1950 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 48 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 149

panAellenic ~unctl Panhellenic Council has as its principal function the organization and supervision of women's rush at the beginning of each semester. Two members from each of the eight sororities make up this group which also has a goal the encouragement of beller scholarship among all women students. The council has made arrangements under the War Orphan plan to provide food, clothing, medical care ,and educational opportunities for

a twelve-year-old French girl. Eliza. Officers were Jean Otlenheimer, president; Lucille Driggs, vice·president; and Norma Whitsell, secretary-


Row O"a: Carolyn Cuddock, Molly Cnmblalt, Luem.Ddlllla, " .... CtUnh.lmar. Norm.

Whit_II, a. ly S .....l.... M.,.,. Jana S..,l Row Two: Mar. iode La"'l'",an, Jo Garnar, Ro.."'a")' Harland, Joy~a r .... land, Laura M~VI~k.r. Berna. d.an R_. Coll.. n Ebba, Helen M..ne, El.ano. P .. ul..,n.

The Interfraternity Council was organized as an agency to coordinate the social and political activities of the fraternities. Two men from each fraternity chapter make up this organization which aets in solving scholarship problems, superVises and regulates rush, and Ferforms as a liaison agent between the university administration and the fraternities. First semester officers were: Dick Boyle, president; Bill Gartin, vice-president; Jack Lein, secretary; Robert Worthington, treasurer. Acting as second semester officers were: Dale Benjamin, president; Darwin Ccgswell, vice·president; Ernest Bedford, secretary; Eugene Pederson, treasurer.

Ro.. On.. : Bill Sw..t, Win Bieh_ op. Ji", Aaton, J.~k K ..hblel. Ji'" Knud..n. Ji", M ... h.ll, St.n Rivv Row Two: G.n. Bueh. O.n P.d n, E.ni. Bed. ford, Dale Benja",in. Oa. CO'J"" w.ll. 0.1. And n. John Koa. t ••.. , Row Th : O....UConq. don, Robart M&lJnu..,n. G_I'lI. Gobl•• Bill G.rtln, 0.1. B.lr. DI~k Boyle. Bll! M ..yer. Mauri~e Holland. CI... n~e Johneton.


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