Ktpfpissue 6

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KTPF Magazine

Issue 6 - Oct/Nov 2015

The KTPF Magazine

Oct. 2015 issue6

The KTPF Magazine is a FREE monthly publication produced by The KTPF Community Talk Show, covering the paranormal, conspiracies and other strange phenomena. Each month we will bring you the latest news from a variety of subjects, as well as mentioning the interviews and features expressed on our weekly talk show. Including contributions from reputed writers in their field; we will also be showcasing groups and haunted venues from around the world. Plus incorporating the forthcoming events as advertised on our sister site, Paranormal Events 4U. Contributors Wanted The KTPF Magazine is always looking for contributors to add their work to our magazine. So if you’re interested then contact us at publisher@ktpf.co.uk and let us know if you would like to regularly publish your work with us. We regret that we cannot accept every article we receive. These are unpaid, yet rewarding opportunities. Authors can write about almost anything paranormal, including ghosts, monsters, psychic phenomena, or other supernatural and unexplained mysteries. You can also contribute articles on conspiracies as well as theories of mind and consciousness. Submissions must represent the original work of the author’s and may include the author's by-line, biography, and photograph. Authors retain the copyright of their work and may publish the identical article elsewhere if desired. Disclaimer - Contributors who wish to submit articles and photographs, do so at their own risk. By submitting material, you certify that it is original. The KTPF are not responsible for articles that appear in the magazine which do not belong to the individuals submitting them. The opinions expressed by any contributor are solely the opinions of the original source who express them. NB: If you are aware of any material featured in the KTPF Magazine that is not credited correctly, then please inform us as soon as possible Credits: Front Page: Sue Taggart


Editor and Compiler Andy Mercer Co-Editors Steve Taggart Susanne Taggart Contributors Alison Wynne-Ryder Ben Emlyn-Jones Andrew Collins Nicole Strickland Brian Langdon Jenny Ashford Jenney

KTPF Magazine

Issue 6 - Oct/Nov 2015

Editor’s note Welcome to issue 6 Oct/Nov 2015 Page 5 – Paranormal News A Special Announcement

In this issue-

Page 6 – Steve T’s Ghost Hunting Guide The first part of Steve’s guide, that takes us through his tips on ghost hunts and paranormal investigating.

Following his appearance on the show we offer another extract from the re-vamped edition of the ‘Black Alchemist’ by Andy Collins.

Page 8 - Alison Wynne-Ryder’s regular feature. Angel Affirmations and how to write them Page 12 – ‘Spotlight On’- New World Paranormal Page 15 – Haunted locations across the UK Special Editon Borley, the famous Essex Village home to probably the most famous haunting of all Page 18 – KTPF Interview Review – JFK Assassination Following on form his talk about the JFK assassination Andy looks in detail at the actual shots fired at Kennedy. The official version compared to what many believe really happened Page 26 – KTPF Interview Review - Psychic Questing Andy Collins with a second excerpt for the updated ‘Black Alchemist’ Page 33 – KTPF Interview Review - RMS Queen Mary Nicole Strickland tell us all about the hauntings of RMS Queen Mary, possibly the most haunted ship in the world Page 40 – KTPF Interview Review - Special Debate The 9/11 Debate – Ben Emlyn-Jones and Andy Mercer discuss the events surrounding the collapse of the Twin Towers and the attack on the Pentagon

We have an extract from Jenny Ashford and Tom Ross’ book on The Mammoth Mountain Poltergeist Following On from the JFK assassination show Andy Mercer outlines his own theory on the number a trajectory of bullets fired. Ben Emlyn-Jones expounds the intriguing theory that on 9/11 the Twin Towers were brought down by a directed energy weapon. Alison Wynne-Ryder talks ‘Angel Affirmations, and Brian Langdon tells us the tale of The Fleet Street Phantom All this and much more

Page 48 – KTPF Interview Review – Mammoth Mountain Ghost Jane Ashford and Tim Ross talked to us about the poltergeist, and Jane gives us an excerpt from her book on the case Page 53 – The Fleet Street Phantoma true-life ghost story from Brian Langston (who will be a guest live on the show in November)


Paranormal News Special Announcement!

