - 11:30am | INDUS

11:45am - 1:00pm | INDUS

CHAIR: Nic Low FEATURING: Clarrie Cameron,

Fiona McFarlane, Patricia Grace, Sulfiza Ariska

9:00am - 10:15am | LEFT BANK

Rayson, Liam Pieper

10:30am - 11:30am | LEFT BANK

CHAIR: I Wayan Juniarta FEATURING: Made Wijaya,

Rucina Ballinger

11:45am - 1:00pm | LEFT BANK

CHAIR: Sam Twyford-Moore FEATURING: Connor Tomas O’Brien,

Nay Phone Latt, Robi Navicula


To buy your 4 DAY or 1 DAY FESTIVAL pass and gain access to the riveting Main Program sessions, head to ubudwritersfestival.com or the Box Office.

The Chief Belief Officer

Family Life

The Publishing Story

Meet India’s Chief Belief Officer. Devdutt Pattanaik says, “Belief shapes behaviour and behaviour shapes business,” so can Eastern and Western cultures ever understand each other when it comes to business, and more besides?

“From my childhood I learned that I could eat pain.” – Akhil Sharma. Hear from this novelist who counts David Sedaris as a fan, as he delves into the sticky business of writing your family story.

Two books, two very different paths. Witness a side-by-side journey to getting published, one with a major publisher, one self-published. What are the benefits of going it alone, and what do publishers really offer these days?

CHAIR: Michael Vatikiotis FEATURING: Devdutt Pattanaik

CHAIR: Michael Cathcart FEATURING: Akhil Sharma

A Human Right


A Perfect Mother

Refugees number amongst the most imperilled people on the planet – facing exile, a loss of home, family and friends. Three thinkers examine the issues facing refugees globally and what is being done to protect their human rights.

From the story of our ancestors to modern day golems, how has folklore shaped the way we see the monsters we imagine... and the monsters that might just be real.

Maternal instinct, maternal guilt; two faces of a very complex coin. What if you don’t feel a natural connection to your child? Untangling the hardwiring of biology and societal pressure, these writers take on the concept of the ‘perfect’ mother.

CHAIR: Drew Ambrose FEATURING: André Dao, Hassan Blasim,

CHAIR: Angela Meyer FEATURING: Absurditas Malka,

CHAIR: Tory Loudon FEATURING: Eleanor Limprecht,

Rayya Elias: from the Middle East to NYC

Rolf’s Country

An Economy of Words

He created one of Australia’s cult classics Bad Boy Bubby, braved the nightmares of domesticity in suburban Australia and shared with the world some of the most iconic Australian Indigenous films ever – meet the mind behind the movies Rolf de Heer.

Poets are the economists of words, carving a fortune of meaning out of a frugality of words. Meet those who prune big stories down to size using the fine art of poetry.

1:15pm - 2:15pm | NEKA

2:30pm - 3:45pm | NEKA

Mukesh Kapila

4:00pm - 5:00pm | NEKA

CHAIR: Skid More FEATURING: Rayya Elias

2:30pm - 3:45pm | INDUS

Sjón, Tim Molloy

4:00pm - 5:00pm | INDUS

CHAIR: Emma Masters FEATURING: Rolf de Heer

1:15pm - 2:15pm | LEFT BANK

CHAIR: Sarah Darmody FEATURING: Becky Wicks,

Sarah Alderson

2:30pm - 3:45pm | LEFT BANK

Fiona Higgins, Jill Dawson

4:00pm - 5:00pm | LEFT BANK

CHAIR: Carlos Andrés Gómez FEATURING: Emilie Zoey Baker,

Jesse John Brand, Stephanie Dogfoot, Regi Sastra Sena

2 0 1 4 U W R21 F


Her best-friend Elizabeth Gilbert says it best: “She’s experienced wealth, cultural alienation, homelessness, prison, record deals, one bloody-knuckled ultimate spiritual redemption and may very well have had sex with your wife back in the eighties.”

1:15pm - 2:15pm | INDUS


MAIN PROGRAM S AT U R D A Y 4 O C T O B E R Lost Forests of Indonesia

9:00am - 10:15am | NEKA Indonesia has now surpassed Brazil in the speed of its deforestation. Led by top environmentalists, we travel back in time to what Indonesia’s great forests once looked like, through to a contemporary view of Papua, Maluku and Indonesia’s other lost forests.

Writing for children, piece of cake? Think again. These leading picture book authors will grapple with the ‘strange difficulty’ of pleasing the world’s tiniest – and toughest – critics.

Don’t Judge a Book by the Colour of its Writer 9:00am - 10:15am | LEFT BANK

Does ethnicity still play a role in how readers and the wider publishing industry view authors and their books? Four writers chat about whether their backgrounds have helped or hindered their literary careers.

CHAIR: Jeni Caffin FEATURING: Alison Lester, Briony

Stewart, Mem Fox, Zak Waipara

CHAIR: Michael Vatikiotis FEATURING: Andrew Lam, Anne Ostby, Maggie Tiojakin

Truly Asia?

Breaking the Surface

Life After Fukushima

Acclaimed novelist and expat Tash Aw is one of the most successful Malaysian writers of recent years. Join him in a conversation about identity, migration, nostalgia, kopitiam, and why so many Malaysian authors live overseas.

In 1971 Rusty Miller was one of the first to ride the waves at Uluwatu, as Bali became a mecca for surfers across the globe. Rusty Miller and Phil Jarratt reflect on surfing’s essential place in Bali’s history.

“To enjoy a little is a function of great wisdom. Humanity’s future hangs on this.”– Keibo Oiwa. Can we become wise enough to cease depleting essential resources and start living with less? Supported by The Japan Foundation

CHAIR: Janet Steele FEATURING: Tash Aw

CHAIR: Phil Jarratt FEATURING: Rusty Miller

CHAIR: Eiji Han Shimizu FEATURING: Keibo Oiwa

Journalism is Not a Crime

On the Outside Looking In


11:45am - 1:00pm | NEKA

11:45am - 1:00pm | INDUS

Political landscapes can shift in seconds and journalists can find themselves in the firing line. Hear from these experienced journalists on the rule of engagement when reporting in highlycharged political situations.

You can live somewhere for a long time and still be considered an outsider. But sometimes outsiders see things that others are blind to. Two cultural commentators who call Indonesia home divulge how they view their adopted country.

CHAIR: Drew Ambrose FEATURING: David Leser, Lily Yulianti

CHAIR: Michael Vatikiotis FEATURING: Sacha Stevenson,

10:30am - 11:30am | NEKA


9:00am - 10:15am | INDUS

CHAIR: Dian Fatwa FEATURING: Bustar Maitar,

Willie Smits, Tim Flannery


The Strange Difficulty

Farid, Pallavi Aiyar

2014 UWRF

10:30am - 11:30am | INDUS

Step Vaessen

10:30am - 11:30am | LEFT BANK

11:45am - 1:00pm | LEFT BANK Police, armies, banks, governments – corruption is not unique to Indonesia, but these three women have written about the impact korupsi has had on this country. Hear the stories of those they’ve worked with and what, if anything, is happening to cease systemic corruption.

CHAIR: Kirsti Melville Featuring: Elizabeth Pisani, Jacqui Baker, Jill Jolliffe

S AT U R D A Y 4 O C T O B E R Wire in Her Blood

The Magic of Mem Fox

She has sold 10 million copies and Wire In The Blood’s psychological profiler Dr Tony Hill has become a household name, yet Val McDermid says she’d be a failed novelist if she started out today. Find out why in this intimate conversation.

Responsible for some of Australia’s most iconic children’s books including Possum Magic, Where is the Green Sheep? and Ten Little Fingers and Ten Little Toes, meet the wondrous Mem Fox.

CHAIR: Rosemary Sayer FEATURING: Val McDermid

CHAIR: Jeni Caffin FEATURING: Mem Fox

Past Selves

On Saraswati

2:30pm - 3:45pm | NEKA

2:30pm - 3:45pm | INDUS

Writing memoir means holding a mirror up to our past selves to create present truths. Can writers truly look that reflection in the eye? How much is fact and how much is fiction?

Three thinkers with extensive knowledge of Balinese culture will shine a light on Saraswati, the Goddess of Knowledge, and how her gift of aksara (alphabet) is translated into ritual and dance, architecture and martial arts.

CHAIR: Hannie Rayson FEATURING: Kate Holden, Rayya Elias,

CHAIR: Ni Ketut Sudiani FEATURING: Jean Couteau, Ketut

The Disappeared

Dharma Punks, Buddhist Secrets of the Script 4:00pm - 5:00pm | LEFT BANK Monks & Johnny Cash

1:15pm - 2:15pm | NEKA

Robyn Davidson

4:00pm - 5:00pm |NEKA

Individuals go missing, families go missing, 10,000s of people go missing. In this session we look at the disappeared, those that return and those who never make it home.

CHAIR: Dian Fatwa

FEATURING: Jill Jolliffe, Mukesh Kapila, Nay Phone Latt

1:15pm - 2:15pm | INDUS

Yuliarsa, Ron Jenkins

4:00pm - 5:00pm | INDUS

We dip into the inkwells of New Zealand, Japan, Indonesia and Germany to meet the monsters, punks, monks, boxers and crooners who make up the marvellous world of graphic novels. CHAIR: Sam Twyford-Moore

FEATURING: Ant Sang, Eiji Han Shimizu, Reinhard Kleist, Terra Bajraghosa

Telling Indigenous Stories

1:15pm - 2:15pm | LEFT BANK To tell an Indigenous story you need to earn one thing: trust. Success is rare and it can take days, months, years. Meet three individuals who have been entrusted to pass on some of the oldest stories on the planet. CHAIR: Geoffrey Williams FEATURING: Bentley Dean, Emma

Masters, Rolf de Heer

Boys Word-up

2:30pm - 3:45pm | LEFT BANK From suburban Australia to the gritty streets of New York City, from West Sumatra to downtown Phnom Penh – meet four men who are equipping young boys with the powerful weapon of words. CHAIR: Emilie Zoey Baker FEATURING: Abraham Nouk,

Carlos Andrés Gómez, Kosal Khiev, Rio Fitra SY

What does it take to craft real sounding dialogue for the stage, as well as the big and little screen? Is it rhythm, memory or an ability to control the cast of characters inside your head? CHAIR: Geoffrey Williams

FEATURING: Aline Davidoff, Jill Dawson, S Metron Masdison

Capture the Change You Want to See

5:15pm - 6:15pm | LEFT BANK

To buy your 4 DAY or 1 DAY FESTIVAL pass and gain access to the riveting Main Program sessions, head to ubudwritersfestival.com or the Box Office.

CHAIR: I Wayan Juniarta FEATURING: Dwitra J Ariana,

Ucu Agustin

2 0 1 4 U W R23 F


For much of its history, the image of Indonesia has been crafted by outsiders. Cameras drawn, these movie makers are at the frontline in the battle to redefine Indonesia’s stories through Indonesian eyes.



A Taste of the Archipelago

The Storytellers

The caste system exists in Bali and India, and a class system exists everywhere else. Join these writers as they discuss what the caste system means in contemporary Hindu societies worldwide, and whether class complicates or clarifies matters.

9:00am - 10:15am | INDUS

Long before the first books were printed, cultures recorded their histories and traditions through the telling of stories. Whether you’re spinning a yarn or passing on a valuable lesson, for many this is still the case. Listen in, and learn.

CHAIR: Pallavi Aiyar FEATURING: Cyrus Mistry, I Wayan Juniarta, Zia Haider Rahman

CHAIR: Janet DeNeefe FEATURING: Bondan Winarno, Ian Burnet, Marco Padang, Will Meyrick

CHAIR: Margaret Whiskin FEATURING: Clarrie Cameron, Ishack Sonlay, Jared Thomas,Patricia Grace

Indonesia etc.

A Surrealist Inferno

The Short Circuit

9:00am - 10:15am | NEKA

10:30am - 11:30am | NEKA


10:30am - 11:30am | INDUS

From her groundbreaking book The Wisdom of Whores through to her new book Indonesia etc., meet Elizabeth Pisani, one woman who isn’t afraid to ask the big questions of one improbable nation and its people.

Exiled Iraqi writer Hassan Blasim is the first Arab writer to win the UK’s Independent Foreign Fiction Prize for his short story collection The Iraqi Christ. We hear more about this, “classic work of postwar witness, mourning and revolt.”

CHAIR: Step Vaessen FEATURING: Elizabeth Pisani

CHAIR: Drew Ambrose FEATURING: Hassan Blasim

A Weapon of Mass Terror


11:45am - 1:00pm | NEKA


Venture deep into the rich diversity of Indonesian cuisine with these top tastemakers. From one emerald paradise to the next, each of the fabled Spice Islands has a culinary surprise with a fascinating story to match. You’ll leave hungry for more.

“The evil people who did this to her, and so many like her – we’ll get them.” – Mukesh Kapila. Rape is still employed as a weapon of mass terror in many countries. What is being done to protect the vulnerable?

CHAIR: Ashwini Devare FEATURING: Anne Ostby, Deborah Baker, Mukesh Kapila

2014 UWRF

9:00am - 10:15am | LEFT BANK

10:30am - 11:30am | LEFT BANK “Short stories are journeys you can make to the far side of the universe and still be back in time for dinner.” – Neil Gaiman. Sit in on these short story writers as they elaborate on penning tall tales in short formats.

CHAIR: Lisa Dempster FEATURING: Angela Meyer, Dias Novita Wuri, Nic Low

YA is Dead, Long Live NA!

11:45am -1:00pm | INDUS

11:45am - 1:00pm | LEFT BANK

They are our closest friends and worst enemies. Listen to three writers explore the love, hate, ploys, plots and peer pressure that fuels sibling rivalry.

So many not-so-young adults were picking up YA, the publishing industry coined a new genre: New Adult. These writers will explain the differences and similarities between the two and whether New Adult is a flash in the pan, or here to stay.

CHAIR: Trisha Sertori FEATURING: Akhil Sharma, Cyrus Mistry, Eimear McBride

CHAIR: Sarah Darmody FEATURING: AJ Betts, Jared Thomas,

Sarah Alderson


To buy your 4 DAY or 1 DAY FESTIVAL pass and gain access to the riveting Main Program sessions, head to ubudwritersfestival.com or the Box Office.

Forecast for Europe

One More Time...

A former dissident who spent six years in prison, Adam Michnik has recorded the shifting European political landscape for four decades. Founder and editor-inchief of Gazeta Wyborcza, Adam shares his forecast for Europe in light of Putin’s recent incursions.

What are you addicted to? Alcohol, caffeine, sugar, cigarettes, drugs, sex, gambling, your own image? These writers lay bare on addiction and how we – sometimes – win the battle with our own demons.

1:15pm - 2:15pm | NEKA

CHAIR: Rio Helmi FEATURING: Adam Michnik

A Good Man

2:30pm - 3:45pm | NEKA “All it takes for evil to triumph is for a few good men to do nothing.” – Edmund Burke. Mukesh Kapila is a good man that did something, including blowing the whistle on UN inaction in Darfur.

CHAIR: Step Vaessen FEATURING: Mukesh Kapila

The Shadow Traveller 4:00pm - 5:00pm | NEKA

CHAIR: Michael Cathcart FEATURING: Amitav Ghosh

CHAIR: Michaela McGuire FEATURING: Kate Holden, Liam Pieper, Rayya Elias

Wisecracks & Otherwise

2:30pm - 3:45pm | INDUS ‘Satire that glides gracefully on thin ice,’ is tricky to write. Join How to Act Indonesian’s Sacha Stevenson, The Muslim Show’s Greg Blondin and Karim Allam and emerging Indonesian humorist Fadel as they hash out getting it right and what happens when you don’t.

1:15pm - 2:15pm| LEFT BANK A criminal’s life is cheap in Indonesia. When Yeni’s brother was killed by the police she fearlessly took on the system. Her story was captured in the radio piece Eat Pray Mourn; hear from the woman who recorded it.

CHAIR: Kirsti Melville FEATURING: Jacqui Baker

Pulau Life

2:30pm - 3:45pm| LEFT BANK Pulau means ‘island’ and Indonesia - an archipelago of 13,466 islands – has its fair share. Whether you were born on one or have travelled extensively through this nation’s cluster, island life is unlike what you find elsewhere.

CHAIR: I Wayan Juniarta FEATURING: Fadel Ilahi El-Dimisky, Greg Blondin, Karim Allam, Sacha Stevenson

CHAIR: Trisha Sertori FEATURING: Bambang Kariyawan YS, Carl Hoffman, Erni Aladjai, Mark Heyward

JALANAN: Behind the Screen


4:00pm - 5:00pm | INDUS

Since its screening under the stars at the Festival last year, the documentary JALANAN has become a box-office hit in Indonesia, and has introduced its street muso stars to audiences across the world. We catch up with the stars and film-makers to hear the real story behind JALANAN. CHAIR: Rio Helmi FEATURING: Bambang ‘Ho’ Mulyono, Ernest Hariyanto, Lakota Moira

4:00pm - 5:00pm | LEFT BANK Once a quiet town of royal princesses, learned brahmins and humble artists, Ubud has transformed into the most famous ‘village’ in Indonesia and a tourism powerhouse. Three Ubudians share their thoughts looking at then, and now.

