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April 2015

“85 Years in the Making” Image by Armando ChacÓn , M.Photog., Cr 1st Place Master’s Division - March

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April 2015

Message from the President Okay, we’re a quarter into the New Year! Holy Toledo! The excitement is building as it starts to feel like spring and PPGH is getting busier and busier every month! With each passing month, I am realizing more and more how many people it takes to operate our guild! All volunteers!

Volunteers don’t get paid, Not because they’re worthless, But because they’re priceless. { Sherry Anderson }

Volunteers DO NOT necessarily have the time; they have the heart. {Elizabeth Andrew} - Enjoy fun and fulfillment And, that’s just to list a few!! Do you have a heart of giving? The spirit of sharing? Would you like to ‘Pay It Forward’? We’d love to have you! If you would like to experience the benefits of being involved with PPGH, please join us! There are all kinds of opportunities available that fit YOUR skills, your interests, and your time. Contact Tom Hathcock {tommy@tomhathcock.com} to get connected with one of our committees! PPGH NEEDS YOU! Volunteering is a precious gift. It is precious because it is given freely. I humbly thank all of our wonderful volunteers! Bring some joy to someone today!

I am so very lucky to have a wonderful group of dedicated and committed board and committee members who are always setting the bar high in advancing the benefits PPGH provides its members. But, we are always needing more volunteers to help out. Are you willing?? It is common to think volunteering is just something nice that people can do. And, yes, it is. But, the benefits are far more reaching than that. According to the Corporation for National and Community Service website, volunteers typically have lower mortality rates, greater functional ability and lower rates of depression later in life than those who do not volunteer. In addition, volunteering is thought to reduce stress levels and improve a person’s mood. However, that’s not where the benefits stop! Volunteers... - Help strengthen the organization - Meet new people - Gain valuable skills - Make important networking contacts - Build their self-esteem - Kindle happiness


Editor Richard Higgins, CPP 2015 Committee Members Tom Hathcock, M.Photog., CPP Karen Butts, M.Photog., CPP Kevin Falcon Teresa Casillas, Nicki Evans Simpson Kathy Scalf, Cr. Dixie Dobbins, M.Photog.,Cr, CPP Hallie Keller, CPP The Viewfinder® is a monthly publication of the Professional Photographers Guild of Houston.

Professional Photographers Guild of Houston April 2015

2015 Board of Directors

Chairman of the Board Kim Christensen Email Kim

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Executive Director Tom Hathcock, M.Photog., CPP Email Tom

President Belinda Higgins, M.Photog.,Cr., CPP Email Belinda

Membership Director Blanca Duran Email Blanca

Vice President Teri Whittaker, CPP Email Teri

Director at Large Sherry PichĂŠ, CPP Email Sherry

Secretary Aileen Harding, M.Photog., CPP Email Aileen

Treasurer Kevin Falcon Email Kevin

Director at Large Orpha Garcia-Labohm Email Orpha

Director at Large Nikky LaWell, CPP Email Nikky Director Images Courtesy Belinda Higgins, M.Photog.,Cr., CPP And Denzal Lovett

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April 2015

TABLE of CONTENTS Message from the President


2015 Board of Directors


PPGH’s Newest CPP


Calendar of Events




Editor’s Corner




Member Blogs


PPGH Workshop Series


Umbrellas – The Forgotten Modifier


New Member


Members Passing the CPP Exam


March Image Competition


Merit Scores


Tips and Clips from PPA


Comprehensive Speaker List



April 2015

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PPGH’s Newest CPP The PPGH is pleased to introduce our newest Certified Professional Photographer. Laura Mansur, CPP, owns and operates LMG Portraits in Houston.

