1950 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 48 - University of Idaho Yearbook

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OF THE MOUNTAINS 8ft/oJ: june JAomas #Ssociale 8ft/oJs: jeJJIf Bunnell, c:dnne YJu8aull Volume 48 of the Annual Publication of the Associated Students of the Uniuersity of Idaho, Moscow. Idaho

Conkn/s CaftluJintj lire ffillen Jleete social . .. exchange students . .. beauties . .. actioities ... organizations

vt",l1I18tm al ;!/pme women . .. Ul!ts' iii/rage . .. men

football baseball

basketball . .. minor sports . .. track ... women's sports

/as(Jn 8eehS 8/utaltg, (acuity ... personalities ... colleges . . . classes


C.A. Rob,_

Greetings to you of the University of Idaho! Your institution, as one of the oldest in the slate of Idaho, has a wonderful record of service to the people of the state. Through its activities it is to be anticipated that many more worthy contributions to the economy of Idaho will be made, both in research and in the training of our young people for service. As the mid-point of the century is reached, we look forward with high hope and fine ambition. C. A. ROBINS Governor


He came by rented livery, that convocation speaker of the year 1900, up the sand-surfaced curving road to the pile of granite steps that funneled upward to the single building that was then the University 01 Idaho. He came to address a student bcdy of 106 eager youths. He came by plane, this assembly speaker of 1950. Before landing he circled the llQO.acre campus studded with nearly a hundred build路 ings to get the leel 01 the 3500 students he would address on the subject, "America at Mid路Century-What Lies Ahead?" How he comes, the assembly speaker of the year 2000, or if he comes, rests largely with you, the students of today. If he comes, it will be to a vastly larger group. Our plans and visions for the future should continue at the expanding scale we've just experienced. If he doesn't come, it will be because we failed to solve the social. political and technolog-ical problems we inherited and created. We can meet the challenge iI we will.

J. E. BUCHANAN President

The highest honor that


state can conler upon one 01 its public-spirited and responsible citizens is a call to

service as a member of the Board of Regents. The Regents work without pay. Their experience, understanding, and judgment are given gratis to the citizens of the state through educational guidance.

Idaho's Board is composed of five members appointed by the governor, and one, the State Superintendent of Schools, who is an ex-officio member. They form the supreme governing body of education in the Gem state. With their varied experience and backgrounds, board members cannot be given 100 much credit in the molding of the University of Idaho of today - and tomorrow.

Alton B. Jon ... W.



MeN.ugnlon. M.ud. C. Hounon. Oo•••no. C. A. Robin•• Emory A. Ow.n. Jonn D. R.m.iMrv. J. Lo. MeC..rthy

Any father will tell you that being dad to one or two young men is a big job. Dean Lattig is "dad" on the campus to almost 3,000. During the past year, he had an additional duty vita! 10 the interests of all students-serving as faculty coordinator in Ihe construction of Ihe new Student Union building. During the spring semester, students missed Dean LaHig's sincere smile and those friendly chats they used to have with him. He was on sabbatical leave touring the United States to study student housing and health problems.


Women students who come to her for advice are greeted by a cherry, "Hello, honey girl." She helps them find partlime jobs, sees that they are welladjusted to campus life and happy in their environments. Grace and dignity step inlo a room when she enters. Young Idaho women look to her for mature guidance.

1.0,,1•• Cut••

H. E. Lettl\!

Director 01 Sludenl Alf&ir.

Dean Carter works closely with A.W.S. and the Panhellenic council. Housemothers and hostesses depend on her wisdom for assistance. Last year she wrole a "Handbook for Housemothers" as a guide for them.

o"..n of M"o

o.",n 01 WOm<lO


A multitude of special problems is handled by these officials who keep the university's various departments running smoothly. G. C. Sullivan, properly agent, distributes a large variety of supplies and makes out long inventories for university storerooms. Many students enter and leave the infirmary each day. Doctors R. M. Alley and G. E. Owen are busy keeping up with the huge task of looking after student health, expecially in the rush period which precedes fintlls. Work wasn't lacking in this year of expansion for university engineers, Gagan and Hillon. The shilting office of Buildings and Grounds was at limes difficult to find. Decker, chief of the counseling center, is kept busy helping students get starled down the right educational road. fund, student counselor, takes care of housing off campus. Through the year, veterans at Idaho confer with these men aoout vocational, educational, economic, and social problems. Kenneth A. Dick, bursar and business manf1lger, and Joseph W. Walls. deputy bursar, are resp::msible for the administration of university finances. They keep the books on funds, and do more arithmetic in a day than the average individual does in a year. The man who has held the office of director of the department of field service since it was begun in 1947 is Harlow Campbell. Non-resident instruction, placement, and field service are included in lhe work of his office. Director of Information R. S. Gibbs edils releases and sends out pictures that publicize the university. He is assisted by Newt Cutler.

Lee F. Zimmerman, librarian, is responsible for millions of printed words on file at the university. He is proud of the 27 new metf1ll carrells which have been installed this year for researchers. The library hf1ls been reorganized to speed up its functions and services. The university is supported and helped by some 11.000 graduates and former students of the institution, with whom the Alumni Association is now in contact through genial James M. Lyle, alumni secretary. D. D. DuSault, registrar, is the custodian of those grades which students struggle so hard to make. The academic records of every student from 1892 to date are found in the registrar's files.

D... O. 1:. 0.."" and R. M. Alley On,.....,.." Ph.". ...~ ....


O. O..,on ..nd W. Hilton Un,_11' Entj,..........

C. O. Decker and C. H. Bond StudtonIO""...........

J. W. Wal" and K. A. Die" Deopull' B"..... and fl., ......,

H a r low Campbell Educational Field Service

R . S . Oibba Director of Information

L ee F . Z immerman Llbrorl<m

J a m es L . Lyle, Jr. Alumni Secretary

University purchasing is centralized for efficiency, and the man in charge is the purchasing agent, L. C. Warner. He has purchased new equipment for the Student Union and has worked out specifications and done research for the cafe, auditorium, bowling alleys, and the kitchen. Director of physical education and athletics, George Greene, has the big job of coordinating the many fields of physical education. Warner H. Cornish, family housing director, fills a position which is comparatively new on the Idaho campus. Married students are aided by Mr. Cornish in finding housing on or near the campus. Idaho's emphasis on a worthwhile research program of value to industry and business uncovers useful information that is handled by L. C. Cady, executive secretary of the research council. The problem of housing university students is that of director of dormitories, James Bowlby. The assigning of rooms in all men's and women's dormitories is done through this office. Over 800 freshmen took six tests this year. In charge of this was Clair L. Woodward, psychometrist. He also had a big job of getting grades to advisors by the time of enrollment. University Field Agent Guy Wicks makes trips throughout the state as a representative of the university, contacting annually thousands of high school students .

D . D. D uSault Registrar

L. C. Warner

G eorge W . G reene

Purchasing Agent

Director of Physical Education

Warn er H. Corn ish Family Housing Director

L . C . C ady F.xeculivo Secretary

J ames Bowlby Direclor a( Dorrnitorien

Cla ir L . Woodward Psychomelrist

Ouy W icks Field Age nt


For very good reasons, Gale Mix is known as Idaho's walking encyclopedia. He's always ready with a big grin and a helping hand for any student with a complaint or a problem. In affairs concerning ASUI organizations and procedures, Mr. Mix answers hundreds of questions a day. Campus organizations and faculty alike invariably find solutions to their problems in his endless knowledge of student affairs. Mr. Mix is a dependable listener and advisor for a job of huge proportions-that of filling the requests of the numerous activity groups, the executive board and student bOOy representatives. He eagerly awaited the completion of the Student Union building. Trying office conditions, such as the day the chandelier fell on his noggin, added to the headaches 01 the general manager, but Mr. Mix, with the assistance of his staff, operated efficiently, even under these conditions. Gala L. Mi.

Gene,,,l M"n"qer

A large part of the work of both the Gen. eral Manager and the Athletic News Director falls into the hands of the ASUI office staff. Barbara Clements, office secretary, is working under Mr. Mix for the second year and has charge of all typing and clerical duties. Handling ASUI funds and serving in the capacity of assistant to the General Manager is Beverly Foster. Mrs. Clements and Mrs. Foster are both graduates of the University of Idaho. Wilson Bowlby directs seating arrangements and ticket sales for all ASUI functions.

Keeping the press posted on the current activities of Idaho's athletic teams is the never-ending job of Ken Hunter, university Athletic News Director. Much of his time is spent traveling ahead of the athletic teams, making arrangements for contests with other schools. and promoting Idaho's athletic program throughout the state. Mr. Hunter's "lieutenants" for the year were lohn Martin and Allen Derr. Martin and Derr performed the task of writing the articles to be distributed to newspapers both inside and outside the state. 16

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Fall . .. Winler ... Spring

Campus Beaulies Concetl c7'!tlisls 8%cltange 8lu&nls

Jo Garner Editor




J.. n Ott.nh.im.r, P.nh.ll.nlc p .... id.nt, w.lcom •• •


Fin! co"'. . hUllllln' • , , th.n co"'. . ..,.ubbln'



/fe?ls/ltaliol1 19

Queen Bea Red·haired. Miss ae., Helander. pretty Gamma Phi from Lewis-

ton, reigned over Idaho's 1949 Homecoming. Governor C. A.

Robins officially crowned Miss Helander at the half·time of the

Idaho- WSC game. She


chosen from the queen candi-

dates by the men's living groupe:

after the "Kick-oU" dance.


M_ Ret p.-ld.......r


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Building "olf.. pot

Paj ......a_c1ad c<>ada _"Pa ...ti ...a through ma ... ·a Iivt ... g groupa in trua Homacomlng tradition. HOMECOMINO COMMITTEE-Front Row: Ralph Crana. Cli ...t Pata ......... Ma....dn daagaia. Jack G...-;Iory. Oary Nah:gar . . . Back Row: Al Rutharford. Morga ... To,,",y (chairman), Francia Flarchlnl1ar. Bob Moulton. Varnon Bahr. Donna Jaan Broylaa, Ann Kattanbach. Sally No.. ria.

Twenty·five thousand alumni and students jammed Neale Stadium to watch the Idaho· WSC game October 15. Idaho lost again! The score was 36-13. Queen Bea Helander presided over the windy 1949 celebration. Friday night pajama·clad coeds serpentined through men's liVing groups to Maclean Field for the pre·game rally that featured fireworks galore. The Townmen's Trio played for the "Kickoff" donee in the afternoon. Saturday morning's parade and house decorations were unlimited by ex~ense or theme restrictions. Some of the most outstanding and original entries in the history of Idoho tradition were presented. Phi Gamma Delta captured the all·over participation trophy for the second consecutive year. Beta Theta Pi placed second. Float winners were Sigma Nu and Delta Delta Delta, first lor men and women; Beta Theta Pi and Pi Beta Phi, second. House decoration top honors went to Tau Kappa Epsilon and Kappa Kappa Gamma. Willis Sweet and Delta Gamma came in second. The Homecoming Dance climaxed the week· end. Music by Wyatt Howard and his orchestra delighted the capacity crowd. General chairman Morgan Tovey, whose hard-working committee planned the weekend of gala entertainment, pre· sented intermission awards. Football Captain Carl Kiilsgaard received a plaque from the ASur and Alumni Association for his service and participation in varsity sports.


Th. TKE'. . .nt the couqar to the South

s.... 10. a

fi,..t prize

Prize"winnlng K.pp. .' "Lu." i. with tham


KIng N.f"g......do d ..on'•••lly .,omm.nttl th.1 .t. .t.d • d.l.y.d bomb ....ction

Tow•• p.inl." ..... .c•• wnJ' WSC p.inl.d y.now "I" on g.m. d.y

Will.. Sw. .t .... ho.t 10 "". . n c.ndld.t.. B•• H.l.nd.T. O.yl. Sl.~ln B.tty Bil••T, Lo" L....,h. • nd Bon... Collin.

0.,.. Ih. big,

Kilbv••T<1'.......Ie. pl.""•• nd ho .... by Ch.i.m.n Mo"".n To..-y










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Im.g;".ti".ly_co.tum.d coupl••• t the Id.ho·WSC


Bo.rd p.,ty in Pullm."

"duo,," M.rtin .nd p ...ldent Moulto" ..cel...d _Iece lrom wac c.,.d• • t the e"d 01 thel' tr.dltlon.l ....lk .lter the "Homecoming 01 de_f.et"

AU.n Our .nd Ruthell. E"."" . .id Coug.,-..tlle h.,.ta didn't t . . . t them like prlaon... d ..plt. the j.ilblr'd co.tum"


P ....ld.nl J. E. Buch.n.n ....,.lnd Ih. Alph. Phi 0",.-;1. M.",orl.l pl.qu. honoring Id.ho .tud.nU who ou. th.ir 1i~_ In World W . . II fro", IHrI Hu",ph .. y. p ....ld.nt of th. Boy Scout honor.ry. Buch.n.n In turn th. pl.qu. to V.rn B.hr lor p .... nl.t1on to th. uud.nU.


Represent/llives from 23 colleQes /lnd universities /l!tended the three-d/lY Bor/lh OuU/lwry of W/lr Conference which beq/ln April 24 with lorums and discussions th4t .cught ways to obtain world pe4ce. Dr. H4nS MOfgenthau, University 01 ChicaQo. delivered the openlnQ lecture. "New Ellor'- to Achieve Peace." The "fternoon sPlNlker W/lS Dr. Harold Benjamin, University of Maryland, who spoke on educ"tion in our atomic age with criticism for too much emphasis on the p4s1 and not enough on the future.

Dr. Charles E. M/lrtin, University of Washington, pointed out the second dlly of the conference that the atomic we4pons dilemma we aTe in presents "the supreme test of m4n's political and social control over his inventive Qenius lInd scientific discovery." Dr. J. B. Condliffe. University of CIlliforni/l, spoke the third day on interna· tlonal trllde. Dr. John Broqden, Unit/lri/ln minister from Spokane, chose for his topic, "Wh/lt Can ReliQion Contribute to World UnderstandlnQ?"

• () <: Z ......






Dr. Boyd A. M/lrtin W/lS Qeneral ch/lirm/ln for the third annual Borah con· ference. There were III deleqates from eight st/ltes in allendanca. Nearly 3,000 atudenta attended each lecture In Mernort/l] gymn/lSium, which was buill aller World War las II monument to peace.

WIlII.m L. Shi..r .polr.• • t Id.ho J.nu.ry 23.

Ideho students who heve heerd the murmurings of e third world wer which threeten. the totlll destruction of civiliUllion 1I11ended the specilll event. lIasem路 blies with more thlln usuel interest. Two men noted liS rlldio commentlltOrl lind authon spoke to large student lIudiences In Memonel Gymnesium. They were Willilim L. Shirer lind Stuerl Chese. Mr. Shirer spoke on the Red menoce lind China's conversion to Communism in his lecture, "Where Are We Going?" Mr. CheN, lin economia experl, told students his ideas on depression. in his speech, "Full Employment." Donald Grant's lecture expleined the .itulition in poet-war Germeny e. he had seen il. The psychological lIpprOllch of the Germen mind to Intemalionll[ elfelrl wes a mein perl 01 his address. The one .pellker of the yeer whose topic concerned not the world of wllr but the world of literllture Wll. Bruce Mer.hllii. The Scottish lIuthor 01 "Father Meillchy's Mirllde," "The World, the Flesh end Fllther Smith." "Yellow Tllpers for Perl.... lind "Vespers in Vienne" geve lIspiring young lIuthon some inside tips on "How to Write 1I Best Seller."

Stuart Ch.... notad autho. and eommentato., epoloa Ma""h 3.

Doneld O .....t .....Id t .._lar and ... pari on {o..llIn aflaI... add-.l Ideho etude"ta October 4.


THE Joan Litchfield Kappa Kappa Gamma

Craddoc~ Gamma Phi Beta



Louise Miller Delta Delta Delta


• • •

Six hundred super-critical beauty experts-the co-eds of the University of Idaho-selected the twelve Gem beauties for 1950. Each girl's living group voted. for the one girl in their own house or hall whom they considered the most beautiful. Dames Club selectecllhe veteran's wife of their choice. From their selection of fair ladies is seen the reflection of a woman's idea of true beauty-the kind that comes from inside and shines Qut in lovely eyes and enchanting smiles.

Shirley Ball's vitality and glow ... the mature and mysterious qlamor of Lois Cundall Black ... Carolyn Craddock's sky blue eyes and willowy poise ... the sheen of Colleen Ebbe's blonde hair. her tranquil smile.

Clarice Houe

Willa Schumann

Jo Garner

Alpha Phi

Forney Hall

Pi Beta Phi


Colleen Ebbe

Polly lawson

Kappa Alpha Theta

Hays Hall

FROM Shirley Ball Alpha Chi Omega


Nancy Kay Ricks

Euelyn Jensen

Lois Cundall Black

Delta Gamma

West Sixth Vets' Vii/age


HOUSE AND HALL Jo Gomer's warmly 1lIlive brunette coloring ... the ste.!ldfost intelligence and chorm of Clarice Hove ... Evelyn Jensen's modesty and pride os a young mother ... Polly Lawson's sparkling blue eyes and lightly lredded ivory skin ... the dark flashing eyes and captivating smiles that belong 10 Joan Litchfield ... Louise Miller's radian! joy sweeping over the contours of her cheeks ond smiling lips ... Noncy Ricks' enchanting youthfulness ... the naturell grace and gentleness of Willa Schumann ... these lire the marks of beauty thai have won

for the fairest of all their places as outstanding campus beauties.



G.ry S.Mioou, Aq S.wl ~h..lr",.", p "t.. priaM to "1>..t d ......d" 1I"'_t.. Ed Rowb... ry, R_I.. R.wn , Jacki. Mltch.ll, .nd Sill LNt

M.urin. Willi.",. w.. crown.d SAt:




d."a. w" typlc.1 of "'.",. h.ld In th. f.1I

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8il ••• th.w tu..n-.i th. c.... p .... Into. wlnt•• wond. .l.nd l Th. cold w .. 1.1t .... n b,. "Ston.,.." 0 ... 8pan~h_"....rlc.n


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Th. ",_I tallo.d about family "n ca""pua-M• .,leh.k and T ...ka and their S.moyad b ....d ofblprinll'

Alu .... ' lllddl.. ",..t Santa Cia .... portrayed by Bill La.t. at the a"n"ill PI Phi Chri&tmu party


How.rd Ru•. Ski Club p .... id.nt. p .....nt.d WintuW. .k winnu·. !""phy.o Y.onn. O.orv• •nd Jo N.l.aon, D.lt. D.l •• D.l ••.•1 .h. Ski Club d.ne.

'. ,.



0.1•• T.u 0.1•• won _eond pl.e. in .now .culplu.ing with Ih.l. bon....

Although bldckened Februdry snows and a warm sun hdndiCdpped the IK·Ski Club Winter Week, the snow sculptors dnd skiiers entered in lively competition for the festivities dnd trophies. SId10m rdcing events were won by Betd Thet<'l Pi with KdPPll Sigmd placing second. Tri-Delld, the only women's team entering, drew first pldce in their division. Individudl sldlom racing honors went to HlInk Gdndillgd, SAE, who covered the course in 33 seconds. Second high WdS Fred Rich, KdPPll Sigmll, with 34 seconds. Dorothy Gdley, Deltd Gdmmll, took individudl honors in women's sldloms with d time of 42 seconds. Yvonne George, Tri·Deltll, was second with 49 seconds. Members of the art depdrtment fdculty judged TKE's "Snow White" firsl in snow sculpturing, the Delts' "Boxers" second, Tri·Delts' "King Winter" third, lind SAE's "Smokey" fourth.

Sl.lom ••cing .nd .. hibilion jumping by m.mba ... of Ih SOO f.na g ••h ....d ••• h. Id.ho .101

• 36

ily .kl I. . m w..... U.nd.d by n ••• Troy

Dancln\! In Ma",or'ial Oy", iMnaath holly a ..d ",I.tl.t_ Sopho",o....... gal...' _ ..n.d. .... l.d by Nor",a ..


The traditional Holly Week festivilie. sponsored by the sophomore clan were brouQht \0 II climax with the crowninQ 01 MiSll Christy Anne Sorgen!' Ridenbllugh Hall, os Holly Queen lor 1949. She WliS crowned by Bob White, c1l1Sll president, lind Introduced by Cllrmen CllvlIllaro, who pillyed lor the galll Yuletide cele路 brlltlon. Mervin ]ege1s WIIS dence cheirmlln. Decorlltions lelltured holly lind lighted ChristmllS trees. "Mistletoe Inn" W<'lS e spec:llllllllrllc:lion. Progrllm chllirmlln WliS EliZllbeth Fitzgerllid and Andy Christensen WliS in chllrge 01 tidel sllies. The trllditiOnlll serenllde 10 livinq groups with cerols W<'lS Cllrried on by lIOnQster' of the Cless 01'52. Lonnie Renfrow lind Virginill Blirton were aerenllde co路chalrmen. Geneflll Chllirmlln Pliul Arllqulslllin coordinllted the commitlee work thllt resuUed In 1I week tinged with Christmlls spirit belore the holiday's vllclltion beQlIn.

Th. "P_t of t.h. Pi.no路路 a ..d h!a oren-I ........ u...d 0"1 Saturd.,. n'-ht 1>"1 _...0 8".. to _ n t _ top.fo...... "",...,.rt In BoM.r l117",naaI .. ",.



~ ~

. 37

"D..."," . . . th. th.",. for 1M Enqln.....· all.e..",p ... ball J.nual']l' 14 .ith ",uai" by Clyd. Land. P.t O·Connor . . . ,1.n....1 "h.ir",.n for th. d.nca.

Dlaplar. b,. indlridual .nllin.... nll d.part",.n'" pl'Oridad Inlttlnlo... daco.... Uona. Th. E act ..eal Enqln. . . . . .on .Ith an alactriclt,._produe!nll darn that .... n • ",odal PO.... plant.

llllalllous In the whirl of winter fun. more parties and firesides claimed campus attention them a dozen Gem pages could picture. We give you a sampling 01 the typical costume and formal donees that were a part of the hilarious happenings 01 winter-the soci<'ll W<'lrmers that combatted the chills 01 snowy evenings.


H.Y" H.1l b.c.m. th. Doubl.·H •• nch for th.l. b••n d.nC<l

Will;.- SWHt'. Confu.lon d.nc. proyid.d pl.nty of c ....c ...d t.ilbon..


ATO. and &toful.. 01.1 nn.u~u -1"....... Row: VlrlJini. Ko"" Alp'" Chi Om : B ........ Tlnllw.U. _Ial ch.&l........... : Bonal. Scott. H.,.. Hall . . . Ro .. : 800...1,. e. n. o.lu Gamm.. : Boyd Ba p..-ldant: "_nn," Whit., Kappa and Shi.l.. Vo Alp'" Ph!. M'- Vo........ who p ....... that ¢rJ.. Kappa Oamm.: 0. 1"0..-' T_,.. d ...... eh.&l.rm .... mad. of &"'1"• • ,,<1 .pl.... w_ .nnD"~ the on .."., in .. '.loovra lrom Wqul. . .......w"•. .._ .. ft. WlUt. __ " ......t Maid of Honor.



·'N ..uliu.l Nightm ..... " "'. . .h. th.",,, of ,h. no••l L.oombd.. Chi Alpha y.rd."g" dane•. A 1,,"9••h1p aaillnlllor .. d"'tanl t!·oplcall.ol."d II""" ,h. hou_ .. s.,uth s... air 01 ""man"•. Dane;nv 10010 pIa". on th•• hip'. dee". Th. m.ln I. . tu .. of th. f_ti.itl_ ..... th. crowning 01 M.r1on WI~n . . Wmbd. Chi "Sarong Glrl.·· Sh. had .h. _ . yard of I'll.


Th. Philhumonlc Piano O"utat

Anne Bollinger's programs failed to arrive on October 6 in time for her concert in Idaho. She announced her own numbers and asked the audience, "Can you hear me?" From the rear of Memorial Gym came the reply, "Baby, we don't need to hear you as long as we can see you!" With that beginning the statuesque blonde from Lewiston, Idaho, began singing what she later remembered as the happiest concert of her tour. The young Metropolitan Opera soprano charmed the audience with her sparkling personality and made a triumphant return home that evening. Two days before Pullman had welcomed Halo Tajo, outstandinq bass-baritone, as the opening artist on the Moscow-Pullman Community Concert series. Pullman was host again for the October 24 appearance oj the Philharmonic Piano Quartet. The talented members 01 the quartet were John Seales, Max Walmer, Bertha Melnik, and Ada Kopel. Christopher Lynch captivated a capacity audience in Memorial Gym on December 5. Eugene Bossart accompanied the Irish tenor. Elana Nikolaldi as Cumen


~/isls On January 6, the Trapp Family Choir sang pre-classical airs and lilting madrigals in Bohler Gym. The program was

flavored by peasant costumes of their native Tyrol and the rarely heard block-flute and spinet music used by this quaint family. With a foremost reputation as one of the greatest younger

virtuosos of our time. Tassy Spivakovsky played in Moscow February 16 and amazed his listeners with the sheer wiz路 ardry of his violin technique. Born in Kiev, Russia. and brought to this country before he was a year old, Sascha Goroclnitzki'g exceptional talent for the piano was discovered in childhood and cultivated until he stands now in the very limited front row of star pianists. Gorodnilzki played in Moscow March l. Elena Nikolaidi, Greek contralto, appeared at Pullman May 6. Though unknown 10 American audiences, she is highly rated on the continent. Nikolaidi's concert con路 cluded the 1949路50 series 01 gifted artists. Id.ho路. own Ann. Bolllnv.r .t Th.t....c.ptlon with P.-Id.nt Buch.n.n


D ..... f l a e.m. t~u. fo~ El•• no~ Pow.ll, Alph. PhI. . . .h. wu crown..-! .h. Sw_t_ h •••• of Sign... Chi. J.ck 1.<o1n, p ..... id.nt, p ...... nl.d th. tndition.l Sw.. lh•• ~t pin to Mi. pow.n.

Twenty-two coeds vying for the title of Sweetheart of Sigma Chi were entertained with a series of dining engagements, a fireside, and the annual Saturday afternoon "Derby" at the Sigma Chi house. After the "Derby" the race was narrowed to six final runners. They were Shirlie Vorous, Bonese Collins, Donna Kjose, Marlene Hopkins, Connie Baxter, and Eleanor Powell. The formal Sweetheart dance was held December 10 at the Moscow Legion cabin after dinner at the Moscow hotel. As members sang the "Sweetheart of Sigma Chi" Eleanor Powell walked down the aisle to one of the biggest thrills of her life. President 1. E. Buchanan crowned the l8-year-old freshman from Moscow the 1949 Sweetheart.

Jim Townl.,. .nd Bon... Collin. with Jhn Ao.ton. B.n..,n.t th. Int•• f~.t.~nlty lall.

lI.n.~.1 c:h.i~m.n, .nd


CuI P.int.~ .nd hie oreh..t •• fro .... 1.<owi.ton pl.y.d lor Ih•• Irielly fo......1 .If.i. .pon.o....d by In ••• ni.y Council.


Tuxedoes for the men and corsages for the women were in order for the strictly formal Interfraternity Council ball held February 17. Decoraiions for the gala affair included tr.e crests and colors of each fraternal chapter on the campus. General chairman for the ball was Jim Aston assisted by Bryan Lawrence and Darwin Cogswell, decorations; Jack Krehbiel. programs and tickets; Dick Magnuson and Darrell Congdon, cleanup; Jim Knudsen, dance band, and Clarence Johnston, publicity.


The crowning of Queen Connie Baxter, Pi Phi, and King Bruce McIntosh, Fiji, highlighted the annual freshman dance March 17 in Memorial Gymnasium. A kiss and crown were received by Miss Baxter from orches· tra leader Glenn Henry, who announced she had been elected Queen of the Freshmen. An Irish crown was presented to Bruce as he was pro-

Bru,,", Mcln ....h .nd Connl. But.r. F..-h Klnv .nd Ou_n of th. x..p.-h.u",-

claimed King of the Ball. A general election among freshmen from each living group determined the winners on March 15.

01.nn Hon..,. .nd o....haat.... p ..""dad ... uai" lor.n. "W-"nv of tn. 0 ......·•

The green of spring and 51. Patrick's Day burst forth on the C<!Impus when the nol-so-qreen Class of '53 sponsored their Irish shindig. Glenn Henry, a top newcomer in HoJlywocd music circles, arrived with his band but without his featured vocalist, Maxine Elliot, who was unable to appear. The "Weliring of the Green" dance was decorated with green and while crepe p.!Iper, shamrocks, and leprechaun figures. A giant shamrock formed the background for the orchestra. High school seniors throughout the state were invited to p.!Irticip.!lte in the activities carried on dUring freshmon week os guests of the "green" closs. Bill Taylor was general choirman for the frolics.


Elaborate decorations and elegant touches such as the fresh Hawaiian orchids made the Senior Ball a triumphant affair and one of the biggest all·campus dances of the year. "Blue Orchids" was the theme for the ball. Wyatt Howard's well-liked orchestra provided the music for the Wyatt Howard'a "inclo..--"ocaHat add.d • th.m 10 tha b.1l

highly successful last fling of the Senior class. An orchid lane entrance directed couples into the ballroom. Original sets depicted many familiar scenes on the Idaho campus and included a replica of the "I" tower.


.......•. •.•.•.•.•.•...•.•. •• • •••••••••••••••



.....................-.:.:-:.:<..-:.:...•... _._ . ~

., " . ..




M..-IC by Wyatt Howud 01 S.aul. d,..w on. 01 the la'"ll.at cr'Owda 01 the y.u

The old dcgs of the Class of '50 came up with some new tricks for the Senior Ball held May 6 in Memorial Gym. Orchids imported from Hawaii were presented to each lady attending the dance, and the decorations enhanced by indirect lighting were acclaimed the most outstanding of the year. Memorial Gymnasium was turned into a tropical paradise of blue orchids by sophisticated senior planners under the general co-chairmanship of Ken McCormack and Jean Pugh. Rosemary Fitzgerald and Clarence Johnston handled decorations; Marv Washburn, tickets; Valeta Hershberger and Sue Beardsley, invitations and prog-rams; Elmer Buoy, clean-up; Orval Hansen, publicity; and Morgan Tovey, Jack Lein, Mary Jane Breier and Lou Driggs took charge of scenes. Jim Farmer, Stan Tanner, Betty WocxJ, Don Smith, and Dick Boyle worked on the decoration committee.


x...d, Holl Di_.. lor"" 0 ot... lor eop&<:it, o.. dioo...,.. woteM", tho onn .. od "oto" ehow in Momoriol urn _ I . Ann K.ttenb.ch w_ tho M~u- of C... monl... Oh wh. . 0 fI"rTf w ............:t .., the e.. ~, _ it tool< Jonet S .. nd. .n. Dlel< Wo...o_ . .10 Po ..l.on. Cd n_.or. Jocl., 0..., ond To"" Oe" •..,. to on olel l_hlonN ~e"k i" t'" "ote ••

Cd I"I_to. pl.,. h~ ..1< ..100100 _ .I_nne Hopl<i"". Po.., l . . ond .10 Pote.. Din" with hi"". "C...W..., Down the Ri.... r .. in 0 no....1 Det lro"" t'" Holl Di...... ehow.


"Ha, Ha, I wonl" crl_ the ga"t with the g .... nb.c:h. Culn" king& who ov-nad the "Ooldan NUll9at Saloon" for <n""..... ",a.. the bill boa, Art Griffith: "&11'& ",an, Rlcl< Cham.,..l.'n: whoo~ boy. Jooo Emmona; a",amv-r. Blil Buhn: cal'<!. ahu" .hlll, Ha..ry Lynch. and pro.....otion man, a.rnay Brunell•.

Bob Mal,.. and oreh..t •• had that nonchalant .1.... they playad lor coupl. . clad in gingham. and lam.

At lntarmlalon prl,... w ..... a ....ardad to b. .t - d _ d coupl. . at the Muck.... · Ball. H .... they p ....d. to .. ""•• ,WilU. rhythm.

ShoGtin' " •• po waa .. pop"l. . di .......ion . t the annual

drink. and

p . .tul

.a.lr... ",aa

bar prorid.d by the Aaao<:iat.,l Min.....

the eoft


(/11188 rJ!lusc(/w C(/drJ- 1950 of.... Ou."hool.... ~

_aa named ·'N..-ow'. loll... Co.d 01

1950" . . th. hlvhll'lllht of tn. "nell_Toe. . of rulUo"" .l,.le ...... M .....), 22. Tn. u.hlon ehow . . . epo..-N<! I>., th.o M....,ow junlo~ chamber of commerce _lilted 10,. the

.J.,..C.I:tt_. 1.00. . ." ... P...ttl. p..-cl..nt of tn. uni_r_ ail' chamber 01 <:ommerce group. ,U.-tM! the ,,0<0<1 COnt __ end A P.t....... wrote the dl.l09u. " .......ion u...l. to d..., the •• rlOWl .071_ mod.led 10,. Ideho ,,<><Od. Np..-entlnv do.. noown d..- eho"".


"t on. bwoutlluU.,.decor••ed Pi Phi Inlti.tion anco

Alternating aoril'" of pa.olal c"'poo papoor form.ad th. backdrop for Fornay'. "Ov<or the R.lnbo.....prlng for.....l

1.01.0 M_.ly w ... en_n 11'0'" .. fi.ld 01 Ii.. finaliaa ... w",bd. Chi Alph.'. fin• • "n"al "C..-.:ant Oi.I." ... I>...,wn_.y.,l. bruneUa, 2O'y_r'old Loia w . . th.,n .nt d


In the nallonal cont_t with .. chance of winnln", u""""_I..... day. aliI.. booautlful Edgawa.ar ~ h hotel In Chicago during the t...",bd. Chi nallon.,1 con.-.ntlon ,. '"r..am.boor. Lola won th., ··S.Mth••rt of SIII",a Chi" tltl. aat y ••••


L Liars' reward for Jim Paras. second from left. and Kathryn Ann Mautz, seated next 10 him--d.ates with the Queen Bea and "Beartracks" Killsgaard, for telling the biggest whoppers in the Argonaut contest ... 2. Ridenbaugh candle dancers performed al the Christmas Orchesis recital 3. Elmer McProud doesn't seem to understand this pig's Latin 4. Bob Gartin and Beverly Burke do some clowning ... 5. "Butch" says they treated him cetter at Idaho ... 6. Idaho's famous landmark gives orange juice instead of water ... 7. Home for Christmas on the Student Special ... 8. Yuletide spirits rise as the train carries stewed·ents back to civilization ... 9. Perpetual Perch Poachers ... 10. No· torious Nesters ... II. Bye·bye Bucket Blues.

••• ••• ••• 52

1. Country Bull 2. Local Bull ... 3. More Bull-Bob Riddle lights his own 4. Jailbirds Marion Wilson, Vida Frischknecht and Eleanor Powell at the Home Ec style show. . 5. Mortar Board rehearses the Spinster Skip skit ... 6. On the Warpath .. 7. Attic Club card party ... 8. Some of the oddest of the odds and ends in the spring clean路up ... 9. Mac Parkins holds his own at the Ag Bawl ... 10. Screwballs and Senator Taylor ... II. Going Oriental at the Forney Hall Mardi Gras. .12. Gaudy Gert and Ugly Ike trophies ... 13. 'Ten路shun! Military Ball inter路 mission inspection ... 14. Bridge tournament at Chrisman Hall.


Llttl. Int.rn.tlon.l M.n.g.r D .... Th.clo.r h . . . dlecu.... &Om. of hl.o pl.no with commltt_ m.mD... H.""'Y I . .m.n. R.lph H.rt. Lemont Smith. Doug W.ln_ m.nn. Don Brighton. noyd O.phert. Don W.llon.r. O.ry B...lon•. d.ck I.ecy.

Led by the Llttl. Intun.tion.1 Ou•• n .nd h.r court. the p.r.d. conolu.d of .. p....nt.ti ... of .11 mUi ••1')' unlb. fio n ....d by the 13 d.p.r'_ m.n" of .\lrlcultu. . . . nd downtown bu.ln firm•.



It _ ••• trophy._rnlnll nlllht for th. W.lnm.nn bol"'. DoUII .nd dohn. Pl.elnll hl\lh In the fln.l.v.nt \l.v. Douq (I.ft). n • ....,.. vic· tOry m.l'IIln .nd the huq. "Hiqh M.n of Littl. Int.rn.tlon.I" trophy.





The climax of the school year, for many students, came the week ending April 29 with the Little International Livestock show. sponsored by the Ag Club. The show, which consists of a series of practical contests in all phases of agriculture, climaxes weeks of float and display preparation and livestock grooming as well as other sorts of preparation necessary for competing in the various contests. The work of the Little International manager and his committee begins with the first of the school year, for there is much organization and planning to do.

SO"'& of the fin... pia_lIulpeN In the un;v....ity .... 1Il1mp"ad In action h r .... "el. n.",hinll'a<. who hadn't aUen for tw" daye, won Iha pia ••atlng cont and the fi,... place award-anoth•• pi•.

. .

The theme of the 1950 show was "The LitUe International Eyes Idaho's Agricultural Future." Highlight of the final night was the crowning of Carol Karvola as Little International Queen. Another center of interest

this last night was in the field house where the final livestock competition was completed. A multitude of awards was given to those who placed high in the various contests. One of the purposes of the Little International is to give the aggies practical show ring knowledge. Little International originated in 1924 and is


An amualnll l••tu,.. tha e_d cow ",ilkin9 eont_t. Mary. P ...loltu won tha Ua with lauy Pyl_. who h.d too "'ueh 10.'" on h ... ",ilk. Con_ fuaing to ..,,,,a 01 tha eont_t.nb tha bull that h.d ao",ahow aUppad into tha Unaup.


entirely student planned.

CU",.~lng • long eontaat "'.. tha choica of


C.""I Ko....ol. I""", Ridanb.u9h H.ll . . LitUa Int...naUon. Ou_n.

Tha Ou_n .nd h court-Dougl. . Wain",.nn. high ",.n of tha ahow; Prinea.. Erlana Clyda, Ou. .n Ko ol., Ruth WO<Id, .nd D.n Th.cloar, Littla Int...n&tion.1 ",.n.gar.


Apologies to Beta Theta Pi for nol picturing these men who came out with lop honors in the \950 Song Fest. "My Beta Mother" and "Dance Comrades"

K"pp* K"pp.. Gamm., u"d"r the di....,Uon of J.anne r_tar. _on th" 1950 Song r_t in th. woman'. dl.i.oion. Th"y . . nil. "Coll"II" M"dl"y" and "Son\l 01 th. Voyageur."

P . . . .nt d.nc.... e1r<:I.d gaily OV40r th. Ad buildlng'.... n In brlllht n"ti_ e_tum...

were their winning selections sung under the direction of Stewart McCormack. Second place honors were shared by Kappa Alpha Theta and Sigma Alpha Epsilon, who were led by Ellamae Holden and John Jordan. Joyce Walser and Wallace Johnson, presidents of the sponsoring music honoraries, Sigma Alpha Iota and Phi Mu Alpha, announced the winners at the Mothers' Day Song Fest and also awarded the winning trophies. Cal Lyons was chairman of the Song Fest committee.

Hundreds of mothers. quests and students assembled on the east Ad lawn for the Saturday afternoon dancing. music and awards presented for the Mothers' Day weekend. The forty-first annual May Fete, under the direction of Mortar Board and their sponsor, Professor Jean Collette, started with the traditional procession of the May Queen and her Royal Court to their places of honor on the green throne platform backed by the equally traditional chartreuse draperies. Fifteen outstanding junior women were tapped by Mortar Board members. Those receiving red roses were Bonnie Shuldberg, Mary Louise WilL Carol Bowlby, Donna Jean Broyles, Anne DuSault. Louise Blenden, Barbara Swanstrom, Helen Means, Joan Rowberry, Jane

M.mb.... of Am.ric.n foil< d.ncinll cl..... did • •plrit.d .qu.... danc. to the tun. . 01 the old plano and the c.llin<;l of BiIll. R....... lnahucto.. In the Phy.ical Education d.pa.tm.nt.


Queen Phyllis laRue of Hays Hall was elected by the Associated Women Students of Idaho as the senior woman most deserving to reign over the forty-first annual May Fete. Phyllis served as secretary to the ASUI Executive Board in her senior year and was voted the Woman of the year by the Argonaut. Her other activities included Vandaleers, University Singers, Spurs, president of Kappa Phi, vice-president of Wesley Foundation, election board, vice-president of Hays Hall, and Mortar Board. Marie Hargis, Hays HalL was elected as the outstanding junior woman suited to be her Maid of Honor, and Christy Sargent, Ridenbaugh Hall, was honored among sophomore women as Page for Her Majesty.

Fisk, Pam Gaut, Beverly Schupler, Betty Peters, Janice McCormick, and Marie Hargis. Tapped as an honorary member of the Idaho chapter was Mrs. Jesse Buchanan. Junior men tapJ:)E!d by Silver Lance were Pete Wilson, Allen Derr, lAIle Benjamin, Marvin Washburn, Bob Mays, David Ulmer, Keith Bean, and Vern Bahr. Don Deerkop received the Holy Grail of the Intercollegiate Knights. Valeta Hershberger was chosen WRA's outstanding senior woman. Vida Baugh received Alpha Lamb:la Delta's senior award for the highest scholastic

attainment among "II senior women in four years of college work. Certific"tes for maintaining at le"st " 3.5 grade average for four years went to Shirley Tanner, Jell-nne Foster, Vida Baugh, and Elizabeth Bean. In an impressive recessional, the Queen and her honored subjects retired, marking the end 01 another gala May Fete at Idaho.

Har M.l_'Y'. sp p lonnad lor .h. Ou_n wi.h th. u.dltlonal wlndln,l 01 .ha M.ypol•. Bar.1_tad ....... b. hono ..,. p_ntad Ir _r-lo... ly d.~ d.d in _t.1 10nn.1. 01 .prinll_ wt.r th.y I".n>duced .h. girl. .. ho b.lo '0 b. nut y_,'. Sp......

01 th. .oopho...o .. _ ...." .• thay had tappad tha nl,lh.


P ....id.nt J. E. Buch.n.n. H.rry W. Morri.on. St.n\y A. E-ton. J.m•• W. Oi... .-.:I. E. J. Iddin'l., .nd Oov••nor C. A. RobIn••

The University of Idaho conferred honorary degrees upon four men for their outstanding service and achievement in their fields. They were Harry W. Morrison, president of the worldwide Morrison-Knudsen construction company; Stanly A. Easton, president of the Bunker Hill & Sullivan Mining & Concentrating company of Kellog-g; James W. Girard, forestry consultant with Mason, Bruce and Girard, and former assistant director of the U.S. Forest Survey; and E. 1. Iddings, Dean Emeritus of the University of Idaho's College of Agriculture.

At the university's 55th annual baccalaureate and commencement services June 4 and 5, approximately 6,000 guests assembled to witness the largest graduation in Idaho's history. The Rt. Rev. Frank A. Rhea, Episcopal Bishop of Idaho from Boise, delivered a baccalaureate address that strengthened faith in mankind's future. At commencement, Edwin Palmer Hoyt, editor and publisher of the Denver Post, spoke of the three "F's"-faith, the future and fear. He was surprised by the hearty response to his craek, "Idaho as a stale has more to boast of than baked potatoes and screwball senators." Graduation day in 1950 marked the successful fulfillment of a great challenge. The sons and daughters of Idaho who arrived in the fall of 1946 in alarming numbers had received the education they demanded. Four 'turbulent years of transition and association with their alma mater gave them mutual benefits of growth and expansion.


Candidates for degrees in 1950 numbered 915 with 800 receiving bachelor's degrees and the remainder receiving master's degrees. The majority of the veterans of World War 11 had finished their interrupted for· mal education. Four years of vast changes and improvements in the university's facilities and training were the direct result of the Class of '50's influx. A peak of achievement towered high at the midcentury graduation. V.t••ana' wi rae.lva th.lr PUT dav..... lrom r •• nk Ounn h\ rae09nltlon of th.l. y of ......Ic. In pultln'l hubby through.


N.al and Coll_n Chriat.naan, brother .nd oiata., ..c.lv. th.l. dlplom ... lrom Revl.tr•• D. D. DuS-ult with doubl. happln....

Mamb... 01 the Cl..... of '50 an etlll unde"'lr.duat. . . . th.y walt In capll and gowna bafo.. m . .ching into M.mori.lgymn. .lum to b.com. the f"".l point of tha Commenc.m.nt ...""i_.


;';:,,:' !'- ' ", 't'"~' < •.; ....'

... - : .,.


P ..paratory to .ha a....,tlon of .h. na" Studant Union buildln", .... pactlal darnoll'lon of .ha no.th and of tha old ".ue'u". S.udanu did without tha b .. ll...,..,rn, loun",_, and ",umanent offie_ _hil. a .... ilin"' .. n .... e.nl ...

Forma. Ra",enld. F. McCarthy (ooaeond lrom I.ft) ho b.ok. th.Ii... I.od for th. p .....nt Admlni.tration Suildln", in 1906, eh•• p.oudly . . hi••on, R..... n. J"..ph McC...thy, do_ th.. "m. thin", 4. y ...... lat•• 10. Ih. n ... Admlnl.I •• hon Buildln", ann••.


Th.... frama fo try bulldln.... had to b. mond claa ••h. apaca for tha En",ln •••ln", Cl room Buildln",. H ... tha ..ood eon .....Ion labo... tory La • ho...n p ..c.. riou.ly turnln", a eornar on Ih. jaunt '0 IU n ... horn. n.ar Pin. H ..U.








Th. n.w Slud.nt Union Bulldln"' .... eornpl.t.d Au",u.t. 1950. Thi. $700.000 bulld;n", hou.....U ASUI offic.... nd I., th. c.nl.r of .,tud.nt acU.lty on th. Idaho campu•.

"We are not building the new, we are merely replac· ing the old:' said President Jesse E. Buchanan of the university's $3,788,800 building program. Paced by a suddenly progressive legislature, the program pro· vides for the construction of seven major buildings and several minor units. Of supreme interest to most of the students is the Student Union annex, decorated in soft, soothing, pastel shades of lemon yellow. scarlet, shocking pink and glaring green. This structure features downstairs bowling alleys. a first floor cafeteria, second floor theatre, ballrcom. coke bar and lounge, and third floor publication offices. A $700,000 project, the Student Union building is financed by conds which will be retired by student fees.

Tha w".k on th. En",ln ••rin", Cl......,..,m Bulldln",. which w"'" w.U .tar••d la•• lall. .Io d to ... I.nd.tll! with tho d.lu",. of mid_winl•• anow. Th• loundation _ n .boy•• wl.h .h. Klrtl.y addition Iyln", b.yond.

With th. wingo, 01 th. Ad ..... inl.ot.... tlon Buildln'l on .ithu .Id•. th. n.w Ad ..... lnloot..atlon BUlldin'l ann.~. loundatlon wo..k 01 which i••hown .bo••. will hou_ th. R-V-•• t •••• Bu ........nd oth ••• d ..... lni.t... t1... olllc_ of th. Unl .....I.y.

A ph. . . of th. con.t.uetion unkno_n to .....any .t"d.nto 1.0 th. B"ildln'l.nd Gro"n~ wo.bhop•. Joeat.d adj.c.nt to Pin. H.II. All .hop. 10. rap.i ... .nd .qulp ...... nt ...... nuf.cl" ....nd ."pply .tGCkroo ...... a.. lound h ....

ani The million·dollar Agricultural Science building, completed this summer, is of functional design. The work of the school of engineering will be centralized with the completion of the Kirtley Lab Annex, for use by the electrical engineers, and the Engineering Classroom building. Due to be completed April, 1951, the $600,000 Music Hall will contain all music offices, practice rooms, and an auditorium, leaving Ad 102 entirely to classes and drama. Letters and Science will gain the present offices of the administrative officials when these people move to the ultra-modern Ad annex. This is only the beginning of Idaho's long·range building program; three dorms and a Home Ec cuildjng will rise in the near future.

Th. propo..d Mu.le Buildln'l' built in a.t.iet Gothic otyJa. _ill co.....1.I.t. anothu .Id. to th. d ..lrad "Oothlc Quandran\ll.,·· now con.latlnll 01 th. A ..... lnl.nration and Sci.nc. building•.




Th. A'l.icultu •• 1 Sci.nn Buildln'l, .tandln'lllk. • 'l."nt .k.l.ton •• lhou.u.d alialn.1 th••ky. w. . .".h.d to .:.tun.1 compl.tion b.lora th. wlnt•• • now. . . t in.


",~. . . '



._ 'H"<'

H.ll M. M.cklin, h ••d 01 th. Id.ho M"aic d.p.rt......nt. tur.... th. lirat aoll lor th• Mualc Building, which will rapl.... th. multitud. of Iram. buildlngo, now pock_ marking th. c.mpu•.


Rl.. ~rd K......... tu H...aiiAn hula of tn.l


nt. ullul." 1>... CO""b'y.

See. La..

F"_ to aho_

Tom. Tag-a... 'M


A,icllnll( an OrIantal h", ... ChI_ ....... left to ri<;rht: Yuan_Ski Yin. Tah_Y"a.. L.e. an<l Hanry """9 y"'..... • how........ 1.., the horna t,,_n na_ .ltar h.wing .. cup 01 t_ l"'por-tH &.om Chi....

c..~_ ft·om. Cu_", _....d during tn. 1_' ... "h.lrma.. of the CMmopolLtan Club. an o'Van".'lon .h... foreign •• "danlO m .. t and ...chanv. Id.... and <:Wllonuo.


No""'."I.... Tor L,..h.",,,. K .... R ..d. Maq..a. Sa.a. and Ola Sa.lndo anj07 ,h. <:omlo .... 01 "Iodga .Iol.... " 0.10... ",.'llIng 8nolha.....1 run. Th.y .11 ...".1-0 Fulbright .ehola._ .hlpoo. and "om. born th<o . . rna I... ,ltuta at <>'10. No"",.y.

To ..... Tom_" 01 I",,~nd upW... to 10... t1 .... Io~ K." P ....kI" 01 t:",I."d th.t ICDI...d iD not .nU..', coyo"", with ICD.n th.t b'DDD do ,row th....


"Meet me in Moscow" could be the slogan used by the university exchange students. Norway is represented by Hooken Hoga, John Hovland, Tor Lyshaug, Magnar Sater, Kare Reed, all majors in civil engineering, and Paal Myklebust, who is studying mechanical engineering. Skiing seems to have attracted them as a p:>int of similarity between Norway and Idaho. Sverre KongsgllOrd, who held the unofficial notional distance title for a while last winter

From the Unlv..... ty 01 Munich. Bavaria. cornu Cath.rln. Blldt. who hold•• p.inting 01 h ..... lf. Th• •rtl.. wa. hu jM...on.1 fri.nd .nd. prol_r of art ..t Mu"ich.

when he was with the university ski team, was reunited with his wife just before the Christmas holidays this year. Tomas Tomasson from Iceland is a political science major studying for the diplomatic corps. He and Kenneth Parkin of England received scholarships from the Idaho Federation of Women's Clubs. Ken is working for a master's degree in forestry and longing for the time he can play "cricket" again. Henry FitzRoy, a junior in extractive industries. says he will return to "lonq, light evening in England" when he graduates. Tom Tagawa, Richard Kakisako, and Seet Lau are a long way from the oriental food and gar· denia gardens of Hawaii. Forestry, bUsiness, and sociology are their respective majors. Seet plans to do radio work in America but Tom and Richard will both return to Hawaii. Leo Cespedes, president of the local Cosmopolitan club, will return to Guam to teach. Catherine Bildt of Munich, Bavaria, left her position as a teacher of dramatics at the Academy of Munich to come to Idaho and learn Enalish. Future plans include directing plays in Los Angeles. Latin America is well represented by Vietor Granada of Paraguay, Jose Roberto Bou of Puerto Rico, Eduardo Cruz from Colombia, and Humfredo Macedo, an agriculture major from Peru. The good neighbors reported that they were impressed with the campus system of voting. Yuan·Shi Yin, Henry Hung Yuan, and TehYuan Lee uphold China's interest at Idaho. Yin was a professor of law at the University of Shanghai when Generalissimo Chiang Kai·Shek was president. Though Yin would like to return to China, his political convictions keep him here where he hopes for a career teaching political science. After they receive their advanced degrees in education and labor management, Henry and Lee will return to China and do what they can to make living better for their people.

P.al Mykl.bu.t .. "d H to So"th Am ••ica 10. P

ko" Haga ....,all UjMrI."c.. I" Norway and talk over I"t" ... plan. for a t.ip l .. "d th... mo ... y..... 01 ",hool 10. H ...ko".

From "South of the Bord.... com. Joaa Bo". Huml...do M.c.do. Victor Gr.".d To th....ccomp.. nlm.nt of .. gult..r ..nd cut.. n.to, th.y "ng th••ong. 01 th.ir Pu.rto Rico, Par", P.I'4III""Y, and Colombia.

"d Edu.. rdo Cru•. p.cUv. countri••-


~/if)ilit5 po/i/ics put/ita/ions J;{IJee ~/s


Bruce Scranton. Jerry McKee Co-editors

The Associ~led Women's Council, composed of five elected officers ~nd two represent~tives from each women's living group, is the ruling body of the Associ~ted Women Students. Among their most notable achievements in 1949-1950 were the highly successful fall orientation program for freshmen women, ~nd the operation of the point system, devised last year by Mortar Board. Under the ~uspices of the council, the Royal Court for the May Fete w~s chosen in an election held in Febru· ary, along with the election of next year's officers.


Officiating for the group this ye~r w~s Rosemary Fitzgerald, president, with Dean Louise ClIrter, ~dvisor. Other officers were Pat Slack, vice-president; Helen Means, secretary; Janice McCormick, treasurer; and Barbara Swanstrom, orientation chairman.

&.rbaroo 8w....... t ....... Orientabon




Row On.: Ann. Dus..ult. M.. ..,. Ell.n St.f..nac . .Ian. Clarll. P.t N.t-n. oI. .n Ott.nn.l...u. H.l.n U _n. Barba.... Sch.. ff. Coll_n Chrlat n .•• Ro_ T_o: R_ m.n SCh. ld . .loan R"J"Jn.r. H.I..n M , Pat 8'-11, R_.......,. F'ltavu.ld nl.,. McCorJnIc:III.. Barbar. S_ t . c......1 Round., Y_nn. 0.0..,.. Ro_ Th... : E...IJ"n l"9h oIu"," Thorn... Lou;" Bl.nd.n. PhJ"IU. wRu•• ",""m Mikhail. Corrin. Schu...acn.r• .loan Ro_boo...". B.rn.d. .n~, B.ttJ" Bonn.tt. Carol Bo_lbJ".




Robort Mo"lto",

The Executioe Board plans the course of student actioities. Government for the students lind by the students on the University of Idoho campus is carried out by the ASUI Executive Board. Mode up of nine members elected in the spring by the student body from the incoming junior and senior clo!llsses, the student body president. ond three ex-officio members, this board discusses and acts upon all student matters at their weekly meetings.

Elected to the board were: Bob Moulton, president; Ken Briggs, vice-president; Phyllis laRue, secretary; and members Keith Judd, Bob Mays, Pete Wilson, Bette West, Del Klaus, Bob Ionasand Dick Geisler. Ex-officio members of the board were the editors of the Idaho Argonaut, John Martin, and later, Allen Derr; President of AWS, Rosemary Fitzgerald; and General Manager Gale Mix. The board was .!Idvised this ye<!lf by Dr. H. W~lter Steffens, heed of biological sciences.

One of the busiest and most progressive boards in campus history, the group was challenged by many problems never faced by past boards. The new Student Union Building presented varied problems under student control and the Executive Board gave birth to a new committee to cope with these problems. The student placement system was revised to base all appointments on the merit system and m~ke possible ~mpus-wide participation, the orientation program was car路 ried out by the Student Activities Board, and a complete revision of the Campus Chest was seen. A coalition committee consisting of four members each of the Independent and Greek parties gave invaluable aid to the Board on matters involving party situations. Among the further accomplishments of the group this year were the revised teacher r~ling forms, the appearance of bigger and better "name" bands on the campus, and the financial backing of the Blue Key sponsored. "Kampus Key:' All the members 01 the Executive Board serve without pay (and sometimes without honor), except for the steak dinner meetings once a month. And just as seeds planted. in the spring cannot be judged until the harvest in the fall, neither could the electors in the spring of 1948 determine how the crop would turn out. But now that the final harvest has been completed, we see indeed that only the finest seeds were sown.

Roboo... ",on. .


ASUI K.nn.th Brillll_



The NSA committee, composed of Vern Bahr, chairman; Dave Ulmer,

Jerry Haegele, Shirley Jacobsen, Marv lagel5, and Ruthella Evans, handles the representation of Idaho ii1 the National Student Association. It serves as an information source 10 the Executive Board and as a general service committee.

Phyllio LaR". SecretGrv



Con c..rkop



n.""hlnllu Cam""l Clllb

R. f"oth."IIilI


T. Joh..-n Willi. Sweet

8. John.ton. Willi. Sweet

K. Kornh.r WillilSweet

C.n McCuitt Uncll"y

H. MeC""ltl

J".ry McK.. WillkliSw....'

V.O,.... m Forn"y

R•• Sol..hury FOTn"y

ROII&hmid Hoy.

B.8huldb,,"11 floYI

S. Sonnichaln Willi. Sw....,

M • .1.11.1. >~


V".n S.h. Ch,I."",n

V.n 81'11111. Campul Club

Dick Giho. UnclJ"y


O. H"mo~ltch Rldenbouqh

W. Hollinlll'Wo"h UncllfIy

Cl."n Kiln" WS


N. Pao.t

H.I Plck"tt

Compuo Club Ruth R"leh,," H.~

M. Sulllnn


E. Strlnll" ~U9h

M. W ... hbu ....



ww.. ne<o

"~ WllIiIS""",1 O. Stl'lnllham Willio Sw....t S. Worm.ld


The Independent Cducus represents the Independent students on the c~mpus. Each fifty students living in the various halls on the c~mpus are represented by a member in caucus. The ~ctivities of the caucus are of a political nature, consisting of the selection of Independent political candidates, setting the basis of Independent policies, and furthering the interests 01 all Independent students. The success of the 1950 spring election campaign, under the management of Bill Hollingsworth, was shown by the Independents' overwhelming victory, in which they retained control 01 the executive board and elected their presidential candidate, Vern Bahr. Dan McDevitt led the caucus this year, assisted by Sonnich Sonnichsen, vice-president, and Georgie Hemovilch. secrel~ry.


The United Party Caucus is the Greek political body, consisting of two representatives from each Greek leHer house. The main Jjurpose of this group is the selecting of United Party candidates for political office and to manage the campaign. Interest in the election is stimulated by awards to the houses having the best participation. Also, the United c"ucus formed a


committee with the Independent Caucus to

<!Idvise the ASUI president on political <!Iff<!lirs. Greek members of this committee were P<!Iul Araquistain, Andy Christiansen. Jim Ing<!llls, <!Ind Donno Jelln Broyles. Officers of the ClIUCUS were Pete Wilson, president; Donna Jelln Broyles, secretary; and Emmalyn Boll. treasurer.

P. A,aqu18tai .. Fh( J::.ppe T...

Enu.. al,... B.U Alpha OU


Ole. Sa....... t.. Tau J::.ppe Epei....

A. C~t"""" M • ..,. C1,.d. Phi Ga...- C.116 0.116 Ga...H.I... H • .,.. J::.ppa Alpha TheI6

.n... I ..,.lle 0.116 T.u 0.116 M .....I Mo.--tto

Del'" 011 0.8to....... ta R.bort Sb"Om. I::eppo Alpha Theto S6qmo ChI

BettJ" Bo..... tt PI Beta Phi



e . - Phi Beta

Du.... KU-. C.ll. T.u o.Ila

Bob O·CO Phi Ga

Cer'Ol Bo..lb,.

Della o.Ila Della P• ....,. Dod....

..... """'w.,....

K .. ud .....


M • ..,.".... B...;..,

"G A .....


"G H • ....,.t.o......... Lomb<lo OU Alpha

.... "'" "--

.. Ra,. RadfoK J::oppa SIQn>O 0.110

Bett,. Thom_ ..

r...l R.lch

,,_.. Th......... C.lla o.Ila Della

no..... a....., ...

E.. v.". Bual. Beta ThoIo PI

T • ....,. Cano.. Alpha Ctd o....q..

P.t H.n.lo.i... e . - Phi Beta

0.-.-0.1 H....... $iqmo O>t

Otto l.e..-eh.1 Phi o.Ila Theto

Dido MAlII......... SOq_ H..

ROllO' M U Phi I::eppe T ..

" • ....,. R .......ood

l.eRoJ" Routh AI R ..th.l'fo",," Lambda O>t Alpha Alpha o....q..

E1 ..00d W• ....,.

P.t. Wilao.. Bob Worth.l"vto.. Alplwo To" 0 T." J::.ppe [pel....

Alpha Phi Bill Oood ......



"". a..



Siuleni ~/itJilits !3(}tM/


The main project of the Student Activi·


lies Board was an orientation plan for

the fall of 1950. as well as a new plan for 1951 orientation. Under the chairmanship of Dick Boyle, the group also led a drive to acquaint the students with the accomplishments of the university. The annual Intercollegiate Bridge tour· nament and an all-campus dance on October 5 were also sponsored by SAB. Halftime entertainment planned by the board for basketball games included fencing, introduction of the Vandal Hel· mel, the Lewiston band, square dancing, I-Club initiation, a tumbling learn and balancing act, and the annual Spur Row On.' Marvin W hburn. B.tty P.t.... Ro.. Ell.n Schmid. Mary Jane B".iu. Dick Boyl., Ray<nond Radford, A... P.te " . . . Row Two: Kenneth Gold."-ny, Dun M".,h•••

Consisting of the editors of the Argo-

naul, Gem of the Mountains, Blot. and the station directors of station KUOI, as well as several ex-officio members, the Publications Board approves recammendalions for the major positions on all

campus publications, including KUOL These recommendations come from the

retiring editors of the respective publicalions. The decisions of the board must

then be approved by the executive board before becoming final.



Row On.' Jun. Tho",_, 0.1. B.nj.",ln, M.ri. H"'lIia. John Ma~tln, Phylll. wRu•• 0.1 Klau•. Row Two: Oa~. Loowl., Bob f"lnlayoon, All.n 0 ...... Bob Moulton.

This national professional journalism fraternity this year celebrated its first anniversary on the Idaho campus. With a membership restricted to men who intend to enter some phase of journalistic work, this organization endeavors to improve campus publications and to maintain relations with editors and pub· Iishers all over the state. The group was led this year by Newt Cutler and John Dillon.

Row On.: John Dillon. D.I. e.nj ...... ln. LMBath, 0 .....1 K.na.n, Allen D.rT .•• Row T ..o: wrlCoe_ t.llo, St.n Rlgg..., Ji..... T••gu., Dld. T __• John M.rtln, Prof_r P.ul Scott (.dwl.oorl . . . Row Th... : Phil John_n, K.rl Kl.g.., e.r-t Johnoon, Sh.rman Black, Phil Schn.ll.

Theta Sigma, local journalism honorary, is composed of women with a satisfactory grade average who profess an inter· est in the field of journalism. Activities during the year included a reception for college women interested in journalism, the annual banquet with Sigma Delta Chi, and the traditional Matrix Table in the spring. Kathy Burleigh served as president; Sheila Darwin acted as secretary; and Mary Jane Breier was treasurer.


The "Arg" cooers the campus What better indicator is there of Tuesdays and Fridays than groups of people scattered all over the campus reading the "Arg." Virtually everyone reads the Argonaut, the university's official newspaper, either to find his name in print, to see what is occurring about the campus, or merely to be reading a newspaper.

John M.ctin &lilo' Finl s.,m...lec

Bul before this paper "hils the streets," there is a great deal of work that must be accomplished. People begin gathering in the office each Monday and Thursday afternoon and start work on their assigned tasks. The news must be gathered by the reporters and then cor路 rected, authenticated. and rewritten by various persons

of the Argonaut staff.


When the dusk begins to faIL a few of the "higherups" pack up all the copy and move to the Idahonian plant, where the paper is printed. The copy must there be formulated, the ads placed, and all copy proof-read. This last task falls upon the shoulders of the night editor, who heads the proof-read!:1g staff.

Aile" De.... Seoond Semt>BIer


Sheil. D.""ln New. Edit.".


Then all copy is checked by the news editor, who assigns a head or has one written. After the story has a head and is ready for the printer, it goes to the managing editor, who counts the inches that the story will occupy and checks the content of the article.

&to.I. Coateno Sporto Edit.".

Virv;ni. Smith .nd Joanne Hopld"e Society EdUor ond Aaiatonl

Mary Stefanae and War.. n Joha...on Cl,."ulollon Mon<>Q_

like a mid-winter snowfall. Finally the night's work is done. and the procl.uet of their labors goes through the linotype and laler the printing press, and the next day's Argonaut is complete.

Individual features, such as "lason's Golden Fleece" Md various articles by Bill Hansen, Orval Hansen, and Jerry Kinsey enlighten the pages of the Argonllut. The editorial content is of professional quality and highly ~dable.

Keeping a running score of the social functions ÂŁ0 twenty-eight living groups and innumerable orgtmizaHons was the work of the social editor. Virginia Smith.

and her staff. The sj:lOrts staff, headed by Earl Costello. did an outstanding job in covering all the campus spert-

ing events, although they were sometimes confronted

with little to work with. Editors John Marlin and Allen Derr have hoped that

B ...t John.oon Mon"QlnQ EdUor

the work of the staff, which begins with the reporters' assignment book in the Ad building entrance and ends with the circulation stalf. has succeeded in supplying the students with some measure of enjoyment in the 67

Bonnie Orehem end Jeelo Moemen 8 ...._

Mon_r ond Advettltl"Q Mon_r

Tom Miteh.lI NlQhI Ed,.".

issues Ihatlhey have managed.


PROOFREADERS, Gl.n Strlngh.. ",. To"''''y Milch ..U.


G ..llup.

REPORTERS-Row On.. : J .. n ..t Fulton. Don H ..rdy. Sh.il.. J .. n ... n. Barbar.. Wahl. Jar..",. Kin_y. F ... nc;'" Fl.""h;ng.. . Row Two, M.'V....t Curl;"'. o.a" Holt. Mar;Iyn Pond.


The Argonaut received the National College Press' All·Honor Award for the second semester of the school year 1948·1949. The Argonaut was selected tops in competition with schools of equal enrollment in addition to being selected first in all competition. Special awards were given to Editor John Martin for editorial management and to Argonaut writers Sian Godecke and Howard Reinhardt for outstanding reporting accomplishments. Martin attributed this award 10 a very cooperative staff, without which these high journalistic standards could not have been made. And although the vidim of many blasts from irate readers, the Argonaut had achieved the ultimate in college newspapers.

SPORTS STAFF-Row On.: Ea.l.. Co.t.Uo. St.. n Rlgg........ Row Two: Bud H ..g.n. Karl Kl.IiI••. Phil JOhlUOn.

CIRCULATION STAFF, Alic. Stu'V.... M .. 'Y Sw.. nby. Lo .... u .. 1.01."....


The Argonaut dignity received a severe blow when the offices were moved into the coke room off the cafeteria. This move was necessitated when the workmen removed the north wall of the previous office in their vicious path of construction. Things were just a little crowded in the coke room office, and once a staff member wedged himself into a chair, he stayed there. It was a chummy, intimate, but highly unsatisfactory, office. Better things were hoped for.

WEdnesday, March 8, 1950, is a day that will go down in history, lor it was on that memorable day that the Argonaut staff moved into their new offices on the first floor of the new Student Union Building. Large windows with a beautiful Alpha Chi exposure, fluorescent lighting, and a genuine aisle for walking added to the enhancement of the new office, which is easily accessible from the outside, Bigger and better Argonauts should emit from this bigger and better office,

MAILINO STAFf': M • .., Ell.n St.f.n.c, Wn.. n doh• .,...n, M.ril,n O ... n. 1.0101 Oocbon, M.ry K., doh.,...n, Lo...ln. B.....t.

ADVERTISING STArr: Loo_l. I.oodw1v, d.clo. M_m.n. Bonnl. ru., Bonnl. G~.h.m. P.t Sw_n.,. d.n.t Holm.n. Shl~l., O ... go..,.


The melodrama of the booh without a home, or "Lost Amidst the Upheaual." "Hallelujah!" we said, "We're going to have a great big new Student Union building and a great big fine office with golden walls and water fountains that give soda pop, and air-foam chairs to sit in. Hallelujah!"

Jun. Tho",. . Editor

Know what we got? Moved. Moved from our nice beaverboard palace to a corner of Gale Mix's old office, which we shared with Bob Moulton and Blot. Ann. DuSault A...,.,I~t"


Later, we felt prelly gcx::d having the small lounge upstairs, that is until the day they took away the wall between us and the large ballroom. In and out, in and out, came the brick layers, the carpenters, the painters, the plasterers. The dust flew thick and heavy, the wintry blasts chilled our bones and turned our hands blue as we scribbled on the tables. Sometimes we would sit and dream of our goldenwalled office with the soda pop fountains. After five there were no lights and no noise from the hammers and buzz saws and razing crews to distract us. How lovely it was to sit in the quiet dark with cement mixers and stacks of lumber around us, writing our dreams in the dust. But we weren't gelling anything done!

J.<ry Bunn.lI Editor


1... B.th .nd S.lIy No«io Orq~n!""tIoM


Andy To ..lu .nd To", Mlteh.lI UvlnQ Groupo

J.<ry MeK•••nd B<ue. S<:r.nton Activitl...

dunlains All of us got busy pestering the daylights Qut of people 10 get pictures, to give us information. Soon

we had drawers full of stuff, but we didn't dare photomoun! our pictures, for in the midst of dust and dirt and wandering visitors, we were afraid all would be lost. Besides. didn't they tell us that in two weeks our offices would be ready? Well, two weeks-two months -four months-and where were we? In the same spot with Ihe builders threatening 10 evict us 10 the streets. WE were holding up THEIR progress. Then it was Easter and still no copy ready to send, We look the bull by the horns and moved our furniture to the partly-finished third floor. So what if there was no tile on the floor? So what if there were no lights, no phone? There were Ihe walls and heatblessed, blessed heat.

~::";o~~J~~P;hl~oC~·Kn::I~: ~IR~i:.·rw~r;:,d ~~;I·~h~.'ii·~.o~

St.ndlng: J.~k M.nn••u. W.n:f.ll Ol.dl.h, 1..0 r""nmuth. Hot p'~tu...d w. . th. ot.n hood, 0 ....1 H.n...n, who offi~l.tod on thio pi~ ond ..... ny oth....

Bob HI_on .nd B.I.n Williama


We were overcome with happiness. All this was worth waiting for. From Easler until late June, we have risen early and gone to bed late, reluctant to stay away from our offices for a moment. To classes we went, but we were only waiting for the moment when we could relurn to our grey·walled, chartreuse· ceilinged -wilh -a -water·foun lain· down·the-hall office and begin work. Why were we so eager? Because it was later than we thought! So we had to enjoy ourselves and lick them stickers for them pictures, write that copy for them printers, and crop them pictures for them engravers. In short, dear students, we had to get this book to press!



s..c.... 14rl~1

Clyd. Wlnt...



Marilyn P.t...on


Facad wlth ....... "nllng all th. pic.".... in 1M. y. . ~b<>ok altu th. 'law oHic_ wa.... <>ccupiad w .... th. photo_ .....ounl..... Bob Hi"o", Joyce Becker. Frank Gunn and

Bill Luach••.

It I. tn. work of th••• t at.f£, Sta .. Sod•• barv. M.rilyn Brodd. P&II':{. P,.uatt, not only to d •• w tha ca ..looNl but aboo to d .... w the dummy. Marian Dav; eon, ab. .nt I .........


tha aboy. I'lctu .... did the dilltinct!.,. cartoon. 10 .. the o<Vania.lion Hetion. whila s"d...b ...q did tho. . app••ring in th. pall_.

Entire Year Recorded . .. Advertising and Activity lists Eliminated You'll notice that we have made changes. The deletion of advertising eliminated the position of business manager and so two associate editors were appointed. Requests for more faculty pictures were heeded in this, the second year of the Gem's new policy of covering the entire school year from September to June with Iall delivery of the finished book, a precedent set by Phil Schnell in 1949. Senior activity lists were eliminated because of space limitations in picturing the largest number of seniors ever known in 48 years oI Gem publication, All that we could get inlo the book is here, Frankly, we don't know how we did it, but golly, we hope you like it! And sincerely, it's been happy and thrilling work to create the 1950 Gem of the Mountains Ior you students that made history of this mid-century year as we have recorded it.

II thl. w .... t.ehnieolor, you eould . . . tho v • .-Iou•• h.d. . 01 \I.... n uhlblt.d by our cig.r_.",ololn\l .porU nafl, C.u.ty Hamon, Phil John.on, Bud Hag.n, Ka.l Klag. ., and J . ."l' Kin_y. who dld th.l. wo.k with d.p.ndabllity and lnltlati.-.

Th. h . .d work and d.p.ndabillty 01 th. . .e ... t ...... Donn. Rjo_. Co"nn. L.u".nt., Mary ThO"'p"on, .nd H.I.n Payn., e . . trie. H.l.nd•• , M.dlyn Phillip", Lilli Flo P •• tt, Jo.n D.Sh._r, J ••n Mark•• , Sha..,n Oo",und_ lOOn, wu up d b •• utilully by B.v B.lk., unlo.tu_ nat.ly not pietu d, who, whon told w. '1Ult whon w. \lot ti... d, ...pH.d. "Ohl I thought w. juot d..,pp.d d ••d."


lire Pe,lmanenl As the man was without a country, so was the Gem without an office. The small former upstairs lounge was the staff's first real office. which served. o!IIdequately until the workmen tore down the wall connecting it and the large bollroom. No heat and no lights complicated. a situation already dismal due to the incessont dust and noise. The above staff members stare aghast as pneumatic hammers

resound at full blast.

After the Gem stoff was virtu",lly stalemated by the previous conditions. the new office. consisting of a large working room and a private editor's office. was looked upon as sheer utopi". Industry reached its highest PMk as the Gem crew worked fast and furious 10 make up for lost time. New desks. large sunny windows, llInd Blot exchange issues next door gave the staH the final imj:letus to produce your 1950 Gem of the Mountoins.

At l'elI'ular Int......1..... rio... O.m probl.rne ..... diM:..-d In the 'fUMt eombern_ of •• t.eJI m . . tln•. Abo.... Editor Tho_. ho'ti...... od ....oth.r .. ' h.r 'ticlo... ultlmDturne ••mu.l, ....IU ltD .1fM:U upon . t d m.mbe.. D...s.ult. Mltch.ll. PnMtI. r .....II. Bunn.ll.•nd McK...





With fioe fine issues a year. BLOT no longer is the campus unwanted child. Bob r1nla,..,n and Maria Hargt.


A direct descendant of the late lamented Blue Bucket and of Vanlda, Bioi began its fifth yell.r of publication by offering five issues where there had been four and presenting the firsl in those long registration lines. This involved considerable summer editorial work for Editor Finlayson. It gave its readers a cartoon cover and forty pages of fell.tures. fiction and humor. and served as a welcome to the frosh and an introouction to the "Big Seven" on the campus. The second issue came a little over a month later, sporled Homecoming Queen Bea Heltlnder on its cover, and included action shols of the big day itself. By this time the circulalion staff had picked up about one thousand subscribers. <10 Kortar and Donna W.tanta & . I . - M.l.-n

Kan W_t and Bob Oartin

A..I.18nl Bu.ln_ M8naqoo. and MaMlllnq Edll".


STArr HEADS-Row ana: Ann !:gill_no Don NalHan. B.th. . Dackar, Bob R. ."a•. , , R .... T .... ' Shum Black, F ...d Farmar.

Li.f. w_ ~•• h.~ <:0_' In ,h. eloakroo",.,,,.-...d.ofEicoo ,h•• Blo, oec:". piM fo~ ,h. fi ... ,h......,,_. H F'inla..-n. H&1'9"" Blad•• N._n. O.rt'n. .nd W.~n' , .nd plannood ...,h "'u••


CLERICAL8TAlT-.I.n. CI.... N.nC)' Meln'....., s..b.~. Li.oinv-ton. Lo", 101-.1<1_, M.r1.n C1.ft, B.tto- o.clo..~.

