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To rebrand Harrogate’s only rock and metal night “Bottom of the Bottle”. To produce a set of illustrations and illustrative type that could be applied to a range of merchandise and posters to be purchased online. The products had to appeal to the audience and have a distinct visual style with a restricted colour palette.The night is a low-budget affair, so all prints had to be able to be produced en masse and outsourced so the people who run the night can use them for future ventures.

Metalheads, punks and anyone who enjoys rock music. Customers interested in fresh, detailed imagery, youth culture, skating and a DIY aesthetic.

Youthful, hip, bright, “acquired taste”, niche market, fun.

1/7 BRIEF 5 - BOTB Tomas Cummings Final Major Project OUGD303 http://t-cummings0912fmp.blogspot.co.uk/

PRODUCT 01 The illustrative type was intended to open a dialogue with the audience and engage the viewer with the information displayed. The type set the tone for the rest of the imagery, as it follows the “grunge/punk� aesthetic which appeals to the audience. I wanted each type treatment different for the major annual events, as no night is the same despite the venue. This gives the night a heightened sense of hipness and individualism, making it stand out from other club nights.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Easter Halloween Christmas Launch Night Summer

2/7 BRIEF 5 - BOTB Tomas Cummings Final Major Project OUGD303 http://t-cummings0912fmp.blogspot.co.uk/








The images are intended to be part of a grunge aesthetic as it pleases the target audience, but without being overtly so to avoid any negative feedback from non-customers. The detail adds more depth to the image and works on a grand scale, reinforcing the impact of the design. All illustrations were hand drawn then vectored to allow for rescaling quickly and easily when applying to other products.

Pantones: Process Black M 222 M 2985 M Black tint 20%

3/7 BRIEF 5 - BOTB Tomas Cummings Final Major Project OUGD303 http://t-cummings0912fmp.blogspot.co.uk/

PRODUCT (RANGE) The posters had to be able to function and the type both legible and readable, whilst pushing the impact of the visuals as far as they could. The type itself is black as it is the easiest to interpret without losing readability. The information had to be the same thoughout the range, with the exception of a few where additional information could be added in regards to the overall composition. The posters follow the punk/DIY aesthetic, but are reminsicent of posters found on Poster Roast and the likes of Hand Drawn.

4/7 BRIEF 5 - BOTB Tomas Cummings Final Major Project OUGD303 http://t-cummings0912fmp.blogspot.co.uk/

PRODUCT (APPLICATION) The online presence for the night would be orchestrated through their existing facebook group, which has enough of the demographic plugged into whats going on, so the merchandise would be on big cartel, as it is free to host and allows for easier editing for other memebers of BOTB admin. The site itself would sell t-shirts, hoodies, colour prints, black and white prints as well as stickers. The T-shirts would cost £4.20 each to produce, with hoodies costing £9.95 each. So ideally each T shirt would cost £22

and each hoodie would be £32. This makes them seem more affordable and covers the production costs as well as delivery.

5/7 BRIEF 5 - BOTB Tomas Cummings Final Major Project OUGD303 http://t-cummings0912fmp.blogspot.co.uk/

PRODUCT (DISTRIBUTION) The cargo site itself would have an external link to pay via paypal/visa/electron/mastercard, but the host site would be easy to navigate and created on cargo due to the ease of access. This would ensure that when the project is handed over the promoters who run the night can update and add designs accordingly.

6/7 BRIEF 5 - BOTB Tomas Cummings Final Major Project OUGD303 http://t-cummings0912fmp.blogspot.co.uk/

PRODUCT (DISTRIBUTION) The facebook page would promote the launch night, since the white editions. majority of the demographic are already linked in. These would be mailed out by hand. You can buy your ticket in advance and get a promo pack, where you get an A6 and an A3 black and white print of the character on coloured stock to minimize costs. The poster would be rolled up and the prints would be produced on a standard inkjet or laserjet printer on 180/200gsm stock. The more bespoke coloured prints can be bought on the online store, as well as 5 colour print packs of the black and

7/7 BRIEF 5 - BOTB Tomas Cummings Final Major Project OUGD303 http://t-cummings0912fmp.blogspot.co.uk/

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