1950 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 48 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 129


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Ag Students Sponsor Little International Organized in 1918 . egricultural or "g engineering majors constitute membership. . Ag Bawl held. . box social with Home Ec Club was next Ag &nquet "nd participation in Little International ended activities .. John Turnbull was president with Darrell Bienz, vice· president; John ~wrence, secretary; and Ed Rowbury, ~surer.


Ro.. On.: 0.0.,.. s"m..... , K.,,· ..eth l",,",••U...n. John A. 1.... _ •• nc•. 0 ••,. O. S ...lon •• D •• ld Th..,I0.••, 01_ 8acIo.m.n. John .I. Bindan ••• Row T ..o' P.uISCh...• Md~n. DoU9J.a. .I. Coolo.. F,,", A. 8acIo.m.n. &cI Ro..bul"J', V••n Bah., B ........ Oordon. L. o-n H.l• . . • Ro.. Th... : t - o..n, no,.d C. Ro..bul"J', D.rid C •• n ... No.m.n C. Jon_. F .. nlo. MorriMn, K.ith Judd, Lynn T. St......... n . . . Ro.. Four: W.rd Sutton. t - B. 8o,.1a. John S. To......nd. 01 •• , 01..,10. O·LaaI"J'. Fran_ d. Oa..,hlng••• O ld W . Ro.. rl... , r ••ncl. E. R,...•• Robart D. Schild. Ald.n H. !'"Iteh, H• ...,. F. I..m.n. J •.• Or-.111a H. Roba_. 0_'11. O·L.• ..,.. Don Mlteh.1I •. Ro.. SIa, D.lno Moo John D. Tu.nbull. D.I. E on. D ....l Bi.n•• No.m.n H ldHn •.. Ro.. S.•• n:Jlm B.\J940It. Wl1ll.m M.,.••• John H.n..,. P.ulaon.

Row On., r-. s..n, Zlml"i Mill.. BllI WiIli.m N.laon. l:u9.n.


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Ro ... Th... , Rhya To...y. Rleh.rd Mm••• K.nnath Sml.h. G.I.n Mo_ M ...... Alf,,", And n. M.rtln Ourad •. GI.nn M L..ll. Ab_ bott, W.,.n. Rob;"'n. J ... Sc:hmld (.d.;"'.), Don.ld Ryd..,.ch. G.rald V.n H.rd.nbarg. V••non O.llup.

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Field Trips, Smokers Highlight Group Actiu/ties Aim is to acquaint Ag Engineers with the professional field .. won the Little International Cup for the best float three out of four y~rs ... Engineer's Ball ... annuo!Il field trips ... officers include Zimri Mills, president; Galen McMaster. vice-president; Robert Pitto!lrd. secretarytreasurer; Russell Baum. scribe; Dick Toevs and Leslie Abbott. engineering council representl!ltives ... Joe Schmid served as advisor. 121

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