CHAIR: Ketut Yuliarsa FEATURING: Cok Ace, I Made Gandra, Janet DeNeefe

2 0 1 4 U W R25 F


“To be in any serious sense a traveller is always to be travelling within an invention. An invention that is partly your own and partly someone else’s.” – Amitav Ghosh. A master storyteller talks about his travels, capturing memories and the fragments that make up his multi-faceted stories.

1:15pm - 2:15pm| INDUS

Crime & Punishment in Jakarta


special events 1 - 5 OCTOBER Media & Writers Dinner

30 September | 6:00pm - 8:00pm | AYUNG

Cocktails with a Queen of Crime 2 October | 6:00pm - 8:00pm | IL GIARDINO

“A society gets the criminals it deserves.” – Val McDermid. From Killing the Shadows to Wire in the Blood, Val McDermid is one of the world’s most renowned crime writers. Join Val as she dishes up on her characters and the dark art of writing good crime at an intimate cocktail and canapes soiree at Il Giardino.

With stars above you and literary stars besides you, this is your preFestival opportunity to mingle with writers, international media and more at an open-air gathering. Tastetest your way through the assortment of homegrown delicacies served at a vibrant market, Indonesian style. The perfect way to kickstart your Festival.

AU$75 / IDR 750,000

Mozaic Cooking School

One Hundred Overlapping Identities

1 October | 9:30am - 12:30pm | MOZAIC

AU$110 / IDR 1,100,000

A rare opportunity to equip yourself with MasterChef-style culinary skills at Ubud’s most famous restaurant. Enter Mozaic’s Workshop – a modern, comfortable and air-conditioned HQ in a homestyle environment, where after handpicking local ingredients from Mozaic’s spice garden, you can prepare your own stunning dishes. Then sit back and enjoy the fruits of your efforts with a delicious three-course spread.

Bahasa Breakfast

2 - 5 October | 8:00am - 8:45am |RUMAH BACA


FEATURING: Rosemary Sayer, Val McDermid

AU$85 / IDR 850,000

2 October | 6:00pm - 8:00pm | RONDJI

Weaving a vibrant tapestry of Asia past, present and future, master novelist Amitav Ghosh will speak with acclaimed journalist Pallavi Aiyar about a continent in a state of flux. Enjoy this enriching discussion along with Rondji’s famed cocktails and canapes.

AU$75 / IDR 750,000

People of Letters

2 October | 7:00pm - 9:00pm | INDUS The Australian lit-hit sensation just finished up a wildly successful tour of the US, the UK and now it returns to Ubud. Sit in on an evening of intimate revelations all via the most meaningful of mediums – the letter. A handpicked selection of Festival guests will share letters that only you will hear.

Kickstart your day with a fun introduction to the Indonesian language. Whether it’s your first time to Bali, or you visit often, join us for Bahasa Breakfast. Over Balinese treats and coffee, Cinta Bahasa will teach you the basic greetings, dos and don’ts plus other fun and useful Indonesian phrases to help you get around Ubud and the Festival.

AU$15 / IDR 150,000

26 26 2014 UWRF

FEATURING: Amitav Ghosh, Pallavi Aiyar

AU$35 / IDR 350,000

FEATURING: Carlos Andrés Gómez, Hannie Rayson, Mem Fox, Phil Jarratt , Rolf De Heer, Tim Flannery

1 - 5 OCTOBER It’s a rare opportunity to get up close and personal with your favourite or soon-to-be-favourite artist. Buy your Special Event tickets online ubudwritersfestival.com or at the Box Office.

Devdutt’s Hindu Trinity

2 October | 7:30pm - 9:30pm | YOGA BARN

One Woman, a Baby & a Backpack 3 October | 4:00pm - 5:30pm| YOGA BARN

Devdutt Pattanaik – Chief Belief Officer of a major retailer and speaker at India’s first-ever TED – explains the three primary gods and goddesses in India in a way that is immediate.... and quite surprising. Followed by a moving musical tribute to Gandhi led by Johar Ali, Sinta Wullur, Steve Bolton and Cecilia Wulia.

AU$20 / IDR 200,000

FEATURING: Devdutt Pattanaik

AU$20 / IDR 200,000

Jane Cornelius – author of Baby and a Backpack – will talk trusting your intuition, taking the plunge to write and following the life of your dreams. After hitting the road toting a newborn, with a past peopled by a wrestler father, insane gypsy cook mother and Playboy Bunny stepmother, Jane truly lives by the mantra: never give up. Followed by Yoga Barn’s Community Class led by Jane (6pm-7pm) – one of Bali’s first yoga teachers – and afterwards, optional extra Ecstatic Dance.

FEATURING: Jane Cornelius, Jeni Caffin

Made & Remade in Japan

2 October |8:00pm - 10:00pm | RYOSHI

Night Guests

3 October | 6:30pm - 9:30pm | BRIDGES There are bedtime stories we cherish and those that keep us wide-eyed at night. Cosy up with some of the Festival’s gifted storytellers as they weave their magic over Bridges’ exquisite gastronomic treats, all facing a lush bamboo jungle. Sit back, sip on chilled wine and be entertained by tall tales and true.

Acclaimed Japanese novelist Minae Mizumura sits down with esteemed scholar Keibo Oiwa and award-winning translator, Juliet Winters Carpenter to talk translation, Japanese literature, and more. Enjoy the ambience of Ryoshi along with tunes courtesy Tropical Transit and Chika Asamoto. Supported by The Japan Foundation

AU$10 / IDR 100,000 (food & beverages not included)

FEATURING: Juliet Winters Carpenter, Keibo Oiwa, Minae Mizumura

A Lunch with Robyn Davidson 3 October | 12:00pm - 3:00pm | MAYA

AU$110 / IDR 1,100,000

An Evening with Sir VS Naipaul 3 October | 7:00pm - 9:00pm | INDUS

FEATURING: Robyn Davidson, Rosemary Sayer

An intimate evening with Sir VS Naipaul – the Trinidad-born, UKbased writer whose impressive trajectory includes a knighthood, a Booker Prize and a Nobel Laureateship. This is a rare, oncein-a-lifetime opportunity to witness one of the literary legends of the 20th century.

AU$150 / IDR 1,500,000


(food & beverages not included)


2 0 1 4 U W R27 F


In the 1970s, she took a generation of Australians on a courageous journey across the desert, capturing the hearts of a nation. Nearly four decades and one hit film adaptation on, you now have the chance to sit down with the legendary Robyn Davidson. The story behind Tracks will be served alongside a delectable three-course-meal.

AU$95 / IDR 950,000

FEATURING: Aline Davidoff, Debra Yatim, Fiona McFarlane, Ketut Yuliarsa, Lily Yulianti Farid, Paulo José Miranda, Sjón


special events 1 - 5 OCTOBER Light & Truth with Zia 3 October | 8:00 - 10:00pm | KEBUN

The Salon

4 October | 5:00pm - 6:30pm | MOZAIC

Zia Haider Rahman is said to be heir to greats such as George Orwell and V.S Naipaul. In this special event Zia will read from his debut novel In the Light of What We Know, a story that wrestles with the legacies of class and culture. Relish a master storyteller sharing his tales while you sip on sangria and nibble on delicious tapas.

AU$15 / IDR 150,000

FEATURING: Debra Yatim, Zia Haider Rahman

4 October | 8:00am - 11:00am | Meet CASA LUNA

4 October | 7:00pm - 9:00pm | INDUS The Australian lit-hit sensation just finished up a wildly successful tour of the US, the UK and now it returns to Ubud. Sit in on an evening of intimate revelations all via the most meaningful of mediums – the letter. A handpicked selection of Festival guests will share letters that only you will hear.

FEATURING: Carl Hoffman, Dias Novita Wuri, Fiona Higgins, Jared Thomas, Margaret Whiskin

WRITERS: Alison Lester, Eimear McBride, Emilie Zoey Baker, Fiona McFarlane, Lily Yulianti Farid, Val McDermid

4 October | 8:00am - 2:30pm | Meet at HONEYMOON GUESTHOUSE II

AU$35 / IDR 350,000

The Traveller’s Lunch

4 October | 12:00pm -3:00pm| ALILA Over Alila’s glorious four-course lunch, meet three charming travel writers: Colin Thubron, author of To a Mountain in Tibet; Tim Cope, who spent over three years horseback riding in the steps of Genghis Khan; and Ahmad Fuadi, bestselling Indonesian writer and avid traveller. Supported by Virgin Australia

Brave explorers, brilliant literary minds and avid bicyclists; Lisa Dempster and AJ Betts have taken to the wilds of Australia on bike and now they’ll tackle Bali. Riding from Kintamani, you’ll make stops to chat about writing from the road – literally! The tour begins with a breakfast and ends with a delicious lunch.

AU$ 55/ IDR 550,00

28 28 2014 UWRF

FEATURING: Carlos Andrés Gómez, Kate Holden, Liam Pieper, Rayya Elias, Skid More

Join some of the Festival’s finest talespinners on a ‘Jalan Jalan’ or ‘wander.’ Drink in the scenery while gently strolling through the lush green en route to Sari Organik. Over a delicious organic brunch seated on top of Ubud’s stunning rice terraces you’ll hear stories from near and far.

Ladies Who Ride


AU$75 / IDR 750,000

Women of Letters

Jalan Jalan

AU$50 / IDR 500,000

Enter the Festival’s den of iniquity, where stories of rockstars, drug addicts and inept gangsters will served along with a healthy dose of Mozaic’s addictive martinis and canapes. Rayya Elias, Kate Holden, Carlos Andrés Gómez and Liam Pieper will spill the adults-only, behind-closed-doors stories that we all want to hear.

FEATURING: AJ Betts, Lisa Dempster

AU$95 / IDR 950,000

FEATURING: Ahmad Fuadi, Colin Thubron, Tim Cope, Trisha Sertori

1 - 5 OCTOBER It’s a rare opportunity to get up close and personal with your favourite or soon-to-be-favourite artist. Buy your Special Event tickets online ubudwritersfestival.com or at the Box Office.

Guess Who is Coming to Dinner 4 October | 7:00pm - 10:00pm | LOCAVORE

Long Table Lunch

5 October | 12:00pm - 3:00pm | RONDJI

Yours for the night: Amitav Ghosh, Deborah Baker, Zia Haider Rahman, Jill Dawson, Nadya Hutagalung and Akhil Sharma; in this exclusive evening held at Ubud’s hottest new fine-dining digs, Locavore. A cosy affair over a delicately prepared degustation, this is where a passion for food and fine minds collide.

AU$180 / IDR 1,800,000

FEATURING: Akhil Sharma, Amitav Ghosh, Deborah Baker, Jill Dawson, Nadya Hutagalung, Zia Haider Rahman

AU$95 / IDR 950,000

Join us in a culinary journey across the Indonesian archipelago. Savour specialties from Sumatra to Ambon as dished up by one of Jakarta’s hottest chefs, Marco Padang, and UWRF’s own Janet DeNeefe. As you sit back with a view over the Campuhan ridge, rub shoulders with extraordinary authors from the East and relish in a meal from the fabled spice islands.

FEATURING: Andrew Lam, Can Xue, Chuah Guat Eng, Ian Burnet, Janet DeNeefe, Marco Padang

Ubud Bike & Literary Tour

5 October | 8:00am - 2:30pm | Meet at HONEYMOON GUESTHOUSE II Join intrepid explorer Tim Cope for breakfast overlooking the majestic Mt Batur volcano in Kintamani, then cycle to Ubud through forests, rice terraces, coffee plantations and villages. As you go, Tim will spill stories from his journey in the steps of Genghis Khan. Finish up with a hearty Balinese buffet.

AU$55 / IDR 550,000

5 October | 12:00pm - 3:00pm | SVARGA LOKA


AU$20 / IDR 200,000

After Saraswati

5 October | 10:30am - 12:30pm| CASA LUNA

Possum Magic recreated in a Balinese jungle tree house is a treat few children – or their parents – could resist! Three decades on from penning Australia’s bestselling children’s book of all time, Mem Fox will be bringing Grandma Pos, Hush and more to Ubud for a trueblue Aussie feast (think Anzac biscuits, lamingtons and vegemite sandwiches). Tuck in and soak up Mem’s stories first-hand. For the young and young-at-heart; all children must be accompanied by an adult.

Featuring: Jeni Caffin, Mem Fox


Following Saraswati Day – the Balinese Hindu goddess of wisdom and knowledge – is Hari Banyu Pinaruh, a day on which you submit to ritual cleansing followed by a feast celebrating all the earth provides. With fragrant yellow rice, smoked duck and more, sit down and be nourished by both food and culture.

AU$55 / IDR 550,000

Possum Magic in an Ubud Treehouse

FEATURING: Janet DeNeefe, Ketut Yuliarsa, Ni Ketut Sudiani, Ron Jenkins


2 0 1 4 U W R29 F




d i a lo g u es


4 - 5 OCTOBER We’re decamping to incredible coworking space Hubud for a series of digital dialogues perfect for creative innovators, data junkies and the tech-curious. Simply flash your 4 DAY or 1 DAY PASS (for the relevant date) and soak up the inspiration. For the Digital Workshops: Not a Question of Size; New World Order; and The Secrets of Successful Self-Publishing please refer to the Workshops section, pp 46 & 47. Co-presented with Hubud, Emerging Writers’ Festival & Digital Writers’ Festival

Great surf, high times: we’re pleased to partner with Deus ex Machina to bring you a sea salt-sprayed suite of events, launches and exhibitions.

Regional & Minority Writers Online

Morning of the Earth

Gender, Words & Digital Spaces

30 September | 6:30pm - 10:00pm | DEUS EX MACHINA TEMPLE OF ENTHUSIASM


Sit in on a free screening of the iconic surf film that changed the face of Bali forever, hosted by its star, champion surfer Rusty Miller. Rusty and special guests will chat with author Phil Jarratt, followed by live jams including songs from the bestseller soundtrack.

4 October | 10:30am - 11:30am | INDUS


(See Main Program page 18 for more)

S u r f / d i g i ta l D I A LO G U ES

Dreamland: Photos by Dick Hoole 28 September - 5 October | DEUS EX MACHINA TEMPLE OF ENTHUSIASM (Jl. Batu Mejan No 8, Canggu)

Veteran filmmaker and photographer Dick Hoole was one of the first to document surfing in Bali, following the release of Morning of the Earth. From 1973 he covered the phenomenal growth of surfing in Bali, the changes it brought and the first generation of Balinese surfers.

Bali: Heaven & Hell Book Launch 4 October | 5:30-7:00pm |THE ELEPHANT (See Book Launches page 44 for more)

30 30 2014 UWRF

A discussion exploring the challenges and rewards of writing in and from the regions, and how to bring fringe voices to the centre. FEATURING: André Dao, Elliott Bledsoe

4 October | 3:30pm - 4:30pm | HUBUD

(Jl. Batu Mejan No 8, Canggu)

Breaking the Surface

4 October | 2:15pm - 3:15pm | HUBUD


When it comes to online journalism, blogging, or cranking out code, who is underrepresented and why? FEATURING: Gillian Terzis, Ninda Daianti

The Art & Craft of Digital Media Businesses 4 October | 4:45pm - 5:45pm | HUBUD

What opportunities exist for sustainable digital media businesses? How can writers and editors better collaborate with others to bring their ideas to fruition? FEATURING: Guy Vincent, Julie Renouf

Crowdsourcing Translation

5 October | 2:15pm - 3:15pm | HUBUD The web is linguistically diverse, yet often English-speakers mistake their provincial Anglosphere for the world. Hear about multilingual crowds and options for global readership. FEATURING: André Dao, Maggie Tiojakin

The New Economics of Publishing Online

5 October | 3:30pm - 4:30pm | HUBUD In an age where reader engagement is measured in clicks and where it’s expected every piece should go explosively viral, how do writers adapt to the digital environment without losing their souls? FEATURING: Connor Tomas O’Brien, Daniel Dalton





S U N D AY 5 O C TOBE R A day of free events all held in Fivelements’ majestic bamboo pavilions. Spaces are limited so registrations are essential via ubudwritersfestival.com.

Welcome from Suzy Hutomo

Supported by The Body Shop

9:00am - 9:15am

Wild-lands Need Wild Mammals 9:15am - 10:00am

Tim Flannery asks: with many wild lands deprived of large mammals, can we restore our ecosystems to health?

Thinking Outside the Box for Coral Reefs 10:00am - 11:00am

Naneng Setiasih and Celia Gregory discuss creative solutions for coral reef management.

Put some limber into your literature with our stream of all things stretchy.