The staff of the magazine was proud of the big fody· page Christmas SpeciaL

f~turing Vivian

Jones as

Miss Santa Claus. This issue included three·color pages for the first lime in the history of Blot, and retir·

ART STArF F,..,n' Row: Don N.pun. K.nn.th K ..fu . . B.elo. Row: Alf...d H.yw..d. N..I Chrl.'.n..n. CIRCULATION STArr-Bob R

• Olori. Moo... , Don Ou.n.

ing editor Bob Finlayson offered the campus reading public what many called "the best issue yet." At the semester the reins of the magazine passed into the hands of Marie Hargis and her acting managing editor, Bob Gartin. Jo Karter turned over the books to Donna Jo Walenta. There was no appreciable change of policy under the new management. The magazine still stressed oriqinal art and literary works with a slight de·emphasis on humor. The profile of Shirley BalL strikingly silhouetted by the ingenious lab work of Dwain Rosa and Earl Brock. man, was on the cover of Hargis' first Blot, which came out in March. The inspired pen of Bob Finlayson took "A Backward Glance" althe old Blue Bucket and at the Flapper Era.

ADVERTISINO STAlT-Shi~la7 0"'901'7. John T....y. F..d Koplo.•• J•• n P ...... Bob O".'n. Donn. W_Mn'•• K.n W_t, M.rll,.n Pond.

Early in April. the staff moved out of the old Bucket cloak room which it had called home for so many months and into the spacious quarters on the third floor of the new annex. Here they settled down to produce the fifth issue of Blot. A review of the Peters' oneacts, a biOCJraphical sketch of Stan Hiserman, and the announcement of Joan Wittmann as Blot's Miss Idaho Co-ed of 1950 were highlights of this 32'Fage edition.

With a permanent home. the magazine's staff gave promise of shaking down into an efficient, working organization and planned to issue even bigger and better Blots in the future. 81

Contains technical ~nowledge and research data, as well as a few jo~es. Pride and joy of the College of Engineering is its qUo!lIrlerIy publication. The Idaho Engineer. This magazine d~ls with all specialized phases and latest developments in engineering.

Some of the outstanding features of The Idaho Engineer are articles written by talented undergroduate engineers at the University of Idaho, who submit their ideas on interesting topics relating to engineering. Another item of special interest is the Dean's Scratch Pod, which is 0 general report on varied subjects from ~n Janssen to the readers. Each issue fealures news items from the live engineering organizations, as well as all the latest happenings of the Associated Engineers and Sigma Tau, engineering honorary.

Circulation of the magazine reaches out to alumni in all corners of the United States, as well as to other engineering schools.

Dick Toe_ and Jim T..vu_ Edllo.. Boyd


_nd John Sarln_v_ BuaI_ M...,.,."...


Before the mogazine can go to press, there is a great deal of work that must be accomplished, such as gathering news, soliciting ads and so forth. However, deadlines were met under the capable mtmagement of editors Dick Toevs ond Jim T8"-gue. Other staff heads were business manager John Barinogo, advertising manager Del McNealy, circulation manager Ed Stell and photo editor John Nesbitt. Faculty advisors are Professors N. F. Hindle and F. H. Hall.

Serves many purposes, forestry yearbook, alumni directory and text. The Idaho Forester is published each May by students in the School of Forestry and is the official publication of the Associated Foresters. The book serves a dual purpose, being considered both

a technical magazine dod an annual for the School of Forestry, As a technical magazine, The Idaho Forester features articles by students dod faculty members on forestry subjects and those related to forestry. The annual section of the book is divided into several units. One of these units gives a complete roster of all the 1950 forestry graduates. Another section tells of the activities of the Associated Foresters dod Xi Sigma Pi, national foresters' honorary.

All forestry alumni are listed in a directory at the back of the book, along with articles on outstanding graduates. Many scenic pictures of Idaho nature and wildlife were featured this year, under the supervision of Iohn Vandenburg, photo editor. The Idaho Forester is distributed to all members of the Associated Foresters and 10 all alumni of the School cf Forestry. The 1949-1950 staff was headed by Glen Youngblood, editor, Howard Heiner, business manager, and Dave Fellon, advertising manager. Dr. E. W. Tisdale was the faculty advisor.

Ol.n Youngblood &llIor Ho",.1'd H.in•• Bu,i ...... M8ne..,••

s.et-.l: B"b M~M.h"n. copv -.lit".: Clei ... wuon, f..,ulty -.lito.; D •. E. W. Ti.del•. ed.ioo• . . . Bt.nd_ ing: Ru...11 Griffith .•dit".iel ..-l.t.nt: J"hn BI"m . ..-i.tent .dve.ti.ing m.n.g•• : D.ve r.llin • •dve._ titling meneg•• ,


Traditions. actiuities and m:anners are found in this ASUI publication. To welcome the Idaho freshmen to the campus


fall, ASUl publishes the Stu-

dent Handbook. It contains greetings from the ASUl President. the President of the University and the Director of Student Affairs. Also. it serves to orient the some路 what bewildered frash on university traditions, <!Ictivities and regulations. And of interest to upperclassmen as well as the newcomers is the complete constitution <!Ind by-laws of the Associated Students of the University of Idaho. Io Garner guided the Student Handbook through the reefs of JoO......r


production this year.

The Idaho Coed Code, now found in the Student Handbook, is a publication of the Associated Women Students which aids in the orientation of freshmen women to the campus. Brief welcoming messages by the incoming AWS president and Dean Louise Carter aid in this orientation. It also can路 loins brief discussions of the proper clothes and manners, a review of feasible activi路 ties, and a resume of proper study habits. Also included in the Code, which was edited this


by Betty Thompson, are

the AWS constitution and other rules and regul<!ltions affecting women students.



and the Jacksons keep the alums aware of Idaho and of each other. Acting

tiS til

liaison between the university

and the alumni, and <'lffiong the alums them-

selves. is the job of Jim Lyle. alumni secretory. Until Mr. Lyle assumed the position fOUf

yw.rs ogo, there was no contact with

the students tlfter graduation. Now, in addi-



his regul.u task. he works with the

university on Homecoming, Commencement, University Day, el cetera. Through

Mr. Lyle the public is becoming conscious

of the university. its expansion and its goals.

Published four or five times a year, the Idaho Alumni Roundup gives information

on outstanding Idaho grads. as well as the activities of innumerable others in the

"Through the Years" columns. And lIll noteworthy campus events and honors are listed. to keep the grods campus-conscious.

All reunions or other alumni events are given special attention, as are the results of such meetings. Most of the news comes from the alumni themselves, and this year was edited by Frank and Virginia Jackson. r ......."

_nd VUvi.u. "'.cHon



KUOI A new modern studio. new equipment and more personnel giue KUOI more prestige. With the impetus of new studios next year, station KUOI,

"The Voice of the Vando!ll," has become a distinct service

to students at the University of Idaho. Over seventy students work together twelve hours a day 10 bring to D~.

the campus a variety of programs.

Eknj."'l" and D... Lewis

St.olton 01-..

Students at the station work under the some pressure and with the Mme equipment that one finds in a com-







mercial sto!l:tion. Not only does it give students a chance

to work on a campus actiVity, but it gives them practical radio operation and experience. At the beginning of

each year, KUOI auditions fifty students interested in announcing, including both men and women.

KUOI is represented nationally by the Intercollegiate Broadcasting System. IBS provides a large membership 01 college stations with information concerning engineering problems, program procedure and station D._ N)"'& .nd 0_",. Poul.. A_nl SI<I'1on 01....,.,.. and Ptoductlon OI.....ctor

R09eJ' S •• not....... and Dala K _ I

0>l&I Announcer and


~'" [..,10 0I....::t<l<"


Dan Stil_n a ..d Rohl.. F&i&&nt Pro<;J....... Dlr.c::Icn

WUaon Ch.Uf'Ch....an and Boh Bun>Aa... s.wr- ~ and OW Enql.-r

A small group of Idaho students started the station in the fall of 1945. Since then, it has improved by leaps and bounds. New equipment has been installed since. KUOI went under ASUI in the spring election. The new studios that KUOI will occupy next year were especially constructed for radio production. Soon, the familiar phrase "broadcasting from the third floor of the Engineering Annex Building" will be heard no more. Almost three thousand records are the source of most of the station's programs, which are the familiar disc· jockey type. These records represent popular, semiclassical and classical music. Transcriptions and script shows comprise the remainder of the programs. Before becoming a function of ASUI, KUOI has been student owned and operated. The only revenue obtained came from music broadcasts for house dances. The increased funds have made "The Voice of the Vandal" a station of which all members are proud to be a part.

----x CLERICAL STAFF, Ch.rlott. H.nry, Val.ri. Robinoon. Mary K.y John.on. P.t Sw•• n.y. TRAFFIC STAFF, Lorr.in. B.rnat. Coll_n McDon.ld (reco'" libu_ .i.n). Joann. Hutchln.on, Loi. Dod.on. ENGINEERINO STAFF, Earl Donnan, Dal. K_I, Jac C.w..... Don D.....o.ff. Jim CO".

ANNOUNCERS_Row Ona' Jan"y McK_, Don ea.nlorll. Seat Leu. B••b ••a Columbu•. A.I.n. R.lph. Willy St.mpl., F.ank Stone . . . Row Two, J.e Caw.nl. Roy P ••k ••, Cha.l_ Wint.... Jam_ H.aphy. Ol.n Stringham. P.t. B ••dl.y, Tad McD.ni.I•.

ANNOUNCERS-Row On., Ac.l Punly. Daia K_l. Donn. M.lia, Jim Don H.nly, D.ia E........ n, DouV Thorp.

eo" ... Row Two,


r !

Mi.. Jun Collette PrO/-., 0/ Dram",

Mr. Ronald C. Kern T""hniCdl Di....clor

After making the rounds of the new shows on Broadway last faiL Jean Collette returned to the Idaho drama department filled with ambitious plans and new ideas for the year ahead. She believes that variety is the spice of playgoing and presented shows widely different in type. "The Glass Menagerie," "Twelfth Night," and "The Great Big Doorstep" presented serious drama, classical literature, dod grass rool comedy in the three major plays of the season. Studio productions took on new importance. U Hut productions featured settings dnd original costumes that were especially designed. The striking color combinations and stylized lines of period. costumes for "Everyman" and the Shakespearean production were created by Mation Featherstone. Mr. Ronald C. Kern served his first year at Idaho as technical director. Miss Collette was able to emphasize intimate studio prcx:luction and to supervise the preparation of more vehicles for presentation this year, comparatively free from worry over the endless details of the backstage organization and prcx:luction that Mr. Kern handled. In classes and in practice he put across his ideas for mcx:lern set designs with more eye· interest and better sight lines. Every opportunity to see shows by touring players and the Washington State College group was eagerly grasped by Idaho drama students who were anxious to experiment with new techniques in theatre. A beginning toward arena-style prcx:luction was made when one-acts were presented in special performances for various organizations in living rooms and meeting rooms. Shakespeare. Tennessee Williams. and Betty Peters, along with other dramatic offerings ranging from serious drama to comedy, were offered to Idaho audiences this year as Collette headline attractions in Variety. This year saw even more than the usual hustle and bustle around the U Hut and on the auditorium stage with the calendar packed full of prcx:luction dates. Larger classes in interpretation and play prcx:luction not only "do bled in brass" but played the strings on the side trying to keep up with the increased dramatic activity. Student designing, crew-work. directing, and acting under the supervision of Miss Collette and Mr. Kern turned out big and little shows that rated the name of "gocd theatre."

Cu~/ail1 ClUb

Row One, M •. Ronald C. K ••n (.d.~.). J_n Coble. M••ie H .....i•. aill Duid.on, Elaln. And ....... Donn. J ••n Broyl••... Row Two, Mra. Dorothy Kun. Rleh Pannell, Ma.lan David.on. ColI_n Chri._ t.n_n. H.rry D.l•• , MI.. J . .n Collett. (ed.~.) •.. Row Th.... , BonnieShuldb.l"\I, M.rvin Al....nd••, Coll_n Ebb•• Neal Chri.t.....".No..n O ....n. Tom Robin... n. Jun. Thom.., La••• lne Cole. Bett. W ••t.


These Dionysian torchbearers keep the spirit of theatre alive on the campus. Selective memo bership is based on acting and technical work for drama productions. By arranging playgoing exchanges with Pullman, the opportunity for seeing college theatre is increased. Two formal initiations. a spring ban. quet, and the annual picnic were included in the year's activities. Harry Dalva served as group president.

JAd glass cJhna9dt1id La" ..............._ fro ... h.~ .h.lI to liat... to "1m'. (Th. 0 ••"1....... " c..Ilu) .neo,u.."lnll word• • bout .. wondarful world walU"g for h •• to ......"u<Or: puh.pc with hi....1........ ld n......,


Colleen Christensen



Rich Pennell Lllrrlline Cole

The Gentlem"n C....ller . Bill [).,vidson Student Directors June Thomas, Eilline Andrae. Student TechniclIl Director lind

Stage Manager·



. H"rry Dalva

Tennessee Williams' qUiet, intense drama of Tom. Laura, Amanda, emd the Gentleman Caller opened Idaho's play season in October. The Wing· field tenement dportment reverberated with the tinkling glass of crushed souls as the idealistic characters were forced 10 lace a realistic world. Moocllighting was to the scenes as music is to the lyrics of a song. "The Glass Menagerie" was a tremendous experience lor the audience and

revealing analysis of mixed-up humans_ Curtain calls with spot lighting of the adors stirred the aesthetic sense of the admiring spectators in this "play of memory."

and& w ~ 0" • otar fo~ ftAppi,,_ • ...1 good (onu". (o~ ha~

htar Laura.



To..... tha n..... of tho t.u. ~ oto..,. of

m.mba... JU. m.ot"'~ ."d "'t.~, ."d thom., but not bal"ll .bla to lo.,..t th.m.


Th. o ..... d Ii....le _ the t ..i ...... " ... Ited ....d each ..Ith hie proper 10•••• M.I.ollo th ...rted, ....d tho eornl"" rietol"lo .....

Viola· Olivia· Sebastian

Marian Davidson .

Janet Robinson Neal Christensen

the boords March 1O·1l. Feste, the clown, opened the play with a "Heigh

Norm Green

and a ho, the wind and the rain" sung so slyly that few realized that

. Horry Dolva

Gregory was improvising to the tune of "Maybe." Scenes of Shakespearean

Orsino Molvolio

The Bard spoke again and sang, 100, when his "Twelfth Night" was put on

Sir Toby Belch·

Rich Pennell

Sir Andrew Aguecheek . Jack HooQ

of the Comedian group. Result -



. Bob Mac.. . ay

Fe4therstone designed the authentic and colorful costumes for both "Every-

Felte .

lack Gregory

man" and "Twelfth Night" with one eye on her sketches, the other on


. Dale Kassel Bob BuntinQ

Student Directors Marle Horgis, Colleen Chrisiensen Student Technical Director Marvin Alexander StaQe Manager

the budget. Thus both prOOuetions were elaborately costumed with a wardrobe planned for adaptability. Mr. Shakespeare, your play wrillen for the Globe did all right at Idaho too! You should have seen the ring·down with the entire cast singing your lyrics! Heigh ho.

. Ken Goldsberry

To theo Corn....• do1lo'ht, M.I_lio lal.Ie 10' th. h __ 01 • pl.... ted lottor. Their .upel"lo. will _ n boo • l.uvNng .tock.


a most entertaining "Night." Marion


Sea Captain

Belle West

grace and beauty by the Romantics were mingled with the hilarious antics

T~theor .t

1. . ._Vioi.....d o..o.no. Oil ......nd Sooo..Uon. Theo e\eYor Viole ..... won tho 10_ of o..Ino b,. wooing Dllri. for him .. hile d'-oui.eod . . no. _ n broth•••

JJe ffieal1319 YJtJtJt1slefi Mr•. Crochet




• H",rry Dalv<lI

Evvle Crochet - Colleen Christensen To~1


Th. Iandl.ely h . . . h....l liono collectln'll' fi_ dolla ..,.... t"h on hI. t.lI c."Md by th<o d'-"op<Oi.. 01 th<o h

lor .....onth·....... t. .


po_ hDr tho

Kern's wild cry of "Give 'em hell, kids!" resounded.


as curt~in time for "The Great Big Doorstep" neared. For weeks crew-doers

LaTtaine Cole

had made lilies for the third oct in spore moments from building and point-

Keith Keefer

ing the cajun shack with its stu-pend-able doorstep. The actors had

Fleece Crochet

Kenneth Keefer

searched the campus for Louisiana diction hints and tennis shoes. After

Arthur Crochet

Bob G<lIrtin

Elmo Crochet .

Mr. Tobin·

Bill Davidson

Mu. Dupre

Joy Ann Roumlln


. Normand Green

Tayo Delacroil

John Miller

the shortest rehearsal period ever given a Collette play, everything was ready. At 8:15 the curtain rose on the spring comedy. An intrinsic joy felt by the players who were creating anew rolled over the sea of attending races in spilling, splashing waves of communicated

Mr•. Beaumont Crochet Colleen Ebbe Student Director.

delight. The emotional response of an audience sharing a mutual happi·

Gene Lewis, Jim M(lrshall

ness was tided back to the actors. Everybody was happy-emphatically

Student Technic,,! Director Keith Keeler

so-as magic moment of "live" theatre spread a warm glow throughout

. Morton Grinkar

the auditorium.

Th.. Crochet f .....iI, t"'M to hoolp Arth\lr ,.t h'- j . . . \lnloc: ....t .£t.r h • • u .....pted to P\lt • _ I boll In h..io .... o\lth to win • nkltl. bot.


Bob Bunting d Nor 0 ...... ..u... orboo o....th. "",...1", t .. E~...,......n In .~ c1_c: ll a! mo..lll,. play. "E_ryrnan" .... e,,·.u.-• .d by N_1 Ch..u.'.nMn ."d H.,..,.,. Dal. . . . . . DaI•• , Chrla.anaen. and O.ricbon d ........ 01 "nown Oold" rich_ In the ona_&ct written b, M .... Marth. Knlllht of Pullma... and dl........t by G.na Wwi•.



0..:•• Wlld.'. I....., ·'Th. l"'porUne<o 01 Earn_•• •• .... ..,tood h! the ..t".ne<MI 'ntarp..taUon d _ ....au the clh·_tlon of "_n Co l.tla and r...-entood to the p"bUe In the U Hut . . . . . H ......I and 0 .....1:' • chi d ..... th. . t ... plec<o. . . . . .dd..t to the production ..,1\..:1,,1•. A • .,..,Ial perform ....,. .... II'I_n for M-.:ow -eho"I., with M ...h.ll dl.....Unll.


Three shows-student-directed, student·acted, and student-written-by Betty Peters, a U of I junior major-

ing in English, were presented March 28, 29, and 30 as studio productions.

An understanding of dram1!ltic elements plus the ability to create highly 1!Ict1!lblescripts indic1!lles that Miss Betty Peters is on her way to success with a multitude of dram1!ltic moments ahe1!ld.

Aro"nd thoo elh,n.r u.l>'- In "LIkoo Ordlnuy ron,·' ~t Joy Ann R-.....n. ""ely Copl•• Anel7 Toder. Ann K.It.nbach ••nel Jino M ....h.all cl1ecueelnv thoo ""m_ InV of the .,..nt ITo..... RoM ). Th.. p'-l1' dlreetecl. loll' J" Tho . I....t: Bett7 P.t..... U.. I_ 1t7 olld.ho l" .. io 100 10. . . ."' I ddltlo.. to th_ th ... pl• .,., I,,"" bl. poe ........ hort .to"'_.•nd .rtlcl .



Ever walch a show from the "wings" or the "flies?" Ask

any member of the Idaho drama department what it's like-they have seen all that goes on behind the velvet curtain.

Here the actor is a technician and the technician an

actor. Drama students learn how to run the switch};x).,rd, 10 construct, paint llnd erect stage settings, to apply their own make-up, and to sew costumes and make props.

Scene designing, directing, and studying theories of play production are all a part of a thespian's education.

The art of acting is learned in classes of interpretation, improvisation, and pantomimic aelion. Finding oul what

goes into a play along with the spoken line and stoge action is gathered formally in the classroom and then

empirically on crew-do. There's no limit set on the histrionic knowledge and skill that may be obtained working backstll:ge on "technical."


Idaho debators talk their way through a oery successful season. Dr. Alb.rt E. W"U.~d Oeb&te Coach end ~ '" SpMch

A busy schedule kept Id~ho debaters on the go all year. Coach A. E. Whitehead took his teams all over the Northwest to argue the national question. "Resolved: That the United States should nationalize the basic non-agricultural industries:' The sedson began with a second place win by ~ve Ulmer and Orval Hansen at the Northwestern Intercollegiate meet at Whitman College. In November, Idaho sent five of its lop deooters to Stanford University where they won eight and lost lour debdtes in the Western Speech Association meet. In January Meredith Glenn and Kent Lake won second place honors in the University of Idaho-sponsored Inland Empire junior debate tournament.

The annual trek 10 the Linfield College meet at McMinnville, Oregon, came early in March. A few days later Dave Ulmer and Herman McDevitt met a team of West Point cadets on the Idaho campus in a non-decision debate. Meanwhile, Dean Holt and Kent Lake won first in the Idaho Speech Association meet at Caldwell. In April. IRlve Ulmer and Lois Odberg placed third in the Montana University invitational tournament at Missoula. ~ch Whitehead took delegates Herman McDevitt and Orval Hansen to Eugene, Oregon, to represent Idaho at the Pacific Forensic League meeting. In the final event on the calendar, Idaho's Shirley Jacobsen and Orval Dave Le.!lvitt and Forest Barr on the Idaho campus in on exhibition debote.


met Stanford's

Ro_ On.: K.nt L ..... K.nn.th Kornh.r. Dick Olbba. Torn Wrillht . . . Ro.. T ..o: Shirl.,. d..,ob-n. R.n •• M .. th ..... 8h.ll.. d.n ... n. O.n Mco.<r\u ..• Ro.. Th~: Dr. A. E. Whit.~d l.d<rIMr). H.rrn .. n McO'.... u. 0 Uhn.. r. M.r<rIn .1.. _ 1I.la. ROll'" S trorn. o-n Holt. 0rY..:J H .....n.


To stimulate interest in debate and to recognize outstanding achievement in intercollegiate debate is the two-fold purpose of Delta Sigma Rho, national debating honorary. Membership is extended to both men and women students who have distinguished themselves in intercollegiate debate at the University of Idaho. Each y~r the fraternity sponsors a men's and women's intramural debate tournament. All campus living grouj)S are invited to enter t~ms in the competition for trophies awarded to the winning house or hall. Members of the fraternity also serve during the year as hosts to visiting debate t~ms, Their welcome was extended to visiting debaters twice during the last y~r, In March a team from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point was on the Idaho campus, and again in April a bornstonning t~m from Stanford stopped in Moscow, Officers for the current year were Dave Ulmer, president, and Mary Louise Will, secretary. Dr. A. E. Whiteh~d, debate coach and head of the speech department, was group advisor. New initiates added to the rolls in May included Herman McDeVitt, Lois Odberg, Kent Lake, James Aston, and Richard Gibbs,

John P.t......n .nd Ch••l_ BI.nton, ....n'. wlnn.... fro ... K.p.,. Sill"'.'

R.n_ M.th. . . .nd c.I. C...,., wo....n'. win, n .... fro ... Alp~ Phi,

In the intramural debate tournaments sponsored by Delta Sigma Rho, Alpha Phi emerged victorious in the women's division. followed by Kappa Kappa Gamma, Winner among the men was Kappa Sigma, with Lindley Hall as runner-up.


This national professional music fraternity for women has for its purpose the promotion of the highest standard of professional ethics and culture among women students. Membership is limited to music majors or minors who show promise in the field. Activities included a fall reception for new music students. monthly musicales, and the All-Campus Sing. Officers were Baroora Clauser, president; Joyce Walser, vice-president; and Rita Reynold, secretary.

s.at..:!: Lo ....aln. Rudolf. B.....ly Sc:hupl.... B•• ba•• Cl.u•••. J.ann. 1'oat••. Pat Rambo • . . Standln,,: d •• n Dally. Ellomaa Hold.n. Lola El.ln. And.o ••. Joann. P.t...., H.l... Haya. Rita R.)' ..old.


Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia, national musical fraternity for men, has for its aims the development of true fraternal spirit, advancement of the mutual welfare and brotherhood of music students, and the creation of a sense of loyalty to the Alma Mater. Organized on this campus in 1936, Phi Mu Alpha has since that time taken port in many activities of a musical nalure, their all-campus Song Fest being the best known. Ronald Peck led the group as president, assisted by Vice-President C!Jlvin Long and Secretary Herald Nokes.

Row On.: .John Sc:h.plo....)'. Ru.· _II Baum. S. K.lth 1'0'''.)'' Ronald P.c". C.l~ln Lonv. C.l-·In L)'on . .J Oadd Row Two: Bob Cul!> o "im T •• "u•• John Spin". W.llac. ol'ohn.o ... Ralph f'od•• rvUl. "am.. Huff, Sa.. Bu·.bah... " ••ald P.I D.". 01... R. Loc.....,..



The Vandaleers, Idaho's celebr"ted mixed choir. had a very active SEMson divided between concerts, tours, lInd guest "pJ:)ell.rllOces. Two concerts were given during the year. commencing with the tr"ditional Christmas program of hymns lInd carols, which was rebrOllldcast Christmas Eve by 14 Idaho and W"shington radio slations. The Vandaleers demonslrated their diversity in the final home concert of the se.!l.son by singing four sep'" rate groups of songs-sacred numbers, operatic selections, folk wllads, and Idaho college songs. The highlight in the life of any Vandaleer is the annual tour, which this year was 10 southeaslern Idaho for a series of 19 concerts. Shorter lours were made 10 Orofino, Wallace, and SpokllOe, lIS well as a speci,,1 concert for the northern Idaho eduClltors' convention. Mr. Glen Lockery, director of the V"ndaleers, is well·versed in the art of choir-directing, as is perhaps best exhibited by the fame of the Id"ho Vandaleers.

Row 0 : Donn. Brown. P.t R.mbo. Lou. . Millar. M • ..,. Dn-oll. O.y o.ob.lel. T.Il,. Brown. 0 .... Bacll. Olan Loe .....,. (eonelueto~). N.n.,..,. Sh.lton. Ila,ba S ...... , "o.n M.rtln. M_n. Olann. N.ne,. H.mUton. Wlll. Sehum.nn, H.sal How• .-cl .•• Row Two, "_n Cobl•. Sa,nl.,. Bau." £lIom_ Holcl.n. M••I.n. HopiLl .... "oyea n.h••• San,. Norria. Lon.ln. Ruelolph. N.oml No"_. Su..n St.I.,.. ".n.' Roblnaon, " ••n Whitt.mo .... P ...,. X-. M.rv...t M.hl. Lou DriO'I/O'. "_nn. Hop"I ..., J ..nn. r ... t ••, "_nn. P.t....... Row Th... : Bob Culba n, Bob t.lnel. S.,.lo'''.ppa.on. r •• nll H.II"lunel. Torn Wrill"ht, 0 • ..,. N.I~., Bob McK.,., R•• Moulton. How• .-cl M.y, ".cll 0'*110"" C.lrin Lonll". Cl nc. A....III. R_el Du.....,hl, Bob AI1~n, W.,.n. J.p_n .•. Row rou.: Bob Malsa. 0_P9. Poul.... Larry Ldmb.UII"h, ".,. ritch, Lon R.n"'..w, Ban Strobahn. Oo.-clon 8<:ott. Ch••I_ W.lnm.nn. ".,...,. 0....,11., D.y. Coult•• , Jlm H.mmonel. £el r •• neban. ".cll P.pp.., B.uc. Sw_n.,., B.uc. Oordon.


Vloll ... : Caro1<o C.."ch. LoUo

Ball.,.. Lo..ell JoM. 1.0""0 Mllla.p. In•• H....,h. M";ori. MoUn•• El_nor M.d.r, R_ M.ri. oI..,.r. t.o.-.Iee


p ~ Gearv-. ".lrionne 0-..".. Willi...... Da¥i~n ..• Viol-.' Hu-n Cunthu. Arnold W_torlund. Lou .. Hube, . . . Vloli""",Uo: Mary " . .por ",o1.1\8On, 001\". 8 .....,h. M • Rite"-,.. Pat H • ..n.. foIli !.itt!.. "_n M.nn Bt.• •U, H t H Ba-: Do.. Hannah, AUc. Bua. Bob NobLo .•. nut.: Ann_ Hoyt, P • .,llna "'-_ft. Shirk,. Ch..... hill Pi_I.: "_nno r_tar . . . Obo.: BarM ct. Cl.ri... l, Carl Spon...... oIohn S I.,. ••. S - n : K.rmi. H<>oKl.. Arthur Woodbu!7' .• Trumpel: Ri".......d Atwood. 1-. Robl " r ....ch Ho : Cal"".. Lyon, Ralph roth..r¢ll, .II Hull, Donald H I _..10 .•• T .... rnbon_: ".~ J",..d B.ch...ld., W.llace ".hnaa Tub.' Loul. Spink .•• P.rc..-ion: oIonn Jorelan, 0.1. K_l.



7tnivetsiltj {[}tcAeslita In ."dIUDn to ......n,. eo...,...., 1M Unl_rwIt,. Orc:h_t... pLoo.,....t ..... ~onal and ..--lona! . t th. cornone"""' .... nt . . . ~ Mid th.UI .pring.

Playing under the masterful baton of Director George Michael, the University Symphony Orchestra exhibited a well·rounded repertoire to substantiate its reputation for excellent performance. Mr. Michael joined Idaho's music staff only this year, replacing Professor Carl Claus, currentJ.v on leave of absence. The first musical venture of the year was late in January, when Rossini, Rachmaninoff. and Beethoven lived again during the winter concert. Featured soloist was Ellomae Holden, pianist, who played the first movement of Rachmaninoff's Second Concerto. And in the spring concert held on the last day of ApriL individual efforts werp. also featured. Soloists Louise Miller, Naomi Nokes, Lois Bailey, John Sheeley, Jeanne Pratt, and Robert Nelson were accompanied by the orchestra on a wide selection of vocal and instrumental treats. Providing the music for bllccalaureale and commencement marked the end of the well·played and well-received 1950 season.


V~riely ~nd versatility were the ~ims of the director of the University Band. Kermit Hosch. He desired. ~nd received. a band th~1 could pl~y moving concert music. as well as ~ brisk m~rch. Everyone bec~me f~mili~r with the band's brilliant black and gold uniforms as they m~rched and played during the football games this f~IL And in addition 10 pl~ying at sport functions. the band presented two concerts during the ye~r. In the first, a v~ried program ranging from popular marches through modern contempor~ry numbers w~s pl~yed, as well as "Mood Pastorale," a vivid lone poem by Professor H~lI Macklin. The second concert. which commemorated National Music Week, featured works of American. British. and Russian composers. This latter group was also performed in Potlatch. previous to its presentation here. A new innovation employed this year was the recording of all the works given by the University Band.


Bani E ...."Unll th.lr mu.l" .I.nd. on Ih. Ad I."'n. th. Unl".....lty S.nd .uppll.d th. mu.l.,.l b • .,kground lor th• • nnu.l M.y r.t•.



M .. ",I><0 ... : K.n And......" • ........ And......... G .... ""Mr. Claudia LI 0.10.- &.dt-. Lorraln. B.rna •. o.natta B..-trand. Ruth BI.ber, BoottJ' Bo••'" Barbara 81'0<:1 800.,.1 Bud .,,_ Cannon. Lou Carlaon. Jun. Ca , Paul CIa ......, 80.._ Colli"". r .... ,,1I. COCkJo Marian CooII, Cia.... Crorn, H.lan Danlooloo, R"tn Di ond. La.. DoOM.. , Vlrto_ 00_1_. Bob &"1111-.". E _ _ n. Ja,. Titch. e-II Fleek • .rIm Fo Bob 1'..11...... LlllIa" 0 ........., "I... Gedd_ M.rianna 0-11. Han..,. Ollb.ruon, Olan Carol,." Goodwin. K.thM.n 0'.)1. of O..-qOry. 8111 OU9Ia.., Jack OulUoe. Norman H • ..,lel· ..... Sh...... H.nel ". 0-.. Holt. Roq... Ko..-1oo. Burt H ph...,.. Ca..,.li_brlt...... "'_nol Jlm "'oa........ K.lth Judd. ":0J'a K ....... H.I4o" K l' • ....... wdwio;r. Mic 1. t.. .... J_ La..kln, CorinnaL.uriant•• w ..... Ua l.el~. L.on Lind. La...", ChI_ McK........ Bob McMahon. J_n M tln, Howard M.,.. Donna M.U., Dick Moo.... Ali"", "_1.'t"\, I4rl N_. "_,, P ...... 010 P.n.,.. J ..... P.PP4~. l P.t.....n. S~J.y P.u.llohn. M.rilyn Pond . .Iohn Ll... F.y. Lrv-nt. F ........ 8<:10..,1.1. M.rv- Sc: u.~. MariNI8<:uplar. Don Sc:ou. Bath Scott. Gordon Scott. Ed $10. Kath.ri... $han•• F ... nela Sha. .ood. £lrn.~ Spoony. M.lcolrn Stahl. No......n Stu h.la. AU.,. Stu_. M ...y Sw.rnby. P.t B_nay. Ba~ba.... S_t. Don Thorn_n. J_n Thorn _ _ no o..n Thornton. MOr9.n To...y. Andy To.M~. Bath Tunnlc:UIf. E1laen Tyao~. V••• Ulincl.•• rNd V.n En....J.n. Ruth Van En....J.n. H.ITI.t W.lrath, Boh W.hh. Lillian W_.... K.n w_•. R_ Maria Wh.i ....y. Marilyn Wllll.......




\' • Norman Logan 01_. UniY8f'SlIy 51 ........

K.lth Fornay OIreclot. Modriqe.l $I.........





lBO mixed voices, blend them into close h~rmony, ~dd spirited refrain, ~nd you h~ve Norman Logan's recipe lor the University Singers, the largest musical group on the campus. Theirmajor work of the season was the presentation of "Elijah," the religious oratorio by Felix Mendelssohn. This work, one of the most popular of its kind, is given once every college gen· eration and features m~ny solOists drawn from both f~culty ~nd students. In ~ddilion, the University Singers prOVided the vocal background for the May Fete held this spring. ~

Idaho's Madrigal singers, under the direction of Keith Forney, have been active for two years. Choosing its members through tryouts, thiS group sings numbers from the sixteenth century Italian and English schools. A Christmas Serenade with can· dIes opened the year's activities for the Madrig~ls, ~nd a spring concert, which highlighted the Brahms' "Liel:eslieder Waltzes," was given ~s the climax 10 this very successful sea· son for Idaho's newest singing group. Row On.: Lily Norria. Jody R.N~. Joy.,. riaha•• N.ornl No"_. Barnie. Sau••, M...,. Driacoll .•. Row Two: Boh LInd. 0 • ..,. N.t...... Ban St... • Nhn. Cal.ln Lon9. M •• rom.,. (c:ond""'to.).


The Idaho Pep Band. resplendent in their red and brown uniforms. greeted the opening whistle of the basketball season with a brassy march. or perhaps one of their well-known "fillers." But whatever it was. the Pep Band blasted its way into the musical field this year. Perhaps the Pep Band's greatest claim to glory is the annual Pep Band Show. which this year was considerably toned down over previous years. The show was divided into two parts. The !irst part emphasized comparatively serious music. while their "Jazz Panorama" dominated the second half. John Sheeley, senior music major. was the student director of the group, the members of which are chosen from the University Band. Earlier in the season, the Pep Band presented a series of 17 band concerts during an extensive tour of southwestern Idaho high schools. The Idaho Pep Band, in fulfilling a need for "brass inspiration." merits the applause of all the students. John Sh. .l.y Director

Th. Id.ho P.p B.nd 1.0 Id.ho ......Ity b . .k.tb..ll


U k ..own for the ...u.lc.l interlud_ th.,. .upply.t .11 _ • • nd _l)'eCI..lly lor thei ...qule ..I.......

CI , r ... nk Gunn, John Sh. .ley. How.rd Hu ... ph ...,.. Ea.l Spen.,.., 1.00 •..,. Limb.. ugh. Bill T.ylor. Fo ..... t Whlu. Arihu. Woodbury ... S.zopho.... ' Ed And on. Earnl. St. John. W.llace T.ylor .. , s.- Cl."'n.t: J.ck P.t......n .. , Trumpeu: Rlch..rd Atwood. 01....... Bur.... Willi. Knoz. "1m RllIlI", Bob Oleon. Eddl. Willi Trombo : 01••..,. H ••g.I•• W ..ll.e. Joh ....,.. , F d Seh ldt, RUM Irwin. , . F eh Ho : R.lph Foth.rv\ll. e.l Lyon •.. B.riton.: St.nl.y B••y B.... , Don H.nn.h. Bob Nobl• . . . P.""u_lon: Joe Dlon. W.r... n Sh.pperd.



o T


"Fall In-~om.. on, you 'iJuya, com. to d P.h·rah·had. "...I-anap tho.. !'in•• out

-r!lIht d At ...t-dloom.I

huh_tan_chun_no talkin, th....... I..

So that the United States would be provided with trained military personnel in any emergency, the Morrill Land Grant Act stipulated that military training must be given at all land-grant colleges. And today, the Idaho ROTC detachment's stated mission is the preparation of junior officers who will serve Ihe nation's needs in time of emergency.

A two-year course in Military Training is compulsory for all physically fit males attending the university. Those who take two extra years along with their regular college courses may win a commission in the United States Army. The ROTC program comprises about 350 individuals, of whom 48 were enrolled in the advanced courses. Colonel Charles F. Hudson, Professor of Military Science and Tactics, assisted by Major Harley Miller, executive, and four other officers and six enlisted personneL heads the department and offers this instruction.




Pro/eeeor 01 MllllMY Science 'ond Todle.

Twenty-live cadets attended the required summer camp at Fort Lewis, Washington, accompanied by five members of the Idaho permanent staff, who serve as instructors.


..... ...... ,.

_"""'.. filii -



ARMY SENIOR OFFICERS-Row One: Rob..., St.om. F ..d Reich. Cliff Ellecl<;le. John Mill.... John Bleck. Roy Hoope• . . . Row Two:Wllllem G ... y. Then. JohnlOOn. Leo Wineo;re•• Robert Lyone. F ..d Bec:k",en. Willi_", Sw. .t.



"Now l~t.n, th~ "'_7


'0" Ing"",. the

eo I'll nunlo .n70n. who d_n', 10010 .nthuel. . _ tid"

"But, odr, which end d _ the bull.,-?"


R"w Ona: Wlllla'" Taylor, Horae. N ••lay, Ho ..ard Humph ...,.. Robart John&on. My. rOn Johnuon. Oarrall Callihan, J.e1. Sprinll'''' Donald John..,,, . . . Row T",o: F,..d S<>hmldt. Kannath Kornh... Stanlay B.ay. D.lI. . Full... Ouy AU. ., Edward Downen. Richard Ellar. Walla"e Taylor, Rob.rt Pamh, Lewla Patrino"!,,h . . . R"w Th ... : Gana Poll"n, Richard Kline. Skip Pi• ...,.. Edwin Cliur. Tom Gantry, Pat

0 ... £(,., Ken,,( rarmar, Jerry ".""Inon,

J••• ld H McCormack. 1 " r ..nch. F d Kopka, .Immo"• . . .

Row Four: Sta ' R.y Harrla, Loula Spink, Dick H .._ton, Arnold B.h., John PH"., No.""." rlbRo'W n ... : Nor",,," Kennedy,

0.1. K ....l. D."ld B •• dl.. , Kan"..h Smlth.

The Military Band, representing the top musical lalent of the ROTC and AROTC units, supplies the rhythm for the cadets marching in parades, inspections and retreats. The extra duty thereby involved was somewhat enhanced by the extra halfcredit the members receive. Also, the group, led by Kermit Hosch, went formal this spring and presented an outdoor concert on the Ad lawn.

Row On.: R ..lph Mill.r. Rob.ct T ..yloc. G ld V.n H ...d.nb."lI'. D... n L.en.. nd.c, d ph F..h.. . Row Two: lot Lt. Ru BI M.8<:It. John Rund.ll. Boyd Bu ••. C ••lyl. B...,ull"h. Oordon K ..i.h.r. Rlch.. cd Klin•. Rob.rt Willr.INlon. M ••lin Ou .... d •. Roy £eatm.n. How.cd Ch..dwiclr.. M.8o;rt. Fr.nc.. Rutl.d~. C.pt. Con.... d Und•• _ d.hl. rin. team co.ch.

Twenty-two wins and only six losses in postal meets was the season's record of the Army Rifle Team. made up of volunteers from the Idaho ROTC unit. In competition for the Hearst trophy, the team placed second in the Sixth Army Area, losing to the University of San Francisco by just two points. Three victorious shoulder-to-shoulder matches were fired against the Navy Rifle Team. 104

Row 0".: Robort 8t.......... CUll E:ll.dp. Bill ,.. Dan 0 ConnoU ... Row Two: PMI &h ll, AI P.....,.. P••!.,. C ........,. 8111 RD ...." An Puld ..... Dick 0..'-1<0•• Tom Boyd, M._ lor H. N. MUlu••,bl.or.

s........ r..d RMch. RoJ' HDOpe~. Bill 0

Idaho's sixth regiment of Scabbard and Blade. a national society orgtmizec:l in 1905, picks its junior and senior members on a basis

of character and proficiency in military sciences. Parley Cherry wos elected to represent the group at the national convention in Cleveland, Ohio. Choosing its new initiates in the spring, Scab-

bard and Blade was the co-sponsor of the annual Military Ball.

Row On.: C ••I St ............ Bu.-t Humph ...,.,

Mlchlo K

John 1..1.•• , r..o Cull,. .•. Row Two: O ld Va .. H.rdonW"9. H ••but SChro.d.... 0.1. Dougl. ., D.l. E.......n. WIIUa..... 8h.... Tho ........ Suclo.lln. SI ..ari HUlchina. Clarlon Boyee, PhllLp "'_ha•• Don Quan•. eh.., •• Taka.ol"l Row Th.... : M ••d. Kohl. P.",l CI ". "ohn I.ecy, H.rl.n Oleon. O.r)' N.leqer. Don A ..._. " ...._ R.., K ...... Fr."" KIe"I, Lee'.r Dl.hl. Bob R_..... Don W.It .... n. CI."'on T",rn.r. Bruce WhI._ "'0'" . . Row Fo .. r: D... Scott. Elra,. B"'nch. Bo,.eI B",rt. B.....ee Gordon, "ohn K",gl••. Olc" e.... hon. " ...._ C ...""lon, "ohn T.lg.n... H ••I., "ord.n. "ohn H_h._


n ••• H

,. P •••• H • ....,. BI"I_. WillIe...

N.leon Row Fi_: Virgil M",,". V.rnon Tho Del N_•. ~ eo,I•. £ ..... n. Tho "ohn Ohlgl.l"I. Don.leI TnoPP. M.hin MeCo",.,.. Robert e..... Robert D",nc.n. Robert P.c.....n. MlchMl Ch",· rille.

Outst<!lnding ROTC students <!Ire tapped for this nation<!ll military honorary. The group is ch<!lracterized by snappy drills in their <!Innual competition with the navy drill team. Other projects are nag raising ceremonies at football games, a spring picnic, and pe!lrticipe!ltion in arranging the annual Military Ball. Officers last year were Carl Stamm, captain; Burton Humphreys, Iirst lieutenant; and John Lesher, second lieutenant. 105





""up, hU;r.' hup, hoo. h ••, hor" "han tad 1"_ Air ro1 ... nt_.. (1) ........,hlngln the _II')' HornKomlnll Day p . . . . . .

The Air Force ROTC became a separote detachment on the Idaho campus for the first lime this year. with Major Edward Lundak as Professor of Air Science and Tactics. Other officers assigned to the unit were Major Jerry Miller, Assistemt Professor of Air Science and Tactics, Capt,,!n Robert Jones, in charge of sophomore training, and Captain Monte Robertson, unit adjutant. Underdoss c.!Idets number 355, with advanced students totaling 85. The latter group study and drill five hours weekly, and are ~id 27 bucks a month for their labors. Successful graduates are commissioned. second lieulemmts in the Air Force reserve, and the most distinguished are tendered regular Air Force commissions. The advanced students may specialize either in administration, with the required summer encampment at Hamilton Field, California, or in communica· tions. camping lor the summer at Scott Field, Illinois.

Major Ed ..ard £. L""d.'" ~ofAl<~.ndT_

In preparation Jor the annual inspection in the spring, all the AROTC students were seen performing early drill in the wee hours of the morning, in addition to the regular Thursday stin!. This practice was rewarding, however, for the Idaho detachment received a rating of excellent lor this oreo.

•• AIR8TAIT-Ro_ On.: M.Svt. O."h MeO.nl.l. Captain Mont. Rob.rt.on. M.Svt. R..-ll Windh........ Ro_ T_o: M.Jor " • ....,. MIU.r. T.8t't. Oltl. O .. ln, S.Sgt. Ric:h.or<l K,.Io.


AIR STUDENT STArT-Ro_ On., Alfred Prine•• wlm..... Woodlond, P..... 10,. Ch• ....,., 1.0..10 Do M_, Allan 0. Ro_ T_o: Arth ..r P••• ino. K.n_ n.th BrivlJO. Loc-p. Onon And n. Rob." Rob." WO.-thJ.n9_ ton, l'..n.Io Wh.lUOI.



Molor Lund." Int ....ducc. th_ 'unlo.. to tho


........0.,., wUh which h. ean WTl •• on tho blaclo. bo••d without t ... nLng around.

S........und.d by tho No..,. and OnO 01 tholr .h1P"' whU. In • .,rnmo. "'amp

n ••• HamUton n.ld. In Calli.. th_ Alr To.... "adaU don" I_I. happ,.

"B". th... .-11, ... n't.tO mon,. knob. ... point.. out Molor Mm•• , ina'ruelor In od.o"c.d co .....• m ..nlce.Uo ....


Row On.: Abo... H"o.-I .... Nor....... Tin.-,. Alt... 0. , Parle,. C~.....,.. Robert I:ngliah. Carl St Row Two: Jay G n,

Bo,.d Lr"'r. Gary s - !..... Bob 0.. . Wh... on B.u.hop, William OJ-no Xei.h _"..lei. Ch....l_ MuaMathaler. P."I D-.117 . . . Row Tn...: P . . .on Balr• .lam_ Dun_ h ..... , M Ha.....,. I th_... , H

HalTlnglon, r ....... WhJ~. n. r ......11 PanUoor. John M._ eI N.a.... 8r1... Bruns.oll.

Named in honor of General of the Army H. H. Arnold, the Arnold

Society of Air Cadets is the newest of the military honoraries. Its lIims are to encourage greater teamwork, technical knowledge. and cooperation among AROTC students. And o!llthough new to the campus, the group got into the swing of things by co-sponsoring the Mililf5ry &11. The faculty advisor is Major Jerry Miller.

WllIlam ai_an, P. J. O.lIy. P ....l.,. Ch..ry. Alb.d J. Prine•• Carl,l. Broullh.

In its first yeor on the campus, the AROTC Rille Te"m became noted throughout the Northwest lor its ballistic prowess. Intercolleg-iate comtetition is held by me"ns of teleg-rophic matches. in which each team fires ot its homp ground, ond then the scores ore ccmpored. In ccmpetition for the Hearst Trophy, the Idaho team took first ribbons over twenty other schools in the western region, end ninth place in competition with one hundred fortyone schools in the nation.



o I

The NRO boy. w .... obllll..l to do •• rl, mornlnv drill 1..1.l>nnll. And ... me 01 th_ mornlnp tha, ........ al_p, th.y co"ldn'la.and "p aU.lllht.

The University of


is one of the 52 leading colleg-es Md universities in the

United Stales having" Naval ROTC unit. One hundred eleven students are enrolled in the program, and. upon graduation, these Vandal midshipmen will become commissioned officers in the regular Navy, Naval Reserve. Marine Corps, or Marine Corps reserve.



Twelve officers and enlisted men. led by Capt"in C. A. ChoppelL teach these students basic navy fundamentals lor the first two years, and then tackle such complex subjects as navigation, engineering, and gunnery. All students take a three·hour course each term for four years. Regular stu-

dents take three summer cruises of six weeks each, and contract students take one cruise of three weeks duration. Regular students. appointed as the result of a nation-wide competitive examination, receive $50 per month plus tuition and books. They are commissioned into regular service. Contract students, who receive about $27 for the last two years alone. receive reserve commissions. This year Stanley Tanner Md Russell MoHell received commissions as ensiqns in the United States Navy.

Captain C. A. Ch.p~U Prd...... 01 Hu.1


BATTALION OITICERS-Ro.. Ona: .Iohn CI."born•• ROlI'.r Allan. Ch.rl_ M.nd.nh.aU. RoboortSn'<lth, H.n.." Holt. "&cob K.rt-, D.nI.1 Piraino ..• Ro.. T..o: Roboort F_urn. R..-II Moll.tt • .I.m_ Land.... Nonn.nd O ...n. W.nd.1I Ol.dlah, i1am_ LoaO .... na, i1.n-y Roclo... DDcI, 0_...,. Tannar.

THE NAVY STUDENT OITICERS .... th_ who. u..:lUnv the ed"",.tlonAl baeq und aq,.h·.I.nt to th.lr .... nlo.. •n ....11 in ..,h_1 lor fi... _m_t.... ..h tho" .paciall.. In acI.n.,. .nd m.th.rnatie.. Thla _t .... trainln, th ue .nabiaa th.rn to eorn~t. wtth the ""IIular ....." olli.......


The ElIgle and Anchor Club, organized in the early part of 1947. provides extra-curricular activities, fellowship and development of leadership lImong midshipmen. Some of the highlights of the past season were the highly inlonnlll "Shipwreck ~nce." and the "Navy Ball." Officers of the group are Stan Tanner, CO. and Jerry Rockwood, executive, with Hal Cottrell, mess treasurer. Row 0".. : Tannu. Rl.d_l, 8h.un. dohn_n. By.,,_. DO"9h.rty. M"c...llJht, B."I. . . . . . Row Two: A. doh o", Coombe. En... Tyk.ln.101. Wh_l""Io, B"rroUlIn.. Nichol Row Th .... : D. JohlUOn, Prlaby. Bull. Dono. . n, Jaclo.eon, Hoo•••..• Row rour: Oordon. wm•. Taylor, "_up, Whit• . • . Row n ..: Park••. Boyd... , Wood. Knopp, R"..nth.l ... Row 8u.: H ..pob, Hun'. Holdu. Thorp, In'• ...,ll, M"all•••

The NROTC Precision Drill Tearn was organized in October. 1948. ~nd since then their blue uniforms ~nd white web belts have become f~mili~r sights on the c~mpus and in town. In the short time which it h~s existed the unit h~s est~blished ~ reput~tion for prowess in milil~ry drill. which it exemplified this spring by defe~ting three other m~rching teams in a drill contest. The unit comm~nder is John Clayborne.

The N~vy Rifle Team. composed ~lmost entirely of freshmen. completed a very successful ~son, considering their l~ck of experience on the firing line. Two trips were made during the season. one to Pullm~n for a match with WSC. ~nd ~n­ other to $e.,ltle for a triangul~r m~tch with Washington and Oregon State.

Kn..Ung, Doughert7. Priah7. Shaue~. Joh...-n ••• StandIng: w..t, Wood, Ta71o~, B.,...,.... Gordon.



"n.U.r wat"h out, St.....pl•• you ".n't .n.ak out wIth that ....od.L ..

Commandu PU9h may b<o .tatln9 • la"t,

but th._ _ nio... ••• m to doubt It,

It'. th. on._baU In th• •Id. _ k . t for t h _ mlddi_ In th. ueluaiv... OHl".... • Club:'


fA9anizaiions 8ettJice jlPndtaties Clubs CAutcA ffidU/JS

Sally Norris, Lee 8ath Co-editors "1m Roupo, A..INnl [dolOr

Goal of All Actiuity Men

A blue key is their emblem. wearer


worn among the keys proclaiming the

member of many other campus honoraries .


requirements include scholarship, leadership, and extra-curricular activities.

. service to the university is their goal ... including an information

bureau during registr<!ltion ..

gUide service for high school seniors on

University Day ... new project was publi~tion of the Kampus Key edited

this year by Orval Hansen

.. a fall mixer acquaints new students with

college functions ... general campus clean-up day to prepare Idaho for Mother's Doy ... Morgan Tovey was president ... other officers were Rich Pennell, Vice-president; Phil Schnell, secretary; Clint Peterson, treasurer. The fi.-.t K."'pue Ka,. oft the p ...... I. . . . mlned by Edit... 0.,,_1 Han_n, one of Blue Kay'. moat aetl". m.m),.....


New Uniforms Brighten Campus Thirteen outstanding senior women were chosen to keep Mortar Board ideals burning throughout the 1949-1950 school year. . membership in this group is the dJ'EMffi of every college woman ... Narthex Table invitations ore extended on May Day morning at an annual serenade ... May baskets are left for those chosen .. tapping includes the presentation of a single red rose at the annual May Fete. group keeps busy during the year with the annual Mortar Board. mum sale at Homecoming. . a mum is now standard equipment at every Homecoming game ... the Spinster Skip highlights the April activities. . the annual event was announced at the women's houses with a highly entertaining skit highlight of tapping was the invitation of Mrs. Jesse Buchanan to membership ... Shirley Tanner was president Rosemary Harland, vice·president ... Aris Peterson, secretary. . Sheila DarWin, treasurer ... Valela Hersh. berger, historian. . Group advisors are Dr. and Mrs. Boyd Martin, Dean Louise ~rter, and Miss Jean Collette.

Rowan.: 8 ... e..nlel.,.. Aria Poto.-n. 8hir1eyTonrMr. R_m....,. H ....lend. Ph,.m. l.eR ...., Bott. 0 ..,. D.oINld. of..... oaU,.. Cladeo Ho.... V.leta H • ..shl>o..,.r.

Ph,llt. LaR ....


Donnol.. V....r

w..t ••• RowT_, Sh.Ila 0 • .-1... 10101'\1. W..h ......

Outstanding Seroice Wins Ribbon of Siloer Lance Membership in this local honorary is a culmination of three years of outstanding leadership on the campus ... meetings are infrequent . members represent all phases of campus activity Bob Moulton. student body president, held political offices for four years. . earned membership in Phi Beta Kappa and Phi Eta Sigma . Herb Carlson gained national fame by winning the national collegiate boxing championship for three years was selected outstanding boxer for 1950 . Dean Mosher, track letterman, yell king, and VandaJeer, also found time to serve on Homecoming and Dad's Day committees. . Tom Rigby, as president of Independent Caucus, Delta Sigma Rho, and International Relations Club, was a four-year varsity debater. . Del Klaus, active in journalism, served on the ASUI executive board and led the senior class as prexy _ Ken McCormack, football star for three years, was a member of Phi Eta Sigma, junior class president, and vice-president of the senior class_

Bob Moulton

Torn Rigby


S<>phomore Waddlers Serenade and Sewe

"We are the Spurs, we're boldly marching on," expresses the motto-"At your service"-of the Idaho Spurs ... two are chosen from each women's house and hl!1I on the campus for Qutsto!lnding qualities of leadership and service . no university function is complete unless these smiling women in white are ushering

. other activities include

selling coffee and hot dogs at the football games . the Spur Waddle and the winding of the Maypole are two events anticipated by the entire campus. , . a familiar sight

and sound 10 all is the clanking spur worn everywhere for a week by each new pledge ... big moment of the year is the naming of the "Spur of the Moment" at the Spur·r K

dance; this year it was Maralee McReynolds.

. president

this year was Marcella Minden ... other officers included Janet Fulton. vice-president; Elaine Cope, secretary; and Virginia Orazem, treasurer ... Mrs. W. H. Boyer is advisor.

Row On., Connl. Teed. P.t R.mbo. &.th Lill.rd. M .......... t Au.tad. Maral_ McR.,.nold•. Marilyn Enn•. Halda Whybarlo ... Row Two' M .... Katy Ra. Boy... Delorl. Knight. Joyc. Beclo... Jan.t F"ulton. M • ...,.Il. Mlnd.n, El.ln. Cope. VI.....lnl. OraMm. M • ..,. wul_ Wlil ..• Row Three' Ma..,. J.an O..rt.en. H.I.n Oanl.lto. Batt,. Thompaon. Bnarly Balloa. P.t Alb• .....,n. Jun. S<>halloau. H.l.n Chu...,h. Allee H.nry, Joan Martin. Ey.lyn BurU. J.ann. H.g.l. Bayerl, Beneon.


loyalty and Seruice Guide Idaho Knights

Sophomore honorary for service and loyalty.

. two fresh-

man men are elected to represent each living group. 2.0 grade average required for initiation into Ball and Chain chapter.

. silver and gold knight's head worn on

white sweater emblematic of IK's

cooperated jointly

with Spurs to sponsor boxing tournament footbalL basketball, and boxing games change and picnic held of programs at Homecoming.

ushered at

Spur-IK ex-

biggest activity was selling . Intercollegiate Grail Cup

for outstanding service presented to Don Deerkop at May

Fete chapter

Jim Geddes chosen "Knight of the Night" by officers were Dave Ulmer, John Grubb. Don

Meacham, Bob Greer, Boyd Barker, John Hasbrouck and Wilbur Gard.

Row On.: Thorn.. H. O.nt~. J W. O.dd.., Don.ld O...J.op, W .....n Pet• ....,n, Ch..t •• T.J..tori, H • ...,ld H.nri •. Lloyd Dunn . . . Row Two: D.v1d a ..dl.., BenJ.mln Nlchol.., Bob 0 John O."bb, Dn. Ulm ••, Boyd a ..I0••, K.nn.th K..f••, P."l Lon.n!o ... Row Th.... : Don Mitch.ll, J. MOMm.n, 0.". McN... Ch..l.. Wood. Elwyn Le..on, Jim Mm•• , St." Rlgg..., Cl.on Ku" •.


~IjtJa LamJ/a


Scholastic Goals Achieved by Women A purely scholastic honorary . composed of all freshman women who e.!lrn a 3.5 grade average during their first semester ot Idoho ... a tea given in the fall acquaints prospective members with the organi· zation ... presented the Alpha Lamlx:l.a Delta award to Vida Baugh at the May Fete ... officers were June Schalkau. president; Connie Teed. vice-president; N<!ldine Tisdall. treasurer; Caryl Ingebritsen. secretary.


/. /

Row Dna: Nadln. Ti.d.U. Janat rulton . .funa &ha.Uoa .. , c..l"J'llnp. bribe" •.. Row Two: M.."la Kln_ n.,., Joan R.,...... r, Ektt,. Thomp • .con, dod,. Raber, Connie T-.l..

Row Dna: Dr. Erwin Ora,,&, J.m.. L. Hanr,. 0 ..,. e .... tI. Myron

Joh tcn, Michie Kalo". Harbert 8ch d ••. Dun". O. Eldridge. Row Two: William C. Maya., O.l. Waten. Kick R.lalo. John Bur_

""ugh., Roy Kalo", Donald Kupar, rranlo 8<:hront •• R..d Du.t..,hl, El_ vin O. M.tlon . . • Row Th... , Dnld M. Sampaon, Roba.t O ..tln. Don Thaophllua. Jr.. Horaea Nul· a,. Oordon Hannln~ Richard An_


ard W. Whlta. Tom Baro;rarud, Bill Boydan. Han Oll.., Siolp Pla""a. John Sanll..on. Alba.t Bracloah....,h, Robart Mltchan.

PJ; 81a 8t9ma High Scholastic Attainment Wins Membership Exceptional scholastic achievement is the requirement for freshman men wishing to join this honorary. , . established at Idaho in 1934 ... initiation requires a 3,5 or better, , , initiation banquet is major function of the yENl:r , , , publication of "How to Study" was last yeor's project ... Myron E. Johnston, Jr., was president. . Michio Kaku, Vice-president; Gary Bossett, secretary; and Herb Schroeder, treasurer. 118

vI~~11 P~i ()me?11

Honorary Presents Unioersity with Memorial Plaque Previous training in scouting plus satisfactory scholastic standing are requirements for membership in Alpha Phi Omega. . Gaudy Geft aod Ugly Ike contest held yearly funds received helped pay for the World War II memorial plaque in the Student Union building. members this year painted. the "}" tower. . Bob Culbertson served as president was aided by John Evans, vice-president; Cecil Fleck

aod Don Wills, secretaries; and Bill Stemple, treasurer.


Row Jack McC...illht. Lloyd Johnson. FNod Kopka .•• Row Two, Robart Culb."uon, Cecil rleck. John W. Eva ..... Don Will., Jam. . Schutt •.• Row Th ... , Tad To...,k, RQ9ar Allan, T.d In!l oll. Jim L.nd ...... Oao",,& V.h Bob Kleft_ nae, John aenlltoon, Burt Hum_

ph... y.

vii/it ClUb Artists Feature Christmas Cards. Bridge Party Unusual club of art and architecture students. . donated two hundred and fifty dollars for modern furnishings at art building. . money raised by making and selling Christmas cards and by annual bridge party. picnic held at ski lodge. . annual spring formal was big success. club head was Harold Gerber; Jim Marshall, vice·president; Kenneth Keefer, secretary; Norman Tilley, treasurer; Pete Sabolchy, social chairman.


YJames CluJ Student Wioes Sponsor Outstanding Style Show A Joe"l organization, this group first met in 1941 .. mode up of wives of students and married women students . . . handcroft, bridge, and soci,,1 meetings are among their activities.. big even! eoch semester is the ~rty "the girls" give for their hubbies. . Norma Blockburn served "s president; Je.!I.n Jones, vice·president; Barbaro &ckus, secretlllry; Maxine Steward, corresponding secretary; and Lillion Van Epps, Irell:surer.

Row 0".: Marjorie Ann Del"h..rd,

Mutla Mast, Lillia" Van £p.,..

b ....

e .. dou •.


M ... Lo"l. C.d,..

Norma Blackburn. Dolo.... oJ". ., "_n Jon.., "_,, Frlttol, C ....... MOr"Jan, M.d. Co...,.. Row Two:

Sh.il. sum....". B I,. Taylor, .lac";' r.i.i<o,.. M,..t.!. &O.n. Ph,.lII.. R ..,.no!<I... Maurin. Turnbull. H.,l· ana Gilliland, Dol"Oth,. Loo.. Ioo, Ma..,. Niece. Shirley I:l1.d~. A..I.th Cum_ mi.... 8.o1"a EI14 . . . Row Th.... : Vi~inia What.lu. Rita Hanl.,.. M-...In. St•• ert. Lou... Na.b..,.. E.-I,.na J .....n. Inq. V_h. "'nd... Zevelo•. 01.."..,. Little. Beu"'h Clat_ I.ltu. "_nna "udd. Ph,.l1ia Pu_ rin•. l.e.u".l C.mpbell 1_ Tit ..... £li&ebeth SeeJo. Ro. roup: Jun. W.llinq. Vi"an Sipna. Rub,. Lind, Dora St_>uon. N.llie M_ Tripp. Mari. Wood. Adalia Col••

Bett,. Sn._n.n. "'nn. "_n.tt. "'1·

b".tn-n. BePHPa N.a-n. Bobbi. Lou H ........

a.ated: Vi""lnla Ko"n. E.m. J•• n J.d.I•• Me.""e.".t Wabu. M .... W. P. I.e.h". •. 01 •. (.dri "I. Jo.n Ro.. _ ber..,.. Lo.al_ Eppe n ... Stand_ In\l: Gloria B.d . . un. Olorlan M.ul•• do O ••n ••. Aim .... nd ....on • .... d.n dohn.on. Shhl.y daolol •. d.an Whitt.mo"..

Masonic Daughters Continue Projects Membership made up of Job's Daughters who are in good standing. a comparatively new chapter on this campus . has given much help to the Moscow Job's Daughters meets once a month ... the year's big social event is the annual Christmas party held with the Moscow lob's Da.ughters .. officers were Margaret Weber, president; Joan Rowberry, vice-president; Erma Jean lackie, secretary; and Mrs. W. P. lehrer, advisor. 120


JW1 ~I-~ ~j





~ (


Ag Students Sponsor Little International Organized in 1918 . egricultural or "g engineering majors constitute membership. . Ag Bawl held. . box social with Home Ec Club was next Ag &nquet "nd participation in Little International ended activities .. John Turnbull was president with Darrell Bienz, vice· president; John ~wrence, secretary; and Ed Rowbury, ~surer.


Ro.. On.: 0.0.,.. s"m..... , K.,,· ..eth l",,",••U...n. John A. 1.... _ •• nc•. 0 ••,. O. S ...lon •• D •• ld Th..,I0.••, 01_ 8acIo.m.n. John .I. Bindan ••• Row T ..o' P.uISCh...• Md~n. DoU9J.a. .I. Coolo.. F,,", A. 8acIo.m.n. &cI Ro..bul"J', V••n Bah., B ........ Oordon. L. o-n H.l• . . • Ro.. Th... : t - o..n, no,.d C. Ro..bul"J', D.rid C •• n ... No.m.n C. Jon_. F .. nlo. MorriMn, K.ith Judd, Lynn T. St......... n . . . Ro.. Four: W.rd Sutton. t - B. 8o,.1a. John S. To......nd. 01 •• , 01..,10. O·LaaI"J'. Fran_ d. Oa..,hlng••• O ld W . Ro.. rl... , r ••ncl. E. R,...•• Robart D. Schild. Ald.n H. !'"Iteh, H• ...,. F. I..m.n. J •.• Or-.111a H. Roba_. 0_'11. O·L.• ..,.. Don Mlteh.1I •. Ro.. SIa, D.lno Moo John D. Tu.nbull. D.I. E on. D ....l Bi.n•• No.m.n H ldHn •.. Ro.. S.•• n:Jlm B.\J940It. Wl1ll.m M.,.••• John H.n..,. P.ulaon.

Row On., r-. s..n, Zlml"i Mill.. BllI WiIli.m N.laon. l:u9.n.


~~~'iio... T".:~~ ::;:ltB;u~.D~:~:

eo•• Io.,

Don.ld St......I. Rleh.rd


Ro ... Th... , Rhya To...y. Rleh.rd Mm••• K.nnath Sml.h. G.I.n Mo_ M ...... Alf,,", And n. M.rtln Ourad •. GI.nn M L..ll. Ab_ bott, W.,.n. Rob;"'n. J ... Sc:hmld (.d.;"'.), Don.ld Ryd..,.ch. G.rald V.n H.rd.nbarg. V••non O.llup.

~ 8n9ineeJ5

Field Trips, Smokers Highlight Group Actiu/ties Aim is to acquaint Ag Engineers with the professional field .. won the Little International Cup for the best float three out of four y~rs ... Engineer's Ball ... annuo!Il field trips ... officers include Zimri Mills, president; Galen McMaster. vice-president; Robert Pitto!lrd. secretarytreasurer; Russell Baum. scribe; Dick Toevs and Leslie Abbott. engineering council representl!ltives ... Joe Schmid served as advisor. 121

CAemital8n9ineet5 Chemical En9ineers Paoe Way for Atomic Age Theodore Deobald headed this chapter of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers ... their chief function is the promotion of interest in the chemical engineering profession .. membership made up of o!Ill men enrolled in that department of the university ... other officers were Lawrence Morrison, Vice-president; James Huff, secretary-treas-

urer; Perry Trout and Harold Brammer. representatives ... Dr. C. O. Reiser is the group advisor.

Row On.: Th-.lo



..noo Morrison. J H".II, P • ...., T t. Hanold Brarnmu. Dr. C. O. R Ho_Two: K.nn.thClat. f.lte•. OoU9'- McCooUum. Koohh Bowman . •o"atha .. Ric•. "ohn


Coi>ph.pr. K.nnath H.,yd....



aU W..... Todd r ....hm.n. Jam_ M...-.n. 01..,10 Kendall, r •• nalin WhMloek.

Ro_ On.: Carl Ph.N, Bryan Ram_ bo. o.lboort MeN. .I,. J....... W.J..h, Sh....... n W.~ ••b. •. 0.1. McMur_


John M.yo, J.m .. P.t.... n. WIl· li.m Brillll'l. C1.lr Ch.l.otl.n""n , Row Th,...: Don.ld Co •. Rloh ••d Stitt. WIlU.m F. .I.y. J.m •• Bur_ ton, C.b.lI F••rn, J.m .. M..,h.m. G_rg. H.rold.. n, V••non HY.II , , . Row Four: DOUlll. . Finll.ln_ boo"". J . .n CoIU .... F...d.ricll ea:rI." Bo;:rd K .. m.r. Roboort B.rton. Rich. Nichol.o. W.7n. H.II.

CitJIl8n9il1eets LL

Dam Field Trip Exhausts Group National organization including all civil engineers .

held trip to

McNary Dam ... Northwest Student Conference and annual banquet made up other events ... John Mayo was president; James G. Meehan. vice-president; Adson Starner. secretary; Cabell Fearn. treasurer.


8lecMical8n9inee;15 Double-E Majors Inspect New lab Quarters Organized on campus in 1912 composed of all electrical engineers a Lab party and dance plus a steak fry are main events officers were: chairman, Donald Lapray; vice-chairman, Donald Baumgartner; secretary, William Adams; treasurer, Frederick Hyland; and advisor, Mr. J. Hugo Johnson.


Row One' rrank Kilian, 0.0"11'_ R. Willis",a, Jam •• Bell. Dan MeOu· Itt, Joe Eyrich, Carlyl. B...,wn, Bu._ ton Van Eppa, JO& C1a1l9. John Barine!!"_ . . . Row Two: William. Bu...,tadt. Ch.,l.. Abbott. Donald Mill.., rin... H ......, .• John PH"•. Carl St_m.m, Cui M ? , Clyde Man9ha.. .• Ro,", Th : Jam •• Grothe .... O. Zane Coupe, L.dd Sutton. L. V. Roe. Don rullma •. Willi.m Pariah, H. E. Hattrup, Prof. J. H. dohnao ... Ruel Barr". Row rou.: Wayne Joh ...on. K.lth D.d~ici<. Will.rd R"... K.n_ n.th AIl.n. M.lford rri.nd. Don Loopra". Wm.la'" rlooh.~. d.rry rrlc" . . . Row Tho",. . dohn_n. Milton r. Barton. r ....d.rlci< Hy. land. Donald Bau"'\Iartn.r. Thao_ do.... ROOI.nau, Roy r. Dou!>4'. Ed· ward W. Purd". ROil" Con•.


Row Ona: Prof. H.nry r. Gau_. N.l_n Willla"" D.lIart Robl.on, Carlton McMuilln. M.~lin rraneia. Stanl.y Tho",... Loui. H ....."' •• Bruc. Whit"'o....... Row Two: dohn N . . bitt. Kannuh SlpHa, G_I1I. B.no., dr., RoMr. D ... ~l.r. Ron.ld R_••. di'" T ••llu•. Torl.H Aun.. ROII.r Hoyl.. Rob..t Mc· C ....d". dohn Sand.ll. do_ph G. Dul... AI. Horch . . . Row Th .... : B. W. Glb_n, D.l. N..,bltt. G.org. W.bb. da"'•• Schuff, W ..lt You nll_ .tro"" dohn E".n•• Alf d B"rn•• Ch.rl_ Shoun, dohn G I, John Spink ... Row rour: Edw.rd St.ll. Ru Hill. d.",•• n.n"lIan, Cl.yton Bo""., G.org. Kln_lyinll. Don.ld R. Ad ..",... Gordon H.nnlnll. d.", •• M. P.t• ....,n, RoMr. H.ndr<>n. d... ri..l.. , dohn C. .w.ll. Ralph Schl.r· "'an. Richard Shappard. O.org. H"Ullland .. , Row ri"a: N. r. Hin_ di•. d. T. NOl1lord.

tlllecAanical8n9inee;15 Field Trips, Banquets, Mooies Actioate Group Consists of all students in the department of Mechanical Engineering. is the student branch of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers purpose is to promote the profession on campus .. field trips, banquets, and movies concerning engineering comprise the year's activo ities officers included John Nesbitt, chairman; Alfred Horch, vicechairman; John Spink, secretary; and George Haugland, treasurer. 123

cfsstJdalel'dtJ$esle$s Woodchoppers' Ball Wins Campus Notice One of the oldest clubs on campus . . . promotes interest in forestry profession among forestry students ... highlight of yellr's activities was Woodchoppers' Ball featuring PlIul Bunyan's visil to Vandal land with his ox, Babe, .. a ran bdnquet. plIrlicipation in forestry week, Forester's banquet, and a Jug Bond kept club's year lilled with activities. Bruce Colewell was president; Walter L Robinson, vice-president; John Tkach, secretary; Glen Youngblood, treasurer; Charles Muehlethaler, ranger.

Row One: Cannlch_l, Oo...,ch.

ramn. Whitt. Dri_r. &..1•• O't.... TI.d.I., D.lI.. , CI ••• , McC•• , yo ........ blood. Holton. Row Two: £V\lU, [;1\,..... rulchu. H""t••, s-il.. Wood. And . Ell"'. Wohlab, Metan••, H n, Burchant. Martin, L .• Holt. r1nna7 . . Row Th , Cooll, r .• McM.hon. H".IlI M.rricll. Kr.j .... _ .Ill, Hutchlneon. Ad.m., Andrue. Bonn.tt. Robineon, W.IIl.r. Pf.ll. M.rtln, D .• V.rd.l, r ...or •.. Row rour: Nobl•. Colf.y. Str.tton. H.u· mont. H".llln•• KI.hm, P.rllln, Rule. Wright. d .• Eeth.lmer. Par_ du., Teeh.n•• Ch.dwlell, M.rtln. D .. Groach. K.IIl . . Row r!y.: V.niahnlell. King. w"h.r. T.nn.r. B....n. Root. doh..... n. A.• Ch• ....,.. Mu.hl.IMler. t-. Sall_. Betlll. o.hm.Il•• c.r.... n. doh n. D .• WIIUe....... Row 8 .. , H "". Blo .... Holm. roucar. Hod..I Be_ kar. Sch.-nJtt, T.ylor. Py h. Robln_ eon. L .. Roller. Cr.bb. Oh Eet_. Wlggi... , r..teo", How.'" ••. Row &-.n: Brui.... Hleb. Lau ...n •. CoI_ ••11, TIl.ch. Griffith, Tho ...... Schroader, R.u.....r. H.llln."". dr.

D.""'. .

Row 0"., oI..,1l natcher. Art R.n_ d.ll, Do"ald Dahle. dam_ Moh•. Adri.n Alb ........ n. WllUam Lall_ man. M.l'Tlll NI.laen ... Row Two, J.m .. Tlnto. d". Rumble. V.rdo Joh..... n. Laall. Ni..,•. R.y Tro.. lI. CharI.. Goldin .. , B.rn.,. Brunelle, Allee N..bitt . . . Row Th .... : .l_ Emmon•• MeIYI" BtI..... n. Donald d_. WlIIl.m Buhn. H.rold Lynch.

~~~ :;~-::':.:'~~: ~~~lif'o~;'.i

Scott • .r.m. . Roy. Geo ..... Olarbo .... , all.... Harrle. Arthur Griffilh. M.I· Yi" BalllI•• J.m_ Mo .....".

cfsstJcialelt!fIine$s They Find the Gold in "Them Thor Hills" All students registered in e~rth science, mining, geology, and metallurgy are eligible for membership ... the annual Muckers' Ball features Wild West atmosphere, gambling for high stakes, and informal attire . . . members go prospectin' during spring picnic held in honor of School of Mines faculty .. : view weekly movies or he.!l.r lectures related to the Don Dahle was president; Harold Lynch. vice· mineral industry president; and George Glarborg, secretary·treasurer.


Mock Trials Giue Young Lawyers Experience Budding young lawyers sponsor a supper-dance each semester prominent legalists address the group during the year . Ray Rigby

presided as Chief Justice at the Honor Court with Lloyd McClintock and Jack McKinley, Justices Tom Feeney led the group as prexy; Ernest Bedford, vice-president; Jim Ingalls, treasurer; Berne Jensen, secretary; Reed Clements, sergeant-at-arms; Pete Wilson, recorder.

r Ro'W O"a: Reynold 0&,,'11'&, Jam •• May, Julh,. P.t.... on. Ray Rll1by, Kathryn Ann M.uh, Ina Ma.