LMG Portraits is a high end and high quality portrait business. “It’s my personal view of how I see the people whom I have the pleasure to Laura Mansur, CPP photograph,” says Laura. Photography has been a part of my life since my high school days. It began with a small darkroom in the attic of my parents’ house. Thirty years later, I found myself still curious about the photography world, so I applied to the digital photography program at the Art Institute of Houston. Being the oldest student in all of my classes did not deter me from conquering Photoshop and soaking up as much knowledge about the digital world as possible. In my courses, I quickly became fascinated with the portraits of Steve McCurry and the photojournalism of Sebastiao Salgado. At home, I’ve accumulated what might be considered a hoarder’s amount of National Geographic magazines. My heart has been captured by the photojournalistic world. After graduation, I was requested by friends to take their portraits, so I began my pursuit of improving my lighting and posing skills. From there, my business, LMG Portraits, was created. I viewed the certification process of the PPA as a learning path to hone my skills as a portrait artist. Going through the process of submissions, I realized that “I didn’t know what I didn’t know”. There was just so

much to wrap my arms around, where should I begin? Learning how to use the light meter was a good place to start and consequently learning to direct the light as it falls on someone’s face came afterwards. Finally, in late February 2015, I was ready to submit my fifteen images. I found out three weeks later that I was successful. Triumphantly receiving the certification was a great personal journey and accomplishment for me. Now, that I have learned the rules of portraiture, it’s time to break them. I’ve become fascinated with

the dramatic portraits of Joel Grimmes. His method of using the rim lights to add drama inspires me. I’m also inspired by Peter Hurley and his method of chiseling the jaw and cheekbones with shadows and highlights. Although I realize how important it is to have my own voice, it is also part of our personal development to emulate those who we admire. I believe that every photographer is influenced in some small way by the hundreds of images that he has seen throughout his life. Our own personal vision is a conglomeration of all that has passed through our minds eye. This year I will continue to take studio portraits, but I would like to create more environmental portraits on location. I will be spending my time marketing and seeking the customer who will give me the opportunity to create his or her environmental portrait.

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April 2015

Calendar of Events Local Events (Register Online) This is a quick view list - A speaker summary is located at the end of this publication. Comprehensive and specific information will be included in individual ads to be included in this and subsequent Viewfinder publications.

April 21

April Meeting: Gabriel Alonzo - “Exceptional Artistry, Endless Passion...”

May 12

All Day PPA Merit Workshop: Karen Butts - Image Preparation for Competition

May 12

All Day PPA Merit Workshop: Kevin Falcon - Lightroom 5:The Photographer’s Starting Point

May 19

May Meeting: Michelle Parsley: Retouching for Competition and Portraiture

June 16

Landon Day: Senior Portraits

State and National Events April

Registration Continues for Texas School by TPPA (Limited Availability)

April 10-24

CPP Image Submission

April 28 - May 1 Texas School - Addison, TX May 26

PPA Begins Accepting Images for 2015 IPC Print Competition

June 12-26

CPP Image Submission

Birthdays Jennifer Heylman

April Birthdays 6 John Nader, CPP

Hallie Keller, CPP


23 Tom Bailey, CPP


Denise Lovelace 28

April 2015

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R E Editor’s Corner RN CO

Richard Higgins, CPP

Advertising Hello members! Your PPGH board has approved ad rates for the Viewfinder. Please look over the rates and talk with your vendors concerning advertising in the Viewfinder. You may think you do not spend enough money for a vendor to advertise, but I promise you that your vendors appreciate your business and would like another opportunity to increase their customer base. The rates are very reasonable and will reach all subscribers to The Viewfinder. The Viewfinder link is sent to members and non-members that have subscribed. All we are asking you to do is send a simple email telling the vendor about your involvement with PPGH and would like them to consider an ad in our publication. You can even copy and paste the link you are sent for the latest issue for them for their review. Send the email to their accounting office and tell them you would appreciate their help. Rates included in this issue and they can direct any questions to ppgh@ppgh.org.

Viewfinder Deadline I have been asked about deadlines for submitting articles, ads, etc. to be included in the next month’s Viewfinder. The deadline is either the 20th of the month prior to the next issue or three days after the meeting. I.E. The January meeting was on the 20th, therefore the deadline for the February Viewfinder was January 23. I hope that clears this up so lets talk about articles. Articles Your monthly newsletter is all about you. Yes, finally it is “ALL ABOUT YOU.” You do not have to be a writer, Lord knows you are busy enough, so just put a few paragraphs together about what going on with your business, life events, ETC. I have a few dedicated committee members that will prepare your article. Don’t forget images. Images are what we are all about, so send a few with your article. Do you have a blog? That is a great resource for a Viewfinder article. You have told your clients, so why not let your fellow members know what is going on with you. Don’t think someone else will do it, why don’t you take a couple of minutes and put together some article fodder? I will be anxiously waiting to learn a little more about YOU!!