Free Daily Yoga Classes

The Katingan Project (held in Mandala Madya) 10:00am - 11:00am FREE

2 - 5 October | 7:00am - 8:00am |TAMAN BACA Do downward dog and view the stunning Campuhan Ridge upside down. Start your day right with Radiantly Alive Yoga instructors.

One Woman, a Baby & a Backpack 3 October| 4:00pm - 5:30pm |YOGA BARN Jane Cornelius will talk trusting your intuition, taking the plunge to write and following your dreams. Followed by a Yoga Barn Community class led by Jane, one of Bali’s first yoga teachers. (See Special Events page 26 for more)

Stretch Your Story’s Potential (Workshop with Jane Cornelius)

4 October| 1:00pm - 4:00pm |YOGA BARN Just like yoga, writing is a practice – that takes strength, determination, flexibility, and an open mind. (See Workshop page 47 for more)

Rezal Kusumaatmadja explains The Katingan Project; which aims to save peat swamp forest in Indonesian Borneo.

A 30-year Indonesian Adventure 11:15am - 12:00pm

Hear Willie Smits’ personal journey into Indonesia’s incredible natural potential and true people-planet-profit solutions.

Indonesia’s Green Heart 12:00pm - 12:45pm

Greenpeace’s Bustar Maitar will outline how Papua’s last forest frontier is under threat.

Raw Food Lunch 12:45pm - 1:45pm

A nourishing raw food meal crafted by US-trained chef Made Runatha will celebrate Bali’s exquisite organic produce.

Sow Seed Sovereignty Workshop (held in Mandala Madya)

1:00pm - 4:00pm

Please turn to the Workshop program on page 47.

Slow, Small, Simple 1:45pm - 2:30pm

d i g i ta l d i a lo g u es 5 October | 4:45pm - 5:45pm

Should we use Twitter to write about Twitter? Is the best way to deconstruct Facebook through a status update? If clarity emerges with distance, maybe we need to step away from our screens to write about them. FEATURING: Gillian Terzis, Nic Low

Slow Food: YES to Good, Clean & Fair! 2:30pm - 3:15pm

The importance of ‘local’ food is explored by Mary Jane Edleson, with specific examples from various Slow Food programs in Bali.

Let Elephants Be Elephants 3:30pm - 4:30pm

A screening of Nadya Hutagalung’s Let Elephants be Elephants, followed by a Q&A with Nadya.


2 0 1 4 U W R31 F

yoga / enviro

Offline Writing About the Web

Keibo Oiwa says the age of crisis is a great opportunity for the downward shift from ‘excess’ to ‘just enough.’


t h e k i t c h e nn f r i n g e e v e n t s 2 - 5 OCTOBER


Step into The Kitchen to witness sizzling cooking demonstrations led by our exotic authors and chefs.

Enjoy life at the fringe with these free events. For a map of venue locations, please visit our website.

Held daily at Toko Toko Restaurant, The Kitchen is your chance to gain an up close and personal encounter of the writer’s culinary skills. Guests include Bondan Winarno, Chris Salens, Will Meyrick, Will Goldfarb, and many more; with them you can feast on foodie stories, passed-on wisdom and home-cooked specialties from across Indonesia and beyond. Tickets are only IDR 50,000 and can be purchased at the Box Office or on the door (please see the Main Program area map). The Kitchen will cook up a storm daily with further programming details to be announced online.

In the Beginning There Were Words 2 October | 6:30pm - 8:30pm | BENTARA BUDAYA BALI


(Jl. Prof IB Mantra 88a, Bypass Ketewel, Denpasar) Literary works are all about building stories using words as their ‘bricks and mortar’. Listen to these four authors as they share their ‘engineering’ tips and tricks that have enabled them to build captivating stories and how they solve the perennial hurdle of choosing the first word. Language: Bahasa Indonesia FEATURING: Agus Rois, Bambang Kariyawan YS, Maggie Tiojakin, Ninda Daianti

Strong Brews, Flowing Words THE KITCHEN / FRINGE EVENTS

4 October | 7:00pm - 9:00pm | KOPI KULTUR



(Little Tree Building, Jl. Sunset Road, Kuta) Set in the hippest coffee shop in the island, where activists plot rebellious rallies and handsome baristas mix exotic brews, poets will declare their everlasting love for literature through finelycrafted verses and thinly-veiled emotion. The poetry-reading night is staged in cooperation with Komunitas Malam Puisi. Language: Bahasa Indonesia FEATURING: Bunyamin Fasya, Erni Aladjai, Faisal Oddang, Regi Sastra Sena, Rio Fitra SY

2014 UWRF

30 years ago, SeaTrek Sailing Adventures pioneered its small vessel cruise operations in Bali,with a vision to provide personalized sea voyages to unique destinations and places of astonishing beauty that seem locked in time. With more than a quarter century of adventure sailing, SeaTrek has been opening the Eastern regions of Indonesia to whole generations of travelers from across the globe.

Jl.Bypass Ngurah Rai 377 Sanur, Bali P: 0361 270 604 E: info@seatrekbali.com www.seatrekbali.com

f: seatrekbali t:@seatrekbali



Jl Raya Ubud (downstairs in Casa Luna, Opposite the Puri Lukisan) +62 361 971605 barluna@casalunabali.com www.casalunabali.com

Open 3pm – 11pm daily Bar Luna Basement is Ubud’s bohemian café, and the local hot spot for literary musings, tasty tapas, cocktails and more. Enjoy Bar Luna’s Offbeat program of free events – a mix of surprising, eclectic and energetic voices from around the globe every night during the Festival.

Anne Otsby’s Town of Love | 5.00 - 6:00pm

2 OCT Thurs A Tale of Lost Villages |

What is human dignity all about? How the women in a red light area in India opened Anne’s eyes…forever. 6.15 - 7:15pm

Come on a fascinating photographic journey across the archipelago and hear tales of the inner circles of Bali culture from Stephanie Brookes and David Metcalf.

The love story of Rosa Rolando and Miguel Covarrubias | 7.30 - 8:30pm

A portrait of couple Rosa Rolando and Miguel Covarrubias through narration, images, and letters with Bar Luna’s tostaditas and margaritas. Presented by Aline Davidoff.

Into the Wilds | 8.45 - 10:30pm

3 OCT Fri

Keibo Oiwa’s Vision | 5.00 - 7:00pm

(held in Casa Luna Screening Room)

Join environmentalist Keibo Oiwa for a screening of his visionary films, Vandana Shiva: Embracing the Seed of Life and Kawaguchi Yoshikazu in Natural Farming.

Savage Harvest | 5.00 - 6:00pm

Tim Flannery called it, “The most brilliant adventure to come out of New Guinea.” Join Carl Hoffman for an evening of slides and video and conversation on his bestselling Savage Harvest.

A Walk on the Dark Side | 6.15 - 7:15pm

Take a walk on the dark side of the magical, mythical and surreal with two men from the distant island of Iceland and New Zealand; Tim Molloy and Sjón.

Join poets Abraham, KAmau BAkari ABayomi, Kosal Khiev and Bunyamin Fasya with Vieux Aliou Cissokho on Kora, Tah Riq on guitar and Patricio Zuniga Labarca on percussion in a wild night of spoken word and music.

Minae’s Yomimono | 7.30 - 8:30pm

Bustar Maitar & Green Peace Indonesia | 5.00 - 6:00pm

Poet’s Club | 8.45 - 10:30pm

In 2005 Bastur Maitar was one of the first staff recruited for Greenpeace’s Indonesian office. As the organisation marks its 10th anniversary Bastar tracks the wins and losses.

The Iraqi Christ | 6.15 - 7:15pm

Described by The Guardian as, “perhaps the greatest writer of Arabic fiction alive,” Hassan Blassim reads some of his favourite passages from his works, with Tah Riq on guitar.

Adam Michnik Out of Poland | 7.30 - 8:45pm Adam Michnik is among Poland’s most prominent public figures, with a voice dedicated to dialogue, tolerance, and freedom. Repeatedly detained by the Polish communist regime for his dissident activities, he spent a total of six years in prison between 1965 and 1986.

Gods, Ancient India & World Music | 9.00 - 10:30pm

Krishna Udayasankar reads from the mythical Aryvata Chronicles set in Ancient India along to French multiinstrumentalist Saïssi Gilles and band.


4 OCT Sat

Acclaimed Japanese author Minae Mizumara reads from her three books from left to right in Japanese and English with Juliet Winters Carpenter.

From across all corners of the globe, join us for an evening of words, wine and sultry jazz with the Yuri Mahatma trio featuring Astrid Sulaiman on piano.

FILM PROGRAM 1 - 5 OCTOBER All Film Program sessions are free. Sit back and while away some inspiring, informative and ingenious celluloid hours.

Louis Couperus


Director: Jan Louter

Director: Daniel Ziv

1 October | 4:00pm - 6:00pm | BETELNUT

2 October | 7:00pm - 10:00pm | BETELNUT

For many, Louis Couperus is the greatest novelist the Netherlands has ever known. Following in the footsteps of this famed dandy, writer Bas Heijne is taken from The Hague to Java, Tuscany and beyond. Join Bas Heijne and acclaimed cinematographer Jan Louter as they ponder Louis Couperus and his amazing relationship to Indonesia.

We return to UWRF 2013 Festival favourite JALANAN; a film following the captivating story of Boni, Ho and Titi, three gifted, charismatic street musicians in Jakarta over a tumultuous five-year period in their own lives and that of Indonesia. Followed by a Q&A with selected filmmakers.

Ragat’e Anak Director: Ucu Agustin 2 October | 2:00pm - 3:30pm | MUSEUM OF MARKETING 3.0


Director: Rai Pendet 3 October |2:00pm - 3:30pm | MUSEUM OF MARKETING 3.0

Nur and Mira are mothers who, by day, engage in hard labour by a river’s edge. By night they engage in hard labour of a different kind – selling their bodies for IDR 10,000 just to make ends meet, all on the cold Chinese family graves of Mt. Bolo. Language: Bahasa Indonesia, English subtitles

Inspired by the story of a love starcrossed by the conflicting forces of caste, Bali-born woman Ida defies her mother’s wishes and marries the man of her dreams – who also happens to be a commoner. A filmic adaptation of famed work Tarian Bumi (Earth Dance) by local author Oka Rusmini. Language: Bahasa Bali, English subtitles

First Footprints


Director: Bentley Dean & Martin Butler

Director: John Curran

First Footprints takes us back to a preCaptain Cook Australia, telling the untold story of the original pioneers of humankind, a history that began in Australia 50,000 years before modern humans reached America and Europe. Join Bentley Dean for a Q&A following the screening.

Tracks tells the remarkable true story of Robyn Davidson (Mia Wasikowska), a woman who abandons her city life to make a solo trek across 2,000 miles of sprawling Australian desert. Accompanied by only her dog and four unpredictable camels, Tracks is a lifechanging journey of self-discovery.

2 October | 4:00pm - 6:30pm | BETELNUT


Tarian Bumi

3 October | 4:00pm - 6:00pm | BETELNUT


Lempad of Bali

Sokola Rimba

Director: Lorne Blair & John Darling

Director: Riri Riza

3 October | 7:00pm - 10:00pm | LOTUS STAGE Telling the remarkable story of Balinese artist I Gusti Nyoman Lempad, this special Tribute Night screening sets the scene of an island’s changing fortunes over the past century. It begins with Lempad just before his death, then follows the elaborate preparations for his cremation and the subsequent release of his spirit into the next world.

4 October | 6:30pm - 8:00pm | BLANCO MUSEUM Sokola Rimba (The Jungle School) follows Time Magazine’s 2004 ‘Hero of Asia’ Butet Manurung’s (Prisia Nasution) inspirational journey from anthropologist to educator to activist as she works with the indigenous forest people (Orang Rimba) who live upstream the Makekal river in the forest of Bukit Duabelas of Jambi, Sumatera, Indonesia. Supported by The Body Shop Indonesia Language: Bahasa Indonesia, English subtitles


Atambua 39o Celcius

Director : Dwitra J Ariana

Director: Riri Riza

4 October | 2:00pm - 4:00pm | MUSEUM OF MARKETING 3.0

5 October | 2:00pm - 4:00pm | MUSEUM OF MARKETING 3.0

A documentary charting the harmonious co-existence of Balinese Hindu and Chinese Buddhist citizens in the Kintamani region of the Island of Gods. Living together in a ‘Banjar Pakraman,’ Chinese Buddhist minorities enjoy equal opportunities, even becoming Banjar Leader (Kelihan). A fascinating insight into a fascinating social landscape. Language: Bahasa Indonesia, English subtitles

Charlie’s Country Director: Rolf De Heer 4 October | 4:00pm - 6:00pm | BETELNUT

The Trail of Genghis Khan Director: Tim Cope 5 October | 4:00pm - 6:00pm | BETELNUT Australian Tim Cope embarked on a remarkable journey: 10,000kms on horseback with only his Kazakh dog for company, across the Eurasian steppe retracing the trail of Genghis Khan. In three years of self-filming, Tim faced wolves, -50 degree frosts, and scorching deserts but also nomad families who heartily welcomed him into the nomad heart.

2014 UWRF


An official selection at Cannes Film Festival, Charlie’s Country once again pairs renowned director Rolf de Heer with screen legend David Gulpilil. A representation of Aboriginal Australia today, Charlie’s Country balances insightful political undertones with the deeply personal story of one man’s search for belonging.

In a Timor still riven by the fall-out of a referendum 10 years ago, a teenage boy estranged from his absent mother and hardworking father is drawn to a troubled out-of-town girl, only returning upon her grandfather’s death. Joao is drawn to Nikia, but how can he express his feelings? Language: Tetum, English subtitles


ARTS PROGRAM 21 SEPT – 30 OCTOBER As Bali’s cultural heartland, it’s no surprise Ubud comes into its own with an array of exciting exhibitions and events celebrating culture and the arts. All sessions are free unless otherwise marked.

Art Minimart

21 September - 12 October | SIKA GALLERY Picking up where last year’s Art Supermarket left off, Art Minimart tackles the theme Small Space Big Thinking.

Ubud Writers & Readers Festival Events

In the Dark

2 - 5 October | 11:00am - 3:00pm | ROOM 4 DESSERT Let your ears have wings and take your mind to places it’s never been. Radio as you’ve never heard it before – In The Dark with ABC Radio National’s 360documentaries.


1 - 20 October | BAR LUNA A fusion of ‘plastic’ and ‘ecology’, Plasticology is a visual exploration of the need for plastic waste management in Bali. ARTIST: Made ‘Bayak’ Muliana

Sumba Dance, Music & Stories on Cloth

2 October | 5:30pm - 6:30pm | THREADS OF LIFE

Local Warming #2

27 September - 27 October | Tonyraka Gallery Local Warming is an interpretation of the worries, critical thrills and creative ideas that are generated when an individual creates art. ARTISTS: Agus Putu, I. B Sindu Putra, Juniartha, Nyoman Agus, Semadi, Suyadnya, Putu Aan, Widi Kertia, Wijaya

Pecha Kucha

1 October | 8:00pm - 10:00pm | BETELNUT


Pecha Kucha means fast furious fun, as brave Festival artists step onto the stage to share things they love in the 20x20 format: 20 images, each for 20 seconds. This worldwide phenomenon again comes to Ubud; be prepared to uncover the unexpected.


2014 UWRF

A vibrant performance of traditional music and dance from Sumba with stories on cloth as told by a traditional elder.