Wh. .lu, J•• nna P"ll.tt, Jay Stout, Lan Bial.nberl/. Robart Burna. r •• nclaJ. Raam.u.aen ... Row Two: J. B. McKinlay, R-'llnald R •••_. Dalwin Hobn . .John Dick. John Noggl., E. C. L .... l, R. r. McLaugh_ lin. K. O. B"'lIquiat, C. H. C ...aaon. W. L. R.,wb••ry, R.y Du.tac:hl , .. Row Th .... : John O. O ••y, J •.• du. Hunt. Willi.... P••ry. dos.ph Z._ v..ky. Ch••I.. Klbl.n. W.lt... Cu.._ nutt. 0Ni19 R. Potvin. dohn Tu .... _ bull. Rich.rd Schou, W. F. D.ln_ h.rd, Ch••t •• Or. h ..... P.ter WII _ _ n, Ch. .l.. Bl.nton. To ... F_n.r.' EUgen. Bu.h ... Row Fou.: Don. d Pur<:ell, Robt. Yo.t. Ru...ll Sh.ud. Nuh a ...ln.9 •• Ch ••l.. Rlch.rd_ oon. John Sto..... Lloyd McClin_ tick, Lloyd G. M ••tin.on. Lloyd B.ownlnll. Rob.rt Oluby, Edw.rd St.nwood III, d. V. S ...lth, E. D. Bedlord. D•• n Ed ...rd S. Sd....on Row Fiv.: Ba.. n. J.n.. n. A.t Sutton, DOU9lu K ......r. Rlch...d McF.dd.n. Gordon Foot••. Robart "odlle. Frank B. a.rton, R.,ba..t Lyo..... Bill SI......o , Nel. T. S.hI. Edw.rd J. Aac:h.nb nn••• d...... Inll.U., AIf ... d KI St.nl.y Sc:h ... ldt.

Row On.: Dono... n Vow.la, Ard.n Oo line, M.rion "o.... n. C. Wil_ li W.rdrop. Ch.. t.r W. Gr.h.m, 0.1. Ch.n.y, W.yn. Phillip•. W.l· l.c. La ....n . Row Two: Roy V.nc., De.n W.lch. Law... nc. P._ ... ttl. Batty Bow.n. Ruth R.lch... t, J. Rob••t d.d...on. Th.,mu R. S.n_ lord. St.n Ella..orth. Willi.... R. Sanford ... Row Th.... : A.t Bach•• C.rl Gud.r:lohn. Rob.rt MacDonald, Don B. Llnd•• y. a ...nt H ........ Don C ••l.y. J ••..,. Bunnell. My...,n E. dohn.ton. R.,b •• t W. Cl.rk. Richard Clin• . . . Row Four: H••• old Lenk•• Don.ld Brudl •. dohn Zwiene., Leon.rd Rodill. Rich••d L. C.mpbell. Jim Wolford. Rlch.rd Corbatt. To ... Ol.nny.


CAamJeJ oj ~mmeJte Better Business Relations Fostered by Students Created to increase interest in civic and commercial affairs and in the School of Business Administration. . membership is open to all students enrolled in that school . banquet in the spring was the big social event administrative gavel wielded by Lawrence Peretti assisted by Harold Lenke, secretary; and Art Becher. treasurer.


;fIe11 YJive;t$ Water Bugs Presented "Gay Nineties" Show Proficient water bugs.

their annual water show featured water

quadrilles to the tunes of the Gay Nineties . spectacular diving and swimming exhibitions provided additional interest a hay ride and barn dance provide dry-land activities for the group new pledges wear swimming caps for a week prior to initiation president was Jim Farmer; vice-president, Ed Fiesler; secretary-treasurer, Mary Ellen


Row Ona: Car"l. Cr<>uch. M."1I....1 Au.tad. Carol Shaff•• , Pam. Gaul,


Jim. Fa.",,,.., Satt}' Bih. ., El •• nor Wi!."n. Joann& Hopkin",

Sund. .n ... Row Two: do Paul..,n. Muy ElI.n S.afan.", .J"anna P....... Satty Loren. Coll. . n McDonald.

Ann Keltanb"eh, Fran Hodllin• . . . Row Th .... , CharI•• Ciarlo. H . .ry Wilo.on, do N ..loon, S.eky B ••lin., Pu P.tton, Jody Getty, Don Med_ ley . . . Row ro".: Don.ld McM._ hon, Che. . B . .b. ., Dick Merrill, Thorn . . Wrlqht, aer.ld W •••••.. , Row rive: Rob. . t Helch, Phillip Kinni."n, B"d H.g.n, C.rl Kinney.

Row One: Dorothy O.I.y, How.rd R"., Doneld Hey_, Betty Bike., Phil Kinn~on . . . Row Two: K.lth Perdue, Howerd Chedwick, Robe.t MecDoneld, n.dlne B".w.n, B.r_ be•• Kitchene, reye Sergent, B . ._ be.e Livlnqceton. Don B. Llnde.y, edwin Sh.ne . . . Row Th. .e: Key Hurnohrl. ., MeTJ. MCC.Trol. n.ncy Megl., P.ggy Oeorge, Yvonne O.orge. Ad.lenn. Oeorg•. John Edw . .de.

8hiCIub Hickory and Wax Group Sponsor Ice Carnival A relative newcomer to campus organizations ,first met four years ago. has since become one of the most active grour;s on the campus . sponsored skiing instruction for beginners. initiated Idaho's first winter carnival, awarding trophies for the best snow sculr;tures Howard Rue served as president; Fred Boyle was vice-president; and Betty Biker acted as secretary.



4-/1 CluJ





Head. Hand. Health, Heart Carry On Organized to promote 4-H on the campus and throughout the state all former members and interested people are eligible social affairs included square dances, suppers and weiner roasts co-host to regional convention of Mu Beta Beta, national 4-H service honorary Jerry McKee and Ray Anstine served as presidents with Donald Mitchell and Lou Carlson, vice-presidents; Marjorie Hattan and Hazel Havens, treasurers; and Cherie Wiswal! and Norma Hunt, secretaries.

Row Dna: Do" Mitch.n, Norman rituimmona. Cacil Link. Clair Holllngswo.th. Sob Allison, Donald Sowa , , . Row Two' M .... Marth. Sonivill. (advis"r). Joyc. M .....ll. Hazel Husn•. N.di"a Bu....n. Nor_ m.a Hunt. M ,o,.... t r.ust. P ....l Oi1>o0n, M Hattan, Charla WIa· wall, 1.ou Carlaon. Ronall Hill.....an . . . Row Th .... : Walla.,. Taylo •. Kannath Hoagland, r.ank Monl_ daon. K.nn.th Ko.nhu. QuaId Co""'''o~k, Ja.1")' M~K... Ray An_ atina. Ch... n~. Hoa",land. Willia ..... May•• , M . .tha Allioon.

Row On.: Joan Jan . . n. Ard.n Johnaon. Elaln. Cop•. 1.ona c.r_ n.y. Phyllia L.Rua. Jadd. Mlt~h.lI. p .....gy Pow..... Nor...... Hunt. V.lv. Ailor. Shlrl.y B.lla And n. Vida rrloo~hkna~ht. Rulh Wood Row Two: M . . y~lIa earn I.. Do,..,thy L1PP. Mayb.ll. O..-<In... , Joan Row_ ~rry. C.ryl IngabrU.. n. Maral. . M~Raynolda. Oay D.obald. Shirl.y Tann. ., Ca.ol yn Hana.n. Roo. S<:h ..... id. Anna M . . H.nd.l, Erl.n. Clyd •. Mariod. H"lan . . . Row Thr. . : EI.anor Pow.lI. Marilyn WIlHa ....... Sh.ll. D.rwln. B.v•• i •• Randall. Joan B,..,wn. Mary Ell.n 810fanac. P.t Albart.oon. Eli ••b.lh Fit~.rald. Edith nak. M.ry Hard. Inl/. M • ..,. P.t.no. I..n. Horning, Chari. Wlawall Row You", Do_ lo ..a Uri•. M."9 t Ho~kl.ndar, C.,..,lyn Wabb. Ell. Bahr, B.Uy Pyl_. Ma"ll"...t Fau... Sylvl.Au", . Jo Ko ..... Marilyn P.t..... n. p l/y 0.0"11"•. P.t Jordan. Mary. P.rkln• . . . Row Flva: Patri~i. Poonlek, Lavonna Eyri~h. Lola A. Saund ..... M.ry St. .n ••. 1.ou C.rloon. N.dln. Buaw.ll, Patrl~la Wyrick. Mal ..... l. J.rdin•. Phyllia L....on, Lind. M ••_ 01'1., B.Uy T,..,ut, Mary B.t_. Ar_ I.n. Talbott.

ffime Be CluJ Horne Ec Day Highlights Actiuities Membership made up of all women majoring in home economics the year's major project is Home Ec Day held each spring for Idaho high school seniors . money-raising projects include hot dog sales at Homecoming and Dads' Day games annual dance provides social contacts with Ag Club members officers included Jackie Mitchell, president; Betty Lea Trout, vice-president; Joan Jansen, secretary; Margaret Eke, treasurer; and Elaine Cope, historian.


Jau r/IIem vllepl; Actiue Townmen Unite Socially Orgtmized to give off-c~mpus men an opportunity to p..'IIrticipole in c~mpus lIctivities . . . besides socilll events, they also enter leams in intr<!lmuraJ competition ... organized fellowship is their goal ... Me;]· colm Slllhl led the group os president, assisted by Hllrry I~man, vicepresident; Clayton Harmsworth, secretary; Otis Johnson. tr~surer; and

Vic DeVries, social chairman.

Row On.: Way". Run"I..... £"0',"". Pic ...rd. Kanny rarrn.~. Lol"ln t..

r_. 0_.... & Cr

oYich. Maleolm

Stahl, , , _ RaiMo

Sou . . . Row

T_o: noyd Oepha"'. H.rr'7 F. I. .· ......,n, dr., E ..... U H . .drlck, Bru.,. Wonnald, d • ....,. Schulta. Victor D..

Vrl. ., Bob 80.."1",,-,,.

Row Ona' C••l Yoeom, Ralph Mil_ l•• , Hum!""'" M.".do, Bob R...l..


Lu"m. Schrom, Lol. Buah, Cooll. H.ll, J_n ".cob., E:l_ Mink. J:ll&a_ b.th rlt.....nh:l. d .. P.nc• . . • R .... Th ... , 8Lll T.ylo., dohn H ..lt, N.d

Stu..t, Ch •• I.. S ...ln, F ...d Bli..,

L.".... 0 ......

Horselllen Giue Campus a Western Air


Newest club on the campus ... was organized this active interest in horsemanship at Idaho.


to promote an

. group activities included

cross-country canters and moonlight horseback rides ... members won honors /lind silver belt buckles for pa.rticipation in intercollegio!lite nxieos .. , president of the orgo!linization was Ned Stuart.


I. R. C.

Tho North . . . . R-V1ono1 COnl.... ne. ollnternatlonol R.latl..... Clube. h.ld

••.,..,1..1 • NCOrd nu... ber of do1-oo....

In" 7_rln MOKOw .

International Affairs Hold Group Attention Educational discussion group on foreign relations. world affairs, and foreign modes of living ... open 10 all

students ... weekly meetings held ... highlight 01

01 over 154 delegates from the Northwest


was Northwestern Regionl/ll Conference with .:sttendance

.. bar.quel climaxed two.day conference ... early spring found

eight delegates at sub-regional International Relations Club Conference ... Sherman Black and Marvin Wosh· burn attended national meeting of International Relations Club lasl winter

officers were Sherman Black.

president; Leo Cesl=edes. vice-president; and Bonnie Shuldl:::erg, secretary-treasurer.


o..n Eldridg. h ... the honor of b ......lng ground for the n.w hom. 01 the Chr\.otlan lnetitul.... Olh.r gu..u .1 Ih• .,....mon,. 10010. on.

Council Soloes Church Problems Acquaints students with spiritual possibilities ... composed of representatives from each denominationol group ... initiated and sponsored Religious Emphosis week ... conducted Thonksgiving {)oy service in the university ouditorium ... Eoster Sunrise service held ... enjoyed picnic lost faU ... first unit 01 $50,000 Campus Christian Center to be completed by midsummer lor occuponcy when college begins ... will provide offices, counseling rooms, lounges, choJ)e1. ond loon library ... officers first semester were Gerold Comstock, president; Rolph Miller, secretary-treasurer ... second semester found Rolph Miller as president ond Marjorie Peer secretorytrE~"surer.

Row On.: R.... Ourtec:hl. M • .,,1e P_r. R.lph Mill... Dr. o-.r M. Ad.m. EUaeh.lh Wllco_, 0_.". H..pelt ••. Row Two: H.rold A_ Brammer. Allen O. Ingebrit..n, Oa,.;d C. Coulter. oIohn M.,.er. D.le B. Dougl.., Donald D. TNpp.


Episcopalian Students Hold Fellowship Meetings Episcopal denominational organization. , . organized to give instruction and promote friendship among students. , . officers were Janet Mackey, president; Anne DuSault, vice-president; Barbara Schaff, secretary; Rosemary Harland, treasurer; advisor, Reverend Norman E. Stockwell.

Row On.: Barb••• 8<:h.. 8, Dol"... don... Connie T.ed, Harriet H.l· strom. Barb••• Storme . . . Row Two, R...... nd Norman Stockwell. R"..m.,.,. Harland. Shlrlay PattiJohn. M ... Norman Stockwell. Dona Griffith. L . . Oo" ....... ilk, Virtone OOulll •••. Anna DuSaull. Jana. Mackay ... Row Th .... , Albert Ruh.

Jay Sta"hana. Kenneth rouea •• Cha.l•• S..b.., Bill R-.. Boh r ..• mer, Robert Ro.... tt. John B.nay.

Row On.: Paulina Lawaon. Ruth Van Engelan, H.1.n d •• na Tal't'y, JanIe. McCo..",lclt, Huel B.ll , , , Row Two: Surr-e Sch.ld.up, F,..d Van Eng.l.n, Bob McMahon, Duid Kleh"" Ben W. Chich.. t ••, John Peul Dy••, Roge.. Chlch..tn.

Round Table Topics Found in Monitor This newly·organized club was established to unite Christian Scientists weekly services and round table discussions held on the campus during the year. . sponsored a lecture on religion during the spring semester Bob McMahon served as president . aided by Dave Klehm, vice-president; Helen Terry, corresponding secretary; Polly lawson, clerk; and Roger Chichester, treasurer.


Candy Sales Help Methodist Students' Treasury Methodist women students comprise this group . . .



benquel honored alums in Chrislitln service. ." Omdlelight Service was presented at Chrisbnas ... and supper was served in the Upper

Room at E"ster. signifying the I....!ast Supper of Christ. . final event of the yetlr wos 0 senior farewell oonquet ... Ruth Reichert was president; Janice Rankin, vice-president; Rosie Schmid, recording secretary; JoAnna DeMeyer, corresponding secrettlry; Marybelle ~rnie, treasurer.

Row On.: Gl.nn Ba.k••, Kenneth BrllJVlI. D.""d a..dl.., Ould Coul_ l", r ..,nk Mom... n. Ol.n O ...l.,. • . . Row Two: 1"."0" Schodd.,

Marilyn William., WlnH...I Hokan_ ..On, Ann Brook.o. H I How.... , Ann Piclo..U. B.t1y H I•• , d.nlea Rankin, Rob40rt Lind Row Th... : Rn. Ern..t Gould ••• Phym. Loo.Ru •• Joan J.,n_n, "oan M..t!",


e..,II•. Jo... P.r.... H •••l

H R"...Sch ... ld. C.rolyn H.n_ .n. M Mild..d BU• . • . Ro.. rou., Cl.l.... Loouon. eh••l. Wbo-

... U. John W. Jon•. R.lph M. Mil_ Mr. Acel Pu..:l,.. 0 ......11 Broc". Don c.rroU. Will..... PUTI'. P.'.r B..,.. _ _ ••• Ro.. rt. . , oJ_ Seh.... ld. 0 ... Ou..h ..... R.lph roth.rvlll. Wilbur a.rd. R.gl ... ld R ...... r •• n" P.nt_•.

Methodist Students Sponsor Meetings. Dinners Methcx:list student organization since 1929 . designed to benefit its any interested stu· members socially, spiritually and intellectually dent may participate ... annual "Mountain Sunday" picnic, semesterly exchange meetings with a similar WSC group, and the annual trip to Pacific Northwest Methcx:list Student Conference make up activities of the yoo.r ... president of group was Kenneth Briggs; Phyllis LaRue, vice-president; Lois Bailey, secretary; Robert Lind, troo.surer.


Church Ideals Fostered by Members Hyde S. lacobs led this religious organization through last year. . a pledge dance and sweethe<!lrl dance highlight the social activities ... the local chapter was orgo!lnized during 1938 and the group was founded at Salt Ulke City in 1934 ... special interest programs, picnics, dances held e<!lch month ... other officers were Shirley Tanner, Vice-president; Pearl Gibson, secretary; and Joan Coble, treasurer.

Row On.: Kann•• h K_I.., 0.1. Oanl .. l., L .. wranc. R •• m"... ". Sh " H.nd .....". H7d• .rae.."', 1.0 " Brin".rhoff. 0_..... Tanne • ... Row Two: William N.!aon, Hor_ ma H"nt, r ..."k H .. "oan Colol.. Stan I.,. Tann... R..d Du..• ..,M, Boyd Bu.-t.


Row 0"., 0.0"". H.ugl.nd. J.d. H. S",itchg... Ph.1l L.1th. Don N._

rc.~. Tr:~~·~lro~~",.~"'.r.;b~.~

Smltch.g.r. M ......... t r.u.t. 1:1•• _ nor po... n. C..ol Erlcluoon. C.1")I1 Ing.britMn. M ••jori. H.tt.n. No._ ",.n P.btli . . . Row Th.... : N.l.on Glb""n, Art B ••c".bu.ch, H .... on H.g•. John Blom. Rlch d MIll.r, R.l.,h E. Sehi..m.n. K R_d. H . .old A. B •• m",. ., J.c" Ro_'" Ih.l.

Church Projects. Deootionals Occupy Group Activities include weekly Sunday afternoon meetings and occasional speci,,1 services and progrlllms ... organized for all students of Lutheran preference ... outstanding s~kers highlight meetings ... Allen G. Ingebritsen was president . . . ossisting him were George Hougland, vice·president; John Rosenthal, treasurer; Caryl Ingebritsen. secretory.



;Vewman CluJ "Wearin' of the Green" Tradition Upheld St. Patrick's Dance is major function of this group ... an organization for Catholic students .. other "etivities include mixers, discussion meetings, communion breakfasts. " Christmas party. lind picnics . . . John Tkach was president ... other officers were Francis Flerchinger, vice-president; Colleen McDontlld. secretary; Perry W. Dodds. treasurer.

R.... 0".: Fr."cl.. n .. r"hi", ...,

Pury Dodd., Ourman D.



McD...-Itt. Ramon d. Polt••I", Paul

H. Tobin. Rob... C. Do",h...)'. John R. Oalaer. Tommy Wright ••.

Row Two: Bill H_l.., Mer,. B••• _ no. p .... lJY a_ope, Aldo 0.8""0101, Vito TagU..."I, ra.h •• Schmid ••

Franee. Ml...on. Doria Moo.... , Don·

n. 010 W.J.ont., .lana BL.".I,.. J_n Ch"",hman. Marlon WI~n. Kath· 1_" Gray. Mien-I. Loon•. Darl.o Tollenettl. <1r. . • • Row Th.-: Fr. Roboort iI. Waldm.n. Barbar. Rln_ .ldl. £10... P.pa. H.ney Melnt h. Rlt. Bahm. P.t O·Connor. wu tt. w M.ri. Horton. iI.nle M~· Millen. a..-hara W.hl. iI_n H .... _ m ••• iI.du. Mitchell. No St. ._ 10"I<:h. N.dln. Stan Dolor•• Uri•• M...,. Sterno •. Delo eroo . ....._rn. W-..n_, ilohn O. T h . . . Row Tou.: ilim Wr\vht. Ralph Wild••• Roboort B. ilohnaon, Don ilohnaon. ilohn T_I". WIlIi.m



~h. ilG·r-:':;'';·M::t';lU';.~dJ~':

V."lIol>bl, H.n" O.ndl...., Louie Boller. iii ... H.nry. D...ld Schmitt. ii_ph H. Ita".",u,"h, Ol.n 0.Bruin•• Tr.n" K.tt.nba~h.

Row On.: Eth.1 Do"l•. N.n"" Sh.l· ton. 0.•••1" G.rroott Row Two: Bol> Schild. Ruth DI ond. R .... K.nn.th L. Holm... Beth Tunnl· ~1I1f. W.rd Sutton •.. Row Th ..... : D.l. 00"111. . , B.n Strohb.hn, V.n". F'it~h. Don J.n.. n.

Baptist Students Unite for Inspiration Ben Strohbehn presided over this org~nization of Baptist students activities include devotion~l periOOs ~nd fellowship .. .first event of ye~r is reception honoring new students . . . major functions include the annu~l Christmas program and I~wn parties .. other officers were Dole Dougl~s, vice·president; secret~ry·treasurer, Ethel Doyle.



711es/mins/et gut/I Group Merges With Westminster Forum A group made up of women of the Presbyterian f1Ind Congregational churches . its purpose is to provide Christian fellowship and experience for memters .. sponsored Thanksgiving Vesper Service, an impressive ceremony ... an art exhibit sponsored by the group brought thanks from many art lovers ... Phyllis Andrew served as president; Jcx::ly Hutchison, vice-president; Bernadean Reese. secretary-treasurer.

How On.: Ch.rlotte Hanry. E.l.ne

Clyd., Mulen. Mon...... J."qu.lyn t..., ~th•• Uhhn.n. Edith 810"'11., B.Uy B"""• . . . Row Two: Pot AI.

booruon, Joel,. O.tty. Ann. Mule

&gog!...,,,, £U.... booth Wile And ..... Bolty Lou

Ph,llloo rlo.lne

H.hn., R •• S.li.b,,~ M.'1I'..... t Willlam........ Row Tl\l'''' Ello_ rn•• Holdan, Ruth Bloober, Donn. Burch. Mary .lana Huriol, 0.,1.1 0 ..... ham, Do....!h:!' 8"I..-t•• , H.m.! 1.. Walr.th • .loan




,, : "'?)'•

. ,~, ,

Livin9 ffi(Jups JAt 7I!tJ171tn /3tlwid ami /3tlwttn JAt v1kn

Tom Mitchell. Andy Tozier Co-editors

panAellenic ~unctl Panhellenic Council has as its principal function the organization and supervision of women's rush at the beginning of each semester. Two members from each of the eight sororities make up this group which also has a goal the encouragement of beller scholarship among all women students. The council has made arrangements under the War Orphan plan to provide food, clothing, medical care ,and educational opportunities for

a twelve-year-old French girl. Eliza. Officers were Jean Otlenheimer, president; Lucille Driggs, vice·president; and Norma Whitsell, secretary-


Row O"a: Carolyn Cuddock, Molly Cnmblalt, Luem.Ddlllla, " .... CtUnh.lmar. Norm.

Whit_II, a. ly S .....l.... M.,.,. Jana S..,l Row Two: Mar. iode La"'l'",an, Jo Garnar, Ro.."'a")' Harland, Joy~a r .... land, Laura M~VI~k.r. Berna. d.an R_. Coll.. n Ebba, Helen M..ne, El.ano. P .. ul..,n.

The Interfraternity Council was organized as an agency to coordinate the social and political activities of the fraternities. Two men from each fraternity chapter make up this organization which aets in solving scholarship problems, superVises and regulates rush, and Ferforms as a liaison agent between the university administration and the fraternities. First semester officers were: Dick Boyle, president; Bill Gartin, vice-president; Jack Lein, secretary; Robert Worthington, treasurer. Acting as second semester officers were: Dale Benjamin, president; Darwin Ccgswell, vice·president; Ernest Bedford, secretary; Eugene Pederson, treasurer.

Ro.. On.. : Bill Sw..t, Win Bieh_ op. Ji", Aaton, J.~k K ..hblel. Ji'" Knud..n. Ji", M ... h.ll, St.n Rivv Row Two: G.n. Bueh. O.n P.d n, E.ni. Bed. ford, Dale Benja",in. Oa. CO'J"" w.ll. 0.1. And n. John Koa. t ••.. , Row Th : O....UConq. don, Robart M&lJnu..,n. G_I'lI. Gobl•• Bill G.rtln, 0.1. B.lr. DI~k Boyle. Bll! M ..yer. Mauri~e Holland. CI... n~e Johneton.


The pink shuttered house hidden behind a row of poplars. . "deep in the heart of each Alpha Chi girl" .. national started in 1885, Idaho's chapter in 1924 Harding girls, both fine cheerleaders, also in many other activities neighboring Sigma Nus keep things lively all year 'round with snowball fights, softball games and just being general nuisances. . a fake horse, after having passed into the great beyond, was given a lovely burial in conjunction with the Sig Nus, with a goo::l Irish "wake" following colors are scarlet and olive green, flowers are the red carnation and smilax.


Row On.: Lo.al. . Eppa...on. co ..... pondlnq eac ta"Y: M .... Hankin.o. hou.. moth•• ; Pat w.... eacond "lc.·p....ld.nt; Alm"And....on. t u ....... Row Two: M .. rgo..... t W.o.., fi ... t vic•• p ....ld.nt: Shi.l.y Ball. eocl.1 ch.'.m.n: C olin. J.nkin., p ....id.nt.




'Way down by sixth street, at the far end of the row ... long walks to classes keep the girls trim for their share of Queen trophies . . . Shirlie Vorous, Esquire Girl. . Jean Ottenheimer, Miss Mos· cow Coed ... Eleanor Powell. Sweetheart 01 Sigma Chi . . . Donna lean Broyles, next year's Homecoming chairman. . first coed ever to hold that position. . also house gavel wielder ... April 1 is turnabout day for pledges and members ... "Open up your hearts and sing of Alpha Phi" Hallowe'en ptlrty with the Fijis Lambda Chis staged a tug-.of-war with us. . we got tugged into "Paradise."


Row On.: c..nor Ann Rie..... plodII'" tl'&ln.. , Arl.n. McCI.Uan. _.1 " I n' M . M.rtln, ...o ......... ot...r' E1_no. P • .,loon, p.-.old.nt . . . Row T_, t.ool. a., n ••, ...0 ..... .....n_r: Bo.baro Ulrich .,... r' 8o_.loo R.nd.lI • .,., ......pondlnv ...,..to.,., .I n l...nn" ......olo...... lp "haI. n.

iii'" Bahm E11enoo Blower Down Bollon Baverly B..-J"r D:,nn8 J""n Broyl... Ev"lyn Buth L..ur8 Compton Nonno Do"",herty

JoAIUM DeM.yer Cud " " ' -

J..... c.n.""'hty

Helen Heninqton Daria Homuth



E..... Jean J..dl" Shlrl.y leckl"

,"-' -I

"Tri-Delta true"


.. the pillared house

tit the far end of "fraternity row" . . .

senior women honored at P<!Insy bre"kfast ... sunrise dance ... Aris Peterson, activity woman, and Valeto. Hershberg· er, P.E. pride and joy, both big guns around the place . . . sun porch open to the Sig Chis'. Betas' and Delts' view ... other l!nnual events ... the Deans' dinner .. no ptomaine cases yel ... yearly alumni bridge get-together. annual and perennial dreom not relllized yet. but someday we'll swim in our basement. maybe soon, if Paradise floods.


Ro.. 0".: La"'.... McV""k•• , p.-ld.nt; M ..iee_p.-ld.nt . . • Row Two: Ph,.ll.. And BoonJ' Wood, .-.co,..llnll ........ ,.,..

John Or........ hou_mothu: Arts P.t • .-n. u ..r: CaI"OI Bowlby. hou. . "'."• ..,... :



lrio tlohef

Nor"'" F..-nch

,~"足 Morlan". a - l

Carolyn GoodwIn Gall Graham

Florine Hahn..

Mar, I..." Hanten Val..\<1 H"nhbe~r Vivian Ion... BIorb<ora IWchen.

Michaela La".,

&rbera L!vlnQIlon

Singing of "the bronze, the pink, the blue" ... Dee Gee gals like their famed green piano and the cream white roses ... founded at Lewis School, Mississippi, 1874 ... Nu chapter installed in 1911 . . . the green-shuttered house on the corner is home to many campus personalities. . Bev Benson. ATO Esquire Girl finalist ... Polly Packenham, last year's Blot Coed ... Helen Means, Phi U and house president, also Mortar Board along with Barb Swanstrom . preMothers' Day cleanup, waking up the ATO's ... they repaid the next a.m .... sun porch gives girls that healthy "Cali· fornia" look.


Row 0"., Sue Be.rd.l.,.. t ....,1.1 ehelr",e,,: Helen M.e man, .....Ident.

u ..r; J.e" eert ••. . -... ter,. ... Row Two; Be....l,. Be".on. ru.h ehalr",an: M ••. La...n. hou..",other; Ma!'Ve Lamp_


OotoIhy K~rb, M..<1orI. LamprMn Corln..... Lo"rl""l.. P.. ~ toBonn.. M"tlhewo

I...... r-l.. ll!>ew, Helen "".....

Frisky freshmen corralled for study table in newly redecorated smoker ... a rose and serenade to the engaged girl . . Liars' conlest winner Kathryn Mautz and

Ina Mae Wheeler, both luture lawyers . President Jane Fisk, also WRA prexy and new Mortar Bo.!lrd ... June Thomas, Gem Editor ... Betty Pelers, playwright, and Bev Schupfer, Phi Bete. also tapped. Jor Mortor Board "Delar old Forney, we aU love you" Joyce Walser. solo-

ist ... Gay Deobald. Mortar Board and Phi U ... Virginia Orazem edits "The Idaho Independent" ... Chrissie's annual spring lecture on the "hoo-rab" bushes ... demitosse spoons presented to seniors at annuol renquel ... the end

of another year.


Row On.: c.l"Ol " ..n Mllln. p..-!cl.nt: M.,.., Jon ....n .•. Row Two: ol' ...,. Tho....., ric".p.-ld"nt; M

e.............t • ..,..

u ...r: Sh;rl",. To ,.. -..:1.1 ch.h_ Chriszn"n. ho o.h.,; M • ..,. LM

Fli.. beth AdftIN Velve Ann, J""nne Ande....,.., Shirley Andenoon FJeine And",.,. FJle Behr Loul"..&ll

Mery r- &t"" Helen Brown Frftnee. By tIer Men'belle Cornie jyne c.." Men;Jeret O"r~ &rbere Colymbu.

Eleine Cope O"lre Cornell aere Crom Robert<> Doy Belly RYlh De&olon Ryih Dimond Helen Dr,.."oeth

Blenche Erickson

Emmft Erid..,.,

Men;Jerel Feuli F.dlih FII~ J"ne Flu Shirley Forrey JNn Frehm

Norm~ Hunt c.ryl Ingebritsen

1""0 Ion"""

Alice John""",

Mery Jon... Helen I:: y

J""n King Merqifl Kinney

Kelhryn M"ut.

c"rol J.... n Mill". )""nne Mille, Md,l"ne Monroe Dell" Oloon VirqlnJe O,e""m £lei ... Pap"

MMye PM'l".

Mergle Peer Peine;" Poonld P"9<lY Pow.... M"r~"""'1 ?Tuell Genevl""" Pu<:ket1

&rbll,e Rinaldi

11"" &lliobury Will" Schume"n

Me,ibel Schupfer Beverly $chupfer

Nancy Shelton £Slh... Simons


8orb<l.e Stewert

Norm.> SI,et<>vich

lun" SuHon

r:~~'¥h~~~'" J..e" TI"QUI


DoTi. Trout Beth TunnlcliH

Dolo," Urle

/edl.. Wel1. C<>tolyn Web<>

In.. M.... Wh....l", 11"...1 Wren



Built 'way back in 1927 . this dorm for women has many traditions ... Diary Dance, second semester. . frosh sneak . and dinner. . revenge comes with senior tubbing in the cold and early a.m . . . spring formal dinner-dance ... scintillating set includes Marie Hargis, Blot editor and May Fete Maid of Honor. Phyllis LaRue, May Queen and Mortar Board member Lois Bailey and her magic violin ... Janice McCormick, new AWS prexy. Rosie Schmid and Pat Slack, other personalili€3 trophy fights with Willis Sweet ended in snowbarricaded Iront door ... spring picnics on the lawn second floor serenades , , , many memories , . . "my darling Hays girl."


Row On.' Phym. L.R"., p".'d.nt; Ami. K.iNkl, ..e .. t ..... ; C • ...,lyn H.n.. n, t ....• " ..r . . . Row Two: ROM EII.n s.:hm'c1. aoc:i.l eh.'rm.n: M.ry MeBrid., ...ioIt.nt ho"..mothu; Ell ...b.oth e..n, p ...ld.nt: M .... Sam",., ho"..",othu.


Retft o..chno V1TI(lrUI Douqla. Sorbora Edholm Marilyn Eva ...

Bonnie File Ell...... rol~ Maybelle Gar<!......

Connie H<ommond Carol,.n H...... """riooIWt9\I Allee Hen,..,


M"rw. Nort"" Corol Orq<on J.-nhlno Penoe Shirley Petlll<>l>n Ann Pl<:letl J06n Pri.,. Ruth Reichert Vel".I" Robioon

loy Ann R.,.."",n M".lorle Scheue. Vlrvlnl" S<:heuffolo Rc.e Ellen Schmid Kelherlne Sh..... Bonnie Shuldbe>v lucl" $pence.

"Eve was the first girl the Gamma Phis took in" . Idaho's first national sorority. . next路door neighl:::ors, the mighty Tekes, ore prey to red-hot football squad . Teke gazers necessitated new window blinds. . grades took an upward leap this yeor, and was everyone happy! 路 .. Bea Helander, Homecoming Queen 路 .. Anne DuSault, Gem cog and Mortar Board ... "Gamma Phi girl. I love you 路 .. with your sweet smile and your smart annual Sigma Nu snowball style" fight was eosy ... there was ample ammunition ... flapper Kellenbach ... and Gamma Phi trademark-the ukulele.


Dot" K~ Coli ,.lc:Ent_ Nancy Mclnlooh M<"y Lou MeKfln""y J... nM",l", ShI.I..., Oelw

"Theta lips are smiling, Theta eyes are teo" . . . the "castle" won all-campus honors for highest grade point this year May picnic supper with the SAE's . . . sunbathing in the back yard . hasher's delight won Dad's Day trophy for dad coming the greatest dis· tance Bette West, past executive board member, lively in campus circles, drama and Mortar Board ... Sheila Darwin Phi U prexy, news editor of Arg, and Mortar Board .. recent engagements counted live diamonds from the ATO house alone. . winter fun when three ATO's built a snow fort on the Theta front lawn.


Row On.: Jo..nn. Hutchlnaon. t ...... u ...r: M .... B.nd.r. houMmoth.r; R't.. R.ynold., • .c...tuy . . . Row Two: Colla.n McDonald, ....,ial chairman; B.tt. W_t, wlc•. p ....id.nt: Lu_ cm.. Dd99•• p .....d.nt.

P&loy Albe,teon Beth Alchloon

Loreel Bemel Coli " Bickford Betty Br<>c~ JOlOn Brown N"t"ll" Brown Loll Coroth<ln

Shivl"y Chur<:hlll Shell" o..rwln Lol. Dodson Lucille Drlqq.

Coli...." Ebbtt Joyce Flsh.. r Janel Fulton Rae Gentry

MMllyn G,,,,,,,,

Loui.. Gdde,

P"t,lcle Herrl' Hel.." Heyo CharloU.. Henry Rhod" Hill Ell=- Holden

loonn" Hutoh;""""

, Lorreln" Rudoll n" Sornple !.ol. Sounden Betty Ann Skin,,"" Marry Ellen SteleMc GeorQle Ston"m.. l~

s"rbore Sweet Dorolhy Srlv.... t.., Nadine T'odell Mdel.." .... Tult. Ruth VenEngele"

Bette Wesl MaTUrn WiUiernt

MMoe,et Will.

With the 1950 song·fest cup in the new trophy case, this year's stock is com· plete ... the front door ogain subjected to the role of porking 101 ... rated three new Mortar Boord members ... hashers raised much ruckus, pulling fake strikes and sneaks . . . Homecoming brought forth first prize for huge laundry·soap boxes ... Jackie Mitchell, Home Ec club president ... Lois Messerly, Lambda Chi Crescent Queen ... Shirley Jacobsen, debater, has personality plus ... found· ed at Monmouth college in 1870, Idaho in 1916 ... the Kappos sing, "There's a warm spot in my hetlrt for KKG ... for the girl who wears the little golden key."



Row 0".: M..,k.7. t ".nt: "'..,q ... Un. Mltch.lI,

u 'FI




Ko ..... ...ciAl "hairm.a", R_ ry H ••I."d. " ....\. ld.nt: M.riI7" P.t..... n. ho n.g••.


I«.e"""y Horland

Fra....,.. HodqlM


JOlIn"" Hopil", Shirley le~n

Sheil.. len_n Pel lorden

/0<1" Koo-t",

LoI. Lorch Beth Lillud J""n UtcMleld VI""I"I" LolQ'IOn

1",,,,t M""t"r

No""y M_ I.<>I,M_,ly

h.ck'" M'I<:""II

Do<l. 10400r0

Shirley Hill..... MoOnl,n !'eo...,.,


C.rol ","Ie...,., M.....

t,,, Pe••...,.,

"",,,t,n Pond

"On a Pi Phi honeymoon" ... founded at Monmouth in 1867 ... Idaho Alpha established 1923 ... each girl sings a solo of honeymoon song when she gets a pin or diamond annual Hallowe'en party with ATC's they get their revenge next year . . . Rosemary Fitzgerald, AWS prexy, executive board, etc. ad infinitum ... theater style house decorations at Homecoming ... Kathy Burleigh. the Southern gal. president of Theta Sigma, active in journalism . yearly battle with Delts for furniture . telephone serenades to pin-passing males .. "In the land of love and kisses" ... we'll win for our Pi Phi.


Gloria Badraun J....n &01 ... Connie &O.le, Rulh Bieber Betty Bonnell

Don"" Bmx:h Kelhy Burleigh JO<In Coble

Elizebeth Devidron Paultne Degg"ndo,fer FJi,ebelh Filzq",ald J""n Ftlzq&,,,1d R"""ma,y FI1,g",ald JOyce F,....I"nd 10 G<>r"",r Lillian Ga'T.'"

GIOl'ian Maule Morllyn Mit>gu. Shirley Molen Gloria Moor" R.- Murdock J.... nne N"9"1 Neomi Nok ...

10 Poul"", Jody Reber

Corrl"", Schumacher Norm" See Jrene 5im.

Barbera Storm. Connie Te&d Marian Vall..,;! Phyili. Vid"ry

Noted for good-looking women . only women's co-op dorm on campus. . traditions include newly-revived costume party with Forney. . annual Christmas serenade of living groups _ not "pie in the sky" but under the table .. , result of becoming engaged .. , Colleen Chris· tensen, actress adept Jean Pugh, senior class secretary Christy Sargent, Holly Queen Ramona Bills, poetess and feature writer _ Louise Blenden, president of Orchesis _ _ . "Dance of the Candles" at Christmas recital Carol Korvola, Lillie International Queen __ spring and winter formal dances. . social grace abounds at numerous teas and receptions.


Row On., Loui.. BI.nd.n. t ...." ...r; Coll. .n Chri.t.n..n, .Ic.·p....id.n.: M ..... Ch.iati.n_ .on, ho".. moth•• : El.no .. S ••• ng., preald.nt _ . . Row Two, A.l.n. R.lph. I....hm.n .. p ..... nt.tlv.; H.z.l H ......., wo.k ch.lrm.n: O.lo"z B. .dl.., MC......y: M • ..,.l1. Mlnd.n, zoci.1 ch.i.m.n: do.n M . .lin, dining .oom ch.irm.n: Lola C"ndaU, .tiq"att. chairman: P ...kla Lynch, bookk. .p •• : Naid. Whybark, hou. . .cti"al.. chai.m.n; daan P"gh, ..,hol_ a .. h1p ch.lrm.n: Vil'll'ni. Sa.ton, o.onll I. .d...

: (eo



~ J,, , ~.',,:to . ,"

._ -

)' =:3o:.a~,f.



, ~ --,"_

MIrIam OownJnq Marilyn Duaun Lavonnll Eyrich E11""b<!th Fll<:h Bally Haotler H.....I H"ven. GeotQI.. flemovlch R......II Hlllm.. n

An"" lIoyt Korvola



June McHone IO/In M.. rtln

M.. rcell .. M'r>den I.... nelte Puqh

Be/wl%/ ani Be/ween

Betwilll and between the vet and co路ed Arose a romance, and they were wed. Housing troubles beqan, to the school S<'Iid They would provide II roolllnd a bed. How wonderful to have II trailer or IIpllrtmenl, Sketchily equipped with thinQs borrowed lind lent! Every month they watched lor the checks Uncle sent And stretched them far to cover groceries 1lnd rent.

MI.M Dehhie T ..... t ...... bath with luolp boo... D.dd,


Klddl. . ' clothing wu aho..n at th. Dam_ Club .tyl. ahow with a plantHul .upply 01 younll modala f...,m tha vlllal1.

But how quickly they grew and were out til king knocks As they pl4yed with the gang in the neighborhood silndbox. While Mom's home with baby, Bud's out throwing rocks; When you bring him inside, he takes apart clocks. It was hard to believe, but ilt last came the d4Y; ''It never can be:' how olt they did My. But at last each has a deqree--P,H,T. 4nd B.A. And the vel and co路ed are merrily on their way!


Mr. and M .... Bill Wliliama waleoma a na .. mamba. to thai. family

Fighting the COil I stove left both iI wreck, While drillts Mound doors gilve 411 4 stiff neck. When wives hild jobs-the housework, "Oh, heck; D4rlinq, is there time between clilsses to SWilb down the deck?" After the ilddilion C4me new problems g410re, And, illthough the wee one they certilinly 4dore, It's stumbles "nd grumbles during feeding 4t four While wondering how to Iilst one sleepless night more. The kitchen sink soon becilme the baby's bathing pI4ce;. To mop 4S f4st "s kiddies spl1lSh W1lS "lw4ys iI losing r"ce, After br4gging of smiles, c"me the disgr4ce When compilny 4rrived ilnd gilzed ill iI screwed.up filce.

Oraduatlon day for Mr, and M .... Mauriea Johnaon a.,d dauqht...


"Dear old ATO". located handily, next to rejuvenated Bucket ... nucleus was Elwetas. . 25th founding anniversary celebration this year boys arrived this fall ahead of house manager . . . redecorated rooms in vivid colors ... annual Tin Can dance held in December. . Shirlie Vorous, Alpha Phi, picked as Esquire Girl ... Peter Wilson, BMOC .. always bUZ2ing at election time ... past Sigma Tau prexy and 4.0 student, engineer Johnny Barinaga Jack Gregory, entertainer superb, lives here, has own radio program ... Vandy keeps the boys well fed .. claimed intramural volleyball title for the third straight year.


Row On.: P.t •• Wil.on.y .....ld ... t' Joh .. HoI ......... vle.·p".'d... t: To ...... Guilfoy, hou.. """.n_ .1I••... Row Two: Boyd B •• Ic ••• eor...pondlnv ...,.. t •• y: O.ry S...lon•. ....,ordlnv ..e •• t.ry.

Don Amos lomes Alchlson Ted Il<Ike. John B,orl''''go

"'id &rke.

WI 110m Boyden

/om... Brlqq. Willi"", G. Briggs

/imml" Bulki<>y

Vi"l!l felton Joy Filch K&rlne1h Frederiksen

Be,....1 FuUm". loon GreQOTY Philip GuUloy Thom". GuHloy Jom... Guy R. Honlgon

M<>urlOil lIollond John Holm... Myron lohlUllOll c"lvln ,""""

Kh"lillor".. 1.<Iw'o""" Joneoo I..... K"lIey Rlchord KI"...

Willi. Knol John 1:0,;10, Wall.."" Lar..." W,lIIomt....ol Roiond M".ir>gill Herberl MMd

Kannelh Meppen Wliliom Meyer

Thoma. Mitchell Frond. M,ihouQ

1.<Iw",,,,,,,, Monroe


Fronk Reich Willl"m Rlqby W"II_ Schmidt

Gnry s-ions Harold $Imo

N.... 15m1l01

Rid,ord Smith Oron Smllh

N"I. Solberg G<>r.. ld S... onoon Lyle Toppe,

"We all drink from the same canteen" ... more men live here than in any other fraternity grades zoomed high this year . . . activities, many and varied, with Harry Turner winning a seat on next year's executive board Jerry Bunnell appointed next year's Gem ed . the Indian Dip went off line, as usual . came spring and the boys limbered up their vocal cords to take a first place in the Mother's Day song fest Betas still don't claim the ownership of any Wooglin hide. . always the annual Miamt Triad event to look forward to. Beta, Theta, and Pi. . now retired, but still living on in our memories. . dearest thing we know, next to our beloved housemother, Mrs. Scott.


Row On.: G ••ald Bunn.ll . ..cret.ry: M ... Scott, hou_motha.: William Cod •. record••... Ro~ Two: Thorn. . Boyd. hou_ manag•• : Ralph C ••p.nt ••• yl~a_p...idant: No.man G ... n. a ..,.tant hou_ manage.; William Wright, p ...ldant.

Ecwln jol,rvon FI'tIder1<:k "opk.,

Richerd Unl NOI'IM" l.odq.o W!llltlm~

j"",k Mcatlctln "....,...,Ih MeCo<""""k SbOwtlcl McC.otIn.c:l

eo"_ W'lburR......."


John s.",,11

wm..m Shew Fctlnk Shn>n12 William Simmono n-ntl. SmIth

Arnold Sou<I.... F.lIMr Sioul WlllltlmTtlyJOI' GÂŤ>rQ'O V"h ... Alton VO'lI Albotr! Wol>lochi_1 WlIllflmW......hl

Campus Club

The long, one-story building on Sixth street houses one group of males that doesn't mind eating its own cooking. with aid from "Smoky" and Mrs. Sullivan, the boys learn true cooperation ... one of the important personages here is

Francis Flerchinger. man of many fields Dave Hiner, one more lively lad. especially on the Cinder path , .. Glenn

Darnall, active on the diamond for Idaho ... the dorm is newly brightened by a fresh coat of paint ... one more sign of spring.. each May, on some unan· nounced but cool evening, the seniors are given their "Paradise Creek dump" ... new Ag Science bUilding and Kirt· ley laboratory additions supplement this portion of the campus.


Row 0 .... ' Due Hln••.•ic•• p Mra. Sulliun. h_I ... : Don K

ld.nt; Norm." P.lnt, p .... id.nt: 0, C. ...,... I.ry_I...... u .....



CAtisman ;flaIl

Hall of the presidents ... outgoing dnd incoming ASUI prexies, Bob Moulton <!loci Vern Bahr ... d<!lnces were many

· .. with respective themes of "Winter

Wonderland" and "New Moon" ... also wild and woolly "Sagebrush Stampede" · . . other goings-on such as snowball

bottles with next door neighbors at Sweet . . . didn't prevent grades from being second from the lop . . . more wheels. Bob Finlayson, ex-editor of

Blot ... Marv Washburn, president of NSA .. and 2nd semester haH leader · .. also varsity swimmer and Irockman, Don Miller ... named in honor of Brigadier General E. R. Chrisman of Idaho military fame ... new ag science building across the way.

. gives Chrisman

hailers much improved view.



Row One: Bolo MeMahon . ...,..talT: M~. Walch. proctor: M ... Wakh. h ...._ : M ••1e St.. ttOft. h ........r . . . Ro... T_: Arl."d Ho&t"'''d. p..-d."t; .II", O ... h.",. ch.i.... "'.", L.dd 8utto". ricoo_p.-id."t, WlIIla 81......-". I"t..."'unol. "'."*9'Or.

Keith Dedrick Glen Doner Relph Dulin Doneld EndlooU Joe Eyrich RobfI.t FlnleyOOl' RobfIrt Ger~ll

Robed Moulton a...rleo Nuehlellwo'... Gllberl NIc~

Dcnoold Pork....

frank Penblltr

Georae P<ete..-. o..nle1 Pl ••I"",

EUII'l"" PItch." Gooroo , _ Al'q<lfo 5c<Iroello Robert Sch"look"

Herbert Sch..-lor

Weyman Sinden Gordon Smllh

Fronk T"k"t<'d

100m """"'" Jdmn.cl>

W....... ToIll.....




Oldest men's hall on the campus ... occupants sent Xmas greetings to whole

lown . . . via big electric sign on the rtXll ... newly-elected executive board

member. Ralph Fothergill, lives here ... as does Phi Bele Horry Dalva, outstondiog in dramatics. . also dramatics student Marv Alexander, new Curtain Club president ... another Phi Bela Kappa, Ken Briggs. does his studying within these walls.. annual Liars' Club brought forth some wild lales ... siluated so that odors from science hall

Ro... Dna' Harma .. Meo...-\It. -.,1.1 ch.lr... a'" Kanneth K. . f.r, _ ..... .-y: W ........ John_ o.on ••loe_p ldano Row Two: R"but Olb!>........" ... : Dr. WllIlIln•• p.",,'o~, M1'S.

Wl\l\lln., h""


Th.clo •• , p..-ld.nt,

sometimes intrude . . . but just a few

steps 10 go to classes.

. home ec girls

make a practice of inviting Lindleyiles over for dinner in home management



William Dri ..., [van Dlloo

K_neth. [,11_

20lph FoI'-qlll


""". ,............ """" Rlch.ard GIhbo


"'-'"" H..,."


H.. ~ Pale

.., ""'"

Ronald P.c:k

'oiln Pli...

John R1""rd OrTille iobooTt.

Willard I/oe CharI... Rob..... John Sondell Edwln Shoo""

a,do_ ~rSmllh

""'"" ""'~ John Spink

I!:IclMord St."w

HaI"Clkl SuctNon Herbert S.....-.. WhI_nSTD>..... 1...... T.. t<t

Doole Ttwocl...

o.yld Th6c:ke,

Stanley Thoma. V.,non Thoma.



John TownMnd

"-r1"J Trout J"..... W..lklnqton


Delta Chi, originally founded as a law fraternity, 1890, at Cornell became a social fraternity in 1921 in 1924. local chapter. Kappa Delta. began ... spring formal and other dances in the spacious third floor sleeping porch ... waterlights with Thetas an outlet for energy ... Del Klaus, activity man on the campus, cigarette king in the house ... Keith Bean, Blue Key, hurdler, and lootball, is prexy . . . Pirate Dance rates praise ... spring picnics. winter snow lights, and snow lady for ice carnival ... scholastics and antics in the English colonial chapter house at the loot of Hello Walk.


Row On.' EUwO<><l W.rry .•Ic._p.....ld.nt; Dan P.d."""n. p..-ld.nl: Oal KI."•. 1>0"_ ",an_



Frank ["'*"'On Edwin EnQetl J...<ok! [va", Tony Gelob Frank Gaylon! H"<Old Gerber Bob II......,., Allen HMd.

l1:obe'l Hendron

loul. Hinchman

J""," Hyland

a .....nce Jol"ulofl

Milburn K"nworth,

Jerome 1;1.....,

Delber! Klauo

Cord Moe...

Russian Ball. afternoon smorgasl:::crd, <!lnd costumes in the evening .. out路 standing social function .. battle with Pi Phis over furniture, with customary loss of trophies ... pin路passing meml:::ers given a mattress ride to the lucky girl's fronl porch ... after being generously smetlred with lipstick. ... then the lucky stiff gets his brea.ltfast cooked by the woman as other members walch ... "My Delta sweetheart true" . . . o.,r Cogswell works hard on campus activities, gr<!ldes and such, still finds time for throwing the discus ... the retiring political brothers, Dick and Luke Boyle ... after a long siege in power, now content to sit back and relax ... just in p<!lssing, copped men's scholastic honors.


Lou" 80,.1.. ho &au... , ...,ord.h.9_

r\a940~: Dan

Wlchar. ~_p..-lclant:Adaon Starnar.!..-Idont: R..-II ..,.: Wllu..... B~. co~pondI"9_ ... t....,.: Do'" Mouo. t ....." ... ~.

Ru....,ll &um Donald S. &ek"r Thom~ BarQerud JamMB,,",mt Leon"'d BI"I"nberq Richard Boyle loul. Boyle F.Iroy Brandt

William Brlqq. o"rwln eoa.well Chari ... Du11V lohn Edwar<io Robert FoI"V Merlin Francl. DoMld Hertman John Ha.brouck

Gordon Henning Marlon HI.kev W ... lev Hoel.1 Alan HUQ91n. Jem... Ingell. Donald L. )oh,..", Ouene Kirk lohn KUQle'

Bryan Lawren"" Mark Mc(.:"rroll Lawren"" Mcl...... n Rlch.. rd Miller Rlch.. rd Moore Glen Olin Richard Orm" Robert Pelernum

E1rnt1r Peteroon Jeek !'toterton Willi.. m Peteroon Richard Pr"I", Robert Rewh"" J"mM Roupe Wilber Rowberry Mauno 5<I.. rl

F,encl. Schulz K"nneth Smith Adoon Sterner Frederlck VenEngeten Ru....,ll Vlehweq Robe,t Webb Ken""th Weot

Something new on the Ci!lmpus. . the transformi!ltion of Idi!lho Club into an athletic dorm result 10 be bigger and beller teams naturally personalities were numerous ... seniors Carl Kiilsqllard, Jim Chadband, and Morris Rose will be missing from Ihe football line-up in the fllll ... while Dick Geisler, basketOOll ace, and boxer Pug Ellis will bolh be gone, too . John "L" Reager, famous for wllshbollrd concertos pretty busy turning out for varsity lIthletics ... lind keeping in training ... but Idllho Clubbers still found time to produce topnotch intramural teams ... loafing in the lounge ... reading magazines ... or relaxing with a strenuous game of checkers ... favorite occupations here.


Row 0 ... : M •. K•• f ........ I....,to.: M K••1..... n. h_t_ -.:Ial 'Ohal ......n: 8111 Mull .... ..., IT: oI. .ry DI.h1. p ....ld ....anall"·

Row Two: .II.... Ch.dband. t; V••n Bp •••• In'.a .... u ••l

First national fraternity on the campus ... brought here in 1905, founded na· tionally at the University of Virginia, in 1869 ... the annual all-day House Party is an event of renown in campus social circles, drawing girls from all groups ... spring formal is most important high· light of second semester ... a bonquet in conjunction with the WSC chapter celebrates Founders' Day . . . Vandal star Bob Mays, still with another year of eligibility to pack the pigskin through the line ... John Martin, past Argonaut editor, publications board, multi other activities, usually found with Del Klaus, the Cigarette King.


Row On.: D.nnie B..,..n. ric._p..-Id.nt; Bill aw_t. p ....ld.nt . . . Row Two: _ ...t • ..,.: 0 ... "11. Gobi•• t . . . .u ....

.I,... Len••


Berr>ard &ker Robert B.ul..,. lohn &ach Ch~r1...


Peu! Blen'on Frederick Bli.. MonHord 8'0010 )),.nni. Bryen

Joe Burn. Bill c..rn<tron Conerd Chri.len..." Loul. eo.ho 10m... e.en.lon

01""1,,. C,""""'"

10m... Crockett

leek Eliioll

Ken"..lh Foue,,"

Thoma. GeorQe lohn GhlQlerl


George Gob!e Elm... G<-l! Don"ld H<lrper RoI"nd Hodqino

Glenn Holm Jem... ume Vernon Lowry

Mendiu, Lundol John MMtln Robert M"YlI Delber; 1'1 ..... , Murr"y Numbers

He,l"" Oloon K"llh Ormond Qlnton Pel"""",,,

Do""ld P,loby Reymond R..dford Fred Relch Herblorl s"mm.

Joeeph $h,..,ve /e.eld SmUt> Herold $Uve..


Georqe TI..... w

Not too old on campus, but mllnY national chapters. we're still living some distance from the campus but have a fine home now ... Epsilon Gamma chapter brought 10 Idaho in 1927. kept diS<!lppearing and reappearing ... you can't keep a good bunch down . . . founded at Boston University in 1909 路 .. pledges stole shoes. sox of members and distributed them among the sorori路 ties ... took time to chase them down and decide whose were which ... Lois Messerly chosen Crescent Queen . . . entered in the national Lambda Chi contest ... Fred Farmer, Gem photographer 路 .. Stu Dollinger, a Finleyman through and through and composer of "Maybe" 路 .. the "yardage dance"-wow!


J<o;j"c A.hby Dougl... Aumhemrtl<l' Phillip &eoon Georqe BIOOIMlr

Richerd Corbuhn leek 1):,.11.. Robert ~11.h

F....dorick F"rm.., Robert "Mme. Don.. ld F.-lioch N"loon G,boon Relph H"ve,hmp HMoid Henrie L..., luv..

l&d K..ull H"rry L.moon W.. yne I.e",..

Ch"d"" Lynbe'\l

lohn McQuillin Robert M.. I~

IX>nald M"",ch"m 'em... Thom... Moore

All,," Pelri.. Peu] Polk

Gr..nt R<><IfOTd

LeRoy Routh Howerd Ruo

Norm.. " Tilley

L. J). 8. /louse

Where Deakin ends there is e building known as "the convent" ... most 01 the men here hash at different wcmen's

groups . . . consequently they gel the low-down on all the females ... just ask. em. . Hyde Jacobs, cne of the active campus politicos, has his h~dquarters here . Cleon Kunz, one of the co-

assistant chainnen for next year's Home路 coming celebration. is another who often is found working on this or that committee ... student battalion commander in the NROTC program for this year was Stonley Tanner ... annual Gold and Green Ball held in conjunction with Lambda Delta Sigma .. LDS Sweet路 heart crowned at this gala affair Vandaleers and concert band both aided and abetted by LDS boys.


Lowrence bomuaen Lorn""t Smllh Stanley Tanner Wall_Taylor 0..1. Wale...

"We Phi Delts, tried and true" ... Miami Triad affair was a huge success, .. many and novel tubbings. ,each Idaho vic· tory finds the boys clanging the news ... more muscles this year than last, due 10 increasing wins for Id<!lho leams ... did· n't bother 10 sleal Butch this year, , . he inflated Ihe house bill 100 much, anyway , . . blue front door still shines in the afternoon sun ... founded <!It Miami Uni· versity. 1848, locally in 1908 ... bridge games are an everlasting affair in the library. ,nothing like a gc:x:d Phi Dell jam session . , . especi<!llly if Fiesler is around ... he thinks his name is Fiesta.


Row On.: .John Holm_ Row Two: .Iohn ,..., m.n.....

eh ch.bm.n: E.nle e.dford. p..-id.nt: AI Ro~th. w.rden . -..cl.l ch.l.m.n: .lim KJa.on. ri<:.-proooeJd.nt: H ••b Dodge, ho .....

Willl8m AI1180

Robed Anno John Aocu8q8 GMY B.'J....u

Eo.r1 Broc:km8n EdW8rd Clmr'Chm8n "'cqer o..vldOQ<l

Burien Dinnioon

Georg" Dodg"

Georqe 1'011,,11 Je...... H8in... Jel1180 H8mmond I'r8nk H.. lm.worlh G"""'9" Henly

Je""," Knudoon Ev..n Ldl'ollette Otto LeulIChel o..vld McClun John McGough NothM Morb Ddle Neloon

"'obert Neloon "'obert Oloon leek Perry "'Ichord Peteroon John PriJ'l<,l Keith "'Ie"",n Albert l<'oIoeth

Theodore So:>It Philip Soul"" Frenk Slone John Sund....n Th""",. Temple K..m.... th Wi<><;lele

leo!!e Wilde

PAl gamma YJella

"A snug little nook ... an easy chair ... spent.. in smoke-wreathed founded 1848 ~t Jefferson Col路 lege Mu Iota ch~pter est~blished in 1921 color is purple ... oflicers? ... no one c~n lind out ... Gem w~s forced to picture four i~ck~sses ... Andy Christensen has made quite a name ... various committees, last year's Fresh presi路 dent ... now on executive board Rich Pennell, actor and sometimes comedi~n ... home of up-and路coming basketbailers Hartly Kruger ~nd Bill Mather ... within these ivy路covered walls cartoonist Stan Soderberg dreams up his wild ones ... Fiji islanders' dance known and loved lor the girls' gr~ss skirts. ~n hour ~ir"


J~rnfNI A~IO<l

Al~n Alwood Rlch~rd Atwood [uqene IMbln H~roId &r.Ruel &rrjl. Roberl Boralow Robed Bedwllh C.,lyl .. BrouQh

Raymond Bum. William Burn. And ...w Chrlol........, Robert Ch,lsl<>n..,n William Clark.. Rar..1 Cl."",,r ROQ.. r Con.. R~lph Dunkl.. Uoyd Dunn lAo Fr..lermulh Roberl F~lIrnor Johnny Gal... r Rlc..... rd Garlock Jarneo Gedd... Kenn..lh Gil"" Torn Glenny Jam"" Gr..... f..lI W. L Guql.. r

Burton Humphr.. y J~rneo Johnoon Richard E. lohnoon Jor<kn KanlHeberq Bruce Kennedy Karl KI"'9"" Hartley Kruq<>r John Wcy Geo'V.. rh.d A. McE:nflre Bruce Melnlooh Euqe.... McNee John M""I WHllam Mather R<tymond Miller J~meo Mitche:1 l)e.on Mooher Jameo O路ConnOT

Robert O'Connor Rich<>rd Penn.. 11 R. ]. Porl.. rln GeoTQe Racely Jooep~ Rumble Do.'ald $colt Thoma. Shull Donald Smllh

Stanley Sodarbe'V N. G. Speropuloo Flmer Sperry Cyru. S""""l l)e.on Thornton Robert Tldd John Tobin

Paul Tobin Harrr To"".,ley

Cael Tu ... Tom Tudder

Owan.. Welch Don WoIOOIl

Founded in 1906 at Millmi University. Belli GlImma chllpter organized in 1947 ... carnations 10 the gals who wrangle II pin ... just our wlly of expressing sal· isfaction ... house functions include Ihe lIutumn pledge dance. costume bo.ll ... autumn football game is held with the Alpha Kappa chapter from WSC. win· ner receiving traditional "little brown jug" ... Paul Araquistain. sophomore vice·president. member of multi ASur committees ... Howard Humphrey, pep band member . . . one of our favorite sports is displaying the red front room to visitors and friends . crazy cars wah canaries on aerials yet.


Row On.: 0 ......11 Congdon. p..-ld.nt: "I... M ...h.all, ri.,..p_d.nt: P.ul A..... ulol.in, ho.........n _•.

f.l1»r, a...eland

o..r..n ~

la..-o.Pa._ Edward. now.a-ler Harper Howard Humphrey Andraw K!nch

John t..h6, Donald McMahan ~ob"rt McManaman DeII»'I McNaaly Donald Makl )amM M.... hall I«>qer MazwelJ

Warne Slewarl


Glenn Talbott

J_T_ Fredn.-_

pine flail

.. Rub_._dub_dub-th.... man In _ tub."

The largest living group on the campus ... large, blue-grey wings branch out 10 house over 300 men . . . new ideas and spirit in campus affairs often originale here ... home of several ctlmpus bigshols . . . John Lawrence led. the group through two semesters ... Keith Judd was appointed co-assistant chairmllin for Homecoming next year ... Wil·

son Churchman. first semester KUOI business manager .. new cannon was slolen and only after a good tussle returned to its place on the lown .. Pine LOOge trip, taken each year ... largest commissary on campus, only one that provides burgers for hungry men Homecoming float showed. new spirit of "more activities for everyone" program

inaugurated in hall this year.


Row Dna: "~Il. C.ud1e. inuarn" ••1 ",anaqer: Robert Lew : ",ohIO Ww.."".. p..-J....."t; R""., Alii...", _ . p "" Robl" r "t, t.....,.; St••• rt AUo,• ....,1.1 .h.l,m." . . . Ro. Two: ROMrt c., ". f.-tom." p.-"t.ti_: w_" Palm.,. lu"lo, ...p_ftt.t\_: 0 ••". Slmofta. -'at.". PI'Oe'O<: 0. J"lU9<'...J"', p..-to,; P.t D.,.. -'at· .nt Pl'Oeto<: E ......". Root. _,,10' ... p.-"t.U_: e t- Win .......phomo......p _ n...l....

Dc:on..Id B"",*_ Reid Brow.,. I<>ek 8....,.kl. Willl"m Burchard Boyd Burl Roberl Q,rloon

Howard O".dwlck

I..ek C. Ch"99

I~m ... Ger~rd W"nd,,11 GI&dish M"reclllh Glenn Kenn&lh Goldsberry Glen Greely Rob&rl Gr<>qq Co.rl Guderlolm Fr~nk Gunn

/. P. Jl~1I F~r ....J1 H~rrls lohn H~ubner I~m... A. Henry R~lph Hill Ronald Hill Donald lIodg" P",'id Holl

T. R. Inge..-oll lerry J~ckoon W~y"" P,,1JIOn Don~ld 1_ Axel Johnoon George loh....,., Rlch~rd loh""lon Ron~ld loh""ton

Keith h.dd John lutil" Mlchlo K~ku loe Kend~n c"rl Kinney M&rvin KlsUer Kent Kohrlt>g Don~ld Konicek

Kr&nch... lewis lAdwlq W ~ller Landed J~""", Londe.. John Lauren"" Tom Lourenl Billy L8alh~m Olivet lee J(~ymond

Gene Lewl, Low ....n"" Umbrouqh c"lvln T. I..onQ Donald I..onQ H~rold Lynch M&uri"" Lynch TOT Ly.h~t>g Rob&rl McCreedy

Don~ld McM&nnmon D&vld McCrelqhl Rob&rl M&rklnoon Fr&derld Mel.....r D&le Milich Cereld L MolI"r

Kennelh MIller F.dwerd Moe je""", Morn"""

o....n Osborne La\'On Pelmer




He<....n Rooo.. Ralph S<;h1........ n J~..- Schut! Allen Sha<p Rlchard~rd

Donold C. Smilh n-on Smllh

Rubert I~ ......



TomIIOITom~ .....

Theodo", TOI"Ok Rh,. ToY",

Donold T""I..",. Robert Uhr19 Iol>n Voort-

"Violet. emblem of fraternity" . newest chapter house on the campus boasts largest front lawn ... parking lot to alleviate traffic. . one of the largest and oldest fraternities in the nation, , founded in 1856 at Tuscaloosa, Ala., established here in 1919 ... The Bowery costume dance .. placed second in the Mother's Day song lest claims such stalwarts as King Block, football , Howie Berger, tennis and, of course, Warren Johanson, one of Idaho's most outstanding milers ... Dale Benja. also min, KUOr station manager the home of many Vandal tankmen ... spring lormal winds up a colorful social calendar.


Row On.: Bill St.mpl., •• ~ ... tary: Dal. And......n. p ....id.nt: M .... Lamon. hou. .moth.r; Oat. B.nl.min. vica_p .....id.nt , . . Row Two: Wllliam Winkl., aoc:ial ~hairm.n: Jim La_

Gron., t ...a.u .....

Dole Anderoon 08rence AN>SVik 0.8... &rbee Dole &nj8mln HOWMd Berqer Odell Bl8ck Roberl Bloomqul.l Choorl_ BoUI",,11i

Dor....ll QoJJjh8n P81dck Dritcoll Thom8. Edm8rk EdwMd FrMId""n Todd Frohm8n Henry G8ndlo98 Doniel G, dner Roberl Gl oon

How8rd Griqq.

='1i:.~!"Qr8ve Robert HenderlldeT Jo..- Huff V8uqhn J"J>e' Do""ld Jensen Eddie Johnoon

Roberl B. Johnoon W8yne Knudlsen 18m... LoGron" M8urice Looml. ColvIn Lyon Theodo.... McDonl"l. L&Roy Mo>qd&n Philip M&ft<Jher

Dol" M"nd"nholl M8rvln Michel F... rl New"ll 18..-0.1_ Lel8nd Ob&rm"y<lT Jerry Rockwood Thom8. Rowl8nd loe<>ph Ru"W"r

Bernard SI. 081r St8nlOTd Schl"b&

Georq" Sklnn",

Edw8rd Smith WII1I8m St"mpl" PhUlp St"m Ger81d St"v"noon Roymond SIOInIIl&I

Robert Swonoon Du8ne T8ylor lom_ V8rloy J8meo V"rqobbl Loul. Whitsell 0'l8rl... WIIl18mo K"nl Wlloon Wllll8m Winkle



dig in



"She's the sweetheart of Sigma Chi" sang brothers. as they picked Eleanor Powell to reign over the dance .. , much time spent in digging the grave of the cougar ... but the cougar snel1ked away for another year .. those who lex>sen their grip on the white cross are slapped in a stock .. one of the most effective tubbing systems known , . . the Pratt dinner a lively affair ... Phi Bete Orval Hansen also works hard for all publications ... Phil Schnell. past Gem editor . . , , character and prexy Jack Lein election board chairman Lee &th . midnight and all·night jam sessions are still occasional affairs .. , annual crab feed . , . Mexican hat dance.



Row .r..... Lool ... p..-id."" M p.-ld.nt • , • Row Two, R...l H

M-.gnU80n, ho.......ot... ~: .rec" RohhMIt•• .te._ _ro•...,.; Chuc" Story, ho.............. ~.

,'"'........, ............


' - IHlh Ken 8erQq,,1st

Vernon Coldwell

Wi""lon ChuTChill V.nc:ent Conley

Wen<toll He<... ll RicMrd lorna

'...... '''''h"n Mar~jn '_I.


Philip Johnton 0..1. K.....,1

Charl_ K"rr I<tCk K""hbi"l

John lein

SI>elby Lerwondolr

Iteilh l.m




lad Mc:Frederlcl

G. N. McMullin



"The White Star" shines for the Sigma Nus they captured the intramural class A basketball crown . but won no decisive victory in their annual pre· dawn snowfight with the Gamma Phis · .. sports well represented here with. Ted Diehl. one of the mainstays on the football squad ... as well as Jerry Diehl, president of "1" Club. . boxer Herb Carlson, national champ again ... basketball stars Bob Wheeler and Dick Reed · .. and Hell Diver prexy, Jim Farmer. first place was won with their Homecoming float. sunbathing DG's on one side and Alpha Chis on the other raised havoc with spring studying ... Hallowe'en party with Alpha Chis in the fall · .. plus many other activities made 1950 a big year for the SiCJma Nus.


Row On., Rh"h.Td Megn"eon, "lc.·p...ld.nt; T.d Di.hl, p ....ld.nt; Jeck S ......clouqh. house. menege.., Ron Hyde. eoc:lel chei ..men.



J~ck &rr~doUQh

ChaTI... &rry John Black Herbert Booth Herbert 0",1""" Vernon Carlson Glen Ca... belt

O<Inlel C..... well J.-ph l)jel<lnoon Ger..ld l)jehl Theodora l)jehl Robert Dunc~n NOnn<ln F~nlham Garry Farmer Jam... Farmer

Robert G..rl,.,

Willi~m G~rtln

William Goodman Robert Goodwin Wilburn Granlund WIII;~m W. Gray Patrlel< Hamilion ROQer Hartm~n

Oli. M~loy Harry Osborne Arthur ~rkl,," Robert Peteroon Don Qu.,.,e Lonny Renlrow

Robert Reey,," Don Ringe John Telgener G..ry Ude Donald Wallman

lohn Wagher Eor} Wheeler Roben Wh....}er Frederlel< Willett

Members zealously guard their mascot cannon ... kept to be fired on initiation dllltes lIInd Idaho victories ... Apache dlllnce features slinky French costumes ... on St. Patrick's day a party is held in honor of a mythical Irishman . O'Flaherty, who never shows up . consequently the "Royal Order of the Crimson Cross" repitalizes on his absence . . . initiates new members . . . rival order. the "Black Shack," initiates at the same party ... Tau Kappa Epsilon is fast growing . thirty-two chapters established since the end of World War II ... Tekes are football players, journal¡ ists, trackmen, radiomen, baseballers, committeemen ... Al "Jason" Derr and car are traditions .. "Sweetheart of TKE" is a favorite campus song.


Rowo..., D._ BuU • ..,ho....h1pch.lrm.": WI" Bltlhop. p ....d."., Bob OrUBth ...-"t_ at_a''''.: D.14o Stallinp. uaaau ..r ... Row Two: Bob 0 ...,. hlatori.,,: Bob 81 ....,.......,: Do" .loh"".o". "".... p....d.".: Lloyd H .. p. pt.d,. tr&l".,.

Edwllrd Ande,oon 111m... &ker Gil'" &~te, 0.",1... &hre Rich"rd aeoOCQte, WlfUlt"" Bt.hop Thurn",n Bt&Ck H"rrloon lloyd

Ueweltyo B'''lnIlrd Devid Bull

1",,- Bu,n. I"me. o.&dl>ll d MoI'e (:h"'I .. Rlchllrd Cord,e p""t De1ly Rlchllrd Dely""

Wlllt"m DeobIlld Allen Derr SIMI..y Gocl..de Ger"td G<-;k.. G .....ldG'een Robert Gr....r L..wrence U".....". Uoyd ll""p

1",,- H""py M"url"" Horl.... J:Io<>Illd Hunt Don Hutchl ...""" J:IonIlld Johnoton G ..n.. u.roon

Georq" '--

Devld Low,y

Douqlu McBride M,,~ M"nhew.

P"ul Moor.. WlIlt"m N".I> Itm P"r". Rob"rl Poor<>

Geo'"9" Pow..11 WHU"m Rod<>... Robe,l Sims Colvin Spo.rko 0<>1'0 St<olltrqo

Wllis 8weel flail

Famous for its stairway and massive lounge engaged in trophy battle with Hays Hall .. campus intramural champs, winning football and crosscountry ... senior dunking by lire hose led to flooded. lloors ... basement floor was a four-inch ocean . . . famous for soci/lll functions "~ret." in the Orchid Room and free leis featured . "Confuat "8edchcombers &11" sion" dance and broken limbs on the slide ... Bob Jonas. exec board, led hall prominents ... also Larry Peretti, C.C. prexy ... Morgan Tovey, Homecoming

chairman ... chief forester, Bruce Colwell .. Rosie, dietician for both Sweet o!Ind Chrisman ... many prominents in

many activities. . in all, 192 men call Willis Sweet home.



B•....,. CoIw.lI Robert Crook. "..-de.le Cully L&....,..11 Curlll Reynold o..vll GIlbert o..klot. Don"ld Dlrk.. ROy Doupo Troy Doupe Robert Or".I", ' ...... Dun m l<lrTY D . Henry FJlU'Ol'

Norm<In Fllulmmono 0..0 Folkt ... John ""'" I....' Frick. I•. lhom...GaI.


FJwyn Lar.... Quenlln LaI'lOll V!1'QlllAnon

""'""' ...

Ellel, Lewl. lack U~I'Q ~1

Uber<;l Robo.l Liberq Donald Undooy Cedi Unk [Ibetl l.onq ..........'1 lundolrom i1dword McFadden Gerold NcJ:_ ~NcN"rt....,

Rot-, N<ocOcn.tId " ' _ Martin

CotlW-Donald W,Ichell


~f lo4ool~"

Ia_ N<:wqen

How"rd lo4ortcn 1/00. Moulton

GOl ...... j...,"' ....


n...:dor<o Nowak

o..YId H,.


o>M.. Oli-.,



K Ip.ynl.... Law..,.,. Petet11

H"l PIckell Howerd P;chen Ie",. I'll"" 1I:1".... rd IUoIYIO Bryan Rambo Arlhu, J1end./l1l ROf\IIld l i _

to...." Robin"""

Weyne Robloon ChMiel 1/:0(jQ8

~h~W'kY o...id Schmltl Char'" Seeber ~tSell

8oonword Shatz

o...r1.. Shoun Sonnleh Sonnlcl>oen Donald Sew. Rct-I $p<oIdlToQ

--'Uo,d " " _ s..l Stet....

Co.1 Sl.omm


ltellhSMo-.. G&.n Strl..... hem A,On" $ullon

F.....-..ek Troen John Urquidi

Don<old Un..


Don.oIdW_ IohnW_ Wilham Ward"""




Valls/It; anIJnllJamUlla/s vila/gil 8pgllis tII/ingll 8pgllis


Karl Klages Editor Phll dohn..,n. A_,atant ÂŁdltor





I • •


THE NOISE DEPARTMENT ... Ch•••I••d ... Chuck WiIIl.m•. M..y H.l"d.ing .•I.t •• Ann H • .-dlng .nd W.llyL. ... n whoo.,.d It up hom th••ld.lln..

Spring Legs and Leather Lungs THE SPORTS SEASON had its ups and downs ond so did the Idaho yell te"'-m. Bringing the Vandol cheering section out of the final quarter blues is always tough work. It took more than Sllddle shoes, flying orms ond that ability to le"'-p in the air. Yell King Gary Nefzger, with the able help of Wal1y Larsen and Chuck Williams from the mole sex and a feminine touch added by the Hording sisters, deserves a pat on the back for a thankless iob. YELL KINO ... 0...,. N.bva.