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April 2015



Standing Committees


Chair, Tom Hathcock, M.Photog.,CPP Alvin Gee, M. Photog., CR., CPP Kelly Willis Dixie Dobbins, M.Photog., Cr., CPP Hallie Keller, CPP

Chair, Tom Hathcock, M.Photog.,CPP Alvin Gee, M.Photog., CR., CPP Kim Hartz, M.Photog.,CPP Dixie Bobbins, M.Photog.,Cr.,CPP Hallie Keller, CPP



Chair, Janice Jones‐Bosnic, CPP Hallie Keller, CPP Curley Marshall, Cr., CPP Mindy Harmond, CPP Dixie Dobbins, M.Photog., Cr., CPP


Board Liaisons, Tom Hathcock, M.Photog.,CPP Curley Marchall, Cr.,CPP

Clean Up

Board Liaison Teri Whittaker, CPP


Team Lead, Blanca Duran Tom Hathcock, M.Photog.,CPP Karen Butts, M.Photog., CPP Kevin Falcon, Kathy Kinser, Laura Mansur, Hallie Keller, Kim Christensen, Sandy Buller, Vanessa Matthews


Board Liaison, Belinda Higgins, M. Photog., CR., CPP


Team Lead, Curley Marshall, Cr., CPP Booker Shelton


Board Liaison and Committee Chair Teri Whittaker, CPP

Chair, Greta Jacobs-Mee, CPP Shelia Richards Kathy Kinser

Committees Image Competition

Board Liaison: Sherry Piche´, CPP Chairman: Macon Lieper Cat Dybala, M. Photog Sandy Buller


Board Liaison, Alieen Harding, M.Photog.,CPP Tom Hathcock, M.Photog.,CPP Kim Christensen Kathleen Kinser, Vanessa Matthews Brenda Logan, Vicki Longoria Dixie Dobbins, M.Photog., Cr., CPP, Curley Marshall, Cr.,CPP


Board Liaison:Tom Hathcock, M.Photog.,CPP Chairman: Richard Higgins, CPP Karen Butts, M.Photog.,CPP Kevin Falcon, Nicki Evans Simpson Teresa Casillas Kathy Scalf Dixie Dobbins, M.Phot5og.,Cr.,CPP Hallie Keller,CPP


Board Liaison, Kevin Falcon Nicki Evans Simpson Denzal Lovett


Board Liaison, Orpha Garcia-Labohmn Kathy Kinser, Teri Whittaker, CPP Aileen Harding, M. Photog., CPP Mary Blackwell, Irma Furnish Vera Brock, Kevin Falcon Tom Hathcock, M. Photog., CPP Kim Christensen, Blanca Duran Nikky LaWell, CPP Sherry Piché, CPP

Procedures and Controls Board Liaison Teri Whittaker, CPP Vicki Longoria

Mentor Program

Certification Team Leader Curley Marshall, Cr.,CPP

Web Site

Board Liaison: Kevin Falcon Chairman: Vicki Longoria Marvin Labohm Tom Hathcock, M.Photog.,CPP

Social Media

Board Liaison and Chairman Kevin Falcon

April 2015

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Member Blogs Kim Hartz, M.Photog.,CPP http://kimhartz.com/blog/ Francie Baltazar Stonestreet, Cr. Photog.,CPP http://fireheartblog.com Sandy Buller www.bullerphotography.com/blog Melanie Hall, Cr., CPP http://www.melonheadphoto.com/blog/blog/ Greta Jacobs Mee, CPP http://lakewoodphotography.com/blog/ Jennifer DeLancey Heylmun http://jennifermariephotographytexas.wordpress.com Nicki (Evans) Simpson www.nickievansphotography.com/blog

April 2015

April 2015

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April 2015

April 2015

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April 2015


April 2015

kshop Series

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April 2015

April 2015

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April 2015

April 2015

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April 2015


April 2015

kshop Series

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April 2015

Umbrellas – The F Umbrellas – The Forgotten Modifier High-Key

Posted in Image Enhancement, lighting Umbrella - The forgotten Modifier. http://findyourfocus.org/blog/?p=408

