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June 2015

“Rasta” By Laura Mansur, CPP

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June 2015

Message from the President Growing Pains As we prepared for May’s general meeting at Pappas BBQ { trying to overcome the challenges of the day }, it dawned on me that we (PPGH) are experiencing ‘growing pains’. For the good and the bad of it, just plain old growing pains! What a Blessing! PPGH is growing by leaps & bounds. The biggest challenge of 2015 has been finding the perfect meeting place. As we brought in 2015, it was decided that we would explore new meeting places. Hoping to find the ‘perfect’ location; -Centrally located -Lots of character -Yummy food choices -A place that might even offer a glass of wine or a beer - Lots of safe parking Though we have found several places, they have all come with their own challenges. However, we have not given up. If you have any suggestions, please email me at higginsphotography@earthlink.net ! Also, as I mentioned last month, our growth also means we need extra volunteers/helpers. We are looking to establish a few new committees and looking for members to help us with them. Are you able to help? - Communications As we grow, our social medias and online communication is changing by the millisecond. We need help with face book posting, emails notifications, etc. Spreading the word about upcoming PPGH events, etc. - Graphic Design Do you have the gift and knowledge of graphic design? Can you help design promotional pieces for PPGH events; email marketing, Viewfinder ads, etc.

- History I am trying to establish an archived history of PPGH. Will you work with me to contact members to gather photographs of past PPGH events/members; scanning & archiving to establish a recorded history of PPGH. - Etc. Just a few years ago, our attendance was not large enough to need speakers & a microphone. Boy oh boy, that is not the case now. So, we have purchased speakers & a mike. We are learning to use them to optimize the best possible sound. Our Print competition has grown from approximately 10 images per month to 30+! We believe, in the spirit of education, at least one judge must comment on each image. With this growth, we have experienced definite growing pains…but we have improvements in the works! Keep those images coming! This is an excellent source of learning how to improve your photography. Thank you, thank you, thank you. It is because of YOU

Editor Richard Higgins, CPP 2015 Committee Members Tom Hathcock, M.Photog., CPP Karen Butts, M.Photog., CPP Kevin Falcon Teresa Casillas, Nicki Evans Simpson Kathy Scalf, Cr. Dixie Dobbins, M.Photog.,Cr, CPP Hallie Keller, CPP The Viewfinder® is a monthly publication of the Professional Photographers Guild of Houston.

Professional Photographers Guild of Houston June 2015

2015 Board of Directors

Chairman of the Board Kim Christensen Email Kim

The Viewfinder - Page 2

Executive Director Tom Hathcock, M.Photog., CPP Email Tom

President Belinda Higgins, M.Photog.,Cr., CPP Email Belinda

Membership Director Blanca Duran Email Blanca

Vice President Teri Whittaker, CPP Email Teri

Director at Large Sherry PichĂŠ, CPP Email Sherry

Secretary Aileen Harding, M.Photog., CPP Email Aileen

Treasurer Kevin Falcon Email Kevin

Director at Large Orpha Garcia-Labohm Email Orpha

Director at Large Nikky LaWell, CPP Email Nikky Director Images Courtesy Belinda Higgins, M.Photog.,Cr., CPP And Denzal Lovett

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June 2015

TABLE of CONTENTS Message from the President


2015 Board of Directors


Editor’s Corner


Calendar of Events






Member Blogs


March Meeting Images


April Meeting Images


May Meeting Images


PPGH Workshop Series


New Member




May Image Competition


Merit Scores


Tips and Clips from PPA


Comprehensive Speaker List


CPP Image Submission Dates 2015 June 12-26 August 14-28 October 9-23

June 2015

The Viewfinder - Page 4

that PPGH is growing. We are honored that you choose to be a PPGH member and visit our meetings. Why is PPGH growing { when so many photography organizations are shrinking }? - Positive atmosphere; honoring our core values of celebrating diversity, individual gifts and talents, nurturing personal growth, and inspiring creative thinking - Staying true to our mission; an unwavering commitment to education, to all levels of photographers - Continually raising the bar with high quality speakers

- Emphasis of small, intimate workshops; educating with ‘hands on’ experiences - Offering yearly scholarships for continued education to our members - And, just plain fun people to learn with As always, I welcome your feedback and I appreciate your sincere commitment to helping PPGH become the best place to learn, and success. See you June 16! Hugs! Belinda