ROAST THOSE DUCKS ... Yoll King O ..y Nol&<;ju klndl.. tho (i..,

WE WANT A TOUCHDOWN. , . Ho ......,omlng Ouoon ond ho. Cou.t loin In on tho chont

Fireworks with a Short Fuse THIS ENERGETIC GROUP drew up the homecoming rally pIons. Yells, fireworks, cord tricks a.nd a skit brought cheers from some sections and jeers from others. Seale::! at the working table are Marcella Minden, Dick Boyle, Ann Kettenbach, Gory Nelzger, David Beadles and Dave Ulmer.

HI:Rt: WI: HAVE IDAHO •.• s...nt,-pl..,. Vondol b... d &nd Id.ho c...... _tlo.. odd to Ho.......o ....IO'9 colo.



LIKE TWO GRAPPLERS rROM THI: MAT WORLD, S.anford g .. ard c.pCoo .. (13) ...... wl.h b.., .. Glan Ch....tl.n (38) In an ."ort .o.h.... 1 _ from .h. Idaho bloc"n and a cl.....ho•• t ba1I·paoc".r AI Schi... man (IS)


Pacific Coast Conference CALIFORNIA UCLA .

.. ........


. .......































OREGON . ..... ... .......






WASHINGTON . ........ .






















USC . ..............




.. ...... ........

PIGSKIN PLAYMAKERS ... Dial. Howall. St. . . &1100. Bab. Curlman. Oena " . .low, and Bill Oodwln. STILL BUILDING TOWARD THE FUTURE, the Id.ho coachinll at.ft dldn'l UJM<'t th... Vand.lo 10 eng-In••• any m.ountaln_mowlng ",i •• d . . durino the 1949 corduroy ach.d"l•. Enn ao, Iclaho was ul ..",al, formidable I_I . .uon, •• capt ..han they dro. . do.... lnald. thai. opponent.' IS.yard "tripe. Then th.y ..... Ilk. Sa","on aft••• "lalt to the b ••J>.r .hop. HEAD COACH MILLARD r. HOWEL.L. form •• AI.ba...... all_Am..lea.. in 1934. coach.d .t Naw Muleo. Loyola. Arla"n. Stata and Al.bama balore cominq to Ielaho In 1941. Hla Vand.l..,,,acla hue _on 11 and 10011 17 cont.. t. whUe plarl"V Pr<>9 ......I".ly 1""'1h. . -ehadul... GUARD

COACH GENE HARLOW, aU South conl ne. fullback In 1939. l.ft Al.bama with HowaUln 47. END COACH RAY CURFMAN.•1l_Border conf.Nonc••tar.t Tn.. T.ch, Lo. n.wcom.r to the Id.ho .t.ft. TACKLE COACH BILL OODWIN. on. of 0_'"91.'. goNoU..t c.nt.... cam. to tha Vandel campuo from tho Bo.ton Y.nk•. O<><lwin ...Igon.d.t the .nd of the .....,n. FRESHMAN COACH STEVE BI:LKO, form.r outatandingo Id.ho athL.t•. h.ndl•• fNo.hman football duU.o.

Will O•• rvaud**** Senior Tackle

Roy Colqultt** )unloe. PCC Gual"Cl

Carl Klllago••rd**** Senloe Tackl ... E...I.W...1Shein...



ond ro": John Brogo.n, Bob May., GI.n Chr{.Uan. O....ill. Barn... Ma ....ln Be<;ruhl. Jim Ham..... ond, Al Sc:hi ....... an, K.n L.a.-n, Wilbur Rul.man. Evan Rich.y. Lo.. ry Bann.tt, JI ..... Hatch, T.d DI.hl. On Stal... : Jerry Di.hl, K.lth Bean. Rich L.aDuc. Ban Jayna. V.rn. B..t.r. JI..... Tanant, John Raagou, Will Ov.rva.rd. Cui Killag.ard. Klngo Block, M•• Her_ ri0lton. Jim Chadb.nd. Bill Fr.y. Ooorvo B.n.... Bu Ril.y, To..... T ......


IT AIN'T POLITE TO TAKE MORE THAN ONE AT A TIME ... R-aardla_ of what Emily Poat aaY", lullbadr. King Blodr. Nta for a doubla bloc. on Wmamaua'a E"'al;loo (64) and Clabaugh (89). Tha Ioay block Nt John Brogan (5) of( on anothe. g"Ound¡galn;n\l j.unt.

7tJillamelk 0 VANDALISM I September 17. 1949

-Fi...l down•.




Yord. golned ru.hlng ..


Yord. q",!ned po..!ng Totol y",rdsqolned.


Forword po..... ollnmpled .. Forword po_ e<>mpl"led .. Yord. losl ""nolli.... .......... Oppo""nl fumbl... ,oocov"red Punting ,",v"roge. Bob M.Y"** Junior Hollbr.od

", '",





" ", , ", "

IDAHO SPENT a major share of its lime in striped territory September 17. In the 1949 football curtain-raiser the Vandals staged a terrific show by smothering little Willa melle University under an avalanche of touchdowns. A list of the Idahoans who starred in the game would be as long and shiny as a cornel's tail. Coach Howell and his staff put everything but the squad bench into the ball game in an effort to keep the score from mounting. The Vandals crossed the goal line four limes in the opening period, picked up two more counters in the second, and added seven tallies in the final quarter. Halfback Glen Christian led the scoring parade with two goal crossings and three conversions for 15 points. John Brog-an, Al Schireman and Ken Larsen scored twice; Ben Jayne, Jim Chadband, Bud Riley and Al Foucar getting the rest. Will Overgaard kicked four good placements,

K.lIh 84o.n** Jun!or Quorl"rbock


Steph.n Dougl...* Sophomo.... Guord

Jim Hammond**", Senior Ouori.. rhock

SAYI WHO'S YOUR MANICURIST? , • End Rich L.Duc: (2!S) po_ o.-..on·. Wood, L.->'I3Ol.n<l E.o~ISt.1Lo (21l tho lot..t ....thode In 6n. .~ co ..M· In" 1..->.. how_~. io mo.. Int....t ..... In L.D..,,'. m.nl".....nd ....,.... o ..t to m ..... d_~ ....mln.Oon.

THE UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, rated a perenni"t powerhouse by experts within the PCC, cut loose with devastating speed "nd " star·studded bocldield in Eugene to deel the Vondals their first setbock of the 1949 c"mpoign.


................. ...... Y.n::Io ~ poooIroq. ..

F1nt dow...

Y.n::Ioqa,nec! ruohlroq_


For three minutes Idaho's c1"im of having its strongest team in 25 yeers seemed justilied. The V"ndols, still fresh from the Wm"mette University run"way. took the opening kickoff on their own 25 "nd drove "II the w"y down to the Oregon 24. The Ducks throttled the drive at this point and Idaho never thre"tened thereafter.

NO DUCK HUNTINQ I :4, 1949 1<I.ho

fOn::lo~ ..

Farw...... _ F...........

01temp6ecl .... ,

_""""'PieIod ...

Tordo Ic.l


<>wco-nt futMIoo Pw>hnq ....._ .




.". ","

_0. "

'", ., ,

'" ,., ", "'",




"Im ChocIbond** Jufllof Fullbocl:

The pitching arms of Oregon's Deadeye Dick possers were stored in mothballs most of the olternoon. Only when the Ducks' ground attack bogged down did flippers Earl Stelle and Jim Calderwood take to the air lanes. Regordless of the score. the Id"ho line was exception"lly strong.

".,_* -.W Bon

M.. Horri"llton*i< Junlar TocUo




BROGAN AND TEXAS SUNSHINE BOTH WERE: HOT <loh... 8 ........ _ _"..- off twol......0 .... of T_..-1 on tho 100',,0...:1 plot 01 lJ""_worciln AWltln'o 1ot-.... orl.1 Stadium. Bl'OlIIo" 1ooocl 6fth In the PCC nahl"'l d.~nrn.nt. H. goln..l 1399 yarda in _l9ht 9 ...._.

LIVING UP TO ALL pre-season press notices, a well-COdched Texas university eleven outscored the fighting but out-manned Idaho club in Austin. The contest wos the first big intersectional tilt for Idaho since 1946. Blair Cherry's Texans found the going plenty rough during the first 30 minutes of the game

with the Longhorns walk.ing off the field in a 7-7 deadlock. at the half. Idaho's lone touchdown and conversion knotted the count with one minute and 25 seconds remaining before the intermission period.


Tom T ...... Senior Guard

dhn T.llont* lunlor Guard

0000"11'0 Boll...

Senior End

LONGHORN STAMPEDE Octob., I, UH9 Id.ho FlnI dow.....

y..o. qal"*' tuahltIQ Y.rd. 9'"1* ~nq, To&ooI ,ordo 'l"ilMld .

F"""on:l . . . - "llempt«l

for><ord . - compIe'«l Yordo 1001

~ltl ....

Opponenj lumbleo r-eoovered

Bud RU.,** JunIor Holfb<lck


Pun'lnq ovor""•..

.". . '". , '", "


T ....


'" '" '"


'" " 3

The Idaho drive started on the Texas 47. John Brag-an flipped. a pass to Orville Barnes. The play carried 27 yards to the Longhorn 20. Jerry Diehl then moved to the four on a statue of liberty and King Block capped. the drive three plays later by buding over from the one-foot line. Will Overgaard converted. The touchdown was the first score yielded by Texas in three games. All-Coast Tadle Carl Kiilsgaard played 52 minutes in the 96-degree temperature. Coach Cherry commented. "I wish we had Kiilsgaard on our blIll club. He is one of the finest tackles I have seen this year" Carl was named on the Texas all-opponent team.

rUTURE CHIROPRACTORS •.. rullb.d. JilT> Ch.db."d (t_bU"1iI h . .dl, t.ckl. M....l" a.guhl ItS). ."d ."d 0.0"9. B.ll.... (6) coll.bor.t.... Ih.y IiIl... CO"lI" h.Uback Do" P."l. 1OO0thl"1I m ......lI•. P."I b..,.m. 100 ..l...d h. droppac! 11.. porkhld•. Id.ho ..co.......I.

RUTGERS BEAT PRINCETON in 1930. the Queensmen's first win over Princeton in 35 games. Kansos knocked over Nebraska in 1944, the Joyhawkers' first decision from Nebraska in 28 contests. Just proof that a jinx is eventually snapped. At Vandalville, Idaho is still waiting for the break. WSC again smothered the Silver and Gold last fall lor the Cougars' twenty·second consecutive triumph over Idaho. The Vandals have nol won from their cross·state·line rivals on the gridiron since 1925.

A homecoming crowd 01 21,500 watched Idaho virtually fumble away the ~11 game. A total of eight Idaho bobbles fell inlo WSC hands, and the Cougars, taking advantage of the gifts, quickly converted two of the miscues. After a scoreless first period., WSC fired the boilers and scored three times-two counters coming via the Vandal fumble roule. Jerry Diehl skirted left end early in the third period. for Idaho's first score. Late in the fourth quarter, Glen Christian romped 76 yards for the second tally. Will Overgaard split the uprights for the Vandals 13·point total.

M... OI.....


0100" Chriat""*

Sophoa"". H.llboock


"01." BN>lII.n** J"nlot Qu.rt.th.d

THIS WAS THE YEARI Oelobar 15. 1949


y'"""" ~ ruohlrw;t y.... 9"'.-1 P""""9


TOIo&I , .... 9",..d .. forw.rd _

.U.... pt&d


• " "" ".,.

.. ... .......... ..

'" '" "" ... ", ,• ...... ... '", '"• ,. ..... .. '" ..


Fotw.rd.,.._ oomplet«l .. Y.rd. lOllt pe.... HI... , ~t

lumbl.. ...,.,.om ..

p.,,,h."'lI ...._ -

King- Block** Junior F"lIb-ek


LET'S SEE. NOW_WHAT SIZE: PANTS DO YOU WEAR? .•• Whit. (78) of WJI1.rn.tt. t.k_. rn•••u"'rn.nt 01 Bub Rit.,.'. (31 ••iot. Ou..d Wilbur Rul.m." (29) I_loa .." .. th..u\lh h. think. tho wh ..l. icl•• l•• w •• I . 01 tim., ••peei.ll,. the w..rlo of the Be • ...,•• wh .. 1.0 ch..,ki", RiI.y'. I_tw•••. H.' • • nn lyln, clown on tho job.

tJlhnlana 19 THE: LITTLE: BROWN STEIN Id.ho M .... t ....

O<:tober U. 1949 r,f'Ol downo .. Y..... 911.....:! "''''1''9 Y~rd.


<1llned p"alnQ y~rdl


. -'-

rorwlrd " " _ .llemp«<! r........ rd ~ oompIeIed y.t<k bt poonel__ 0A><>n->1 lumblooo Puntinq


..r__ .

Lowry Benn.tt* Sophomore End


'" "" .. , ",;

", '", 36



,. .,"




IDAHO CAPTURED one conference game ond booted itself out of the deep, dark PCC cellor by soundly trouncing Montona State University in Missoula. The victory gave the Vandals possession of the "Little Brown Stein" for the sec· ond straight year. The Grizzlies dropped a 13-7 decision to WSC earlier in the season and established themselves as a threat in the conference loop. Idaho, however, was playing its sharpest since the Wi!· lametle gome. Using a plunge ond buck offense, Idaho reg· istered three quick touchdowns in the opening quarter and added two more m's in the third. A pair of six-p:>inters in the final frome completed the Vandal scoring for the afternoon. Idaho halfback Jerry Diehl slashed over for three touchdowns to lead the onslaught. King Block, Jim Hatch, Bob Mays, and Keith Bean contributed the other four counters.

derry Diehl*** Seni", H.llbock


o...mIBern_** Junlo. End

Ken McCormlck*** Senior Guard

"ard..., lor Ie",n.o .. h ...ncoo did lor Boie. K.lth

.lUST LIKE THE ~AYCI:I: DAYS •.. H.lIba.,1l Bob M.)'tI fIl.h.._ Bol.M I.... th....... un 9r1"d ou.t Be... (all and Kh'. BI...,,,, (4) cia..... ,..th lor M • .,... bJ' cutting do_n Port"nd bee. John r ......an (22).

DIXIE'S "MAYBE 1" was served without cream and sugar 10 Portland University in Boise. And the recipients didn't like the taste of it one bit.

Idaho lost little time in running up the score[x)"rd at their "Southern Idaho Homecoming." The ball game wos barely three minutes old when Halfback. Jerry Diehl opened the scoring column on a 25-yard dash. John Brogan followed suit moments later with a 27-yard romp. Bob Mays tired a 45-yard pass to end Gene Bales for TO number three, and from that point, the Idaho scores came as free as substitutions. By intermission the Vandals led 28 to O.

BOl8E STAMPING GROUND Octob40.29. 1949

Id.ho Portu.nd


rlrotdo...... 'I'• .do ~ ."..Iu1lQ 'I'• .do qal...t

T_l , • .do r ....w.rd

..... ...








r ...... r d _ ~

y ~rda bt penooU• . . Opponent lumbleo .......... r&d .. Punting .v..._

" ,., " ", •, ", ""• ", ., "


....... ...


M ..... ln

8<l{Iuhl** lunlor T"dl"

A Bob Mays to Orville Barnes combination and a 63-yard run by Mays accounted for touch· downs five and six in the third period. In the fourth quarter Halfback Jim Hatch put the cap on the Vandal scoring when he knifed over his own left tackle and raced 71 yards.

Morrl<l R_** lunlor Gu.rd

Wilbur RuM.... n**

Rleh LeDuc**

Junior Guard

J"nlor End


AH, COME ON HORSE-WHO," . . . Vandal wo.lo.ho... oIaNT Diahl (17) cani_ IUa rid .., lullbaclo. And,. K"ud.. n (33), with hi.... on a trip towani tha OSC goal. DI.M wM Inch. . .hort 01 p.,.dlrt on tn. nln. Id.ho ""'0...1 on tn. n . .t pl.,..

CONFERENCE WIN NUMBER TWO WelS almost in the bag. Idaho placed a 12·to-O lead on the scoreboard, then yielded the advantage to Oregon State in a point·a·minute ball game. A Dad's Day crowd watched the sputtering Beavers throw their machine in gear and move off the field with a 14-12 half·time lead.

Bm r ....

The contest was everything but easy·going for both squads and "mix it up and make it rough" was the theme for the day.


Tad Di.hl.**

s.nx... o.....-back

lunJooo Tackloa

TRACK MEET No....... !>.. 5. 1949

. '" '" ... '" . "


Flro;l cIow,,-, .. Yord. qolnood ,u.h!nq




Yord. q<I!nood poooirq . Teul yordo qo!...o. FO<"word _





Yard. Ie.- _11*.



0s>P:>-n1 /umI:>iM - . . . d oIlm H.tch**** Sanlor Fullbock







• ",



Jerry Diehl, Jim Hatch, and John Brogan took turns lugging leather down Held for the Vandals' opening counter. Diehl topped the drive with an 18-Yllrd spurt around end. Idllho tallied again in the opening seconds of the second quarter when Brogan hit the buWs-eye on a delrt pass to Keith Bean. The Vandals crossed the goal stripe two more times in the free·for-lIll second hllif. Max Glaves lofted a 20-yard pass to Brogan; he took it on the dead run and galloped 55 yards to the goal. Later in the fourth stanza, Jim Hammond pitched a pass to Bob Mays who raced 76 yards for the counter.

It. DAY AT THE RAC&S •.. rullb.ck King Block (<I) I"a, h."led In _ 8roq&" p _ and h •• dol Into Indian ,amIO..,.. Thoo pl.,. "

Rich LeD ..." (2S) _nde on. R.d.I<ln 10 the cil.t .. Ill. • 1'01tInll' block on the 43. Rl"h• ...t A.b •• h_", (30). Stanford all_pound cent

1..1 thi ... ,. ,.arda. End finally Ullllad Block.

THE IDAHO SQUAD showed that it packed plenty of "hard noses"-o laconic description of kids who can take it-when they invaded Palo Alto for the season final. The Vandals were hit and hit hard by Slanford. but came oul of the melee lighting. It Wtl,S just a bad tlfternoon lor the Idaho lads. Stanford couldn't do llInything wrong and Idaho couldn't get started. That told the story.

Rose, McColl, Mitchell, Benson, and Klien each scored a Slllnford touchdown, the other Jour being marked by Hugasian and Mervin.

John Ruge •• Sophomore T"ckle

Bill Mulllne • •

Junior End

Evan Richey. Sopho"..".. T"ckle

Gary Kerkerian split the uprights nine times. John Brogan, the Vand.!lls' chieJ threat of the contest, rolled up a total of 101 yards in 13 carries for a seven-yard average. In the Idaho forward wall Roy Colquitt, Tom Trees, Billy Mullins, Wilbur Ruleman and Carl Kiilsgaard were the main stalwarts. After the game Howell commented, "Next to Texas, Stanford was the best team I have seen all season."


No-",M' 12. 1949

FI ..l dow,,"

Idaho Sianlord

...... ..

Y"rdl q"lned rUlhlnq




.... .. ....... " '" ......... '", ...... ., ,

Y"rdo q"lned ""..Inq Tawol ,ordo qolned


Forword _


Forword _

...... pieIed

fordo loot peaaltl.- ...•••....

Opponent lurnbleo NClOYorod .•. Puntlnq "vor-.;lo ..

..... .... ....



'" m ",

"• ,



KIn 1.&..... n. SophomON <Ante.


pee Northern Won
























a24 736

ai' 779










CHUCK'S COURTMEN ••. r ....nt w: Roy 1....N1, 9uaJ'd: 0_"". Ra ,.. 9 ......l.; Dick R_. gu&t"d: Rod Poll.... , 10 Middle .... w· Stuart Dollln9.~. 10 : Boh Whit., 10 <1: H. .h Mead. 10 ..:1: Bob Pritchett. fo.....rd: Kan Bark Stallworth, «ntar; Bob Wh_l.., cent..: Sa... Jan"', , , 1'd: ,," 0 ....... , : Did. a.lollar,


: "onn MLlI• ...t. , .. &<'d. cent... 8..,10. .... w: Nklo

Cheerful Chuck's Crew Cuts Conference Capers LOOK OUT FOR IDAHO on the maple court. The Vandals proved. themselves this season by letting other conference qUintets know that

Idaho was tired of being the doormat for the Northern Division.

Coach Finley adapted his style of play 10 the ability of his sophomore-junior hoopshooters. The combination wrinkled the brows 01 rival

coaches. A lifetime basketball record shows that as a player and as a coach. Finley has been on the winning side 816 times-on the losing end 55 times. In three y~rs of coaching lit Vandalville. his courtmen have won 44 conference and preconference contests lIgainst 49 defeats. Idaho rang up 828 points in 16 pre-conference outings for a 66.7 average. In conference play they flipped in 736 counters for a 46·point game average. Idaho'. Fiv. Top Seo.-en (Conference !;Iomes only) FG IT PF TP Pritchett. 54 32 47 140 Gei.ler.. 45 45 53 135 Jentlns 45 26 47 116 Wheeler. 30 32 46 92 Reed... .. 25 18 31 68


8.7 8.4

7.2 5.7 4.2


IDAHO DRILLS J"OR OKLAHOMA OIL . . . Bob w.........na Nie. S ••lI rth 90 up for .. Philli~ "81"

...bound In Bo!.e. T i. height. ho_ _r, could.. ', 0&-'" to..." Boh Kur1<ond la 1_looto. nol aho_n) and tho AAU c rnplona W<ln !IO to 39.


St"ut DoW.., ....



Idaho ..

Idaho. .... .48



Eastern Washington . .... .39

. .. 54


Portland University . .... .38

....... 50

Idaho .... .39

Phillips "66" .

Idaho . .... .54

Seallle University.


Eastern Washington. ..... 63


Idaho . .... .48


Idaho . .... .40


Idaho . . . . . Al

Iowa State.

Idaho. .... . 53

Drake .

Idaho. ..... 66

Morningside _

Idaho . .... .45




. .36

........... 58 58 ........ 39 .. 58 ....... .49 . ...... 66

Lawrence Tech.

. . .44

Idaho. ..... 55


. ... 74

Idaho. .... .45


Idaho. .... .69

Wallace All·Stars . .....

. .... 35 .38


St.Uwo~th, 6·f"".



cant•• , appll.d an .,,,,-lock on Art Onrleh 01 D ••••. Ihan l••nad back. contant with th" tie_up. Nick'. hand. w ... chlll..l and Art .... thrlll..t.

Bob White. 6' 3" Sophomore

H ..b Mud• • 6' 3" Junior

Doctor dacoblOOn UnlV(O..lty Trol,,",




OREGON STATE COLLEGE was the only Northern Division team to hand Idaho a four-way defe.!lt. The Beavers captured the two Memorial gymnasium contests by wide margins and conlloued the plI;ce on their home court. The closest score Idaho could register against the defending Northern Division champions was a 48-44 count in a game plo!lyed at Corvallis.



Pleyer: Wheeler, c Pritchett, f Meed, Q' Geisler. Q

V E R 5


Jenkins, 9

Barker. c Irons, f Millard, 9 While, I SllIllworlh, C Rey, f Reed, I

Dollinger, g. Pollard, I ..

3 3 3 3 3 2 3 I I

FG IT 12 7 II 9 9 2 7 4 7 3 3 8 3 5 2 7 3 0 I 3 0 I 0 I 0 0 0 0





9 8 7 9 7 7 5 5 5 5 0 2

31 31 20 18 17 14 It It


0 0



• 5 I I

Idaho .......... 37

Oregon Stale . ....... 48

Idoho. ........ .39

Oregon State.

Idaho .. ........ 44

Ore<:j'on State. . ...... 48

... 46

Oregon State.. ..... .60

Idaho ..


SMILoE NICE AND LOOK AT THE: BlRDIE 10.....1'<1. "'0.... Stat. pLo:roor .nd llie


4 4 4 4 4

Roy I""..... 6.£_t 2'l n ch J""lor for th. Ia,..i".

. .... 51

F'I:LJ,.A:S, CAN'T WE SrrTLI: THIS SOME OTHl;R WAY,. ,Horb Mm.n!, '.foot

lI_hodo 8oph.",.N gu.n!. •nd Bob Wh_l.r. f1·loot lS_hoeh Junior ... nt.r, t ...p • . . . . .r.

THE VANDALS gained a series split with the University of Washington. At Seattle in the con· ference openers, Washington took the first game in an easy fashion but was pressed all the way by Idaho for the second win. The Vandal hoopsters leveled the count with the Husk.ies at Mos· cow when they slapped down the visitors twice in Memorial gym k:efore capacity crowds.

St.ti.tic:. Pldyer: Gomes FG FT PF Pritchett. I 18 12 I. Wheeler. c 12 7 Jenkins, g. 12 5 12 Geisler. q. 8 10 16 Sldllworth. c .. 2 10 3 6 Reed. I. 6 13 3 3 2 Medd. g 8 3 While, I 3 0 1 3 Rey, f. 1 2 1 2 Millord. g 1 2 5 Dollinger, g. 2 0 3 2 Barker, c 1 0 3 Irons, I 0 1 2

• •

• • •

Idaho .. ....... .43

Washington . ....... .67


Washington . ....... .44

Idaho ......... . 57

Washington . ....... .40

. ... .48

Washington . ....... .45

Idaho ... Idaho.

CHUCK TOLD BOB TO BE ON HIS TOES l'OR THIS ONE I·I_t a.I",,),. 01 ....10,. lorw..... , ....... put M...-c M.taq In", .... d ...... _t),..

Bob P,.itch.-tt •• d Rip- i . . . crlppl.

• •


HI. GIRLS. SEE Me? ,. While H.l A Dick G.lel••, I.f_t a.lnch &0..10. to





.8 31 29 26

I. 12

8 6

•• 3 2 1




.. of W..hi..,ton ••_ et the co_ed.. dri_ ....... nd h.lrn .nd In 10•• Ie,.... p.




A 54-48 LOSS to the University of Oregon at Eugene prevented Idaho from making a clean sweep in the Duck series. The Vandals had little trouble with Oregon and as a result, managed. to score the first Idaho conference win in the Willemette Valley since 1946. Two victories over Oregon at Memorial gym broke a five-game conference losing streak for Idaho and set them right-side up for the remainder of the season.

Statistics Pl<'lyer:

Geisler, g. Reed, f. Prilchell, f Jenkins, g.

Sl<'lllworth, c. Irons. f Wheeler, c. Barker, c. White, I. MilI<'lrd, q.

Me/ld, g. Rey, I. Polldrd, f.


4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 I I I

FG IT IS IS 16 6 14 7 12 II 7 6 5 3 2 7 3 2 I 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0



17 12 II 14 10 5 IS 6 4 2 2 0 0

4S 38 35 35 19 13 II 8 2 I 0 0 0





TICKLISH? ..• Dick R . .d, 5_loot 9_inc:h JunIor q".rd, dl.""9• ..:I. wm Urb.n·. pl.ylul .... nn•••nd h . .d. d ..wn the .ne)' I.... n Id.h.. tw.. _p.. lnt...

Idaho . ........ .62

Oregon . ........... .44

Idaho. ....... . .44


Idaho. ........ 53

Oregon ........... .47

Idaho . ........ .48


TeNSE MOMENT ... Se'" Jenldn•. 6·1.... t

. ..... 54


S .. ph.......... 'l"a..:l.



..f hlto 1.lt_hand.d hoolu .'laln.t Orev..n. S . . . . . . . . t .rtiet, w•• the Vendeb'

In.,, •• n~.....n all ......n.



THE MOST NOTABLE ACCOMPLISHMENT of the 1949-50 Vandal cage troupe was the double victory posted over Washington State's Northern Division champions. Idaho didn't win at home but they staged a pair of thrillers on the Pullman court. They won the first game on a last·second basket by Sam Jenkins and the other in a triple

overtime session. Idaho was the only loop squad to pin a double win on the Cougars. Statistics

Pldyer: Geisler, g. Jenkins, g.

Pritchett, I Wheeler, c

Reed, I. Irons, l. B1lrker, c.

Idaho . ...... .40

Washington State . .... .63


. .. 5f

Washington Stale . .... . 50

Idaho . ...... .34

Washington State . .... .39

Idaho . ...... . 50

Washington State.

MiIl<'lrd, g. Stllilworlh, c. Rey, f Dollinger, g. Melld, g

While, I






4 4 4 4 3 4

15 14 II 4 6 2 2 2 I 2 I 0 0

16 7 4 II 5 3 3 3 2 0 0 I 0

II 7 14 18 4 9 12 2 I I I I I

46 35 26 19 17 7 7 7 4 4 2 I 0





, 4 2 2 I 2 3

. .45

C 0 U G A


LOOK, RON, MOVE: YOUR LEFT HAND IF YOU STILL WANT riVE FINGERS ... K.n Buku. 6_foot 6·lneh SophomoN e.ntu, h.a th. b.ll for Id.ho .nd .ima to It_I> It. K.n g.v.....rning to wac'a Button .nd "anta. O.n. Conlay (8) .... aho"kad at th.l.nguag•.


Spokane Inuitational






Washington State



Eastern Washington



THE: 1990 RINOM£N ... K"..Un,: Harb C ••\aon. 1M. W.llac.: Norm Walker. 135. W.ll .... ; o.ro.... t To••" 130. Malad. r ....,,10 £Ch..arrla, 125. Blackfoot: Loon Wall.n, 145. Wall.ee: Bud w ....,n. ISS. Talooa, W.. hh.gton: 1'.... ,,10. Ollleu., ISO. o.c:Jo . . . Btandlnll' Ted DI.hl. 178. J.roma: Thane dohn....". IS5. Idaho rail.: Looroy HanlOOn, h •••y...lght. RIQby: V••n B.h., 1M. Wa••a.: Don Em., 1111, Koo.kl.; M ...... i" Piercl, IllS. Parm.: Doyl. H ...... ln •. IllS. Mo.cow.

Frank's Fighters Floor Fist Flingers TOP·FUGHT COACHING frem FrMk Young landed Idaho mittmen three championships this season. The Vandals were virtually superb in every de~rtment as they fought all odds and climbed 10 the lop of the Intercollegiate listie ladder. Idoho hammered out six wins in seven dual matches won the first Spokane Invita-

tional Boxing tournament-copped their second consecutive Pacific Coast Conference boxing title-and then topped it all off by sharing the NCAA Boxing Championship honors with Gonzaga University. Senior Herb Carlson, Idaho's 165-pounder. punched his way 10 become the only collegian in coast ring history to win four individual PeC titles. At State College, Penn. sylvania, CArlson won his third NCAA coxing crown and the John S. Rowe memorial trophy_ Len Walker, winner of the national 13S-pound title the previous year, walked away from the Penn State ring with the NCAA 14S-pound crown.




January 13: Memorial Gymnasium

125 pounds: 130 pounds: 135 pounds: 145 pounds:

155 pounds:

Frank Echevarria, 1.1:..0. over Ralph !sile, EWeE. 0:02 of the third round.) DeForest Tovey, ldllho, decisioned Hib Bender. EweE. Norm WlIlker, Idaho, decisioned Pal Coleman, EweE. Len W<'llker, Id(lho, dad,loned Gene Fixd<!lhl, EWeE.

Bud Lawson, Id<!lho, U:.o. over Pat Harl, EWeE. (1:36 ollhe third round.) 165 pounds: Herb C4rlson, Idaho, t.k.o. over Sh<'lnnon Hailt. EWeE. (34 sees. 01 aecond round.) 175 pounds: Ted Diehl, Idaho. won by forfeit. Heavyweight: Herman Pein, EWeE, U ....o. over L",rry H(lnson, Idaho. (Did not answer the third round bell. Attendance: Approximately 4200.



January 20: Mamorial Gymnasium

125 pounds:

Fronk Echevarrio. Idoho. decilioned Ned Boyle, Gonzaga. 130 pounds: DeForest Tovey. Idoho. dectlioned Bill M<JICY, Gon· zag<JI. 135 pounds: Norm Walker. Id<JIho. deciJioned Jim Riley, Gon· zag<JI. 145 pounds: Len Wolker, Id<JIho, decisioned Gil Kelsey, Gon· zago. 155 pounds: Eli Thomas, GonUlQ<JI, decisioned Bud Lowson, Id<JIho. 165 pounds: Herb Carllon, Id<JIho, mel Joe Stephens, Gonzaga; no conlesl. (Stephens, hemorrhoge of right eye <'lIter round one.) 175 pounds: Carl M<'Ixey. Gonzaga. decisioned Ted Diehl, Idaho. Heovyweiqht: Don Ellil. Idaho. by for/ell. Allendance: 4500.


OUCH I ... T'" DI.h.!, 115.po""d S. ... lor, ..Ineoooo _ h. chopping l"I,ho to the h_rt In hleo Httl. _i.h Carl Maul' 01 Gonuga. Bu. I•• no dl.-;rrae.-.h. Gonugan h . .n·.l.... a bout In 30 collD9la•• appoa ••n_.



January 27: Bohler GYlT\naaium

125 pounds:

Fro!ln . . Echevarri.... Ido!lho, 1. ..... 0. over Phil U1rgent. WSC. (Did not answer the third round bell. 130 pounds: U1rry McUlughlin. WSC, decisioned De· Forest Tovey, Idah:.. 135 pounds: Norm W...1.. . er. Idaho. decisioned Jerry McHuqh, WSC. 145 pounds: Len Walker, Idaho, won by forfel\. 155 pounds: Mtlt Wilson, WSC. decisioned Thane Johnson. Idaho. 165 pounds: Herb Carlson. Idaho, won by forfeit. Fought exhibition with Chuck Morqan. 175 pounds: Ted Diehl, Idaho, I.k.o. over Johnn\ Blac.. . en, WSC. (55 leconds third round. Heo!lvyweight: Hubert Chrislionson, WSC, decisioned Lorry Hanson, Idaho. Attendance: Approximately 3600.


TAKING A MOUTHl'UL ... Norm Walk••• 13S_pound••. gl ... E ...... tt ConIDY. d uppor-cu., whlch mUD' boo tough m.dlcln. to .w.llow, ludglng from tha Cougar'

01 right actlon.



February 11: Memorial Gymnallium 125 pounds: Frllnk Echevarrill, Idaho, decisioned Ed McLaughlin, WSC. 130 pounds: DeForest Tovey, Id<'lho, decisioned Phil L<'Irgent, WSc. 135 pounds: Norm Wlliker, Idaho, decisioned Everett Conley, WSC. 145 pounds: Len W<'Ilker, Id"'ho, decisioned Nip Long, WSC. 155 pounds: Bud L<'Iwson, Idaho, decisioned Milt Wil· son, WSC. 165 pounds: Herb C.,rlson, Idllho, won by forfeil. 175 pounds: Ted Diehl, Idllho, decisioned Jim Aiken, WSC. Hellvyweight: Hubert Christi<'lnson, WSC, decisioned Don Ellis, Id"'ho. Attendllnce: 5200-[<'Ir9.est crowd ever Ilssembled in Memorilll Gymnllsium.



February 17: Madison, Wisconsin

125 pounds:


130 pounds:

blm, Wisconsin, Jim Sreenlln, Wisconsin, decisioned DeForest

135 pounds: 145 pounds:

155 pounds:

165 pounds:

Echevtlrrill, Idaho, decisioned Steve Gram·

Tovey, Idllho, Norm WIIlker, Iddho, decisioned Les PdUl, Wisconsin. DW/line Dicldnson, Wisconsin, decisioned Len Walker, Id/lho. Ted McNei'll. Wisconsin, decisioned Bud Lllwson, Idaho. Herb ClIrlson, Id/lho, decisioned Dick Murphy, Wisconsin.

175 pounds:

Ger/lld Meath, Wisconsin, decisioned Ted Diehl. Idaho. Heavyweight: Vilo Parisi, Wisconsin, decisioned Don Ellis, Jd/lho. A:le:ldMce: 12,500.

LOVE THY NEIGHBOR I . . . Don EllI•• S.nlo. h . .vyw.llI'ht, <ii.pl.y. mutual .ff...,Uon lo~ hi. ",...,.·.tat. riy"l by h"mm ••inll' .n .ducat..,I rill'ht to th" .ho~t·.ibtl of W . .hlnllton Stat.'. Hub.~t Ch~Uoti"n..,n.


LOOKING FOR HIS EQUILIBRIUM ... r.ank Echevuria. 125_pound Sopnomoro. nplod.d with/a right 10 the jaw 01 N..:! Boyl•. Th. blow n.Uly pl.c..,I th. Bulld09 on th. c.n. . . with • p.l~ of ~ubb.~ l-V••


February 23: Spokane Armory. 125 pounds: Frllnk Echevllrri<'l, Idllho, decisior.ed Gordon Simllnton, GonZllgll. 130 pounds: DeForest Tovey. Id<'lho, decisioned Wes Lllngford, Gonzag1l. 135 pounds: lim Reilly, Gonzllgll, decisioned Norm Wlllker.Idllho. 145 pounds: Len Walker. Idaho, 1.1<.0. over Jim Sulli· v<'ln, Gonzllga. (1:12 of the third round.) 155 pounds: Eli Thomas, Gonzaga, I.k.o. over Bud Lllwson, Idllho. (56 seconds third round.) 165 pounds: Herb Cllrlson, Idaho, won by forfeil. 175 pounds: Carl Mllxey, Gonzllgll, decisioned Ted Diehl. Idaho. Heavyweight: Don Ellis, ldllho, t.k.o. over Gary 5chubllCh, Gonzaga. (1:13 of second round.) Attendllnce: 3,500.




March II: 125 pounds: 130 pounds:

Wallace, Idaho

Fronk Echevarria, Idaho, won by forfeil. DeForest Tovey, Idaho, cecisioned Herb

Bender, EWeE. Norm Walker. Idaho, decisioned Pat Colemi'ln, EWCE. 145 pounds: Len W/llker, Idaho, decisioned Jim Simonton, EWeE. 155 pounds: Thllne Johnson, Idaho, drew with Gene Fi:dah1. EWeE. 165 pounds: Herb Coulson, Idaho. LIt.a. over Everett Hilton, EWeE. (l minule of first round.) 175 pounds: Ted Diehl. Id1lho. won by lorleil. Heavyweight: Herman Pein, EWeE, decisioned Don Ellis, Idaho. Attendance: 2500. 135 pounds:

pee Tournament Idaho.


San Jose State.




Washington State



19 14

IT ISN'T AS SOrT AS A BEAUTY REST MATTRESS . . . Echavarria muat hava b.an in a hurry tha n;lIht ha mat Roba.t Coyla 01 UCLA Coyla &at down with a thud and want to .l. .p ahar "tha boundin\l Baaqua f.-om Bh•.,kfoot" tallllad him on th • .,hin. Tha 52_aacond knock_ out of .ound ona •• t a naw tou.namant ....,ot'd.


SWING AND SWAY WITH SAMMY KAYE ... 8om..on. muat b. play;ng. hit tuna. Norm W.ll.ar banvo a rllIht to tha h . .d and tak. . a aho.t laft to tha body In a alullf. .t with Ed Ma.tln 01 San .10.. St..a.


Sacramento A\lditori\lmQ\larter-Finals 135 pounds: Norm Walker, Idaho, decisioned Pete Babin, UCLA. 145 pounds: Len Walker, Idaho, 1.1..0. over Frank Dulle, Chico State. (Referee stopped bout 30 seconds, third round.) 155 pounds: Thane Johnson, Idaho, decisioned Gene Fixdahl, EWCE. Heavyweight: Don Ellis. Idaho, decisioned Jack Sche· beries, San Jose Stille. March 24: Sacramento A\lditori\lmSemi-Finals 125 pounds: Frank Echevarria, Idaho, knocked out Roberl Coyle, UCLA. (52 seconds ollirst round; new tournament record.) 130 pounds: DeForesl Tovey, Idaho, decisioned AI Tafoya, San Jose Slate. 135 pounds: Norm Walker, Idllho, 1.1..0. over Ed Mdrtin, San Jose Sidle. (Did not answer sec· ond round bell.) 145 pounds: Floyd Wilson, UCLA, decisioned Len Welker, Ideho, 155 pounds: Stan Mercil, San Jose State, decisioned Thllne Johnson, Idaho. 165 pounds: Herb Carlson, Idaho, 1.1..0. over Jack Small, UCLA. (Referee stopped bout in second round.) 175 pounds: Cerl Mexey, Gonzeqe, decisioned Ted Diehl, Ideho. Heavyweight: Hubert Christianson, WSC, decisioned Don Ellis, Idaho. March 25: Sacramento Auditorium-Finals 125 pounds: Mac Merlinez, Sen Jose Stete, decisioned Frenk Echeverrie, Id/lho. 130 pounds: Jim Reilly, Gonzeqe, decisioned DeForest Tovey, Ideho. 135 pounds: Everett Conley, WSC, decisioned Norm Walker,ldeho. 165 pounds: Herb C/lrlson, Iddho, 1.1..0. over R/lul Diez, Sen Jose Stille. (1:20 of third round.)

National Tournament Idaho.




Michigan State


Louisiana Slate ..


Penn Siale.


San Jose State.


Washington State Syracuse





Maryland .. Wisconsin



""", .

Catholic University Minnesota


Miami (Florida) ..... , , , , . , ... , , , ,


19!O NCAA BOXING CHAMPIONS . . . Chuck D.....n"'"ch, Pan ...,.! •• " •• Sta •• : Carl M ,.. 115. Oon~.: "arb C.r'-on, 165. Idaho: Ell Thom... ISS. O"n_g.. ; Loon Wallo.u. US. Idaho: I: u Coni." 135. W..h1n9ton Sta •• : T.d Thr. .h. 130, Lo"W."., S.a•• : M ..., Martin••. la!, S.n J _ 8.al•.


135 pounds: 145 pounds:

State Coli_VB, Pennayl".niaQuarter-Final. Neil Ol.thun, Minnesota. oulpotnted

Frllnk Echev(lrria. Idaho.

Jim Sreenan, Wisconsin, outpointed De· Forest Tovey, Idllho. l(lck Tierney. Michigan State, outpointed Norm Walker, Idaho.

Len Walker, Id<'lho, outpointed Pat Daugh· erty, Michigan Stille.

165 pounds:

Herb Cllr!son. Id<'lho, outpointed Paul Diaz, San loae State.

March 31:

State College, Penn.ylvaniaSemi-Final.

145 pounds:

Len Walker, Idaho, outpointed Nip Long, Washington State. Herb Carlson, Idaho, outpointed Lloyd lanes. Louisiana State.

165 pounds: April I:

145 pounds: 165 pounds:

State College, Penn.ylvania-Final. Len Walker, Idaho, outpointed Ben Dol· phin. Syracuse. Herb CarlllOn, Idaho, outpointed Jim Rol· lier, Syracuse. WHAT HI: HI:I:DS IS A BULLET.PRooF VEST, , , Hnb CarL.on. ISS_pound Senior, ahoob a bull.t right to tha b ..adb..lo.at 01 Syraou_'a Jim Rollla •. Carl... n oa.rlad hla banarlng body auaok down· atal .. alt•• drawing blood I... m Rolllar'a n-. and mouth,


WITH HAPPY NEW YEAR ringing in their ears, the Idaho ski squad scored third place honors in the Annual Red Mountain, B.C., Intercollegiote 4.Way event. Following the appointment of Gene Harlow as ski coach, the team scooted to a third spot standing in the Northern Division meet at Emida. A few weeks later they quickly took to the snow at Snoqualmie Pass and placed sixth in a field of ten. High spot of the season came at McCall. Sverre Kongsgaard soared to a first in the jumping division and the squad ranked second in the team scores. With new members from Scandinavia, the traveling six wound up the season with several brilliant individual performances. Kare Reed proved his value in winning the Northern Division Cross· Country race, Tor Lyshaug, a fellow country· man, pushing him all the way.

CAPTAIN rRED BOYLJ: ...11 on h..bo • •)' I.. tn. Nol"tn..rn Di"'-lo.. Sloolo nl " in tnb nt .nd thin! in tn. eo blnood 4•••)'. H • •_ on. of .n




THE 1949·50 SKI SQUAD ..• Co.e" a.... H.rlo., S...r .. Konlr'"ll••n!, Tor Lytlh .... g. Bob Dune.n. K... R_d. r ..d Bo)'I_, D_n C......ll. Dick lorn•. P .... I M)'kl.b......


.-...:.. r..d pLooe<ocl _. con·

DISPLAYING OOOD DISTANCE J"ORM, r..d Boyl. Mol " to • filtft pI.... in tft. Nonft.... [)iNion m_t.


EMIDA SKI BOWl., , . W ...M""ton St.Ua'. pla7lJ"O"nd In &.nle Idafto.

WHISTLINQ THE TUNE, "SUppln' A nd .. • Dan C..-wall a1lpa Into ..uh "I..,. In th. downhill nl at Rae! Mo.. n_ lain, B,C. H • • lao ",o..d a nlntft "Ia'" In tfta Nonharn DI_on m_l .

On the Slats Third Inhrc:oUagiah Ski Meet

Red Mount(lin, British Columbill.

. idllho Third

Payette Lake. Annual Open Ski Meet

McCtll. Id(lho ... Idaho Second

Northwe.t Interc:ollegiate Ski Union

Snoqu(llmle PllU. Wllshington

Idaho Sidh


WashinQton St(lte College


University of W(lshinQton.

386 3.6

University of Id(lho University of Montlln(l Oregon St(lte College.

29' 240

SVERRE KONGSOAARD taJo.. oil on • Di.vhl that won him tfta Nonh.... [)iNion Jumpinq _nt, Thb Dring a"parman leapad to _ n d pJ.ae..t th. Rae! Mountain. B.C., m_t and _nod In Ii..t .t th. Pa"tta L.al<ooa Cpan Siol M_I,




IDAHO'S WATER THRASHERS were sunk by most of the conference opponents Ihis season. The Vandals, however, did splash oul a league win over Montana State University and a non-

conference triumph over Eastern Washington. Coached by versatile Eric Kirklond, the pool men come up with some promising material. Q"ptain c"r1 Kinny had good times in the 100Yf1!lrd free-style events. Dick Wartena turned.

into on outstanding distc!lnce man and placed third in the 440 at the Northern Division meet. Ken Lyons placed fifth in the individual medley 01 the NO and Jim Farmer gathered in points as " diver. Ed Fiester helped the team in the sprints and relay.


SWIMMINC HARD IN HARD WATER . . . 0."8 Tho ...... t •• Oene Root. end To", o.nt..,. kick end u ....". _ . . - II,. pool.

VAHDAt. M£:RM&N ••• front Row' &d l"lMter. Did. Wart.n•• Gene Root. Carl Kln"'7. Co.<>h &ric Kirkland •.• Bacll Row: Torn O.nll')', Ch.arl.. etarll, St.w.n, K." L,o...., 0_",. V_lola, 0.". Thorn.ta.


ALL RIGHT, SHOOT I ... oIad. Kallar, Wayn. Sta.art, Tom

Gant..,.. and Don Miller prapa.ra for tha .tartar'. gun_not tha cama...

In the Tank University 01 British Columbia Idaho . . ~slern W"shlngton W"shlngton Stale Idaho_

52 50 7 63 21

Oregon Idaho

62 22

Oregon State Id"ho


Id"ho. Mont"n" Wuhington State Idaho. Idaho.




45 39

59 25 49 34


WSC Washington Oregon OSC Id"ho_. , Montana

. 100 88

34 21 9 4

WHAT A HELL Of" A SPOT FOR AN I:MPTY POOL, , ,oIlm f"a..........aeut.. a _an dl_,



IDAHO GOLFERS were understroked by most of the Northern Division squads this season but they did register a comfortable win over Mon· tana University. The weak cards scored by Idaho do not show the valuable experience individual linksmen gained during the course of the sea· son. Four regulars will return for another year on the fairway, giving Coach Frank James a strong foundation for the 50-51 campaign.

Coach F...nlo J.",••

VARSITY GOLF, r ... d Strln'lfo.ld, Bill Am... Coach Frank darn.., Diclo. 1.,..1, John Mill•• , John Drlp". and Jim Townley. (Not plctu,..d: Burt Holt and ChaM S ••bM.)


.lim Townley

.Iohn Mllloor1l"

On the Fairway Idaho.





Washington State .. 22



Oregon State..





. .2372

Idaho Idaho. . .

18 11 3~

Montana Washington State.



23 h


a/sells IDAHO NETMEN didn't have a winning season. Most of the t~m tussles were entered on the wrong side of the ledger, but some fine individual work brightened the yeor. Stuart Dollinger supplied most of the scoring tonic for Idaho by winning over holf of his motches. At the Northern Division meet, HoI &rnes defeated Oregon Stole's number two mon, 6-3. 6-3. while Ewel Grossberg lost to Montono in three close sets.

VARSITY TI:HHUJ: Coach £ric K.irloJ..nd • .l'lm c~._, ..... to ac.. u. H.I B.rn_. c.pt-.l" 1:••1 0-"1'9. Bob B&rt.r. Bob U and Stuart DoWnqer.


-On the Court 0 I I 2

Idoho Idaho Id.sno. Idaho_ Idaho. Idaho_ Idaho_ Idono_ Idoho Idoho

3 I I 0

WlIshington Siale Washington Stllte Monlllnll

Whitman Vllnpon I.e. Vllnport I.C. Oregon Stale Oregon.

7 6 6 5 3

• 6 6 7 3

Washington Whitworth.





Oreqon. Oreqon Sttlte. Id.,ho ..

..... .. 13 6 5

•• 0


orr or

I HAD THAT PLATE CLEAN ENOUGH TO EAT moana Umpi.... Bob rinka . . ha watch.. Hal Hunta. kick up a duat alo.m on a alida for th. hom. dQh. Tha Idaho outlialda' '""'o....d with . . . . und •• th••t ....tchlnll' CoUll.' catch••. Clayton Can.

pee Northern Division Woo

Washington Stale. Wilshington.


















Oregon Stale.




11150 BASCBALLERS-I"INt Ro.. : Don Hunt. Olenn DanoaU. <1_ z......,., Rod Otl.o.r. Boh Lh\<:., Boh Pritchett, Hie. SleII..orlh ••. Sooeond Ro.. : Don H.m.on, V.n Brit9f., BlU 8 ...........0.... "'........ Atchioon. TODoo M_n!JIlI, P.t. B...,....

STRIKEOUT STORY Idaho. Idaho_ Idaho Idaho. Idaho. Idaho Idaho. Idaho. Idaho. Idaho. Idaho. Idaho. Idaho.


North Idaho ColleQ8 of Education North Idaho CoIl8Qe of Education 5 North Idaho College of Education 6 North Idaho ColleQe of Education (Called in ninth-rain) o Washington State 4 Great Falls (Pioneer League) 11 Spol:.C1ne (Western InterMtional) 4 North IdClho College 01 Education 14 Boise (Pioneer League) 12 College olldoho_ 8 College olldClho. 5 North Idaho College of Education. 9 MontOM Stote University



5 8 6 12 5 5 I 4


o 6 6

Ball Basners Boast Better Baseball THE IDAHO DIAMOND CREW ranked high in crowd appeal this season but low in Northern Division conference standing, Coach Finley's nine looked stronger in every deparhnent this season even though they did land on the cellar step with Oregon Stale. The Idaho mound staff was capoble but the Vandal hitting left some· thing to be desired. Southpow Bob Pritchett was the top Idaho pitcher. Pritchett turned in a won 2-lost 3 record during conference play. Ozzie Kanikkeberg, who worked mostly in relief roles, won land lost 1in conference play. Cless Hinckley and Don Hunt posted 1-2 records during NO play and Uoyd Schiller had a 0-2 record. Second &oseman Tobe Masingill was the most consistent wood swinger at the plate. Masingill slasht.-d 17 hils in 53 appearances for a .305 mark. Rightfielder Joe Zavesky hit at a .255 clip and catcher Dick Merrill was slapping the apple at the .241 mark. 245

CorY8111., Apr;! 17-

.,, ,, ,, ,• , ,, , ,,• ,, ,,, • •,, , , , ,, •"

CorY8111., April 18-

.,, , ,, • ,, ,, , , , ,,•• ,,, , , ,• ,, , '''''''


Msno ll. 2b Hunler. If 0 0 Gndtlr, Jb 0 PrlchH. Ib 0 0 5lllw,lh... 0 Meum, 0 0 H.. rrioon. ,f 3 0 0 0 DorMl1, cl 0 0 0 Schill..... P Hlnckly, p 000 Zo.yeoky 000 Briggs 000 Tot"l. 35


Gdbrod.o 0 F8WC..tt,2b 3 Chnln,n, Ib 5 Snydtlr, r/ Kr..f.... If 0 Clr>qmn, C 0 T..n...11I... A~ ..... 3b 0 0 Whlt... p 0 0 0 0 s"rg.P


0 0 0 0


Ma.cow, April 28-

., ,, ,, ,• •• , , , • , ,, ,, , ,, ,, ,, • ,

., ,, ,, • •,,, ,, ,,, ,, , ,, ,,, ,,, ,, ,,,•


Msnon,2b Hunler, If Grid..,. Jb z.,y...ly.lb Prlchl!. P K.. nllbrq, p SlIIw,lh... H.. rrioon, rf Linck. 0 [),orn.. lf. of

5 3 I 4 2

To!<l.ls 34 51013

., ,, ,, ,• ,• ,, , •• , ,,,, • , • , ,, ,


0 0 0 0 0 0 0

., ,, ,, ,• • , ,, •


Msno ll. 2b Hunter. If 0 0 Grid",,3b 0 z.,yeoky.lb P,UCh"I', P 0 SlIlw,lh .. 30 0 H.. rrloon, rf :2 o 0 0 Linck. 0 0 Simmon., cl 3 0

Gdbrod, c F8wcelt.2b 4 0 Ch...ln.n. lb 4 0 Snyd.." r! , 00 0 Gr..h.. m. rf 0 0 0 0 , 00 0 K'8IY". H H",per.1I 30 0 51olt<. of o0 0 TMoelll... 00 Ak...... 3b 30 Erlcoon, p 3 0 0 0 F..rrill 000 Whll.. 000 00 0 N.. l"""


Gdbrod.o 0 0 F8wceu.2b S Ch ...lnsn, Ib 6 0 0 Snyder. rt 0 0 H8rper. if 0 0 OnqmM.o2 0 0 Sloll., of 2 00 T8noelli, .. Ak..... 3b 0 Ericson. p 00 0

Ma.cow, Apnl 29-


Tol"l. J8 14 1321

To!<ll. 31 9 910

Tot"l. 31 5 8 8

,,, • ,, , ,,

., , , • ,• ,,, ,, •,, ,•• ,, ,, , ,,

IDAHO M.noll.2b Merrm, c Grider. Jb z.,y...ky. II Prlchlt. Ib SUlwrlh... H"'rioon. rf D.. m .. lt. of K..nilbrq. p

, 0 0 0


0 0

J 0 0 <0 0 3 0 0

TOI"ls 32


80"';1. P


.,, ,, ,, • , ,, • •• o,, ••, ,, ,,, , o • " • '"


Gdbrod,o F8Wcetl.2b J Ch ...lnsn, lb 4 Snydtlr, rf Slolls. of H.. ,pe" rf T.. nMlle .. A~ .., .. 3b Kr..lye

0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0


0 0


To!<ll. 34

Tot"ls 33 3 612

001- 5 100_14

OREGON STATE .100 010 010- J IDA __" _O_--,--,_ _-,-_'C'_O_COO_'_OO-,-"_-",,'

OREGON STATE . ,000 004 000- 4 .>O:-:AC""O:-:..--,--,--,--,--,-,,-.03:::0:..,:OC":-:'C'COC"C-:":'

E_SI..Ilworlh 2, M"'lngili. Schmer. Ale... 3, T.......1I1 3, Whu... R81-Prllch.. lI. Goodbrod, Snyder 4, Cllnqm8n, T"noelll, Al...., Be,,,,. HR-T"n...lh, Snyd.., 2. SB-Hunl..r 2. on-ld8ho 16, Or"9Dn_SI8te 8. WP-Hinckle!. PB-Chngm8n. SO-SChlll.., 5. H!nckl..y ; Whil.. 4, Berq 4. U-W...IOyer 800 H8n~e, AIt8ndence--3000.

E-Prllchell 3, z.,.e.~y 2, Hunler. Grider, S!<IlIwo,lh. Linck. RB1-G,id..r2. [),orMIL Gorxlbrod 3, Snyd..r. Oingmon, T8noelli 2. A~e .., 2B--T8n..,lIl. E,!c.on. M8slnq!ll. Grid.." Linck, z.,ve.~y, HR-Aken. Sll-Christi81UOn. Hunler. DP-Er!c.on 10 T"n..,llI 10 Chrl,U8nson, Ten· ...lfi 10 F~"'celt 10 Chrtsll8noon. BB-PrllcheU 9, K"nIH.. berg 2; E,looon 5. So-Prilch..fl4, Er!c' OOn 2. Letl on-Id8ho 7, Oregon SMt.. 10, U-Weoloy..r 800 H"nke. Au..nd8nce--2400.

E-T"noelfl. Ak..... Zoy...ky. SI"nwo,th. RBI -Ak..... H8'pe,. Ch,loli8nll<m, z.,v... ~y. Prllch81t 2, Mulnqlll. 2B-Akers. H",pe,. HR-M8'_ !n<;Illt. B8-E'ickson S, Prachel! 3. SO-Erlcloon 4. Prllch.. 11 5. &Ik-E,ick""". DP-Mesln_ 'I!_ll ~.~~'F.k~ ... "-AO,,~!'!.~~,,5.J.d. ~ho 6

E-M".ingilf. Merrill, K"nnIUeb6rg. Goodbrod. F"wcell. Snyd..r. Ak..... RBI-M8slnqill M..rrilL z.,v..sly 2, St8I1W01'lh. Goodb,od, F8Wcefl, Ch,1.118noon 2. 2B-Merrill. Chrl,118noon. SB-Gr;d",. BB-K8nniHeb6rg 10; BerQ 5. SO-K~nnlkk ..be!'<j 4. Berg 2. WP-K8nn;U8_ berg, Le1l on-oregDn S18t.. I!. Id8ho 8. U$<Ibol "00 Fink... An.. nd.once--1400,






220 015






IDAHO. . .... ,002 OREGON STATE .. 040




L6,','.O•• .

.,.,,"" ""



Idaho was set down in one-two fashion by Oregon State in CorvalliS. The Vandals suffered a 14·5 setback on a l3-hit attack by in the first game.


In the second CorvalliS encounter, Idaho jumped off to an early two-run lead but OSC cui loose in the third frame and came out on top with q. 9-4 victory. The Vandals evened the series when they snapped up two in a row from in Moscow. Bob Pritchett hurled a masterful six-hitter against the Beavers in the o~ener.


Ozzie Kanikkeberg pitched a sevenhit affair against in the second game. Kanikkeberg goose-egged the Beavers in every inning but the sixth .


YOU'RE OUT _ , . But U"'p-!· .... the 6 • ppl., h.·11 the on. who'. out. My !I_h

0 ...1. K.nlkkeb-erv**** PItcher


t b _.....n. Th. B..".r b.ttu who hit ..... the d your rule book.

Tob-e Muln!ll\l**** Second a...

Bob Llnck**


H.l Hunt.,,**

Bob Pritd..tt** Pile...... nd flrsl s..

Hlcll Bull.orih**

.... '"'"


Joe Zavesky poked a home run for Idaho's only extra base hit during the first Oregon game in Eugene. The Ducks set Idaho down 12-4. The second Eugene contest was a complete reversal of form for both clubs. Idaho unlimbered their hitting power and pounded out a 17-12 win. Idaho leveled off their four-game series with the Oregonians at MacLean field. Oregon bashed out a 12-3 decision in the first contest. Bob Pritchett chalked up his second conference win of the season when he put Oregon down 9-7. CAUOHT SLEEP_WALKINO ... Bob P'ntCMtt pu~ th. t~ on en Oroovon runne• • no tooll • bl9 "u'n around.6rtt a.... .nd found M ........lf In. hot hoe.

IDAHO 8b 0 h •

Monqll. 2b Und.c Grider. If z..y...ky. 3b Merrill. c P.lchll.lb Choul..... l Stll ....lh.... Hunlp Oe ....n.p Brit;lQil.p


•• • ,,• ,• ," ,, ,, , ,, ,,, , , ,, , ......., , " •

$I.01l0n. lb Nol..,." 2b 3 2 0 I Strecler. ri 3 2 1 2 Solt.r. cI 4 2 0 I Ow...... d 411 I 2 KImbell, 3b 3 2 0 0 Schmer.3b 3 2 0 4 Coley.... 2012 s . . - . I b 0 0 0 I Smllh. c 1 0 0 0 Itro..... 1' 4 3 0 4 4000




5 2


0 0 000 0 4 0

I 5 2 I 5144 0

•• • , • M""9t1. 2b , , , 0 IDAHO


0000 0000

Toleb 37 Z7 16 IS T_I.4<I 26 16 9



,, ,, ,, , , ,• ," , •, Sen"".... co.,.•

Hunte•. 11 0 Grlclor. 3b z..y""ky. rf • 0 , P,Ichtt. Ib 613 3 0 Stllwrth, ... Unck. c , 0 Oemell, cl HInckley. p 6 0 1 0 K.... ~.pOOOO

..,,, , •,, ,,

..," , •,, ,

Mo.:o.... May 3-

Euc,ono. April 20-


•• •, ,•, ,• ,•" ," , , , , •, ,


0 O ......... c::l Nol..,.,. 2b 0 Strolton. If Strode•. rl 0 Sugu'., c 5 9 1 0 Ib 5 5 Klmb<oll. 3b 4 0 2 0 0 s"lte., p 00 0 H......... l' '00 0000 0000 Nuk. I' 0000 ,~ 000 Itr._. p 00

........., , ....


,, ,

IDAHO M""9lt 2b Hunter. If G.lclo•. 3b Z.y...ky. rl Prtchtt.lb SUlwrth.... Unck. c $1m..... cl Schillet. I' M....UI



0 000 00 0 00 00' 00' o0 00 , 000 00 0 000

,• , ,,•, , ,, ,

Toleb 30 3 2 16



• 0

$I.ollon. If Nol..,." 2b Strode•. rl 00 0 Suqur•. c 4 0 Klmb<oll, 3b 5 0 s"lter. cl 0 Set~. tb 0 0 co.,.• Itr...... p

• ,, ,, ,,, ,, , , ,, ,, , •

Toleb 37 12 10 9

..,, , •,

M......... Mey4-



, 0

Hunle•. II 0 Grlder.3b 0 z..veoky. rf Prlchtt. l' 000 SlIIwrth.... 000 M"rrllI, c 0 0 , 0 Choul... Ib 3 o..mell. cl 0 0 HoTrioon. U 0 , 0

,• ,, "" •• , ,, •, ,..... ,. ,

••, ,,, ,• • , ,, ,, , , ,,, ,,, , , , ....... , , ,, ,..... " au OREOON



$I••Iton. If 0 Nol..,.,. 2b Kimbell. 3b 3 Suqr". ri. cI 4 00 0 StMdor. Ib 5 1",-. cl 00 , 0 Tom. rl Coley.... Smllh. c 0 , 0 Ioh....... p o 0, 00






020 010- 3

'--.C.C.C . .C'C':',--OOO='--:OC'o-=----:'

E-Mulnqlll 3. Hunter. St"lIworth 3. Unck 3, Simmon. 2. Schiller. RBI-M••II>QIll. Hunt"" Z.v...ky, Str~non :2, ",.1..,.,. St,ed"r. s"H"r, Coley. 28-N..I..,., 2, SUQu,ft. MUinq1l1. 38-Hun'e•. SB-Nol..,.,. SI.ler. BB--Kr.uM 8. Schlll", 4. 5O-K'a 9. SchUl•• 3, WPKro ..... Bolk-K, HPB--Neloon. Coley 3. 5etteoc:ae (Schiller). Lellon--Onoo:;pon 7, ldehe> S, U-..s..bal And Finke. Allendoonoe-l400.

E-Klmb<oll, M...lnqnt Grider, Stollwcrth 2. RBI-Nelocn. Kimbell 2, Joh __ 2. l1oge.. Choul.. 2, Hartl..,.,. 0.. ....11, 2B-Str<>d.r. Tom, M""lnqlll. Grider. BS-Ioh....,., 10, Rooe.. 6, Pritchett S. 5O-Johnoon 2. R~ ... l. PrUchett 6. DP--Klmb<oll to Net.on 10 SIrecler; Maoi....,lll to Sl<>lIworlh 10 Choul... WP-/dl....... e..lklohn..,.,_ Lell on--<>reoon 8, ldeho 12. USebol and flnke. Allend&nce-l400.



M _ . April 25-

w ,, ,, • •• , ,, ,, , , , , • , """'"" , , , ,,, , , • ,, ,


MonQll.2b Hun_.lI

Griciar. 3b


2 3 tokGu, ... <:I 5 3 0 0 0 C.rroll. 2b 3 4 0

z.....ty. rf <0 0 T_II Prtc:hn. Ib <0 , B.-wek, rf Sdlw"", • " 0 0 4 c.••• c , 0 , Paul.3b Uncl.c 0.......11. d 3 0 0 0 c.mp. Ib Atehloon 0 0 Dclqulat. p Hlnckl.y. p 2 0 0 2 Ham-. 0100 Kanlkbtq, pO 0 0 0 !>a'1T 1000 Total. 33 3 814

Pull ........ May 19-

Pullman. May 9-




0 30 I 0 3 2 0 0 2100 <00

IDAHO G""-,,,3b Hun_.ll MonQlI, 2b z......t)".lb

w , •

' 4" 0 " 0 3 0 Pttclm, p "0 SchJ1Ier. p 0 0 BtiQo;p I 0 SllIw""'. 5 0 M.mll.c Harrtoon, rf 3 0 Darnall, d , 0

02 2 0 0 0 0 2


0 I 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 ,


• , , , ll:l:.;"

T04al. 36

IllOt. P F_.p



, ,,•• '", ," ,, ,,, ,,, •• ,, ,, ,, o


M<:Gu, ... <:I c.m:iIl 2b Coleman. • Ta"",. Ib B....wci. rf c.... c Palli. 3b

5 2

" 5 3



, 0

0 00

T04al. "0131813

Total. 31 7 713


IDAHO wac w, ab ~ h a G",*,3b 3 0 0 3 MeGu,... <:15 0 0 Hun_.II 00.r<>U. 2b 5 " 000 M_ll,2b >0 0 z.....t)". rf 4 0 0 0 o.mp. Ib 00 PtlC:h'L Ib " 0 0 0 Ta"",. Ib 0 Bmoowk, rf St!lwrt"- • <0 , 0 , Darnall. d 2 0 0 0 Paul,3b 0 , linck. c 3 0 0 0 H,nck14y I 0 0 0 W.~II 0 00 Kan,kbtQ. p 2 0 0 2 c Atehl-. I 0 0 0 K4OQh,p 4 000

,• , """'"" , ,,, ,, ,, ,, , •, o, , , ", • , ,,, c.....


Total. 28




_. ·

M<-oow. May 20-

,, • ,, ,,, ,• • ,, , •, ,,




Gric»r, 3b <0 Hun_.11 0 Morqll.2b z.....ty. rf 0 , 0 0 Stll........ 30 Menlll. c 0.......11. d 3 0 0 0 Atchloon I 00 0 Hunt. p 0000 Sch,Ila1, p " 0 2 5

MeG"'.., d 3 2 0 OorrolL 2b " 2 CoIoaman..SO c.mp. Ib 2 0 , 0 Ta"",.lb 3 I , 0 B.-wek, rf 4 I 00 Paul.3b 0 , 00 Wat.on. II 2 0 0 0 , 00 Cor•• C F.-IaT, P 0 Dolqul.L P 0 0 lor,l-. >0 0 Conla)", p 000 Keooh, p 0 0

Total. 38 6 916

Tolal. 37 9 II 9


TOlal. 38 912 9

,,, ,•, ,• , ,



,, o , ,o , , a o

IDAHO. ,000 000 021-3 WASHINGTON STATE.OOO SOO 200-7

IDAHO 000 001 000 I WASHINGTON STATE 400 100 620-13

IDAHO 000 010 000-1 WASHINGTON STATE.300 011 22.-9


E-Unck. Darnall, CoIaman 2 RBI-Masin· 01\1. Gride. 2. McGu, .. 2.. Camp, [)ol.qulsl 2. ::IB--CoIaman. P.ul. Atehaon 38-Ta"",. SB --c.m:iIl T~ BrunowIck ::I. Paul. BBH",ci,'" Do:liqulIOt ". 5O--Hlncltlay I. 11:•• nllr.kabwo l. [)giqulol4 ~ n 10 0.""" Corroll 10 Comp;; sw,ll......" 10 Maoolnolll 10 Ptitchatt. LeIt on___Wadurqton sw,,,- 10, klaho 8. U-s.boIand Fink•. Atlandanoo-l700 (aoL)

E-c.rroll 2. CoIa""'n. p,;'clHtti. SloOllworlh. I1:BI MaslnqUl, MeGul... Col...... n. Ta"", 3. Bru.......1cl: :l. Paul 3, DolouIOl :lB--CoIe-n. Paw, [)ol.quLOL 0.. .....11 2. .....n. 3B-Col HI1: - Ta"", SB-NeGm.. 2. Carroll. Coleman. Ta""" Bru...w\oelr.. Paul. IMI on-Idaho 15. W.......nqIon sw,te 7. BB---Pritchall:l. DoIquiot 7. 5O--DoloulOl3, r_.. 2, Ptlleha!l 3. SchUIar I. WP-Dolouiot. Balk-ScluJIar. PB-Marrlll 2. U-SaboI and IDrld>. All<M'ldanoa-JOCX).

£--Grldar 2. Maoonoill. SloOllworth.. Unc:k 2, P.ul. Con. :lB--Carroll. Hlit Brunow,eIr. 2. SB-Corroll. ColaP>an 3. Tappa. Icl:. Paul, Ilaytz. Waloon. LeIt on-Iclaho 9. WSC 9. B8-I:4OQh 9, 1I:_1r.Ir.~ 4 5O--hcqh 3. U-Ulnen.nd Sabol.... tlanda.... 1800 l-!.}.

E-GriciaT, Hun'.., Za.... ky, Sl4l1worlh :I. $ohll..... CoIa""'n. Paul. r _ . IitBI-Hunter 2. MaRIlQIII. Priteha!t2. Schille•• NeGul.. 2, Carroll 3 Col_n. Tappe. Paul 3B--Sehlllar. HR--c.rroll SB-McGu;.. :I, T.~,. Paul. Pritchatt B8-r_ I. DoIqulel l. u..Iay 2. l5.~h l. Hunt 3. Schiller ", 5O-DoIqulot 3. U>nIay ::I. hoon I. SchJlJe.r 6. WP--OoIaIl~ LeIt on- Wadunqton Stale 8, Idaho 9 U-I-'lnke .nd Sabol. Anandanoo-:noo.








Washington State's Lee Dolquisl ruined the Maclean field conference opener when he effectively scattered eight Ida· ho hits lor" 7·3 win over the Vandals. WSC shelled out a mar"thon 13-1 win over Idaho in Pullman. Glen Darnall swung the big stick for Idaho when he socked out two triples. Roo Keogh made it three straight wins for WSC over Idaho when he twirled "9·1 triumph in Pullman.

DON'T STRAIN YOURSELf', NEIGHBOR_I·... got th. b.llln",)" lila•• and 1'_1101",)" faot on the b.lI. All you \lot .......""'. . lrom • run do.. n th. fl ..1 b_lin•.

Llo)"d Bc:hlllar. Pltehar


Cougar Coach Buck Bailey lost a bat· tle with the plate umpire at MacLean field <!lod was ushered from the premises, but the Cougar nine won their battle and posted a 9·6 win over Jd<!lho.

J_ Za...lo.y* RIQht Field end Fi,.t BaH

120 9 ,,00-6

Don Hunt**

Ol.n" Darnall**

Cia.. Hinelr.lay*


Cenler Field


Idaho dropped its Northern Division conference opener to Washington in SeallIe, 8-2. The Vandal nine capitalized on a shaky start by Husky pitcher Bob Moen, and hugged a two-run lead at the end of three frames. Moen then settled down and blanked the Vandals the rest of the route. Don Hunt, backed by brilliant Idaho fielding, hurled himself out of the tight spots and nosed out the University of Washinqlon 6-5 in the opener in Moscow. In the second session at MacLean field, Washington covered the Vandal outfield with 17 bingos that dropped Idaho 8-1.

DECAPITATED_W. .hi"g-ton·a fi... t ••elr..r ....n·1 c1ippad by tha ball. Ha ju.1 want out 01 hi. h . .d at...tehing- for a wHd thro_. Za-.lr.y . .fa al li .. l.

Rod Grld••** Third s.....

$e,atUe. April 14IDAHO

, ,, " ,•, •, , " ,, , ," , '"


0 ~~~1\2b 0 0 Prlchtl. P 4 0 Choul.... Ib 4 0 0 0 Hunler. H 0 0 StIlwrlh. as <0 0 Grlder.3b H8rrioon. r! 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 o..r""lI. cl Tolel. 30



•• ,, ",, •, "$34 ,, ,, 0,,

Tuder.2b SW8noon. cl Andrlnq. Ib Glsamn.3b Kmmrle, r! Mullen. If Lndberg, c &>gIrl, .. Moen.p Hy4mte. 2b

2 0 0 0 $ 0 a 0 <0 <0 , 4112 0 0 0 0

Tolels 36

... 032 ... 001

, ,,



000 000- , 000 13.- 8

E-Andrlnq, Und 2. St8l1worth. RBI-Slen· worlh 2. GJ8 ..m8n $. Lundberg 2. 2B--Tuder. LundberQ. EnQlert. HR--Qle.."",n. SB-Sw8n. !IOn 2. AndrlnQ, Lundberg. DP-Andrinq 10 Lundberg to Moen. Stellworth to Me.lnqill 10 Choul_. BB-Moen 5. Prltchetl 6. 5O-Moen 7. Prilche1t 4. Left on-We.hlnQton 10. Id8ho 7 U-Anderoon 8nd Fidler. AttendM.c.-I50.


