1950 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 48 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 333

Mary louise Will

Vern Bohr

Rose fllen Schmid l']ectlon to ASUI uecut!ve &<oro ........ hlQhllght 01. Root"'. Junior ,Mr. A ...-Ide,,! 01 HeYI Hell. ,he h•• been "ct!ve In Spurt, K"ppd Phi. U Bond. V"r>dlolee.., Independent CaY"",". AWS. "nd H".,.. Ec: Club. Ne,l

y.... on EIec"Uve Boord.he wlll

I.. lhe ASUI PNlIden!_

<t<:I". prh.. Ie.....,...llOry

Betty Peters

Bob Culbertson

Dick Reed

It ""'........... I - . to .. buk.tboll9"..... over In Memo11,,1 Gym "nd _ ... t..... k oIllghlnlnq . _ down the lloor. you've - . Did R.-l. H.·.lor..... rd on the v....ny 11"., end .. lwo-yeo. I"llermen, Recently he ..... "1",,tOld to ASUI E.ecutlv.. Boon:!. You ell" \I<I"",.lIy I",d him "t the SIQme Nu ho,," if he', nol pl.ylnq ball "I I'" '1ym.

Jane Fisk

Janice McCormack

Sherman Black

Allen De"


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