Portfolio of Tim Wan June 2010

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Tim Wan BA Graphic Design Leeds College of Art June 2010 timsum10k@gmail.com www.teeanddoubleyou.co.uk +447845359129



What is Good?

In response to the open brief on ‘What is good?’ I focused my subject on Ninjas and how they are good. I wanted to inform people about ninja culture and show how they can become a useful part of today’s society. My solution was to

create a catalogue of ninjas, containing 45 ninja profiles gathered from 45 of the 2nd yr graphic design students at LCA. Each profile will provide the specifications of each ninja and hiring information.

The final catalogue is 114mm by 148mm black & white containing 50 sugar paper sleeves bounded together with a Japanese bind, packaged with a 150gsm black card for the back cover with a spot varnish summary and a 150gsm black

card with a negative emboss for the cover.



A Book of 100

In response to the brief, on a book of 100’ I developed a fold out book that covers the subject of a wish list of 100 things from 100 people. The book aims to reflect on a range of people’s aspirations and things they aim to

achieve or want in life. Information of each of the 100 things are noted in detail and are ordered according to price and categorised in 4 different categories: materialistic, impossible, experience and personal knowedge / gain.



Self initiated ‘If you could do anything this Christmas’

A 1 week collaborative side project with Ian Prentice. We initiated a brief for other students to submit their designs to. In return we would offer them a platform to showcase their design and get their design printed and made available for

purchase through a local arts & crafts fair and online in time for Christmas. A limited edition of 50 sets of 16 screenprinted postcards were printed with red and gold ink on 150gsm stock.



What To Eat?

Targeted at next years 1st year Graphic Design students, this pack of 24 cards contains recipes written by current Graphic Design students that follows a strict but interesting set of 16 essential ingredients that were determined by

constant research throughout my development process



Live YCN Competition P&O Ferries brief

To help promote and encourage new customers to use P&O Ferries to travel to Europe, we came up with the concept of ‘ The freedom to explore Europe with your car’

Our solution was an interactive booklet that utilises the idea of hiding the book contents by bounding the pages together, leaving a perforated edge where the users would rip open to discover whats inside. This reflects

the idea of ‘explore the booklet, explore Europe’ The sleeve acts as an infographics map detailing specific destinations/routes provided by P&O. The contents inside provides the users with information on specific European

destinations and all the travel and background information regarding each city. This was a collaborative design practice with Kate Fenton and Ross Stanton.



Business card design & production

Business card & production job for a small local cafe that serves chinese and english meals. 250 red and gold screenprinted cards were made with the concept of making a business card

feel more than just a business card therefore it was modelled on a traditional chinese red packet, which would normally be given to people as a gift.



12 Things You Should Know

For this brief, I wanted to challenge the conventioning things that people would automatically assume as being things you should know, by promoting a selection of trivial subject matters. I wanted to test the theory of whether

something can be acceptable and be made interesting by the way it is presented. I came up with the concept of producing a set of 12 publications that would provide an alternative read for young working professionals.

Each issue would contain information, pictures and case studies around the specific topic, which was aimed to promote, inform and inspire readers.

Print specification: Size Pages Stock Colours

570mm x 400mm 22 + Front & Back Bulky Newsprint Pantone Black U Pantone Warm Red U

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