, , ,•

.0 , 0

Grlde,.3b <00 Hunter. If 0 Msnqll.2b z"v_ky. r! 00 0 Prlchtl.lb <00 0 Slllwrth. as 0.."'811. cl Simmons. c 0 Merrill. c 00 0 0 Choul... 00 0 Hunt p 0

,,• , , , , , ,, ",, , ,, , , " , '"

Mosoow, M8Y 16---WA8HINGTON eb , h e He"'•. cl 5020 HY8mt8. 2b 2 I 0 2 Tuder.2b 2 0 1 1 Rodl8nd. r! 4 I 1 0 Andrtnq. Ib 3 I 1 0 GI..mn. 3b 5 0 1 I Mullen.1f 2 0 0 0 Moen. I! 2010 Lewi•. c $010 Grent. •• 3103 McCrtny. P 4 1 3 I Peteraon, p 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0

0 3 I 0 6 0 0 2 0

I 17

WASHINGTON 8b r h 8 He"'•. cl 6000 Enqlrl, .. $ 0 0 0 Rool8nd. rf 4 2 2 0

~~~.il' Ib SW8noon. If Glumn. 3b Lndberg-. c Tucker. 2h HY8mt8, 2b Bell,p


6~ g

0 0 0 0 5 I 0 0 5 2 4 2 2 0 0 2 I 0 0 0 4020

TOt81. 41 817 4

T014I. 32 6 413 . ...002




.. 200


110-- $


.. 000


02.- 6


E-HeY4rno1e. Andrlnq. Lewl. 2. G,ent 3. Hunter. MeolnQlI1. RBI-Andrlnq 2. Tuder. GI....men. Rodlend. Hunl. Hunle, 2. Me.lnQIIi. DMnell. 2B-Hunl. 3B-Hunler. SB--Heye· mot8. Rodl8nd. Andrl"" 3, Grent. Stellworlh. DerMl1. DP-HeY8mot8 10 Gr8nl 10 Andrlnq; Gr!der 10 M...lnqlll to Prllchen. Left on-W8.h. ~n 10. Id8ho $. BB-Mce.rtney 3. Hunt 6,

E-----Brlder. Hunter. MerrUI. RBi-Hinckley. Andrlng-. Moen 3. GI8.."""n. Lundberq 2. Bell. 2B-Moen. 3B-Rodl"nd. HR-Lundberg. And· rl"". SB--Andrlnq 3, DB-St8l1worth to Prltch· elf; Stellworlh 10 M8,inqHI to PrUchell 2. Left on-W8.hlnglon 10. Id8ho 7. BB-Hlnckley 4. Bell 8, 5O-Hlncklej 3. Bell 8. U-Flnke 8nd 5<lbol. Altend<lnce- 000 (...1.).



Lew!.'1~'i~~~e~;,~~WP"":H~~ttU~l.'t;i end Finke. Anend8nc_lSOO (e.I,).


2 2 4 4 3 3 2 3 1

Tot81, 27

Tolel. 37


IDAHO ..b r h 8 3 0 a $

Grider. 3b Hunter. If M.ng-II. 2b z" ....ky. ,I Merrill. c Stllwrth... Prlchtl, lb 0.."'811. d Hindley. p H8rrloon


YOU'RE DOING F"INE. CAL ... BUT YOUR SHADOW CAN'T EV&N GET orF THE GROUND_C.l Sp.... j .... mpood Iii•• a kan<,r.l'(>o and .Io.im. over tn. ba. at th. O~on Stat. m .. t In Co.... llloo.

pee Northern University 01 Oregon.


University 01 Washington.


Woshinglon Stille.


University olldllho.


Oregon Stale


Montllnll St.o.te University.




19S0 TRACK 8OUAD-n..., Row: Norm Barb<or, My..,.. Hodgson, Ol.n ehrl.tl.", Ted Nowall. C.I Spara, Chuck a.,h. . . . . s.c:ond Ro... : Don


De_ Mertlnd.!., John All~n. Ron Huffu. Vern Widner. Xelth a..n. Bob P.rI..h ..• Thl,..\ Row: M.n.~r 0.".1 Han_n. Norm Farnham., F.-I Coolo, Darwin COO.... lI. D.._ Hlne.., Von John-n. We"""" J.. ha....,n, Coach Stan Hl8erman.

Stan's Spirited Sprinters Score Successful Season IDAHO'S TRACK SQUAD lacked only depth in ranks, " prime prerequisite for gaining victories.

The Vandals f"i1ed to win a single dual meet, but in mooy


they captured the majority 01

first place honors. Don Miller. Vandal 440 specialist, turned in the best mark in Northern Division competition when he breezed through the quarter.mile in 49.6. Warren Johnson recorded a 4:19.1 mile against Washington University in Seottle. The leother·lunged junior then gar· nered a second in the mile event at the Pacific Coast conference track and field meet at Berkeley. Two other Idaho entries also placed in the PCC session. John Allyson ran fourth in the twomile event ond Keith Bean finished fifth in the high hurdles. Norm Farnhom qualified for the 88Q·yard run but he didn't make the trip to the California city. Farnham won the Northern Divi· sion title in 1:56.1.


$.oturdoy, Apr!! 15-N""'le Slbdium; Mil" Run-Hulchlru. Or&Q01l, Ii... t)oh..oson, Idaho. second; B..chlund. Oreqon, lhird. T'rne--4.40.1. 440·y ...d C . . h-Mill"" )d.,ho. lirs!; A,mltronq. Id<!ho, oeccnd; Countrym.. n. Oreqon, third. Tim"""'O:52.1. Pol. V.ult-R".muooen. Oregon, 11",,1; Hickok. Or<!QOn. and Pid"..., 0"'9""- lie 10< oeoond. Helgh1-14 f_t High dump-Kolden. 0""900. 1i",,1; Lowl •. Oreqon. Smith, 0""90".

5POch. Idaho, M>d MMlInd"le. Idoho, tle

10e """"nd. HO'righl-S 1....18 Inch.... Shot Put-And..,oon. Ot'<logon. Ii..\; PH!O", 0"'9"". oecond; 1':",1, Oreq<>n, lh!rd. Diol<>nce-44 f_t I Inch, 100_ Yard O .. h-H"nlhorrno, Oreqon. li ...1; Cl.... ,y. 0,...· ond; Chrl'lIM, ldoho. Ihlrd, Tlm""""'09.7. 120 High Hurdl..-B&.on. ld<>ho. flnl; Doyle, Or<>gon. oecond; Sul];von. Ore<;lon. third, Time-O:1S.3.

88O.Y.,d Run-McClu ..... Oreqon. fint; Fornhom, Ida· ho. oeoond: &rber. Idaho, third. Tlme--2;OJ. 2OO.Y• ..d O. .h-Henthom.., Oreqon. ll"t; N..wlon, Ido· ho c<",d; Chrl,tl"n, Idoho. thlTd. Tlm""""O:la.a. lln-Ml..l..idt, Oregon, hr.t; HodQoon, Idoho. oec· d ond; St.. I1 .., Oreqon, thlTd. Di.tonce-l89 f....t 10 inch.... Two·Mil. Run-Mundi", OT"'1On. flrsl; Allyoon, /doho, -'Ond; Horper. ldo.ho. thlTd. Tlm_lO:25.a. 200 Low Hurdl_Smilh, Oreqon. fir.t; Suilivon. 0,..,· gon, ...,.,nd; Doyl... Oregon. lhlrd. Tl"""""O;21.8. Broad JUTTlp-LewI•. Or"'1On, 11..t; Smllh. Oreqon, ....,. ond; Sulhvon. O""l/Otl, lhlTd. Di.l<lnce-22 1....1 4 inch.... Di.cu,,-Anderoon, Oregon. U...I; HlneT. I""ho, ...,.,nd; Spel'QPutoo, Idoho. IhITd. Di.lonce-14? f....1 8 inch.... Mile ReIer-Won by ld<>ho (F"rnham. Barber. Joh"naon ond Mlller). TI~;41.

WE WASTE MORE STRING THIS WAY_W .... n Joh"neon h ..ek. the tepe eltor whirlinll a four_ l"p TTlile.

JUST SEVEN MORE LAPS, f"ELLOWS-Bill Herper end Ron HuH.r _t the p<o.ce on the two'TTlUe rUn.


fJ8C76 Solurd<ly. April 22-Bell Fi.. td: Mil. Run-Johonoon. /doho. 11..1; P .. lteroon, OSC, oec· ond; Fish..r. OSC. lhlTd. TI~;24.3. 44Q.Y"rd O .. h-Mlll..,. I""ho. Ii,,!; Arm.olronq. Idoho, ..-.cond; McKay, OSC, lhiTd. Tlm-o:51.2. IOO·Yerd O. .h-ChrlsUon. Idoho. h"t; Miller. OSC. ..-.cond; N.. wton. Id<>ho. lhlTd. Tlm""""O:lO. 120 Hillh Hurdl_-Beon, Idoho. 11..1: Doyte, OSC. """'_ ond; Tum..r, OSC. lhtTd. Tlm-o,15.2. HllIh JUTTl.p-Ello1. OSC. 11..1; Porler. OSC. 1I<ICOO<:l; Rln.... roon, OSC. thiTd. HOIQhl-6 h 4 Inch.... Shot Put-Deloy. OSC. U"I; RI"""roon. oecond: Johnoon, OSC. lhlTd. Di,l<In<:-.l4 feet 10M Inch.... 8OO.Yard Run-Fomhom. ldo.ho. lIul: l.eonord. OSC. 1I<ICOO<:l; P.. tt..""'n. third. Tlm_I:5a.? azo·Yard Oaeh-N..wlon. Idoho. h"l: ChrlsUon, I""ho, ooo<>r>d; Sporks. I""ho. third. Tlme--<l:22.7,



HOW HAVE THOSE THINGS BEAN, KEITH - The hurdl.. TTlu.t be O.K. Keith B.en lIlid_ over the finel herrier well in front of hi" O""llon oppon.nt.

n~~=.I'O~~h~::r·~'~;;~\9?1:;:1~~~h:",nd; Ri· Pol. V.ult--Dick..y. OSC. lir.t; Holm.... OSC. -'Ond; MMtln""le, Id"ho. IhITd. H..IQht-12 I_I. Two_MUe Run-FI.her. OSC. Ii.. t; H"rper, /doho. """,. ond; Huff..r. Idoho. Ihiro. TiI>1&-9:59.7. azo l.ow Hurdl. .-Beon. Idoho. 11"t; W..ll., OSC. """'_ ond; Turner. OSC. thlro. Tlme--<l:26. Bro.d dUTTlp-W..ns. OSC. hr.l; Shetlold, OSC. second; McCof1erly. Ihlrd, Disl<lnce-20 1",,1 a mch.... Dlecue-Rln.... ...",. OSC. !irst; Mor.... OSC, -'One!; HI"",. I""ho. third. Dtslonce-IH I_I 9~ Inch.... Mil. R.lay-won by Idoho <hrnhom. &rher, lohonoon. Miller). Tlm_3·28.6.


18 THE BALL REALLY THAT HEAVY?_O"v. Hln.r In the <notion of propelling the 16.pound .hot.



Solurdoy. April 29-WoshillQton Siadium;

HERE OOES ANOTHER WHITE STRING-Norm rarnham ul"ld.. throu9h amoothly at tha finiah 01 hia 880 apin.

THIS PICTURE WAS A SNAP_Evaryon. ea<na for tha ahot. Don MilJar and Dick Arm.atron9 waar Idaho colora in tha 440 d ...h.

JIa;{Q S6.S

(PorilnlheUco[ "",tter indicot... wlnnlllQ duol m....t "Uorll Mila Run-Mello. ,,,,lIIornl&, firot; 10honoon. I""'ho (4:19.0. lI<I<X>Ild; Loolie. W..ohington. Ihird; Arnot. Colilor· nl&, lourlh; Oed"•. W&.hlnglon. hfth. Tlme----4,IS.5 lOO-Y.rd O...h-Anderllon. OI[!forni&. flnt; Wel."",n. W&ohlnqton (9.8). second; Chri.tion. Idoho. third; Mopl.... OI[lforni&, lourth; Flobel"<]. Woshinqion. lilth. Time-O;9,7. 44O_Yard D...h-Mlll"r. [doho. lint; MOl"<]&n. W&shlng. ton (50,21. oecond; Bu.h. W&ohlllQton. third; P&lmer. c"li· nio. lourth; Sorber, Idoho. lilth. Time-O:SO. 120 Hi9h Hurdlea-Surke. W&shlllQton. fint; Rodem&k· er. Colilorni". lI&COIld; Beon. Idoho. third; Steword. Wosh· IllQton. lourlh; Oooo[dPon. W&shlllQton. filth. Time-14.5. Hillh dump-H,oqler. OIlilornl&. &nd O[ ... n. W"ohlng. to~. II" 'or li..t; G&rreU. c"lIlorni&. third; MMHnd&le. Id&ho. &nd Sparh. Idaho. !i" lor fourlh. Heiqhi-6 f....t I Inch. Shot Put-Reqo!%.. OIlifornlo, first; Rush. c"lllornl". 1IeC· ond; Perry. WuhlllQton (46 ft, 8)-<i In.1. ihlrd; Di,on. Wosh· Ington, lourlh; Ht""r. Idaho. filth. Dtstonee--47 fl. Min.). sao_Y"rd Run-Hen...y. W&.hlllQlon. Iirot; ClMk. Co[ilornl&. oecond; F&rnh..m. [doho. thIrd; M&ttond. Wo.hlllQton. fourth; I"doon, Collfornl&, lilth. Tim_l;S3.9. JeweLin-ROI"""'. Californlo. lint; Boldwln. Col!lornio. IIeCOnd; Hodqoon. Idoho ([79 ft, 3)-<i In.1. Um.ted. W&shlllQ' ton. lour til.; no Uth. Dist',n~205 fl. 73i in. Two_Mila Run-Abbey. W"OhillQton. h..l; $t"uHer. c"lIfornl". """"nd; Allyoon. Id&ho. ihlrd; Seorn<>unl. OIlilo... nlo. lourlh; Rtchords. W"ohlllQton, IIl1h. T'me-9:30.e. 220_Y"rd D...h-Anderoon. OIl~lornl&. flnt; Wel""",n. W&"hlllQton (0;22). ""!ICOn<!; M&pt.... c"lilornl&. third; ChrloHon, ldaho.lourlh; Floberq. Woshlngton. lillh, Tlme-O:2I.S. Dlecua-Hlne•. [doho. fi .. t Cook, c"lIlornio (143 ft. 4,8 In.). second; Perry, W&shinglon. third; R<>g&I>, c"Hfornl&. fourth; Speropu[OI, Idoho. lillh. Diot"nee--146 It. 9.1 In, Pole V.ult-Paddoek. c"l!lornlo. fl ..t; Brlghom. W&sh. inglon (12 ft. 6 In,). second; P&rl.h. Idaho. Md Mortln<!&le. Idoho. tie lor Ihird; Wtqqlnton. OIlifornl". hUh. Heighl-13 It. 6 In. 220 Low Hurdl..-Burke. Wo.hillQton. fi .. t 00001<400. W"shlnqton. ..,.,.,nd; Wigglnion. OIlifornl&. Ihlrd; StewMI, W&ohlngton. fourth; B""n. Idaho. fifth. Tlm""""'O,23.9. Broad Jump-Stonlleld. c"liiornl&. li..l; Gr&nt. C&II/or' nl •. ond Sorlholmey. W&ohillQton (tie) (22 U. llH In,). MO' ond; Hublow. Woohinqlon. fourth; McCodey. W.shlllQton. hUh, Diston~23 Ii. '" In, Mila Ralay_Won by OI[lfornlo (P"lmer< Arnot. Clork, I&doonl; WomlllQion. second, Tim" 3:22.3.

WJ8C 73.S

s"lurd&y. M&y 6-N....le S14dium: Shot Put-Swerln. WSC, firot; Mat&ya. W8C. IIeCOnd; Fi.her. WSC. third. Di.14nce------471....t 7 Inch.... Mila Run-lohanaon. Id&ho. first; $t1m&c. WSC. """"nd; Ei&Chen. W8C. third. Tlm_4;2S.3. davaUn-Hodgoon. Id<&ho. flrst; Neloon. WSC. """"nd; Ty.-1. W8C. third. Dist&n~1831....19Inch.... 44O_Yard O...h-Mlller, Id&ho.lIrot; MiIl&rd. WSC. MO' ond; Helded. WSC. third. Tlm.........o,SI. lOO_Yard O...h-Newton. l""'ho. IIrsl; Chrl.Uen. Id&ho. IIeCOnd; Thorndike. WSC. third. Time O:LO. Pola Vauh-M&Mlnd<&le, I""'ho. lint; PMloh. I""'ho; Sui· livan. WSC. <md <;"yd&. WSC. lielorll&COlld. Hei<;lhl12 f""t. 120 Hi9h Hurdl..-Polofool. wsc. 1I.. t; Be"n. Id&ho, MOOnd; no third. Tlme-O:IS. 88O_Yard Run-F&rnh&m. Ld&ho. 1I..t; Sewell. WSc. MOQnd; c"rpenter. WSC. third. Tlme-l:S7.9. 220_ Yard O...h-Newton. [doho. lint; Wei.... WSC. ...". or>d; Thorndike. WSC. Ihlrd. Tlme---O:22.2. Oia<:ua-Hlner. Id&ho. 11..1; M&t.oy&, WSC. MOQnd; Fi.h. er. WSC. thIrd. Oist.on~L1S foot 8H Inch.... Two_Mil. Run-Allyoon, Id&ho. 11..1; Bob Sellrldq&. W8C. """"nd; Dick Sellrldge. WSC, third. Tlme-9:S8.2. 22OLow Hurdl..-PoIofoot. WSC.II .. t; Be"n, I""'ho. ...". ond; Swonbed. WSC. lhlrd. Time---O:24,6. Broad Jum_Hi\J\l8ns. wsc. li..t; MOr<;l&n. WSC. ...". ond; Nowad. l""'ho. third. Di.t.on~22 I""t 6U lncll.... Hi9h JU<n_Roberto. WSC. &nd P..drld. WSC. tied lor first; o..ve M<lrtlndo[e. Id<&ho, ond Hlooe.... wsc. lied lor third. Helght-6 1....1 2 inch.... Mil. Ralay-Won by W~C (Hi9Q"nA. Deck. Wei... &nd M,lIord). T,me-3:27. ldoho 0 lIm_3:27.7.

IN A WHIPPET rINISH-Oid. Nawton (left! and OLen ChrteU.o (canter) fini.h. el.,.. century.

HEY, WHERE'D IT 001_0• .-ln C09awall lata h .. Dyin9 ...ucar ...i1 into tha co<npatltiva fiald.


jIonlana 81alt 68 Solu!"d<>y,

M~y 13-Ml...,..1~.


High oJurnp-Cope, MonloM, 10..1; MMUndot.., Idaho, oecond; H"oquevMonloM. 1l>iro. H"lghl-5 l.... l]! Inch"•. Pol. Vault-M.. rlind<lle. Idoho, li...t; Jon..,n, Monlono. "nd Po,ish, Idllho. lied for O&COtld. H"lqht-12 feel 7 inch.... Shot Put-o..l"ney. Monton". ftr.t; Rlpk.., MonIM".~. ond: Ooyle. MonI<lM. lhin;!, Diol,mce------41 I_t 9~ lncheo. " ...lin-eh,lol""""n. Montono. first; Hodooon. ldoho. MOOn<!; Ro1hwell. Monlono, lhlrd. Di.lo".,......r17 l.... t. Mil. Run-Joho ..-,,,,, ld"ho. firo!; AllyllOIl, [doho, ....,. Olld; F1,nnlr>Q. Monton<l. Ihlrd, Tlme------4:30.5.

lOO.Y.n1 Dun-lucbn..... Mon!<ln<l. firsl; Brenn..... M"nloM, MOOnd; Christl" .., Idaho. Ihln:l. Tirn""""'O:09.9. 440·Y.rd O. .h-MlHer. Idoho, lire\; Heinl<, Monlono, oecond; Arm.trong. ld<lho. third. T;me--{)A9,6. 120 High H"rdl_Bean. Idoho, UfOt; B4dgley, Mon· t<lno, oecond: Doy)e, MonlM"". third. Time O'IS. 860_ Y.rd Run-hmh8m, Id8ho, li",1; )Oh8,...,.,. I""'hoMCOnd; F1"minq. MO<lMM, lhlrd. Tlm_I:S7.4. 220_ Y.rd D. .h-Luck"",n. Mont8na. li ..t: N"wIO<l. Id8_ ho. -'OJld: Chri,118n. Jd8ho, third. Tlm""""O:21.8. Two_Mil. Run-MeCh".MY. MonI8n... fint; Allyoon, Id8ho. MCOnd; HMper. ld8ho. third. Tlm_lO'04.S. 220 Lo", Hurdl. .-Be,m, l""'ho. li",1; 8<I<Iol"y. MonI8M, """"",<I: And"r..,n. Mont"M, third. Tim" 0:25. Broad Jump-Luckm8n. MonI8M, li"t; NO....8k. l""'ho_ third. Diotonce------21 I_I II Inch.... DJ.cu.-Doyl... MonMna. fint: Hin"r, l<1<oho. MCOnd; Ripk... MonMn8, third. Di,Mnc_l66 I_I. 9~ Inch . MU. R.l.y-Forl..lled 10 Jd8ho. 80 H..inlt. MonI8n h8d Injured hi. 1"9 8nd Ludmftn hed fftll..n ftt th.. linloh oIlh.. lurionq.

OH. MY ACHING FEETt_John Ally..,n hlto th. ",I "'Ith • p.in.d up.....ion .h.r orindinO two mil Som.. jok.r ...pl.c.d th. ",hit••trino with • .t. .l cabl•.

HE MU8T HAVE A TAPE WORM THAT'S LOOKING FOR A MATE-Dick N.wton ...ch•• Ih. laP'" (i .. 1 in Ih. 220 d.oh.

&lturd.. y. M..y 2O--W8,hlnoIon $Mdlum: 860_Y.rd Run-F8mh8m. Id8ho, Ii ..\; H"nsey. W...h_ lngton. oecond; McClur... OnlQOtl. third, M.. tl.. nd. W...hlng. ton. 8nd F1..mlnq, Monton8. tI.. lor lourlh. Tlm_I:SS.!. J.v.lin-Mi ..l..ldt Or<>qon. finl: N"loon, W8.hington $Mt... MCOnd; Delon..y. Oreqon $toto Ihlrd. Hodqoon. Id..ho. lourth. Di.t8nce------l% I....t 9 Incheo. Two_Mil. Run-Mundi .., Oregon. fint: FI.h..r. Oregon $18t.., MCOf>d; AlIyoon. Idoho. Ihlrd: Self.ldg.., Woohington SMt.., !ourlh. Tlm_9:32.4. 220_ Yard D. .h-Wol.m8n. W8.hinqlon. li ..1; F"IL Or..¥::':~-2:nf~l~ulll ..r. Oreqon, Ihird; ChrloUon. Idoho. lourlh.

HERE. YOU CAN HAVE IT_Dick N.wton touch.. off Norm Barbar In th. third quart.. of th. mil..... I.y.

Ol..,.,.-Ooyl... Montona. flnt: And&non. Oreqon. 0&<:ond: Rin""r"""'. Or"9on Sloot... third: Mo..... Oreqon $t81.., lourth. Distonce------l64 f....t 8 inch.... (N..w dlvlolon l'fIoCOl'd. Old record lS7 f_t 2 inch.... by Ed Moell..r. Oreqon. 1929.) Pol. Vault-R mu_n. Oreqon. flnl; Pid..n•. 0""'1"". .-x>nd; M8rl!nd81 [""'ho. 8nd Did..y, Oreqon Sloot... II.. lor third. H<ol9hl~13 f....t. 9 Inch.... 220 Lo", Hurdl••-Burk... W.. shlnqton. finl; Don.. ldoon. W8ohlnqton. 8nd Sleword, Woohlnqlon. It.. for oeoond; $ml1h. Oregon. fourth. Time--O.23.6. Broad Jump-Le....i•. Oreqon, flr.1; HiWin•. W8ohlnq_ ton $t8t... oec:ond: Ludmon. Montono, third; 8<lrtholmy. Wftshlngton. fourth. Di.tftnce------23 f....1 8 Inch.... Mil. R.l.y-W8,hinQlon Sloot.. won (M!ll8rd. WI_. HIQ_ ~~~~h~f;~~~i~.inqton. MCOnd; Idoho. lhlrd: Monton... Mil. Run-Hutchin•. Oreqon. 11..1; P..lt.."""". Oreqon Sloot... oecond; BochJund, Oregon. lhlrd; !.eol"y, W.. ohinqlon. fourth. Tim~:18.3. 100- Y.rd Duh~r..ll. Oreqon, flnt; W..I,mM. Wo.hington. MCOnd; SmIth. Oreqon, Ihird; Cleory. Oreqon. lourth. Tlm""""O:09.7. 440_Y.rd Duh-H..nlhorn... Oreqon. II"t: MilI..r, Idoho, oecond; MorQ8n. W...hlngton, third; CoUnlrym8n, Or..Qon. lourth. Tlme--O:49.3. 120 High Hurdl...-Burk.., W8ohlnglon. lJ"t: $t......Md. W".hlngton........nd: &on. Id"ho. third; Ooyl... Or6Qon. lourlh. Tim_14.3. (N..w dlvl.ton record. Old record. 0,14.4 by St"v.. And"roon. W".hinglon, 1930. 8nd Fran Polo/col, Wo.hing-lon Stot... 1949.) High Jump-Roberts. W8ohlnQlon S18t.., 11..1; [Iltot. Oreqon 5tot... oeoond; P<><Irlck. WUhlngton SI8t thIrd; &ly. Oreqon St8le. lourlh. H"IQht-----6 I....t 4~ inch . 8hot Put-S rln. Wft.htnglon SI"t... fir.l: M81ooY8, Woohl"llton Stot second; P..rry. Woohl"llton.lhlrd; Floh.... W8.hlnqton 51..1 fourth. Dislftnce------48 l_t 4 Inch....

NEANDERTHAL MAN WITH A SPEAR?-No, juot Myron Hodg_n windIng up with a j .....lln.


THE "I" CLUB works as vigorously for the advancement of intercollegiate sports off the held as they do on it, This year the lettermen organization cooperated with the Alumni Association and held the first Vandal Booster Day in the history of the university. Jerry Diehl and Norm Farnham were acting "I" Club presidents for the school year.


MONOGRAM MEN-Fi....t Row: K.n Mc:Co.mack, My"",n Hodgeon, Le.ry Ston., Nathan Ma.Iu, Al Denm.n, Jim r . .m •• , Dic:k R ..d . , ,s.c:ond Row: Ronald Nichol. ., Wllbu. Rul.m.n, Billy Mulline, Donald Mill.r, M .....in Chu...,h111, dohn R••II•• , .• Thil"d Row: Ol.n Chrieti.n, St.... OouIII. ., Rob. .t St"",m, Bill O ••tin. No.m r.rnham. dhn Tal!e.nt, Roy Colquitt . . . I'ou.th Row: K.n Le... n, Tom Amb"",.., Va.n B.h., Cha.l.. W.inm.nn. dim Ch.db.nd, M." H.rrinllton. , ,l'ihh Row: Hal B.m_. TOM M . .inllill, C . .I Kiileir.al"d. dhn Hammond, D•. W. J. Wilda. , . $bth Row: Jury Oi.hl, Roy I"",n., T.d Di.hl, Bob Wh. .I••.


CIATION is composed of student managers of the various university athletic teams. They accompany varsity athletes on their trips to matches away from home and look after the players' needs and equipment at all times. The main function of this group, which was organized in 1949, is to better the relations of man· agers with athletic department coaches and the players.

ATHLETIC MANAGER$-n H . .rett . . . s.c:ond Row: 0

t Row: Burt Humphrey. Wineton Chu...,hill, W.nd.1l 1 H .....n, John S.'"IIna., Jim McKa>itt. Jay Couch.


IDAHO FENCING returned officially to the sports scene lor the firs! time since the war. The comeback organizers arranged severlll loil·thrusting matches lind hlld II bit 01 beginners' luck. Idllho. Idllho. Idllho.

2 4 5

WSC. WSC Gonzaga.

5 5 4

Third in lnlllnd Empire Men's Foil Championship Third in Foil's Mask Tellm Championship Inland Empire Men's Team Foil Cha.:mpion.hip

Spokllne Fencing Club. Idllho. WSC. Gonzllgll

IDAHO rENCERS-Kn_lin\l: Edwa..d Holt. Jamaa Oataa . . . Standing: Danni. Wa..d. Lloyd Watan. Roba<t Mun..,n.




IDAHO PICKED ON WSC for their first venture into gymnastics competition. Coach Don Smith's team came out sec· ond best, 49·31, but had no reason for discouragement. Washington State Col· lege was undefeated in all competition, Outstanding performers for Idaho were Don Stilson, who won the long horse and placed second in the parallel bars, and Jim Farmer, who was the Vandals' tram· poline and tumbling artist.

, , , , , , ,

GYM TEAM-rint Row: Jim Walka •. Bill Shaw. dim ruma•. Coach Dick Smith, Wayman Sindan, dOM Bou .. , Sacond Ro_: CaptaIn Don Stllaon. Oao'Va Patanon. dack Huria. Loo.. Bunowa, dim MOON.









,, , , ,

PARDNER. AT IDAHO YOU CAN GET A BUCK th.:lt's exempt from income tax. B<'l.rebi'lck bronc riding, wild cow riding, c1Il1 roping /Ind other rodeo events lire now 11 pllrl of collegillte sports. Idaho's first NlIlion<'l1 Inlercollegidle rodeo lellm had three rodeo kings crowned during the season. Capillin Ned StU<'lrl won the bronc riding conies! in the Monlllnll University rodeo III Missouill. In the Washington Sl(lle rodeo III Colfax, Bob Lint won the bronc riding evenl /lnd Floyd Venable took top honors in wild obw riding. MONTANA UNIVERSITY RODEO W".hlnglon St"te, Mon"'",,_ WyomlnQ... Mon!<lM $t"t... Idaho. WASHINGTON STATE RODEO W ...hlf>Qton SIoI...



Oregon 51"t".

357 345 255

NATIONAL INTERCOLLEGIATE RODEO TEAM-F1... t Row, Captain n.d Stuart. Bob Schild ... s..~ond Row: Cui Yocom, dim Belt., No.m Lodll., P.t Lu.d•• , Bill Lodg•• Bob R ..d, King Block.



.'" ", "

COACH STEVE BELKO mentored. one of Idaho's most successful freshman grid teams thiS season. The "Babes" lost only their season opener to an undefeated. Washington Squad in Moscow. Idaho.

7 Washington.



. 13

Washington State .



. 20

Utah .



. 13

Washington State .


1949 SOUAD-Fi..t Row: Co.~h St.... 0.1100, d.~k W.l.h. F ..d Bow.n, T.d n.h•• , doo. B...;I•• Dick Zynlo, Bill Oliv.., dim Wright •.. s..~ond Row, Bob Hold•• , P.t. H.n•• , Bill Dotl.H, Bill W.uon, Di~k P.t.... D.v. Mu.phy, d.~k Pring, dim P.t.un;' Win Bi.hop (...i.t.nt ~o.~h) , , . Thl.d Row: r..rry Moy... din> o.'V.n, Bob w.. d•• "Y ~l., D......n Fik., Ch. .l_ r..mb. .th, MHton o..t..nd, O•••ld Pl'OCto., doo. &ll, d.~10 don.. (...i.t.nt ~o..,h) . . . Fou.th Row, M.ndiu. Lund.\, din> H.n.. n, Eoo.l M .. k, Don RoM.to, Lo.. n T.d.ow, Bob Gl...."n. dohn O'Donn.ll ... Fllth Row: Mo,ri. DOl'OCk., Dob St.ph.n., H . .ry N.!-on, 0.0"11. M~C. .ty, Bob Phillip., dohn R.n>oo., Don B.Io. ., W.yn. And• ....,n.




WSC Frosh




WSC Frosh.


Idaho . ........ . 14

WSC Fresh.

. ..... 19


WSC Frosh.


rROSHIBASEBALlr-rirat1Row: A""hi. Lowry. dim Pric•. Bill Boyd.n. Bob Kuat. Nick Bowmer . . . Second Row: Chuck Williama, K.lth St.va.... Bob Sell, Rick Sakar•. Burt Pool ..• Third Row: Coach doe Grove. Wayne And• ...,n. Bob Lvnch, Od.n Bl.ck, Bruc. McIntoeh, Manaq.r Harold Stav.n., , . (Not pictured: T.d rillher).

COACH STEVE BELKO'S 1949·50 quintet would have erased the wrinkles from the brew of any varsity mentor. The Vandal frosh were talL fast and aggressive. They had an eye for the hoop and proved it by winning 14 out of 17 contests.

rROSH BASKETBALL-Sitting: Kaith St...."", Gordon Krelah.r. dim Pric., W.yn. And• ...,n, M.nager Bill Taylor. , . Standing, darry Ogl•• Bill Mather, Rogar Llllibridq•. Hartly Krug.r, Hor.ca Nul.y, Bruce Mclnto.h.


Idaho. Idaho. ldaho. Idaho. Idaho Idaho Idaho. Idaho. Idllho. Idllho. Idllho. Idaho. Idaho. Idaho. Id/lho. Id/lho

26 52 62 S? 59 72 70 58 61 52 61 47

66 43 56 39

Gonzaga. Newport High School. Ellslern Washington Grady's, Colfax. Wllshington State. Hat Freeman, Spokane Metheny Bacon, Spokllne. Washington State. Grady's, Colfax. Central Valley High School. Washington State. Gonzllga. Wallace All-Stars Washington Slate. Washington Slate. North Central High School.

27 24

54 60 49 23 40 37 36 42

52 49 40 39 61 31



IDAHO'S FROSH TRACKSTERS lost their only meet of the seoson to the Washington Stale Coubabes. But. in the eyes of Varsity Cooch Stan Hiserman, the meet was a success. Bruce Sweeney, a high·stepping timber·topper, placed with firsts in the high jump and low hurdles in addition to scoring a second in the high's. In field events, Buck Nelson cashed in with top honors in the shot·put, then placed second in the javelin and discus. Other first place winners were Lorin LaFoe and Glenn Casebolt in the 440 and two-mile events respectively. FROSH TRACK_FINt Ro.. , BTu"" a .... n.,.. Olenn C ... bolt. Oo..<lon Hannlng. Don H.rtman .•• StandIng: Don &'::h"I.., Pat Duff.y. Elun M.t.on, WI'T'J' £10,,&., Buck N.~n.

Co..,h Stan HlMr",....

'doha. Jd.,ho.


Washinqton Stale

7 S


W",hinl;Jton Slale



North Central High School




Collax High School




Coll(lx High School


FROSH TENNIS-Bob Ol••••m. Bill Taylor, S.ylor J.P.!::", Don Bolingbro.... Fnod ThornPM>'" Slo.lp Taylor, eo..ch Kirk and.

FROSH 8WIMMINo-n t Ro.. : Larry R...._I. Pate. Vajda, Bill HohMI. Dick W_ft. eo.ch Eric Kb "d ... Soeo"d Row: Wan,. Wnd..,"'. of;'" CrtolUtO", Jack

Lo..... pr, GIoo.. 0. Bruin• . . . Id.ho 19, W ...hi...,ton Suta 49: lelaho 23. W...hi...,ton Stat.. 45.

s ...... &I.ko

r......- . FooIbooll and

~b<oll CoM:h


Jnl/lamu/lal IDAHO'S SPORTS SCHEDULE didn't end in the varsity and freshman ranks. An efficient and extensive intramural athletic program offered a field of 12 competitive sports to 1310 campus ath-

letes. Excluding track, swimming and cross·country competition,

1229 contests

were held during the year.

INTRAMURAL MANAGERS_Fi.... Row: Jim Townlay, Phi Oam",& O.lt .. : Bob McManaman, Phi Kappa Tau; 0.0"11'_ Oue'. Siq",. Alpha Epail",,; Bob Sonnlc~n, Tau Me ..... Aleph: Willard StaunM>n. ehria.... " Hall: Leon 0 ....... Inna",ural director ... s..,ond Row: Larry Cort" •• , wmbda Chi Alpha; Don H •••iaon, B••• Th.t. Pi: Vun C••J..on, $i9m& Nu: Marlin F •• ncle, o.lt_ Tau O.lta: Dick Slraw. Lindla;t H.ll . . • Third Row: P ......on BrimhalL. .taft ....i ••• nt: Thorn. . Webb. c.mpua Club: Bob R. .d, lkta Thala Pi; John W.inm ..nn. Willi. Sw. .t H .. ll; V.rn B... t.r. Id.ho Club; Don rolkin... ..tud.nt .....i..t.nt: Cl..y. H.nd ...... n. L.D.S.

SIGMA NU-"A" B k.tb.U Ch ..mpion..... Kn.. llnll: J.~k W.III.r. V•• n c..'-on, M ..""in Aln..worth St.nding: Bill O.rtin. Norm r ..... h .. m. Lowry B.nn.t1. P.t H.milton. E..i Wh I••.


TAU KAPPA EPSILON_HB" B...k.tb.1l Ch.mp;on..... Kn •• ling: Jim P ..... L.w B•• in.rd. Win..ton Blehop ... S •• ndin\l: D.y. Mu.phy. Harry Boyd. 0_"\1. Pow.ll, t..rry Moy.r, Jim Ch.db.nd.


left Something Behind When




Orchids all the WlJ¥ around for the Senior Ball! Wyatt Howard played for the "Blue Orchids" dance that drew one of the biggest crowds to allend an all-campus affair this year. Orchids were presented to all the ladies. Decorations literally turned Memorial Gym into 0 college ctl.mpus covered with f"milier scenes. Beside the orchid-bedecked bandstand on either side were two silhouettes depicting a man and woman in caps and

ffialuaks al


This year saw 920 seniors graduate in the largest Commencement in the university's history. The Oass of 'SO took in the peak of the post-war delayed-education enrollment. A large proportion of the vets were graduated this spring. Definite goals and ambitions prompted their high scholarship. A feeling of responsibility f1Ind dedication was strong in their opproach to college. It is this new o!Ittitude which pervo!lded the campus Md classrooms tho!lt we hope will not fade too soon o!Ifter their departure. The world cannot help but be brighter with their commencement into the business and o!Iffairs of life that lie ah~d in the second ho!llf of M ama.zing century.





• 273

• • Sue Beardsley

Herb Carlson

Ted Diehl

Del Klaus

Sheila Darwin BIoI a.ocIale ed>1or and Arq .... wrlle and new. editor m<tde Me a nalu."llor Thoot<o Slq"",. Being .. dJelellc. malor. Shell" II .. meml>er 01 Phi U""llon Omicron and we. COVeT Ql,l 10. the Nallon..l Home Ec m..q6ZI .... w....r. New in Ii"."., E'.<:onom1cl. Morlar !leNIn:!, Spurl. Ii...". Ec aut>, and PanheJJ.nle llal her In \heir .ann.

Bob Finlayson

Bob Moulton

Jean Ottenheimer Small. ~ and ~J' de.::nbeo MI. M".,.,... a-t 011950. 1.00\& and c m ",...,', .. llt.... ' make!hlJ; h!tle Alpha Phi oulotondl bec<lu.. thl. yM ••he h•• ruled <Ill GrMk latte. wO"",n ... P....ldent ol Panh.U...,]" Councll. H&Od 011'" 1949 G6m _\<Irlal ltooll, AWS and .....n1 cam_ bit 01 her 11_ 100.


MY. t.oIken Jual .. _

Rich Pennell Thll luper bou hoi !»en the prl~ of lhe V.nd<lleerl

and d ........ deJ»rt....... t. Clworacte. leado In "",ny, <J><lny

A.SUI pl• .,. !I.e... brouqht ","-r. lrom lhe audience lot iour p ".... PhI WI' Afph,o. Soabberd .. nd 1lloocM. and Blue J;er ha.. ....acoa..d I.... _ . . F4110 Ihet. q«>U~

Orual Hansen

Phyllis LaRue

Dick Boyle Idaho'. own ·'Mr. An,hon\" 10 TlMny troubilOd .tudenr.. Dick 01 ... " _ _ 10 "'" .. Il.... 10 all down and t"lk Ihll'lQl ove•. B.tw_n bu.ol.... c1_ he h ... M.ved ... pr<ooident

ollnt.d.o'••nlt., Council ond 0.1110 To .. Delle,

t-n cMltman 01 Student A."lIoil'.. Bo..rd and ... , In on



COmmm.... and R4l1y Commlt1ee .....-t.


Morgan Touey

Daue Lewis

Bette West

Dean Mosher A lillie rljl willi. blQ Idea. and lot. 0/ ambition or><! Inltl.· live I'"!ty ..ell deo<::ri~ 111.1. ell around "ellolly man. Yell t::11'IQ In 194849. 0..." h".t-n "n~.nl...rln.1I "",jor cam""" "weeh," V.nd<>Iee.o. "[' Qub. 81 ...

Key, IRe. Phi Alpha 0.1110, Bench <rnd Ber, and Stud.nt Act,nt. Boord he •• welcomed him Into , ....,. ,anu.

Ken McCormack

Carl Kiilsgaard "Beer T•....,u,·· Ide ', Ioctbooll ~1. w ... co...... 10 play In ,Iwo EMI.W Shrine,.. l\enetIl 9<'_ laol x-. A iou,..p'" Iootbooll lellennan. Co,l t-:.o_ • _ _ 01 "I" Oub . . . tro.h....... end ~ 0gef the ql'OUp In 1949. kJ b end Alpha z.t.!I c"'imood hun . _mbef ... dod Chrlam<ln Hall unlll the loll 01.1949 w ..... he ioi...cl hka t.Uow ..thleleo "I the ld<>ho Oub.

a ..

Rosemary Fitzgerald "FII." hanq;o ..... hat ., th. PI Phi 11.0..... and N""t ~nd rul... the A08Ocl~I«l Wo",.n Slud<lnt. wllh ~n Iron h~nd. W~A ~nd NewlIl<ln Oub h~ve cl~lrned her~. h~ve Slu_ denl Acllvlll... Board. I14lly COmmlU..... Colender Com_ mlll_, DioclpllMr! Board. Sludenl Union Pl~nnlnq Commlll_< ~nd A UJ E:oecullve Board. She ..... <1100 ...rved ~. Spur preoy end $po,Ir lunlor (O(!v~.

Tom Rigby


c:.- ...,tlon

01 P .... I _ r Norton Co.'.


h. tM Ro"'antic: Pariod

Students Learn the Art of Living and Reeeive Professional Training Art and architecture. biological sciences. home economics, humanities, mathematics, music, physical sciences, and social sciences are the eight diverse departments that compose the College of Letters and Science headed by Dean T. S. Kerr. The cultural values of the fine arts and great literature of the world are combined with practical instruction that leads to careers relaled to the learning each individual pursues. Subjects that build a foundation for a fuller enjoyment of life and that develop a philosophical and c1early·reasoned view of man and his place in the universe are found among the humanities and social science courses, some of which the university requires be taken by all ils students regardless of their major field. The opportunities for specialized study are numerous in each of the depll.rtments, but in four years the student has a chance to explore the subject matter of a wide variety of courses that give him a broad understanding and perspective in years to come. The intangible values that build character are garnered through close relationships of teachers and students in classes thai demand deep thinking about problems concerning human relations, purposes and values. MR. Rap.aic:h. Nor",.n SlrinlrAr. and Halan Dudla,. .pand ",an,. hou ... in tMir Un;.·......,. Hu. offic:eall •••lIn, I h",an Enollah c:om_IUo .... P .... of .h.ir ..orlc Ia c:o"""'n od on h.lplnll 'M d.n. "nd....t.nd "'0.. c:o"'plat.l,. the lit.... • tu ... h cI.a.


PJ-of_r olohn H. C h",a... ,,~.n 01 EnJl'liah. I. an authorit" on ........ n ....... ,,~ and ... od pl.,... eha ...,.. and 81\_",_-...

PJooI_r Willian> Boonu'


and lIl.. eo-.. Int...... In

• ........,h apo" they m . .t I. . .djuatlng "". idea. to t Hia worch i",pe.rt 1"-p!.aUon.

dan .. hoi. .


phil_phI.. of lil•.

Golden Anniuersary Year for Letters and Science The Orientation (Non-Degree) Curriculum intended to serve students who are not seeking", degree or who are having difficulty in deciding what courses they wish to select went into effect this year as a two-y~r general course in which students may branch Qut into a wide exploration of speci,,1 interests.

The Administration staff of the college will have more room next year with the completion of the Ad building lIddition. All business offices that are now occupied by the Registrar and Bursar will be located in the annex and their present offices turned over to Letters and Science. The College of Letters and Science was established just a half·century ago in 1900. It is the oldest and the largest of the nine schools and colleges that make up the University of Idaho. With 1950 marking the golden anniversary year for this division. there are golden achievements to go along with the occasion. Through the years changes and progress toward better classrooms, better instruction, and higher standards of developing individuals to attain the maximum gools of their potential possibilities have been stressed. The combining of education for living and for e.!I.rning a liveli· hood are aims that have made this institution universally respected in its half-century of service. Ed......t C.bull. B..nard &n9.1. and Hulon WllH••h .... TC 2-105 _ th.i. offioa and hold .tud."t ...."f ".,.. th..... Tho,. 90 o... ...,h .tud.nC. "0•• in rDlJular IndiYldual taU•• with m.mba of thai. c:J-.

Prof_... Ho_ard Pac:••nham. Willi.m T.nn,.. and Theodo... Sh.rm." t...,h lit.ratu... and oth.r uppa. dl_on PI'OI_r Sh••man ia .uparyiao. of the non.dDlll".... "unic:ulum.



Th. Hom. Eo 9ir1ll ch.mpLon.d the c ...... of Be.n So"p .hloo ,.ar b, pop"lal"la_ Ln\l It _Lth at..., n._ .....1"'".

Art and A"",h.i • ..,.u... faculty mambo... AWltin Kilian. CI.,ton P _ . Robo" O ...l.nd, Mary Kirlo-ood. Theoodo Priche.rd, Arnold Weet.l"Iund. and ",ohn N ...in 'IT out .n. department'a na_ fumitu Po.....,. c t - vi_ ••udente of tn. m_hlne_end·mlnd _ a chan... to c....t. artlat1c proclucte ..Jth thalr ...... da.


Orivinal dMlg.... lor all typM of co .....ruction .... dra_n ..Jth tacit· nical aceul'M:Y 10, a.udant ....,.h.itaetll _ho -orlo lor beautJ' .nd practi_ calItJ' ••• Norm TiIlJ' .. plal .....n. _orll of h1a ....... In d" plannln\l to o.har ....,.h.it..,tu... atudante _ho -orload on tltla cl_ Pl"Oj.ct.


. \.

Makol.... "oWoo '0'1‫ס‬0o


"ft loW eJ.a.i6-

P .... I _ , I:ao-\ Loo.ni.on'. collection of 8 ......h_ ..bbltoo "ho_ now eolo... tion en.ng. with

ttwo _


Tho Loorriaon-JolU• •lIollla _ret>. t . .m. t ... ppe.... d. I..... aJTtOn_ .. eoll..,· lion 01 hlrd. .1M,. ...... _ ..I...d . . . D,. 0.11 u .. nuda'" with. ""mpU. ca.ted "tap In hloo Boton7 lob w ... k.

p ..... ooetl_

0.-. n"70 W. Gail. Ia head 01 botany au.d.i..... thoo d.""'" ....... 01 hlolDlJkol


Sclonee •• "danu ....,.,rd t"-.I. not_ , ••h • ....:I by Kio.,tui" "bM.....t1on ••• Bonl Y..-oul wo out .. "horn18'"" p .... bl.m and I....... th.l>qj.., p . . - - In eham.lc:al ....1,.. .


Marion Frykman. Wlllla'" DuldlOOn, Mlrla..... Littla, and Oao"9a Mlch. . l prac_ tlca for a faculty ..."llal.

Ha......an Doh ...laud Pro/.-or Paul T. Scott in th. journall...... dap.rt.....ant thi. yaar . . . Prof...o. Arthur H. a..tli•. Prof.....r How.rd F .. nch. Kathryn B. . .I• .,. Ellin Sil". .",.n. •nd Prof....or Claud. Aahbytaach c1..... ln F .. nch. Sp.nlah .nd G.r",an.


Louia Hub40 •. Agn.. Schuldt, and K.lth Forn.y t.ach ..... u.lc c l _ . and gi_ !ndl"idu.ll...on. . . w.ll.

Prof....,. A.thur H. a.attla, chab",.n of langu.g... h .... a Scotch_lri.h .nC"· try but .pooclall... ln F ..nch. H. h .... writt.n two tntbook. on F .. nch, ..calud a diplo ...... _ith hono... fro'" tha Sorbonn•.•nd _ . . .ward.d th. Acadamlc P.lm b., tha F .. nch Gourn",.nt in ..cognition of hi. dlatlngul.had ......lc. In th. A.t•... Mi.. R.ntfro. Auguat V ....u •. Prof...... Arthur Howa. and Paul Lonar· do ta.ch l.ngu.g. and lit••atu.. cou..... In G ... k, Latin. Ru..l.n. Spanlah . • nd F ..nch.

P .....ble........1..... In the m.th.m.tl"" d.p.rt......nt . . . Cyrwo MeAIlIoI.r. M ... H.I.n J. . n. T.IT7, Looon.n! Lind •• nd P ..... f _ . Anthony L.aba......

P .....I _ r R. &. H.,..ell, .etln... eh.l.m.n 01 poUtle.I..,I.nce. . . pl.lI.. Ih. baell· ....... und for eu nt h . .dUn. . 10 hi•• Iud.nl.ll . . . P.of_r C. J. B ..... n.n I•• n .... thorily on A le.n hloto..,.. HI. t.xtbook on Id.ho hI.to<y I. u ..d In t . .ehInlll th........\lhout th. Stete. "Who'. Who" 1101.11 hi ...... mong Ihe n.tlon'. m ...t dlotln\lulohed.

P .... f _.. La..... ne. BoUlon!. AlI..d H.It.m.n, Roy Wild, .nd Mr. Wltt.r worll out .".w... In Room 303 01 th. Ad ..... lni.t ... t1on Bulldlnlll.


P ....I _ r Her..,. C. H •• m.worth, eh.t. n 01 ooclolO\llY ...... dl. . hu ...... n _ • el.tlon. In thel .... rio lo.m• • nd I netlo". Dr. r ..d.rle C. Churc:h, eh.lr......n 01 hlo.ory, 10 1 0 ... lor hi. bow tI••, g n .ho.., .nd hi. knowledge olth. hloto<y of cl.m. .t1on in Il.IIenUNty.


Aloysius, the skeleton, occupies the a"enlion of this group during the year. Primarily for pre·med students, membership is also open to students in fields related to pre-moo. The qualification for initiation is a 2.8 accumulative grade-point average, and the big event of the year is the annual initiation banquet. Tom Shull served as president of the group, while other officers were Leo Freiermuth, vice-president; Dave Ulmer, treasurer, and Betty Bonnett, secretary.

Row On.' Bn.e. Pow.ll, O.wld Ul ....... To.... Shull. Chul_ B. ...,.. St.nl.y T.nn ••. Robart W.bb . Ro.. Two, La.M. K.ll.y. O. A. 0 · t.[aon. W. H. Con•• H. W. St.ff , l.ao r""I...... uth..

Membership in this Home Economics honorary is based on scholarship, activities, and interest in the home economics profession. The big event of the year is the annual Christmas holly sale, and last year the club's special project was the re-decoralion of the cloak room in the Home Ec department. Phyllis LaRue was president, assisted by Gay Deobald, vice·president; Margaret Eke, secretary, and Shirley Tanner, treasurer.

Ro.. On.: "'0." Bro B rl•• Rardoll. M .......... t r t nI... MeCo ....... le• . . . Ro .. Two, M. Mario.. r_th to Sh.i1. Du..in. Sh.i.lal T.n Ph,m. LoRu•• 0., Daob. d. M • ..,.balla C.rni• . . . Ro.. Th .... , M.rI.n H .......II. M.rI_ lyn P.t.NOn. Ro.. bo....,., ... ..,.1. Miteh..ll, M.'9 ••• t E ••. Syl.l. A"g••.



The oldest as well as the best known of college fraternities, Phi Beta Kappa is recognized as the father of the fraternity system on American college campuses. Originally a debating society of congeniBI spirits, Phi BetB Kappa hBs since become more and more Bn "honor" society, and now gives recognition to scholarly attainment in the field of liberal arts and sciences. Officers were J. Irving Jolley, president; and Frederic C. Church, secretary.

Row Onoo: s.u)' Bonn.tt. Sftlrl.,. 8&11. " ...."" roatu. Hold.n. Shirl.,. "."ob•• n. Edith Stou.vh. Lobo Si.boI. M.,. Burlo.n.n . • . Ro. Two: 1.. B.lh. All....! Prln"•• B.... rl,. 8ehupl... Vld. B.ugh. rli •• b.th B •• n_ Ol.d,.. C~.n._ Robol~t Moulton . Ro. Th.... : C.l"n Lon9. Clinton Ch.... Don.ld Mlll.~. K.nn.th B~199'" H ••..,. D"ln. Loul" Boyl". O"org. C~.n". 0 .....1 H"n..n.


EII•• beth Ad • ..,.





Vld. S.u,h


WillI• .., Am.. Huron. S. o..kQlo

AI..,. And......n

T.d B.".,

Emm.l,.n B.II Idoho f"n"

Shl.l.,. B.U

Mo.... Bid. .11 w.nr-P<>tiI, M1nn.

" .... BI....I)'


E1iIebolth Be.n T...", at,.


Milton And......n


'"'om "'-


WllIol'd And...... n ~

M • ..,. 1.. B.IM

Rob.., Anno Woll"""

8yl..l. Aug..

La.... nce B.th Sell Lek. OIT. Ut.oh

CLaren"" B.ugh

Huboi" Booth

Donald Bo"'ll"n

-",..". ... "'-







Lou" Bo,.M Idaho F.lli May






Bath COpanha ....r Bllnch.rd


M • ..,.ol'.n. Brai.. ~





K.n...t'" Bri_ MurtaU<,lh

r.-.d B.....wn

Walt.~ Bu~na

Pi.t.~n.lla B,.~na

Coeu. d' ...1_


M • ..,.ball. Ca~nle Coeur d· ...l....

Lloyd Ca....th... $endPOint


CoUeen Chrietensan Id4ho F"II.

Nul Chrietensan Idaho F.1I1

Kenneth Cletfelter Bend. Or6QOn


Ca .....lyn Ctoddocll

Oaorga Crane Montpelier

Oledye C~.n. ChIlli.

John Cutl••

H ..ry Dal•• PrleotR,.er

Sh.lla D..wln t..wlilon


Marv...t Ell.

Donald Endicott c.o.ur cr, , ' -



Theodora o.obald Kancft1d

Loui. DaM_

r.-.dari~ll raT"'.'

No....an ram....... P• .,...tle

Marv....t r .....t Idaho Fait.

Roba... nnla,..on


V.~non Ca~laon




Ben ChI~h_te~ s..ndpolnt

Barbato Day Na-w M..iowl


Kai .... B....wnlnll

Clinton Ch_ t..wloton

Willi .... D.vl<bon



Patrida B .....wn p• .,.t1a

.... ""'-




O ......tt Fod... !'t:>rUand. Oreqon








G ...ldl... Fo•


r ..l.nn ..th



Howard Grimme


Rhod.HIU ,~


C.nnen Oandl-oa


Anna M_ H.nd.1


ÂŁIiom_ Hold.n

M.lmle Jerdln. Coeur d' Alen.

Done.ld 01_

P.t,lcl. Jord.n

H.nrilo. 01.....


D_n Koethlo.e Splrn IAk"


"~W Joan Kort.r "~W

r ...nlo.


H.rold Gerber Twin F.11e

.I_nne O ....... ""'h.ty Spol.... W .....


0,.".1 H .....n IcLoho F..n.

R_m."r H...land

Donald H.,..... R........ J::e.-

Helan H.,..

John B. Hou.._ eo...r d' AIanoo

Batt,. Lo.. H_per

Marion Hart...11 Kelch... CUntH_ _

I:nn.a Jean J ...1o.1a

8Mrla,. J ..... b.an

W.rren JohnllOn

Robert Jon. . St. Anthony

C.lrln Jon.. Menan


Lee Kelley

Joe Kend.lI

W.yn. Klo ... O~klend. CollI.

B.rb.... Kitch.""

Gereld Kllnlo. Surley

P",.1I1a LaR... Heyburn

" P...Un.La.....n '-"",

O_tVe La,.... Rock SprI..."., WyO.

John Lain Spol...... Wub.

D.rld Lawla Twin F~ll.


Indl~n V~ller






Owortunitr. W .....





Donald Griffin Coeur d' Aleone.



Rob.rt D. Jon.. Twin F~II.



aoIMrt Loo.le Twin F.Jlo

.I_nne Ll.ndetr....... L.wtrrllJ.

c.:J.... n Long

John McGoug"

H.lon M....... II

.I...... M....h.lI

---- -

Me"rieoo t.oo.... ~





"-"re Low..,.

K.nn.t" MeCor""",1o

e...tYln Md-...d.n 1'1.",...

Donllld Z. Millor Son 1We.el. Cohl.

o...ld Lo..n

R_U Moflett Saa.!thfloIcI, Utoh

.Ie..... Morg.n P.rotiD.


R.,..r M"",...11

c..z.ol oI_n MIII.r

Donald Mille


"_,,.Un. Mitc ...l1 lde"" rolle


Ell• ..,. Morrieon Robert Mo"lton HomocI.o.lD Port O",hM<1. W"oh.

Br.dford N.ff Id<>bo rouo

M.rlin N.loon c.do' Ropld., low.

,John Nlchol...

Sereh Norrie Pocotello

Merl. Norton L.wlolon

D.nl.1 O·Conn.ll PoI1oleh


J•• n Ott.nhol ...... Mounte,n Homo

El•• no. P."leon

Rich.rd P.nn.lI

A.i. P.t...... n Lewloton

All.n P.t.i. 8ull"'0. N.Y.

Robert P.tt7lJrD." N._

N___ I:orl PhenU

Hill Plck..tt OokJ"7

o.tt7 P71..

O'... rl.. Rendell

Don.ld R_d


H...I.,. MIll••


Lo"iee MIll.r








Arth". Rendell

C ...iqn>onl





D.no.. Rigby

Ch.r'" Rogg. W_






Inn. Schl.d.r



J"n.Tho ..... GI...... Fo.rT

Marjorl. Tho.......n

Eug.n. Todd Buhl

Mo...... n M.'"

BeltI' Le. T....ut

Porry T ...."t Butley

c.eil Tru.

M..........t. W.lt... Pilot Rock. Oreqon

M.mn W..kb"rft Twin F..IlI



E.... 1t W_I.I.,

M • ."....tW.be.

Boon. W..I

Do.. o.ld Wil...... A-

Kent Wlloon n. Worth, T.,....

i_.. Witt......

Batt, Lou Wood

H ...IW...n OnlDrio. o-;,on

John. Zle.... nn

St.nley T.nn.r

No ....... Till..)'

John Tobin Idol><> FoU.




Gordo .. T.,lo. o.troit.. Oreqon

SOrft"-rd Sl ....ht..hn N.w P1pnoulh

P.bicia W..t


ShirMY T.nner

Mul.. St ••no.. Worl.,

Merri.. Uttu


I...... $1 .... Indi.o... poll., lnd. Rey...ond Slo.......1



1.0'- $I.t.. W.yne St••.n




JOU\S••p'" d' A*'-

P."l.. Smith

Eotty A..n SILi..nu















Spok....... W,,"h.




Bob Moul.on, Vld. B.ugh, .nd K.lth B••n l_rn.o do quick .nd accur.,•• ri.hm.tlc on .h. ach_l'. mod.rn machln.ry.


Prol..., .. Willi.m E, rot• ••• ch_ •• hl. <:1... '.ckl••• blue book ....;..Ic. qul •.

of Modern Business Demand Educational Preparation

Teaching students to know their business as it is conduded in the present-day world is h~ndled by the School of Business Administration which is directed by Dean Ralph H, Farmer. The te.!lching of business ~s ~ profession. until fairly recently in our world. was learned nol in the classroom but by entering some business firm ~nd le.!Irning on the job. Teday there is a demand from business firms for persons who have secured specific education for specialized JXlSitions. Since 1925 the university has maintained a separate school to acquaint students with the breadth and complexity of present-day economic life. General Business. Accounting, Merchandising and Advertising, Foreign Trade, Extractive Industries, Economics, and Secret~rial Studies are the seven major fields from which ~ student may choose the specialized curriculum he wishes to study. The school aVOids extreme specialized instruction in business practices in accord with the wise attitude that such practices v~ry greatly among business firms ~nd change rapidly. The school's principal purpose in its educational program is to give students an understanding of the broad principles underlying all business actiVity. M.rv..... E. Muir .nd Ru.h And• ..-n t...,h .yping .nd .hOI't.h.and '0 c ; In .ha


1I&C. . . . rial





Prol_r Er-in G .... u • •...,h_ _ nomlcs bu.ln_ m.lo th_~ of prac.icaI. ai.u.tlo_ hum.....la.lo_hlP"' In .ha of thi"'l.

and .ppll-. hit. buain_


P ... f_~ Will&rd .J. Wild. "'ndl_ tho _ u n t l n l l

p ... hl......

01 th. !kh_l 01


"-1oo•• n. P'I'of_~ en-1M 1:. M ......U •...,h.. _ .......tlnll' and "''''rilal'''l to ftM c~. Student.. IIDined p....,Uca! uperMnoo on rn. .ch.And1eln\l &.old tftpe to Spoll.no.

Students learn to Predict Trends and Adjust to Changing Business Conditions Students are trained for specific jobs where this is possible 4S in le.!lrning the operllltion of oflice machinery. in accounting and in secretarial work. No Irllining th"t may soon be out of dllite or inapplicable to the student's future work is stressed. Another aim is to give the student some appreciation of the social and ethical responsibilities of the businessman. A final purpose is to give the student the broad liberal education that is expected of the man or woman with a university deqree. Personal relationships in the business world require the ability 10 gel along with people and to meet them easily. The school seeks to aid its students in acquiring the background for this valuable altitude of congeniality. A business workshop with research projects and on extensive library of business reports supplies the School of Business Administration with the means for keeping its fingers on the pulse of business and economic trends in Idaho and throughout the world. Students are taught to meet the conditions of the changing business world and to make well·reasoned. speculations about the future. Studoonu ..1alo on th. Ad bulldinll .t.PO' b.fo.. 1I.Uinll "up" to bu.Jn_ In th. _ n d O_r c1_"",.

"00 'OU think h."U 111<-• • 'l'ul. to<l.71" Slud.nb t ..........-on.llnt. . .t In th. cl_roo", 1'....... 01 th.b unp..dlet.b... 1''01_....


A dessert bridge P<'rty for faculty members of the business school and a joint banquet with the WSC chapter highlight the social activities of this honorary. Pi chapter was organized 23 years ago at Idaho, and its pUrpc:l€e is to encourage fraternity and cooperation among women business majors. The Phi Chi Theta key is awarded. to the outstanding graduating senior. President Ruth Reicher! was assisted. by Janet Mackey, vice·president, and Barbara Schaff, secretary.

St.ndln" S.rb••• Seh.U. Alie. "o"naon. C"rioIl,. Sa.,..,nt. "0 Ann Sch1evel. Be.rIM Ulric". No..-.. Ro..... "_n ea Rut" R.ic ..... . . . Se.ted., A!<on. K.I1eT. Mildred Kilian. ".n•• Macll.,.. Be..,. "_n "ohnaon.

Lel.y.tt. All.n Loo Al>9ol.... Ce.llL

£U9.n. B.bln

John Bel'll'ltl'O"'" Sandpoint

Leonard BI.I.n!N"9

Richard Boyl. Idaho roll.

&tty B ••bb 0019_1




oI",hn B.~on Le",I'lOn

Cha.. B.r!>flo Ce.ld",,,ll

Ha"",ld B••n .. Blod!oot

RolM•• BAXter

Thur......... BI.~II Sal1..-. Ce.hf.

Rob••t BI"' ......"u;"t Ce.v.c..-l<. Ariz..

oI......... BI_...... Mull....

Bootty Bo... n

0.0"9. Brabb

Ch••l•• B ••d,.

D.l. Br.u~her O ..lqmont

De... Bro..n San Met.<>. CollI.



&<" ,oo.~




Tho ....... Boyd T",ln ron. Donald B.udi. PriMlRl...,.


Ed.ard B .. lloc" 0.....

H.r....-tCe.r....n Woll...,.


Patric" Day Kimberly

R•• D.y McColl

P."..,. Dayton lion....... FOTrY

Willl.m Emo ..on

Bruco Foull Gordano


" ....phln. Dur_hI

Alb. .t r.idonoUno Idaho Fall.


Lonn G"". ,",


O"oru.O ..ll_ Oorkoton. Wo.h. Carl Oud.oiohn Idaho F"ll.

Wilbu.O.rd N"w Plymouth


Wi.... n Chu ...hm.n

Willi..-m L. C1.r"

Derrooll Congdon Sendpoint

..ohn Da..Je TwIn Fan•

Howard DH<i. Rlchfi"ld

Willlam D_bald KftI'I<Irlck

"ohn Dlc" Nampa

Ol.n Don.r Wilder

"_ph FiIho, SlacHoot

R.y n.tch••

O.oru. Follon

"oy.,. F ...l.nd Coeur d' AI".....


D.nl..l O • .dn... Coeur d' AI"n"



Rlch.rd O.rloc" Poo-llond, 0,..,.



RoyOI"i .. Twin foil.

Donald 0.1..1. He<tdquorta..

Thorn.. Guilloy

Oordon Havan Pori AnqeI... W......

" .... _ H.m...

WllIla... H.,,-"

G_ru" H.I'\I"" Idaho FaIt.

LJoyd H . . p

Fr.nlo H.l......o.-th

Grateh." H.lme.o.-th

Roba.-t H.ndrie'" La•• HoI $prinqa

.r.y Hiraoohl




Idaho Falla


J.y Hu.... t •• Rupert


Clifford KnudtMn Coeu, d'AIenoo

Enn Laroll.tt.

Oa<rid Low..,.

Ol.nn Lynam.




Moooow Spol""",. Waoh.

H ••old John_n Sl. M",lel

Kh.lil Jon... Molbd

Ch. .l... K ...

Marjo.'. Lam.pm..n

Oene La..... n Coeurd'AI_

H.rold Lanke

.lack McCI.r.n EnIeTprlM. Ora.

Chnl_ McKinn.y H,lloboto, Ora

Robart McM.nam..n

J ..."ne A. Mill•• Nempe

Robert Mu"eo"

0.1. Nelao"

Ronald Nichol. . Malad

Roba.. 01_" Newport. O~.

Arlhur Parkln.o !.ewlolon

Law.. nc. P ... ttl Burke

r ....nk P.rrln. Twin Fenl

RUlh R.lch","

KI..h Rlam.a ....

Norm.an ROlla..

"~ Robar. McCh_nl. H~

J ..n.1 Mack.y !.ewlolOn

J.m.... Mlch.la

Norm..n P.bal Gl!!ord

"1m. Pa..... Oppoo-lunlly. W.oh.

Rlch.rd Pa.....11 "oeMle

EUll4'n. P.d ...... n

Mamn Plarce

Clyde Port.r Lao Anq.1M. Calli.

J_..... tt. Pu,h

R.,.m.ond Radford




" .......




" ...





O.lbn' Kl.u. Oeepc,.....,k. Welh.


BI.lr La..-Ito


Lao Knowlton Emmell Norm..n Lodg. C.ldw,,11 Laur. McVlck.r





.I.",.. R".. Burl..y

p.tton ROM Hozehon

Tho"'e. Sen lord Folrll..ld

J_phSh.... 5pokone. Wuh.

K.nn.th Si.ba Cholll.

H.rold Si",. Bonne.. F..rry

0.0..... Skinn•• Em.....11

.1.'011 S",lth

0 ...." S",lth

John Snow A".......

Arnold SOud....

Alan T.u..del. Mullon

Tom Tudda. "'wlaton

O .. eln. W.lch Em .....1t

D..n Walch Emmelt

Leot•• Rook.tool PMmo

S ..be..e Sch.ff W..I_r

Phillp Schn.ll

Clyd. SI.t&ge. Sam""l.

.1.'011 S"'ltch\l"

Lloyd Spic•• 5t.Mor!..

Che.l.. Sto.y Spokone, Wosh

John Sund•• n eon""rs Ferry

Weyn. Tann.hill

M...lon V.ll.d Em.....1t

John W-vn•• G"'noe..-lI!o

How.rd W.lll

Leo W.lton Rupert

R_ M. Whltn.,. Glenna F....,..,.



Ph,.IlJ.o, WhitMlI


EU\I.n. Root

Willi.", Ro.. Foron.,.. Alo.

Ch ••l.. Roh .... Wolloce


e..n.rd Shel. 80M

Don S",lth



K......th WI..,.,I. M..,.,...







Wllliam Ward.op Spok"ne. W".h. No......." Wood Elk Ri..,.

He.bart Woodell Bethlehem. P",



Robt. W. Worthln\lton


Willi.", Wri\lht


Educational Path leads to Varied Careers and Opportunities The School 01 Education, organized in 1920. is a profession school whose aim is to prepare qualified men and women for careers as teachers. supervisors, educational administrotors, psychologists. and personnel officers. Various programs

of study are planned to meet certification requirements 01 the State of Idaho. those of most states. and the requirements and policies of the better public school systems throughout the country. The public schools of Moscow and surrounding communities are used for student teaching. Actual schoolroom conditions are thus provided for observation and for practice in teaching. The four-year training programs are organized in such a way as to devote approximately one·half of the lime to

study in subject·matter fields, about one-fourth to general education, and somewhat less than the remaining one·fourth to professional education subjects. The professional education courses include the study of the characteristics of the human individual and his process of physical, mental, and social growth; a study of the backgrounds, objectives, and effects of education: a study of and practice in instructional methods, and a study of the professional status of the educational worker. Dora Oaudln 100 on. of th. m.n)' prectlce t...,h.... who I_rn the ch.11o .nd hlac:loboard techniqu..

P""I_r H.~n L. Snld•• teech_ d _ in the phil_ph)'. eoc:lol<>qJ', and h1ator)' 01 education.

• •

14UJO]181 ]]Il]R31MO:


f .....

Th. tempor.ry d_l'OOm bulLdln9"' . . . . 01 the Unl .udd.nl,..ln".-.....d pO-h•••• nrollmant 0 educ.tion __k

lt,,· ••dlu.tm.nt to .

Graduates Return to Catch Up with Current Practices The University Placement Bu~u renders placement services to Idaho graduates and students without charge. No graduate of the School of Education. with a NMsonably satisfactory record. experiences any great difficulty in finding employment in the field for which he is trained.. For many y~rs alter their graduation day, teachers come back 10 Idaho in the summer to keep up with changing ideas and methcxls in education. Former Idaho students who are teaching in their home state cooperate with the university in standardizing slale-wide educational curricula to insure a strong, well-balanced background for high·school

students. The Education Workshop serves as a supplementary library for education research. Bulletins. magazines, manuals, and a large variety of textbooks for all grades and types of instruction are supplied in the Workshop. The School of Education acquaints its students with the many career opportunities available to them in public and private teaching, with the Federal Government both in and out of the country, and in industries and institutions. Preparation for work in any field of educational service is offered through a complete program of specialized courses. P ....l _ . "Dhn Snid..'. CDU", d_l wi.h .100........ <")', • poeiDl .tudl.M In h"'truetiDn.

. . . . . . .l.Ial • • nd



"Oh...I,.. Ian'. It'P"-P..,f_r Bo~r 18 "Jllalnlng that th. rna" at th. ngh. h.. "-'on hypnotl-.l. and thlnluo hia ...."h. . h . . tu .....cl Into an aiM "&",,.-1 Bu."h.

D •. Burllngarn. Ia au. . ._.".hln9 ..Ill turn .... t .U "'llot. Sha Ia ,,'-<I ....... n. th....... t b ....llian. lab <_h"lel.... In

t"" n.tion.

Educators Apply Psychological Principles in Their Teaching The De~rtment of Psychology in the school of edu~tion is he~ded by Dr. William Boyer, who teaches classes in general ond applied psychology. He is ossisled by Dr. Giles. who specializes in guidance work and who conducts a children's clinic in the summer. This summer two specialists in the Held of treating crippled children will help him in the child guidance clinic.

Mr. Welch is the department's research man llnd specializes in lea.rning. He will be on leave next year for work on his Doctor's Degree.

Dr. Burlingame's work is concentrated on comparative psychology and individual differences. She handles the laboratory experiments and notebook work 01 psychology students. Mr. Miles served as lab instructor this year. He was chosen for the position through the department's custom 01 selecting the most outstanding psychology graduate for one year's work in the laboratory.

The principal work of the department is engaging in pre·prolessional training of psychology undergraduates. General Psychology and Educational Psychology are required courses lor the degree of Bachelor 01 Science in Education. Psychology as the study 01 human behavior is considered an indispensable part of the "equipment" needed by men and women entering educational occupations today. PJoof_r Oil boU...... h


_o"do"",g about tho whol. -«.b bu. wi.h propor 9uld.""," ... ,. bual .._ will bo el_rocI up.

Prol_r W.lch ....,. bo th ....0 ....




11 lor . . porl ...... t1n9 • bit bolo....... " p . . - . " opi""'n. It " .po h,.p"otiaod I..to .hl"..1"9 th• • po Who

Or. by M. Be,.,..,. teach_ on .d... ncMi education c:l._ in tlwo Ed...,.tI.,n Workshop. Th. lIt..... t".. found in .dueatlon - . . . h....

tn. Worbhop p ....rid. . .-">ll..fo,.... tion for

Kappa Delta Pi. national honorary for education majors. was established on the Idaho campus in June. 1928. and has lor its purpose the recognition of outstanding future educators. A 3.0 grade average is required. for membership. as are certain eduCl!Ition courses. An initiation dinner. a banquet. and group parties comprised the social functions. Officers were Carol Organ. president; Elaine Androes, vice-president; Sue Beardsley, secretary; and Harold Skinner, treasurer.

Row 0 : Ruth T~... El.ino An· dro... I ROleh, H.,lo" &.,,01· q .. lat, V.I••• H hlMrvor, Ethl,.n C.lcot., C ..... I O on ••. Row T.... : Shoe"''''' Block, K.lth K. .for. L._ ....,. Arn_. VI....ol L...-n. Jack E. Jon Wlll.rd B.rn... , H •• old Slolnn



Leroy A........



El.ln. Andl'OM Emmell

Ou.leI Coeur d' AJen.

A...l Ben""n

Mamn Chun:hlll

H • ...,hol Cl....



Rob••t Elli.


ComO-. " '

Ro........ ry Flbllu.ld



l._ ......

E.rl A.nold R......on.e Bm..


....n Deily

Edw.rd At.plt.rt.



Lol. s.n.y Nomp"

Betty So... RlehlL.Jd

au....nn. Surd.l.y


Ani .. Bu•• h.rt

F....n.,.. Butloo..

ElM.,... c.lcot. Pow

P.ul Deily

M....,. Drie.eoll

Cho..1e. Cledp ,"0.- Cty. No.

Don...d £1llo.



D.n Fol.ln. W.,..ley

Edw.rd F •• nd... n Coeurd·AI.....





"_ph O.ow. B..rwyn. 1lI1noi. CI.rI",. Ho. .

VI..,-Inle H.....n


M ....w.n H • ...-In9ton Louo-olle. ).II..

V.I.t. H .....hb."9... H.mp"

Ard.lI. Hold...n.,.

Donald Hunt

1..0... Hutehleon

c.""lin.e ".n.l_ SuqorOty

" ......_ ".nnlnga

M .. rjorie "ohn.ton.

Wen- "ohneon Plene. S. Dokot<>







C ..lwln O ...n

" ......_ H .........ond CeJdwell

H • ..,.;qf.ld A.J._


WI_ton Blo.hop Twin r.n.


£U9<'_ "ordon Idoho r.lt.

Co..1 KinnO)'

Roho... Linck

s.c._to. Cah/.


Roymond 0100n

F.onc.. $chodd. Heyburn

Wooloy Tom....

p,.t Fen.



Roy Ko.h St. Mol....

OU<lntin Lonon

Rohort Lind

"_n Litchfi.ld

Cal.'n LJ'On

Co.ool o."on

Ronold Pock

Roho... Pot.......n

"""""""' ,.....-


H..... ld Slolnn•• Spirit L.,ke







H •• mon


Meridian £ll_n Ty.o. H_

VI.",] t.-.on Plnohunl

WUllorn Last o.hkooh. Wio.


Potftclo L,.ono

M...,. L. McK..nn.,.

"onn M_t

0_.". Po....11

C:1o Prlt.hott N"mpa

I.oI'T.lno Rudolf o-..y, W<l1h.

Low.. n •• Sion.

Woyno Thornpoon

00",",11 Tit ...



Don..... Lou V. . . .



"_n Wordoll T..-ln






O"'''~ H.lon Woy Cr4iq......'


Tho. pri...ary pu _ _ of oh. Co1le9oo 01 t.. .. ~ 00 alIo..... thorough .nd ..,lantific: 1etr.1 .due.lion for etud.nta ..ho .... fitted to pURua pl'Of-ton.1 etud7 under uni_ • h7 ...... th..... of h ... t ....eUO"_

law Students Trained

M ..... Willia... rob haa tho t-a of ".rlnjlor tho "In.o. .n thouaand Yt>fu _ .nd eo... plet. eoll..,Uon of t ....' - ' - . n parlocfl".Ia. ae ...11 ae all . . .nd .... dl.,..ta ..nd ..neJ"'lopediae In the 1&.. lib ......,.•


Professional legalists

The College of Law of the University of Idaho, headed by Dean Edward S. Stimson, has been in operation since 1909. The courses offered are all professional courses leading to the degree 01 LL.B. Normally a student may grllduate after three y~rs or six semesters in the College 01 Law. The curriculum is designed to prepare students for the generlll practice of law in any American state. Specilll attention, however. is paid to 10C<!l1 law in the western states such as community property, pleading and practice. Courses are also offered in subjects of increll.sing importance, such as labor law, taxation and administrative law. The accumula· tion 01 information is subordinated to the more important ends of developing the faculties of the student and of training him in scientific habits of thought, at the same time imparting a thorough knowledge of the law as it actually functions. The College 01 Law is conducted on the theory that the teaching of law is a task requiring all the working time of well trained legal scholars who have made special preparation for teaching. The members of the teaching staff do not practice law but give their entire time to instruction and restUl:rch. Pl'Of_r W. ~. Bl'Od•• I~n. I. 0".. of tho ......... of ...U_U.in.... 1etr..1 ..,hol.... ..ho ha_ ntad.. e..-Jal p ...pal'&tlon for o.-eMng.


Pl'Of_r Tho R. W.lano.... nd hie c:ol~u_ eoneeonOr..t. to th....nde of de_loping t faeUltl_ of tn... 1&. . .tud."t .. nd of tr.lnJ"g hi ... I" eeie"U6c: hablta of ohoUllho.

Th. - . . . may co Iawy... , _ Oft fo

n. _ .. rna,. go. hut tn. I.ud " ' t _ n tn. -.vi" ....d




L-.w at".w."U .... " ... _ h da, I" t"eir law lib....')'. a.udyin\J tho d..,WoNl and .peci.1 prohlooma of la.. c _ .

Third-Floor Back Specialists are a Close Knit Family As an essential part of the curriculum, the Law School maintains a Practice Court, under the direction and conlrol of members of the faculty. The purpose of this court is to supplement the classroom courses in pleading and practice by giving the students an opportunity to ccrorclinate their knowledge of procedure with their knowledge of the substantive law in the oral argument of questions of law. The cases assigned in the practice court cover all the principal fields 01 law and eqUity. They are litigated in accordance with the usual rules of practice.

An excellent library of more then nineteen thousand volumes is maintained by the College of Law. Constantly being added to by gifts and purchases, it contains an unusually complete collection of treatises and periodicals, as well as all standard digests and encyclopedias. In order to obtain decisions from the highest level possible, all the reports of the Supreme Court of the United States are maintained, as well as those from the subordinate courts. To round out the potential lawyer's education, works on the general nature and history of law, legal philosophy, public internalionallaw, and on closely related fields of political science and business practice are also found in the library, which is operated by Mrs. Carolyn Folz, law librarian. A part 01 P .... I _ r G.orve M. Bell'......rlll co.....u of p ...paring Loo...t"d."u to t.IIl. tho bar --.rninatio" h ••"" .Ut. I" tho U"it'" 8t.t_ .hor they comptet.

.ho req"lred ....

_m_too... 01 .peciallaocl •• "dy.

P ....f _ r RolMrt E. S..... hoi ... to Impart. tho...."9h IIlnowlodlr'l 01 tho low _ it tu. .. r - .nd 91_ .peciaI .It.,,tlon to 1oc:0I low I" tho


..,• ....uy I,,".. do.... i" t.ot_.


C. J. e..m• ....,lo Mountain Home

J. Ch".I.. BI"nton

R"y Ou..U/:hl

O. W. Fee... Spokane. Wa.hl ......lon

H.rm"n McO...ln PocatellO Roqin"ld R. ~ Glb<wo. N.C.


.Ionn A. 8to_. "-w


EUlllnl BUlh Idaho Fall.

Chl.I.. C.....,n

Ton7 G"ldee

Willi"", T. GoocI",,,n M_w

d. W. Inll"n. eo.u,d·AI_

Rlch"rd Mavnu_n W.JIaoto

K ..nl'}'n M""I. WaJIaoto

d. D."n Meeh ... Lowllton


W. L. Rowbe....,. Payellol





Robert C . Stro",

RoJ,..1 N. B".nl

"'" """'""

Arthur R. S"ttan


WUli"", F. D.lnh"rd McColl

Alvin D.n",,,n ld"ho Fell.

dohn Novlli. KIa""'lh Falla. Oreqon

WUli"", r. P.rl'}' Je....,. Cily. N.J.

d. ellnton P.t......n Wlncheol.,

Tn-do.... V. S.uli.

W. H. SI......o""' s...ltla;. W...... nqIon

Tho..... L. Smith

.1.7 H. Stout

W. S7m...... .Ir.

.Iohn H. Turnbull

In" M.. W ....I••






. ...,

P..... B. Wllaon eo....d·A....


Lloyd Browning Thom_ Church Burley

RHd Cl.m.nt. Lewt.ton


Lou,," H. Co.ho Thom.. roo ...,.

"C ......I.. J. Klhlon


lb.,. W. Rlgh, ,...",~

J. V. Smith LewI.!on

This professional froternity wos organized to promote high professionol Md ethical stondords in the field of low. Its membership is composed of low students who hove shown that they meet those stondords of scholorship, ethics, and professionol stoture thot the froternity odvQCotes. The Williom E. Boroh Foundation Aword is presented to the outstanding low school groduote each yeor under the ouspices of Phi Alpho Delto. Lloyd G. Martinson served os Justice.

Row On.: J. S. McKlnLo" N.bo S.h.!, Lloyd Morti .....n, R.,. Rlgh,.. rran.ll Borton. Richord Mcr"d.n, Rood Clom.n... Hol_ Alh...n-n. J~. Stout. Lon Si.l_ • •• Row Two: .n"'",. R.,. O"' hl, John Sto_r. J.m. . M.,.. Juli P.......n. Doug_ .... Kr.m.r. Chari.. Klhl.n. Tom Ch....,h. Eu~.... Buoh . . . Row Th... : Hotm.n Mco..iu. Edw.rd St.nwood. R .....U 8h.....!. • .11m In. ,.lbo. Cioudio s..~m.n_lo. Clin. P.t n. Ed A.ch.nh.. n.r. Ch....l.. C n. Ch....l. . Bl.nton, Oordon r . .tot. Ro"'" L,on•.



"- nomy m _ " ' " m . . t buw. .n ..1 _ In th. d.part .... nt·. . . .mod.led .nd mod 1sed b"ilding.

Se-n h"nd..-d ...... 01 "nl_reity I to gi_ p .... t.i....1 tre.ln!~ in agric.. ltu

land. boo........ nd " _ t _..... ....d .

Top Rating College Has New Million-Dollar Home Long rated as one of the top agriculture schools in the nation, the College of Agriculture had reason to be especially proud this year. The million dollar Agriculture Science building construction began in June, 1949, and was finished in July, 1950. Four stories of the building appear above the sidewalk. There are 50,000 square feet of Hoor space and 500,000 cubic feet of sptlce within the walls. The aggies will not be reluctant to leave their old home in Morrill Hall to move into a functionally designed building with its plain straight lines uncluttered by frills. The plant and most offices of the thirteen separate deptlrtments of the College of Agriculture will be housed in the new building that incorporates such features as a modern mechanical exhaust system for discharging chemical fumes, walk·in refrigerators for vegetables and meats, a freight elevator, new modern lab equipment, a large lecture room wired for sound, noise·proofed walls, and asphalt tile flooring. Reinforced concrete walls faced with one inch of insulation board with one inch of air sptlce followed by four inches of brick will save on heating costs for the large buildinq through rigorous Moscow winters.


Th_ two agg loo• • Uul••h . .pl&h. ThAy w .... I&t. (0. P ....· Hlc.m ·••igh. o·d_. d _ In Sh. .p Production.


LAdy Shonho.n in h •• _I_ty whit. 90wn w_. fin..u.t (0. Littl. Jnt••n.Uon.1 won o .. t.


but C..... I

Com.pleted durinv the aurnm . ., the n'lllllon_doll. . build I"... '" •• ~t.d to

n ••rly .....dr lor .... In s.ptamlMr, 1990.


New Hen House Makes Fowl life Pleasant


The Dairy Science building with its modem creamery, ond the university's 700 acres 01 experimental fann land that also provides ideal shelters for fine herds of Holstein and Jersey cows, flocks of pure-bred sheep and several herds of pure-bred swine, adds to the facilities provided for training students in all phases of agriculture. Amidst the vast expansion and construction that has marked this year of changes, the Poultry farm's pedigreed birds were not slighted. A new hen house replaced their temporary dormitories just as Dean Theophilus had promised his feathered friends. A College 01 Agriculture major receives a well-rounded education at Idaho. Provision is made in the curricula to see that students. receive a broad education in culture as well as specialized training in their agriculture major. The thirteen departments offer the best training there is In such fields as animal husbandry, dairy husbandry, horticulture, poultry husbandry, veterinary science and agricultural chemistry, economics, education, and engineering. Thoo unh.......,.·. pu..._h....d .win.. got _rn. . . .tr._.p-.ciool iNltn>ctioNl .hout not bol"9 hogvI.h In t"," L4ttJ.. Int.......tion..U pa.-ood..

T n - h'-II.I-.I .hoMp .... hlu. rihhon win ........ h _ to rn.... th.b poo. .r ...1.UONI ....d_£-.I.

..-dig.... ll.ta .....nouqh


H.n...,.C. H ..... n .nd oI.m_ C. Boyd· 1..0 m.mba... ol.h. unl_ral.,,·. _ " " h ..all that h..,ad eh 10 baC"t.ri llllng penic:iUin found In mil" of co... .....ad 10.



P ... C. C. Lampm.n. poult...,. d.partm.nt head. t . . . . do..n I..... •...ion ligu.- _ c. r. P ........ n. poul.r)fm.n .....,"-.ho ehlc".n .

Research and Seroice Are Stressed by Unioersity In addition to regular schooling, a five·month short course in Commercial Dairying gives men practical working knowledge of mooern dairy manufacturing methods that fits them to fill responsible positions in the dairy products industry. Research in the Agricultural Experiment Station turns out numerous scientific findings each year that are converted to practical improvements and new ways for beller utilizations of the land and its products. These valuable additions to agricultural progress are published and Circulated directly to the people who can use the information through the services of Extension workers. The university's three-lold program of Teaching, Research, and Service for the citizens of Idaho is effectively and progressively carried out through the well-integrated organization of the College of Agriculture.

P ....I _ r Lo;f V.rn••. ..,tin, head of Hortleul.u... : G_I'lI. Woodbur)f. &cI ... rd Ow.na. R." t.o<: .. h .......nd r .... n .. T .....ori t...,h .'ud.n.. to hnp..... pl.n• • nd Irult qual;t".


Li.·..otoek Judging T •• m-Row I: Sonnlch Sonnlch_n. Rob...t Llb.l'lII. K.nn.th F . .d ...ik_n. Al.n Chdfin Row 2: Pl'Of... o~ C. W. Hod9'lcn (COIOCh}, John H. P.ul.. n, W.II.c. P.I• ....,n, r ncl. n."",hing.r.

Idaho Sends Three Judging Teams to Pacific International Members for the Dairy Proclucts Judging Team were chosen on the basis of who had the best smellers and tasters for telling the quality of milk. butter, cheese, and ice cream. They judged against the experts' ratings in Portland at the Pacific International in Octocer, placing second, and ihen went to Los Angeles for the International Collegiate Contest. The Dairy Cattle Judging Team placed second at the Pacific International Livestock Show, October 8. Lamont Smith placed second high in individual judging and first in judging Brown Swiss breeds. Donald Wagoner placed first in Ayrshire judging. The Brown Swiss bell, which becomes the property 01 the school winning it three times, has been won twice by Idaho in the two years it has been offered. At the same show, the Livestock Judging Team brought home grand championships lor swine and lamb breeds, and numerous blue and red ribbons were won by other livestock entered in the show.

This professional agriculture organization has lor its purpose the development of high standards of scholarship, character, and leadership in young men interested in the field of agriculture. A news letter, The Zipper, keeps alumni informed on recent developments in the field. Activities this year included a joint initiation, banquet, and formal dance held with the WSC chapter. Kay Hult was Chancellor; Francis Flerchinger, Censor; and Allen Chaffin, Scribe.



Row On.: F.... nci. n."",hinll.r. V.rn B.hr. All.n E. Sch.rk. Loowl. Wil· II...... Don.ld Cas•• lI.w. 0 .....11 BI.na. K.y T. Hull . . . Row Two: O.r.ld Comatoek. John L.wrancoo. Richard Oh",a. Looon.rd Br.ck._ buac:h. 0.1. Stallinlla. Looo Ju ••... Row Th.... : C .....oll Tyl.~, W.rd Sulton, Edwin Rowbury. r ...d.rlck T.--h • .11m Hold.rn_. All.n W. Chaffin . . . Row Fou~: J. C. Boyd. O.ry Saaalono. P.ul Tor...U. How_


John Hasbrouck. W.r... n Pop. (.d_ .i.or). Rob.rt1Aeoek. Jack Robin_ ..... F .... nk R.y Hul••. Richard John..,n. Hyd. J.cob•.



Robert Ac""lo Rupe,t

Rob.rt Ad_ro C>eur d" AI ..n..

R"Mrt Alld.ff.r Bu,l"y

Eug-.n. B.lsch H.....lton

Eul B.ll.rcl Rupe,t

F...d B..,km.n Emm&lt

D.....l Bi.nz

Don Brlg-hton Mockoy

a.uld Com.t""lo Polou.... Wo.h.

Don.ld C . .t.lI.w PoyeU"

AIl.n Ch.Hin BlocUoo1

d .... ph Col. P.....ton

t.. D••n Hollist..,

a.n. D.muz;o E:"qo.,vill". Jlhnoi.

a.uld Di.hl

K.lth Elli. Oqden, Uloh

d.m .. F.''''.r

F ••ncl.o F1erchlng-.r G ..n _

K.nneth F ...d ••lk•• n Spence,

Robert aer....tt Wilder

Dick ael.I•• Rigby

a •• nt H.II P.....lon

Well.nd H.n... n Boncroft

No.m.n H ...old_n Id"ho 1',,11.

a.o<v. H.tl.y

Rob••t H.nd••Uder

Ru....n Hillm.n

d"",•• H"ld.rne.. Sondpoinl

K.y Hult Shell<ly

Phlllp A. dohn...n

dohn ,]on. . H<>ge,mon

' ••nlo K.tt.nb."h ColqMY. Alto_. Con.

Cui Kiil"ll'•• rcl Bonn.... "'..y

F ...d Kohl $GImon

dohn L.w.... nc. Id<lho I'oll.

Rob••t LIM<v J'ootl'"lI.

Lenn.rt Lund.t.om 0.."

Rob••t McAul.y

Vernon McCorm.clo !.ewi.lon

K.nn.th M ....h.n Nam""

R.lph Mme. B..ld" C"""k. Mich.

Bill. . Mizer












Robert Moldenh.uer D.lnoMoo...

Cl.ud. Mo......

M •• Mort.".." Rethu.rv

Ho••rd Morto" Pull........ W...h.

R .. Moulton

M.d. H.io.uu Newdol.. 0....

Sh.rm.n N-.bltt

Rlch.rd Oh .... PoyeUe

K."".th Ol;""n Merldion

John Peul..n

Wall_ P.t• .-n Nompo

1.oo.... n.,. R.ppooport Brooklyn. N.Y.

.I_I. Robln.tt.

Edwin Rowbury Sh..lley

Funde Ry..t Rigby

Del. S.elllnge Lewltville

Ger.ld Ste.eneon Eor:.",oIo. Wo.h.

Orrio Sulto. Potlotch

Ooorve SullL.en RUPerl

Wllliem S",. .t Meridlon

Fronk T.k.lori Por....

DoYid Thoel.or Pe.,1

voh" D. Turnbull

Conol Tyl.. Twin folb

Donl.1 Wlch.r

AI••• nder WiIli.m. South A/nc.o

Bill, WiIIi.me N ..II.I

H • ....,. Wilson

Williom Woodl.end Ari_







l.oo.ia Willi.....









":.c-',..•. ,'




Su ....,.ln' the "."'p.... 100 .. lob thet n ....r by doIng In ••In, .hin••• ncr enow.

.,,<if, lOr e"91n_rin9 .t..dent. who l_r"

In the I.n Kirtley Ann.,. eo .... t ...."tlo"' .... , ... t boo9l.nnln,.

En9;n..rs look Forward to a New Home The College 01 Engineering has experienced a year of transition and exponsion while preparing to move to new quarters that were under construction this year. The Kirtley Laboratories Annex was completed this spring ond the new Engineering Classroom Building that will house all Engineering offices and classes is slated for completion January, 1951. The Engineers will be in a comp.!lct location with laboratories and classrooms next door to each other. The present Engineering building that has stood as a Gothic landmark on the Idaho campus for nearly a hall century will be razed next year to make room for the new Home Economics building. Of medium size as rated among the 150 engineering colleges in the nation, Idaho is recognized as a training center for engineers that is large enough to provide the finest equipment and laboratories for its students while being small enough to give personalized instruction to the work of each individual. The outstanding accomplishments of College of Engineering graduates in competition with engineers throughout the world indicates the excellence of the training they receive at Idaho. Large industries on the PaCific Coast, in the Middle West and in the East regularly interview and recruit graduates because they know what others from Idaho have done. At t ..... l::,,~ ."d _ .... t!


' Ball. ASM&o diapb,. aho• ..I ho. d_ not _rio.


auto _ ....ti ..._


Wh.... '"9ricuhu... I"ternet;o...!.






8_t lor



By "to opri..,.. tho An..... ...0..,. roo"", to b. _t up.


cofftp'-'.d ond .-ady for nOW ,"ulpmont ond

Vets March Away to Re-Build the World The wort: of the first y~r in engineering is basic and the same for all freshmen. At the beginning of the second y~r, students begin to specialize in one of the five main divisions of the College of Engineering. The particular branches of the profession that offer complete training are Agricultural Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering. Of special note among the equipment available for practical instruction are such features as a new and complete chemical engineering laboratory; a new hydraulic and irrigation laborotory; a new mechanical engineering laborotory with typical, full-size engines, machine tools, and steam, gas, ond oeronautic apparatus; and exceptionally well-equipped groups of electrical loboratories for work in power, electronics, and radio. In this, the busiest year the live engineering departments have ever known, their largest class in the university's history was graduated. The veterans marched away with their sheepskins to set about rebuilding a war-damaged world. Many of them will return next year for advanced study in cooperation with the Engineering Experiment Station. The College of Engineering sends forth men who use their technical training to design and build all the materials and con路 structions that make this a more orderly and solid world in which to live. Inltlol o.eo~"lon for tho EnlJl ....rin'" Cl_room l>Ulldin", to.. up the lond..,.tho ...... from tho Ho..,. l>uildin",.

Such wor" . . pourin", molde lor .upportin", eolum ... I...,inoted th. _ ..10" throUVhout th. ,..or. Th. C I _ " , l>ulldin", will 1>0 Iinlohod In "onu.,,., 1951.


Recognition of professional and scholastic achievement in the engineering field is the prime purpose of Sigma Tau, national engineering honorary. Selection for membership is based on scholarship and leadership in the junior and senior years. Awards are made each year to freshmen in engineering for outstanding scholastic achievement. Officers were John Barinaga, president; George Haroldsen, vice-president; and Don Lapray, secretary.

Row On.: Willi.m D. Burst.dt. d_ Eyrich. d_ CI~lJ, A."old doh....,,,. J. E. B.ll. e.c:iJ H.th.w.y. Rob...t