Editor’s Corner Viewfinder Editor Needed Due to some unexpected personal issues this will be the last Viewfinder that I will edit. When a position comes open and there is a knowledge transfer required, I think it is imperative to begin seeking a new candidate for that position as soon as possible. I have prepared and submitted this issue of The Viewfinder. The next editor will begin with the July 2015 issue. While sometimes difficult to obtain in a timely manner, most of the ads, images and articles are provided to you. You simply size those items to fit in the space allotted. Space is basically unlimited, but that can pose as many problems as opportunities. There have been two products, of which I know, used to prepare The Viewfinder. I use Adobe In Design and the previous editor used Scribus. Scribus is a free product, should the next editor not have access to or is uncomfortable with In Design. Both the previous editor and I will be glad to train you on those products, if required or requested. I work on the things I can throughout the month, however most things are provided near the end of the month. I currently use the 20th or three days after the monthly general meeting, whichever is later, as the deadline for Viewfinder submittals. Quite frankly, however, had I held rigid on those dates, The Viewfinder would have been published without many important articles, ads or images. The key word is flexible. Be flexible and default to providing an informative publication rather than meeting a preconceived deadline. The time required is not unreasonable. It takes me about 10 hours each month, which is less than 30 minutes a day, to prepare and submit The Viewfinder to be published online. I am just an intermediate user and any advanced tools you may know will reduce the required time. If you think you might be interested, please contact her or one of the Board of Directors to let them know of your interest in helping your guild. Questions?? You may contact me directly at Richard@higginsphotography.com or any director.

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June 2015

Calendar of Events Local Events (Register Online) This is a quick view list - A speaker summary is located at the end of this publication. Comprehensive and specific information will be included in individual ads to be included in this and subsequent Viewfinder publications.

June 5

CPP test. Contact Curley Marshall, Cr.,CPP or sign up through PPA.com

June 9 June 11

Kelli Willis: Oil Embellishments on Canvas SOLD OUT! All Day PPA Merit Workshop: Kim Hartz - SOLD OUT!

June 16

Landon Day: Senior Portraits

State and National Events June 9

Certification, Competition, and Credentials Webinar

June 11

Creating Sustainable and Successful Marketing Strategies Webinar

June 12-26

CPP Image Submission

June 25

Images for 2015 IPC Print Competition Early Entries Close

June 28 - July 1 TPPA Summerfest: La Torretta Lakeside Resort, Conroe, TX Summerfest Link

Birthdays June Birthdays Mike Marvins, M.Photog., Cr., F_ASP 1 Major Arnaud


9 Susan Haggar, M.Photog., CPP


Nicki Evans-Simpson

18 Kathy Scalf, Cr. Photog.


Iraj Ghavidel, M. Photog., CPP



Joelyn Laughlin, CPP

Macon Leiper

June 2015

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Richard Higgins, CPP

Advertising Hello members! Your PPGH board has approved ad rates for the Viewfinder. Please look over the rates and talk with your vendors concerning advertising in the Viewfinder. You may think you do not spend enough money for a vendor to advertise, but I promise you that your vendors appreciate your business and would like another opportunity to increase their customer base. The rates are very reasonable and will reach all subscribers to The Viewfinder. The Viewfinder link is sent to members and non-members that have subscribed. All we are asking you to do is send a simple email telling the vendor about your involvement with PPGH and would like them to consider an ad in our publication. You can even copy and paste the link you are sent for the latest issue for them for their review. Send the email to their accounting office and tell them you would appreciate their help. Rates included in this issue and they can direct any questions to ppgh@ppgh.org.

Viewfinder Deadline I have been asked about deadlines for submitting articles, ads, etc. to be included in the next month’s Viewfinder. The deadline is either the 20th of the month prior to the next issue or three days after the meeting. I.E. The January meeting was on the 20th, therefore the deadline for the February Viewfinder was January 23. I hope that clears this up so lets talk about articles. Articles Your monthly newsletter is all about you. Yes, finally it is “ALL ABOUT YOU.” You do not have to be a writer, Lord knows you are busy enough, so just put a few paragraphs together about what going on with your business, life events, ETC. I have a few dedicated committee members that will prepare your article. Don’t forget images. Images are what we are all about, so send a few with your article. Do you have a blog? That is a great resource for a Viewfinder article. You have told your clients, so why not let your fellow members know what is going on with you. Don’t think someone else will do it, why don’t you take a couple of minutes and put together some article fodder? I will be anxiously waiting to learn a little more about YOU!!

