Code of Conduct 2023

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Principles Behind Operations

Turku Technology Properties exists to make working life even better. The company provides companies and organizations with facilities, services, and know-how that increase employee wellbeing and foster the creation of innovations.

Our operations are based on our jointly agreed values: innovation, responsibility, positivity, and openness. In everything we do, our values help and guide us to remember how to run our business and organization responsibly.

Every employee of our company has the right and obligation to promote a culture of doing things the right way. We expect the same from all our partners, customers, and stakeholders.

This Code of Conduct for Turku Technology Properties describes the principles that guide our operations.

For me, the most important principle is innovativeness: I want to be at the forefront of reshaping the real estate sector and creating environments that increase community spirit and improve working life. However, this must be done responsibly, with respect for the environment and people.

Without positivity, on the other hand, even great ideas never come to anything. Transparency, in turn, provides many people with an opportunity to join the conversation and, I think, ultimately facilitates decision-making.

code of conduct

Human Centric Approach

Turku Technology Properties is the sum of the people behind it: the staff, partners, tenants, and stakeholders.

In all our activities, we comply with laws that protect people and have nothing to do with practices that violate human rights. We want to treat everyone equally, regardless of gender, age, religion, race, skin colour, sexual orientation, ethnic or national origin, or disability.

We promote the physical and mental well-being of our staff in close cooperation with occupational health care and by providing comprehensive insurance coverage. We constantly monitor the safety of our physical working environment and keep our staff up to date with occupational safety and first aid skills.

We foster an open atmosphere in which everyone has the right to speak and be heard. We do not allow any kind of physical or verbal harassment. We support our employees so that they can succeed in their work by giving consideration for different life stages and by providing opportunities for flexibility, working time arrangements, and enabling remote work.

Once a week, we organize Science Park exercise activities for our customers and staff, and we exercise as a work team on a weekly basis. I try to attend both the Science Park and the work team's exercise activities. You may not get going on your own, but the team creates the right pressure to get moving.

code of conduct

Honest Communication

We communicate our company's operations honestly and openly. We are an active player in social media, where we post about both Turku Technology Properties and our customers.

Each employee is responsible for the appropriate use of the company name and its trademarks. We are also responsible for the public image of the company's owners and stakeholders. It is forbidden to make political, religious, or racist statements on behalf of the company and only authorized persons may make official statements about the company.

Only the company’s CEO or Communications Director may authorize the use of our company name and trademarks.

code of conduct
In my work, I think a lot about how I express things and what it might sound like to people who are not familiar with our operations. It is important to me that our communications are easily approachable – just like the company itself.
Noora Kallio, Marketing Specialist

One Globe

In all our operations, we aim for sustainable development and the smallest possible carbon footprint, in accordance with the City of Turku's carbon neutrality goals.

We focus our most significant financial investments on the most environmentally stressful part of our business: energy solutions, i.e., electricity, heating and cooling, new construction, and waste collection and recycling.

In renovations, we aim to ensure that building services solutions are energy efficient and improve the working conditions of our tenants.

We strive for innovative and environmentally friendly construction, for example, by utilizing recycled materials and doing lifecycle plans for properties. In new projects, we take care of the proper cleaning of contaminated

soil from the beginning to the end of the process. We certify all new buildings and strive to achieve the highest categories of environmental certifications.

We facilitate well-functioning everyday life in the Turku Science Park area by being a key part of the public transport network and we also support pedestrian and cycle routes.

code of conduct
Environmental issues are important to me both at work and in my private life. It is important to me that we are constantly looking for new ways to make sustainable choices, because with the right choices, we can have a significant impact on the carbon footprint of construction.

Safe and Good Working Life

We take care of the physical security of the area with technical solutions and careful planning. At construction sites, we are responsible for ensuring that there is no danger to bystanders and that everyone follows the common ground rules.

In all our activities, we strive for a better working life: it is easy and comfortable to come to work, the facilities are functional, and they are easily transformed for different uses. We invest in the attractiveness of the area in building and decorating, and also by organizing events open to everyone, with the opportunity to meet others, network, relax, and even sweat together.

We strive for continuous and critical development of our operations based on up-to-date knowledge. We are a pioneer in both technical and space solutions and open to everything new.

Improving safety and comfort often starts with small deeds. For example, we ended up increasing PharmaCity’s outdoor lighting because, when the autumn came, we noticed that the yard needed more lighting. We are now installing the latest LED technology outdoor lights on the walls.

code of conduct

Fair Partner

We take care of our financial responsibilities by paying taxes, providing direct and indirect employment, and supporting community activities.

We work with top professionals and favour long-term partnerships. We procure on market terms in accordance with good practice and involve several actors, especially in large projects. Our impartial supervisory partner handles the tenders for the contracts on our behalf, and we communicate the results and justifications of tendering to all parties. We always choose the best partner, not the cheapest one.

We do not condone bribery, money laundering, corruption, extortion, or unethical practices. We only allow business gifts, travelling and events that are part of our industry and promote our business.

We will properly investigate any violations. In 2022, we will introduce a reporting platform where anyone who notices, or suspects misconduct can report their comments anonymously and with confidence.

The measurement of responsibility has developed rapidly at Turku Technology Properties over the past five years. Responsibility is never perfect, because there is always something that can be improved, but the most important thing is that we strive for improvement.

code of conduct

Data Protection

We keep confidential information safe – whether it relates to our company's operations, staff, customers, or partners. Information security is an integral part of our day-to-day operations, and we ensure, through regular inspections with our professional partners, that information does not leak.

We respect the privacy of our employees, our tenants’ employees and other persons associated with the company and we process and store personal information as required by data protection regulations.

By requiring and complying with non-disclosure agreements and commitments, we ensure that the trade secrets and professional secrets of our partners are also secure.

code of conduct
Confidentiality is an integral part of my job. We always conduct customer negotiations in confidence, and companies or organizations do not have to worry about information being passed on.
Tinet Santalahti, Customer Relations Manager
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