~~~·:··R.?~::ltJ. 'S~i:~. R;'~~'Q.

B."m. Ww.."c. Mo.rI.on. doh" M.vo. P.I.. I F. Jiminn. Ritchi. B. Gooch. St."l.y O. Thom. . . Row Th . . . : R.lph H.yerk.mp. H •• old B •• mm ••. dam . . H"If. Th.....clo.. D..,b.ld. B. W. GiMon. dohn N_bltt. L-li. Abbott. d.cob K... h. G.OI'lJ. H."III.nd. Thom. . H. doh....,n. d. H. doh"aon ... Row Fou.: H.""ld Such.". A"Il.lo P. Sc."".lIo. D.lb••t Roblaon. Zim.1 Mill•. P...ry T""ut. K.ith Bowm.n. Willl.m W .ll.i"y~on. DO"ald B.um. \I... tn••. Clyd. M.ullhan. Lonn. V. Ro•. Fin •• C. H ......y ... Row Fly.: J.m_ T.all'u •. K.nn.th H."d.n. J_ Kua, 0.01'lJ_ W.bb. F ..d.rlci< B. Hyland. darry Frick. Milton F. B.rton, M .....I" Lo"lJ, O_org_ I. H ...old_". dohn R. Spink. To.l.if Au"•.

Cha.l ... Abbott Foirli"ld

K."n.th All." Riqby

Rich.reI All.n

John B••;nall. Buhl

R,,_l B•••"a BI..clloot

Milton B.rto" Thompson Foil •. Mont.

Rob•• t B.rton W..oo..ll

P.ul Bol.nd... Moscow

John Bo"O M_w

Willi.m W. B.ill'lll

WiIli.m Bu.na ldoho Foil.



Tommy Amb""".


To.l_il Aun. Mullon

F ..d.rick B.IlI.y

Donald Baumll...tn...

G.OI'9. B_llo. M_w

Phillip Ba...on M_w

dam_ B".ton M_w

Allrad Byrn. M_w

Clair Ch.;...."lOOn Sondpoint

AH ••d And ....on






Ch••I.. CI••• P... I

"_,,hCI. .,

Vleto, o.Vri..

Th-.lo... Di.hl


Don Fullm•• St. Anlhonr


ROt'., Co".

Do".ld Co. W_

E.."e... C,";v

"_ph Eyric:h

".m.. r1.J.

WiII!.m Fiah••

oJ• ....,. rrie.

Wirn..m O.n.in

&oo.... t

...... """


"oh.. 0 ....1 Ccldw"ll

Rob.,t Hlnd...,n Dillon. Mont.

0.0111. H.rold.... ld<>ho rolll W.I ••, H .. nUnllton Burl<lY

R....I Hyd.

Boyd K.a"'.' ()pportu"lly. W...h.

M.,ton wllm.n Nick......... N<lbr... ko


Oil". Co..... lo-

WOlhlnc;'llon. D.C.



Twin r.lI•

Ronald Hlll


Don.ld L. "ohn..... Coeu, d·Al...... H.lTY L.n.y lIupert

Don.ld L.p ••y rllar

No ..."" O_"".OI•• bo"" Abo......


"""',~ Arthu.Oriffith r"lrl\eoid

Alf,.d Ho.... h Spokon<l. Wo.h.


MllIo..d Fri...d EJk 21_


W.nd.1I H."..."

William W. Hunt Kunft

Rob••• K •• ". CotolOO

Rich.rd P. K.rn.

D.nl.1 McDnltl

O.l.n MeM.. t.,


K04th D.clrie"

Co""" Ho.....n

0..::., KI.m.". NomPI' Rob••t McM .. ,try Sholl.y

o.lb40rt M",Nooaly

..... ",,-,

Zl ....ri Milt.


S..,...n R .... ho


Th.odo.. S<:ott "


Toolluo foil•. Mont.


Donald Mac:Klnnon


Willi.... H. H.leon ,.",..,

Dalhart RobUon


Ch..I•• Shoun Ctld ..,,11

...., ""....., .........

Clyd. M.",,1uon L.o... Hot Sprinqo

01 ....... M. . . .II

oIohn N..bitt

P. .rklll O'Connor Barnai'd 8t. Clair



WWaI'd R_

Rob.rt $11"". Ho,Ur><;I'. Neb.

M.rion Voll NompCI




.I....... Mac:.........

CarlM_...... SendpOtnt

oI...... M. Po••_ n

Carl Ph....... H...._

Robort Pittai'd

"ohn Sand.U

Anvalo &earc.Uo

Ralph $c1U........ n

oIohn M.yo





"""",,, 0...


Ad... n S'.rn.r Coeur d'AI.n"

Lynn St.... n ...n ldoho F"II,

Don.ld St.w.rt "..

L.dd Sutton Ctld ..,,11

Surton V.nEppa

Sh.r ..... n Wolav.rbor "..

"."'.. W.l.h

Ru_1I W..tbrook




000"". R. Willi.",. Twin F.n.


Idaho Offers Foresters a Vast Outdoor Classroom The School 01 Forestry at the University of Idaho attracts more out-ol-state students thon any other factor on the campus. Every state in the Union is generally represented among the foresters. Idaho's top notional rating for excellent training in this field is one of long standing. All foresters follow the some schedule of studies through four semesters followed by summer camp at Payette Lakes. Then in the third year, specialiUltion in wood uliliUltion, forest, ronge or wildlife management begins. The basic program provides a broad foundation. o!lS well as an acquointance with several of the fields 01 professional and scientilic actiVity, anyone of which the student may choose to prepare for in his remtlining undergraduate years. Alliorestry students attend summer camp at the end of their second year to become acquainted with the nature of field work in forestry. Summer c~mp is held lor eight weeks jmmedi~tely following the close of the spring semester. The work 01 the School of Forestry goes l~r beyond the teaching done on campus. Experiment ~nd extension offices are located throughout the state for the supervision of over 75 per cent of Idaho's land that is classified as non-cultivated. Detailed reports of the condition of these wild lands and all things vegetable, mineral and animal that are contained there are carefully kept by the university. Research studies are m~de of potential utilization possibilities and means of improving these areas that compose over three·fourths of our slate.


P ....I _... Wohl•••• M.rrill O't.......nd WlIU.... rota t.U. O"'r tr..... port.· .ion p ....bl. .... with .h. Po.l.tc:h lo9'iJlnll .",,",rin •• nd.nt.


r ... n. PitlLln. _""~r 01 t'" ,,"I....-.It,. "".....,.. finlllh_ "",,,.in9 190.000 t _ d_tlnood lor pl.n.in9 in t .... ·.t.~ ........ of _"th...n Id.ho.

"In the Forest Where the Air Is Clean, So Are a Man's Thoughts" The University of Idaho is one of the 16 selected institutions where a collection of fJora and wood specimens of lI.lllrees in the United Stoles is being assembled. This collection affords an unusual chance for students to become acqullinled with the trees, range plants, and plant diseases of all species. The arboretum contains over 150 species of trees. Nearby is a 20-acre forest-tree nursery maintained and operllted by the School 01 Forestry in cooperation with the Federal Government for the production of young trees for planting. A 7,OQO.acre University Experimental Forest is Ioc"ted on the slopes 01 Moscow Mountain. Within 40 miles of Moscow

is the largest electrically-operated white pine sowmill in the world. Land that offers real problems in soil conservotion, support of wild life. and which is useful in studying all phases of mClMgement C1nd conversion to recreational or grazing areas, is found in abundance lhroughout the state. These outdoor classrooms combined with teaching and laboratory experimentation and research provide an ideal training ground for the type of forester Idaho produces. Courage and vision coupled with qualities such as courtesy and boundless energy are requirements that a forester must measure up to to make the grade as keeper of the open range at Idaho.


Dr. I - H ... tc:ftlna. _1'00 Ia I...."" the Bu...... of PJ..nt P.tholO9J' In W..hInlJ\on. D.C.....d Dr. I:rn..t E. H ...Mn do f... rthoor..-..::h on younq _ with pole bli9ht.

Dr. Tho ...... S. B...d d _ that p..-n.. u

n lnapec:u . . . hit. pi


""~toori_ of


inl..,tood with thoo pol. blight nd co",,"",tI_ t...t"".n'.


This national forestry honorary is the goal of all forester:;. being coml=osed of students selected on the basis of high scholastic attainments in the field and in related courses, Highlight of the year is the annual picnic featuring two-inch steaks broiled to individual taste. Walter L. Robinson served as Forester; Omar M. Campbell, Associate Forester; Leonard W. Hoskins. Secretary; and Paul A. P.cskins, Ranger.


RD. On.: B ~ L.on..-d Ho.loln •• w.ltu Robln.on. P.ul H ....I.... Bob McM.hon. R..-Il OriSith. P .... Ch• ...,. • . . RD. Two: Ric~ Kr.j. . . . l. P...,1. E._ ....t Wohl.t.. P...,f. E. W. T'-<!.le. Prof. P. D. 0.111.•• P...,f. E. L. EIIi.o. M •. R. H. Seale. P...,f. M. E. Det... • . • R• • Th... : Con.ed M.rricll.. M••I. 8t••tton. Ch.rL.. B.tt.n. Ou.tn V.rd.l. D.L. T.nne•• Lon_ nLe WUU.m•. GI.n ruLch.r.


0.1. And.reon Wei...

P ••le,. Ch• ...,.

O. WIlll.am Groach 1,(11_0""- W\s.


Ch••I.. B.tten Co....mont. c,,1I1.

Carl s..nt.. n Slblen [ILond. N.Y.

£1be..t C\ea...I.nd 0--, Md.

Bruca CoI••1I

Thom_ "."mont

0-"9. Hie.. G>q H.o.~. Wosh.


Vale. Ore.


Don.ld C.mpbell g.,ndPOlnt

Om •• C.mpb.ll

t...... U C"r1." Caah........ Wosh.

Rober1. Engl..h SIcnehom, M....

O_....e r ...le. BMtdllown, III.

R..-II Griffith H".w.rd. Ill.

Saul HL...,hberv H"rtlord. Conn.

A.lend HoUl....nd SnobomlIh. Wuh.

L.on..... HoUlNl

P."I HoUlNl

Rlch.rd B..... McColl

r •• nkUn Br"ln.


W ......,



Von Joh ..... n Ily". CoIoredo

Oordon K.lI. Sendpolnt

Rlch.rd K •• j".."kl Pul",kl. WI •.

Mu.."l1 LI"u••nc"

Doneld Mertln BuU•. Mont.

Dougl.. Mertin

EUll"n" au"dri

John Ri_rd c.kIwflll


Ch••lI" Mu.h1"th.I". Rolhdrum

Lo..n Robl..... n

W.It". Robin_n


D... ld Ho ....d Ho,l"y, lllinol.

H ••"1' Ho ...rd Horvey. llHnoi.

A'lhu. John..,n Cooou' d' Alene

Th.n" John_n ld<lho FoU.

Thorn.. L"u.. nt Allonto. G...

0.0'9" Looe $I. PouL Minn.

0"0'9" Loo" SJ:>o':o"", W......

CI.,.. Noble

H"••ld No....

Robert P.-mo..

"'""'" """




0.0'9. Root

Edw.rd Sev••I. Mod..y

Duld Schmitt Mlh.."uk... WI•.

D".n Tiadal" T..ln Fall.

John T".ch Y""nqelown. Ohio

John V"nd"nbe'9 Bon"".. F""l'1

Olen Youngblood Council




J .... ph V.n~nlc" Renton. Waoh.



B"1'"n T.ylo.

Robe•• E. T.ylo.

H ..old Thorn.. Comb,ldge

OWl'." V".-d.1

Lorin W.I .... Seh ...... Coli!.

Cdg ... Willia......





Mr. H......,. H. c.ld ll INI......cu a."d... tlI I.. _ ~ and ~JI'h,. CGU..- that ha_ cultural ... _II prectlc:.1 mining ••1". lor und.....nd.ift9 .... _>'thO. lor.... • ~-

Tha Oeolo<no' hulldl"'lia'h. ft..... ol.n. Sc:hool 01 MI MJ"" ••I coU_tiOnA and ...",pl_ of ON from .11 _ 01 th• •U.a .... fo ,d l.,.J.d<o the .. ho_ _ ..... t Iln& the ....Il •• p •

Modern Methods Replace Sourdough Prospecting The sourdough prospector, who played such an important part in the whole mining picture and around whom much

of the early history and romance of mining h<!ls been written, now plays a secondary although important role in orefinding. Now, the troined mining geol<:x;:Jist, by scientific methods. is more likely to discover important new ore b<:x:Iies,

or, if failing in this, marks those areas in which the prospector's chances are most favorable. The prospector, untrained in the science of geology, sees only the surface lind this not through trained eyes, while the geologist·prospector sees the surface, and through this observation is able to predict with intelligence subsurface possibilities. In August of 1917 the School 01 Mines was created as an administrative unit 01 the university to train men in the technology 01 the mineral industries and to improve mining operations through scientific research. Invaluable opportunities to supplement instruction at the school are offered by observation of the best technical practice and actual field training work in the mines of one of the foremost mining regions in the world. Idaho cannot be surpassed as a field for general geologic investigation with numerous nalurallormations available for students 10 sludy. Going down........tud.nt min .Iud,..t fi..t ha"d what th.,. h



, '. 320

th• • ubl......n_n eh.mh.... 01 • min. to d In boolo.a.







Min 0 ... wi

iii••• g.mbl., .nd h .... Ih. bop h ..... h.t on. H. who PA'" Ih. moal .

M .........• BaU with "~nbac"''' and an .........nee of ....1.,. ...Inin,



01 the ,a.,. nln.tlaa brin", l>M:.. the


I" thla at ..da"te "".6t f the hUlto...,. .nd ....1.. UOn of the _nh

the - . . . . h of oth who ha_ ....died o ....ed by !b t_

U of I Surrounded by Natural Wonders and Rich Mines Since its beginning, the school hllls devoted extensive resedrch to many valuable projects. By working together with the Idaho Bu~u 01 Mines and Geology to gather b",sic information on the minerllli resources of Idaho, the school has found extensions of old ore boclies and discovered new ones. Benefits in the field of mineral processing over the years should be estimated in millions of dollars for the state alone-hundreds of millions on a world-wide basis-for many ore-processing machines and techniques, such as Dean Fahrenwald's flotation process, are in use in mining districts all over the world. Remodeling 01 the Metallurgy building this year caused a shilt in the offices of the school. Professor W. W. Staley's office was moved to the temporary Metallurgy building ocross the street from the university heating plant. Professor Staley occompanies miners on their field trips and tours of field inspection to mining districts of the state. Students of geology and mineralogy have their centers of study ideally situoted in locations unrivaled for their neorness 10 nalural wonders such os the Craters 01 the Moon, the "River of No Return," ond Snake River's "Hell's Canyon," parts of which ore the deepesl on the continent. Mining students receive their classroom and field training from a university that is located in the geographical heart of 0 vost mineral area. Th. _hoi. bunch 'JOt tov-t"'~ on • fi.ld trip fo~ Pl'Of_~ St.l..,. to t plnu.. In the lat_t ....inin' I. .hlo .... Not!... the no_I lI,htln, ..n .... ·1


• h.b.

Th. M.t.UurvY bulld!n, In the p . . - - 01 ...eel";n, ........ pl.t. In, f... nut .,....... ~ .

Intario~ ......od.l_


ISh. dent min... record h."'''.r "H."''' Inlorm.tlon deep b.n••th the ••rth'••url.ce.

Sigm<!l G<!Imm<!l Epsilon, mineral industries honorary, is made up of scholars in the earth sciences who maintain sufficiently high gr<!ldes 10 place them in the upper portion of their class. Active on the campus since 1929, the group has for an objective the promotion of fellowship within the group. J<!Imes Roy served as president; 1. Melvin Baillie, vicepresident; James Morgan, secretary-treasurer; and George GI<!Irborg, corresponding secretary.

Row On.. , H ..n..,. E.. Holt. Bill 1.&1.1. ""an. T..d Scott, Rich...... D.....", .. Row Two: Gordon L. BL..ckb"rn, 0..:..... R. Kl..""....... M ..lrin C. Stln_ 8On, Arth,,~ W. Griffith. H ......ld C. Lynch. J..",,_ H. Roy (p..-Icl..nt) . . . Row Th.-, Don G. Dahl.. , Adri.. n E. Alb ...thMn, G .... "940 M. Ol.....borv. Ja",,_ E. Morvan. J. M..l. 'O'in Bailll., J...,. L. n.tch.. ~.

M.lvin s.nu.. Mullon



H ..... ld Lynch J.oowilion

J 'l.


Dorothy d.V•• u uplo..... ",.di• • nd t.ehnlquu th.t int ...... t h.r u h.r .dv.n.,.,d dOlg'..... In ut.

.h. work. for

Prol_r ROM W.t.on. Willi"", Si"'P"'on, .nd El"'.r H.inrieh work with D . . n Hung••ford. who i• •boo h . .d of th. pl.nt p.thology d.ptI"'",.nt.

Enrollment Highest Euer as Graduates Seek More Knowledge Enrollment in the Graduate School broke all records this year as graduates retrned to work on their masters or to do advanced study in their speciallields, Research projects abounded and valuable contributions to science, industry, and agriculture were added to the impressive lisi of serviceable discoveries and inventions made through the university's research and project progTam. The Graduate School presents an opportunity for its students to become closely associated with mature scholars in the classroom and the laboratory. This year twenty·eight research fellowships and twenty·four teaching assistantships were distributed among various departments of the university. Research fellowships vary from $750 to $1.200 and teaching assistantships from $750 to $1,000. Most of the research fellowships are given to students who carryon phases of studies in the regular research pro· gram of the experiment stations. This close connection between graduate research and the experiment stations not only aids materially in the over·all research program of the university but also provides the best type of training for the individual looking forward to a career in research. Teaching assistants are expected to give half-time service to teach· ing work. R. . . .""'h f.llow Willi.", .tudy.



g.to down to _"'. fin. point. In hu. .dvane..d

Chul_ King'. wo.k lor hia .dvanc:.d d.g"... In ",..,hanleal ..ngln. .rlng "'u e..nt......d on thbl turbo·eo"'p.......o. 01 a Gu",an Ju",o aDA j .. t ..ngin•.

s..)f"'O"~ La..,. Nlpo To", Coulton with hi. S.hnooq. M,. Coulton taught part_ tirn_ In ..... _IOVF d.,..rt .... nt ..hll. _orlo._ on fl... pond ....dl. . lor .... M.8.

P ....hi<o ..... In ...Iding ....... ' ••on up In Honrr 8111,0'. poper that _......d hi", hiol MM'.r of Selene. clev.- In .....,.a.nl<:-.l .nWi..... "nll.

Summer School Attracts Advanced learners Graduate work is administered by the Graduate Council composed of Dean Charles W. Hungerford and nine members appointed by the president from various academic divisions of the university. 1. Frederick Weltzin, Erwin Graue, Joseph Newton, William C. Banks, L. C. Cady, N. F. Hindle. Merrill E. Deters, Hall M. Macklin. Lee F. Zimmerman, and D. D. DuSault form the present Graduate Council. Graduate students for the 1950 summer session outnumbered the undergraduates as high sch<Xl1 te.!lchers returned 10 catch up with current education"l practices and the veterans delved further inlo specialized learning. Those seeking ~dvi!lnced deqrees in the ~rts also increased. in number. Over thirty·five departments in the university offer their complete facilities ~nd speci~l instruction to the evergrowing number of graduate students who have found that they need addHionaltraining to supplement the basic training received in the undergraduate school. Specialized occupations, research positions, and teaching careers call for the advanced preparation that graduate students have found to be more than adequate at Idaho.


Viaitinll dlNeto. fOr th.oo r ~n of "u.......ulu ............n. D •. Willia H. AndoNOn I...ou..- 10 • c1_ of II.-du.t. .tudon" In tho Educotlon _ op.

Durinll tho w ••• Howard C. "ohneon _ ~ wllh tho .....-tarlet of tho "o!nt Chiob 01 St.oJl. Aft........u.. ho w . . .ppolntod to tho V.to i.._ 01 In. Unitod N.tio"" .nd Ie now AdrieD. to tho. Pl..nnin<;r Sid 8 u of United If.tio"" AJle.i WhIJ. tn. " , - bIT .dJo..rnod for tho , M •. "oltneon t."lIht politi".1 _nee cou to luc.,. Id.ho .tud.n....



y.o".... And• ..-" PhIt.del.phia. P•.



R..1ph Bu...,h.m

Do" H.,,,. Ru_ILK" ...... Wllll...... 0.-.,

Ph>t.del.phla. P.o.


.I_ph Srnll.7





.I• ....,. &..17


£ . .1 Ho,,,I,,'1

"~ K."".th P....llin




Orno.. Vail


Bill B.....,. r'.ml" r.llau •




M.ry J .... pa. John...n Cliffo'" P,.tt N_~

Virvll Vail


B....... rd Bitt." K.w-.lllmo..

Ray B......dh..-d


D.... ntaga,aId WalLo Wall.. W-n.

M...,..j" Ol-ocl. Cull_n. Alab<o_

J.c" Jon..

T.h·Yu.n LM ""M M.uno s...ri McColl


01...," R.7nol<b


.1",,11 V _ ~W ......

Yu.n_SM Yin o"M


B." B.....,1u

WIW.m Bu"" H.yward

St.nla7 God_II. N"der>. N... ood.o


Ho Yu.n M.1l HonqKonQ


R.lph 811.1.

Ho_.rd mud., Ric:h11ek1




Upperclassmen Tock an Upper


Hand in Running the Campus Vc!ludeville had a comeoo.ck when the juniors brought Dick Taylor with his "Toylor Made Music" to Memorial gymn.!lsium for the Junior Prom April 15. The six acts of the vaudeville show feotured a Hollywcxxi chorus of dancing girls, novelty numbers. and mimic entertainment, menial telepathy, and juggling. Pretty Sn.!IPPY, eh? Try as they might, though, not a single junior romeo

wrangled a date from the performers. The wheels began to roll os the juniors got ready to replace their senior masters both in the classroom and in campus c!lctivj路 ties. A fine adeptness in the ort of campusology m<!lrked the ctlsual poise 01 the wise old members of the Closs of '51. They were beginning to grasp a filmy something called "mental and emotionc!ll maturity," From the green of frash days, to the blue of the sophomore slump, they were emerging to the golden days of achievement and progress in the subjects they were seeking 10 moster and in the art of <!Idjusting to a satisfactory concept of life ond their part in it.




Helen Means

Dale Benjamin

Barbara Swanstrom Meet I"" newly elected prtoOridenl 01 MOI"!<Ir Bo.ord. Thr. . ahol1 y...... h.... _ 80rb ...helill9 wUII 1M Spu .... debbJil>Q In publlootlono. workl"'" beckol"<;le on ASUJ p1eY', end onentlnq tl"Oflh women Ihf'OUQh AWS. tl ~ ever need .. h"rd,worklnq Of'Qanl,.r. Illal cell Ih. DG bou.. end 61k /or &,1>--1....... lop ecllvity <;1"1.

Marie Hargis

Jack Gregory

Paul Araquistain

Pam Gaut

Donna Jean Broyles You'Jl_.nd hear lot. "lx>ullhll Qirl "".1 fM' bee."",, 10 be Homoocomlnq cn...lrmen. A polenll,,1 ......1110m the tlme.he Ol~ on eam_ 00...... hoi 1-. .. Spur, junloo" claol.............. All>h<o Phl...-lent. end .. ..-..bet 01 AlpM Lambda Delta, Cur\.o.ln Oub.

.he', oolnq

.nd Student.Faculty &.old.

John Martin "Rod Ere.... known on "",mpo,d b- hi. hot _b,n.,1s. ~ brouQhI tho Al"QCII\eul .... "'lI.A~n retinq wI-. he ..... ÂŤhI.,... ou,hnquJohinq hl.....U In "",ny heidi. he ... .. membor 01 81..- Key, Publk:ellono Boord. SiQ 0.11<1 ChI. end ..,," _ l I f eleclecllo pr-.Idft over 1 KePI>" Sk,j houoe till. ,....r.

Gary Sessions


Mary louise Will

Vern Bohr

Rose fllen Schmid l']ectlon to ASUI uecut!ve &<oro ........ hlQhllght 01. Root"'. Junior ,Mr. A ...-Ide,,! 01 HeYI Hell. ,he h•• been "ct!ve In Spurt, K"ppd Phi. U Bond. V"r>dlolee.., Independent CaY"",". AWS. "nd H".,.. Ec: Club. Ne,l

y.... on EIec"Uve Boord.he wlll

I.. lhe ASUI PNlIden!_

<t<:I". prh.. Ie.....,...llOry

Betty Peters

Bob Culbertson

Dick Reed

It ""'........... I - . to .. buk.tboll9"..... over In Memo11,,1 Gym "nd _ ... t..... k oIllghlnlnq . _ down the lloor. you've - . Did R.-l. H.·.lor..... rd on the v....ny 11"., end .. lwo-yeo. I"llermen, Recently he ..... "1",,tOld to ASUI E.ecutlv.. Boon:!. You ell" \I<I"",.lIy I",d him "t the SIQme Nu ho,," if he', nol pl.ylnq ball "I I'" '1ym.

Jane Fisk

Janice McCormack

Sherman Black

Allen De"


Leslie Abbott. Parm(l. Owen Agenbroad. Nampa

Gene Allen, Tumtum, Washington ROQer Allen, Portland, Maine John AUYlon, New York City, New York EdwIlrd Anderson, Boise

Jeanne Anderson. Boise OrtOn Anderson, WaU",ce Phyllis Andrew, Parmll Wilbur Andrew, Parma

Gaylord Androea, Parma Clarence Aresvik. Coeur d' Alene

John Ascuaga. Coldwell ROQar Ashby, Moscow

John Asker, Grangeville Beth Atchison, BoI.e James Atchlton, Glen Ridge, New Jersey Ahm Alwood, Lewiston

Richofd Atwood. lewiston Vernon Baht, Wei",r Betty Lu Bailey, Twin Falls Jamas Bllinbrid98, Weiser James Stlkar, De. Moines,


Norman Borber, Marsing

Elizabeth Barline, Spokane. WashtnQlon Jack Barraclough. Boise Bernice Bauer, Boi.e Russell Baum, Ashlon John Beach, Boise Keith BellO, Sweet

Lee Bean, MelM Mllrvin Beguhl, Caldwell James Bell, Burley Eugene Bell~, M~cow tklle Benjomin, Coeur d' Alene Richord Benscoter, Kendrick

Howard Berger, Lewiston Charles Berry, Moscow Ruth Billings, Newport, WMhlngton John Block, Glendale, Cali/. Shermi'ln Bli'lck, Moscow Louise Blenden, Weippe

R"y Boehm, Bonnel' Ferry William Bolton, Dietrich Ch"rles Banor, Sondpoint Pete Bonin, Moacow Betty Bonnett, Moscow Wi'lyne Borrowman, Idaho Falls c",rol Bowlby, Mcncow Keith Bowmi'ln, Moscow Harold Brammer, Cameron Bill Briggs, Felt P"trici" Broadheod, Millwood, Wo,hington Shirley Bromnth, Coeur d' Alene


Darrell Brock, Rupert Caroline Brown, Poc~tello Helen Brown, K~mi~h JOo.'In Brown, Smelterville N~t~li~ Brown, McC~lI Donna Jean Broyles, Moscow

Bernard Brunelle, W~I\~ce Dennis Bryan, Boise J~ck Buerkle, Richl~nd, Washington Jerry Bunnell, Kellogg William Burch~rd, Frellno, Calif. EIiZ<\beth Burke, Tr~i1, B.C.

Wayne Bush, Mal~d Joseph Butkus, Farmington, illinois Clifford Cahill, Weiser John Calvert, Bulle. Montano Bill Cameron, Moscow Donald C~rley, Boise Lon~

Carney, Idaho Falls Carney, Idaho Fall. Lois Carothen, Twin Falls Omar Carroll, Lewiston James Ch~db.'lnd, Santa Monlc~, Calif. Rich~rd Chamberlain, Orofino


/UI110;1$ Roger Chichester, Sandpoint Robert Christi~n80n, Id~ho F~l1. J~ck ChuQ'Q', Rupert Winston Churchm, Goodim;l JOo.'In Churchman, Jerome Barbar~ Clauser, Payelle


CIilt, Bay City, MichlQan Mary Clyde, Moscow Larr~ine Cole, Peshastin, Washington John Cothern, Suhl Eugene Collin.worth, New Plymouth Vincent Conley, KellogQ

Gordon Cordes, Bonners Ferry Serge Coval, BloomsburQ, Pennsylvania Molly Crombie\. Gooding D~vid Cr~ne, C~stle Rock, Wilshinglon Lyle Cr~ner, St. Maries J~mes Crockett, Minne.'lpoli., Minnesot~ 01role Crouch, Boise Robert Culbertson, Rupert Lloyd D~msey, New York City, New York Glen D~rnell, New Plymouth J~mes Daub, Spokane, Washington Norm~ Daugherty, 51. Anthony Marian Davidson, Moscow Roger Davidson, Boise R~ynold Davi., Sandpoint M~rgie ne.,n, Poc~tello Dick Delye,,", Coeur d' Alene Kenneth DeMent. Twin FilII.


leRoy DeP.,lmo, Rupert Jim DePdrtee, Buhl Allen Derr, Clarks Fort Wilmar DeWiII, New York City, New York Burlon Dionison. Orofino Donald Dirkse, Gr"nd Haven, Mich.

George Dodge, N<'Impa

Roy Coupe, Spokane, W dshlnglon Troy Coupe, Spo...."ne. W<1lshinglon Miridm Downing, Gr(lngeville

J(lcI:. Doyle, Spol:.ane, W"shlngton William Driver, Joplin, Missouri

Ralph Dulin, Coeur d' Alene Ralph Dunkle, Moscow Anne DuS<'Iult, MOlIcow

Colleen Ebbe, Sandpoint Thomlll Edm4rt, NllmP4 Anne Eqgleson, lewiston

Jilek Elliott, N4mpa Evan Ellis, Koosl:i<\

Sldnley Ellsworth, Twin Falls Joseph Emmons, Kan.a. City, Missouri Blanche Erickson, Kennewicl:, Wash. Emm" Erickson, Kennewick, Wallh. Robert EVllns, Idaho Fall. Donilid F"ir!ey. Lewiston Robert Farmer, Nevdda CIty, C,1lf. Willard Feely, Coeur d' Alene Virgil Felton, Poplar, Calif. Laura Fereday, Boise

fun/gil! Richard Field, Boise Jane Fis.. . , Orofino Elitabeth Fitch, Po!latch Henry Filuoy, Em~lilnd James Ford, ChlcaQo. Illinois Shirley Forrey, Orolino

Ralph Fothergill, Nampa Don Fowler. AllianCtl, Nebrash Merlin Francis, Parma Glen Fulcher, Nampa James Fulton, Worley Willi<1lm Funl:.houser. T<1Impa. Florida

MayBelle Gardner, Boise Vern Gasser, DrigQs Dora G<1Iudin, GoodinQ P<1Imel<1l G<1Iut, Lewiston Joan Gehrig, ShO$hone JoAnn Gelly, Pilot Rock, Oregon Henry Gilbertson, Hy<1lll.vllle, M<1Iryland Wendell Gl<1ldish, Pullm<1ln, Washing-ton Max GI<1lves, Ontario, Oreqon Tom Glenny, Lewi.ton George Goble, Ea!;lle Jerry Goecl:.e, POll! F<1Ills


Charle' Golding, Rathdrum Kenneth Goldsberry, Sentinel Bulte, N.D. Ritchie Gooch, MOKQ.... Arden Gorsline, Sandpoint Lee Gorsuch, Kamiah Robert Gorsuch, Kamiah

Bonnie Graham, WallaCfl Wilburn Granlund, Deary Patricia Gray, Boise William Gray, Spring Valley, Calif. Normand Green, Downers Grove, Ill. William Greenwood, Bonners Ferry

Robert Greer, King Hill John Gregory, Wallace louise Grider, Boise Cecll Grow, Burley John Grubb, Swan Valley Haagensen, Weiser

Cella Hall, Glenns Ferry Patriel:: Hamilton, Buhl Constance Hammond, Boise Jean Hammer, Boise R. H. Hanigan, MOicow Carolyn Hansen, Aberdeen. Washington

Jame' Honsen, BoiM LawrenCfl Honsen, RiQby Richord Horden, Spol:one. Woshington Mlnle Hargis, Ashton Donald Harper, Boise lohn Harris, S....n ClIrlos, C....lif.

Rolph H....rt, Filer ROQer Harlmon, Ced....r R.... pids. Iowa John H....sbrouel::, Co.code Cecil H....th....w....y. Coeur d' Alene Rolph Hoverkomp, Ronon, Montono Kenneth Hayden, Coeur d' Alene

Harry Heath, Boise Howord Heiner, Weiser Harry Hendron, Dillon, Montana Georqe Henly, Boise Kenneth Herman, Omaha, Nebroslto BlIrbllra Heyer, Melbll

D.!Ivid Hiner, Nampa Jael:: Hoog. MOiCOw Maurice HoUond, Bovill Henry Hall. Chorleston, W. Va. Normon Hollon, Emmell Roger Hovis. Coeur d' Alene Hozel Howard, Hazellon Ruperl Huel::abee, Ma.cow Ronald Huffer, Porma Burton Humphrey, Moscow loonn Hulchinson, Orofino Eugene Hyde, Coeur d' Alene


Ronald Hyde, Rupert Frederick Hyland, Bonners Ferry Allen Ingebriisen, Me»cow Theodore InQe~lI. Orono, Maine Evelyn Inghram, lewiston Richard loset, Twin Falls

Joan Irving, Tucson, Arizona Harry !saman, Lewiston Joan Jansen, Kimberly Don"ld Jensen, Coeur d' Alene Dorris Jensen, Idllho Falls Edgar Jensen, Moscow

Rafael Jimenez. BlllcUoot Carolyn Johanson, Troy Alice Johnson, Wallace Arnold Johnson, Twin Falls Philip Johnson. &In Mllteo, Colif. Reuben Johnson. Coldwell

Richard Johnson, Welser Clarence Johnston, Moacow

Donald Johnston, Coeur d' Alene Edw<!Ird Jones, Poclliello William Jones, Hermiston, Oregon Keith Judd, Burley

Leo Juve, Moscow Jordon Kllnikkeberq, Kendricl: Shirley KlI.t<llu, Troy

Joseph Kass, Moecow Keith Keefer, Idaho Falls Domlld Kee•• Spokane, Washington

Alene Kelley, Boise Ann Kaltenbach, CaIQo.ry, Alberto. Mo.. King, Los AnQeles, Calilornio. Philip Kinniwn, Melrose, Mo.ssachutells Io.mas Knudsen, Coeur d' Alene Kent Kohring, Bruneo.u

BlII Komoto, Sumner, Woshington Co.rol Korvolo., Orofino lo.ck Krehbiel, Spohne Paul KunkeL Amsterdam l/lmes L/lGrone, HiQhlo.nd Park, Mich. H/lrry Uimson, F/lirlield

Henry Uind. Reno. Nevado. lo.mes Uinders, Mo.cy, Indiana Corwin UiVoy, Potlatch Edward Leavitt, Spohne, WashinQton Shelby Lenander, Wardner Gaylord Lenker, HaQermo.n

Claire Letson, Taylor, Wisconsin Kenneth Lind, Burley Leon Lind, Kendrick Richard Lint, Caldwell Harold Little, Priest River Dono.ld Long, Harrison


E. T. Long, Kendrici:. Charles Lord, Gooding Belty Loren, KellOQg Ruth Lotspeich, Easlport o.,n Lott, Hagerman Charles LynberQ, Sioux Cily, Iowa

Maurice Lynch, Maraeilles, Indiana Pat Lynch, Pocatello Tor Lyshaug, Norway Janice McCormick, Caldwell Robert 1. McCreedy, Lewiston Gene McCullouQh, Palouse

Colleen McDonald, Bovill Colleen McEntee, Boiae Jack McEntire, Idaho Falls Kathleen McEven, Man.80n, Washington R. L Mcfadden, Nampa Jack McFrederick, Salmon lames McGee:Spohne, Washlm~ton Jame. McKevitt, Lewl.ton Robert McMahon, Spokane, Washington John McOuUlln, RldQewood, New York Robert MacDonald, LonQview, Wash. Robert Mackey, Lorenzo

fun/OJ! leRoy M"gden, Spohne, W"shlnQlon Roger M"ri:.inson, Mo.cow Nathan M"ri:.., Spohne, W"shington Bernlese Martln, New Me"dows Ch"uncey M"rtin, Burke John M"rtin, Burke

Roltlnd Masinglll, P"yetle John Matheson, P"sco, W"shington Robert M"ys, Bolse Herbert Mead, June"u, AI"sk" Helen Me"ns, Boise Glenn Meares, Riverside, C"lil.

Dale Mendenh"ll, Onl"rlo, OreQon Conr"d Merrick, Spohne, W"shinglon John Meyer, GoodlnQ D"le Milich, Boise Donald F. Mlller, Welser R"ymond Miller, Elmhun!, IIIlnol.

M"rilyn Mingus, Emmett l"mes Mitchell, Spohne, W".hlngton Edward Moe, W"II"ce Elmer Monlqomery, Kooakl" Paul Moore, Glenns Ferry Martel Mor"che, Emmett Jerald Mou, Buhl Pa~ricl" Nelson, Genesee Robert Nelson, Boise Shirley Nelson, Lewiston William Nelson, Sandpoint Alice Nesbilt, Sagle


Georqe Neumeyer, Bonners Ferry

Edrl Newell, Laurens, lewd Gilbert Nicholson, Twin Foils Richard Nicl:eson, Wellsboro. Po, Robert Nobil, Kimb4Il, S.D.

Theo Nowa ..... Lo. Angeles, CaW.

Robert O'Connor, Culdeso.'lc George O'leary, Weiser Donold Oleson, Moscow Glenn Olin, Culde."c Delio Olson, Hood River. Oregon Mary O'Neill, Mountain Home

Ulvon PlIlmer, Grdnd View

Donold C. Pllrker, Ovid Donold P4rker, Mulllln Rich"rd Pdrrotte, Indionopolis, Indillnll J4mes Passmore, Moscow John Palerson, Bellevue

Kent Paynter. P"yelle MOTQie Peer, Culdesac Frank Pent~r. Culdesac Jack Peterson, Payelle Merilyn Petersen, Payelle

Daniel Pir<'lino, Sioten Island, N.Y. Eugene Pitcher, Thompson Fall., Mont<'lntl H,nold Pohlod. Moscow Wallace Pahlod, Moscow Robert Poore, leWiston George PoullÂť, Cascade Beverly Powers, 1..0 MesoS, Calil.

Fr<'lncis Pr<'lll, Boise Edwud Purdy, Springston Gr<'lnt R<'ldford, Preston I..<'lwrence Rllsmussen, New Plymouth John Re<'lger, Kingston Ernest Reed, H<'ltellon

Bern<'lde<'ln Reese, Boise Fr<'lnk Reich, Kelloqq Fred Reich. Arco J<'lmes Reinhardt, Lewiston Ril<'l Reynolds. Gooding Ele<'lnor Rich, BI<'lcHoot

NllnCy Ricks, Boise Jerry Rockwood, lon<'l Willillm Roden, Boise Leon<'lrd Rodig, Buhl Wllrren Roe, Boise John Rosenlh<'ll, Wesl Allis, Wisconsin

Joy Ann Rossmlln, Sllndpoint LeRoy Routh. L<'lm<'lr, Color<'ldo JOlIn Rowberry, Pllyelle Wilbur Rulemlln, Memphis, Tennessee Joseph Rumble, Albuquerque, N.M. Wil]i<'lm Sllcht, Clarks Fork


1111 Semple, Buhl John Schllplowsky, Boise Virqinill Scheuffele, Mllrsing ROlle Ellen Schmid. New Plymouth Corrine Schumllcher, Colton, Wllsh. Beverly Schupler, Kendrick

John Scull, Sen Diego, Clllii. Mllxine $eely, SI. Mllries Deway Selle, Sllndpoinl Richllrd Sheppllrd, Corvllllis, Oregon Bonnie ShuldberQ, Moscow Thomlls Shull, Moecow

Waymlln Sinden, Weiser Neal Smiley, KellOQg Barr Smith, Boise Gordon Smith, Selmon Lamont Smith, Preston Lester Smith, Hansen

Robart Smith, Redding, Calif. Theron Smith, Moscow Cillrice Sokvitne, Moscow Robert Sonnichsen, Coeur d' Alene Sonnich Sonnichsen, Jerome Lucill Spencer, Richlllnd, Wllshington

lun/ott John Spink, NllmPll C!lrl Stllmm, Bllldfool Robert Steiger, Ferdinand Delln Stevens, Worley Dorll Stevenson, Idllho Fllils Robert Stevenson, Espllnolll, Wllsh.

W!llord Stevenson, Coldwell Donllld Stilson, Slln Pedro, Cllli!. Horold Stivers, Boise John Sioddllrd, Boise Robert Stoker, Poclltello Georgill Slonemels, Buhl

Barbara Storms, Ellensburg, Woshington Echth Stough, Moecow Elmer Stout, KellOQQ Clld Strllub, Lewiston Phyllis Stricker, Grllngeville Gerald Swanson, Coeur d' Alene

Herbert SWllnson, ldllho Flllls Robert Swanson, Poclltello Cyrus Sweet, Longview, Washington Glenn Tllibott, Notus James Tate, Hope Dale Thacker, Paul Averill Thllyer, Hagerman Horold ThomllS, C!lmbridge Stllnley Thomlls, Nezperce Eileen Thomson, Shoshone Howard Toevs, Aberdeen Richard Toevs, Ephrata, Washington


DeForest Tovey, M41ad Rhys Tovey, Idaho Fdlls Thomi'ls Trees, Gooding

Frederick Traah. Grangeville Raymond Troxell, Weiaspirt, PII. Don""ld Tschllnz, Mdckay

DlIvid Ulmer, McCall Barbara Ulrich, Coeur d' Alene

lohn Urquidi, Grand View Fred Van Engelen, Twin Falls Ruth Van Engelen, Twin Flllls Russell Viehweg, Twin FdJlS

Allon VogI, C1l1dwell John Voorhees, Shorl Hill, N.J. Al Wllgner, Grangeville Dondld Wegoner, Meridi"n 1!lmes Wlllker, Homedale Willi4rn W<'lllr.ington, Hdzelton

W/lller Ward, L:l.pwai Gerdld Wel!Jver, Lewiston

Roberl Webb, Roy Thomlls Webb, wpwai Elwood Werry, Shoshone Sidney Werry, Hailey

lohn Webster, Nezperce Robert Wheeler, American Falls Robert C. Wheeler, Mountdin Home

John White, Shoshone Hugh Whitmore, Eagle Elden Widner, Midvale

WilliS Wiedenman, Jerome Vance Wilburn, SllIes Flizabeth Wilcox, Boise Mary Louise Will, Moscow Frederick Willett, LeWiston Donald Wills, Auburn, Massachuselts

Peler K, Wilson, Culdesac Thomas Wilson, Boise Daryl Wiltenberger, Nampa Florence Wohlschlegel. Idaho Falls Patrici<'l Wyrick, Boise Burton Young, Potlatch

Youngstrom, Walter R., Salmon John Zwiener, 51. Maries


Holly Week Traditions Carried On The sophomores brought CArmen C4v~lI"ro to the e;.,mpus for the 1949 Holly Week lRlnce. The Poet of the Piano played for "Holly Frolics" and Christy Anne Sargent was crowned the Holly Queen althe year. An arch consisting of holly and mistletoe was constructed along with several lighted Christmas trees to make up the decorations. "Mistletoe Inn," a room inside a room, fe.!l.tured a lowering ornamented tree.

The annual Sophomore Serenade of all the campus living groups heralded the approach of the Christmas season as softly f<!llling snow descended on the yuletide singers. The sophomores took over their share of campus activities and concentrated on Nesting "od Perching between closses. They began to understand what college was all about and started leorning how to live in the adult world they would soon enter as intelligent members of a complex society.




00naId Ad..-. Rlr~ Mar<el Atn.wot1h. Spol" Wulunq'on P• ...,. AIbet'->. ....... Ma.'>1n Ale"" Sandpoint G-.. Allen. FT.n1r.hn Marl"" Alllooon. Coldwell Roo<tr AUloon. Coldwell

Don Amoo. B~hl

o..n Anderoon, Mated M.rllyn Anderoon. Buill

0..1.. And."•• Idaho rello o...,,1d ... nd........ Shell", Pe.,l Ar.qul''''ln. Caldwell

Joo.... A.1on, ()ppoo-h.rul1'. WuhlnqlOn


le.... ~lt. Go..chnq in.. &ha. ChaU.. Truman BooU". Ha.-. c..~ B..Ir. Idaho 1'.110 Charlotte 8.ole., M<-:ow Pelda" &1<.... Mo»oow

Boyd &,1<.... Donnelly Sev"rly Balk ld<oho reu. Donald Bak 601.. Robo., & .. tow. MOIClOw Jc.eph V. Baolle. &.,.,..,ne. Ne.. JetMY Gee, Be_II,. Loqo V• ..-. B.ott.. Coldwell

Ptuhp Bott.r.lho.... -.1‫ס‬0o.... He>< y."lr. Otoon- &ott_ W .._ o..v1d a-d'-, _nk WadunQ'On o.:.ao.- a-dl-.. Seonloo. Waahlnoton Jo~ Beel.... SpoUne. W"ohlnQOOn l1c:i;,.rt Beckwith. Twin FeU.

John Beer. lerocr:e



Behrft, New P1'OVldenc<!', New


l Bell. H_rrnen Lloyd Bell. MoMell"n Beverly Opportunity. W ••hlrqlOn P"lrlcl<O &rry. C ••lqn>onl

a.n.on. Joo_ e-...... OrolLnO

!!ell, B,ler. Tr.,l B.C.

P"tricl Birch. ':.1Iooqq l.o;a Cun<:Loll 8l4ock. I..<:>nQ 8Mch. Coh!. Paul BLonlon. P..,... Woa/unqICn F.edarlclr. Bh. . ()rdn.oonoo. erJohn 810m. Eou Clair., W...,.,.wn ElLen. Blow••, Potll<ond. Qr.gon Howberl BonneU. 5ocramenlO. Calli

Ch<IrLe- BolUnelil. Kall"'XI

J.... Bou. Corozal. Puerto


o...ylon Boy.:.. SI. 101.., _

H.. rrl8on lloyd. Wendell t - Boyle. VIetOr F...... B•.cht.


Ue_llyn e.a"",rd.


e-.. d


B...s... a . -

&rblu-.. Il<...-Icl:. WenrIooll a,hon Coronado. CaM. Pe:r. Br.,.... ,....y CUI'. N_ J......, I...... Brk./oo. F.n Von. e.\QQ1I. G .... I Fall•. Montana lorin Brlnk.rholl. Richland. Wuhl"GIton



Boo.bor. fltc:cl......... c:.k1_U FA.I Bn:x:u..n. c:.J<:tw.U Oon.oIcIlltoob., Ha.l1On Mcntiot'd Bro>b. BcUe t-t".,.jnBrown.~

Brran Btu




l. t-tutph, Good"'OQ

Thorn... Budlin. H"""hon Be.,1 Budd, H.... lton O<Iv!d Bull, WO"","!e., M._ehuNn, Don"", Bu",h, Coeu. d'Alene BooV<l.I, But<:h.. m, M'*XIw Evelyn Burh. lerome Joe Bu...., !loiN


au.....,n, Viole

V........ c:.k1••U, 8cJIeoe Dorrell c:.lhh.sn. Kelloqq I&h.on:l Oorbuhn. Mounleln Iiomoo 8ell, Lou c:.rJecn. " - - n lu.... Out, Twtn Felle beph c:.uan, Noone, AI....

NOt"'" c:.uan, Onl<lrlo. OtllQlltl Doole Ch<oney. KenOON WIlII.m Chetwood, K.. ml .. h !.eo Chao-te. Lenore Andrew Ch.!,tenNn. 81acHoot H..1en Chut<:h. Ubby, Mont.. "" l...... rk. 801_

a ..

M<orqere1 Cl.o.rk.,

a ••.


Edwin W.ll...,., W .. n ..n Oontnqet, Lewi.lon loen CobJ... Bonn... F.tTy O<Ir .. ln O'Il,w.U. Coeur d' AI&I\. H.. rold Collett Gr.. ne! View Leur. Compton. BI..c::Uoot


t-t••• PotLolc:h I....... Connon. 8oioe F.....s.rid CooL W~, u-hUMlIo



Do'oid Ccuhon.


KeiI\h Corne. Nempe DoO'\d Cr_" Bura..,

""..no. er........ SL Me...

DoklnM Ctoob. SpIrit Lek. 20beti Ctoob. Spirit Lek.. lrnoqoon.e Cn>weJl. Pocatello !):,n.o.ld Culh..n., Spokene, W.. oh!.....ton frederic Cully. Coeur d·AI..... Bru.,., Cudi .. Orollno

Helen Doni.la. M.Lod keeph Oui.. 801M ~""n:l M.

De..... Twin F.JIe 2lc:hoo<d W. Da,..... Me~ Cellf, Ger.k1 DIehl. Jeroo"e P.. uluM o.w-doolwc. r.llcoQQ Glibert DoKoltz. fiI...

h1pb DoMerr, Mounleln Home Jo Anno o.Mer-, floI.., ~ Mam-.. c:.llt FA.ll::lon.-. .Sura.., Dele D!:>uq1<oo. Mc.oow Stephen Douql_, BcUe Helen Dreqeelh. Keml.. h



Roborl o..~l.r. Twin r~lt. John Drlpo, Twin F.Il. Arthur Duncen. G,.. nd Vie"

I,,,n... Dunh.m. H_."",n Uoyd Dunn. M.-x>w

»or- Drgett. Potlel<:h Rot fa_n, File,

Howard Ed• • • SpoUne, Wuhlnqton Amokl Eiddm, Sandpoint R1CMrd £i....... Granoevllle EdwIn Enqetl,

Bon"",. F"rry

John Ev..... Idaho hll. M••Uyn E"."". c.o.ur d'AI.".. Ruthella [v..... P. .ton

Doole E

Bo;h1 W.u.e. ThoonN r 104<0110011., Illtrw:>b Ed",.rd Fleoter. Bellewood. Ilh...... RIc....rd Flit-. Odord E.dllh Flit. RU~'1 /ey Filch. Payetle



E11&ilbeth F;:~.ld. Moecow Her""", F 1 ~ Col:tonwoc:d Norm<on flynn, W_ Rot>.rl FoieJ', St. Anll-., Ei..... Foley. Idaho fallo John FonbuIQ. o..l""rl T....Me""""" Forem.... Pocatello

Idnnelh Fouce •. Cedro Wroml""" John r_ Hall• ., F....,. frUl1.. s.-

Iv... flWlCh,



o.-.Id fritt.. Ql.noqo.... W-"'flQtDn Todd fl'Oll ....... Wadtlnqton. D.C.

Bornel Fullme•. R".burQ 1.",,1 fulton. Spok.",,_ W".hlnqlon Joy"" Goo....... Twin fallo IleYflly G.r..-tt. W,lc»r


Ge<ld.. &nld.




Goer.,. sa..



Robotl Ge.a.u. Loo A"IJ<'I_ Colli. Richard Glbbo. Burle, Roberl Glbl», Burl<ly Nelaon Gibbo, Bullolo. Ne.. York Pe..l Glt.on. PTeoIon frank Gill",u.. Declo MerecLIb Glenn, Twin r..n.

Cerolyn Goodwin. Sw_t Elmer G<.oett. Hemp" Glen Greel.. y, Emm.. tt Gtlr..1d Green, Gl..n", F.. rry ShIrley Gl'tIQOl'y. RUp"rt , .. _ Grenl.U, Lonqvlew, W.....lnqton Don.... Grlff,th, KalloQq

Phlhp GulUor, BcmII t th Hack. Buhl ' Id H_Ie. Celdw..11 I1:k:h.. rd H..n. 601... flori.,. H.. hn... Pocet..1l0 t- H.. miJton. Mount"ln H",.". k H.. o>on,. Celdw..ll

a ...


P~tri<iIo Han~ ... H~ID""

Reed H.o..-. IdIlho F~l" Bob H.o........ Iltwer Dorwl H~rd.,. P~r ..... 0-100' H~rper. Pori Townoend. W~.lIlngton MMY J~ .... H~rrl •. Spo1~n". Wnhlngton Don"ld H~rrillOfl, Lowl.ton


Ha,~ ~wWon

Batly H..-Iar. Twin Falla

Hazel H"..... ""-'ow Ja_ H..pio". Farminglcn. IoIw:hiqan

P,,_ Habbard. ~ Waoh;nqIon '--'-rd HeiUi..... Co..1clo Gearqia H-Ich. Halley

Harold H..nrle. ~ Soo"th Dakota AU.,.. H.. nry. Gooding I~"",. t- H.. nry. Gooc\lnq W..n<J.ell Harr"n. 1'..11099 H..l..., H..rrlngton. 801.. GeorQot He-peI~ Palo Alto. Colo'. Ronall HIli ........ DrIQqo

Lou. H,...duJw,... J:alchUID

w.. LM Hooolol. H , , _ Fr_ ~ Sooll Lok" Orr. U..h Wlm"-d Hob Troy Roy Holilflekl. Ha......, la ....1 Hoi"", ... Palo Allo. Colli. Deon HolJO"l:. BurLoy

Marion Koma... P"yeIIe M..ry H _ . W..UJ.,.,..... Hopll.... Bel.. Lour.. ' - H""klno. C"ldM<oc:: M,,"rlca Horl..n. SPQk"".,. Wa.II"'9ton I,..,n.. Hornlnq. Moqow John lIarnlnq. Wall~.,..

Cor....... Hortlng. 00Ifa.. Waalungton J:ennath How"rd. LowWon Alan HU<;I9I... eLow....,. Hu....,hrey. IAwWcn J _ Hyland. 8onneo'o F....,. CorylltlQM>ri-. ~ hard I.,...,.... Lo9<o... Ulah

floyd I_IOn. Goodinq Hyde I~cob.. Declo M",vln 1""..1•. Buhl Ben I.. yn". Enid. Okl.. homa Ron~1d l..-up. Low"lI. Mlch~n W,U"'m l..weIl. Monl'*.... Arden Joh........ 8onneo'o FfIn'J

AIel ~ Van.., Fotd, Waoh;nqa, Bert ~ NulLan R.aberI ~ G'-w. Monti>"" Myron Johnolcn. G'a.....llie Low-.oel_ Malad Luther L J St. Anlhony Norm..n Ion OakHd..I". W...hington

Michlo K.. kll. WaI... r John K.. yler. Peck K......u. K...... IdIlho r.lI. Judd K.. 101-. Me" KlIlT'Cheooal. Ka_ Ioen J:Jn9, J:aDd4ll MarQle Kinner. SoondpoInl



1".0_ 1::1""'y, Shoohon.. 1::",1 Kl<lQG1. M.,..",,,, Deloria Kni<;lhL Gooding Willi" Kno•• K"UOgq M.... de Kohl, s"lmon Phyllio Kooch, $.oImon Milton KopP<'lnq, Bonn.... I',,",y

lohn 1::0111"., Idaho 1',,11. £I,i.. K~y< Spohn.., W ... hlnqton aeon Kun.. Vietor

J.. mfl l<lne. Sh.. lley Joeeph L.oriln. Donnelly Do""ld t.o...,n. Cu.lck, We.hlnglon Elwin u,roon. Merldlon

Phyill. Lo..oon, Weippe Bry"n 1.<1,.,,..,,,,,,,, Mce..n WUUe",

r-...ll, Gooding

J"dJ.. Lee. Plumm.., p"lrlola Lee. Grftn~ylll.. lohn L.h"r. Burley Weyn.. !.ewi•• St.

hd Uberq.



Belh UII"rd. Lewl.ton Do""ld LndMy, Bonne•• Ferry Borba,.. Uvlnqolon. Buhl Did Uoyd. Lewl.1on Vir<;jlnl" Lol9'en. Spohn.., W".hlnqlon Estell" LoIko. I'u...hold. New I",..,y

lohn Long, M,*",w $hlrley LonqelelQ. Lewl.!""

leek lorI>. Qoyl•. N.,w Muloo Philip Lowder, RUp&rl Leon LUCfI, ChI""Q<>. IlHnol. John Ly"""" GreybulL Wyornlr>g Arlene MeO"!!",,, Montpelier

Stew"d McCormecl:. Utwlston Theodore MeDon lei, Ejmhunt, 1Illnoi. Donold McMeh"n, Council leery McKee, Glenn. Feery Euqene McNee, Shoohone MOTolee Mcl1eynold., Spoke"", W••hi"",lon Humlreclo Mececlo, Lim., Peeu

lohn Meck, Spoken.., W••hl"",ton lohn Medey, Lorenzo Celhed"" M<>eMlllen, Moec<>w Morqeeet Moqee, Gen_ Otl. Moloy, St. Meel ... Linde Leoe Moroyl.., Mull'm CecIl M"rtln, O<Ikler>d. Celi!.

lem... M"rtln, CeldweJl Joen Merlln. Heqermon Devld Mertlndole. O<Ikley Donold Me..,." Abooerek ..... Montene lene Metthew•. Spokene. Weohlnqlon Frederick Met"'eT. Chlcoqo. 1I11nolo Donold M....chem. Wei"'T

Me'Verel Mehl, Wei..,r RIcherd Merrill, Orofino LoI. M_rly, Burke Rlclulrd Meyer, Goodinq W!lIl<lm Meyee. Fenn 1o"",," Ml11ee. Wel..,r John F. MIller. Celdwell


M8rcell8 Minden. Prl...,.ton fr8"".. MI..",. CoI......n. Al"'r'" Thom.ol Mitchell. ld8ho f8111 CIJ'<>l M.,..... 8onnero Ferry Shirley Molen. 801.. Ma."'" 101"..._. Twin falll Dotll Moor•. ld8ho faUI

GIo<Ioo 101 le_ 104

Hew PlymOUth Memphlo. T_ _

RIdword Mooo'e. MericlI.en frank MooT...... Wurteuqh Jed: Mc.men. Ceecede ~ l.Iu.doc:k. Iloloe _nne NOIQ'IIlldoho felL.

Guy He...,.. ilMdI

Growe. " ..tuclly

Willle.... Haoh. W _ Marlha Sue Heel. £ph.ele. WeaIun<"ton Go..,N~.Il<>h1




Ne.., k> N_ _ $kyh.ieh, Wuhonolon

Old Newlon, Sen fernando. Cabl. BoonJamon Hlcholeo. 101..."... ~ HlZOft, Bon.-. felTY H _ N..... 1loloe Donne N"""'-'. CamboicIqe De"O\d Glbbonnille Lolend ~. £ai_I


P81rk:l8 O'Co o<, Lewillon V!tQlnl8 0.8 m. M.. llen Kellh o.mond, Jl:lqby H8rry Oabot"". t::all<>:;I1I Ollie hdenh8m. MOK'OW Robert P8rloh, File. R!cherd p.. ker. Sont8 An •. C.III.