KTPF Magazine

Issue 6 - Oct/Nov 2015


KTPF Magazine

Issue 6 - Oct/Nov 2015

Special announcement!

We are joining up with Worsley radio who will be broadcasting our show live on Sunday evening!! This all starts from the 11th of October 5

KTPF Magazine

Issue 6 - Oct/Nov 2015

Hi, my name is Steve Taggart and I have been interested in the Paranormal for many years. I decided to join a local paranormal group, which took my path towards starting my own back in 2007. And with the help of some enthusiastic friends, the UK Shadow Seekers was born. And the Rest as They Say is History ‌

EMF Meters (ElectroMagnetic Field) I’m sure you have seen people using EMF meters during Ghost Hunts on the TV. Well these are not as daunting as they may seem and will sound an alarm, flash lights or both depending on what type you have, when close to electric cables, alarm and fuse boxes, that do generate a Magnetic Field.

It is said, that Spirits can interfere with the Electromagnetic Field. If this should happen, when you know you are not close to a natural source of electromagnetic field, then there is a good chance there could be a Spirit near. Of course this has not yet been proven. On a visit to Doncaster Air Museum, we used an EMF meter called the KII The KII is a meter with five lights, which flash the higher the EMF is detected and on this occasion we placed it on the floor, next to the front end of the fuselage of a Fighter Plane. We started by asking Spirit to flash the lights if there was a Male Spirit with us and the lights flashed. For the next 10 minutes we had a conversation by asking Spirit to flash the lights in a certain way and when we had finished, we thanked the Spirit for talking to us. We continued to talk amongst ourselves for the next 5 minutes or so about what just happened and during this time, not once did the lights flash. And for this reason and this reason alone, the KII is the EMF meter I would recommend. If you encounter significantly high EMF readings, then this could be the reason for what people are feeling as very high levels of EM waves can cause feelings of nausea.


KTPF Magazine

Issue 6 - Oct/Nov 2015

The Tameside and Glossop branch of the RSPCA is separate and independent from the parent charity (National RSPCA) and run entirely by unpaid volunteers. Volunteer Driver to assist our cat rehoming coordinator urgently needed download our leaflet here Please note that this branch does NOT have an office as it is managed and operated by volunteers from their own homes. Email: office@rspca-tameside-glossop.org.uk

2015 Psychic Ether Tour Derek Acorah's brand new theatre tour.

Derek Acorah needs no introduction. The pioneer for Spiritualism and mediumship on television, he is arguably the world’s most renowned Spirit Medium having demonstrated to many hundreds of thousands of people in theatres throughout the UK. Derek’s television career dates back over fifteen years when he became the first medium ever to demonstrate live on air and without the benefit of an edit suite on a weekly basis bringing hope and comfort to the viewing public. Visit Derek’s website for more details on dates and venues


KTPF Magazine

Issue 6 - Oct/Nov 2015

ANGEL AFFIRMATIONS Positive thinking Affirmations are statements we make about ourselves. Those of you who already follow me on twitter or who are friends on Facebook will know that I write my own affirmations which I share with everyone as guided by the angels. An Angel Affirmation is a short positive declaration which you can keep with you, repeat to yourself and your Angels mentally, and use on a practical and emotional level right throughout the day. It can be something short and sweet which is easy for you to remember. It can be difficult sometimes to think of positive words to say about ourselves because In our society we find it acceptable to say negative things and not think twice about it. We are taught from when we are Pellentesque: little, not to be vain, not to brag, to be modest, quiet and socially acceptable. You know how it goes... “Oh, aren’t I silly”? “I am so forgetful”, “I’m always broke”, “I’m not very clever”, “I’m not very attractive”, “I never have any luck” and so on, and so on.... Everything you say is being taken in and stored away and in the end you believe it and bring it into your life. Change is possible To change something, you have to work at it, believe in yourself and stop procrastinating. To have a positive life you need to start training. Reversing a negative attitude will not happen overnight, but it really is amazing how quick it can be. Start to make positive statements about yourself, make small adjustments in the way you take things on board and you will be amazed at the results.