Hello, Today I am continuing with the series of using the Umbrella as your modifier. You can read about the other uses for table-top, executive portraits on location and architectural images in the Umbrellas category. Umbrellas come in many sizes and types and in today’s post I will be using two types of umbrellas. One is a 7′ Shoot-through and 2- 3′ white bounce umbrellas to achieve the high-key look. First of all, you must understand highkey. High-key is an image with an overall white or bright feel. It is often more than just a white background but rather white on white with small areas of contrast, mainly in the main subject– This case the face of our model. To successfully create this image I needed to make sure that my background went completely white without hot-spots or a vignette. Also, I wanted to add a separation light on my subject to add dimensionality. To do this I used two 3′ white bounce umbrellas. The choice of this modifier allowed me to not only light the background but also provide an edge light all with one modifier. These two lights were set up on either side of my background in the same configuration. You can see the diagram below. I feathered my umbrellas so the majority of light was for the background and just the edge of light spill lit my subject. This will take some practice to get right and a light meter is vital to make sure all areas of the background are evenly exposed. Read more about the edge of light here. The umbrella makes this very efficient due to its soft, large spread.

Portrait For my main light, I wanted a soft, directional light that would not only light my subject but the floor in front of her as well so I chose a 7′ shoot-through umbrella. The large size of this umbrella gave me the softness I desired and its shape is designed to send light in all directions thus solving my floor issue.

Last thing was to dial in my output for each light. My main light metered a 1/2 stop below the background. This made sure the BG would be a pure, clean white and I could still define my subject. A few basic adjustments in Lightroom will take care of any highlight issues that may arise in the clothing.

Using this same set-up I was able to capture several poses and even one from above with minimal alteration. Since the shoot-through umbrella provides a directional light in all directions all that was needed was to lower the height of the main light to get the following image

April 2015

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Forgotten - High-KeyModifier Portraits New Member ts where I was on a ladder above the subject.

It seems we have been trained to think that the kit is not the best. While the kit is the basics to get started, it sufficient to handle many task and lighting scenarios. The umbrella seems top be the forgotten modifier, the one tossed aside for a softbox, beauty dish, strip light etc. I am here to tell you that the umbrella can do all of these things. I am not advocating that one does not use other modifiers Not at all, each one has tremendous value, however I am saying that understanding the “science of light” and the “principles of light” you can keep those umbrellas and use them effectively for many lighting situations. In this and future post I will use umbrellas as my only source modifier to demonstrate many different uses. So open you kit, grab those umbrellas and let’s start creating! -Reprinted and edited with the permission of the author. References of other topics in this article are located on the blog.

Ed. Note: This is a great example of a blog post that was modified to create an article for the Viewfinder.

I have been “in to” photography since I was a small child using an Instamatic camera with flash cubes. I still have my photography 4H project I entered in the state fair when I was 8 years old. I got my first SLR film camera when I was about 20, and dabbled with a home darkroom.

I have no formal education. I went to a seminar with Scott Smith to learn about Jennifer Ackerman lighting ages ago, and have read every book from Amherst Media that I sell in my photo supply business. Most of my education is from trial and error in film days.

New Member

My business is mainly portraits, some preschools, dance studios, weddings and events. I am a native Ohioan, but have lived in Texas 21 years. I have a 24 year old daughter and twin 3 year old boys (surprise!). My husband is retired from the military and is now a Harris County Sheriffs Deputy. Before the twins, I enjoyed SCUBA, snow skiing, running and weight lifting, ballroom dancing, and anything competitive. I shoot Canon and drive a Ford. Scott Smith taught me lighting and has influenced me as a photographer I am going to Texas School this year (first time) for John Hartman’s marketing class. I am planning to take the next CPP test. I have been a photographer longer than I have been married, which is why my name is different than my business name. I was a member of PPGH about 15 years ago (Jennifer Belger.) I still have the two frames I won as a door prize :)

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April 2015

Members Passing the CPP Exam Leslie Cervantez Jennifer Ackerman Teresa Casillas Macon Leiper David Johnson CPP Image Submission Dates 2015 April 10-24 June 12-26 August 14-28 October 9-23

Members Passing the CPP Exam From Rich Newell IPC print chairman for the upcoming IPC competition. Here are the deadlines for IPC: Entries Open: May, 26, 2015 Early Entires Close: midnight, June 25, 2015 Late Entries Close: midnight, July 10, 2015 (with additional fee) Judging Dates: August 3, 2015 - August 6, 2015 Gwinnett Technical College 5150 Sugarloaf Pkwy, Lawrenceville, GA 30043 Live Streaming Times TBA.