I..... P 8 _ :;"ndpoint P.lrlcte Petton, Sendpoinl I",.n"" P8 .. Joon. Spok.ne. W••hlnqlon Helen Peyne, Red>urv Roy P...I.... t::eUogo:,

l.-phi"'" Pe...,., Bm........ John Pepper. W.i_

10<1 ...... Palen. Spote"... Wuhinqton Done. PeIe<.on, Payelte ~

Petenon. Idaho felll Rlc.... rd Petenon. id<Iho F8111 ioborl Ptulhpa. Prleol il..... R. J. Portenn. Me-ow P8ul Poll. Lc,. AnqeI-. CaM,

bon Price. F."iield 00naId Prioby, Be_Iy, M.....,huaetta ~ Puc:bfl PaTM\e R.,., Pytel, Ncecow Don Quane. Jl:upert Marthe iaI-, 801_ GeorQe Rec:.ly, V.....b.... Nebr• •


Patri<:le Rombo:>. N;d.. bon Re~, Iboe Rorwold ~ Iloioe ~




RIddle, MaunLowt H...... William~, ldeho fall. Don Rlnqe, American Falb





Orrin. Robem, Donnelly Way.... Rob6oon.. Rathdrum AIbe<l Rol... th. UbbJ. Mont.... Georqe I«lte. Mu.lauqh Floyd Row!>erq, Shelley Thor.... Rowland. Poc<otello

Howard 11:.... s"ndpolnl

Joe..... R"nd.trom. Spola .... Wahlnqton

Rae SeJt.bw-r. Twin Failo H...be<l SeIlUn&, M..,.,w o...-Id Me.oow Wlln-, Se""'""l r.lrl>oold 0ui.tT W_



I'-Ph Su_. Kimberly Ju ... Schalk" Spohne. W...hl"",ton Allen SC k. Gen_ Stanford Scheibe. t.ewl.lon JoAnn $e1>1"'9"I, ~t ..1l0 loyao Schmidt Lewll'on WoJI...,. 5chmldt, LewWton

Herbet1 5chroooder. ~ Ohio W.rtbel SdIupM,-. JuI~ 1,,_ Schult. Idaho FeU. Donald SedL '_uellne Sc:oll. s...nle. WoaItin<;l1on


"'''"'''' See. Buill Chari... Seebe., ",,1100<1

G".y Se.I""". Idaho Fall. Cor'Ol S....ll••• Spoi.entt, W...hlnc;'l1on u.."'ell. S>ftcn. Mid...l. Ul"- Simon, Fairfield BobS/..... Seootlle. W....lnopon Goo,.. S!<oYln. c..-00n6Id 0 - SmIth. Omaha. Nebtoah

lulld...... Smitll. Glenna Fen,. K"".,.u. Smith. TwIn rail. Vlrvlnl. Smith. S""-hone Stenley Soderberq. OroIlno N.I, Solberg. Kamleh Philip Soul..... Wei.... !lobed Spaldinq. MOICOw

Ni<:h<:Uo $petopul... Wei• • e_ E. SJ>en-r. Mc.:ow H...:II... Stoonek. Mo.oow

Bert St.nb'd. St. Anthony WoO",

e ... sa.u.......


Wll1lam Stemple. £lmhunt, IUlncb Plull p Sl..... Anc:......_ . A1<tIka

M.. ,y S1.,,,,,., Pullman Roed B.orbe•• 5''''1'8,1. Fai<l!eJd K.. thl....n Steve"... Nwdrnan Don<lld Stoll&, Coeu< d' AI"".. Glen St<lngh4m, Jddho F..ll. E~TI' McCandte. St.... <~ Ketlo99 Wendell Stp>er. P.u.

H.ro&d Sue...... BuM M.. rqal'9i SullIVen. Ruperl r...les..._.TI"OJ' J.net Sund-n. Bonners Fer-r, June s...tton, MId".1e a..<teo Sw.tn. loh,,-> Oly. Ten.11:O<,/e' Sw.. notrom. Council

Will ..rd Swope. 54. M••1IoI LeV

Swope. M-=ow

0. T.. k<olor\. P.,me A<'" Talbott. Omak. W-.ft;nqtcn Duenot T.. l'k>r.


W..u....", T.. l'k>r. WendtoI.I

Canotano. Teed. BolMo


Thomo. Temple, Monr""i". Colli. John Thome•. Dielrich Eugene Thornel.. Buhl Belly Thomr*Qn. Moscow ]..... n Thomson. Bulle, MonlollO lohn F. Thomr-on. Moscow o-n Thomlon. Lewi.ton

Roberl Tid<!, Albuquerque. New Me.lco lem... Tinlo. I'o<:olello N"dlne Tlml1. Ma.cow Geor<;le Ti....w. Wolloce D"rio Tolfenetle, Chlc"go. lIIinoi. Roberl Tolmle. Permo Tomo. Tomo.-><>. lcelon<!

M"r<;Ior"l Torel!. Moscow Andrew T~er, Veredole, Wo.hlnglon Denni. Trolh. Coeur d' Alene Dorl. Trout. Troy Doneld Trupp, SI. Anthony Mortonne Tufl•• $pokone, Wuhlng-ion S&lh Tunl". POIlCO. Wo.htng-lon

Esther Uhlmon. Ma.cow Robert Uhrig, Mldv"le Gory Urle. Veredole, Wo.hlnglon Roy Yonce. Homedole I"""", Vorley. 601... George Veh .., Coldwell Iimmie Vervobbi. lCellogq

PhylliS Vickery. Emmell lohn W<>goner, Merldlon Don"" 10 Wolento. Ma.cow lome. Wolking-ton. H""",llon Horriel Wolrolh, Orolino Don"ld W"Umon, KeHogq Floyd W"no"",ker, W"II"ce

lackle W"tto. Gl"nn. Ferry Carolyn Webb. Reuben. Douglo. Welnmonn, Lewl.ton Kenneth Wel.m"n. Wendell Kennelh West. Wilder We.tocoH, Gerheld. W,..hlnglon Eorl Wheeler. Americ"n Foll.


Fronkltn Wheelock. Hoven, Michigon Loui. Whiltell. Emmell Norm" Whlt...ll, Emmell N"ldo Whyberk, o-ry Bruce Wickword, Ma.cow PhyHp Wilder. Worce.ler, M"....chu...lls Emmell Wilkino. Moocow

Br!<lon WIIII"m., Sol ... [),ovid WIIII"m., Moled Morilyn WiIIl"m., Moocow Chorle. WtIIl"mllOn, lerome MOr<;lorel Willi"m..,n, l.ewloton M"'Qorel Will., TwIn F"II. a"ylon Wi]..,n. Cambridge

E1.... no. Wit..,... Wel... r 10m... WU..,... &on Fomondo, Calif.

!u"nito Wit..,.., N"mpo Wililom Winkle. Filer Clyde Wlnle... Glenn. Ferry Cherie WI.w"H. Viol" Don Wolcotl, Burley

I"m... Wom"",ck, Bonners rerry Lee Wood.. Richfield Morlon Wright, Twin F"II. G"ry Wy... Groce Mory Ann z.,PP. N"mpo Bob Zimmerm"n, N"m~


Frosh Frolics Made a Big Hit on Campus There must have been some Irishmen among the freshmen. March 17 was the dtlte set for the frolicking frosh dance decorated in shamrock green with all the trimmings of St. Patrick's o."y. Connie Baxter lIInd Bruce Mcintosh were crowned Queen and King of the Leprechauns at the "Wearing of the Green" semiformal dance. Glen Henry's orchestra came straight from Hollywocx:l to add their "Impression in Rhythm" to the gala l!Iffair. Special guests "t the dance were visiting high school seniors who were "Iso shown about the campus and through the various academic departments of the university by representatives from the Class of '53. Not so many veterans appeared in the new crop. Most of the frosh were direct from high school, and properly bewildered by the campus world of activities, wheels, all-campus events and conflicting id~s presented in the classroom. The youngsters soon odopted the "collegiate air" and by second semester were amozing their big brothers and sisters by their "savoir loire" in matters curricular ond extra路curricular. Oh, those reference papers! rRESHMAN CLASS orrICERS



Gen..n.. B.,rtr"nd, ld"ho F,,1I0 ColI...n Bldlord, l.ewl.1on Rulh Bieber, BIQ Tlm!)"r. Monl<lM GeorQrI Blrdt, New York aly. New York Odell Bl"d. Burl.., Or,..", BI"loc:k. Ltllh" lohn Bloom. K..IIOQQ

D"wn Bollon, Albeny, Qohl I"m_ &..ud. Porlliond. MolI\4I Frederick BoWfin. P.rl.. llhnol. Fr.nk Bowl. . Koookio Dorothy Bow ..... n. Emmen Rlc.... rd Bowme., St. Morlooo WllIl<Im Boydfln. Glen [Uyn, 1I1lnol.

Donn. Brown. I.e...w,m..... Ilf'own. Lewl*ln Carlylfl Brouah. Selmon I'........ BuI~IfIy. Buh! BoYd Bu,~ St. Anlhany floUy Burwr..r. ldflho Folio a..-ly Bur~



Conrad O ..ut>4...... Soda SDrI~ Colt-I". Church. IJbby. Monte .... $hl,ley Chun::hJll. S it........lI. E:h."rd O>urch"", J _ Mlch....l Churilla, Johnotown, P"nnsylvan'" Ch<orlle Clark. Paul RobftI1 Clark, W"llecto

Paul Cla n, Wei ..., [rl Clyde. M<»<:ow Bone... Collin•. Richland, We.hlngton Borbore Columbul. W"nelchee, Wo.hfnqlon

Richerd CondIe, PT.!on Gordon Coc>I:. Kendrick Marlen Cook. K.llot;N

R"I<I Do,llnq, Coldwen E'J1...beth Dovld.on. "''*'Ow 11:obel1 00"'00Il. Bovill Rober'" Doy, Goodll'l<,l Don O""rdoTlt. Grace

Glen DeB,ulne, W..., Alii,. WI..,.",.ln Beth_ Decke., Id..11O rail.

lld>ert Or"k.., Dow...... Grove. 1111...,.. Patrick Dn.ooIl. Twin fall. Roy Drl.kilt P<.I F"U.

Cheri.. Dully, Ham... bnnelh Du"".. n, Comb<1doe Robert A. Dunc<ln, Twin tell. Robert J. Du""e ... Combrldqe


Durt..::hl, DrIQoI

Marilyn Dullin, Rfchlleld Joy wI. Fil..,


Edholm. ~nq

lohn EdwerdJ. M4.-.lnq

&G:Il,,~Nnqer. Goodlnq


Betty 1o Ger..... Coldwell Gooor.... Geron.., New P1ymOU.lh I..llUen Ger.-. TwIn Falla R.x..rl G<o,Iln. 801. Tom GerM. Wenclllll R... Gent,y. t..wlaton Adrlen... Georqe. t::.1100N

P«>Qy G.ot...., Kel109<l

rem. Gererd, Terreton Medenne G~. Omx>rlunl1y, W•• hln<,11on lohn Ghlqlerl. Woil_ Oelme Gllberl. Pr..ton Kenneth Gil Mc.cow lArry Gil El.nrnell


William l.....,h'ftJll.. Lewl.ton Shlrlooy lockle. Moo<:ow Tho""". J4Cbon. l.on9 lIoMeh, CIIII, I"""n Jacobo, Councll R<W& MI,I.. JOQer. Gr...l FIll., MotIl"M Shell. I'm..... n. Moec:ow Vlu<lhn J'_r, Council



Kom, EuQene. Or-oon Kenneth Kor" Goodlnq l1:eymon K,end Smellerville HMtley KruqeT, SIlOI<...,... W"ohlnqlon

John Kuq"",", A ....."""''' Fell. Don.olcl Kuper. Wendell John J.-:T. Spolanoo. Wuhlnqlon



MilchelL Terreton Froncla Milhouq, Coeur d' AI"",, Marjorie Moll"", GT.... t Foil., Mont,on" u.urence Monroe, Elko. Nevod" Mer!lyn Mocbo<:k. Coeur d' Ale"e /,,"'... MOl"rloon. Mo.<:<>w

Mo'l" Moulton, Welser

Roberl Mu.hllt.. Lewl.lon Delbert No " Council Hor.-ce N 18y. Aberd""n Willi"'" Neloon. MontpeUer Ttu""," N"...bry. Twin roll. Murry Numbers. Mc(;.,1l

J""""" 0..1.... Goodlr.g

Shl,l.,y 0<:.... G"n_ Bob o..hm"~,,. Connon B4U. North o..kol<l Jock O·r......ry. W"ioe, H"rl"n Oloon. HIli Cily Louise 0,,,,,1"1, Howe Richerd Orm,,_ SI, Anthony 0...." Ooho.n,,_ Potl"lch

Mary Pelano, K"lI<JqQ

H"",,,y Pol.., Nampa Howerd Fob, lerom" Morlll" P"",.."n. 601 ... lee Perry, lewiston Robert Perry. Sondpolnl Corol Pel,,'••m. Poy"tI"

Roberl P"te,oon, S<",dpolnl Willi"", Peleroon, Gene...... Shirley P.>ttllohn. Co'll&10,d M",llyn Phlllipo. Spok"ne. Washington Ann Pickell, W"nd<>11 Howard Pick....". Downey W ..lIinqlon PI""",. Twin Foil.

PI_c, Lewl,lon PUne. N~m"" lohn PII"". N~mPO Helen Pohlod. Mo.cow Gre.. PolllOn. Lelonl" M~rllyn Pond, [d~ho F~lI$ Berl Poole. Id~ho hils



Pelrlcle Poonld. Mullen EI..." ,or Powell. Mo.cow G<t.rlh Powell. Idaho hils P"'Ny Powe". Salmon Richerd Pr"I..,.. Glenns Ferry UIII"n Pren. Sler lem... Price. Dr19\l'

Roberl Rewllno. Coeur d' Alene "r::;:'"d Remp. Ubby. Monlene ny Rtenlrow. W"ndell Cleylon Reynold,. Po1I"lch !.o.wre""", RI<ld_I. Mo.cow Don~ld RIQ9in. OlmbridQe B..rbl>r~ RI""ld;. K,,11<:qQ


f"r&nk Shronl<. Bel...

John Sind.... M.,.,.,,,,, Norme SIple. HOf'leclilie Lol. JNn $eltl<o. l<l"-,,w F.drue Smith. J::el<:hum

Edwerd Smllh, PooilItello f".an.k

Sandt. Loo Anqe", Coohf.

Pelrlcie 5"" y. SlOU1 f"ello, Souih o..kolll &.b<o,e Sw l. M..,ldien Dorothy S.r!v...l.... Spokanlt. WeshlI>Qlon Robert T..tko. C...lq..-t WUlI40l Teylor. T""ln f"eUs

hen T....... l<loooow John T,,\qoo.-, Soondpoint



Ioftn Tow.... nd.. H ....... Beth Tunnichfl. MOICOw Vero UUndar. Poll<>tch


UrllO, GoodlllQ

Wlillam Van V.rlb., P"yel1. Shirl~ Voroua. CI.rkoton, Wo.hlllQlon Ocnovo .. Yowel.. Prlr>c:e1On

'-lie WlkI... fAql.. Roland Wilde. MOK'OW R.olph Wild..., Meridian

Ellen Wikler.....n. M"...,w C'M.r1eo Will"'...., Surl.., Maurine Willi Spoka .... W".hlnqton Patricia WllIJ P"Jou., Waahl"lllOn


81uddnl dndd% A

.123.313 .1:ll.174.33O

,"1'9i~:~ · .123. 340 . 147,283 .... . 124

"'" ."" .


.127. 147.349 , .290. J.tO IIG. IV. 136, ISS. J.tO .124.3:13 . 114, 349 88. 90. 93. 174. J.tO



....330 . ISO. J.tO 1:1:'1.207. :'113 .... .'NJ. 290 .. ., .195. 313 109. III. 119. 195. 3JO ......... .. 127. ISO. 340 , 194.340 ... ...... 207.251. 254. 3JO ... 1:1:1. :113. :120, 255. 313 .:140. 241. 28J · .105. J.t8 1:19. 'H1. :198 , ... 121.313 120. 138. 139.:183 .137. 198. 199.318 ... . 195. J.tO .99. 101. 330 . 153. 349 147.330 .161,349 .... 100 ...... 100 .145.340 ...... 283 ...... ,106. 201. 330 . 127.349 · .257.258 , . . ..... 283 • 136, 142. 143. 330 .207.330


.88,89,96. 141. :198

........... 330 . 124,207, J.tO ..... 139.349

...... 283

.. IV.207.311 ,69. 192. 193. 207, 328 ........Ik.a..


Armolronq. Ric rd MerrilL Arnold. Earl Eme..-. ... Arte, Raymond Vi""."l .. _.. , . . Aoehenb,..",,,,., Edwerd 10MPh_ A"'u&Q&. lohn I . Alhby-, Roqer Wllilem . A.her, e;.",., T un.....y ... Aoh..-l Arlin HelM" . Ad Jerry RlcMrd . A.d. John 011_ Ir _ AopIl4tte. Edward Ft""" A.tan. I....,.,. How_n::! .••. AIchIoon, BeIh nU'''wl At<:hl.>n. " ' _ Ed rd. Atwood. Akn F . Alwood. b::hard n - , Auqer. S,lm 01",,111. Au.... TorloMl.,. _., Au..u."m....,.. Douala Robert. AUlIood. M.o~_ ~..... . .. 1.01, AI'Oin F..cleri<::k.

"" .'¥T, =. 199.330 ............ 253 ... 2911


..... 125 .69, 100 .185.330 LOO,349 ...... 349 .114,349 .... .. 174

...... 2911

.137. J.tO ISS. 330 . 245,330 .....330 .. 98. 99. 101,330

• I '27. I so.

:zs:z. 283

· .. 123, 313 . . . . 185.349 .116. 126. 145. J.tO · .195, 349


&bln. EuqeM Elm.r. . 8000n. lobn Earl. .. :190 B6d.eun. Glori" Gr_. . . 120. 159.349 &aaron. r,,_ R""",Icl. .121. 340 BoQf,.. F..dericl< R.o.lph .... 201,313 Befun. Rit.o ~_ • I:'IS. 141.340 Beh., Amoid '",Un 104. 207. 349 &hr, Ella.... .. .1:17, 133. 147. 28J !iehi'. Vernon Allen. . .67. 68. ~: ~ 8elieJ'. B.ttJ' Lu _.•.•.• .143. 330 &11001. John WilU. . ... ... 13:1 BaIley, LoU Ma.t . 96. 98, I 2911 B.olI,. Trn"",,,~. ....... 174. 340 1:14,207.323 &'ll\e. John Mel""" B.olnl;ridqe. , .._ leo.. ... , 330 &1 •. Pre.ton Gal•.... .106. 137.201. J40 8olKh. Euqe.... Relph ..................... 195 &ker, Berner<! R . ... 124. 183, 251, 349 &ker. Charlotte Lout• . ... . 161. 340 &ker, I"",. Gilbert ... · ...... 330 Bo.ker, P"lriel.. 104".1•. · .. 161,340 &k..... Ted ..•....... · .261. 283 8ok-. Doruold. Bruce · .181, J40 BalM, CLoudle I...... .100,159,349 &14. &--Iy La Don . 116.143. J.tO B.IL .Emm.olyn.... .69. 139, 283, 327 &ll. E....IJIl r.ow.. ... , ... 147. 349 &.oIL Shlrle1' Ann __ • 138. 1;)9, 283 B.ollard, F.ArI ~ JOB &lw..~, . .213. 216. 217 &on-. fr...... lr. ... 126. 199. 261. 26:1. 290 174.251,330 &orber. NcnMn o.Se . ...• 201, 349 &orber. Robert Henll'.

!Jt Wi




&,,·bou•. Selly Lou &ort......,.. lohn &ort......,•. Nuh lc.epb .. B..ek.,.. Boyd C,.lqhlon


&orneo. H.rold Truman Born-. J.ck ,"lhu•.. &om-. 0rY1i1oo LM, Bo..-. Wlllatd .•.... Bo"acloclouQh. l<>cl Thon>ao. Bonuo. Ruel Hale Bome-. 2obet1 A......... Batton. fr.."k Vi".,...,l. B<u-ton. ....1_ f . _ B<u-ton. 2obet1 Er'-. flm1on. VI~ tBaM. Betti' ".-tn... Bootie, "-Ph Hl>Qh .. &liSe. "-Ph V _ t

145.347 123.313 , ......... , .. 1:15 .82. 108. 164.340 ..... , .... 229, 233 .... " 126, 157,330 .. 242. 243. 255. 290

."'. '"


'il:f218 ... ,,297

"" "" "" '"


.. 123. 174.313 .. 313 160.161 . ISO. :298 .:lS7 124,340 .118.340 t::.1lM.~~~II~.~. Bolh. lawrence t-... 71. 76. 261. 283 Boll. Varnon M.ynatd .... 167. 340 Bou"llII., Phillip .... .193.340 Boll~n. Ch.,I.. Roy ... .124,318 Bolli... CharI.. Henry. ,.174.340 Bouer. &ornl.,. Borbor•. .91, 100. 145.330 Bouqh., Cl.rence Melville ." ...... 174,283 Bouqh., Vida Marla .. .129, ISO. 283.:188 Boum. R_II 011 ........... 96. 99. 121. 178, 179. JJO BoulDQ"rtnat. o..n.ld~, .123,207.313 Bo~' •• ecn.t..nc,. laurel 159.349 au... G.1l' Glen. .. 99, 349 Bo~l •• 2obet1 1.._ 183. 242. 243. 290 &oKl•• V _ ~ 180. :113. 215.:160. 26:l Beecb. John 0,.. IIlr .183. 26:1. JJO BMdI-. 0...-1<1 Owen. .104,:111.340 BMdI-. 0...... Alia 100. '133. 160. 161.340 Bean. E1lzoobalh. 149. 150. 28J Bean. E1y.n t..... 1:11. 330 Been. K-'Ih Allan .:113.214.219. :151. :15:1 288.330 Beerdol..,. Allee S.....n"". .114. IH. 145. 163 274.298 Beche,. Arthur la"'rence .125 Beck, ChrLoI"MDovld. .349 Beck. Grel. .rla... .97. 14S. 349 Beck...., Donold Leollo. .349 Beck... o..n.ld Slanton Beck...., Ger.1d r-t.. ........ 2911 78. 116. 152. 153.340 102. I'll, 171. JOB Beck........ J - J:arl . 121. 171.349 Beck.-.l 0...-1<1 Woolley .187. 349 __ , .340 Boockwl!h, 2obet1 W,lham 125, 137, 188 '"-''''Baw.John f r _ ..... 195.340 2obet1l .167,349 BeeoWt. Ptullip A .. .124. ISS. 313 .:,330 t't.:hl Na...-tn ... Cha"W ... .. 119. ::lSI. J40 Boll. H....lllernlela .132. ISO. 340 Bell, I..... F.cIqar. . 123. 113. 330 Bell. loa W.lton:! . '.201, 3«l Bell. loyd SchIrmer. Bellamy. R1~h.td [Iroy ... 111 Belle». [u",ena.... . .. , .330 Belloo. ~ F<>Ioo Ir .123.313 e..n..dlcl. ClInton Henry :190 8enQUon. lohn Howan:l. . . . . . 118. 119. 167.349 BenJamin. DolaleRoy .. 70. 71. 86, 137. 199, 199.329 Bennalt. A.rl Joh....... ~:i:iJ: ':118. 260 BennIOIt. ltcn. a . . . - . 2 k td ly"';, ..68. JJO 116. '144. 145.340 Benoon. e-n~ .. Ben;toon. n Bwqw. How.rd "-'-. 199.330 Berqwud. Arthur T1>o:olI.-.n. 118, 179.349 Bet9q...... K-o. Giann 125.201. JQJ











a..m.-&o. Claudio l.

Lon.,... Merle 8emtaen. Qorl M.rlln. e....n.t.

Berty, Billy Emerwon ...

Betry. Charl_ Arlhu" Patricia Jean ... Be.. on. Rlchatd Y.la . Bertr.nd. Genelle EII""'balh Berlr.nd. Malton Artbu., e-nt la..,. Thomoo Betto.J.meo QoIYln. Betto. 2obet1 001l'1 BldlCl'd.. Col..... I"yne. Sid_It N.,.... t..Iond. 8Ioobw. Ruth Man)OntI ~ . I..aoniotd Hetman ~ Du'ral Rudclph Blk•• IIett-r Anna .. Btl~ . Bilk t.._ &tch. "-Ph P.trick Bitdt,~...•.. Biahop, 20btrt Lou.. , Blohop, Wlnoton How.td Ber~,

BI.ck. Bl.ck, Blad. Bl.ck,

lohn Ray ...... 1oI. CunclalL Odell Sirla ... .. Sh.,.m.n [uqane

Black. Thur....n McTatMMn Blackburn, Gordon t.-. Blablt !::alb"'" I..... , . Blaloe Orton ....... Blanton. lll••m~ BLonton. Paul loa. , BkIncMn. Lou... £llan.

81_. F.-.cSwlcl o.Yid Block. Nllbou.... J:lnq _ _ OW




171. JO:J 75.87. 100. 155,319 .318 ,1:11 , ,:18:1 . ISO, 263. 340 ,lOS. 129.171. 349 .100. 161. 349 ..... " .:157 .. 179.340 ..... :151 .124. 165 .. 155. 349


.100. 136. 159.349 1:25. 179.290 1:11. 107. 307 .126.145.340 ISO. 330 129.161.:198 .167.340 .195.349

"". "'" ""

.10f!. 137,204. :lS7

. .. , ... 10::1, 330 .160. 161. 340 . .199,258,349 . .. 71. 80,129.297 329.330



135; '157. 28J . ..... 195.349 .95. 125. ISS. J02 183,340 .65. 160. 161. 330 . . 183, 262. 340 .:113. 214, ::117, ::119. Zill 257. :16:1 . 83, 1::14. 134.340

1llomq,,1ot. ~ And_ BIooa>. I• ..,. I/oboo<l •••• 81oorn. lohn Robert 81....r. C?eorve EcJ.;,.r 810",.r, Cl.,. [11_. Boehm. R.pmond LM Bol.n<!ar. .ul Ea,l.., BolI..... broI::., Donokl Do"" . Bolla,. Loul. P.ulo . Bollon, M.rllyn .... BoIIon. Wllll<un Ed",.td Bono" 0w0tJ. frank Bonlr. P.t. Ilon>en!c I\onnell How'-1. WIllloom &nnett MMy E1Lubeth 65. 69. 1 800th.~Ra~


199.290 ..." ,290 · .195.349 283 141.340 ..... 3JO ..... 313 259.261 .... IJS 141.349 .171.330


=. ""


"" =. "" 195.330 · .199, '" 340 ..... 349 ,122, 313

John 0L01 .

!lc>tQoon. Dcnald E'.dqor , 800T0w....... W.t=, H.I8an

BoIIeIl Wtlliom BotttnelH. Charleo A.......10 I' Boot.td.la...... a-\er. Bow-. a.~ Bowan. fr ck ArlowBowlby, Qorol M.rla .. 80",1... f.~nk Ie ..... Bo"'man, Dorothy M.ria . 8o"'"",n. Kltlth I<hMd ... Bowme~chatd Glenn Boy.,.. yton 0....-1<1 Boyd. Thon>ao Gre<;JQ . 8cyd. Tru....n H.tttaon I. Boy-. ~~'lIlouD.lr Boyla, f Henry IIoyM, ' - BIaina.,

__ ......

Boyla, L.outo w.eG_ Borla. Rkhan:I Goodon .. Br.N>, IIett-r t.oo.u. t.-. .

.174,330 124.340 159, 283, 330

.100. 125. ISO. 290 ........ , ,257.349 .65.69. 142. 143. 3JO ....... , ,207.349 .. ,.150.349 122,259.330 ..... , .... 195,349 .IOS. 123, 174.340 .IOS. 166. 167. 290

"". ""

III. II&. 258. 349 237, 2'6:1 lOS. 1:11.207,340 178, 179.283.284 .70.137.211. VS, 290 .. ,. ,236,


Broobb, ~ Iac:cb . :190 Bracht. f ..... .153.340 Bracket:o.ch. L.onetd AI'-' .134. 307 Bradley. R1cbon:ll.elqh B.ady. CMrI_ Olen. .... :290 B••ln.n:I. Llawellyn Albert :190. "" B.ammer. Ha.-old AuqUlt .122. 131. 134. 3JO Br~nch. Waldon Earl. ......... 174, 349 B•• ndl. [11'OJ D... 105. 179. 349 Br.uchar. 0..1. I. ... ,.174,290 B••y, Stanley M.rv!n .. 99. 101. 104 B..Iat. M• ..,la""...• .69.70.71. 137. 151. 284 B.--Ier, Bawarly 1..- . 137. 141. 340 flreoolcl. Bou-bst. I_n, ..... 161.340 ~w., Cllftcn QotrOll .... , ....340 BteT-. "-'- Adrian, 195.:145.340 ~ Jo...... Marrin . ., ........ 340 ~~hRalph ,67. 106. 11'3. 174. 183. 284 ~VanW,lI ....... .68. 245. 340





W,lliam W,.",

Bo-1Q !al. Don Hlnt. ..

BtI"""'ll Pr-'<>n B. Brtnketholl. Lorin C. 1lt1_. H.l1 Allnd Jr . Broaod"-l. alrteta Allen "rock. Betly Lou ,. Brock. 0....11 William Brockm~n. Borba'•.... Brockm.n, Ea.1 francLo 8todd. Matllyn Ann ... 8to<Ian. lohnnI R.....


8toob. Bennie


8toob. Dcnald rk .. , 8toob. Montbd. Nehalln Ilt--. 2lcbon:l Huold Iltuo.oqh, Cartr-la AIdouo • Bt-ooo.. W,lham hid Ilt'Own. ~ . . .




8town, 0Dnna 1..-. Btown. F.-.d CIo,k Stow... Haler> Allee Brown. l.,.n Marllyn B..,"'n. Malvin Ed",.td Bro.. n, N.l<>h. lean., .. Brown. p"lricia Lou .. , B..,"'n. WUIl.m A,m1oIMd .. B..,.. nl ....., Kellb M.lac<l . B..,wnl~... Broyleo. l_n N-m



.i;e; '119. 313

174. J06. JOB ..... 260 195.340 . lOS. 349 ... 330 .136. 155.349 · .195. 3JO 100. 143.341

.: 78: ·I·~b.


349 .213.214,216.217 ..... ISO, 330 133.161.349 .. , .. 193 195.341 .183.341 171. 31B 104. 108. 349 .195. 349 ..... 123 . ISO. 330

Xli. 290 .'¥T. 143.349

, .. " ... :184 65, 147.331 171. ISS. 28:1. 331 .... 207.261. J41 .. 97. 155.331 . .• 161. 284 193,349 , .••. 28<1 1::15. JOJ ...... 69.88,141,327 3::J8.331 Brudia Dcnald Malt.175.206, 207. 261. 290 Btu,.... f.anUln ..... 111. 1::14, 174,318 &.I'-Ie. Al't!n e....n.td , .• 124.331 arun-ll. Bry.." Worth ...... 108, 19J.341 Bry.... DannIo o..Se ...• . 182. 183. :IS6. 26:1. 3J I Bucklin. n.o..... Cul..lOS. 167. 341 Ilucicl IIetJI .100.171,341 e.--kloo. lad: Pl\llIp... 19S.331 B....... W,lUbm K _ h .... 124 Bulka.e;; IlmmIe O.k. .....349 Bull. vlcl Mona .. 111,204 341 Bulloek. Ed ...rd Allan ........ 174.291 Bunnell. lohn Ger.ld. 76.79. 125, 166. 167.331 Bunu.....~.l Dole . ............90. 92 Burch. aM..... . Burch.m. Beverly Jean F,_bu..... ........... , .... 341 Burch"td. William Junior ... , .... ...... \24. 195,331 ,.207.349 Bu::F.:'.1. Billy n....n ... .153,349 Bur a. &o......lhAnna .. Burka . lau.. Izobeth . ISO. 331 Burkhart, An/I<> I.... Mclnnla, ..... 2911 Burkhart, John Noplar " ... 284 Bu.khart, May H.IIp6ar Burka. E"",yn RoMI•• 116. 141.341 .71. 159.284 Bu.-loaloQIt, ul'-i... ~ Su""-.. luthM- Cha" II . . Sumo. Qoh1n ~ .. Sumo. ... Howard. 183. 341 Sumo. Raymond And..... . .349


n...... ....

.= "" .,..," 357


Burna, ~ Nell Ilu Wel.., 1_1._ Bu Wil1_ c.etnc Burr<:>U9'-- John Bo-.&rd

'" ''''

.111. 118, 349


Bur1'OW&, ' - blm I, Will_ Donak! Burt. Boyd F,.nk B"rtcn. f _ Arthur Bush. ~ LorIn



124.251. 34\ 171,350 100. 14S. 3SO 195·m

104. lOS.. 195.349 .313 69. 125. 137. 167.30.2 ISO. 349

BUlh. LolI!.ucllloo BUlh,

.161. 341 137. 192, 193.291 .201.331 167.341


W",... Bow....



Bu.well. N<OdI"" Lout.. Bulk ),..ph John. Butl Fr."""" \JIIL"n Byrne. AH,.d Frenc:lo By,n.., P1.. t.,...... lla 1.Ilnhng By..... Pet". l.-ph


127.161. 341 . ..... 331 .147. :198 .123.3IJ

, L22 " ".121 .171.3SO 125.350 ... L95.331 133. 147.350 .. , .260 183.303 71.72.74 201. 331






ISO. 297. 298 ,.201.34\ 99 104.199.341



., :n5.241 132, ISO. 350 I I I 314 .201.33L " . ,314 136, 153,350 .87.201. 350 .195.341 124. 135 '\'52:153. 284

.. 331




.' _, 100

Carloon. Roborl John. Carloon. Vernon Franklin CarmichaeL 2<llph L 0 ... Lone M.,. Ca,..,..,. RaJ"llloOf'd I,


Carnie. )Urybe!1oo

c.mu-.. Lloyd Archie ~.~~~. g:~~-g.":./[;

c.m::iIl, Den Lt!'"

.. 185.341 .125.167.331 100.127. 16!. 341 .113. 115.231,234 235.274.291 124. 194. 195. 349 .260. 2&l ". 124 ,127. ISO. 331 .207.3Jl 127. 133. 147. 28J. 2&1 , , __ .2&l



J<-ph HUold. Ca Norma l...btl. CaI1 Mo,,",oret IMn Cuoobolt. Glenn '-lie Caoey 001>0< Elilolt Caatelle"'. Donold Woyn<>. Ca''''en. John WllIerd, Caudle. Arll. Edward Ir Caw.. rd. I"" Edmond


206.~: ~ ~

0-.-,. P......., Edracnd. 105. L06. 108.. 124.218 a.etwcod. W,lLloorll Earl .174.341 0Uc'-'er. Ben W,liud .132. 284 Olk:'-'er. Xooer I.. 132. 331 Choote. ~ Erfwud. . ....341 Choot•. VemonCedI .171.350 Chout-, Ch."I. WlIlord .3SO . .. 69. 341 Chriotflf'lMn. And...", Alexander. Chrl,t_. Anno COI.... n .... 65. 88. 89. 90. 91. 160 161. 284 Chrl,t_n. 0.. Conord, .... Le3. 350 ChrlotenMn. N..,I R . . . . . .el. 90. 284 Chriot_. Rot-t Bo:rnhoo>. ,., .. , ..... " .331 O\rlo!l..... Glen Elwood.... 2L2. 213. 217. 235 251. 2S3 Oubu..r.on. Clal. Cur\:1o. 313 ChllQQ. I""t. 0...... .. . 19S.331 Church. Cat'-l..... l.IlL"'" , ... 139. 350 Church. Helen Narvor-et. I 16. 139. 34 I Cllurcl>. ~, .... ". ,303 Churchill. ShIrley Anne .98. 155.350 O>urchUl, W,lhorll MIU"YIn .. _.. 255. 29ll O>urchlll WlnolOn Herbert .201. 255. 331 CllurchrDan. Edw..rd F1e'.eJo- . , ..••... 350 o.urc"""' k»n Cl.!lIr. _ . . 135. 157. 33 I Cllurch W,I-. F.oncla, .68. 96. 195. 291 Cll"rlll<r,. Mk:h...1 Stepben lOS. 195. 3SO C1<Irk. Cllorl. Ewlno .... 126. 207. 238. 262. 314. 3SO

g:;~: R:::c".~~~.h.



C1ork, Ion......... . .. 65, eJ. 153. 341 . 3SO C1ork. K neth Gol.. Clork. Robert WHilom. .125.262 Clerk, Wllllem J:Iron.,Id. . •. ,. 291 Clarke. Mo"""ret Alberto .147.341 Clatleltet. K-.n.th Aloin ".122.284 CIa PouL CarllOn. 100. lOS. 350 CIa Berber. MM. 96, 96, 99. 133. ISO 331 Clayb:onM. John Will..... I.. 109. III CJeo_land. E1bet1 CMnninQ .193.3Ie a...;,.;.. k...b t..oo.ue.... .123.314 CIem.>tII. 11"..-1 167.303 .el. 153.331 C1 Edwin . . 104 liB. 341 C1onInqer. Floyd a...,. . .207. 341 Clyde. Erlenoe 1-1 55. 127, 136. 145, 348. 350 Clyde. Moll' E1Lu.heth.. . .. " ....69. 145.331 Cdole. I""".......... ..88.92.97. 159.341 Cochrone. Frank Add...,., 100 Code. Fordy". WlIliom. ,166. 167.284 Cotl.. y. ~ Il<Ild"'ln. , .. , .. 124



g,:.j~ph w~~n~~~~:'" ~~?: .I",:... ~~.I: .2.~3 .. ~

Col... l.av..r..... I.a.roi.... Collett. Hucld Edwin.. CoII_. ~ Elcnno. CoIhnoworth, [ . . . - R.-U CoIqultt. RoT SutlOn Ir .. Cdombo ... 8&rbar. Ann Col_I. Bruce Edw"r<! CcmpIcn. Lou... Moy Ccmetocl. Ger,,1d Na"""", CondIe. G.otoe R>c:hatd



~ ~

.88.89.91. ISO. 331 " ... L95. 341 .100. 145. 3SO 331 . ... 213. 255 .fr7. 147.350 124.207.261, 31e , " .. 14 I. 34 L 127. 171. 3lY1. 308 ..•.. 350 123.314


,195.331 283.284 .283.284 242.243 .121.174.341 " ".331 174.341 . lOS. 183. 259. 350 .125. L83. 30:2 236. 237. 350 .\28.350 .183.331 .100. 147.350 .135.161.341 .207.341 ......... , .. 122 98. 126. 157,331 ...... ISO. 341 ,96.97. L13. 119. 167 329.331 ... " , .341 105. 2<YJ. 341 167.350 .125 .167.341 .207. 318 .74 157.350 174,284

166.-l~:~ :~ :~: ~~

349 .". ,331 . 171, 34 I .69. 139. 341 L44. 145. 190.291 259. 262. 350 2SO .307,308 .123 ,194 .. fr7. 350 ~~Se"",,129 a-lbond. lam. Fr""k ISO. 2L3. 215. 217. 255 260. 327. 33L L04. 124. 19S. 350 O>adOfk:k. Howard W,lL"'ra. CMlh... Allen W.. ."", ...... ~, CMraberiatn, ItIc:hard Edwin ~ ......

Canol!. Omar


i3:': 69, i3:': 'L'52: l~~:

C"lhon... J:Iron.,Id Eug...... , C"lly. Frederic Roymond Cumml ...., lohn Daniel, Curnett Waller Eugene. Curl Albet1 Bruoor Ir Curt ~ t Bartlett Curtill. Na'9"'ret Alene, Cutler. ""'" E1.bet1.

De-oh... W"rrh 1oI0mn .350 o.Vrlea. VIc:tcr '-lie 128. 314 D.witt. Wil...... 195. 332 Dlcl. John H a l e . . 125.291 Otdl...-r. beph Boker 350 Dlddod.. T""""", Done, ... . . . 143.350 DIehl, Ger..k1 [ _ t 180 213.218, :no. 255. 308 DIehl '-tet C\evaIond , ,.,.. . lOS DIehl. Williem Theodore 121. 202. 213. 220. 231 Dhnond. Ruth lo ....t .100. 135. 147.350 Dinnl-.. ""chord Burien ... 332 Dian. J"",ph Pi"rre ]e.. . .101 Dirh•• Donold 206. 207. 332 Dodds. Perry W.. lt..... . .69. 135 Dodcle. Gtooroto H..rbtlrt . . . . .. . ... , 188. 332 DocIoon. Lote '£Ibobeth ... 75. 87. LOO. 155. 3SO Dolh_. 51....11 .... , .. 223. 224. 242. 243 Donohue. Denn.. GearQe .201.350 Doner.Glen1n1no.. . ..• 171.291 Danrwut. Earl t.l1e .37. 195.341 Danoor 0.....1 Edwor<! .. III Dr:>roc:k Name.. . . . • .. 257 Oauq'-l)', Rot-\. .111. 135 ~ _ CIo1"ton SI",,*-, 341


' '01..



.....100. I.~. 131..I~JM 132. ISO. 350


!::louQ1_ V,,1ono laan Daupe. Ro,. F.oncla,. Daupe. Troy Franct. Downan. Danold Edword Downlnq. Mirl"m R... Doyl". El ....l......... Doyl... lock 5ho",. DroqHth.HelenJe<ln Drok... Robel1 Wllhorn,. Drexler. Robert LudwlQ I:>r\qoo. Oro LucIlle DrIp., lohn Bon. 0rIic0I1. Moll' E1i.....th 0rIic0I1. P..trick J.._ . Drlekill. RoT Dean.. • Dri..., Wlll"'m Rot-\. Dulty. Chon. W..rr.n I. Dulin. blph V.......... Duncan. Al1hur n Duncan. Kenneth E.-.. Duncan. ~ ALien. Duncan. ~ Joy.. Dunham.. J..""", Kennloott

. L23. 207. 332 207. 261. 332 .104. 193.350 .161. 332 ..... ,... 135 .184. 185.332 147,341 . 201. 350 .......• 123.207.342 , .~. 100. L45. 298 • .199. 350 .195.350 .172.332 .104. 179. 259. 348. 350 .171. 332 .195.342 ' . 195. 350 195.236. 350 lOS. 350 .108.. 207 Dunkla~RaI M.......... .332.342 Dunn. Albert .. 342 Durt""hl. ohnby. , .126 Durt""hl. I__ phln.. Boum.. n 291 Durleehl. Reeod Roberl "97. ·1·le.·131. '186. 187 302.3SO DuSoult. M...,. ArlfltI 65.76.79. 132. L52. 153.332 DuoUn. Mortlyn J....n..... , .. L61. 3SO 0rQert. Hel.... N...-. .152. 1S3. 342


. .,.,

. . .350 104.342 .88. 91. 137. 155.332 231.233.234 133. ISO. 350 .199.332 .195.342 .179.350 .124.318 ., .. , .. , .. , .. 139. 3SO . .69. 80. 136. 157.332 . ....... 342

o o..Me. t:lt->ald Gorden 124.323 0..,1,. Hen Elton o..mmaren ,96. 99. 114. 263. 29ll 0..11,. PoullamM. ", , " 108.29ll o..lvo. H".1l' Ow..... 88. 89. 90. 91. 92'2~: ~~ o..,"",",y. [loyd Denlel•. Del.. R,,_I o..nl"lt. H"I"n J....n. DerHnq. Il:no Morl". O"r.... lI. GI..nn McCI"llon. Derwin. 5ha110 Clelre ..

.195,33L le7.3SO .... lSO.3SO 245.249.331 . 71. 72. 114. 127. LS5 275. 282. 284 o..ub. 1.._ Edmund .331 o..uqlt«ty. Nonno IMn 331 0.. Elozabeth Jane. 159. ]SO 0.. Naricl'l Alma st--n .. 88. 90. 93. 331 o...-tdoon, W,ll..... ~ .88.89.91. 9'2. 284 0..-. John o.t-r .. 291 0..-. beph GerboIh 123. 34 I 0..-. brno'd 0..Y\d .207. ~,' 0..-. Ric.... rd MoI'Yln .... 0.."" hardW..\do .195.341 0.."" "'ot.rt M"rl 124 o..w..... Robetllohn 3SO De,. Borbero loy"", K.... pton 2e4 Dey. POI rick O. ,. .96, 194. 281 o..y. Polrlck IMn 195 291 Dey. R•• Alvin 133. 147, 3SO o..y. Roberlo ]"",phln" Deyton. Peery Alon Ir.. 291 o-hl. Gerold o-n ." .341 o-n. Lee Horr\oon .121. 308 o-n, M..rjortell:uth .139.331 o...n;blI. Den Lee.. . ...87. 195.350 O"B= Glen Alon 195.259. 135.350 Decl BethM lorro,.... . ..80. 81. 153. 350 o.drick. ~th K. .123. 171. 314 Deeds. Howard Merloe.. ,,";' ,I~. ~...!. o.-kop, J:Iron.,id A""1""1 ..... " ... ~ o..t.n. 8ettT Il:uth .147. 350 O":"-doo.... P"uh... Ann \59.341 Deinnard. W,lham F.onda 125. J02 o..KIotz. Gllbet1 Frank Ir 207.341 0..1,.... ~c""f'd ' - . . .331 DeMorr. Rolph AkJernon. .341 DeMent. K"nnelh l>.. rk. .201.331 DeM",er.loAnn... .133.141. 341 DeM"... Loul. WHIlom. . 106.284 Dem"do. Gtln.. .., .. " , ... 308 Denmon. Alvin Undoley 113.201. 255. 302 Denooow. Mo,y Fron""",.. . " ,,3SO



97. ii4; 12j.. Daobold. Theodore 1... In. 284 Daoboid, Wlll m Albert , 291 DeP.. I...... 1_1..eIWJ .201.331 DePartee. J _ Howud .119. 193.331 o.Rc.e. o...n. Edward .195.341 Cerr. Allen R>dword ,7'0. 71. T.l. 106. 108.. 329. 332 DaSant.e, A\do. ... . .135 o..st>a.r. Barbo... Joon 78. I I I 350 doo VMU. Ootcth, Hoel .324


.. , .. 350 139. 2e2. 284 .. " .. , .. 351 102. lOS. 296 ........ 104 .. 351 ...•..• 183.332 231. 233. 234. 262. 29ll 174.332 .'JtJ7.308



. .125.332 .207.259. 3OL. 351 .....351 ..... 291 .124.332 . . . . . . . . . . . . ,171.284 ................... IIL ......... 342 100. 108. 185. 31e ......... 98. L2O. 138 .L47. 263. 332 .134.141.351 .147.332 .195.351 •..... 351 .. 127. 174 ..•.. 124 ...... 351 .119. 123. 195. 342 .Il&, 150.342 .195.332 _ . . . .•. 145. 342 .. 87. lOS. 121. 342 ........ 100 .L23.171.314 .127. 161. 351

r Folrley. FolNnt For F

DaMId FJloworlh IZobIn Denp .. Frederid P.. r~, GaIT'f Hilton F... . - ""'" Euqene I. F.. .--.~o.."" F... . - . Robart Boldwln. F.. rnham. Nonnon Gtlrdner

F"u1L EIJard B....."...

.... 332 .... ... 96, 194 .... SO, 119. 185.284 . . . . . . . . . . .351 .113. 126. 239. 2SS 2.56,308 104. 128. 351 , 132. ISS, 332 .113. 251. 253, 2SS ,.".



Fauat, M.orqarel Vldoo'W .. 127. 134. 147.282.284 F.... Frank J<-ph .124 F.rle.l.-or Veri. 195.351 F"'y. k>hn ~y F...y. W,ll.... u.....,. ", F--sr. T1>omaI William 125.303 1'. ...... D,,,.id Gen. .83. 124. 342 F.llon. Vlrqil Vllt,_ .", F.......y. Lauray .187.332 1'....... T1>omaI J<-ph 135.342 ""100. la_ Lon 123. 195.314 f'\eoId.. i'icha.-d WaaJey .20L. 332 r -.... Edwa.-d EIcIon '238. 239. ~. 342 Fil•• Bonnl.I....n .75. ISO. 351 Fna . Dar....l1 ,",arlin .. 257 F'Inl.r->. lIobar! Milton 70. 80. I 13. 171. 275. 284 F,nnay-. Donald LaRar .124 FLohe•. Edmond Clayton .351 F'llh••. [rio Marq&"" . 143. 351 Fillhe•. John Ma....ln. .., .257 ", ..... 104. 291 Flllh••. I.-ph E~I,n Fillhe•. JOTce Rut .91. 100. 133. 155.351 Flllh••. III<:h.I'd Daryl ............ 187.34:1 Fillhe., Willl.m Leon.rd 123,314 Fld:. Ann. Jane 147.263.329.332 Fld:. Ed,th F.a...,.. 1:17. 147.342 Fitch. Alden H...", F,ic:1l, DI..beIh Gr_ ,.161.33:1 Flic:h, lay Delbert .. 97. 100. 342 F,,-.Icl DaY\d M.ourloe .194. 195 F,,-.Icl Dltobelh Ann 127. lsa 159.34:1 FibQer.1cl Joan M.oria .159.351 '1'59. 274. :J9El Fi=.Iclt-.,. Fi • Henrt 0Ian. , F'I!:a11._ Norman Dean 99. i04. 127. 207. " 342 """*JOn,. 10_ u .... F\.acl. Cec:il Edw.rd .un 119 fletCht........ Franc:;. Henry . . SS. 68, 73. 74. 113 121. 135. Jtn. 308 f1aIo:...... 00.......,. Rey .. .124.323 Flelc...... l.d La~ 195.351 fl~Wallaoo le Flrnn. r" Norman Foedle<:1l, Donald Cor-ol 185.351 Foley. Ell..... Mar ... ISO. 342 1'01"1'. Roberl Henry. ..179.342 FoIklno. Don Lae,. . .207. 260. :198 Follatt. Gao'Ve How..·rrl. .. 291 Foito. Waltar W ........ ,119 Fonbu'V. loon D. I•... , .342 Fom.. Go.rret! Ooborne , .:184 Ford. Alden J._, .100. 201. 332 Foreman. Mar<:ene Sue 145.342 147.332 Fnn-ay-. Sht.ley fulh Foeou..... Roben R<.. 109 Foe'-. GotcIon W,lU.m .. . . 125. 3O::J 1'_.... /eanna t.or-. 96. 91, 98. 99. 157





"". ,,, ."" .,..,


"". ,..

Fothar9ill Ralph Robart

.68, 96. 98. 99. 101 174.332 .124. 132. 183. ~. 342 119.332

1'''''''''' K ~ Allen Fow..... MarloOn Don.Id FOK" Geraldi.... Ruth.



1'. ... John Ca.roon F••h.... Wortha I..n Fr'-' M...hn F..aeric:k I. Fr.......... Edwa'" M.olhlo Fr....k. Fat.,. Fir. Fr.r. WillJorn enry Frazla•. ~ Doond F......lko..n. anneth Roy F...land, lor;:. Ann Frelermulh. I,.. F"'r><;h, Ivan Sylv.. te. French. Norma loon Frid. I..rry Jr , .... , Fridenotlne. Albe.t Edward I. Friend. Clarer>ol!t Melford Jr Frle<:hkne<:ht. Vido Veclo Frllto. Oonold H.~ Froh"",n,. LouLo T F:.ld~ Merion Fu . Glen Dale. Ful ..... Doollell Odell Full...... Bernel R

. '2CI7.34:1 147.3.51 12j: 179. 260. 332 ...97. 199. :161. :J9El n.79. 133. 147.342 . :113.2:10 . :101.319 ,.121. Jtn. 308 .'137. 1S8. 159, 291 ... 77. :182. 285 . 104,201. 342 ....•.. 143.342 ... 123.207.314 ...... 291 123.314 .99. l27. 351

Fullon. AIon><> 10_ Fuilon. Janal Marqa_ FunU--. W,lliam K.,wa.-d

." ,

Full_.Oon~i1 Fuil_. Rot:.1 ~


118'-iii. ·1'99. 342 .351 .ii•. 318. 332 .104. I~. 351 ...•342 123.314 .100.3.51 .74. 116" ISS. 342


0 Gaei.el, John Wallar .123.314 Go..... Iohnnr Rd>art 135.351 Goldo:.. Tony ... ,." .. ,302 Golay. Dorothy. . 145. 263. 298 ,.291 Goll-. Gftc-rqe ReJmond G.llop. Vernon E roe .14. iii: ·1'91,351 Gandlag•. Cormen Ann. 157.285 :i35: ·199. 262,351 Gandi • ."a. Henry l.-ph Garbe•. Beny 10... , ... , ....... 145.351 G.rd. Wnbur Edw.I'd, ... . ..... 291 G.I'dne•. Danl..1 Geo'Ve .199,291 . 187.351 Gardner. ~ F ..... GaI'd..... Mino ayBell. .127. ISO. 33:1 . ........ 291 Garlock. Richa'" J..or.n. Go ....... JOToe Oll ... .n.84. 120. 137. 159,34:1 Gomer. llllJon LouIM .. 100.159.351 Ga.,","- Ben.rly Dawn i35. ISO. 342 Gor-.-ett, Rot:.1 Bry.... t 171. 308 Gertm. Robart ~ .80.81.91. 118.351 Ger'hn. William 10_. 113. 137.255.260,314 G - . Vern Eudeen 195.332 Ga_ n..-. Wllll..m .. 207, 3.51 Gaudin. Dot. Joy,.157.294.332 Gaut. Pamela .126, 157.263. 328. 332 Gaylorcl. F....... E _ l 119. :J35 .. 96, 100.342 Godd-. I.".. WhltehoMd Gaert.... Me.,. I..., .116" 153.342 GeMQ. leon, .. 147.332 Geio.... Old: Gaylen .66. ioi>: '227,233,308 Geloler, Robert lr '" .. 108 Gentry. Roe Ann ISS. 351 Gentry. Thomao Henry 104. :l3B. 239 ,98. 157.351 GaorQe, Adri_ V~nl. ....... , .125 ~.HllmerRey Georo•. Paoxly Ann, ... , . .00. 127, 157,351 Georqe. Thoma. Edw.rd ...... 183.291


GecItQe. y......... Helenoo GeJ>h,art. f'Io7d ainlan Ger."" la_ H• ...,.. Gera"" Rot:.1~, Gert-. F:n.- Frod Gao'bw. Harold Ebetha... Garr.~, Dl&aheIh /eanna

n.nne £dna Ge.aL V.... l.-or GelIT. JoAnn Ma~~ Gh>Qlef1. John Phi ,po


Glbba. R1choo... 1'... , G,bba, R~ ,""Ie""'1 Git.Dn. BurloOn W.1ey Glbaon. Na.... Char" Ir Gibaon. ~.I AU""

.65. 143.342 54. 128 .196.351 207.342 174.314 119.285 141. 285 100.143.351 .187.285 i26. '1'36. 157.332 lOS. 183.262.351 .. 68. 94. 174.342 173. 114. 342


134. 185. 342 127.147.342 .171.291 GlkIU.~ Gilbert, I"",. .147.351 Gilberl-,. Henrr Wall.r I. .100. 171.332 Gil... Edwin Lar.,.,. .99.351 Gil... Kennelh Me.le .. " ...... 118.351 Gillett. Frank Clark . IB6. 187. 231. 307. 342 Gladloh. Wer>dell Leon.I'd 77. 109. I II. 195.332 124.314.323 Glor~ ~ ,",y""" GI..-by, obar! ernon .125 Glov"V~u GlMooon. 01111 199.257.259,351 Glenn,. M.rod,th Shuttlewonh 68. 196.342 Glenn.M...... .97,100.150.351 Glenny. Tca H _ .. , ... ,.1:15. 332 137. 182, 183. 262. 332 Go:Idard, loll IOn ElIIII. e;.-,k.., Ger.1d John .. 97,332 Goiclll>Q. 0Ian. Loulll .124.332 Goldobetr,. Kenneth Brown 70. 90, 195. 332 Gooch. Ri~ BellOn. . .333 Gocd-... W,lha... n..-. ..69. 3O::J Gocdwtn,. Card,... "Mh . 100. 143.342 Gocdwtn,. V~ Dooloo. Go<don. Ger.1d B.......,.. .97. lOS. i2i. 171.351 Go<don. H.rold J<m:,me" Gonlone. Arden Edmund iis: 174.333 Gon""h. How.rd t-. 124.333 Gon""h. Robert Vlrl . . . . 333 G<-tt. Chari.. Elmer 183.342 :99, '1'36. 143. 351 Graham. AlI<;e G.1l .. G ••h.m. Bonnt. M.e, .. ... 73. 75.159.333 Graham. Ch..l•• W.her. . ... 125 Gr.h.m, I,un. Martin. . " .170 Gramo. Marilyn J....n.,. 139,351 Gr.nlund. A.thu. Wilburn Gr.y. John Golden Ir .125 Gray. Katht-> Viol. .100. 135:147.351 Gray. P.tnoe M...le ." .. 153.333 Grar. W,lh.m W.llaoa 102. lOS. 333 G .....ley. G .... Harlin .196.342 G ........ CaIYln ~. G ........ Ger.1d Doo in G ........ I.y Daw.".. G ........ M.rllyn Ju.... 75. ISS. 351 G.--. ~nd W ~ 88. 90. 91. 92. 109 166, 167.333 G.-wood. W,lh.", Freder-ick .207.333 G ...... John Rot:.1 .204.333 G_, Roborl Don.Id 195.351 Greqory. lo11n Berna'" I. 90. 97. 100, 328. 333 Greqory. Richa.rd s..... ue1 ........... , .351 G:=:l'i. Shl.1ey Anne ... .75.81. lsa 159,339.34:1 Granfel . I..... W.1do .. ".342 GrIcIo-r. Helen LouIM, .155.333 Gnder. Rodney I...... .245.249 Grieb. Conoid Robart .171. 291 G.UHn. Donald Ch..te. .. ... 285 Grtllilh. Arthur WIlII.m .124.314.323 Grlffllh, Donna J....n 132, ISO. 342 GrlUilh. Robert M.rvln·.· ., ........ 204 GrillIlh, Ru....ll Fel'-'k .83. 124. 318 GriQ<.llI, WIIII.m Howard 199.261. 351 Grim ..... How.rd Allen .. ..119,28S Grinke•• Morton Chari.,. ii•• '174. 319 GI'OIO<:Il, W,llJom Char" Ir G ~ , Ew.1 Zell.....n 242. 243 Grol........ J..... W,lli...... .224, iii '258. 298 Gro-. ~ Phl.lhp.. Grow. CocI Wood .333 Grow. Lottn W..".. Grubb. John F....k .333 Gudet;ohn. c..rl RJclwo"', 125, 195.291 .100.351 ~ . WIlliam La........... Guo . Phl.hp L.o .... .'164.291 Gullbr. n..-. Pab1ck Gull ..... I"""".... Meoon 100.119 Gunn. F,....k Wllbu.., . 78. 99. 101. III, 119 196.351 Guat, Ge<:>r9o WIllIa... I' .260.261.262

"""'"- :r::r.""""'"


.,,' '"








"', ,..,


~~n.th Wayne H.&Qle. lerald Rober!. Hag•• HMkon" . Hoqan. Allred ehrill. , Hagen. Gordon Edw.rd H:glund, Fr.nk G Ha ..... F1oti .... DoonJoe. Hal .... I..... tH.Ioo. Leona'" o...n H.lI. c..llo Ottll H.ll Grant Bodlly H,dl lull... Plo<:e H.ll Rl<:hoord Fr.nkl",. H.btram,. H.mat Sh.riey H.""IIOn. John Pab1ck Ha....llOn,. t - W.h.. Jr Ha",,11OtI. N.:'8 Ahoe Ha"",J_ '" Ha.......... Jean Maria, Hanunonrl Conotoo""" Hammond. la_ Carlyle Hamon. Oort. Alfred H<lndel Anno M... HanlQ.n. Ru::hard H"yden H.nkl .... P.trl"'" loyce. H."""h, Donald lJoyd H• .--n. Car-olyn Lou Hanoen. I.",. Edw.rd H.noen, I"m.. l<>Mph


.342 .67, 96.98.99. lOI 104.171. 342 , ...... , .134 7:': ·70'- 126.201. 351 ." .291 :97; 181.351 143.342 .• 351 , ".121 ISO. 333



.196.351 ..• 342 132. ISO. 351 .260.333




135. 157.333 ISO. 333 97.213.214. 2SS. 298 .78. 207. 342 127. 139. 28S ",.,., .. 333 69. 152. 153.343 98.99. 101 1~'7. 149, ISO, 333 .. 257. 351 .. 333

H....... M• .,.l...n ...... 143.351 H• .-.. Millan I/eod .. 200. 201. 343 H - . o,-.-al Haw.... . .69. 71, 92. 94. 95. 113. 201 25 L 255. 275. 283. 285 He.-.. V':l:"'" He.-..W landA . He.-.. Wliliam Doole . H.......,Bob. H""""La~lr<r1.nq ·.231. 3" 333 He.-.. Oil_ W..-.deII .114.314 Har..... Lou.. H• ...,. Han:len. 2Ich.ard ~ ." .20L 333 Harchnq. M.orion Ann i39. 210. 278. 351 127. 139. 210. 351 H.rch~~I'" Hardr. I , ...... 74. 87. 343 H.rqia, lola ... Ella 70. 00. 90. 91. ISO 328.333 H.'Vr.ve. Gemve K.nna · ........ 199. 291 H.rlan. Elva lune ." .. 147.351 H.rl.nd. R<-em••y. ..114. ·132, ij7: 156. 157,285 Harold...... Georqe 1v.n . . ......... 314 ·.·1<11·, 121. 207, 308 H.r¢ldoen. Norm.n VI<:lor Harpotr. Cheelar z....... ........ 193.343 H•• ~. Donald P.rry .. ... 183,333 H••l1qfeld. Chrlo Law.. ..... 171.298 Ha.na.. Alfred Ror ... " ... 99. 187. 352 Harrill, Alton Raymond 104. 119.351 H.rriII, Brent Johneon .l:J5. :107. 291 Harrill, &shel Fa....1 _..... 196.351 Harrill, John Gilberl . 199. :156. 333 H...... Me.,.J_. .99. 136. 159.343 H...... OIl. . W....wll. " .. 124 H...... P.lno. Ann 98. 133. ISS. 352 Ham.:.n. Donald Fra...,. .. .. 167. :145. 248, 260. 343 H.n. Cot.11e Ann 145.343 H.n. Relph Doon>el ,.54.207. Jtn. 333 H.rtlqan. k>hn W,lJlem .. 291 2'59. 3S2 H.ortman. Donald Fred _.. _..... " .333 H.rtman. ~ Laan . H<lrt_ll. MerloOn Gr_ ..147. 282. 28S Ha""T. Flnao Chan.. . .. 123.314 Haobrouck. John Herman ... 179.333 H...Uno. Doyle .... . ........... 231 H_.... Belly Jor . . . . · .133. 161. 343 H_I.., WIlli.m Bernard ....... 135,352 Halch. I..... Albert .. . .. 213. :1:10. 262 H.t<:h. Robert LaRoy, .. . ..... , .... 126 Hath.w.y. Cec:t.1 William ... 171. 333 H.lhhoTn. lam... Robert . ..... 129 H.tle,. GeorQe Burton ..... 308 ·."12'i.·ij.: 147,352 H.nan. M.~rie Ann Haubner. I n Admir .196.352 H.uqlond. Georqe Tor.11 .123. 134 H.u<D(lnt, T1>omaI Wa•.." .124.174.318 , .. , ... , .. ,,124 H.-..n. Ioeeph Gabriel ·in 133. 160. 161,343 H._H~a. .., ... 185.333 H...... la"l.;. ReI .. 122.207.333 H.m-. " ' _ Don.ald Gen. eo.. · ..... " .. " :J85 Har-. Malen Anne , · .69, 96. ISS. 285 Hayward. Alfred Stanley · .81. 3S2 Keedricl. E......lt LaV_ .128. 352 Heap. l.Io?cI Re"...,.... .204.291 H..phy. la_ Cullen I• ..87,343 H..rn,. T1>omaI Mut. • III .::, .333 IIMtll, Ha...,. w..~. . 153.343 H ~ Patricta ~~ Hecl1lnet. John How. ..... IOS H_H.Jla. Leona'" Rober! . ...•... 343 H_ner. How.rd Roy • ..... 83. 174.333 H.lande•• Edith Beotri<;e, .. Helmoworth. Fr.nk WIIII.m Helmoworth. G ...t<:hen Ann .......... 145, 291 Hemovlch. Gao'9le Ann ... ....... 68. 161. 343 Henderlider, Robert Malvin ...... 199. 306. 308 Hendenon, Cleve Parl.y. . .. , ... , ... , ... ,260 flend.eroon. Sh.ron Wynona .100. 119. 159.352 H.ndrldll. Robert RaK ... · .... 291 Hend""". H••ry H.yden .174.333 H.nd""". Rober! H.rold , . .123. 314 .. ,.,.333 Henly. ~ Bernard Ir Hennll>Q. GotcIon El_ .IIS: lri. i19. 259. 325 Henrie. H.rold P........ .......... 185. 343 Henry. Ali<» Louelloo 116. 133, ISO, 343 H....,.. CbariotIe Ann ..87. 136, ISS. 352 H....ry. 1 . _ AIoot8lUII Jr · .135. 196.252 __ 118.171.343 H....,.,Ia_t, .. ,,352 li..-m.on. EloIM Merion .. Harman. Kannath Edw.rd 135.333 H.-Ntt. W..-.deII E _ I .:101. 2SS. 343 Heni"'J'On,. H..... Cotinne ...... 141.343 H..-rinq\otl. MaJ....l.l GotcIon. lOB. 213. 215. 2SS. 298 H ~ . ValelO 20M. 114. 143. :163. 273









H_.Peler ' . H.lrick. M...ln Benjamin H.,.,., Barbera I....n HI<:\oI. Georqe W...hll>Qlon HI~no. Wendell Allred HI , Dale Ralph... . Hill. Rn Albert. .. Hill. Rhoda M.rl... Hili. Ronald Ea.."""t Hillman. Ronnall ..... Hlll"",n. RI1IIMII Gh..... Hlr><;kleo.; Vernon CleM. H'...... vid Lon-tno, ... H, ........k. Donald W.yne Hlre<:~. Saul Benjamin Hlre<:lIll.y RI<:....rd Hlre<:""",n,. Loulll Henrr HIIIkay. P.ter M.rIOn Jr



· .111, 131. 174


." .. 121 . ISO, 333 ...... 124. 318 .174.352 .196.352 ., .... 123 .............. 155, 385 ..... , ........ 314 127. 161. 343 .......... •••• 308 ........ , .. :149 . .169, 251. 252. 333 ......... ,98. 99 .• 319



119,3.52 ,.90.333 ~i1:t~r1oa.:..127.207.352 .127. 207. 352 Jl:ennelh Hoe w..J..or.n t - Wal_ ..• 119. 343 Hobu. DooIwtn W..-.deII .... , ... , .125 .127.128.352 HocUend... Ma~ ' - ' ..... 196.352 ~. Donald ~ . Robart 1lNr:o. ....... " .125 Hoc:IqI... F.anc. EIea..1:16. 157. 343 H~nII. John RoIend, ... .124. 183, 352 H<dqeon. M:rron la..... 251. 254. 2SS HoUi••nd. Arland Du".... 170. 171.318 HQk.nK>t>. Winifred Lanore 133. 147.343 Holclen. Ellomae ..... ...,283.285 Holden. Robert Wllll.m .. ,. . ..... 111.257.35:1 Hoidern_, A.....lle s..r.h .................... :198 Hoidern_. lamet Skilhf\<;lton ... 307, 308



HoILand. Maurice Euqer,e.. HoIhfWd. 2<JJ Fran..k HoIhn<;lworth. William N<on1n Hdhnqlllw<lrl!>. a.lt Neylon. HoI.... Glenn m-t M.U.,. Hol-.., J _ . . Hol-. o..Y\d L.e Hol-. John s......... rd Hol_ John Wendell




Holt. Doo\'ld Mutm


.174.343 68 .127. 'JIYl.352 124. 183.352


342 285 164. 188

., _.12.

196, 352

74'1~: :W: ~~ ill

~~ ~':r-'Et'::~

Holl, John Andd 124 Holton. C.tl Unwood. 124 Holton. Norma" Lloyd. .174.333 HoI)'04\. I.m. De<on 187.343 Homan, Marton William 125.174. J43 Homulh. [)orl.Marv..... l. 141.352 H<>oper. Belly LoY _.•..••. . .. 147, 2SS Hooper. Mory c"th"rln". 157.343 Hooper. Roy Sumner.. 'l'O:i," lOS. Jl4 Hcos-. John CHnl.. 285 HooYer. Wllliam~. III Hopkl Joanne .. _ 72.97. 126. 157.343 HopkJ Lt. u... L.e. . .145. 343 Hopkl , M.otL.M Ann. .97.145.352 Horch. Allred Henry .123.314 Horlen. Maurice !lemon! .. 343 Horn;nq. 1..- Lou_, _ 127. 147, J.43 liomlnq. John Fl'OIderIck .343 ~ . b.1yn Con-.. .147.343 HoKI... Leonard W • .,... .124.318 Ho.kln-.. Paul A... 124.318 H...... OanoeRM 114.141.298 H.,.,., i.oa- T............ , 100. 123. 17<1.333 Howerd,DeYld2ay.. 319 Howard. H.. n>Id K.nneth 167. 343 How.. rd. H"rrr W,lIl&m J< 12".319 How.. rd. H.....I Ju,,* .97. 133. 1"7. 333 Hort. £Iu Aruw.. ., Huek.. ~. R..""rl Jc-ph... . . . . . . . . ,333 H"ll. la",. £11..... 122. 199.31" Hulle. Ro....dd Carl 167. 251. 252. 333 Ho.>qc;Il.... Alan F.-"",n .82.101'1. 179. 3"3 H"IIIlI. Ray.......... .307 H"lt. Kay ThOl<>dor...... . 308 H"mph.ry•. Kay. Fl.tch.... ., .99.119 Humph y. B"rton Row... ,100. 105. 119.255.333 H"mph y.HowardDelalne ... 99. 101. 1001. 193.3'2 H"mph y. uwren<» Grant, 119.3"3 Hunt. l.mNl Eo.<L .. 12' H"nt. NonM....... 127. 1"8. 263. 352 Hunt. WUll.m Donald .2"5. 2"9. 296 H"nt, W!lll.m Wilbur , .. , .'N1. 31" Hunler. H.n>Id Carl.1on .12".2"".2<17 Hunler. J.y Pow.... '292 Huntlrqlon. W..11er Collil 314 H"tchl.... John St.....rl. lOS. 167. 35::t H"tc"'_ Don Lee ... , .... 12". 35::t Hutchl_ Joann tn. IS'!. ISS. 333 H"tch!_ L.wot. ::t98 Hrde. P.ul~,. .'N1. 261. 333 Hrde. Ronald G~ 202. 333 Hfde,R<.eIH....--.. .171.314 Hyl....... Fnoderlc:k tlumeil. 82. 123.333 Hy~ J• . . - V _ . 343

Inqallo. Jame- Wendell, InqebritMn. Allen G.1l .. Inqebrit...., Coryl Enid. InQtlrooll. Theodor. Robert. Inqhram. Ev.lyn Franc.o .. lnoh "" WIlII..m Reid. lor Richard Va..ohn IOMt. Rlch.. rd Ray. lrono. Roy Dowt.. . lr-vinq. Ruth JOlIn, Irwin. R....II H.. rvey, IN.....n. Harry F••nkhn J<

. 131. 333 .11 L 1\9. 196.334 . .. 65. 155.334 .... 352 .. 201. 236. 343 167. 2<lO. 2"1. 33<4 223. 226. 255 1<lO. 141. 33<4 ......... 101 .. S'!. 108. 121. 128 207. 33<4


, Jec:Ue. Ena.o Jean, 12". 1"1. 285 Jec:k'" ShlrieT M<orie. 120. 1"1. 3S2 Jec:boon. F...nk Lee .. Jec:boon. Tbomao ... II I. 352 'ec:boon. Vlrqtnta Gatt"""'" McDonald .. Jec:ot:.. Hrde SpM>Oet, Itn. 'JY1. 343 Jec:ot:.. Io<Inn. . . ... , .. ISO. 3$2 , ~ . Shl•...., Lou. .67.~. 95. 157. 283. 28S .. ,. "" 104 Jeoot-n. JIOTTl'. ..68. 94. 201. 343 J_r... M"",ln Alberl . ..... 98.139.352 Jeqer. Rc:- M"ri...... 100. 127. 133. 148.334 J".....n. M"rth<o JOlIn. .... 74. 94, 157. 352 J"..-n. Shell<> An"" .. . .. 127. ISO. 285 J"rdln•• M"mi. Ellul Fay•. ......... 199.352 1...""•• Va"qhn Elvin ... ... 213.215.343 /"y,,*. Ben Ande.-.on .. 138. 139. 298 J.nkl Ca"'Il"" ..... lenkl K.n th t..lie .. ..17".352 I""klno. Sam 1 ~ ... .228.~ 1...... _ . J.trIM Pe,I•.• I..-n. Berne Kembooll. ' - . Donald M.I.m .. 135. 199.33<4 I..-n. Dorn. Aruw .•.. 1"1.334 , . . ....334 - - . . F.dQa. B~ .. ' - - - Saykw Call .•. 259.261.352 ' - W.yneAMn. ..97.252 J _ Donald Au-t, ... 12". 196. 285 '-po Ronald Bertrand 111.343 Jewell. John W,lIloam ... 201.343 h Raleel F,,,,,,,,", "".33< . . . . 153.334 Johe Cotolyn M<o.I.... ~ W.."'*'A.... , .72. 75. 251, 2S::t Johnoon. AIIooo N"rie. 148. 290. 334 Johneon. Allen o..le .. " ... 111.352 Joh........ Ardan Albe.,.. 120. 127. 139.343 1011-. Arnold Allred. "". 33< 1oll-. Arlh... BenJamin. 124.319 Joh..-. A••I An,II·_, .... 196.343 loh..->. Berthll Cla......,.. .... :'7i: ·7i. 174.343 loh..-. Betty J_n .......... 290 loh...... Don<old Lav.rn., ....... 179. 352

..... as .. .. as



Iohnaon. Iohnaon. Jc,hr..,.., Iohnaon. ~

Dcineld Lloyd . Donald MacGreoor Jr Donald Ralpll

Etid>e adlord.. Georoe H"toId

'" ,,"

Ill. 12" 199, 352 196.352 ". 29'2 100.352 .. . 352 119. 167. 252 Itn.352 ... 98 7S. fn. ISS. 352 ., " .. 174.308 71. 74. 78. 201'll:;

Johneon. lten>ld .• ~ J._IInJoe. Jc,hr..,.., L.."••...,. 0..... IoIuMon. L:oyd ErwIn. Jc,hr..,.., Lynn F . IoIuMon. Mlory Allooo J _ Johneon. M.. ry K"thryn, , Johneon. Phlhp A""*'-'. lohr.on. Phlltp Wendooll . . loh Reuben Fredrick Ir. Joh Ric rd £Ibort ... 33< , . ,307 loti....",. Rlc rd £"9""'" loll..-. Rollerl Brydon, 111.199,343 lohnoon. Th..... I.. .68. 102.207.231. 234. 319 lohnoon. Thoma. HMry .. ........ 123 loll""",,. V.rdo Zelln.,. 124.174.314 lohnoon. Von J.rome .. ".207. 25\. 319 loh-. Wall_ Arth"r. . 298 loh..-. W....... H"rllfty, . 129. 173. 174.28S .... ,123 1M........ W"rne H.. ,I"n JoIlnaton. a .. r.....,. Edward 137.334 lohnoton. Donald ["9""". "".33< Johnoton. Myron Edward 104, 118, 125.343 Johnoton. Roc....rd Alen 196.352 Johnoton. Ronald Dole. 196.352 lSI. 263. ::t98 68.200.352 .. 132 Jon.. ~ la..-. 66. 200. ~ Jar-. Cot.-ln G Jon.. Ed•• rd LaVell 33< Jar-. lack Edwin, 257.297 .. 120 Jon.. lean &t'" 174,308 1..-, k>ftn W,lh"m J, Jar-. J:hothl H 261. '292 1....-. Law......,. Covert .261. 343 I.,.,.. Lut ..... Lewla. .3<3 1....-. Mary A<;I'-. 146. 148. 285 I.,.,., Nor"",n Cortol. 93. 121. 175.343 Ion l'-'obIott Dami.. n. ..... 285 Ion , $"... n .... 139.352 lonNl, Vlvl"n Gr"oe .. 143.352 Ion.... WllIl.. m [u(I.n". lord..n. [uqene Harvey .. lordan. H"rley AlI.n,. 105.352 lordan. John I'-'Ichard 98. 262 lorden. P"trlcia J..,n 127. 157.285 Iudd. Keith R<oy. . ... 67. ioo. 108. 121,:::~ I"tlla. John W.y..... I"ve. H...r1.k Dehll•. .. 285 I.. ve. &'obttt Leo. 185. 'JY1. 33<4



", '"


Ka k' A_. K"k M>ehlO. lOS. K"ku. T...hlO (Royl. lOS. I:.olk. Gordon Frank l:"",net>erq.lorOon StIl&r1. K"nik~o.••1d . I:.o."u. $, C!ool.... K_. J..-ph ,Ured . .. . K-a. f:morr Dele .. 86. fn. 90. 92, 98, Kaull. led Dot..... n Kav ""'h. Joootp/l H,ldward. Kayl John Clayton. .. K_I K.lth Boyd,. . ... 91, 119. Keel"r. K"nneth How.. rd ... 01. 91. 119. K_, Do.",ld I.....ph.. K.ller. Ichn Alboort.. K.lley. AI.... M"y... Kellay. Lee McDowell

~=ll: ~k~~"n.