BIO - ALISON WYNNE-RYDER Alison Wynne-Ryder is a Clairvoyant Medium of international fame whose extraordinary abilities bring comfort and guidance to her many clients worldwide. Her book ‘The Quirky Medium has been published and is receiving excellent reviews globally. She has been awarded a Silver Winner's certificate in the Wishing Shelf Independent Book Awards and was a runner up in the People's Book Prize awards. In her book, Alison shares the astonishing story of her life as a Medium and co-host on the popular reality TV Show Rescue Mediums with candour and humour. Alison has been practicing Reiki for 13 years & is a Reiki Master/Practitioner with an excellent reputation. She is an angel tutor and enjoys sharing her knowledge and love of the angels with others through her popular workshops. In addition to this she is an Angelic Reiki Practitioner working with the Angelic Kingdom of Light to bring the highest form of healing to her clients. Alison’s work has been featured in the National and Local Press as well as magazines such as Spirit & Destiny, Chat Magazine, Woman’s Own and The Magical Times. She a regular guest on KTPF talk Radio & has hosted and guested on numerous other radio stations. Alison has recently moved to the Costa Blanca region of Spain with her husband John, dog Libby and cats Tara and Celeste. She particularly enjoys sitting in her prized roof top garden having a cheers to the Universe with a nice glass of vino in her hand! Alison tweets @rescuemediumali and can be contacted via e-mail at thequirkymedium@gmail.com or through the contact page on her websites at http://thequirkymedium.blogspot.co.uk/


KTPF Magazine

Issue 6 - Oct/Nov 2015

Educate yourself and those around you Even if you have learned with the angels help to think in a positive way there is often someone around you who says "Nothing good happens to me" or, "I never have good luck". Well of course they won't have good luck or have something good in their life because if they are thinking in a negative way or expecting only negative things to happen then hey presto, that's what the Universe will bring them! Ensure that you don't let such people drag you down, ask the angels to buoy you and repeat your affirmation over and over in your mind so you are not taking their negative vibes on board. Once you learn how to write your own positive affirmations with the help of the angels then you can shine your light out and others will follow in your footsteps. Write your own Say your affirmation out loud every morning before you leave the house or even better, look at yourself in the mirror deep into your own eyes and say those words with love from your heart. Another tip is to make, or buy affirmation cards and put them all over the house, read them often until you know them by heart and start to believe them. Ensure you do not use words such as ‘I won’t’, I can’t, shouldn’t, etc, and you will see then, how much potential you have, so be creative and stay positive. An example of a daily affirmation card is ‘I release the past & concentrate on my future". Remember that the angels love you for who you are, a unique child of the Universe so another wonderful affirmation could be "I love myself for who I am". There are so many wonderful affirmations that you could say and/or write down. The key is to believe the words, say them over and over each day until you believe them and watch the magic happen! Angel wings A lovely way of connecting to the angels as well as affirming positivity in your own life is to make your very own 'angel wings'. Get some white card, draw an angel's wing in pencil, and cut round it. Start with around 6 wings and write positive affirmations on them. Dot them around the house in places where you will see them regularly, and pop one in your car so that when you are driving to work on a Monday morning you will see your angel wing affirmation filling you with positive vibes for the day ahead.


KTPF Magazine

Issue 6 - Oct/Nov 2015

12 magical Angel Affirmations! 1.

I am a loving & unique child of the Universe


My Guardian Angel loves me unconditionally


I have freedom of choice & trust in the guidance of my heart


I believe in the magic of my dreams


I grow stronger in spirit every day


I live a peaceful life of love, inner strength & wisdom


I see the beauty in myself & every living thing


I trust in my ability to accomplish my goals


I follow the guiding light of my angel & believe


I exercise my own power of truth speaking lovingly from my heart


I feel blessed every minute of every day as my Guardian Angel shows me the way


I believe in the power of destiny as I move through the winds of change

You can add to this list by writing your own positive affirmations to include words about getting the job you want, passing your driving test, bringing romance into your life, and so on. Enjoy reading your affirmations every day and enjoy seeing them come to fruition.


