January 2016

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n o i s s i m s n a r T a Tiog Volume 1, Issue 1-2

January /February2016

Lead Story Headline The beginning of a new year is time for us all to consider a new direction for our club. We have been operating on bylaws that were written thirty two years ago and these, although very effective for the time, have become a hindrance to the operation of the club in the present. It has become quite evident that it is time for us to upgrade the guidelines for the club, as a result with the help of your elected officers, and fellow members George Simon, Howard Seymour, and

Bernie Sheret we have attempted to create a new more up to date set of bylaws. This step is authorized in our original bylaws, Article 10 section 2, which I printed in the newsletter this past fall. It is not a binding issue for these new bylaws to be in effect without the consent of the club. For the above reason the suggested new bylaws will be printed in this newsletter so that the membership can study them and be able to make any suggested changes and or additions.

Our February meeting will be at the Blue Dolphin on February 27th at 8:30AM. There will be a time for the discussion of these new suggested bylaws so that you all will have the opportunity to voice your opinion on the issues. The new suggested bylaws will permit your club to operate more efficiently and also make the region more vital in the community. There is also an opportunity for expansion included. The final vote will hopefully be held at our March meeting.

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Tioga Transmission

Secretary’s Report

Volume 1, Issue 1-2

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Tioga Transmission

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Tioga Transmission

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Tioga Transmission

Volume 1, Issue 1-2

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THANK YOU TO ALL OUR OFFICERS, AND THE THREE MEMBERS WHO HAVE WORKED SO HARD TO CREATE THE NEW SUGGESTED BYLAWS!!! With the approval of these new bylaws we the members of Tioga Region will have opened the door for another 32 Years of operation. I hope you will see the need for this new step in our history and will lend your support to this work Bob

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