Reinhard Kleist & Johnny Cash in the Jungle

2 October | 6:00pm - 9:00pm | ALILA In this unmissable live art event, graphic novelist Reinhard Kleist will treat us to a ‘comic concert.’ Reinhard’s drawings of icon Johnny Cash will come to life on the big screen; all to an electrifying set by tribute band John & the Jail Story. Shuttle transport will be available to and from the Main Program area. ARTIST: Reinhard Kleist

The Diary

3 - 17 October | HEYOKAH ART HOUSE All will be revealed at The Diary, an exhibition of four artists stripping bare to ‘bring forth the unseen.’ ARTISTS: Andy Sahraya, Irawan Pras, Yozeffani Awan , Grazz a.k.a, Benedictus Ringga

Crazy Little Heaven: Images, Words & Music 3 October | 6:00pm - 8:00pm | BOTANIC GARDENS

In this evening of images, words and music, witness the rare magic of Borneo, its people and landscape being channelled by Mark Heyward, artists and musicians. ARTISTS: Mark Heyward, Khan Wilson, David Metcalf, Qisie and friends


Tribute Night for Lempad

3 October | 7:00pm - 10:00pm | LOTUS STAGE A night of homage dedicated to one of Bali’s greatest artist, the late Lempad. A screening of the documentary will reveal the artist’s final masterpiece while scholars, friends, musicians and poets will weave stories on his profound legacy. ARTISTS: Agung Rai, Jean Couteau, I Wayan Juniarta, Ni Ketut Sudiani, Rio Helmi, Wayan Jengki Sunarta


Poetry Slam

3 October | 7:30pm - 10:30pm | BETELNUT



Uniting world writers to slam, spin and splice their original words in a fiery literary battle to be crowned the 2014 Poetry Slam Champ. ARTISTS: Jesse John Brand, KAmau BAkari ABayomi


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Zine & Makers Fair



4 October | 1:00pm - 5:00pm | TAMAN BACA

Bright talents from Bali and beyond showcase their DIY publications and handmade works of art. Start a conversation, swap and sell, and walk away with a memento of your time in Ubud. ARTISTS: Ant Sang, Eiji Han Shimizu, Greg Blondin, Karim Allam, Reinhard Kleist, Terra Bajraghosa, Tim Molloy


+ 62 361 823 67 22 / 33 nowbali@phoenix.co.id www.nowbali.co.id

a r t s program 21 SEPT – 30 OCTOBER


workshops 2-5 OCTOBER

Illuminating Line

Cooking Class & Market Tour

4 October | 5:00pm - 6:30pm | MUSEUM PURI LUKISAN

2 October I 8:00am - 1:00pm| Meet at CASA LUNA RESTAURANT

Enjoy master drawings by the acclaimed artist Lempad, along with a private tour of the exhibition led by co-authors and curators Soemantri Widagdo and Bruce W. Carpenter. Entry IDR 50,000

Awaken your senses on a guided tour through Ubud Market and learn about the herbs and spices used in Balinese dishes. Return to Casa Luna Cooking School to help prepare – and enjoy – a lavish feast. AU$45 / IDR 450,000

Oceania Under the Stars 4 October | 6:00pm - 11:00pm | BLANCO RENAISSANCE MUSEUM

From Sokola Rimba’s jungle schools to powerful Māori voice Tama Waipara; Ontosoroh’s electrifying dance-opera fusion to the world’s most renowned didgeridoo player William Barton; take yourself on a sensory journey across Oceania.

Your Brush with Balinese Painting 2 October I 2:00pm - 5:00pm| MUSEUM PURI LUKISAN Pick up Balinese Painting from master artist I Nyoman Budi Kartika in an exclusive art class. Participants will be supplied with materials and learn the steps used by Balinese artists to produce world-acclaimed paintings. AU$45 / IDR 450,000

Batik Painting

Lit Up! Cabaret Extravaganza

3 October | 10:00am - 2:00pm | NIRVANA STUDIO

4 October | 8:00pm – 10:00pm | BETELNUT

In this full day workshop you will receive a hand’s on apprenticeship in one of Bali’s most iconic art forms. Renowned batik artist Nyoman Suradnya will tell the story of batik and demonstrate the process involved. AU$55 / IDR 550,000 including materials and lunch

Singers, dancers, musos, comedians and the best WTF?! culled from Ubud’s hilariously outrageous community talent event Bali Gong Show gather for this extravaganza. Entry IDR 100,000 / locals pay what can

Closing Night Party A R T S P R O G R A M / C U LT U R A L W O R K S H O P S

5 October | 6:00pm – 11:00pm | BLANCO RENAISSANCE MUSEUM


At this must-go party of the Festival, the night sky is your witness for an evening of vibed-up world-music, exuberant dancing, and shoulder-rubbing with Festival friends, artists and old-hands. ARTISTS: Alphamama, Ángela López Lara, Ben Walsh and more

2014 UWRF

Herb Walk 4 October | 8:00am - 11:00am | Meet at CASA LUNA RESTAURANT This fascinating walk-and-talk will introduce you to the wealth of natural remedies that grow wild around Ubud. Your guides Lilir and Westi have studied traditional Balinese healing, and have spent time researching Balinese plants and using them in their daily lives. AU$35 / IDR 350,000 including a fresh coconut drink or a refreshing herbal drink

7 Lentera

Language of Offerings

12 - 30 October | ARTSTOCK GALLERY

5 October |10:00am - 12:00pm| NIRVANA STUDIO

Celebrating the value of togetherness a cluster of gem-like lanterns created by art lovers will glimmer against the Ubud sky. ARTISTS: Atjeng, Huda Fauzan, Jamil Supriatna, Joseph Agus Tomo, T. Hartono, Necky Sodikin, Pranoto Ahmad Raji

Be introduced to a number of simple offerings that are made each day in Bali as tangible means of communicating with God. This is a one-of-a-kind opportunity to learn first-hand about the Balinese Hindu belief system. AU$35 / IDR 350,000

youth program 2 - 5 OCTOBER All Youth Program sessions are free. To book, please visit ubudwritersfestival.com or email cyp@ubudwritersfestival.com

Stories Without Words: An Intro to Silent Comics 4 Oct | 10:00am - 12:00pm | MUSEUM OF MARKETING 3.0 Learn about the unique communication possibilities open to the creator of the wordless comic strip or book. Tim Molloy English 15 years old and up

Your Joke, Your Ideas Ideas & Inspiration: How Stories are Born

2 Oct | 10:00am - 12:00pm | MUSEUM PURI LUKISAN Where do novels come from? In this workshop you’ll find out how to use real life situations to come up with original new stories. AJ Betts English13 - 17 years old


2 Oct | 10:00am - 12:00pm | MUSEUM OF MARKETING 3.0 The brain behind the show Provocative Proactive will share his knowhow on responding to the world in a witty way. In a word: satire. Pangeran Siahaan Bilingual 16 - 22 years old

An Introduction To Documentary Film

4 Oct | 1.00pm - 1.45pm | RUMAH BACA Old school yarnspinning meets new school technology in digital storytelling. Explore this exciting new world of interactive media, apps and gaming alongside pioneers in the field. Angela Meyer, Elliott Bledsoe, Daniel Dalton English

Panel: The YA Phenomenon

4 Oct | 2:00pm - 2:45pm | RUMAH BACA Whether you’re a kidult, adultescent or rejuvenile, Young Adult fiction is for you – and you’re not alone. In this session two YA bestsellers face up to their readers, answering honest questions about the storylines, love triangles and more that YA is famous for. Becky Wicks, Sarah Alderson English

My School Magazine is Awesome! How About Yours?

Panel: Big Deal in The Blogosphere

2 Oct | 2:00pm - 4:00pm | TAMAN BACA Cool Bali-based magazine Masbrooo will dish the secrets behind the spreads. Learn how to produce and promote your own mag. Masbrooo Magazine Bahasa Indonesia 13 - 18 years old

4 Oct | 3:00pm - 3:45pm | RUMAH BACA Calling all budding bloggers! Learn how successful writers and journalists use blogs to not only share their news and views, but to hone their skills and be noticed by editors, readers and the world. Nay Phone Latt, Pangeran Siahaan

Cerpen Mini

Panel: Poetry in Action

The Audience is Your Friend: Performance Poetry Workshop youth program

Panel: Digital Storytelling

2 Oct | 2:00pm - 4:00pm | SULY RESORT Join an award-winning documentary filmmaker and skill-up on how to develop and shoot a successful video. Dwitra J Ariana Bahasa Indonesia 13 - 19 years old

3 Oct | 10:00am - 12:00pm | MUSEUM PURI LUKISAN A bootcamp for young writers who need a theme, a deadline, a word limit and an audience to get ideas onto paper. Deryn Mansell Bahasa Indonesia 16 - 20 years old


4 Oct | 3:00pm - 5:00pm | RUMAH BACA Hone your thoughts and theories into failproof one-liners with the Standup Indo Bali gang. StandupIndoBali Bahasa Indonesia 16 - 20 years old

3 Oct | 10:00am - 12:00pm | RUMAH BACA Pick up the basics of performance poetry with a pro, who went form shy writer to international slam champ in four years. Stephanie Dogfoot English 16 - 22 years old

All Those Taboos That You Got No Clue

3 Oct | 2:00pm - 4:00pm | RUMAH BACA With those three experts from a SEPERLIMA, gain access to info about bodies, puberty, gender, and more. Nothing is too taboo! Dyana Savina Hutadjulu, Muhamad Hisbullah Amrie, Aditiana Dewi Eridani Bilingual 17 years and up

2014 UWRF

4 Oct | 4:30pm - 5:15pm | RUMAH BACA Sit in as these performance poets and spoken word artists take you through their process from page to stage. How do writers develop their work from an exciting seed of an idea through to an electrifying performance? Abraham Nouk, Jesse John Brand, Stephanie Dogfoot English

Breathe Life into Your Character

5 Oct | 10:00am - 12:00pm | TAMAN BACA In this course, nurture your characters from a few words into fully-fleshed out creatures. Ninda Daianti Bilingual 14 - 18 years old

Dialog Muda

5 Oct | 2:00pm - 4:00pm | RUMAH BACA This is an open forum to discuss sexual health and reproductive rights and the importance of comprehensive sexual education. Dialog Muda Bahasa Indonesia 17 years and up

children’s program 2 - 5 OCTOBER All Children’s Program sessions are free. To book, please visit ubudwritersfestival.com or email cyp@ubudwritersfestival.com

The Word Auction Game

2 Oct | 10:00am - 12:00pm | TAMAN BACA In this poetry-for-beginners workshop, budding wordsmiths are invited to play the ‘word auction game.’ It’s rated 100% fun, and comes with bonus poetry-writing skills. Rio Fitra SY Bahasa Indonesia 7 - 12 years old

Briony Stewart’s Dragon Workshop 2 Oct | 2:00pm - 4:00pm | RUMAH BACA

Enter a world of dragons with award-winning author and illustrator Briony Stewart. Learn about how to create interesting dragons in writing and illustration, and construct your very own dragon to take home. Briony Stewart English 5 years +

Dream Aloud Beyond the Clouds

3 Oct | 10:00am - 12:00pm | TAMAN BACA Stimulating children’s creativity to produce short stories, to craft the voice in their mind into legible sentences - be it an abstract thought, a hope, or a dream – this workshop is for mini-scribes and novices alike. Dias Novita Wuri Bilingual 6 - 12 years old

3 Oct | 2:00pm - 3:30pm | YELLOW COCO CREATIVE NEST

A playful leaf puppet show and workshop following the story of a child who wanders into the Monkey Forest early in the morning. As the sun shines, it brings shadows and rays into a majestic dance all around. Susan Allen & Susiawan Bilingual 4 - 12 years old

4 Oct | 10:00am - 12:00pm | TAMAN BACA This imaginative and interactive learning experience enables children to embark on a magical journey into the world under the sea. Combining real eco-issues with fun, the children actively create their own meeting with a mermaid through storytelling, imagery, sound and drawing. Celia Gregory English 10 & under

Your Place on a Postcard

5 Oct | 10:00am - 12:00pm | RUMAH BACA Acclaimed children’s book creator Alison Lester will guide little hands to draw confidently using pencil, charcoal, fine liners and wax, then apply these images to watercolour paper postcards. Participants will advance their artistry and have a handmade postcard to send somebody special. Alison Lester English 5 - 10 years old

Plasticology: Turn Trash into Treasure

5 Oct | 2:00pm - 4:00pm| TAMAN BACA

Using recycled plastic, mini eco-warriors and art adventurers will both create a masterpiece and do their bit for the planet. Part of an overall project to create awareness of how plastic can impact our life and future; and what can be done to help. Made ‘Bayak’ Muliana Bilingual 7 - 12 years old

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Leaf Puppets by Yellow Coco Creative Nest

A Tale of a Mermaid & Her Friends From The Sea


book launches 1 - 5 OCTOBER ASHWINI DEVARE - India


Batik Rain and Other Stories

Tiger Stone

Batik Rain is a collection of six short stories that explore the theme of displacement. The stories journey through the rice fields of Bali to the charming lanes of Hyderabad to Washington DC, as individuals search for lost moorings.

The people of Prambanan, a village in 14th century Java, live in fear of Mbah Merapi, the rumbling volcano that overshadows their lives. Kancil, kitchen servant, knows the real danger is human but she is fatherless and mute - and will lose everything if her identity is revealed.



1 Oct | 3:30pm - 5:00pm | ROUGE

Real Bali & Dances of Bali

1 Oct | 4:00pm - 5:30pm | NOMAD Real Bali can be used as a guide to the ‘real Bali’ that was the main attraction for visitors before the grand hotels, fine dining, water parks and camel rides came in, while Dances of Bali is a colourful and informative presentation of Balinese dance.

Awarded Gourmand’s prestigious title Best Asian Cuisine Book 2014, this book captures the sights, sounds and flavours of a country that has until recently been isolated from the rest of the world.

Nawung, Putri Malu Dari Jawa

The Red Helmet

TIM BRENNAN - Indonesia

Lucky Rice

2 Oct | 4:00pm-5:30pm | ROUGE Lucky Rice explores some of life’s most sublime concepts, including how we can adapt to nature’s rhythm. Likened to Jonathan Livingstone Seagull and to Mr. Miyagi’s famed parables in the Karate Kid films, Lucky Rice won Best eBook: 2014 eLit awards for Multi Media Production.

TESS LEA - Australia



2 Oct | 5:30pm - 7:00pm | ROOM 4 DESSERT


Nawung, putri malu dari Jawa is a story about a Javanese girl who lives close to the magnificent Borobudur Temple. An inspiring tale, it is based on Javanese ‘old songs’ or ‘macapat’, and encompasses the Javanese philosophy of the circle of life.

2 Oct | 4:30pm - 6:00pm | THE ELEPHANT Lyrical, harsh, evocative and loving, Darwin is a social history, an anthropological study and personal memoir. It’s violent beginnings, its battles with the elements, the heat and humidity, its wondrous multiculturalism, its beauty and its policy foibles.

2014 UWRF

Myanmar: Cuisine, Culture & Customs

GALUH LARASATI - Indonesia 2 Oct | 3:30-5:00pm | THREE MONKEYS


2 Oct | 5:00pm-6:30pm | JENDELA

3 Oct | 3:30pm - 5:00pm | SVARGA LOKA A 23-year-old Indian journalist has everything she can possibly wish for. But just when her stars are perfectly aligned, love strikes and she must make a choice. Will she be able to give up everything she has loved for the man she has fallen in love with?

DANI SIRAIT - Indonesia

Green Card 3 Oct | 4:00pm - 5:30pm | SEMU JAEN The story of the struggle of Indonesian people to obtain a Green Card in the United States; with many who go far away to seek a better life never returning home.


Rojak: Stories From the Singapore Writers Group

3 Oct | 4:30pm - 6:00pm | ROUGE Rojak is a collection of 19 short stories of life lived at home and away. From a San Franciscan woman adjusting to her new life in Singapore to a murder in Colonial Africa, these stories will appeal to anyone with cross-cultural life experience – and those who just enjoy a good story.


Secret Bali 3 Oct | 5:00pm-6:30pm | THE ELEPHANT As Bali changes from a sleepy island of agriculture to a dynamic tourist mecca, traditional is being replaced modern and Balinese culture with Western lifestyle. Secret Bali gets in before it’s too late; recording the myths, legends and everyday life of those off the beaten track.


2014 Anthology & Out of Ubud 4 Oct | 5:00pm-6:30pm | SEMU JAEN Gain a glimpse of the rich and diverse voices of Indonesia’s emerging writers through Saraswati: Wisdom & Knowledge, the 2014 bilingual anthology. Out of Ubud, a collection representing the many brilliant emerging writers uncovered by UWRF over the years, will also be launched.


Sinhala Only 3 Oct | 5:30pm - 7:00pm | ROOM 4 DESSERT Fascism in robes. How has Sri Lanka come to this? In Sinhala Only, Manuka Wijesinghe explore the politics of her country in a fictional narrative that tells of the rise of militant Buddhism in Ceylon, the country that eventually came to be known as Sri Lanka.


Email Dari Amerika 4 Oct | 3:30pm - 5:00pm | BRIDGES Written in Indonesian in the simple style one would use in an email to a friend, the series of letters range from daily life to the connections between the world’s second and third largest democracies.


Indonesia’s Hidden Heritage 4 Oct | 4:00pm - 5:30pm | ALAYA Indonesia’s Hidden Heritage is a vibrant and insightful travelogue, delving into the far corners of the archipelago. David’s photography captures the essence of Indonesia’s diverse lands, while Stephanie brilliantly conveys in words the wonderment as they travel around the nation.


Bound 4 Oct | 4:30pm - 6:00pm | ROUGE

Bali: Heaven and Hell 4 Oct | 5:30pm-7:00pm | THE ELEPHANT A short history of corruption, chaos, bloodshed, exploitation, free love, great surf and high times under the banyan trees. Award-winning author Phil Jarratt tells of the good, the bad and the ugly impacts that generations of expats and tourists have had on Bali ... and it on them.


Crispin Scales and the Golden Pearl 5 Oct | 3:30pm - 5:00pm | JENDELA A stolen princess and a rebellious witch. Dragons, fairies, gnomes, werewolves and vampires. Daemons, harpies and even a few zombies. An evil, though disturbingly handsome king. With a twist that will drop your jaw to the floor, Crispin Scales is the children’s series we’ve all been craving.


