1950 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 48 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 217

Edwllrd Ande,oon 111m... &ker Gil'" &~te, 0.",1... &hre Rich"rd aeoOCQte, WlfUlt"" Bt.hop Thurn",n Bt&Ck H"rrloon lloyd

Ueweltyo B'''lnIlrd Devid Bull

1",,- Bu,n. I"me. o.&dl>ll d MoI'e (:h"'I .. Rlchllrd Cord,e p""t De1ly Rlchllrd Dely""

Wlllt"m DeobIlld Allen Derr SIMI..y Gocl..de Ger"td G<-;k.. G .....ldG'een Robert Gr....r L..wrence U".....". Uoyd ll""p

1",,- H""py M"url"" Horl.... J:Io<>Illd Hunt Don Hutchl ...""" J:IonIlld Johnoton G ..n.. u.roon

Georq" '--

Devld Low,y

Douqlu McBride M,,~ M"nhew.

P"ul Moor.. WlIlt"m N".I> Itm P"r". Rob"rl Poor<>

Geo'"9" Pow..11 WHU"m Rod<>... Robe,l Sims Colvin Spo.rko 0<>1'0 St<olltrqo

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