March Meeting Images April 2015

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March Image Competition The Viewfinder - Page 25

2nd Place - Master

“It’s All About Me” By Armando ChacÓn, M.Photog., Cr.

April 2015

March Image Competition

April 2015

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1st Place - Active

“Product Shot of a Portable Hydrostatic Test Unit on Construction Site for Underground Pipe” By Sandy Buller

March Image Competition The Viewfinder - Page 27

3rd Place - Master (Tie)

“Baseball Beefcake” By Aileen Harding, M.Photog., CPP

April 2015

March Image Competition

April 2015

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2nd Place - Active

“Honey, Lets Have Fun” By Blanca Duran

March Image Competition The Viewfinder - Page 29

3rd Place - Master (Tie)

“Golden Girl� By Buz Marvins, M.Photog., Cr.

April 2015

March Image Competition

April 2015

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3rd Place - Active

“The Fleet at Dusk” By Melanie Hall, Cr., CPP

Merit S

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April 2015

“I’m Sticking To It” By Karen Butts, M. Photog, CPP

“ By Arma

“Whiskers” By Vicki Longoria

“Yes, I am the Alpha Dog” By Kim Christensen

“Ginger” By Karen Butts, M. Photog., CPP

Scores April 2015

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“Granny” By Kelly Willis

“Back to the Future” ando ChacÓn, M.Photog., Cr.

“Not Another Step” By Kelly Willis

“Fly Away with Me” By Melanie Hall, Cr., CPP “Little Miss Congeniality” By Karen Butts, M. Photog., CPP

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April 2015

Tips and Clips from PPA Super1Day Registration Open Now!

Follow Along as Two Studios Get Makeovers.

Everyone’s favorite peer-to-peer education extravaganza is back! Registration for Super1Day spring session classes are now open. More than 115 classes are coming in May so lock up your spot now! Take a look at what’s being offered and find a class near you. Don’t forget, if you attend a class you’ll earn a merit toward your degrees!

PPA is giving two lucky studios complete makeovers this year to help them reach their goals. You can follow along with their progress through monthly blog updates with video from the mentors who are helping with the process. Read the first blog to get the overview of the project and meet the players!

Quick Link

Sign up for the Business Basics Workshop in April! Need a boost for your business? Look no further. These workshops are proven to give you the business tools you need to compliment your skills behind the camera. Sign up now for this workshop at PPA headquarters in Atlanta with Ann Monteith and you can bring along someone from your studio for free!

Quick Link

New Member Benefit: PhotoVision is PPA’s Newest Membership Benefit Here’s another huge announcement for you PPA photographers! At Imaging USA, PhotoVision was rolled out as your newest PPA membership benefit. You now get the full PhotoVision monthly streaming library at no additional cost! Read on for more info.

Quick Link

Quick Link

Faces of PPA Campaign. Step out from behind the camera and get in front of it for once! Submissions are open. This campaign showcases the diversity within the PPA community, so get involved, have fun and show who you are in your own creative way. It’s also a marketing tool: use it as your own published article feature! It gives your credibility and visibility and that’s all that matters! Have a look at this handy Faces of PPA video and check out the gallery on Facebook. Quick Link

theLoop There are several ways you can engage with your members: • In theLoop, PPA’s exclusive Online community. • Want a place to chat with other Affiliate Leaders? theLoop has a group for that! Check out the Affiliate Leaders Group. • Or why not become active and promote your affiliate in your Local and State community

theLoop Link

April 2015

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Get your clients to... Be proud of being a pro! Use the resources from the See The Difference consumer campaign so that your clients and prospects can see the value in hiring a PPA photographer. Download, link to, share and print these sales tools to show the difference a professional photographer can make.

Use PPA’s resources! Shareable Videos

Facebook Tabs

Online Promotions


Website & Email Landing Pages



Customizable Brochures

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Comprehensive Speaker List

April 2015

April 2015

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April 2015

Turn static files into dynamic content formats.

Create a flipbook
Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.