Anthology of 17 Female Poets of Eastern Indonesia 5 Oct | 4:00pm-5:30pm | ROUGE Despite the lack of representation in the literary scene, ArtsforWomen believes that it is vital for women writers to have the space and opportunity to create; and so this selection of poems curated by Mario F Lawi, Shinta Febriany and Olin Monteiro of 17 female poets from Eastern Indonesia was born.


100 Mak Nyus: Best Street Food of Indonesia 5 Oct | 4:00pm-5:30pm| Il Giardino Winner of Gourmand World Cookbook Award’s Best in the World 2013, the launch of an Englishversion of this instant bestseller by famed chef Bondan will be accompanied by a taste of the treats he knows best.

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Exploring why expatriates choose to live and work in very different cultures to their own. Combining personal experience with interviews carried out in Shanghai and Hong Kong, Bound was long-listed for the Proverse International Prize and for the 2014 Australian Book Review Calibre Prize.

PHIL JARRATT - Australia


WORKSHOP program 2 - 5 OCTOBER To Begin To Know

3 October | 1:00pm - 4:00pm | KORI UBUD David Leser has been writing about politics, culture and prominent personalities for over 35 years. His recent memoir To Begin to Know shone the light on himself and his family; in this workshop, discover the uniqueness of your own story and the art of telling it well.

WORKSHOP LEADER: David Leser International AU$62 / IDR 620,000 Indonesian AU$20 / IDR 200,000 KITAS AU$45 / IDR 450,000

Moments with a Master Travel Writer 3 October | 2:00pm - 5:00pm |TAKSU SPA

Aspiring writers, storytellers, scripters, poets, illustrators and more, our Workshop Program is for you. Book your spot online at ubudwritersfestival.com

Drawing the Gods

2 October | 1:00pm - 4:00pm | TAKSU SPA Abandon the intellectual and turn to the sensory with writerillustrator and mythologist Devdutt Pattanaik. Simply pick up a pencil and get a line to the gods; by illustrating Saraswati and Ganesha with Devdutt’s guidance you will walk away both enriched and creatively inspired.

WORKSHOP LEADER: Devdutt Pattanaik International AU$62 / IDR 620,000 Indonesian AU$20 / IDR 200,000 KITAS AU$45 / IDR 450,000

To the Letter e nWvOiRrKoS Hd Oa Py P R O G R A M

3 October | 9:00am - 12:00pm | KORI UBUD The art of letter-writing is a study of the art of writing itself; whether spinning a yarn or relating hard news, a letter must find its own tone and rhythm. With short-story writer Andrew Lam, enter the engaging world of the epistolary and what writing a good letter can teach us about good writing.

WORKSHOP LEADER: Andrew Lam International AU$62 / IDR 620,000 Indonesian AU$20 / IDR 200,000 KITAS AU$45 / IDR 450,000

46 246 2001 144 UUWWRRFF

Learn firsthand from an explorer ranked in the top 50 postwar British writers, Colin Thubron. His voyages are some of the most spellbinding travel writing in print and in this exclusive masterclass Colin offers one-on-one feedback and insights from writing on the road. This masterclass is by application only; interested participants please contact workshops@ubudwritersfestival.com.

WORKSHOP LEADER: Colin Thubron International AU$250 / IDR 2,500,000 Indonesian AU$80 / IDR 800,000 KITAS AU$200 / IDR 2,000,000

Not a Question of Size

4 October | 9:00am - 11:00am | HUBUD Discover methods of communicating more effectively through social media, how to be a part of the conversion and how to measure your engagement. It’s not how big your network is, but how you use it.

WORKSHOP LEADER: Elliot Bledsoe International AU$42 / IDR 420,000 Indonesian AU$13 / IDR 130,000 KITAS AU$40 / IDR 400,000

Waiata Mai – Sing the Songs

4 October | 9:00am - 12:00pm | KORI UBUD Aotearoa/New Zealand is rich in active cultural practice and stories of the land and people. Join Māori singer-songwriter Tama Waipara as he performs his songs and explores the NZ songbook through an Indigenous lens. Enrich your practice with songs that express the cultural narrative of Aotearoa/New Zealand.

WORKSHOP LEADER: Tama Waipara International AU$62 / IDR 620,000 Indonesian AU$20 / IDR 200,000 KITAS AU$45 / IDR 450,000

New World Order

Comics Crash Course

The brains behind Publishizer will show you why crowd-funding is disrupting the book publishing industry, what it offers selfpublishing authors, and how to run a successful crowd-funding campaign; including real-world examples.

Dip your pen into the heady world of comic books with this handson crash course. Ant Sang – celebrated creator of Shaolin Burning – will pass on his tips for stoking inspiration, designing characters and creating visual balance. Bam! You’re a graphic artist.

WORKSHOP LEADER: Guy Vincent International AU$42 / IDR 420,000 Indonesian AU$13 / IDR 130,000 KITAS AU$40 / IDR 400,000

WORKSHOP LEADER: Ant Sang International AU$62 / IDR 620,000 Indonesian AU$20 / IDR 200,000 KITAS AU$45 / IDR 450,000

Stretch your Story’s Potential

The Secrets of Self-Publishing

Just like yoga, writing is a practice – that takes strength, determination, flexibility, and an open mind. With Jane Cornelius – author of Baby and a Backpack, and one of Bali’s first ever yoga teachers – learn how to get started, overcome writers’ block, and find your story, all from the comfort of a bolster.

Learn the secrets of successful self-publishing including the importance of editing, cover design, front and back matter, print on demand, digital conversions, legal requirements and much more, all from the founder of OpenBook Creative.

4 October | 12:00pm - 2:00pm | HUBUD

4 October | 1:00pm - 4:00pm | YOGA BARN

WORKSHOP LEADER: Jane Cornelius International AU$62 / IDR 620,000 Indonesian AU$20 / IDR 200,000 KITAS AU$45 / IDR 450,000

Make Your Own Mythical Characters 4 October | 1:00pm - 4:00pm | KORI UBUD

Weave aspects of folktales and mythology into the creation of compelling character design with illustrator Zak Waipara. A cultural backdrop provides the launching point to work through the stages of character development, including a visual description and story-world, and illustrated character board.

WORKSHOP LEADER: Zak Waipara International AU$62 / IDR 620,000 Indonesian AU$20 / IDR 200,000 KITAS AU$45 / IDR 450,000

The Good Script Ratio

5 October | 9:00am - 12:00pm | TAKSU SPA “A good script is 95% perspiration and only 5% inspiration,” but we usually only hear about the inspiration and not the perspiration. Roll up your sleeves and get elbow-deep in practical scriptwriting, with tips on how to sweat less when creating a written work.

5 October | 9:00am - 11:00am |HUBUD

WORKSHOP LEADER: Julie Renouf International AU$42 / IDR 420,000 Indonesian AU$13 / IDR 130,000 KITAS AU$40 / IDR 400,000

Sow Seed Sovereignty

5 October | 1:00pm - 4:00pm | FIVELEMENTS In tandem with Navdanya’s International Seed Freedom fortnight leading up to World Food Day (Oct 16), this workshop will celebrate seed freedom by creating a seed mandala alongside captivating discussions ranging over food sovereignty, the rejection of seed privatisation and genetically modified foods.

WORKSHOP LEADERS: Adam Breasley, Hayu Dyah Patria Free, but registrations essential. Please head to ubudwritersfestival.com to reserve your spot.

Forsaking forsooths, teaching poetry 5 October | 1:00pm - 4:00pm | KORI UBUD

How can you convince a room of sceptical youths who think poetry is all ‘forsooths!’ that the spoken word is an exciting outlet? Learn to communicate your passion, transform a classroom into a pumping spoken-word gig and make a living doing what you love.

WORKSHOP LEADER: Emilie Zoey Baker International AU$62 / IDR 620,000 Indonesian AU$20 / IDR 200,000 KITAS AU$45 / IDR 450,000


WORKSHOP LEADER: Rolf de Heer International AU$62 / IDR 620,000 Indonesian AU$20 / IDR 200,000 KITAS AU$45 / IDR 450,000

5 October | 9:00am - 12:00pm | KORI UBUD

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p e o p l e y o u’ll m e e t Abraham Nouk

Agus Indra Udayana

Abraham ‘Abe’ Nouk was born then raised on the move as a refugee, and now feels responsible as a spoken-word poet for every voice that was once silenced. Supported by Australia Council for the Arts

A spiritualist and humanitarian, Agus Indra Udayana is the founder of Ashram Gandhi Puri, and currently serves as vice president of South East Asia Hindu Youth and at the Wisdom Council of United Religions Initiative.

Absurditas Malka

Ahmad Fuadi

Absurditas Malka was born in Karawang on May 29th 1982. He lives in Bandung and works as a gamer, blogger and data staff at the Vaccine Study DBD CYD14 – Sanofi Pasteur in Bandung. Supported by Hivos

A Fulbright scholar, Ahmad Fuadi was inspired by his years at an Islamic boarding school to create his bestselling first novel, Negeri 5 Menara. Translated into English as The Land of Five Towers, the novel has also been adapted into a film. Supported by Hivos

Adam Michnik

AJ Betts




people you’ll meet


AJ Betts is an Australian author of contemporary realism for teenagers. Her latest novel Zac & Mia won the 2012 Text Prize. AJ is a teacher, speaker and cyclist. Supported by WritingWA

Agus Rois

Akhil Sharma

Agus Rois was born in 1983 in Cirebon, West Java. He attended Sebelas Maret University, Padjadjaran University and STF Driyarkara. In 2003 he continued his education in Philosophy at Gadjah Mada University, graduating in 2012. He’s now a freelance writer. Supported by Hivos

Akhil Sharma is an award-winning short story writer and novelist. His latest novel Family Life was reviewed on the cover of the New York Times Book Review. His first novel An Obedient Father won the PEN/Hemingway Award.

Agung Rai

Aline Davidoff


Born into a very poor family of sharecroppers, Agung Rai peddled art to visiting tourists in the mid-70s before establishing himself as an influential art dealer and patron. He founded Agung Rai Museum of Art to provide a learning space for Bali’s younger generations and foreigners.

2014 UWRF


Editor-in-chief of Gazeta Wyborcza, the first independent newspaper in Poland. Cofounder of Committee for the Defense of Workers, member of the first non-communist parliament. Author of In Search of Lost Meaning. Supported by Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Jakarta & the Book Institute






Born in Mexico City, Aline Davidoff has published essays and poems in diverse Mexican publications, and a book of short stories, Sólo un Cerro and a novel, El Sueño Correcto. She is President of PEN México. Supported by the Embassy of Mexico – Jakarta

Angela Lopez Lara



Alison Lester writes and illustrates books for children. She lives in the Australian countryside and works from home. As well as making her own books, Alison works in many remote Indigenous communities, helping adults and children turn their own stories into books.

Ángela is a flamenco dancer and senior piano teacher at the Conservatory of Valencia. She has studied traditional Indonesian dance, ethnomusicology and the Balinese gamelan. Her shows mix flamenco roots with Indonesian culture. Supported by the Embajada de España


Angela Meyer



Alphamama (Anita Meiruntu) is a forwardthinking dynamo. Fluent in English and Indonesian, Alphamama’s first album, Truth, Trips and Revelations, is an eclectic fusion of pop, soul, hip hop and reggae. Supported by Australian Embassy’s Arts and Cultural Program

Angela Meyer is a Melbourne-based author, editor and literary journalist. Her books are Captives (Inkerman & Blunt, May) and The Great Unknown (as editor, Spineless Wonders).

Amitav Ghosh

Anne Ostby



Amitav Ghosh was born in Calcutta and grew up in India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. He is the author of one book of non-fiction, a collection of essays and seven novels. He divides his time between Brooklyn, Goa and Kolkata. Supported by SeaTrek Bali

Anne was born in Norway and has nine published books for adults, YA and children, available in Scandinavia, Slovakia, India and Australia. Her novels discuss questions of identity, and women’s lives in various cultures. Supported by the Royal Norwegian Embassy – Jakarta

Andre Dao

Ant Sang


New Zealand

André Dao’s work has appeared in The Monthly, Meanjin, Going Down Swinging, Crikey and The New Philosopher. André was also the Editor-in-Chief of Right Now, a human rights media organisation and is the 2014 Asialink resident in Hanoi. Supported by Asialink Arts

Ant Sang, who lives and works in Auckland, is an award-winning cartoonist. He is the author and illustrator of the graphic novels The Dharma Punks and Shaolin Burning, and was the head designer of the animated television series bro’Town. Supported by the New Zealand Embassy – Jakarta

Andrew Lam

Ashwini Devare



Andrew Lam is the author of three books: Perfume Dreams: Reflections on the Vietnamese Diaspora, a memoir; East Eats West: Writing in Two Hemispheres; and Birds of Paradise Lost, a collection of stories that won a PEN Oakland Award in 2014.

Ashwini Devare is a former correspondent with BBC World, where she covered news for Asia Business Report for five years. She has recently penned her first book, a collection of short stories called Batik Rain.

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people you’ll meet

Alison Lester


p e o p l e y o u’ll m e e t Azyumardi Azra

Bentley Dean

Azyumardi Azra is a prominent Muslim scholar known for his opposition to the ongoing persecution of the Indonesian minority groups Ahmadiyah and Syiah. A prolific author, he has published more than 17 non-fiction books.

Bentley Dean’s films include The President Versus David Hicks, The Siege, and with Martin Butler Contact and First Footprints (both won the NSW Premier’s History Prize). Along with Martin, Bentley was awarded the 2013 Walkley Award for best documentary. Supported by The Walkley Foundation

Bambang Kariyawan Ys

Bondan Winarno

Bambang Kariyawan Ys. was born May 9th 1971 in Tanjung Uban in the Riau Islands. He is writing while working as a Sociology teacher at Cendana High School in Pekanbaru. Supported by Hivos

Bondan Winarno has worked as a writer, journalist and editor, and has published four novels and two short-story collections. He then found a ‘new life’ hosting a popular TV cooking show and is now a chef and cookbook author.

Bas Heijne

Briony Stewart

Bas Heijne is a Dutch writer and essayist. He is the author of two novels, a collection of short stories and various book-length essays, and his book about Louis Couperus, the most famous Dutch novelist, was published in 2013. Supported by Erasmus Huis

Briony Stewart is the author and illustrator of several award-winning books for children. With a passion for visual art and literacy, Briony conducts workshops with children across Australia and teaches Writing for Children at Curtin University. Supported by WritingWA

Becky Wicks

Bunyamin Fasya







Bunyamin Fasya was born in Tasikmalaya. He works as a teacher at UIN SGD Bandung and STKIP Sebelas April Sumedang. Active in Forum Alternatif Sastra Bandung, Majelis Sastra Bandung, and Pasamoan Sophia. Supported by Hivos

Ben Walsh

Bustar Maitar

Celebrated as one of Australia’s most accomplished percussionists, Ben’s known for his work in groups such as The Bird, Tom Tom Crew, Circle of Rhythm, Pablo Percusso, Taikoz and The Orkestra of The Underground. Supported by Australian Embassy’s Arts and Cultural Program

2014 UWRF


Becky Wicks is a British HarperCollins and indie author of three travel memoirs and new adult fiction, currently living in Bali.


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Bustar has campaigned for social justice and environmental protection, founded the NGO PERDU and now leads the global Greenpeace team working on protecting Indonesia’s forests.

Can Xue

Clarrie Cameron

Can Xue was born in Changsha City, Hunan province, the south of China, and has lived in Beijing since 2001. Can Xue has published numerous short stories and five novels. Six of her books have been published in English translation.

Clarrie Cameron is from the Nhanhagardi tribe, and was born in Wiluna, Western Australia. Clarrie is an accomplished oral storyteller and artist, and his book Elephants in the Bush is a witty collection of many of his favourite stories. Supported by WritingWA

Carl Hoffman

Cok Ace

Carl Hoffman is the author of the New York Times bestselling Savage Harvest: A Tale of Cannibals, Colonialism and Michael Rockefeller’s Tragic Quest for Primitive Art and is a contributing editor at National Geographic Traveller.

A leading figure of the Ubud Royal Family, Cok Ace is the former regent of Gianyar, a scholar and artist. He currently serves as the Bali chapter’s chairman of the Indonesia Hotels and Restaurants Association; in which capacity he has voiced concerns over unchecked tourism-related development.

Carlos Andres Gomez

Colin Thubron

Carlos Andrés Gómez is an award-winning writer and performer from NY who starred in HBO’s Def Poetry and Spike Lee’s Inside Man. He is the author of the critically acclaimed memoir, Man Up: Reimagining Modern Manhood.

Colin Thubron is a well-known travel writer and novelist, who has written primarily on Central Asia, Russia and China. His books include Among the Russians, Behind the Wall, In Siberia and Shadow of the Silk Road. He has won many prizes and awards.

Celia Gregory

Connor Tomas O’Brien

Celia Persephone Gregory is a sculptor, ecoartist and founder of The Marine Foundation. The organisation promotes arts as the catalyst for marine conservation, sustainable resource management and social change.

