1950 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 48 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 295


Ed.ard B .. lloc" 0.....

H.r....-tCe.r....n Woll...,.


Patric" Day Kimberly

R•• D.y McColl

P."..,. Dayton lion....... FOTrY

Willl.m Emo ..on

Bruco Foull Gordano


" ....phln. Dur_hI

Alb. .t r.idonoUno Idaho Fall.


Lonn G"". ,",


O"oru.O ..ll_ Oorkoton. Wo.h. Carl Oud.oiohn Idaho F"ll.

Wilbu.O.rd N"w Plymouth


Wi.... n Chu ...hm.n

Willi..-m L. C1.r"

Derrooll Congdon Sendpoint

..ohn Da..Je TwIn Fan•

Howard DH<i. Rlchfi"ld

Willlam D_bald KftI'I<Irlck

"ohn Dlc" Nampa

Ol.n Don.r Wilder

"_ph FiIho, SlacHoot

R.y n.tch••

O.oru. Follon

"oy.,. F ...l.nd Coeur d' AI".....


D.nl..l O • .dn... Coeur d' AI"n"



Rlch.rd O.rloc" Poo-llond, 0,..,.



RoyOI"i .. Twin foil.

Donald 0.1..1. He<tdquorta..

Thorn.. Guilloy

Oordon Havan Pori AnqeI... W......

" .... _ H.m...

WllIla... H.,,-"

G_ru" H.I'\I"" Idaho FaIt.

LJoyd H . . p

Fr.nlo H.l......o.-th

Grateh." H.lme.o.-th

Roba.-t H.ndrie'" La•• HoI $prinqa

.r.y Hiraoohl




Idaho Falla


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