Healthy Lifestyles

Page 7

January 23 & 26, 2011

W:246.683pt H:683.83pt Graphics : Ads : 159132+



Start with your weak leg first and balance on your weaker leg. Your other leg should be straight and directly behind you.

Longmont Times-Call Publication


Reach your arms forward in front of you while moving your strong leg in front of you off the ground, in a bent 90 degree angle.


Lace your fingers together under the foot of your strong leg and push your strong leg straight out in front of you with your hands still holding the bottom of your foot.


While in this position, bend your weak leg and lower your body as close to the ground as you can. Repeat until you’ve reached five repetitions. Repeat steps 2 to 5 but this time balance on your strong leg instead of your weaker one. This exercise will focus on your glutes and hamstrings. Remember to hold in your stomach and try to keep the bent knee in step 4 parallel to your ankle.


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