149 118. 196.342 118, 200.

3"'" 334 246

.334 33<4 104. 201. 352 ISS. 352 135 .343 175.297.334 173. 175. 343 168.334 . III, 239 145.290,334 282. 285


Kennedy. Nor..... n Lee, 104.352 K y, B....,. War..... . .352 K worthy. ""'Iburn 1• ..-, .343 K by. Ooroth, I...n. .. 133. 145.352 K"""be-o.\. k>ftn Dowocn, . .352 J::ercl>euL M..ry Jc.,piu... Calli 343 r.:-n. /ore Ann 100. 133. 151. 352 K....... hard P."I ..... 31" K...... CborLeo W.leJ, 201. 29'2 J:eney. HelIn , _ 100. 148. 3S2 K..-u. Jec:cb Donald 109 Ket\enbec:h. F,."" W,lh.", II 135.308 I:etlenbeeh. H..melt Ann 9'2. 126. 153. 211. 334 Klb*>. 0Ie,1eI ].-ph 125. 303 l(;ir.q-rd. Co,1 e::tu-wten 1:.llen. Frank Bernard I. .123 Kil"'n. MIldred H"n . .290 I::,toQ. o...,INI Dou<:!I.... .324 KitIQ. 1000n LN 99. 148.343 I::lng,M... Rlchard .12".171.334 Kinn.y. Carl Edw"rd, I::lnn.y. M"rol. An....... 148.343 I::innllOn. Frank o.,,,,,ld I,. ,126 KinnllOn. PhIlip T"ylor. .334 KI.....y. J.rom. K.. y.... . 74. 78. 344 Kinoolvlnq. GeorQe L..'<;Ihlon. 123 Kloul. Way ... 8.. .. ., 28S KI.k. She"""n Dua...... 69. 179. 353 I:Jnch. Andr.w Fr"nct.. 82, 135. 193. 3S3 K Alfreda.y. .125 L.tI M.. n'lnJolln.. 196, 3S3 K,Ic"-'o. Berbor.. lucile 1"3. 28S K..... Donn. LN 79. 153 KLeo-. Karl W,lI..",. .71.7".76.78. 344 KieIOn. K.rll.",.. .188 Kle... o.tbort I.....n .67.70. 113. 115. 176 273. ::t74.29'2 KIeifner. ~ 5 , 1 _ , KWIm. o..v\d $lew..rl. 124. 132 K ~ F,...k W,I!_., . Klemnl. o.c.r Rolloond 124.207.314.323 KI>.... Ridword Deen 104. J:hnk. Ger.1d Edw", Kniqht, Berbe,,, o..lorill. 116. 133. 151. 344 Knolel. o.lotM Ju ..... K!IoOPP. WIIII.m A"',w.t. KnoWlton, Leo L.. ", Kno•. Willi. Ancll. 99. 101.344 KnOOiOn. l"mNl Tho,""",. ,.137.334 Knudl..n. Clifford Way"". .69. 199.261.292



m: lli ,n '"

K-nk•• o...n G.tewood Kolll. Erneot Fred

171. 28S



lOS. 207. 344 196.334 .171.334

J::ohrinQ. Kent Gf:rtword. K_llillr.:..touki



K...,..,.,. PbJlIt. OMn .. 141. 344 81. '1'19. 167.3S3 K<>Pl.. F.-..derick Lee K~. M,11on Orvin Korb. Ray beret! . ", Kern. VlrQlnt" t - .. 120. 139. 3S3 Kern...... k_th Lee ,68. 94. 104. 127. 'N1. 3S3 K_. I.,..,. £Ilulbeth . 80. 127. 156. 157.285 Ken-.. la. Corol Vlrvlnla. ...... 55. 161.334 Kc.t..... IMn £,orl .. .137.34" Kral.wok!. Richard M . 124.319 Krame', DouQla. Du" . .125 .. 207.314 ~~:::::~..~I~~~~.;.;.,., .. .196,353 K",hbl.l. lack 5tew,,~.... ... 137. 201. 334 K~oh.r. Gordon 0..,,,,11 1001.258 Krey. £101. Marth" . .95.141. 344 Kr"",h.,. H..rlly H.nnlnq .. ~~: ~~ K"",I.,. John Brindley .•... K"nk.l. P.. ul O"'ndl . 207.334 Ku=. CIeon Burton . . .. 68. 186. 187.344 .. 118. 175. 353 K"per. Donald Gr '"





Lec:Mt. 1lwoodore Vidor. Lec:-r.lec:k Selman... Lec:-r. k>ftn Charleo,. L.clwiq. LewIa !teI..... nn

12" .S'!. 100 IOS.3S3 75. 100. 196. 3S3 LeF... i.ofin~,. 128. ~ LeFollette. E.IUI~.. ...... LeGrone. J..,"", Reo 109. 198. 199.261. 334 L..k.. Kent EIOIton . . . .. ... • 94 L..ll.....n. MerIon Wlllioam .124.31".323 L..mborlll, a... rl.. Robert .257 Lampman. Marjorte... 137. 144. 1"5. 292 Lamoon. Harrr Gene 69. ISS. 334 Land. Hen.:J. C1.. ytQII I... . . .. ,-,.;.;.. ,' Landeck. alter Andr.w I' , =' .> " ur'I<J.... l.. me- Hom.,. 99. 109, III. 119. 196.334 Lane. lamNl Lewl•... , .. " ... 182, 183.344 un•. Mlch_l.. Low. . Len.y, Harry Cleo... 125,314 Lepray. Donald How.. rd. . .. ·I·::;ii. 175.314 L..rch. LoI. Clair .... " ..... , .157. 353 Lerkln. looepl> Linclberoh.. .100. 171.344 L.nen. Kenneth H"rold. . • 213. 221. 2SS La....... W..llace How.. rd 125.210. 3S3 L.._ Andrew £Iwyn. .208. 344 ........ Donald Spoonoet. .207.344 u _ G - Francll... 29'2 ........ PbJ1ho Ann. .127. 1<18, 344 Le_ o.-,tln W.yna.. .208. 299 L.._ Vi~ A..... .208.297.299 Le2ue. PbJlld M..y 65. 67. 70. II". 127. 133 1"9. lHll. EdwIn CummlnQI. 125 .....~ W.lh.", Drane.. 261. 299 L.. Seet !leek... .. 87 La" t, Tbomao HernT . 124. 196, 319 L..uriente. Conn... tN-. . .78. 100. 1"5. ~~ LaVer. e.:..-in Donn. ... ...... Law......,.. Bry"n £\don... . ,179. 344 Law......,.. John All........ 68. 121. 194. 196.307.308 Law",,,,,,,. LaV..."" I_n. 135 148 353 Law""". Cle,k G"inthe,.. . . . . . . . 230: 231 Law""". P.."llneCarol... .98.132.151. 285 Layoo. Georoe J"ck.... . . 208. 285 LN. Georo" Dew.y I,... .." .319 LNtham. Billy Vlroll..... .196.353 t-v.n. Wllll"m Gordon. .344 ......ltt, Edward Pl.. to.... . .... , .. . 33<4 leDuc. Rlch.. rd Wall<loe. r.-. Gooor<Je Edw"rd... . 124. 319 r.-. l"""lu.l,n S....... . 136, 1"8. 34" Lee OU••< M.. lc:Cll",... .196, 3S3 r.-. P"tricl<I Ann.. .97.145.34" Lee. IIobttt Rue... ., 257 ~ . L..lU'1ItI.IIl. . 7", 100. 135. lSI. 3S3 LeiQh. Phil N... .134. 3S3 Loin. k>ftn N"ve. . . 200. 20 I. 28S ............. Shelby Doen 104.201.334 lMIu.. Han>ld IIobttt 125. '292 lMIker. Goliard F'lUIk ,.33<4 ~_ .• 81th W,lIla'" .XII.3S3 r-k. Donald K..... 3S3 r-t-. k>ftn MIn... 105. 193.344 t..li.. JertJ Lee.. 141.3S3 Let->. 0...... &win .68. 83. 124.33<4 ......,....1. Otto H."""n Jr .69.353 lAvJ. Seyn>Ou.' Harry.. 325 LewII. Be,.....y I.... .. 299 L..WUt. Blal' Stanl.y.. 208.292 Lewlo. Doruold O"vld..... ..70. 86, 275. 286 IAwl•. Roberl 1;,"9"n.,.. . .91. 194. 196.285 IAwl•• W.. yn" Edw.. rd. . .. 185.344 U],.tQ. lack Don.. l d , . . . . . .208. 344 Ubero. R.. y W"UrecI. 208.353 UbitrQ. Robert M.. r1ln... .200.307.308 1Jeur..""". M",••ll Thu.k>w. 319 Wind. Beth M.. r1.. 116 157 344 Whbr\dolo. R"""". Albe.t , . • . 258 Limbo"",),. Lowter>oe Wealey I. . ... 97. 99. 101

1,'.' 3'1,'

Linck. [)Pier M<ourioe 196. ~ Unck. IIobttt all.... .184. 245. 2"6. ::t98 Und.KennelhScmmon 171.334 Und. Leon P"ul 100 Und. Lecrword G","""I .. 334 Lind. W,llle", 1Iobttt. ..97. 100. 175. ::t98 Li~,. Dcineld BoTd .125.208,344 UJl<lotr.-. Jeanne Lou..nne $1<1......, •• 1<18, 285 Link. atfk.-d Cocll.... .127.208. 3S3 Unt, hard £\don ,. ,.,.. 167. 334 Upp. Doroth, I.enor.. 127. 133. 148. 3S3 Ulehlleld. JOIn Dol.... , 157.263. ::t98 Utile. H"n>Id EwIng .. .. .. 334 l.I..-1nqoton. Bert>..ra Ann. 81. 143. 344 lJcmI. Rlch..rd W.. yn.. .121.125.3"" loe\.. rd. Raymond Gllbe.t 306 Lodoe. Norm..n Cl.. rk.... .167.292 LodQ•• WilHam Murr.. y." 257.353 LoI0ren. Vlrolnl" EltMnor. .344


"'" '"


344 148. 344


No Mc........,. I1oI>otrl £orl 306 McBridoo. Douqw.. .... Vauqhn. 353 McBride, Me.,. Muri..1 " 149 McCond~. Ma1 £.... I,n 159.346 McConoll, Mark Va'" 179. 353 McCorl,. ~ ... Ibert 257 McCh..nl... Robert..... .., ... " ".29::l: McClar..n. Jack K!tilh .... 167.262. 29::l: McCl..llan. Arle"" "'nn. . .. 140.141.3,,',' McCllnllck. Uoyd Carl McClun. o..vid Ezra .'" ,353 McCormock. "'Ivin V..rnon .167.3OEl McCorm..ck. BenlamlnSlewarl ." M<:C<:>rmack. Kenneth Robert, ..... 113. 167. 213. 218 2SS. 273. 27". 286 MeOormk:k. lanioa M.. n., .. 65. 132. 151. 28::l: 329.33S M ~ . Mel..-ln W."", I. ,.,,105 M ,.Robertl_ .123.196.334 M~hl DaYid John. Ill. 119. 196.353 Mc:a.llouqll. Gane Gian 175. 33S McDoonioel n-.dorw .... wla Ir .87. 121. 199.344 McDr.1tt. o.nIeI Bem.ord ... 68. 94. 123. 175.31" McDrltt. Hera>sn Jc.aph 68. 94. ISS. 173. 175. 3O::l: Mco.,.,.,ld. Edith .m. 126. ISot. ISS. 33S McEn_ N6rqaTet ea-.. . 153. 33S McEnll I..d Arthu. 335 McE K.lh...... r..t"" 161.33S McFadden, Cah-in ,,286 Mcfadden. Ric""rd .... w.....,. 125. ::l:08. 33S Mcfred.rtck. Jeek WHllem 201. 33S MeGahan. Kalhryn leanne .353 M<:Gee, 1a""", 801M .124.335 McGouQh. John Will , .... 286 McHon•. lun.. R.,.... 161. 353 Mclnlooh. Bruce I.ewl., ., .258, 353 Mclnlooh. Nancy I.... nn.. , . .81. 135. 153.353 McK Gerald 0.. . 68. 76. 79, 87,127 ::l:08.344 ... 100. 1"8. 353 129.153. ::l:99 25S.335 .125



,., '"

, ,.179.353 126. 193. 34" .83. 100. 124. 132. 17'0 171. 31B. 335 193. 196. 260. ::l:9:iI



121. 175.314

,123 .135.201.353 208.31" ...82. 193.315


185.335 116. '127.'143. 344 137, 142. 143. ::l:9'2 N

MacCallum. Douqla. HardlO\l 122 125.208.335 MacDonald. Roberl Dean M..oado. M.rtln Humphredo .344 M""k. John Mechy. lolln -n.o.n... 344 M""h,. Robert Em-'I ... 90. 97. JJS Meck...,. lanel Carol", ., 132. 156. 157. :2'90. ::l:9'2 M-e:KI......... Donald IA-wia,. . ,' , 3 I5 MacM,IJ.n. Cau-tne l.ne. .119. 135. ISO. 344 Nedcioa. Lou... Lydl. 81. 139. 353 Meqden,. LeRat- Frank 199.33S " ' - . Nerqar-et Winmlred 1"1.344 Naqel Nanq Koo-e.-I 119. 157. 353 NaQn ....... I1lchard G«wge .69. 131. Xl1. 3O::l: ""'1-. I1oI>otrl l-4oo-rla •<no 185. 353 N6kl Donald Edward . . 193. 353 M-ekl...... Donald W~1don 196 M.Ioy. Oba a.o Jr , 344 Mart_I'. Arlan I......... .77. 353 Ma.k..... MlId..d lean. .78. ,'''.. 104Mb. Nalhan Gordon .......... Ma ""11. Ha",1d I....... 92. 119. 137. 19::l:. 193.286 104 ""11. H.len Loul... 286 M hell. Kennelh WUoon. .",.308 M yl .. , LInde ..... ,. ." .68. 127. 148.344 M.. rtln. Berniece Loyet.. Campbell. .141.335.345 Ma.tln. CecIL V&TQl1l... ,344 Mertln. Ch.. uncey Wllli.. m 335 M..rtln. Donald Roy... .124. 175. 319 M.rtln. Douql.... Moran .12".319 M..rtln. la""", Carroll .::l:08.34'' .97. 100. 116. 133 Martll'. Joen Ardelh. 160. 161. 344 M.rtln, John ~. .. 7'0.71. 72. 113. 183

F_..... ,



Ma rtlndel6. Do:nd Rulon I. M.m.-. Uoyd Gal.-

,,. "" '" ".

Roaer F••nklin 104.,. Howard A.... , lola,. l a _ lun"'" M.~. W,lIl<om V.lenu.... MaJO. John $lrond M..,... Rot.rt Daly Ma~well.

.69.193. ::l:8S .97. 100

'" '"


66. 106. 183. 213. 21"

M...."."n.,.... 0.,.,.,1d Hart-! Maed. """""'" N6lcchn " ' - ' - . PhIlip 1._, ~HeMnMart•.

M_ How.. rd Glenn I. Mac"" l a _ Glenn. Med...,. Doruolcl lO44Ph M...k. E.orl Euqene. Mehl. M6rqa..t Ann M..lla. Donna Lor... ]n.. ,.... Mendenh.. ll. Chari.. 0..1<0 M.. ndiola, Thom... lohn. Meppen, Kenn..lh H.. rry. 104..""1 Loren AIJTed Me Il.I~ Ann.. M rlck. Con.ad Geon;roo. M.rrill. Richerd Willard 104_. Carl Guy

1o(,11atd. John HIO<boo1 M.il Arb6e Glenn I.. 10(,1 CatolIHn Miller. 0.,.,.,1cI F••_ .

" .. 353 .119.353 .127 124. 172.318.335 . 123.208.315 . 157.344 119.131.335 119. 175. 344 118. 121. 117.344 . 199 3S3 .82. 121. 134. 179. 3S3 196. 335 ,223. :n6 167. 353 146. 1.018. 286 1::l:J. In. 335

~:::::: &:::~

239. ::l:SI. 253. 2.55.

"-'I' Lola t.-. MeJ-. ollnM"",...

Mey..... Rie""rd IlIbbino Meyer. w,n..... Cari Mlchaal a.arlooa 2k:han:l M""-l. Wamn t.-.. . Nu...... 2k:han:l SlanleJ M,lich,. Dale Wdlliua


Gerald Lonn Miller. Ha•..., N"'....U.. Miller.l nne Alk». MULe•. J nne Barnl".. Mill.... lolln FrecIeri<:k Mnla•. GlIbart lohn. Mill , John I.""", .. Mill Kennelh Wayn... Milla•. Loul.. M..rtlyn. MJllar.Ma.I."", Mill••, Ralph M....vln.. MJller. Raymond lAo. Milia. Doruolcl ~ MJlIa. ZlmrI Edwin Millwp. Lor-.ne E1, bath Mindoen, Ma...,.]" I n Ml~ Maril.,., Camille Mink" Eho MlaKIn. f ......... f'\orooonc». Mlld-..IL Donelcl Ra, N1Id-..1L Iecquel,... T__





1._ 0......

t1~r'Vr::r.rrx ~':f::~:::':



" -<-Mane:.. I..6wIa Guy

H_. Delbet1 Merl,n

Nash. W,lll<om I, H L Edq.ar fr...,khn H l. Martha Sue Neale,. Hor_ Donnell. Hell. Bradford t.l"", HaIzQer. Ga.,. I N"'baur. Meck Willi.. m H.loen.l.. ck H..rold" H.loon. 0..1. Wenclall

~:l:::: ~:~~o~~~i.

N..loon. Patricia Pauline.

lI6. 159.345

105.·~: ill

,., '"

. ISS. 345 104. liB. 201, 2S8. J54 . ,.. ,175.286 .97. 100. lOS. 210. 211


208.345 .123.292 126. 10.345 .." .. ".286 65.141. 335

105. 121. 187. 257 259.


~ ~

I1oI>otrl VIc:W Si'urlorr Lon-e,ne, ~ W,IUam Edward H6laon. W,lh.m H."kk "'-n. Donald Ho...,. HeobIll Alk» Ieenette Heebilt. John f.anklln HeebllI. Sbermen LIndy ~ F.eri 0.-.... H.........,.... Geoo-qa Jc.aph H..wbry. Tru ....n CIa....,.,. N...... L £Or! Richerd Hewton. Ricllard Whll"",y

.157.33S 121.335 .123.315 ... SO. 81. Xli. 345 100. 12". 134. 151. 33S .123.175.315 ."


"" ""

". 199.335 104. 201. 2S3. 2Sot 339.3<15

Nichol Banlamln F.anklln Hlchol lohn Thom6o 1. Nichol L.le. lohn Nichol Ronald William. 255.292 Nlchol n. Gilber' Allen. 172.335 Hick Richard Edward. NI_. L.lie Edward. Hiel....,. Merrill LonQh.. l'Ii . "".. " 124 .....<15 HI~on.. Robert I.."""" NcbIo. Robert Slapleo. .98. 101. JJ6 NobIa. Clark Ralph .. 124. 319 Iiooale. John Wa...... G«wge 125. 167. JO::l: Hoi... Har.1d St&nr"ar lOll. 187.319 ~. . Naomi Joan . NotQotd. John n-.dorw .. 1::l:J Nont.. Sail,. .71.76.97. 100. ~

'"'" '"

", ,,.




Norton. VIoI6 N6rie Now.k. n..o Thomea.


Nu~ N=a, Don De~ Donald

.183. 345



286 286 1.018 292 167.241.344 91. 92. 102 172. 344 ... 196.353 .97, 143. 200 " , 148 104. 131. 308 ,. ,, 335 129.172.286 121.345

116. 160. 161. 211. 345 .159. 335 151.3S3 135. 151. 345 121. 117. XI8. 3S4 65. 117. 135. 156 IS7.::l:8::l:. 286 MllcheIL l a _ Br.nt"" 335 Mllchali. Robaort Glaon. 118 N1""-lL n - AnI",,",y. 73 74 76. 79 34S M'lhouo. f •......cl4 N...I .••.••.•• • J54 M...... 1lI1" Jack ::l:08. JOB Mochel. AI..... Lyl. . 286 Moa. Edw..rd Andrew. 196. JJS ~ Carol f.a_ . 345 10401111I1, R.-ll Goklen. 109.286 Mona. l a _ "'nl",,",y. ... 124 Moldanheu..r. Robe.t Thorn.... .309 Mol.n. Shl.l.y leann.... , .159 Molin•. M..rlori. Loul.. ,.. 96. 139.354 Monroe. Leu ..nce KI.I... . .... 354 Monroe. Marl.... , IJ6.345 Mon~.,.. E1"",. K.. y.. 208. JJ5 Moore. CIa....,.,. P• .,I.. . .335 Moore. Delno Huber 121. 309 Moore. DorIa Ann .. 135. 157.345 Moono. Glori. Rea 81. 159. 345 Moore. 1 _ Thomea 185. 2S6. 345 """"""'- R1e""rd t..100. 179 Mor..d ... lUrieI .. 69. 335 Mori:>eck. M6ril",1Hn 141. J54 ~ Edward. 12".208.286.323 Mom.on. Frank 121. 117.345 Mom.on. 1 _ AUn J. 196. J54 Mom.on. La....".. . . . 1:22 ldoo-ri8on. Meh1n Ellery In. 268 MorTow. Oaucle W. .,. .172. JCI9 Norter-n. Me>; Chriall4n 309 Morton. How.rd LeRat::l:08. 307. 309 ~ . ' - o...n 7'0. 113. 115. 274. 3O::l: M....... n. I-e:k Hert--I .. 73. 75. 34S 101.,., Jerald Ca.1 .129. 172.335 Moulton. Ann M..ri.. .151, 3Sot Moultor'l. Floyd R.~ . 97. 208. 309 Moulton. Robe.t Ell... 66. 7'0. 113. 115. 172 275. 283. 286. 288 257.260 " ", .. lOS Muehlelha e •. Charll .. I"" .. .. 124.172.319 M""llar. Gaorue WIIH.. m .. .. ..III 1041'111.... Billy Paul . ISO. 213. 221. 255 Munoon. Roberl I. 2S6. ::l:9'2 Murdock. R.- M..rton .159.345 1041'.....,. David E...,...., 257.260 Muohlllz. Rot-t Wllaorl 193. J54 MyUeb".t. P.... I


~nqlll I10Iand t.245. 246. 255. 261. JJ5 M - . Dcneld Edward N<IOIt. JolIn t.ylor ". Men-. W,lh..m Wk:b ".3S3 N61"-'n. John ... leunder 1000'lli Mathews. Ma~_ M.thews. Ran... ... 94. 9S Nelaorl. E1..... Gene .. 118. 171. 259. 353 .....Ithe Bonnie Rea. lotS. 353 .145.344 ""'lthe lane Lenore M61zner. frederick !heophll.. 124. 196. 344 Mauqh.. ", Clyde Vivi.n . 1::l:J. 315 M.ule. o..vld Wll1i.. m Maul•. Glorian M.. rq.... t 120. 159.353 . 125. 148. JO::l: MftutJ, K..thryn CeciHft .. M.. well, I..m_ William. 122.175.315

219.262. JJ5 1m. 344 225.233. JJ5 105. 199.353 65.69. 137. I"". 1"5 :D8.335 121. 17L 335 315 126 257 .. 97. 151.344 .fJ7. 100 .199. ,"',',

H.uon. R_.. William


. ' ' " .. , ... , .. ISI. 344 , 283. 286 196.334

.86. ::l:08. 345

o O·Conn.IL o..nlel W..li.. O·Connor. la .... Palrick O·Connor. P..lrlcle Ann, . O·Connor. Robert I.rome O·Oooneli. John Douql.... O'Leery, And..w Geor-qe. O·Leary. I.. ck $low.lI•.. O·N.1l1. Mary loraine ... Oal... I.. m... H.n'::!. Obarrneye•. I.ela Owen. Och•. Shl.l.y M.. rle Oeh....k•. Bob Gee OIlleer'. luU... [rl. I. 991e. lerr.- t ali. Richard Ear!. Oil. Ch<I"- Arthu. ~ William 0IaI I. 0Ie.>n. Donalcl 2k:hard OI~ kenneth Edward Olin. Glenn Edward 01' ..... Billy ~ <:ll-.. Della N6tie <:ll-.. Herlan Ra, Ol-.. l16ymonc! "'rthu.

Ol-.. Rol-t

lOS. 286

'" ffl

135. 141. 345 .69.

121. JJ6 ..... 12!. 354 141.3J6 105. 199. 2S6. 354 .199.345 153.354 .124. 193.354 ... "" 286 257. 2sa. 262


"'" "" 261. JJ6

." 179. JJ6


.105. 183. 262. ~


Ome...,. F."""", Lou_ Or........ Aq.- V,rqlnle


101.29::l: 141.3S4

68. 73. 116. 1.018. 345

Qsven. Carol V'rqlnle om... Rich E. .•..

Ormond.. Ja, K.uh Oeborne. Carl Deftn Ooborne. H..r.,. Hamillon Oomundaon. Sheron a .. re, Ollen""'m.... Baml"" I.... n, Oured MarlIn loeeph .. Ov.rq rd. Wilford E... Ow Robert Georqe .. Ow Edward William

151·rn:= 183.345 .196.354


. 78. 153. 35" .65.137,141.275.286 104. 121

'" '"


p Pabol H........n Horman. Packenlwom. 0Iu.. N6rie P..I.... Glenn fonal P.. t-. I.e..... WeoleJ P.. po. Dolae 8orbor. P..... I,m Gtoor-oe P.rd_, Roland k... th Pariah. Rot-! Sluert P WoIh..m Rot.rt P.rk Don Cara p... ker. Dcneld N",I Park i1>chard Dele P.. rk Roy Alfred P... kln. kenneth F....,.d..,.ick P..rkl.... Marya "'nn P.. rko. MIIdI"llC! loen . P.. rn.h. Robert Ev....u PancU•. Rlch.. rd ErnMt. Pa_11, ~Ichard Cha.I.... P I.. m Euq..ne Ir P mor.., )am Carle•. P more. Roberl WiIl..rd, Palano. Mary G •...,. .. Pa'•. Ha y Eliit-, P.. I lolln la""", P..ltor'l. Patricl.. Ann Patz. Howard Colby. P"uw-. John H....., .. P.ut.ln. EIeenor E11zaba1h Paul-.. Joe"... P• .,.... Helen Lono!I<o , P..",Ier. ~l Slanbd

"-'... I!oJ$Ianln. . Pear-.. Marilyn BernIe. Peck. ionalcl treclerlek p u.-Dan

P-. Marqle t Penc.. Jc.aphl.... n-Pannell. Richard t.Pen_. fr..nk Arthu• Ha•.,. John I.


P_UI. I.ewrenoll E111,.. Perkl.... Arthu. H.wlllie p..rlne. Fr.. nk Laclyard P.r.,.. lack 0.....11 Peny. Robe.1 EUQen•.. P..ny, William Fr..ncl•.

68. 134. 168. ::l:9'2


.194. 196. JJ6 135. 148. J54

"". ,.,

124. 197. J54 .167.251.345



"'. "" '"

.87. II L 118. 197. 3S4 12".129 I 27. 133. 148. 3S4 100. 133. I" I. 354 .. , . . 104 .197.3J6 :lO1. ::l:9:iI 208.345


..319 127. 139.354 lOS. 175. 3Sot ..... 197. 3J6 .126, 155.3<15 , .,197.354 121.307.309 ."1.286 126. 159. 345 .. 78.1"1.345

"'" ""

175.345 .157. J54 .96.99.175. ::l:99 137. 176. 29::l: .131. 1.018. 3JEi 100. 151. 345 .. 88. 89.113. ::l:75. 286 108. 172. 3J6



92. 105. ~


.125. 135. 197.302


Pete......... RobMt R6e " • 179. 299 ~ BetIT Lon...... 70,, 3J9 Peoet-. ...."""' Com.1... 96. 97. 126. 157. 34:i ~ Ridwrd Eldon 157

P - - . A"'M<o~ret P--.. Co..... E1....

.•. 7'0. 114. 142. 143. 286 _" .100. 157. 354 1'00_ ).1.,;1,." N_ n. 127. iSS. 157. 28::1. 336 P e _ El..,... V..-non . 181,345 Peler'oon. GeonM t..owrence 172. 256. 345 I'oot........... /""'k 0..1", .. 99. 101. 179.336 Pele....,... lome. M"Uord 1:13 Pel"noon, Jam.. Mon,..,.. .315 !'totenoon. John Clinton. _95. 113. 18J. 302 Pet",...,n, lull"" G.en! .. . ..... 125 PetenlOll. ~Ich .. rd Dowme.. .261. 345 p.,tenoon, IWbert Fnld"rick . 105. 3S<l Pel........ W"IJK. Anqelo. 307. J09 Pa1......,.,. WlIUem ." 179.354 Petri... Allan lCendrick 185.286 Petnnowl<:h. L.wls Franklin 104 P.trw::zi. , .. """ Wllll<u:D . 257

Pett>iohn. SIll''''' lUll' Pattf<jIO"O•• RobMt AlInd

.100. 120. 151. 3S4

Pt.!l. ~ Alt.n •. Ph.oI'T'ioO,. Carl * Phoom.. Eon Roy .

Pl:u.ILp.. Marilyn H..... PMhpo.. Robet1 o.-.y Phlllipt.. RobMt Mern" Phill,_ W"yne " ....,.,. P\cl"rd, E _ 0.1" Plck"ll Bonnie Ann Pickett. Hel Gen. PIche.., Hower<! lo-eph. PI.. ,ce, Me,vln lAwt., .. ,. PI.r"". W.IlInqton Con.ad PI_r. P.tay Avl., Plr.ino. Denl.1 Pllchet. E_ _ a",ron Pllllord. ~ Thurlow PI,,,,,. 1 . _ Leone.rd P1i"".John Chnron Jr. Pohlod. Harold Edw.rd Pohlod. He*> u.u- , Pohlod. W.Is... ilcMrd

286 124 .197.315 ,167. 286 ."18. 153. 3S4 .197.345 257 125 128 .99.133. lSI, 354 .68,208.286

','Q",.' ,',", .>

.99. I"". 167. 354 , .. 145. 3S4 109. 172. 336 172. 336 .121.315 208. 3S4 82, I"". 123. 175. 3S4 ,. , 336 155. 3S4 .336 .135 185. 345

Pol_ i a - . Jaoo,ph. Polk. P.ul LYle Pollan. Roland Goon. . Pollud. J1od..-y AI'Pollet~ 1..""" SIbyl Gricno, PoI.on. G _ Pond. M.rllyn ... 74.81. Pool•. B.,rt '-Ii<> Poor-e. Robert Thom... """••. CIYdol Roborl Porl.tln. It I... . Poo:nlck. P"tncl" Arlene Potvin. G _ y hmmlngton Pouloa. ~ Ar-qI. Powell a,...,. Due"". Pow.ll ElM...... Rhode 127. Powell Gerth Powell Geon.Ie Ed.....d Pow e.-riy lune Pow P.wY Goon. 127. Pt l&hatd Keel Pr.ol~ F.<m<:IaOwo_ Pr.. I~ ....""" Owo_


223. 262 .125 .354 100. 157. 3S4 167.258.354 336 .. 292 _ ,. 345 127. 148.354 ..... _, 125 . .86. !n. 336 . ... 272.282 134. 141. 3S4 .197.354 .260.299 143. 336 133. 148. 3S4 179.3S4 .201.336 81 .78. 153. 3S4 197.258.354 , _ 151. 345 lOS. 106. 106.283 , , , .. 2S7. 3S4 .111. 183.345 . 227. 233. 245. 247. 299 , .. ""'" .257 .. 78, 79.148.354 . __ ... 148. 345 ,l60. 161. 273. 292 . 141. 354 12S .87. 133. 161, 3S4 123.336 128, 139.286 124 .345

Pral~ Lilllen~

Pnooo. J.._ WalL!ooe Ptl"". loon EUubeth Ptlnce. Allred Je.... Ptlnq. lohn Anhu.,. , Pn.by-. Don.eld Edw"rd Pritchett. Eill..... M." Proctor. Ger"ld Phllhp Pruett M.ro.rel Rulh Puckett. Genevlev. Rulh Puoh. Luclile I.. nel1... Pul1i.m. Monoo .... ......,.,.... Purcell. Donoold H..... Ie, Purdy. A""I Ann Purdy. Edw.rd Wriqhl Py.... Belly 1_ Py-r.. h. o....n. Brown Pytel. Roy R.......n


20,...,.,.. H.t.t.-l


Lonn, '-.

O ....ne. Don Oh . Oulck, B.,veri, I..n

.319 ,81 lOS. 345 .139.354



Reber. M"nh.lo . 100. 158. 159.345 R.a<:ely. GeorQe J""k-. . _.. _.. _.345 R<tdlor-d. G ••nt N.loon. 184. lSS. 336 11adfoI'd. R<o,..-d Murdoch ... 69.70. 183.292 Rei...... Richard Thec:doI'e • 118. 208. 3S4 Relph. Arlene G,_ .87. 160. 161.354 R.embo. Bry.... a,lIord .208. 315 R.embo. P..1rieI<l F.ye 96. 97. 116. 161. 345 ~ John Peul 257 R.endell Arthu, G u y . , 124.208.286 R.endoll s.-iy A..... 127. 140. 141. 282. 286" R.enkln. J...... Arlene R.ePP/lpor!, Low........ ,309 Ram_. Fr.n<:Io J.per.. 125 Raam_. Low.....,. M""k 187.336 R.e ..h..... Roben W.ley .179.262.354 Re,mer. I<><In H.r....1 65. 145.345 R d. Don.ld LM ' 296 R qe•. lohn L.. _. .213.221. 255. 336 Reed. Ern t Neloon I.. .., 336 Reed. K..... ... , .. , .134. 236. 262 Reed. Rlch.rd WIlII.m . 228. 255. 329 R....d. Roberl W..".n .. "., .257. 260 R_. ~ n JOJ 6$. 137. 139.336 R_. Roneld 123. 208. 345 RM-o-. R.,t""1d Rey 12S. l!n. 302 R ~ J1ob«t M>lron .80.81. lOS. 345 RM-o-. W,11e "'- Steel....... .263 Reich. o.k>o I...... ~ . . 297 Reich. Fr...k lun!... .336 R*h. Fred Ra,-.. I .69. 102. lOS. 183.336 R ~ Ruth tdd. ..... 68, 12S. 133. lSI. 290. 292 Rel...... rd~ la..,.. F.-.dotrid: 201. 336



..!n. 3S4 .223.224 .96. 154 15'1.336 . l!n. 354

.... e.-

R~2JIoo"""P_, ~ CLoyton £ _ 1


Reynoldt. I..,k M<:Doneld RIce. IOMlhan E _ RIch. E1Hnor Ann .140.141.336 RI<:.... rdeon. CM,.... Cel..-ln Ir 125. JO:J Rich.,. Even A.noId 213.221 Rick •. N.ncy K.y .... 145.336 Rlddl•. Robert Voyne 119, 193.345 Rled_l. Low,en"" Edwin 111,259.354 RI."",n, Kl.th Mn•. .. , 292 RLqby. R.y W.ndell 125.303 RLQb,. Thomao H.,.n M.rnll liS. 129.274 RLqby. Elenor.SI...nqe .68. 160. 161.287 R\qbJ. Wtll..... FrederI<:k RIqge... Stanley How.rd ... 71. 74.137 Rigqln. Dcn.old Edw..rd 1!n.354 RiqQo. fa_ How...-d . ..99.101 Riley. Edw..rd Jon. Ir 213.216.218 11i...1dI. 8<1"",,, Joyce .99. 135. :~ l1inoerd. John Eu... 2Jnqe. Lou.. Don . " Rinqer1, W,llIam F.-..d. 193.3SS R,.... I~ P.,rI<:I<I Anne Roberto. EcI<:Ie, Doneld Roberto. lohn W,lh.", .355 Roberto. 0,.",11e H..,......n 121. 175.346 Robinett•• I.ck f>ouc)lu, 200.201. 3IY1. 309 Rohlneon. I.nel CI.i..... .." .•. 90. 97 Roblneon. Loren Edw.rd_ .. .124.208.319 Rohlnoon. Thom•• Em.r,lr .............. 88, 92 Roblneon. W"l1e. t .. 98.99.124,318.319 Rohl ......... Delbert E, .82. 123.315 V.I.ne IOJ . 87. 151. 355 Robinoon. W..,ne t 121.208.346 Rockwood. J......, Ruohton 69. 109. 199. 262. 336 Roden. W,lI",m Craig.129.336 2ocIio. Lo_r Leone.rd .125.~ Roe. l..onnie Verqll. Roe. W.......... l.ewio Jr Ree. Wdlud At'tln 123.175.315 ~N.........nl, . Roaae. a..,,- Arthu. Rofii.r. Owon... u.q175. 293 RoI.... ~Olto .. . ,124 RolMlh. Alben Oqden .82. 188'~3 RoobIool. ~e. . Root. Euqene Allen .194. 197.293.239 Root. G¥>rQe Alben . .124. l'n. 319 R,-. G _ WIIH.m . 208.346 ROM. WIIII.m Mar.I._. .213.219,293 R,-n.u. Theodore WIIII.m ., ,,123 ROHnlhal. John O<>mon. IIi. 134. 197.336 R.,., J...... WIIH.m " ,293 Rooe. P.lIon Armou. 1!n.293 R.-. WUU..", Robert , .. 132 Rc.M. H.tfMn Iorio. 1!n.355 Rooem.on. Joy Ann .91. 92. 151.336 Roundo. Cerol [...... .65. 139. 287 RouP'". 1.._ Edw...-d 179.3S4 ~ N....-T........ R..., Routh. D_ l.eR<>y .69 185.336 I/owt:.ny. Jooon M~. 65. 120. 127, 157




'" ISJ·m


.,. "" ,., '"


I/owt:.ny. W,Iber-

"". ""



Rowburr. Edwin C .. Rowbury. Floyd C. Row"'l. Robert Mellen. Rowl.nd. Thom.. Edw.rd Roy. I.",.. Henry ... Rudoll. Lorr.lne M.e .. Ru•. How.rd Rlch.rd .. RU<lQger. looeph AlI.n I. Rulz. AlberlletOme. Rut.......n. W,lbur Chtlo Ir Rumble. I~ N..wloon Rundolrom. Jooonne 1C.,hryn RunnlOft. 0......,." Warne R.-.Il ...... h , Smilh. Ruthwtord. Alan W_ Rydrych. [lgn",ld Jerry i/JMl. Fre"'" Edward I,

o 0uedr1. Euqene B

,.. ""

Relk.lohn .


lOS. 125. 179. 302 121. ~7: 132.355 199.346 124.323 . .. 96. 97, 155.299 185.346 124, 199.355 ........ 124. 132 . 255.336 124,336 145.346 . 128,3SS


.. 96



199.315 51. 8enerd Willred .101 St. John. Er....t Alvin. Se<on. M.un<> John. 179.262 Sochl. W,lIl.m W.Her. Sotl\lne•. John Geor-qe .125 Sahl. Nel. Theodor•... 68. 136. 148, 346 Sollobu.y. R•• Loui.... Sol Robert W.yne .. , .... 124 183.346 Sam Herbe<l Cenl"".. Sompl•. lLe I. .n,ne • ISS. 336 So""*,",, Dorid Mood, 118. 201. 346 Sondelt Jolln ~ll .123. 175. So........ He'- Ruth 125.293 Son6ord. n - Rol-t 125.346 Sonbd. W,ll"'" Reymond 161.290.346 So.-qem. Otnot-r Anne Sofge"'~ F.,... '1y.""". 100. 143. 355 Soul TheocIor. V.Ien,""" 193. JO:J Sou Lou Ann, 127'I~:~ So.-. I~ Sa",.... l. , .. 319 Soverle. Edward Doneld 172.315 Sc.o...,.IIo. Anqelo Palm SC....U, Il<Irber.lene_ . 65. 132. 14S. 290. 293 Schalkeu. lune Gl.dy•. ,. 116. 157.346 Sch.plow.ky. lohn Andr.w . . .... , 3D7,346 5c:h",k, AlI.n Edw"rd. Sch.ue•• M"'lorla N.dln., 100. 15i. 355 Scheibe. 51.nlor-d SIdney 199.346 ScheJoak•• Rollert Fred 1'n.355 151. 336 SC..... V,r-qlnl. Gre,I,,'9 123. 134 1!n.315 SChler.....n. R.e1D: Euqen.oo 121. 136. 2S7.lli

,,. '"




Sclu.--n. AI.ln TheocIor. 212.213 Sch"'-. I..... Cec:;.ha .161.287 Schleqel, JoAnn T _ .141. 290. 346 Sclumd. R.:.e Ellen 6$.68,70. 127. 133. 149 151. 329. 337 Sclumd. W,ll..", l<-.ph


... 98. 99. 101. 104 139. 346 12S Schmidt. W.IIec:eCa-... .346 Schmlll. Dn.d W,II,.... 124. 135,208.319 hnell Ptuhp H.,'l' .71. Tl. 10:;. 113. 201. 29J • Fr.""", Ellen 14L 299 Leon Richard J. 125 . Her-ber-I Auq"". 1'18. 124. 172.346 An"" Lu<:llle 139.3SS Geoove Thonuoo, , ,. ,.259 Fr.n<:l. Arthur _. 100, 179. 355 ..ina R.e 65, 159.337 ';:::':~ii_Vopel .97. 148.355 hupl..~, Beverl, Anna ,96. 283. 337 hupler. Meribel M.e 100. 148.346 h""ler. B.,.....I, N<td'ne 141. 148.355 hutt. H.roId Je".. .1'19. 123. 197.346 h .... becli..... P.ul WIlllem .121 ~ W.llec:e Dele lOS .. 100. 346 Doneld Allen Elizabeth A""". 100. 145. 355 ~ Gordon Wdha'" 100. 3SS ~ 1""""*...... 157.346 Theodbre 124.315.323 Scott. W.1ey Donoold ,355 Scr.nton.H.....rdF........nlr _._ .. _. __ . _. .. 76 Scull. 101m Dunc:en 167. 242. 243. 262. 337 SMIMn. Fr.nk erelq ,.262 See. Norme M.ne , _,. 159. 346 Seeber. H.roId Ch.r.... 132.208.346 Seeloo. Rollert Georo. . . . .. , .355 Seel,. MHlne Leora 129. 161. 337 Sen. Rollert t-..... .207,258.355 Selle. Dewey Deo.n. , . . . , ... " ... 337 S-Iono. G.ry Owen .54. 108. 113. 121. 164 Schmidt. Fred Doneld

Sc:hmIdt. "'''''9''.-.1 ' S<:hmidt. Stanley 01110. .



Sellle. LoIo J....n . 5ftcller. Caroll_n .. Sh.l&. 8<I""'rd Loulo She Edwin How...-d She lCett-1 .... I.uel .. She.,., Allen W.ley Shaud. R.-.II CWlord She.-. W..J_ Herry Shew. W,lhem Ruperl She....,...a-LM St-ley. lohn a..nnlnq SheIlCn. N.ncy Ceroll"" Sher>I-d. W....... Robert Shepperd. Richard H"ILem Shepperd. W..rr.n Hetrick S.....wood. Fr..ncl. Home. Shoun. Ch.rI... W.It.... Sh ...ve, J08eph Milburn Shr-ontz. Fr.nk Anderwon 5huldbero. Bonnl. Be.har. Shull n.om... Ea,1 SI.... K. .nelh lob

Siebe. LoIo MMjorl.


126. 139.346 . .208.293 lOO.175.3SS .100. 150. 3SS .197.2B7 .. 12S . III lOS. 167. 256, 3SS .119 .. 98. 99. 101 .91. 135. 148.355 . . . . . 99 123. l!n. 337 , .... 101

".,.100.355 .123.206.315 ..... ,.183.293 .. 118. 167.355 .... 68. 88'I~:


282.337 . . . 293 283.287 161. 346

S,hon. UeweiLe Ann 501ha. H...., Wilham So......,...." W,IJ...m H.....,. .125. 167. ~~ 50....... Eatn. Anne 51-. I1>c:herd Grenl 51-. Herdd W,lILe", 159.2B7 51.... 1...... " ' 51-. ~ IlennftII 121.3SS Slndeo. John J.-"h Slndeo. Weymoon 'Frenk 172. 256. 337 . .•. 123 Slpl... lCenneth Erl.nd. Slpl•. Nor"'" Ellell . _. _. 14S.3SS Skinner. Bell' Ann McCune · 155.287 Skinner. G _ Edw.rd. 199.293 297. 299 Skinner. H.r-old Edw.rd. Sieck. P.trl<:l. R,-_. · .65. 129 .14\.346 SI• .-Jn. GeJ'I. Cerol,n 175.29J Slet<>qer. Clyde [n-in .315 511qer. Robert We, n "7 Smlle1. Db. N..I . S""lchQer. Helen Berbor. T r _ · .... 134 134.293 Sautehoer. lack He....,- • 201. 337 Somth. IN.tT N..Il I, .... 293 SmIth. Don c..nrr. 197.346 Somth. Doneld c:f-w J, Smith. Ed'th V,rqI..... 72. 157.346 Smith. Ed..... K. Smith. Edw.rd Alwin .199·lli Smith. F,..nk MII.1'n.337 $mit'" Gordon CLe.....,. " , .... 293 Smlt'" J""k ..... .125. 183.303 Snuth. Je...ld Vlck.... . 153.346 Smll". lull"nne 99.104,121. 179.346 5mllh. K.nneth Emeroon . ..... 54. 187,307.337 Smith. Lomanl Smith. Leoot.,. .. 175.337 ..... 293 Smith. On>n How.rd Ir 141.287 Smlth. P..ul. J_nne SmU'" RI<:""-rd Klnq 109.175.337 Smith. Robert GleN Smith. Theron Eldon .197. Smith. n.om... L., Doneld 1C.,h 193.293 Snow. John Dow Jr .141. 3SS Snowdr. Carolyn LM ~ . Peul.... $IM>Iey I, .78.346 Sok'tllne. Clerioe UIelle. 139.337 SoIt.rQ. Neb t.oy SonnI<:~. ~ W,lh.. ", 128. 260. 337 ..68, 206. 3IY1. 337 Sonnl<:t->. Sonnl<:h C SoucIen. Arnold Seymou. 167.293 Soulen. Plullp Boone 127.208.355 Sov•. Don.ld D. 5peldlnq... Rolle.' Thom... ..... 208. 346 5perb. r..:.lvln_ .... .250. 2S I. 299 Speelmon. W.ller Dw.lne .197.355 Spe""",r. Eerl .. __ , .98.101 Spe...,.,. Lucl. Lily. , lSI. 337 Speropuloo. Nlcholeo GeorQe .197.346 ., .. ,355 5perr1U2O. Ger.ld. Spa...,.. Elm... LM 100.346 SpIc:er. Lloyd We,.,. .208. 261. 293 $pink. John Rob.1 . .82. .. 98, 99 $pink. Lou_b Rey . Spr;_ ErWtnd I.ck $&e<:y. W..Js... 01...l!n. 287 5lehl M.olcol'" ~th 100. 128 97. 157.355 SIooIeJ. g......, n.."" SIoolhnoo, 0<>1e Gr-ow .204.300.309

om m ". '" "". ,..



"n ill

.'" ,..




.224.225.233 245.247 lOS. los. 123. Xl&. 337 .135. 161. 346 .119. 197.346 , 125 .151.287 .178, 179.315 _, .. " _ 3M ,.65. 75. :~



Steg.er. H...,....n F.-.d 51el<;1e<. Robert John 51eiMf. 8erl Ed.....rd 51einmann. H..,.berl G..-I Stell. Edw..rd Fr..nk Slemple, Wllllem Dwelly Slep........ I..., Ch..rl_, Slephe"', RobertlemM Stern, Philip Henry. Sterner. MMy Joann .... Stev H.. rold Dunkle, Stev H...berl o...n S l . _ Homtn' K.. llh Sle....... K"thleen R.... SI...........,.,. Ocr.. K.lIy S ~ Ger.. 1d I10berl S " ' - Lynn Tho:lnIM s............. I10bett O"...ell s............. Will<ud Da""SIew<U1. Barbr" /ean Slew..... Dcneld J"Ier-c» SIew.. rt, Ge<>ro. AI~ rt, John Pric., SIew..rt, MarQaret lu... SIew"rt, f.-.d StI ....... Dcneld Wym,an S t _ . Melrin <:Ie........ SlI....... H.. rolod W~ Stoddud. John W....... SIol.... I10berl T1>omaI< Stoll-., Dron..Id AI1<>n Storrun.l. R..ymond W.. lter Stone. Fr.. nk Se.,mour Iv..n Li.. I . 1.0.....-"" W.. rren t•• G<>orQI.. Lee, .. &rber.. £1I belh h"rI... flo II. Edith Catherine



". _", .337


, In. " 3M

.. 6:2. 123 .87. 1ge. 199.346 ...• , .132 ............. ::IS7 .... 199. 346 127. 135. 148


.... , .208. 337 208. 258- 355 .. 139. 346 .. 120. 337 199. ft~ _ .. _' .201 170. 172. 200. 337 148. 346 12L 315





_ 139.3S5 193. 23ll. 239. 287 ..86. 256. 337 124.323

.183.337 201.337

, .337

172.346 _ .199.287 .87.99.355

... , .262

. .... 255.299 ..... 69. 155.33"

.132, 159,337

,. _.. 200. 201. 293 .136. 159.283.337 lien ....... 167.337 125.174.302 ... _ 125.302 .99. 135. 148. 35$ 124. 170. 172,287.318 ... '" '" .337 175. 200. 355 145.337 _.240.241 .68, 74. 87. 208, 346 .. 96. 'in. 100. 135 197.287 Strom. ~ a..n.., ... 69. 100. 105. 201. 255. J02 Stuart. Edwin Zortnq, _• 257 St.-u•. "","""n o...n _100 5Illrqel, AlkeC.roI,... .74.100. lSI. 355



AI"'" .

SI,..... Wendell A,,-_ Suchan. HIll'OId L a _ . SUIIer. Orri.lohn .. , SuIHv..n. GeonJe Burton,. Sullivan. M.. ~ .. r..1 n....r... Sumne•• LeoI.. Dan,.. Sundeen. lohn David Sundeen. M.. ry Ann I.. n..t. Sul1on. Arlhur Robert. Sul1on. luna M.. rl.. ,. Sulton.. Ladd,. Sulton, w.. rd .. , S"',oln. Ch..rI_ Nai.... S nby. M..ry '--lie S Ger..1d R-.5 - . Herbert Jolin S BariMr.. S"'-.am. Huqh ~ S - - r . Bruc>o. S -..y. P.._ Ann 5 Barba.r.. Je,an



~:::: ~Ba=Ill.


.346 17:5. 346

.... ,309 121.309 .68, 161. 346 140.141. 346 ... , ... , .. 293 . .126. ISJ. 346 125.200.302 . , .. , .. 14S. 346 . .. 121. 135. 197.307.355 346 7•. 100. lSI. 355 ' , .. 337 175.337 . .tiS. J28 .86. 94. 193.346 .97.201.259. J55 .. 75.87. 10C). 151. 3M .97. 100. 133. ISS. 3M

ioi lOS. Iii;


TeqU...ena. Vito I,-ph ,. T.. k.. lotl. Ch...ter T.. k.hl T.. k.. lOr1. Fr..nk Hir... h!. T.. lbot. Glenn Ev..rI.le, T.. lb>ll. Arlen.. P..lrlcl... T.. II.. nl. lem_ Arthu •.. T.. nn.. hlll. W"yne o..vt. T..n...r. Dal. Loren .. T...n.-. George Stenle., T"n.... ShIrley LouIMt, T.. __• L,l.o Gllberl'r T.. le.I.._ Henry T.lko, R.x-t Allred T... ., 8yr...n Em. T.1' Duane Hert-t T• ., Gordon a.n. T...1' Rob..-t Euqene T• .,-Ior. Wellaoe Reed 99. T• ., W,lIla... Brien I. T• ., WUliam We.rd

... 54.55.113. 12\, 173 175.309

n...,..... A••r'lll Sheldon n - w h.... Droneld R. lr


liB. 201. 355 124.319.337 lSI. 355 .172.347

n-. H"rokI Euqene. n-.. I....... Eetlnx-.. John "'kCerIh., n-. lu.... Arlene n-. $/.onley a..:...,...


65. 70. 71. ~.r~ .82. 1:23. 175. J37 ~. Vernon Keonneth lOS. 175.355 Thorneb. Euqene beph. Ice. 238. 347 Thom---. 8e4ty I ..... .69.77.84. 116. 141. 347 Tbc-tn~. Don M.. .100. 143.355 Thom~. F.-.d T1>omaI< I. .193. 259. 355 Thom~. John frecletk:k 201. 347 Thcm~. M.. rlor!. J.. ne 133. 161. 287 Thom~. M.. R.... .. 78. 141. ~~ Thompeon. Wa.,... A Thomaon. ~ leen . . ... ..1J9 Thomeon. J... n Loul .... ..... .. 69. 100. 143.347 Thornton. Dean {)jd..,., ...... , .. 100.347 Thorp. Robert P<>u<;Jl.... .87. Ill. 201. 356 TibbiH•. Ve... Darleen. .141. 356 Tidd, Roberl Lu .... . ,347 Tilla.,. Norman Da [lt lOll. 185.278.287 Tlnq Il. Bruce Ed rd Tint<>. J Hall>de,. .'121'. T~. Eldon Dean . TiDll. Cob-. N.-:Lne ISS. 347 T Ge<>ro. How.. rd .. 183.~ n Da..... 124. IJS. 172. 219 TcllIn. John n-TcllIn. P..ul H<rrokll. 135.356 Todd. lMec- ~ .193. 2Jfl T..... Howard ... T _ Richerd Earl . .. 71. B::l. 201. 337 ToIfenet•. DaI10 Lou'- I. IJS. 201. 347 Toll,..... W.1ey Vernon .172.299 ToI_. loan 151. 356 ToImie. Ken...lh o...n .183.356 ToImie. I10berl E. . .183.347 T.,."....",. T""""" A.ma= .197.347 T"....II. Emma MetQ...-.t 141. 347 .... . 307 T""""II. P""l I... m... Torok. Theodo"" Elwyn , Tove.,. Oef~I..,. .231. 232. 234. 337 Tov• .,. John David, . ... , ... 68. 81, 172.356 Tove.,. Morq.. n WHh...m Ir .100. 113. 200. 275. 287 Tov• .,. Rh.,., , .. ....... 121. 197.337 To nl",. H....., I....... , .240. 24 I. 260. 299 To nMnd. JMn Sheldon Jr 121. 175.356 T _ . And..... f ..........t .. 76. 92. 100. 17.1. 347 T.e"tman. lack Catl ........ JOG T- . T1>omaI< B.adley 213.216. J37 Troeh. frederick Roy 208. Troth. o..nn.. Lynn Trout. Betty t127. 148. 2Jfl Trout Done EIeI.... .148. 347 Trout. Pwry I I. . 122. 175.:287 Troull, Ra~ Owon.124.3J8 T...... C.c';! L.h.l. T~II. Alan Ra., Tropp. Droneld o...n .. Ice. 131, 347 Teehe.... Dcneld 80yd .124.194.~ Tudder. Torn W,IIIa", Tum. Marl.n... Lou ISS. 347 Tuller. M..rlhe Ra, , 14\,299 TunnlclUi. Beth Berni.,. .100. 136. :~Y:~ Tutnbull. John 0.___ Tuenbull, lohn Howerd . 125.302 Tur...r. C1a.,ton Colburn .. 105 Tullle. Selh Lo....n . . 201.347 Tyulrakl. Willie'" Alen ...... 111 T.,le•. C.. rrol Leno~. " .307. J09 T.,.,r. Ruth Eileen .. .100. lSI. 297. 299





""'" """"'




"" '"

u Uhl..... n. Eath... Ev.. nqeli.... 136. 143.347 Uhno. Il:ot-l t.. . " 19S. 347 Ulinder. Vete RoH... und 100. 161.356 UJ...... David Dan .... fi7. 94. 95. 113. 183. 211 772.28::1. 3J8



183.309 .. 135. 139.346 . _..... ,.346 136. 155.355 175.302

s _ . LaVerta B.ul.oh 5 _ . W,lliam Ed...e.rd 5.,1_. no..:.th., A..... 5.""...... Whitman Jr..

Th6c:k... David Lout.

'" ... '172. ~: 1l~. ~ ..... 193.337 . .127. 161. 346 ..213.216.255


, ,.124. 197. 31S. 319 109. Ill. un. 282. 287 114. 127. 148.282. 287 ., ,293 175,337 .197.355 124.319 .199.346 .201. 287 104. 124.319 101. 104. 127. 187.346 ... 111.259.348 .99. lOt. 104, 167.258 259.355 TeeQ I....... all. . ••. JIS T I..."" Dale .355 Tedro Loren Allen 2S7 T...:I. eon.t.once l.u.cy .69. 116. 132. 158. 159.346 T.lqen.r. John Pembetton ,lOS. JSS T.mpl•. Thomu Herbeft .347 Te.ry. Helen leane, .. ,.132 Tetry. P..trl";.. J...... .14 I. 355 Th..cker. Del.. Seam.. n .. 175. 337

.. 347 J08. 261. 3J8 208. 315 119. :287

v Vail. M".ton Lut .... .315 V.. jda. ~ Edward V.. jda. Peter 'Thorn..... .259 V... lled. M... rlon Jo,,,. . 159. 293 V.. nOll. Ro., Lewl.,. . .. .125.347 V.. ndenbe"". lohn Slephan., .... ..... , .208.319 V.. n Enqal.n. frederick Willl.. m. .100. 132, 179. 338 V.. n Enqel.n. Rulh ." . .100. 132, ISS. 3J8 , . . 123.315 V..n Epp-. 8urlon Loren.., V... n H...rdenbetQ. Ger... 1d Glen 104. 105. 121 V..n V..,.lh. Willla", ' - . V...rley. I....... fr...""". V _•• Denne Lue Ta .,... .114.299 119. 167.347 v_~a ..... ", Veniehntck. Cetl " .124.319 VerdeL G..-t.v doll 124. 31B. 319 VetQObbI. Ji",mie o...n. IJS. 199.262. 341 Vic~. ft..,ll", Helen .157.347 VIell""fMJ. R.-l F. . . . Vo¢. AI"'" '-07. Voor...... John "-t_ 197.3J8 V.",."... Shltlle t.141. 3S6 .125.356 V",,"", o.:.-"o~.




w WI>Q r. All....... I. Weq John W,lIt.m W _ . Dron..Id I W _ . lohn Alfred W..hl, Barber.. Lu . . . W.. lbrecht Don... ld AUQu.tu•.

,26I.3J8 '" .. 293 .54. 2OEI. 309. 3J8 . . . . . 2OEI.347 .,74.135,157,356 .197.356

... lKl. Sl.ln j..~ ...... 29J W"ll. How"rd P.. ul Walket. 1..._ GII~. .. . 172. 256. 3J8 W.lk Leonerd Ralph :23 I. 2J3. 234. 235. 262 W"lk Norman 10_1 :231. :232. 234 Welk R.- R>c:herd " , 262 W.lklrrqlon. 1 _ Lou...,.,. 115.347 Welklnqlon. Wdh..... Gu.--y Wel...lh. He......1 ' - .... 257 W.w.. John Fte"'" It Weller. N"n<:T Je . , 141.3S6 W.. llen. Me..,.. Ann 114. lSI. 287 W.. ltman. Dron..Id Glenn lOS. 347 W"ltoon. Leo O·Rene. . 29J Wanamaker. floyd Euqane ...99.347 W"rd. W.. ller Elmer .... 256. 3Jll W...rdell. Ilarber... Jean .. 151. 263. 299 W.. rdrop. Ch.. rl_ WlllI.. m 125. 2OEI. 293 W...rr.n. Rlch.. rd Eddy,. ......... 259. 3S6 W"rlena. Richerd Allen . .......... 238.239 W....hburn. M....vln R... lph .68, Walen. Elmer Dale,., . . liS. lln. 3S6 Wat Lloyd Ste'*.197. 256. 3S6 W WIIII.. m Murdoth .......... 257 W"ll-., leckie laVell ..... 148.347 W...,. H.J.. Aud""., lSI. 263. 299 ....... , 287 W".,..... H .. told Earle Jr W kley. Everel1 Allen .122. 175.287 121. 126. 208. 261, 3J8 W Get"Id~ Webb. Carolyn 104_ • .127. 148. 347 ......... 123 y\or 100. 179. 282. 3J8 Webb. n--. ........ 260. J38 W _ _ .M~"'M. .126. 138. 139.287




W _ _• '-. Weeb.. 10 Elta • Weeb.. OIIi6n O>arlotle Weql-. John S<n!.""",


151. J56 100, 143. J56 .260. 356 .91.255 .. 54. SS. 2Oll. 261. 347 .54.260.261 " .315 2OEI. 347 145.3S6 ...... 293 .125. 208. 293 .. ..... 124. 319 ...... 315 143.3SG .141.3S6 .139.3SG .69.176.3J8

Weinmann. O>erl- Gr• ., WeiOItIetIn. DouolN H ~ Weinmann. John Myron W~ber. Sherman N... h Welamen. Kannelh WGher Welt.. N"n<:1f Ann .. W.lch. Ow.. I"" Leroy Welch, L.,.lIe o...n .. Welker. Lorin I . Wel.h. lam... Lo ""n"" Welt.ln. P..trlcl.. I n W.ndle. Zoe Ann . WendUnq. DI...nne Lenor. W• .....,. E11...00d Vi..... We.....,. Sklney Euo;rene ........ 3J6 W-. Bene Jenlce . 114. 154 ISS. 274. 287 W-. K_th t..80.81. 100. 17'9,347 W... P.lrIcIa Ann 138. 139. 287


W_. John f.ankhn W~. Eatl W...,... W'-Ier. lne Mae W'-Ier. I1<>bert Aubte-y W'-Ier. Robert c.,n. W....Iock. f.ankhn Kimbell While. f...--t Wlllt.", Whlle.John~..


185. J38 .260.347 .125. 133. 148. J02 233. 2SS. 3J8 .179.224. 3J8 III. In. 208. 347 101 .. ,197 III. lIB. 197. 3S6 .225.233. 3J9 .99. 2OEI. J56 lOS. 123. 3S6 338 .100. 143.293 . 106. lOB , .. 199. 347 .137. 143.347 .. 143.293 ..... 124 .. 97. i i... 120. 139 116. 160. 161. 347 .178. 179.309 , .. 347 197.251. 3J8 ..356 124. 197. ~

While. Richard W... llace While. Robert 8oIh_1I Whlltnq. Jer,.., Mu.. . . Whll.....,.. Bickle Bro"" Whllrnore. Hugh Cozad Whltn.y. R,- M.. rte, Whll l. Fr.. nk Llo.,d. Whll"l. frederick Louil, Whll...n. Norma Na.,. Whll_lI. Phyllis AOI'MI'" Whln. Cherie- Rich.. rd Whittemore. I...n Ann Wh.,berk. Naide loanna WIchet. Daniel Ed......rd Wlckwerd. flruooo Glenn WId.-.t. V........ Elden.. Wledenhelt. Kellh W,llla... Wieclerunen. W,III1o W.".., W~le. J:ennedI GeorQe ~~ Wiqen.Jeck Conrad .99.355 WlQqlno. Ed... ard I." 124 W,lh<..... V...,.,. Allen ... _... 175. J38 Wllocra. alzabeih Anne .131. 136. 145. J38 W,lck Dron..Id Gonion 179 356 Wild•. t..I.. W"yne. • J56 WIlde. Roland beph .77. 356 Wild PhIlip Henry , .. 347 Wilder. Ralph Arthut. .IJS. 197. J56 Wlk:letrnan. Ellen M..ne .. 145. J56 WUkl Emmetl Luk•. , , .. 197. 34,o? Wl1kJ Roberl J<-eph ...... Will. M ~l 92. 3J8


WIlII.. m•. Willi Willi Willi Willi WIlIIa W,llie. W,lIlamoo. W,llie W'Ili W,llla


AI.....nd..r..... ..309 AIiOll M.. urln.. . ,',','.' ,',," Ann Lloyd BIll., Freem.. n . .., .. 309 Bri"n Chrll, . .17.201, 347 Chet'- Edw..rd .199.210.258. 3S6 Darid M... .197.347 £dqer Lonni. 101. 124.318.319 George Robert ••.. ,1:23.315 Le_ H...rriQlleld 201. 307. 309 M...-;Iyn LouIMt .. 100. 127. 133. ISS. 347 W,Il~ Oworl.oe Franklin _... , ... ,347 W'llla....... alen. 136. 153, 347 W.Il,,"-,- P.. lri<:le Lynne. . ..... 139. 3S6 W,I'" Dcneld Stew..1'1 .111, 119. 197. 3J8 W,lI.. Maf9lll""t krr-.. 133. ISS. 347 W'leon.AlioeMae 141.356 W, <:Ieyton ArIhu. 347 Wi E1H.-- Lou... 126. 159.347 Wi Gecrve Ha...., I. .126. 193.309 W, I............... 201. 347 WUeon. luanila /eanna .141. 347 WlI.,... Kent H... I..... 199.287 WI1IOOr'1. M.. rIon I........ IJS. 159. J56 WII-.. Peter BoU"... . ..66:69:125. 164.302 WHeon. Pet.". Kuhl.. . 179. 3J8 WII""". Thome- Reed 197. 3J8 Wlneq..... Leo F..y. .102. 185. 293




Wl~. Roy RicMrd W,nkle. William r,..d,.rick


Win. . . <:::trd- Raml-.;.l ...... W,rth,. Nrlel J:enneth. W I L a - E l........ Witt ~ . 0.....,1 EmIl. W,llman. f""" M.. rq,....U.. . Wohllaib. r;..neth Dele .• _.. Wohloochleqel. 1.1'-' 1.- J< •. Woh...,hl.qet f1orenc>e 1Ie<ot.o. Woloott. Don E . Woll. Yvonne Loul . Wolford. Burien Frederick. Wolford. Iftrneo]<*lph .. Womeldorfl, o..vld 1.- . Womn...d. 1• ..,. €I . Wood. BetlJ Lou .. , •

W<xd. ChMl_ Della..

Wood, NClnMn Winfield. Wood. Ruth £J.Jz.both ..

WoodoalL H....t-1 Randell.



196. 199.347

a....1eo AIbft1. , .•..

_• . f¥].


.77. 93. Xl8.



133. 161.347


356 167.356


..... 347


.197. JS6 . . . , ,125 .197.356 .197.347 142. 143. 287 . LII. 124

293 .55. 127. "'" 143.356 "'" 293



.2S7.356 ..... 125

98. 99. 101 .106. 175.309 JOe. 347 , ,,356

Woodbury. "rlhue Woodlard. W,llwom Rc-. Wocdo. I.oc>nnM 1.WcoiL H....... £. W"",,"1. '-n Fr__

' " 319 338 .83. 124. " 193.

H5. 356


. 68. I 2ll. 356

W....-Id,. """"-.

Worllu"9'C"'. Robefl Wrlle .69. 106. 29J W...... H.-I 0.11.. _ 148. 287 Wrio;lhl, Be_I, "->hI_. . 139. JS6 WrlQhl. I• ..,. Edward, .124. 135.257.356 Wril;Ihl. M"rlon Junior .197,347 WrlQhl. 'TIIo<na Gelvin .... 94. 97. 126. 135.201. 356 Wrlqht. William Donald .. , .. 166. 167.293 Wyrick. Palricla Loul... , WYO'. Robert Gary. .200.347


z laPP. Gertrude Thtll·_. lapp, Mary Ann..... . z"rino. Don Richard . . . z"y.ky. Jc.eph Edward.

Zi"""""" John Qt, .....


Zi...-......n, Bob ' -



Zpook. Ric.... rd H....,.,

.. 139.356 .. 139. 347

. ..::zoo. 356

. ...... 12S. 135. 197.245 248.249 , .•... , .. 287 179.242,. 347 12S. XlEl. 338 2S7.356

No volume of the Gem of the Mountains has ever been produced without meeting and overcoming special difficulties. Neither has a Gem come into existence without the cooperation, sacrifices of time and labor, and spirit of loyalty and devotion such as the kind given by the staff of this book. My special gratitude goes to Jerry Bunnell, Karl Klages, Bob Nixon, Fairy Frank, Jerry McKee, Clyde Winters, Lee Bath, Solly Norris, Phil Johnson, Tom Mitchell and Andy Tozier who, when reliability and skill were needed, gave forth with a willing determination to get things done. To the secretaries and photomounters who accomplished their jobs with efficiency and without expectations of glory or reward, I can only offer my admiration and thanks for wonderful support. A special feeling remains with me for the Gem photographers. Behind the pictures in the book lies the story of what it took to obtain a pictorial history of the year. Their contribution and my thanks are equally inexpressible in mere words. Working with each staff member has been a rich and rare experience. Every one of them had a vital interest in the Gem and I shall always believe that each one did his and her best-even when the ship seemed to be sinking. Throughout the year the trip has been on adventure. My broader thanks go to those students and members of the faculty and administration whose interest and grand cooperation rang like cheers from the shore raising the spirit of the Argos crew and thereby easing the rougher crossings. When the bad times are forgotten, memories of these supporters will still fire a sharp glow of faith in human nature. In a closs apart stands GenerBI MBnager Gale Mix who always had the right solution for every problem. He moved mountBins of obstruction from our path BS though they were only very small molehills. An acknowledgment of my indebtedness is fBr from complete until r thank Rafe Gibbs and Newt Cutler in the Publications office, Hutchison's, Sterner's, and Rudy's studios, and Kyle's Photo Shop for their cooperation Bnd fine work. Western Engraving and Colortype of Seattle Bnd Syms路York Company of Boise gave us the benefit of their long experience Bnd wisdom in the prOOuction of All路Ameri~n yearbooks. Kingscraft prOOuced our covers with high fidelity to our wishes and we thank them for the quality of their work. For all who helped plan and PrOOuce Volume 48 of the Gem of the Mountains, there is diSCQvered a bit of rewarding truth more precious than the capture of a golden fleece. The golden memories known only to those who shared the experience of creating this book. are locked within its pages and made more priceless by the knowledge that it tool:: the combined efforts of all of us to do the job. The sincerest hope of the staff is that ~ch reader may find many enduring memories of happy moments on these pages. We have captured our golden fleece from simple but heart路warming recollections of the time when we were busy preparing this record of you and what you were doing at mid路century. May you enjoy it-and thanks for the memories. JUNE THOMAS, Editor




Associate Editors

Jerry Bunnell. Anne DuSault






. Co·editors












Brian Williams, Bill Luscher, Jim Wilson, Frank Gunn, Joyce Becker





. . Co·editors


Jim Roupe, assistant


. - .

. . . .

. . . Editor

Phil Johnson, assistant editor; "Crusty" Hamon, Jerome Kinsey. Bud Hagan

Art FAIRY FRANK • . - - - - - - - - - Editor Peggy Pruett, Marian o.,vidson, Sian Soderberg,

Marilyn Brodd




. Co·editors

Index .








Dorene Anderson. o1Issistemt

Classes MERILYN PETERSEN • - - - - . - - . Editor

Photographers ORVAL HANSEN













Phil Schnell. Dwain Rosa, Jim Brockie. Jack Marineau, Roland Wilde, Leo Freiermuth. Jack Barnes, Wendell Gladish, Earl Brockman, Pat Hamilton

JO GARNER . . . . • - . - . - - - Editor












Beverly Balh. Corinne Laurienle. Mary Thompson. Helen Payne. Evelyn Inghram, Beverly Schuster. Carolyn Snowdy, Louise Grider. Joan Parks, Canna Kjose, Pat Weltzin, Pat O'Connor, Jo Ann Schlegel. Joy East. Marilyn Phillips, Sharon Osmundson



45 60 62


65 66 68 69 70 70

INTERFRATERNITY COUNCIL. PAN HELLENIC COUNCiL . THE WOMEN (1lrr1lnged 1llph1lbetic1lJIy} . BETWIXT AND BETWEEN (arranged family style) THE MEN (arranged alph1lbeticlllly)




SOCIAL CHRONOLOGY Fall Beauties. Winter. Concerts Spring. Construction Exchi'lnge Students. POLITICS AWS. ASUI Independent Caucus. United Caucus Student Activities Board. Publications B01lrd. PUBLICATIONS Sigma Delta Chi Thet1l Sigma. Argon1lut, Gem of the Mountains. Blot. Id1lho Engineer. Id1lho Forester. Student Hllndbook. Alumni Roundup. KUOL DRAMA Curl1lin Club DEBATE Delta Sigma Rho MUSIC Phi Mu Alphll. Sigm1l Alpha Iota Vand1lleers. University Orchestra University Band. University Singers. M1ldrigals. Pep B1lnd. ROTC Rifle Te1lm. Milit1lry Band. Pershing Rilles. Scabbard 1lnd BI1lde AROTC Airmen's Activities. NROTC Rifle Te1lm Eagle 1lnd Anchor SERVICE HONORARIES Blue Key . . , .. Mortar Board. Silver L.o.nce. Spurs IntercolIegi1lte Knights. AIph1l L1lmbc!1l Delta. Phi Et1l Sigm1l. Alph1l Phi Omega CLUBS Attic Club. D1lmes Club. DeIt1l Mu. Ag Club. Ag Engineers Chemic1l1 Engineers. Civil Engineers. Electriclll EnQineers. Mechllnical Engineers Associ1lted Foresters. Associated Miners Bench and B1lr. Chamber of Commerce. Hell Divers. Ski Club. 4路H Club. Home Ec Club. T1lu Mem Aleph.

17 28 33

71 71 72 76 80 82 83 84 85 86 88 .



128 129

Riders' Club IRC. CHURCH GROUPS Interchurch Council Cllnterbury Club .. Christi1ln Science Kappa Phi. Wesley Foundlllion. . L1lmbc!a Delta Sigma. Lutheran Students. Newm1ln Club Roger Williams Club Westminster Forum.


Introductory Section.

96 96 97 98 99 100 100 101 104 104 105 105 106 III III

113 114 115 116 117 118 118 119 119 120 120 121 121 122 122 123 123 124 124 12S 125 126 126 127 127 128

131 132

132 133 133 134 134

135 135 136

Livinq Groups

137 137 138 162 164

VANDALS AITACK Vauity and Intraml,lrala



210 211 212 222 230 236 238 240 242 244 250 256 259 262


DEANS. HEADS OF DEPARTMENTS. SENIOR CLASS OFFICERS SENIOR PERSONALITIES .... "., .. , . . . COLLEGE OF LETTERS AND SCIENCE Alph1l Epsilon Delta. Phi Upsilon Omicron Phi Beta Kappa. Seniors. SCHOOL OF BUSINESS. Phi Chi Thet1l. Seniors SCHOOL OF EDUCATION. Kappa Delta Pi. Seniors COLLEGE OF LAW. Students in L1lw Seniors. Phi Alph1l Delta, . , , . . . . .. COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE. Judging Teams Alpha Zeta .... Seniors. COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Sigma Tau. Seniors SCHOOL OF FORESTRY. Xi Sigma Pi. Seniors. SCHOOL OF MINES. Sigma Gamma Epsilon. Seniors ,. GRADUATE SCHOOL. Gr1ldu1lte Sludents. JUNIOR CLASS ..... I unior Person1lIities .. SOPHOMORE CLASS. FRESHMAN CLASS Stl,ldent Index. Acknowledqment. Gem Staff. .


265 268 273 274

276 282 282 283 283 288 290 290 294 297 298 300 302 303 303 304 306 307 308 310 313 313 316 318 318 320 323 323 324 326 327 328 339 348

357 365 366


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