KTPF Magazine

Issue 6 - Oct/Nov 2015

LIBER CORONZOM Available Soon‌

Here are some paranormal events company offering you the chance to experience ghost hunting for yourself. (Click on the image to visit the site)


KTPF Magazine

Issue 6 - Oct/Nov 2015


My Name is Darren Jensen and I have been investigating in the paranormal for the past 8 years. As a child I was brought up in an environment that was surrounded by family that was spiritualists, my mum, gran, auntie and even my sister was all firm believers of the paranormal. Growing up I had several experiences that I could not explain, from doors closing to hearing voices in the house when I was alone . I decided that I would like to look deeper in to the paranormal and decided to look up local research groups in my area. I came across local teams and attended my first investigation, and what an insight and experience that was. We went to Harwich Redoubt Fort to which even now going back there 4-5 times since has still been as active as my first visit. As time went on I was eager to discover more and chose to set up my own team, and that's when New World Paranormal was born. Since then and time has gone by I have been learning and making more sense of my personal experiences and have learnt to develop the ability to communicate with spirit, but a lot of this has been thanks to my partner who unbeknown to me before we had even met had an interest in the paranormal 3 yrs ago. The team is made up of myself who is the founder and a lead investigator and also one of the team mediums. My partner Tequila: she is a lead investigator and medium who starting having an interest in this field at a young age, when she was very young growing up In a spiritual family deriving from Spanish gypsies. She does alot of tarot readings and also works with crystals, but mainly uses her ability on investigations to keep the team safe from anything negative. Richard who heads up our technical division of the team, Richard has several degrees ranging from Television Production - Media and Editing alongside this he is heavily involved with all other aspects of the teams activity's. Having a history of personal experiences and discovering many years ago that he was able to communicate John and his wife sue: they originally attended the team as regular guests and was complete Sceptics to which after several experiences are now firm believers in the paranormal. Sue also helps out doing a lot of background research on historic locations, to which helps confirm and also deny the teams findings after an investigation. Kay is a team investigator who has sensitive capabilities as well as also working heavily alongside Sue with research in to locations, but to date has said that her knowledge in the paranormal field has widened more than she could ever imagine. We have investigated several locations in the time we have been together and each member takes the research as seriously as the next.


KTPF Magazine

Issue 6 - Oct/Nov 2015

I had never thought the team would be as popular as it is today, word of mouth has been fantastic and most locations we investigate have been just as fantastic as the next. Guest investigations have been selling out within 48hrs and the feedback has been amazing. We have captured some remarkable evidence over the years and all guests that have attended have more often than not been as excited when they have left the investigation from when they started ,due to coming away with there own personal experiences. The paranormal umbrella is so wide that it covers an array of topics such as UFO's, Crop Circles, Big Foot to the Loch Ness monster. We have recently been looking in to and investigating other such claims to see for ourselves if such claims are really true. To begin this we have began to launch our new series which will soon be available online 'The Paranormal Archives' each episode will go deep in to the claims of such topics starting with Episode 1 'Pluckley' being recorded in the Guinness book of world records as the UK'S most haunted town. We have many locations lined up for this year and are really excited about our new series


KTPF Magazine

Issue 6 - Oct/Nov 2015



KTPF Magazine

Issue 6 - Oct/Nov 2015

Borley The Scientific Investigations by Leighton Barrable As a child I grew up very close to Borley, me and my friends used to cycle up to Borley, in those days we only had the courage to visit during the daytime, but Borley was and still is very famous for its ghostly tales. I have since moved away from the area and now live in Southsea in Portsmouth. I still have two very good friends who live in Long Melford, which is just a short distance away from Borley. Back in 2010 I decided to visit my friends and we decided to pay a visit to Borley to re-kindle our childhood.