Connor is the director of the Digital Writers’ Festival, designer of Voiceworks, and cofounder of ebookstore Tomely. He is working on a novel examining the nature of memory in our hyperconnected ‘like economy’. Supported by Australia International Cultural Council

Chuah Guat Eng

Cyrus Mistry



Chuah Guat Eng writes fiction in English. Her publications include two novels, Echoes of Silence and Days of Change; and three short story collections, Tales from the Baram Rive, The Old House, and Dream Stuff.

Cyrus Mistry’s plays and screenplays have won several awards. In 2005, he published his first novel, The Radiance of Ashes. His second novel Chronicle of a Corpse Bearer won the 2014 DSC Prize for South Asian Literature.









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p e o p l e y o u’ll m e e t Daniel Dalton

Deepika Shetty

Daniel is currently a Staff Writer at BuzzFeed in the UK, where he covers books, art, and culture. In addition to BuzzFeed, his fiction and essays have appeared in Cuttings, Medium, and Thought Catalog.

Starting her career as a print journalist in India, Deepika relocated to Singapore in 1996, where she works for The Straits Times. She launched the only weekly TV book show in the region for Channel NewsAsia. The Red Helmet is her debut novel.

Daniel Ziv

Devdutt Pattanaik



Ubud-based author, journalist and filmmaker Daniel Ziv founded city magazine Djakarta! and authored Jakarta Inside Out and Bangkok Inside Out. He recently directed and produced the award-winning Indonesian documentary JALANAN.

Devdutt Pattanaik is the author of Business Sutra: A very Indian approach to management. He is the author of 25 books and 400 articles on mythology in modern times.

David Leser

Dian Fatwa

David Leser is a multi-award winning journalist who has also authored six books, including his latest, a memoir, To Begin To Know: Walking in the Shadows of my Father.

Dian is a journalist for the ABC. Prior to working for the ABC, she worked as a talk show host, producer and documentary filmmaker in Indonesia. Dian has produced a wide range of documentaries on human rights, issues regarding women, the environment, Indigenous peoples and politics.

Deborah Baker

Dias Novita Wuri

Deborah Baker’s most recent book, The Convert: A Tale of Exile and Extremism, was a finalist for the 2011 National Book Award in Non-Fiction. She is married to Amitav Ghosh and divides her time between Goa and Brooklyn. Supported by SeaTrek Bali

Dias Novita Wuri was born in Jakarta 1989. Graduating from the Russian Studies Program at the University of Indonesia, she has worked as a Program Assistant at Komunitas Salihara and is a secretary for the deputy Ambassador of Japan. Supported by Hivos

Debra Yatim

Drew Ambrose

Debra Yatim has published four collections of poetry. She writes a column for a women’s magazine, and is currently working on a cycle of one-woman plays on polygamy, and a new collection of poetry on the issue of climate change. Supported by Hivos

Drew has worked as a news reporter and current affairs producer for World News Australia, Insight, Living Black, Asia Pacific Focus, and Australian Story. At just 21 Drew was the first Jakarta correspondent for ABC’s international channel Australia Network.




people you’ll meet



2014 UWRF





Dwitra J Ariana

Elliott Bledsoe

Dwitra J Ariana is an award-winning documentary filmmaker, who is captivated by the struggle of diaspora communities, the importance of local wisdoms and the nature of inter-religious relationships.

Elliott Bledsoe is Digital Producer at Regional Arts Australia. He is also a freelance digital producer, looking after all things that publish, play, post, tweet and trend.

Eiji Han Shimizu

Emilie Zoey Baker

Eiji Han Shimizu is the creator of the highly acclaimed graphic novel series interpreting the lives of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Mother Teresa, Gandhi and Che Guevara. Eiji recently finished a documentary film on happiness entitled Happy, which went #1 on iTunes.

An award-winning spoken word performer, slam champion, children’s book author and teacher, Emilie has toured nationally and internationally, and in 2014 was core faculty for the spoken word program at Canada’s Banff Centre. Supported by Australia Council for the Arts

Eimear McBride

Emma Masters







Eimear McBride grew up in west Ireland and studied acting at Drama Centre London. Her debut novel won the inaugural Goldsmiths Prize, the Baileys Women’s Prize, the Kerry Prize and the Desmond Elliot Prize, and received numerous shortlistings.

Emma Masters is a journalist-turnedfilmmaker with more than 20 years experience in media and communications in Australia and overseas. Based in the Northern Territory, Emma runs production company Weave Films dedicated to documentary storytelling.

Eleanor Limprecht

Erni Aladjai

Eleanor Limprecht’s first novel, What Was Left, came out in 2013 and has been shortlisted for the Australian Literature Society Gold Medal. She has had journalism, short fiction and poetry published in various places. She is working on her second novel. Supported by MUD Literary Club

Born on a small clove-growing island in central Sulawesi in 1985, Erni led Dapur Seni Selanggar, a literary group in the Banggai Islands, and published Pesan Cinta dari Hujan, Ning di Bawah Gerhana and Kei. Supported by Hivos

Elizabeth Pisani

Fadel Ilahi El-Dimisky

Researching Indonesia Etc., Elizabeth Pisani ate dog, took tea with corpses, and travelled 23,000 kilometres around a country that has fascinated and maddened her for 25 years. In her day job, she studies sex, drugs and viruses. Co-presented with TEDxUbud

Fadel Ilahi El-Dimisky writes poetry, short stories and novels and has been published in Jawa Pos Radar Bromo. His debut novel, Ustadz Play Boy was one of the Indonesian novels collected at the Hasanal Bolkiah Library in Brunei Darussalam. Supported by Hivos



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p e o p l e y o u’ll m e e t Faisal Oddang

Greg Blondin

Born in 1994, Faisal studied Indonesian Literature at Hasannudin University and was active with the Lego-lego writers group. Writes poetry and short stories for the Harian Fajar Makassar, Radar Banjarmasin and Kompas, among others. Supported by Hivos

Greg Blondin is a French illustrator who started his career making comics for a French magazine. In 2009 he began working on The Muslim Show. Five years later it’s shown worldwide and has almost one million Facebook fans. Supported by Institut Français Indonesia

Fiona Higgins

Guy Vincent

Bestselling Australian author of The Mothers’ Group in 2012, Love in the Age of Drought (2009) and the forthcoming Wife on the Run.

Guy Vincent is the CEO/Founder of Publishizer, a book preorders platform on a mission to turn publishing into a community experience. He consults authors on book marketing strategies, and speaks regularly about the future of publishing.

Fiona McFarlane

Hannie Rayson

Fiona McFarlane grew up in Sydney, Australia. Her first novel, The Night Guest, will be published in 15 languages and was shortlisted for the Miles Franklin Award, the Stella Prize, and the Los Angeles Times Book Prize for First Fiction. Supported by Australia Council for the Arts

Hannie Rayson is the author of 14 plays. She has an established reputation for topical, complex dramas. She has recently written a memoir which will be published in 2015 by Text.

Gillian Terzis

Hassan Blasim

Gillian Terzis is an Australian writer interested in Indonesian history, politics and culture. Her work has appeared in Foreign Policy, The Australian, The Guardian and The Diplomat, among others. Supported by Asialink Arts

Iraqi-born, Finland-based, Hassan is an author and filmmaker who writes in Arabic. His works include The Madman of Freedom Square, The Iraqi Christ (winner of the Independent Foreign Fiction Prize 2014) and The Corpse Exhibition. Supported by the Embassy of Finland

Goenawan Mohamad

Hayu Dyah Patria

An Indonesian poet, man of letters and founder of Tempo magazine, in 1999 Goenawan was named International Editor of the Year by World Press Review magazine and in 2006 he received the Dan David Prize. His latest works are Don Quixote and 70 Puisi.

Hayu Dyah Patria is a food activist and an ecofeminist. In 2009 Hayu set up an organisation called Mantasa which focuses on the activities of exploring edible wild plants to address the problem of malnutrition in Indonesia. Supported by The Body Shop Indonesia





people you’ll meet



2014 UWRF






I Wayan Juniarta

Jane Cornelius

A full-time journalist who finds solace in crafting essays following his tragically failed attempt at writing poetry. His first and probably last book, Bungklang-Bungkling, records the hilarity and ludicrousness of Balinese men.

Jane Cornelius was a fashion designer until she became a writer. Her first book Baby and a Backpack has been described as unique, refreshing, funny and beautifully written, a book that will remind you to ‘Never Give Up.’

Ian Burnet

Janet DeNeefe

Ian Burnet has spent 30 years in Indonesia, fascinated by its diverse cultures and history. His book Spice Islands explores the spice trade and the effect the tiny islands of Ternate and Tidore had on world history.

Owner of Casa Luna, Indus and Bar Luna, Founder and Director of Ubud Writers & Readers Festival, Janet was raised in Melbourne but has lived in Ubud since 1984. Her love of the local cuisine inspired two books, Fragrant Rice and Bali, the Food of My Island Home.

Ishack Sonlay

Janet Steele

Ishack Sonlay was born in Kiupukan in 1988, and graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy from Unwira in Kupang. He published his anthology of poems, Kuyup Basahmu and is now writing his novel, Dilinon. Supported by Hivos

Janet Steele is an Associate Professor at George Washington University. She is working on a book on journalism and Islam, and divides her time between Washington and Jakarta.

Jacqui Baker

Jared Thomas

Jacqui Baker has spent a lifetime working and researching politics, security and violence in Indonesia. The ABC 360 radio documentary Eat Pray Mourn; Crime and Punishment in Jakarta received a Bronze medal at the New York Festivals Awards. Supported by Australia Council for the Arts

Jared Thomas is a Nukunu playwright and novelist of South Australia’s Flinders Ranges who writes about the experiences and aspirations of his people. Supported by Australia Council for the Arts

Jan Louter

Jean Couteau



Jan Louter is the creator/director of many independent documentaries which are imaginative and challenging. He has portrayed writers and artists but is equally interested in social issues which transcend local importance. Supported by Erasmus Huis

A reputed specialist of Balinese culture, Jean is also an art writer, having written on some of the most important painters of Indonesia. He has also been senior editor at C-Arts Magazine and is a columnist at Kompas Sunday.









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p e o p l e y o u’ll m e e t Jeni Caffin

Juliet Winters Carpenter

Jeni was Director of Australia’s Byron Bay Writers Festival for five years, with two years as International Program Manager for Ubud Writers & Readers Festival. She has worked with words all her life, having run Australia’s largest bookstore for almost a decade.

Juliet Winters Carpenter first visited Japan in 1960 and has lived there since 1975. A professor at Doshisha Women’s College in Kyoto, she is the award-winning translator of over 60 books including, most recently, Minae Mizumura’s A True Novel.

Jesse John Brand

Karim Allam



Karim Allam is the manager and colourist of the comic book series The Muslim Show. Supported by Institut Français Indonesia

Jill Dawson

Kate Holden Kate Holden is the author of the memoirs In My Skin and The Romantic. She publishes short stories, teaches writing and contributes literary criticism and features for the major papers and journals in Australia. Supported by Australia Council for the Arts

Jill Jolliffe

Keibo Oiwa Japan

Jill Jolliffe has written seven works of nonfiction, including Balibo (also a feature film starring Anthony LaPaglia). Her latest work is Run For Your Life, a memoir drawing from her childhood as an adoptee and her time as a foreign correspondent.

Keibo Oiwa (aka Tsuji Shin’ichi) is a cultural anthropologist, film-maker, translator, environmental activist and public speaker. Author of over 50 books, Keibo teaches in Meiji Gakuin University, is a founder-leader of the Sloth Club, an ecology and Slow Life NGO. Supported by The Japan Foundation

Julie Renouf

Ketut Yuliarsa


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Jill is the bestselling author of eight novels, including Fred & Edie (shortlisted for the Whitbread and Orange prizes), Watch Me Disappear (long-listed for the Orange), The Great Lover, Lucky Bunny and most recently The Tell-Tale Heart.


Julie works with leading Australian and international publishers, is co-founder of OpenBook Creative – a book production company for self-publishing authors, and is author of So You Want to Publish a Book? Successful Self-Publishing.

2014 UWRF


Jesse John Brand is the residing Australian Poetry Slam National Champion, an awardwinning writer and musician. He has performed at the Bookworm Literary Festival, the JUE Music & Art Festival, and at the Sydney Opera House. Supported by Australia Council for the Arts





Ketut Yuliarsa is a Balinese poet who has published two collections of poetry, participated in world music and literary festivals in Japan, Singapore, New Zealand and Australia, and established Ganesha Bookshop in Ubud in 1986. Supported by Hivos

Kirsti Melville

Lisa Dempster

Kirsti Melville presents 360documentaries on ABC Radio National. Her documentaries have been broadcast internationally and won many awards. Her love for radio is driven by an insatiable need to hear and share people’s stories, and a strong sense of social justice.

Lisa Dempster is the Director of the Melbourne Writers Festival. Her previous roles include Emerging Writers’ Festival Director and Asialink resident with the Ubud Writers & Readers Festival. Before becoming an arts manager, Lisa was a writer, editor, blogger and indie publisher.

Kosal Khiev

Made ‘Bayak’ Muliana

Kosal Khiev is a poet, tattoo artist, and survivor of the US prison system. Kosal lives as an exiled American in Phnom Penh where he continues to share his compelling poetry. Cambodian Son is the new documentary that features his story and poetry, produced by Studio Revolt.

Made ‘Bayak’ Muliana is a painter, musician, educator and environmental activist. His latest multi-media project Plasticology is an educational campaign against plastic waste. He is a member of indie band Geekssmile and community initiative Sanggar Anak Tangguh.

Krishna Udayasankar

Made Wijaya

Krishna Udayasankar is the author of The Aryavarta Chronicles, a critically-acclaimed bestselling series, and Objects of Affection, a collection of prose-poems; and editor of Body Boundaries: Etiquette Anthology of Women’s Writing. Her work features in international anthologies.

Made Wijaya is a world-renowned garden designer and architect. His signature column ‘Stranger in Paradise: Diary of an expatriate in Bali’ has appeared monthly since 1979 and is currently featured in NOW! Bali.

Liam Pieper

Maggie Tiojakin

According to Liam’s grandmother, he is “My grandson who writes for the Internet.” His 2014 memoir, The Feelgood Hit of The Year, follows his journey from starry-eyed flower child to inept gangster. He is co-recipient of the 2014 M Literary Residency. Supported by Australia Council for the Arts

Maggie Tiojakin is a novelist, short story writer, journalist and translator. Her works have been published in The Jakarta Post, Asian News Network, The Boston Globe, Femina, Kompas, Every Day Fiction, Voices and Eastown Fiction. Supported by Hivos & Asialink Arts

Lily Yulianti Farid

Manuka Wijesinghe

Founder and director of Makassar International Writers Festival, Lily has also published Makkunrai, Maiasaura, Family Room and translated Anita Roddick’s book Business As Unusual. Supported by Australia International Cultural Council

Manuka Wijesinghe was born and raised in Sri Lanka and her writing deals with the Lankan condition – the island, the religion, the race and the creation myths. Manuka writes, “I too was raised in the womb of myth. I left it.”








Sri Lanka

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p e o p l e y o u’ll m e e t Marco Padang

Michael Cathcart

Chef Marco Padang was born in West Sumatra, where he became an expert at the history and creation of Padang cuisine. He is owner and chef of Marco Padang Grill in Jakarta.

Michael is the host of Books and Arts Daily on Australia’s Radio National, which is broadcast across Australia each weekday. Michael has also presented several TV series on Australian history and is an award-winning historian.

Margaret Whiskin

Michael Vatikiotis



Margaret is a publishing professional and regional engagement officer with writingWA. She was previously with Magabala Books, the oldest independent Indigenous book publisher in Australia, and publisher of Clarrie Cameron’s Elephants in the Bush. Supported by WritingWA

Michael Vatikiotis is a writer and journalist living in Singapore. After training as a journalist with the BBC in London, he moved to Asia and was a correspondent and then editor of the Far Eastern Economic Review. He has written two novels set in Indonesia.

Marieke Hardy

Michaela McGuire



Marieke Hardy is a screenwriter, blogger, radio broadcaster, columnist and author. She is co-curator of literary salon Women of Letters and a panellist on The First Tuesday Book Club. Her collection of essays, You’ll Be Sorry When I’m Dead, was published in 2011.

Michaela McGuire is a journalist and the author of Last Bets: A true story of gambling, morality and the law. She co-curates and hosts the Australian literary salon Women of Letters, and writes a weekly blog for The Monthly called Twirling Towards Freedom. Supported by Australia Council for the Arts

Mark Heyward

Minae Mizumura



Born in Tasmania, Australia, Mark Heyward has spent the last 20 years living, travelling and working in Indonesia. He now divides his time between Lombok and Jakarta. Mark currently works as an international education consultant.

