1950 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 48 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 348

1".0_ 1::1""'y, Shoohon.. 1::",1 Kl<lQG1. M.,..",,,, Deloria Kni<;lhL Gooding Willi" Kno•• K"UOgq M.... de Kohl, s"lmon Phyllio Kooch, $.oImon Milton KopP<'lnq, Bonn.... I',,",y

lohn 1::0111"., Idaho 1',,11. £I,i.. K~y< Spohn.., W ... hlnqton aeon Kun.. Vietor

J.. mfl l<lne. Sh.. lley Joeeph L.oriln. Donnelly Do""ld t.o...,n. Cu.lck, We.hlnglon Elwin u,roon. Merldlon

Phyill. Lo..oon, Weippe Bry"n 1.<1,.,,..,,,,,,,, Mce..n WUUe",

r-...ll, Gooding

J"dJ.. Lee. Plumm.., p"lrlola Lee. Grftn~ylll.. lohn L.h"r. Burley Weyn.. !.ewi•• St.

hd Uberq.



Belh UII"rd. Lewl.ton Do""ld LndMy, Bonne•• Ferry Borba,.. Uvlnqolon. Buhl Did Uoyd. Lewl.1on Vir<;jlnl" Lol9'en. Spohn.., W".hlnqlon Estell" LoIko. I'u...hold. New I",..,y

lohn Long, M,*",w $hlrley LonqelelQ. Lewl.!""

leek lorI>. Qoyl•. N.,w Muloo Philip Lowder, RUp&rl Leon LUCfI, ChI""Q<>. IlHnol. John Ly"""" GreybulL Wyornlr>g Arlene MeO"!!",,, Montpelier

Stew"d McCormecl:. Utwlston Theodore MeDon lei, Ejmhunt, 1Illnoi. Donold McMeh"n, Council leery McKee, Glenn. Feery Euqene McNee, Shoohone MOTolee Mcl1eynold., Spoke"", W••hi"",lon Humlreclo Mececlo, Lim., Peeu

lohn Meck, Spoken.., W••hl"",ton lohn Medey, Lorenzo Celhed"" M<>eMlllen, Moec<>w Morqeeet Moqee, Gen_ Otl. Moloy, St. Meel ... Linde Leoe Moroyl.., Mull'm CecIl M"rtln, O<Ikler>d. Celi!.

lem... M"rtln, CeldweJl Joen Merlln. Heqermon Devld Mertlndole. O<Ikley Donold Me..,." Abooerek ..... Montene lene Metthew•. Spokene. Weohlnqlon Frederick Met"'eT. Chlcoqo. 1I11nolo Donold M....chem. Wei"'T

Me'Verel Mehl, Wei..,r RIcherd Merrill, Orofino LoI. M_rly, Burke Rlclulrd Meyer, Goodinq W!lIl<lm Meyee. Fenn 1o"",," Ml11ee. Wel..,r John F. MIller. Celdwell


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