We took with us some basic equipment such as voice recorders, camera's etc. Just to see if we could capture anything unusual. This first investigation lasted three days and we did encounter issues with our camera's and a couple of times our voice recorders just turned themselves on which was all a bit strange. It was after this first investigation that we decided to set up a facebook group so we could post our photo's and a short investigation report on there. Slowly the facebook group grew in size and I was lucky enough to get in contact with Eddie Brazil the co-author of the Borley Rectory Companion. He then put us onto a family who lived in a bungalow at Borley right next to where the old Rectory used to stand. Back in November 2012 we spent a night in their back garden and although nothing out of the ordinary happened it was an amazing experience. Since 2010 we have now carried out five investigations at Borley, We still continue to have issues with our camera's and voice recorders around the churchyard, although to date we have never seen anything unusual or captured anything with our camera's. Most of the experiences we have are of an auditory nature around the church. Our facebook group now has 750 members which include Eddie Brazil and Paul Adams co-authors of The Borley Rectory Companion and they regularly post rare photo's and information about Borley within the group. The group has now become the leading group dedicated to all things Borley, with a collection of photo's and rare documents that is second to none. The late Peter Underwood was also aware of our work at Borley. We now also have a Borley twitter account with currently 600 members. I am also in contact with Neil Spring whose book called the Ghost Hunters based on Harry Price's investigations was published last year and is now going to be made into a ITV drama. Also I am in contact with Ashley Thorpe of Carrion Films who is currently producing a short independent film based on Borley Rectory. A word of caution… Residents of Borley are well aware of the history of the villages and don’t like lots of ‘ghost hunters’ roaming the streets. The famous rectory has long since gone and the church is now surrounded by searchlights connected to motion detectors that will go off if you approach at night. Also local police also regularly petrol the area. 15

KTPF Magazine

Issue 6 - Oct/Nov 2015

The Bohemian Bazaar will be opening at the Grand Pavilion from March 2015, where there will be the usual alternative stalls such as Holistic Therapies, (Reiki Healing, Bamboo Massage etc.) plus Pagan/Gothic Giftware, Homemade Arts and Crafts plus lots more, including some unusual and unique items! You will also be able to come and have your tarot or oracle read, and there will be talks, demos and workshops available for you to attend too. For more information & Booking Stalls Please contact Jules on 07854 725246 or Email julestone45@yahoo.co.uk


KTPF Magazine

Issue 6 - Oct/Nov 2015

0161-339-6677 from 10 am until 5 pm

http://www.crystalcarols-shop.com/ Supplier of crystals, gemstones and therapists tools All crystals personally selected by Carol in Brazil. Huge selection at very reasonable prices CRYSTAL WORKSHOPS - See website for dates http://www.crystalcarols-shop.com


KTPF Magazine

Issue 6 - Oct/Nov 2015

In September KTPF team member Andy Mercer discussed the events surrounding the Assassination of John F. Kennedy. Having previously concentrated on the events of the day, in a previous show, this second discussion looked at the wider implications including who may have been behind the assassination and who contributed to the subsequent cover up.

One area we discussed was exactly how many shots were fired and from what direction? While we were able to talk about some of the details we didn’t really have enough time to discuss it in full detail, so presented here is a detailed examination of the actual shooting. The ‘Six seconds in Dallas‘ that changed the world.

The Shots that Killed Kennedy – how many and where from? There has been so much already written about the assassination that I’d really rather not bore you all to death with another article on the whole thing, so I’ve limited myself to discussing the actual shots themselves. Determining how many and from which direction(s) can give us a better understanding of what actually happened. There have been various theories put forward, both for the number of bullets fired and their respective trajectories they followed. But we cannot say, which if any of these theories, is correct. Of the Shots fired at President Kennedy there are very few things that can be said definitively, that are agreed by virtually all. What can be agreed is that At least 3 shots were fired

i) At least 1 hit Kennedy/Connelly. ii) 1 missed the car and hit the ground iii) 1 hit Kennedy in the head, killing him. 18

KTPF Magazine

Issue 1 April 2015

However, there is very little agreement about anything else…. The US government’s official chronology of events is as follows. Shot 1 fired from right rear hits Kennedy in the back of the neck, comes out the front of his neck then hits Texas Governor John Connelly in the back. It leaves Connelly from his right front before slamming into Connelly’s wrist. The bullet then exists Connelly wrist and finally sticks in Connelly’s thigh Creating 6 wounds in total Shot 2 fired from right rear hit the curb in the far side of Deally plaza. The proof is the wound suffered by an observer of the shooting. Originally the FBI claimed no such miss occurred, but there was irrefutable evidence of its existence. Shot 3 fired from the right rear Bullet appears to break up or shatter on impact, as the wound to Kennedy’s head is large. This is the official order of shots proposed by the presidential commission (known as the ‘Warren report’ after Earl Warren the head of the commission.) This was published in 1966. Partly following the discovery of a recording accidently made by a police officer during the shooting; A new commission was appointed in 1976. Officially called the ‘House Select Committee on Assassinations’ (HSCA) The HSCA was supposed to investigate the assassinations of Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy as well as JFK. But this was soon changed to JFK alone as the original remit was considered too broad. The HSCA concluded that, partly based on the recording, 4 shots had been fired. The HSCA accepted the Warren commissions ‘three shots theory’ but added to it claiming that one shot did come from the front. However, they concluded it had missed and were unable to determine from where exactly it had been fired. While essentially agreeing with the Warren commission, this inclusion of a 4th shot meant there HAD to be a conspiracy, with more than one person firing from more than one location. Perhaps, in an attempt to avoid this conclusion, some in the commission actually claimed that it could a have been a coincidence! Two ‘lone nuts’ choosing the same location and time for their own independent assassination attempt.

