First Year Latin: Preparatory to Caesar

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196. 1. We have seen YOu; we shall see YOu; he had seen you. 2. We were fearing; you had feared; he will fear. 3. To have feared, to have seen; fearing, seeing. 4. May he have; we should have had; he shall have. 5. You ought to remain in this place. 6. We had seen the standards of the enemy .-7. We should easily have kept the enemy away. 197.

The Helvetii Decide to Emigrate.

Itaque 13 ftnibus suts egredi1 et alias sedes petere 1 constituerunt." Per biennium jumenta, earros, frumentum parabant ; in tertium annum 3 profectionem lege conftrmant,' Ubi jam paratr fuerunt, oppida sua omnia, quadringentos vteos, reliquaque 5 privata aedificia ineenduut." 1 egredi, petere: to go out, to seek; pres. infs., dependent on constituerunt, constituerunt: they resolved .. 3rd plu. perf. indio. 8 in tertium annum: for the third year. 4 confirmant: they set; present with the force of the perfect, a very common usage in Latin. It is called the Historical Present. S reliquaque: composed of reliqua and -que (' and '), which is always thus attached to the word which it connects. Snch words are called enclitics. 8 incendunt: they set fire to ; 3rd plu. pres. indic. 2


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