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June 2015



Standing Committees


Chair, Tom Hathcock, M.Photog.,CPP Alvin Gee, M. Photog., CR., CPP Kelly Willis Dixie Dobbins, M.Photog., Cr., CPP Hallie Keller, CPP

Chair, Tom Hathcock, M.Photog.,CPP Alvin Gee, M.Photog., CR., CPP Kim Hartz, M.Photog.,CPP Dixie Bobbins, M.Photog.,Cr.,CPP Hallie Keller, CPP



Chair, Janice Jones‐Bosnic, CPP Hallie Keller, CPP Curley Marshall, Cr., CPP Mindy Harmond, CPP Dixie Dobbins, M.Photog., Cr., CPP


Board Liaisons, Curley Marchall, Cr.,CPP

Clean Up

Board Liaison Teri Whittaker, CPP


Team Lead, Blanca Duran Tom Hathcock, M.Photog.,CPP Karen Butts, M.Photog., CPP Kevin Falcon, Kathy Kinser, Laura Mansur, Hallie Keller, Kim Christensen, Sandy Buller, Vanessa Matthews


Board Liaison, Belinda Higgins, M. Photog., CR., CPP


Team Lead, Curley Marshall, Cr., CPP Booker Shelton


Board Liaison and Committee Chair Teri Whittaker, CPP

Greta Jacobs-Mee, CPP Shelia Richards Kathy Kinser

Committees Image Competition

Board Liaison: Sherry Piche´, CPP Chairman: Macon Lieper Cat Dybala, M. Photog Sandy Buller


Board Liaison, Alieen Harding, M.Photog.,CPP Tom Hathcock, M.Photog.,CPP Kim Christensen Kathleen Kinser, Vanessa Matthews Brenda Logan, Vicki Longoria Dixie Dobbins, M.Photog., Cr., CPP, Curley Marshall, Cr.,CPP


Board Liaison:Tom Hathcock, M.Photog.,CPP Chairman: Richard Higgins, CPP Karen Butts, M.Photog.,CPP Kevin Falcon, Nicki Evans Simpson Teresa Casillas Kathy Scalf Dixie Dobbins, M.Phot5og.,Cr.,CPP Hallie Keller,CPP


Board Liaison, Kevin Falcon Nicki Evans Simpson Denzal Lovett


Board Liaison, Orpha Garcia-Labohmn Kathy Kinser, Teri Whittaker, CPP Aileen Harding, M. Photog., CPP Mary Blackwell, Irma Furnish Vera Brock, Kevin Falcon Tom Hathcock, M. Photog., CPP Kim Christensen, Blanca Duran Nikky LaWell, CPP Sherry Piché, CPP

Procedures and Controls Board Liaison Teri Whittaker, CPP Vicki Longoria

Mentor Program

Certification Team Leader Curley Marshall, Cr.,CPP

Web Site

Board Liaison: Kevin Falcon Chairman: Vicki Longoria Marvin Labohm Tom Hathcock, M.Photog.,CPP

Social Media

Board Liaison and Chairman Kevin Falcon

June 2015

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Member Blogs Kim Hartz, M.Photog.,CPP http://kimhartz.com/blog/ Francie Baltazar Stonestreet, Cr. Photog.,CPP http://fireheartblog.com Sandy Buller www.bullerphotography.com/blog Melanie Hall, Cr., CPP http://www.melonheadphoto.com/blog/blog/ Greta Jacobs Mee, CPP http://lakewoodphotography.com/blog/ Jennifer DeLancey Heylmun http://jennifermariephotographytexas.wordpress.com Nicki (Evans) Simpson www.nickievansphotography.com/blog

June 2015

June 2015

March Meeting Images

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Images by Denzal Lovett

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April Meeting Images

Images by Denzal Lovett

June 2015

June 2015

May Meeting Images

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Images by Denzal Lovett

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PPGH Workshop UT Series S



June 2015

June 2015

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PPGH Workshop Series

June 2015

June 2015

The Viewfinder - Page 16

New Member The Viewfinder - Page 17

Ann O’Neill Deal is the owner and lead photographer of Candid FX Photography. She recently moved to Houston with her husband after living in San Diego for 6 years. Ann O’Neill Deal

She grew up in Canada where she obtained her BA and an MA in Anthropology, with a specialization in Primatology. After working for many years in academia, she decided to pursue her passion for photography on a full time basis in 2010.

New Member

She specializes in wedding, portrait and pet photography, with a personal passion for wildlife and nature photography. She is a member of the PPA and currently working toward her CPP (Certified Professional Photographer). Her two dogs are her world and inspiration. She also loves to cook and share many vegetarian recipes from her blog. She continues to challenge herself by entering images in local, national and international print competitions, and is honored to have received several merits for images, both locally and internationally. She looks forward to being part of the PPGH community with all its educational and networking opportunities.”