The Warren commission in 1964

The HSCA’s first meeting in 1976

Both committees were charged with finding the truth. Both committees failed utterly!

KTPF Magazine

Issue 6 - Oct/Nov 2015

What is all the more astounding is that, despite contradicting the original Warren report, this second report into the events did not override or cancel out the first report. So America, and the world, is left with two official verdicts, both a lone nut solution and a ‘limited’ conspiracy. Leaving this contradiction aside and returning to the shots themselves, it’s interesting to note that not one witness to the shooting described the events as happening in the way the Warren Commission/HSCA did. Not a single one of the 53 witnesses questioned by the commission. Why is this? It is at least partly due to the second shot, as this bullet apparently caused 6 wounds to 2 people before being found on a stretcher in Parkland Hospital, Dallas, where JFK and Texas governor John Connelly were taken. This is something we’ll look at in more detail a little later. Following the initial examination of Kennedy, who was pronounced dead at 2pm, central time. JFK’s body was then removed from the hospital and taken to a plane to be flown back to Washington, where an autopsy was to be performed. While this journey was remarkable, in that it broke Texas federal which states a murder victim’s body should be autopsied in Dallas; It’s nothing compared to the amazing journey that the aforementioned bullet takes through two human beings, creating 6 wounds, hence it’s become known as the ‘Magic Bullet’. So, what according to the commission is the journey of the Magic Bullet? According to the Warren commissionInjury 1 (of a total of 6) hits Kennedy in the back of his neck. And yet the doctors at the Dallas hospital said it was in the upper back. AND one of the doctors at the Washington autopsy said he felt the end of this wound and found it to be approximately 1 inch deep. Also, photographs of Kennedy’s clothing clearly show the bullet hole in the upper back. Injury 2 According to the commission there is an EXIT wound in Kennedy’s throat. The Washington autopsy describes a large wound of exit. But at Parkland hospital in Dallas ALL the staff (doctors and nurses) saw what they describe as a small wound of ENTRY. (Who, how and why the wound changed is something I’ll leave for another time.) Injury 3 having supposedly left Kennedy’s throat the bullet next enters Connelly’s back. However, we can clearly see that, as Kennedy emerges from behind a road sign in the Zapruder film, a home movie, which actually captures the shooting, Kennedy is raising his hands to his throat, obviously having been hit, but there’s no sign that Connelly has been hit. In fact there’s 1.6 seconds between Kennedy emerging from the sign and indications that Connelly has been hit (he jerks forward and slumps) How on earth can a bullet hang in the air for more than a second? Impossible So, after hanging around in the air the bullet enters Connelly’s back. Simple enough? Well, the bullet enters the right side of Connelly. However, the angle that the bullet supposedly left JFK meant that is should have hit Connelly on the LEFT. For it to have hit Connelly on the right the bullet would have to have changed direction mid air; Twice in fact. So we have a bullet performing aerial gymnastics and hanging in the air for more than a second between two people about 5 feet apart! 20