Minae Mizumura is one of Japan’s most respected novelists and critics. Born in Tokyo, she moved to New York at age 12, and studied French literature at Yale. Acclaimed for her experimentation and skilful storytelling, all four of her novels have won major awards.

Mem Fox

Mukesh Kapila

Mem Fox is a retired Associate Professor of Literacy Studies and also Australia’s most highly regarded picture-book author. Her internationally best-selling books for children include Possum Magic, Time for Bed and Where Is The Green Sheep?

Mukesh Kapila is a Professor at the University of Manchester, Special Representative of the Aegis Trust and recognised widely for his work on human rights. His memoir Against a Tide of Evil was nominated for the 2013 Crime Writers’ Association Best Non-Fiction Book award.


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2014 UWRF



Nadya Hutagalung

Ninda Daianti

Nadya parlayed 25 years in television, film, and fashion to become one of Asia’s leading environmental voices. She is the founder of Green Kampong and the Co-Founder of Let Elephants Be Elephants, a region-wide campaign to reduce the demand for ivory.

Ninda Daianti has a MFA in Creative Writing Fiction from Pittsburgh, PA. Her first novel, My Other Life, was published by Rotary Club. She has taught at @america, freelanced for Lontar Foundation and currently teaches literature at UKRIDA. Supported by Hivos & Asialink Arts

Naneng Setiasih

Nyoman Sadra

Naneng Setiasih works as Coral Triangle Regional Manager for the Coral Reef Alliance. She has joint published several coral reef technical/management books and scientific journal articles. In 2010, she published her first novel. Supported by The Body Shop Indonesia

A native of Tenganan Pegringsingan – a traditional Balinese village – Nyoman worked as a social worker before joining Ashram Gandhi. He served as the head of Tenganan village before being elected as member of Karangasem Legislative Council.

Nay Phone Latt




A blogger, poet and fiction writer from Myanmar, who during imprisonment was awarded a cyber-dissident award. He is the Executive Director of the Myanmar ICT for Development Organisation (MIDO) and the secretary of PEN Myanmar.

An original Australian-Indonesian collaboration bringing together Australian choreographer Ade Suharto with Peni Candra Rini. Together they reimagine the female lead in literary classic This Earth of Mankind. Supported by the Australia Indonesia Institute & Australian Embassy’s Arts and Cultural Program 2014

Ni Ketut Sudiani

Pallavi Aiyar

Born in Bali in 1989, Ni Ketut was chosen as one of the Young Leaders for Indonesia, came first runner up in the Journalist Award Bali, and is now a journalist for Tribun Bali.

An award-winning foreign correspondent, Pallavi is the author of Punjabi Parmesan, a unique Asian take on contemporary Europe, as well as the China-memoir, Smoke and Mirrors, which won the Vodafone-Crossword Popular award.

Nic Low

Pangeran Siahaan

New Zealand


Nic Low is a writer and artist of Ngai Tahu Māori and European descent. He was shortlisted for the 2012 Commonwealth Short Story Prize, and runner-up in the 2013 Overland Prize. His first book is Arms Race. Supported by Australia Council for the Arts

Pangeran Siahaan is a writer and TV presenter whose world is divided between politics and sports. He co-created satirical TV show Provocative Proactive and is a founding member of Ayo Vote. His book, The Big Pang Theory, was published in 2014.







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p e o p l e y o u’ll m e e t Patricia Grace

Reinhard Kleist

Patricia Grace is the author of six novels, five short story collections, several children’s books and one non-fiction book. Patricia lives on her ancestral land in close proximity to her home marae at Hongoeka Bay, Plimmerton. Supported by New Zealand Book Council

Reinhard Kleist, illustrator, was born near Cologne. He studied at the school for Graphic Design in Munster. He now lives in Prenzlauer Berg and works in the same studio as the comic artists Fil, Naomi Fearn and Mawil. Supported by the Goethe-Institut Jakarta

Paulo Jose Miranda

Rio Fitra SY

Paulo José Miranda is a Portuguese novelist, poet and playwright, with works including A voz que nos trai (The voice that betrays us) and Exercícios de Humano (Exercises from the Human). Supported by the Embassy of Portugal

Born in Sumatera Barat in 1986, Rio published his prose in local and national print media, as well as in several anthologies. He was invited to the Padang Literary Bienale 2011 and Pertemuan Penyair Nusantara V in 2011. Supported by Hivos

Phil Jarratt

Rio Helmi

Phil is Australia’s leading surf writer and historian, having published nine books on surfing as sport, culture and industry. He has been the recipient of Surfing Australia’s culture award three times, and shortlisted for the Blake Dawson Business Prize.

Rio Helmi has been photographing Asia and writing since 1978. His work is seen in magazines, documentaries and more than 20 photographic books including his latest, Memories of Sacred and Travels on Two Wheels. He blogs about a wide range of topics for The Huffington Post.

Rayya Elias

Robi Navicula

Rayya Elias’ debut is Harley Loco: A Memoir of Hard Living, Hair, and Post Punk, from the Middle East to the Lower East Side. It charts growing up in Syria, trying to find herself in Detroit, and getting lost in New York’s underground music and drug scene of the 1980s.

Robi Navicula is an Indonesian musician, activist and farmer. He grew up between conflict-ridden Palu, Sulawesi and a peaceful mountain village in Pupuan, Bali. He is the cofounder of social-enviro magazine Akarumput. com, and leads the rock band Navicula.

Regi Sastra Sena

Robyn Davidson

Regi Sastra Sena is the pen name of Agiana Yusuf Al-Mahdie, born in Sukabumi in 1988. He was part of the Kampung Pena Urang writing community in Sukabumi and has published many of his works. Supported by Hivos

Robyn was born on a cattle property in Queensland. She went from Sydney to Brisbane to Alice Springs, where the events of Tracks began. Since then she has travelled extensively, and has lived in London, New York and India.

New Zealand




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2014 UWRF






Rolf de Heer

S Metron Masdison

Rolf de Heer writes, produces and directs feature films. Works include Ten Canoes, The Tracker and Bad Boy Bubby and, most recently, Charlie’s Country, a film with David Gulpilil. Supported by MUD Literary Club

S Metron Masdison was born in Padang, 1974. His first book is Kisah Anak Muda (2013). He entered the arts in 1993 with Bumi Teater, established the Ranah Teater Padang in 2007, and has won the Kemenparekraf RI award. Supported by Hivos

Ron Jenkins

Sacha Stevenson

This former Guggenheim and Fulbright Fellow has written several books on Balinese culture including Saraswati in Bali, a Temple, a Museum, and a Mask. His translations of plays by Italian Nobel Laureate Dario Fo have been staged worldwide.

Sacha is self-described as ‘a strange little bule who makes YouTube videos.’ Mostly known for the hit series How to Act Indonesian, she has lived in Indonesia since 2001.

Rosemary Sayer

Sam Twyford-Moore

Rosemary Sayer is an international communications professional, author and Chairman of writingWA. She has held senior executive positions in Australia and Asia for companies including Wesfarmers Limited and Standard Chartered Bank.

Sam Twyford-Moore is a writer of fiction and non-fiction. He is the host of The Rereaders, a fortnightly literary and cultural podcast and Director of the Emerging Writers’ Festival. Supported by Asialink Arts

Rucina Ballinger

Sarah Alderson

Abandoned in Bali at the age of two, Rucina has made her living as a barong dancer, village head and virgin priestess. She currently works as a cultural tour guide, a gedebong goyang comedian and a non-profit project manager.

Originally from London, Sarah is now based in Ubud. She has written five YA novels, several short stories, and her first novel Hunting Lila is being made into a movie. Her New Adult novel Come Back to Me has just been released.

Rusty Miller

Sarah Darmody

This former United States Surfing Champion started the first alternative newspaper The Byron Express, and has been producing Byron Guides since 1984. In 2012 he co-wrote his first book Turning Point: Surf Portraits and Stories From Bells to Byron 1970-1971.

Sarah Darmody is a journalist and the author of several books including the prize-winning travel memoir Ticket to Ride. She is currently writing a new novel in between her work as a founding faculty member at The School of Life Australia.









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p e o p l e y o u’ll m e e t Sjon

Suzy Hutomo

Sjón’s prize-winning novels have been translated into 30 languages and shortlisted for the IMPAC Dublin Literary Award and the Independent Foreign Fiction Prize. His latest novel Moonstone – The Boy Who Never Was is forthcoming in English.

Suzy is the co-owner and CEO of The Body Shop in Indonesia. She believes that all businesses should be sustainable, and is passionate that Planet-People-Profit becomes the mantra of every business person. Suzy moved to Bali in 2012.

Skid More

Tama Waipara

Skid worked as an art critic, columnist, and alternative press editor before devoting herself to writing and performance. She has performed widely in Canada and beyond and recent works include the newly founded Bali Gong Show.

Tama is a Māori singer-songwriter from New Zealand. A graduate of the Manhattan School of Music in New York, Tama is a recording artist, multi-instrumentalist, composer for theatre and television and arts practitioner. Supported by New Zealand Embassy – Jakarta

Step Vaessen

Tash Aw

Step Vaessen has been based in Indonesia for 17 years and is currently working as the Indonesia correspondent for Al Jazeera English. She is the author of the book Jihad met Sambal and has made several films for Al Jazeera.

Tash Aw is the author of three criticallyacclaimed novels, including the recentlypublished Five Star Billionaire. His work has won the Whitbread and Commonwealth Writers’ Prizes for Best First Novel and been longlisted for the Man Booker Prize.

Stephanie Dogfoot

Terra Bajraghosa

Stephanie is a performance poet from Singapore who has won both the Singapore and UK National Slams, is a host and organiser of spoken word nights, and whose writing tries to distill the awkwardly hilarious and deeply profound moments of everyday life.

Terra lives in Yogyakarta, teaching at the Indonesia Art Institute there. He stands on the side of both comic creation and comic studies. He has several comic books published; speaks in many comic forums; and also curates some comic exhibitions. Supported by Goethe-Institut Jakarta

Sulfiza Ariska

Tim Cope





people you’ll meet



Born in West Sumatra and educated in Yogyakarta, he loves Indonesia as much as he loves literature. His many works have won National awards. To him, writing offers hope and freedom from fear. Supported by Hivos

2014 UWRF


New Zealand




Tim Cope is an award-winning adventurer, author and filmmaker with an interest in traditional nomadic societies of Russia and Central Asia. Tim’s three-year, 6000-mile journey by horse from Mongolia to Hungary is the subject of On the Trail of Genghis Khan. Supported by Australia Council for the Arts

p e o p l e y o u’ll m e e t Tim Molloy

VS Naipaul

Tim Molloy is a comic book writer and illustrator. He is the author of the surreal horror-comedy Mr Unpronounceable Adventures. Originally from New Zealand, he now calls Melbourne, Australia home.

VS Naipaul was born in Trinidad in 1932. He was knighted in 1989, was awarded the David Cohen British Literature Prize in 1993, and received the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2001.

Timothy Flannery

William Barton

Tim Flannery has published over 130 peerreviewed scientific papers and has named 25 living and 50 fossil mammal species. His 32 books include the award-winning The Future Eaters and The Weather Makers. He was Australian of the Year in 2007. Supported by Australia Council for the Arts

William has been playing didgeridoo for over 20 years. He has toured internationally since the age of 15, and had his first performance with a professional orchestra as a soloist at 17. Kalkadungu won the 2012 ARIA Award for best classical album. Supported by Howitt & Co

Trisha Sertori

Willie Smits

A veteran journalist of more than 30 years, Trisha Sertori is also author of three book series for Macmillan publishing. She has lived in Indonesia for the past decade and is a regular contributor with Indonesia’s leading English daily newspaper, The Jakarta Post.

Willie Smits is a knighted Dutch-born Indonesian environmentalist who has been working for 35 years in Indonesia and SouthEast Asia in forestry and nature conservation, and founder of the Masarang Foundation.

Ucu Agustin

Zak Waipara

Considered one of Indonesia’s best documentary filmmakers, Ucu Agustin has also been a journalist, screenplay writer and director. Her gritty, no-holds-barred documentaries centre around the plight of the country’s marginalised people.

A former New Zealand Herald editorial artist with a background in children’s book and television illustration/storytelling, Zak works as a lecturer in Digital Media, and freelances in illustration, design, animation and motion graphics. Supported by New Zealand Embassy – Jakarta

Val McDermid

Zia Haider Rahman

Award-winning crime writer Val McDermid is a #1 bestseller, translated into more than 30 languages, with over two million copies sold in the UK and over 11 million worldwide. She has written 27 bestselling novels; The Skeleton Road is her 28th.

Zia is a British-Bangladeshi novelist. In the Light of What We Know was published in 2014 to international critical acclaim. In a review for The New Yorker, James Wood wrote of the book: “It is… wide-armed, hospitable, disputatious, worldly, cerebral… A dazzling debut.”

New Zealand/Australia




people you’ll meet



2014 UWRF




New Zealand


writerS index a

Abraham Nouk Absurditas Malka Adam Michnik Agus Rois Agung Rai Agus Indra Udayana Ahmad Fuadi AJ Betts Akhil Sharma Aline Davidoff Alison Lester Alphamama Amitav Ghosh André Dao Andrew Lam Ángela López Lara Angela Meyer Anne Ostby Ant Song Ashwini Devare Azyumardi Azra

23, 34, 42 21 25, 34 19, 32 20, 39 18 28 24, 28, 42 21, 24, 29 23, 27, 34 22, 28, 43 40 25, 26, 29 19, 21, 30 22, 29, 46 40 21, 24, 42 22, 24, 34 23, 39, 47 24, 44 19


Bambang Kariyawan Ys 25, 32 Bas Heijne 36 Becky Wicks 21, 42 Ben Walsh 40 Bentley Dean 23, 36 Bondan Winarno 24, 45 Briony Stewart 22, 43 Bunyamin Fasya 20, 32, 34 Bustar Maitar 18, 22, 31, 34



Daniel Dalton David Leser Deborah Baker Debra Yatim Deepika Shetty

30, 42 20, 22, 46 24, 29 19, 20, 27, 28 20, 44

21, 27, 46 20, 22 24, 28, 43 21, 22 23, 37, 42


Eiji Han Shimizu 22, 23, 39 Eimear McBride 19, 20, 24, 28 Eleanor Limprecht 20, 21 Elizabeth Pisani 18, 22, 24 Elliott Bledsoe 30, 42 Emilie Zoey Baker 21,23, 28, 47 Emma Masters 18, 21, 23 Erni Aladjai 19, 25, 32


Fadel Ilahi El-Dimisky 25 Faisal Oddang 18, 32 Fiona Higgins 21, 28 Fiona McFarlane 20, 27, 28


Gillian Terzis 19, 30, 31 Goenawan Mohamad 18, 19 Greg Blondin 25, 39 Guy Vincent 30, 47


Hannie Rayson Hassan Blasim Hayu Dyah Patria

I Wayan Juniarta Ian Burnet Ishack Sonlay

i j

20, 23, 26 21, 24, 34 47

19, 20, 24, 25 , 39 24, 29 24

Jacqui Baker 22, 25 Jan Louter 36 Jane Cornelius 27, 31, 47 Janet DeNeefe 24, 25, 29 Janet Steele 18, 19, 22, 28, 45 Jared Thomas 24, 28 Jean Couteau 20, 23, 39 Jeni Caffin 22, 23, 27, 29 Jesse J. Brand 21, 34, 39, 42 Jill Dawson 21, 23, 29 Jill Jolliffe 22, 23 Julie Renouf 30, 47 Juliet W. Carpenter 20, 27, 34


Karim Allam 25, 39 Kate Holden 23, 25, 28 Keibo Oiwa 22, 27, 31, 34 Ketut Yuliarsa 18, 22, 25, 27, 29 Kirsti Melville 25, 38 Kosal Khiev 23, 34 Krishna Udayasankar 18, 34


Liam Pieper Lily Yulianti Farid Lisa Dempster

20, 25, 28 22, 27, 28 19, 20, 24, 28


Made ‘Bayak’ Muliana 19, 38, 43 Made Wijaya 20 Maggie Tiojakin 19, 22, 30, 32 Manuka Wijesinghe 20, 45 Marco Padang 24, 29 Margaret Whiskin 24, 28 Marieke Hardy 58 Mark Heyward 25, 39 Mary Jane Edleson 31 Mem Fox 22, 23, 26, 29 Michael Cathcart 18, 21, 25 Michael Vatikiotis 18, 21, 22 Michaela McGuire 25 Minae Mizumura 19, 20, 27, 34 Mukesh Kapila 21, 23, 25


Nadya Hutagalung 29, 31 Naneng Setiasih 31 Nay Phone Latt 20, 42 Ni Ketut Sudiani 23, 29, 39 Nic Low 19, 20, 24, 31 Ninda Daianti 19, 30, 32, 42 Nyoman Sadra 18





Pallavi Aiyar 22, 24, 26 Pangeran Siahaan 42 Patricia Grace 19, 20, 24 Paulo José Miranda 27, 34 Phil Jarratt 22, 26, 30, 45