If you want a better understanding of color June 2015 photographic printing, whether or not you intend to be involved with laboratory work or not, a basic knowledge of printer output is important. New technology in printing documents, greeting cards, and photos, color printers have changed the printing industry. This change is seen both in the business world and at your home. Color printers are such a common computer accessory that today many computer companies offer a free printer when you buy a computer. Traditionally, color laser printers were used only in the workplace and ink-jet printers were the choice for home and home-offices. There have been recent advances in printers, toner and ink technology. Add to that a drop in prices on different types of printers and you now have more choices than ever. Laser printers use a laser beam to produce an image on a drum. Without getting into a boring technical paper on this theory, the laser beam charges the image onto the drum which is then exposed to the toner and transferred onto the paper. I realize this is quite an oversimplification, but this is basic information not a printing instruction manual. The drum will transfer each of the four colors Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black (CMYK) to the paper. These printers are still the most expensive. Ink Jet printers work by spraying ink onto the paper. Magnetized plates, in the printer’s ink head, reshape the ink as it is sprayed onto the paper in the desired shapes. Depending on the quality of the printer there may be 2 to 10 ink cartridges to create the shapes and will have millions of color available. Some of these printers with many cartridges are called True-color printers. There is a type of printer that uses four wax blocks in the basic colors (CMYK). These blocks rest against a heated print head and when called upon, the melted ink will be sprayed onto the paper. The ink-jet and wax block printers must always have the ink available. These printers should never be powered down. The constant melting and hardening of wax and the ink in the jets will commonly clog the jets during power down causing undesirable results in printing since a clogged jet will not let the ink pass through. Printer head replacement is expensive and the clean function on the printer will do very little toward unclogging a blocked jet. Reprinted from the UH-CL DMST Blog

March Meeting Images June 2015

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May Image Competition The Viewfinder - Page 19

1st Place - Master

“Chrenck Family Restored” By Cat Dybala, M.Photog.

June 2015

June 2015

May Image Competition The Viewfinder - Page 20

1st Place - Active

“Are We Done Yet?” By Kim Kuhlman

May Image Competition The Viewfinder - Page 21

2nd Place - Master

“Ethereal” By Cat Dybala, M. Photog.

June 2015

June 2015

May Image Competition The Viewfinder - Page 22

2nd Place - Active

“Rainy Boston Afternoon” By Teri Whittaker, CPP

May Image April Image Competition Competition The Viewfinder - Page 23

3rd3rd Place - Master (Tie) Place - Master

“Just Hatched� By Karen Butts, M. Photog., CPP

June 2015

June 2015

May Image Competition The Viewfinder - Page 24

3rd Place - Active

“Eddie and His Sax” By Laura Mansur, CPP

May Image Competition The Viewfinder - Page 25

3rd Place - Master (Tie)

“The King” By Cat Dybala, M. Photog.

June 2015

June 2015 Merit Scores

Merit Scores

The Viewfinder - Page 26

“The Mastermind” By Armando Chacon, M. Photog., CR.

“Pillar of Grace” By Nikky LaWell, CPP

“Life is Great” By Tom Hathcock, M. Photog., CPP

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June 2015

Tips and Clips from PPA Certification, Competition, and Credentials: The Course for Continued Success On June 9, learn about the PPA’s Certified Professional Photographer designation as well as the Master of Photography, Photographic Craftsman and Artist Degrees, what it takes to add them to your own resume and how they will help you become a better photographer. Utilizing these built-in achievement programs does more than just add letters to the end of your name! <quick link>

New, See The Difference Resources! More, See The Difference, resources continue to roll out, and hopefully, you’re leveraging them to gain some clients! Two videos now join the growing library of resources: a general (and funny!) resources video for us, photographers, to leverage the tools within the See The Difference campaign, and another video, to show to existing and prospective wedding clients. Sharing these resources and videos will only make the message stronger. It should be a no brainer as to why it matters to hire a professional photographer. These videos help convey just that. Follow the links below! General Video

Wedding Video

PPA Council Elections On this page you will find the total number of council seats for your state (plus Washington D.C., Canada and Puerto Rico). Find out how many votes you can cast and then go vote!

Faces of PPA Campaign. This popular campaign has featured hundreds of PPA members, giving them face time and more professional recognition. Use it as a marketing tool, show off your profile as a professional photographer with your clients and friends – this campaign is for PPA photographers to be more visible! And submissions are always open. Get involved, have fun and show who you are in your own creative way. Let PPA show you off! Some states are way under represented… don’t make us call out names… check out the Faces of PPA Gallery online (you can sort it by state) and you’ll quickly see who’s missing! Quick Link

theLoop There are several ways you can engage with your members: • In theLoop, PPA’s exclusive Online community. • Want a place to chat with other Affiliate Leaders? theLoop has a group for that! Check out the Affiliate Leaders Group. • Or why not become active and promote your affiliate in your Local and State community.

theLoop Link

June 2015

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The Viewfinder - Page 29

Comprehensive Speaker List

June 2015

June 2015

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The Viewfinder - Page 31

June 2015

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