1950 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 48 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 272

IDAHO FENCING returned officially to the sports scene lor the firs! time since the war. The comeback organizers arranged severlll loil·thrusting matches lind hlld II bit 01 beginners' luck. Idllho. Idllho. Idllho.

2 4 5

WSC. WSC Gonzaga.

5 5 4

Third in lnlllnd Empire Men's Foil Championship Third in Foil's Mask Tellm Championship Inland Empire Men's Team Foil Cha.:mpion.hip

Spokllne Fencing Club. Idllho. WSC. Gonzllgll

IDAHO rENCERS-Kn_lin\l: Edwa..d Holt. Jamaa Oataa . . . Standing: Danni. Wa..d. Lloyd Watan. Roba<t Mun..,n.




IDAHO PICKED ON WSC for their first venture into gymnastics competition. Coach Don Smith's team came out sec· ond best, 49·31, but had no reason for discouragement. Washington State Col· lege was undefeated in all competition, Outstanding performers for Idaho were Don Stilson, who won the long horse and placed second in the parallel bars, and Jim Farmer, who was the Vandals' tram· poline and tumbling artist.

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GYM TEAM-rint Row: Jim Walka •. Bill Shaw. dim ruma•. Coach Dick Smith, Wayman Sindan, dOM Bou .. , Sacond Ro_: CaptaIn Don Stllaon. Oao'Va Patanon. dack Huria. Loo.. Bunowa, dim MOON.









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