Rayya Elias


Regi Sastra Sena 21, 32 Reinhard Kleist 23, 38, 39 Rezal Kusumaatmadja 31 Rio Fitra SY 23, 32, 34, 43 Rio Helmi 19, 20, 25, 39 Robi Navicula 19, 20 Robyn Davidson 18, 23, 27, 36 Rolf de Heer 21, 23, 26, 37, 47 Ron Jenkins 23 Rosemary Sayer 19, 23, 26, 27 Rucina Ballinger 20 Rusty Miller 22, 30


S Metron Masdison 23 Sacha Stevenson 19, 22, 25 Sam Twyford-Moore 19, 20, 23 Sarah Alderson 21, 24, 42 Sarah Darmody 21, 24 Sjón 18, 20, 21, 27, 34 Skid More 21, 28 Step Vaessen 22, 24, 25 Stephanie Dogfoot 21, 34, 42 Sulfiza Ariska 20 Suzy Hutomo 19, 31


Tama Waipara 40, 46 Tash Aw 19, 22 Terra Bajraghosa 23, 38 Tim Cope 19, 28, 29, 37 Tim Molloy 21, 34, 39, 42 Tim Flannery 22, 26, 31 Trisha Sertori 18, 24, 25, 28


Ucu Agustin

Val McDermid VS Naipaul



William Barton Willie Smits


Zak Waipara Zia Haider Rahman

23, 36

23, 26, 28 19, 27

40 22, 31

22, 47 24, 28

21, 23, 25, 28

2 0 1 4 U W R65 F

pWe oRpIlTe EyRo Su ’ lI lN mD eEeXt

Can Xue 18, 29 Carl Hoffman 19, 25, 34 Carlos A. Gómez 21, 23, 26, 28, 34 Celia Gregory 19, 31 43 Chuah Guat Eng 19, 29 Clarrie Cameron 18, 20, 24 Cok Ace 25 Colin Thubron 19, 20, 28, 46 Connor Tomas O’Brien 20 Cyrus Mistry 18, 24

Devdutt Pattanaik Dian Fatwa Dias Novita Wuri Drew Ambrose Dwitra J Ariana


S c hed ule by day THURSDAY 2 OCT 8



15 30 45



Welcome Keynote



15 30 45





15 30 45



15 30 45

Destination Unknown

The Right Track

Myths of our Making

The World of Can Xue


Gandhi, Revisited


15 30 45

Casa Luna Market Tour & Cooking Class Bahasa Breakfast


How Stories Are Born




The Word Auction Game


* * *

The Kitchen


In the Dark





COLOUR KEY Main Program

Cultural Workshop

Arts Program

The Kitchen


Book Launches

Children’s Program

Digital Dialogues

Film Program

Special Events

Youth Program

Environment Day

2014 UWRF


Free Events



15 30 45




15 30 45


15 30 45



15 30 45


Sir VS Naipaul...

Ethics, People, Place

Small Holes in...

A Creative Change

Stepping Back from...

A Nation at the Intersection

Island to Island

Understanding Islam

Dragon Workshop



15 30 45



15 30 45



15 30 45


Your Brush With Balinese Painting Ragat’e Anak


My School Magazine is Awesome!


The Kitchen In the Dark


Drawing the Gods An Introduction to Documentary Film

* Nawung, Putri Malu dari Jawa



First Footprints Lucky Rice

* Darwin


Free Daily Yoga 7:00am - 8:00am @ Taman Baca


For the Night Schedule please turn to page 74

67 2 0 1 4 U W R6 F7 67 6 7


S ched ule by day friDAY 3 OCT 8



15 30 45




15 30 45


15 30 45



15 30 45



15 30 45


Pilgrimage to...

The Wave That Shook...

Wide Awake Language

Minae Mizumura

Great Greats

The Treacherous Writer

Poison or Passion


Bahasa Breakfast



Performance Poetry Workshop


TAKSU SPA To the Letter


Batik Painting Workshop


Dream Aloud Beyond the Clouds


Cerpen Mini


* *

The Kitchen


In the Dark





COLOUR KEY Main Program

Cultural Workshop

Arts Program

The Kitchen


Book Launches

Children’s Program

Digital Dialogues

Film Program

Special Events

Youth Program

Environment Day

2014 UWRF


Free Events



15 30 45




15 30 45



15 30 45

15 30 45


Chief Belief Officer

A Human Right

Rayya Elias

Family Life


Rolf’s Country

Publishing Story

A Perfect Mother

Economy of Words

All Those Taboos That You Got No Clue



15 30 45



15 30 45



15 30 45


Moments With a Master Travel Writer To Begin to Know

The Kitchen


In the Dark A Lunch With Robyn Davidson

Tarian Bumi Life Puppets

* * The Red Helmet

* Tracks

Green Card



One Woman, a Baby & a Backpack Rojak: Stories From The Singapore Writers Group


Free Daily Yoga 7:00am - 8:00am @ Taman Baca


For the Night Schedule please turn to page 74

2 0 1 4 U W R69 F


S ched ule by day saturDAY 4 OCT 8



15 30 45



15 30 45



15 30 45




15 30 45


15 30 45

Lost Forests of Indonesia

Truly Asia?

Journalism is not a Crime


The Strange Difficulty

Breaking the Surface

On the Outside...


Don’t Judge a Book...

Life After Fukushima



Bahasa Breakfast


Herb Walk Workshop


Jalan Jalan


Ladies Who Ride Not a Question of Size


Waiata Mai - Sing The Songs


A Mermaid & Her Friends From The Sea


An Intro to Silent Comics


* *

The Kitchen


In the Dark





COLOUR KEY Main Program

Cultural Workshop

Arts Program

The Kitchen


Book Launches

Children’s Program

Digital Dialogues

Film Program

Special Events

Youth Program

Environment Day

2014 UWRF


Free Events



15 30 45



15 30 45



15 30 45



Wire in Her Blood

Past Selves

The Disappeared

The Magic of Mem Fox

On Saraswati

Dharma Punks...

Telling Indigenous Stories

Boys Word-up

Secret of the Script

Digital Storytelling


The YA Phenomenon


The Blogosphere


15 30 45


15 30 45



15 30 45



15 30 45

Capture the Change...



Poetry in Action

Ladies Who Ride New World Order

Regional & Minority

Digital Media Businesses

Gender, Words...

Make Your Own Mythical Characters Zine & Makers Fair



Your Joke, Your Ideas



The Kitchen In the Dark


The Traveller’s Lunch Stretch Your Story’s Potential Email dari Amerika


Indonesia’s Hidden Heritage


Charlie’s Country Bound

SCHEDULE BY DAY d a i ly s c h e d u l e

Free Daily Yoga 7:00am - 8:00am @ Taman Baca

* *

For the Night Schedule please turn to page 74

2 0 1 4 U W R71 F


S ched ule by day sunDAY 5 OCT 8



15 30 45




15 30 45



15 30 45



Weapon of Mass Terror

Taste of Archipelago

Surrealist Inferno


The Storytellers

The Short Circuit

YA is Dead...

Bahasa Breakfast


Your Place on a Postcard


Ubud Bike & Literary Tour


The Good Script Ratio


Comics Crash Course


Secrets of Successful Self-Publishing





Thinking Outside...



30 Year Indonesian Adventure


Language of Offerings



Breathe Life Into Your Character


The Kitchen


After Saraswati


In the Dark






2014 UWRF


Film Program

Cultural Workshop

Book Launches

Special Events

Children’s Program

Youth Program

The Kitchen

Digital Dialogues

Arts Program

Environment Day

Main Program


Free Events


Indonesia’s Green Heart

The Katingan Project



15 30 45

Indonesia etc.



Caste vs Class


15 30 45



15 30 45



15 30 45



15 30 45



15 30 45

Forecast for Europe

A Good Man

Shadow Traveller

One More Time...

Wisecracks & Otherwise


Crime & Punishment...

Pulau Life




15 30 45



15 30 45



15 30 45


Dialog Muda Ubud Bike & Literary Tour

Forsaking Forsooths, Teaching Poetry New Economics of Publishing Online

Bridges Across Multilingual Web


Raw Food Lunch

Slow, Small, Simple


Slow Food


Let Elephants be Elephants

Oine Writing About The Web


Sow Seed Sovereignty

Turn Trash Into Treasure


The Kitchen


In the Dark Long Table Lunch Possum Magic in an Ubud Treehouse

Atambua 39o Celcius

* Crispin Scales and the Golden Pearl

* *

The Trail of Genghis Khan 100 Mak Nyus

Free Daily Yoga 7:00am - 8:00am @ Taman Baca

SCHEDULE BY DAY d a i ly s c h e d u l e

Anthology 17 Female Poets



For the Night Schedule please turn to page 74

2 0 1 4 U W R73 F


n i g h t schedule

At night, world-class music from Indonesia and beyond is held under the stars together with special events, film-screenings and performances. Be treated to big ideas by day, big sights and sounds by night. The Night Schedule below clocks on from 5pm till the wee hours. FREE ❋

30 September


2 October


4 October

night schedule

Media & Writers Dinner Morning of the Earth

1 October

3 October



5 October 2014 UWRF

| 6:00pm – 8:00pm | AYUNG RESORT | 6:30pm – 10:00pm | DEUS EX MACHINA TEMPLE OF ENTHUSIASM ❋ | 8:00pm – 10:00pm | BETELNUT ❋


Anne Ostby’s Town of Love | 5:00pm – 6:00pm | BAR LUNA ❋ Tiger Stone | 5:00pm – 6:30pm | JENDELA HOUSE ❋ Sumba Dance, Music & Stories on Cloth | 5:30pm – 6:30pm | THREADS OF LIFE ❋ Myanmar: Cuisine, Culture & Customs | 5:30pm – 7:00pm | ROOM 4 DESSERT ❋ Cocktails with a Queen of Crime | 6:00pm – 8:00pm | IL GIARDINO One Hundred Overlapping Identities | 6:00pm – 8:00pm | RONDJI Reinhard Kleist & Johnny Cash in the Jungle | 6:00pm – 9:00pm | ALILA ❋ A Tale of Lost Villages | 6:15pm – 7:15pm | BAR LUNA ❋ In the Beginning There Were Words | 6:30pm – 8:30pm | BENTARA BUDAYA BALI ❋ People of Letters | 7:00pm – 9:00pm | INDUS JALANAN | 7:00pm – 10:00pm | BETELNUT ❋ The Love Story of Rosa Rolando & Miguel Covarrubias | 7:30pm – 8:30pm | BAR LUNA ❋ Devdutt’s Hindu Trinity | 7:30pm – 9:30pm | YOGA BARN Made & Remade in Japan | 8:00pm – 10:00pm | RYOSHI Into the Wilds | 8:45pm – 10:30pm | BAR LUNA ❋


Bustar Maitar & Greenpeace Indonesia | 5:00pm – 6:00pm | BAR LUNA ❋ Secret Bali | 5:00pm – 6:30pm | THE ELEPHANT ❋ Sinhala Only | 5:30pm – 6:30pm | ROOM 4 DESSERT ❋ Crazy Little Heaven | 6:00pm – 8:00pm | BOTANIC GARDEN UBUD ❋ The Iraqi Christ | 6:15pm- 7:15pm | BAR LUNA ❋ Night Guests | 6:30pm – 9:30pm | BRIDGES An Evening with Sir VS Naipaul | 7:00pm – 9:00pm | INDUS Tribute Night for Lempad | 7:00pm – 10:00pm | LOTUS STAGE ❋ Adam Michnik Out of Poland | 7:30pm – 8:45pm | BAR LUNA ❋ Poetry Slam | 7:30pm – 10:30pm | BETELNUT ❋ Light & Truth With Zia Haider Rahman | 8:00pm – 10:00pm | KEBUN Gods, Ancient India & World Music | 9:00pm – 10:30pm | BAR LUNA ❋


Savage Harvest UWRF Anthology & Out of Ubud The Salon Illustrated Line Keibo Oiwa’s Vision Bali Heaven and Hell Oceania Under the Stars A Walk on the Dark Side Women of Letters Strong Brews, Flowing Words Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner Minae Mizumura’s Yomimono Lit Up! Cabaret Extravaganza Poet’s Club

ARTS PROGRAM Closing Night Party

| 5:00pm - 6:00pm | BAR LUNA ❋ | 5:00pm – 6:30pm | SEMU JAEN ❋ | 5:00pm – 6:30pm | MOZAIC | 5:00pm – 6:30pm | MUSEUM PURI LUKISAN | 5:00pm - 7:00pm | CASA LUNA SCREENING ROOM ❋ | 5:30pm – 7:00pm | THE ELEPHANT ❋ | 6:00pm – 11:00pm | BLANCO MUSEUM ❋ | 6:15pm – 7:15pm | BAR LUNA ❋ | 7:00pm – 9:00pm | INDUS | 7:00pm – 9:00pm | KEDAI KOPI KULTUR ❋ | 7:00pm – 10:00pm | LOCAVORE | 7:30pm – 8:30pm | BAR LUNA ❋ | 8:00pm – 10:00pm | BETELNUT | 8:45pm – 10:30pm | BAR LUNA ❋ | 6:00pm – 11:00pm | BLANCO MUSEUM

d a i ly s c h e d u l e


UWRF would like to thank all the artists, musicians and additional participants who added their shine to this year’s Festival.


2014 UWRF

Adam Breasley Ade Suharto Aditiana Dewi Eridani Agus Putu Alexa Bauer Andy Sahraya Astrid Sulaiman Atjeng Benedictus Ringga Bob Loblaw Bruce W. Carpenter Cecilia Wulia Chika Asamoto Deryn Mansell Dialog Muda Djai Heijn Dyana Savina Hutadjulu Geoffrey Williams Helen O’Connor Huda Fauzan I Nyoman Budi Kartika I. B Sindu Putra Irawan Pras Iswanto Mento Martono Johar Ali Julie Reily Juniartha KAmau BAkari ABayomi Khan Wilson Lee-Anne Donnolley Lilir and Westi Mary Jane Edleson Masbrooo Magazine Muhamad Hisbullah Amrie

Necky Sodikin Nyoman Agus Nyoman Suradnya Patricio Zuniga Labarca Peni Candra Rini Plenthe Pranoto Ahmad Raji Prisha Sebastian Putu Aan Qisie and friends Rafly Renzo La Vista Rezal Kusumaatmadja Saïssi Gilles Semadi Seperlima Sinta Wullur Sluts from Seminyak Soemantri Widagdo StandUpIndoBali Steve Bolton Susan Allen Susiawan Suyadnya T. Hartono TahRiq The Kitchen presenters Tory Loudon Tropical Transit Vieux Aliou Cissokho Wayan Jengki Sunarta Widi Kertia Wijaya Yozeffani Awan

world map 2 0 1 4 U W R77 F


in & around ubud Things to do in Ubud Once named one of the world’s greenest villages, Ubud is the perfect setting for an international festival of global issues, big ideas and brave voices. There are plenty of things to see and do. If possible, try to allocate at least a week for your visit here and take time to explore properly. We recommend you: try Balinese cuisine (Ibu Oka’s suckling pig is famous!); attend a dance performance (there are many around town, including Ubud Palace); visit the Monkey Forest; take a stroll in the rice paddies; stop in at one of Ubud’s many cultural institutions (such as ARMA, Neka, Museum Puri Lukisan, Rudana Museum and more). This year there is also a significant cultural event set to take place in Ubud at the same time as the Festival, the Karya Agung ceremony, to be held at the newly re-opened Pura Gunung Lebah. This is a great opportunity for those who are interested in Bali’s unique brand of Hinduism to enjoy such a cultural highlight. The Festival will also be running tours to the temple – please check in on the website.

Getting to & Around Ubud Ubud is within easy reach of Denpasar and Ngurah Rai International Airport. The easiest way to get to Ubud from the Airport and the regions in South Bali is via taxi. Prices are negotiated with the driver but usually cost around IDR 250,000. Due to the Karya Agung ceremony taking place at the same time as the Festival, it is possible there will be congestion on the roads. We recommend leaving an hour to travel between Ubud and the Jl. Raya Sanggingan Main Program area. An alternate route is via Sayan (avoiding downtown Ubud) – ask your driver to take you this way or have a look online to explore this option. More transport information is available on our website.


Jump on Board the UWRF Shuttle Bus

78 22 0011 44 UU WW RR FF

Our shuttle buses run from 2-5 October, starting at 8am and finishing at 6pm. The shuttle bus runs on a 30 minute circuit, commencing at Casa Luna Restaurant on Jl. Raya Ubud. From Casa Luna you can stop at each of the Main Program venues on Jl. Raya Sanggingan; Taman Baca, The Kitchen, Left Bank, Indus Restaurant and Neka Museum (look on page opposite for reference). Our shuttle bus has a capacity of 15 people and is driven by a lovely volunteer from the local community. For special transport or tour requests, please enquire at the Transport Service at Taman Baca.


2014 UWRF

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