First Year Latin: Preparatory to Caesar

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ut ne Suessiones I quidern," fratres S consanguineosque nos. tros, qut eodem jure 4 et Isdem legibus utuntur unumque I magistratum nobtscum habent, deterrere potuertmus," quIn 7 cum hrs consenttrent." Fighting

strength of the Belgian tribes.

4. Cum ab his quaereret, quae." civitates quantaeque in armIs essent et quid 9 in bello possent, sic 10 rep erie bat : Plerrque Belgae a Germants 11 ortt sunt Rhenumque 12 anti. quitus traduett propter Iocr fertilitatem ibi consederunt, Gallosque, qui ea loca incolebant, expulerunt, Hi IS erant 10 soli qul patrum memoria,'! omnt 16 Gallia vexata, Teutonos 16 Cimbrosque intra suos fines ingredt " prohiberent ; IS qua 19 ex re fiebat,20 ut 21 earum rerum memoria 22 magnam sibi 28 auctoritatem in re mtlitart snmerent, De numero eorum Remt omnia exploraverant, propterea quod, propin15 quitatibus 24 affrnitatibusque conjunctr," sciebant quantam 2lI multitudinem quisque 27 in commuut Belgarum concilio ad id 5

I Suessiones: object of deterrere. 2 ne ... quidem: no, even. 3 fratres nostros: the Sues iones were really masters of the Remi. The statements of the envoys were not entirely frank. 4 jure, legibus: 344, 1. 6 unum magistratum nobiscum: i:e. the same ruler as we; the Latin always says nobiscum, not cum nobis. 6 potuerimus: 406. 7 quin ... consentirent: from leagltin.q themselves with these .. 425. 8 quae essent, possent: 431. v quid possent: how strollg they were; literally, what they were able. 10 sic: as follows. II a Germanis orti sunt: this view is hardly correct; the Belqae were probably of Celtic origin. 12 :ahenum: dependent on trans in composition in traducti. 13 hi: viz. the Belgae, 14 memoria: 365. 160mni Gallia vexata: when all (the rest of) Gaul was ravaged .. 359. 16 Teutonos Cimbrosque: for several years prior to 101 B.C. these barbarians had ravaged Gaul. They were finally crushed by Marius in 102 and 101 B.C. 17 ingredi: from entering ; literally, to enter; the object of prohiberent. 18 prohiberent: SUbjunctive in a Clause of Characteristic; 405. 19 qua ex re: and from thi8 circumstance; literally, from which circumstance. 20 fiebat: it happened. 21 ut Bumerent: a Substantive Clause of Result: 430. It is subject of the Impersonal/lebat. 22 memoria: 345. 28 Bibi: withsumerent; 300,1. 24 propinquitatibus aftinitatibusque: by ties Of blood and marriage. 26 conjuncti: viz. to the Belgae. 26 quantam pollicitus eBBet: 431. 27 quiBque: i.e. each chieftain of the different tribes.

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