KTPF Magazine

Issue 6 - Oct/Nov 2015

Injury 4 The bullet leaves Connelly’s chest, also on the right. Importantly this shot does not line up with someone firing from where the ‘lone gunman’ was supposed to be firing, strongly suggesting that there was a SECOND gunman to the rear of the car. Injury 5 the bullet hits Connelly’s wrist and apparently leaves it via the same hole, as there is no other wound in the wrist. The wrist itself is shattered and the bullet leaves fragments behind. The problem is that the total amount of bullet fragments left behind in the wound is greater than the measured amount missing from the ‘found’ bullet. Injury 6 and the remarkable journey of the magic bullet is over when it supposedly embeds itself into Connelly’s thigh. The bullet apparently falls out of the wound while Connelly is in Hospital in Dallas as it’s found on a stretcher. This is the remarkable journey of the Magic Bullet The Supposed journey of the single bullet. Notice that, even though the report itself states that bullet enters JFK’s neck at the rear and yet this diagram from the report shows it hit him in his upper back. Notice also how the image suggests that the route of the bullet was almost direct. But this image is a con and totally misrepresents where Kennedy and Connelly were sitting in relation to each other.

This image is more accurate for how the Magic Bullet would have to have travelled for it to have cause the injures it’s supposed to have. Also note that the bullet took over a second to get from JFK to Connelly and that the bullet entered Kennedy’s back which is below the supposed exit point in his neck 21

KTPF Magazine

Issue 6 - Oct/Nov 2015

This is the remarkable journey of the Magic Bullet! Given that the above is clearly nonsense can we estimate what is more likely to have happened? Based upon the reports of witnesses, the testimony of the Parkland hospital staff, and watching the Zapruder film over and over again. Here’s my own take on the real number and order of shots. It’s also the general conscious of other researchers who’ve studied the case. Shot 1 - Fired from behind. Watching the Zapruder film it seems that JFK and others hear something and look around. Connelly himself states he hears something, which he thinks is a shot. This may be the shot that struck the curb at the far side of the Plaza.

Shots 2 and 3 - It’s hard to say the exact order of these two shots as they occur almost simultaneously. But what is certain is one came from behind and one from in front. As Kennedy emerges from behind the road sign he’s grabbing for his throat having been hit in the neck by a shot that has to have from the front. All the Parkland staff describes an entrance wound. Almost imperceptible at normal speed, but slowed down it is possible to see, just after JFK emerges holding his throat and as Jackie Kennedy turns to him, Kennedy jolts forward, as if being hit in the back. This is most likely when Kennedy is hit in the back. Remember, this is the wound that the Washington autopsy ‘moved’, and the wound that one of the doctors confirmed was only an inch deep. So shot 2 and 3 – one from the front and one from behind

Shot 4 from behind, hits Connelly in the back and comes out the front. The obvious question is; where does it go from there? Examining photos of the car immediately following the assassination there is clear damage in the middle of the dashboard this is clearly damage from being hit by a bullet. There is also a crack in the windshield above the bullet hole suggesting a fragment had hit it. Shot 5 also from behind; this bullet is the one that hit’s Connelly’s wrist. When Connelly is first hit in the back his cheeks puff out from force of impact and the collapse of his lung, he is still holding his Stetson hat. If it was the same bullet that went through his chest and then hit his wrist he wouldn’t be still holding it as he puffed out and slumps. You can see he’s still holding it for a couple of seconds in the Zapruder film, impossible if his wrist is shattered. Zapruder film frame 225 shows Kennedy emerging

from behind the road sign. He’s clearly been hit as his hands are rising to his throat. Connelly is clearly uninjured. He is however turning, having heard something. Connelly actually stated he heard a shot and only then felt an impact. As a bullet moves at 5 times the speed of sound there is no way he could have heard the shot that hit him.


KTPF Magazine

Issue 6 - Oct/Nov 2015

Shot 6 – this is the key shot. Fired from the right front, it hits Kennedy in the head and kills him. This is key, a shot clearly coming from the right front as Kennedy’s head is violently thrown backwards and to the left. Despite what was publically claimed by CBS Anchor man Dan Rather said. Rather was the number 2 face of news in America in the 60’s and 70’s (behind Walter Cronkite) Dan was one of the first people to see the Zapruder film and, following his viewing of the recording he immediately went live in air and described the film. He finished by say the president’s moved forwards! FORWARDS! Anyone view the Zapruder film can see the president goes BACKWARDS. Rather later claimed he got carried away and accidently said forwards when he meant back, but as a reporter and newsman at the top of his game, this seems ridiculous! So what actually happened? The shot hits Kennedy in the right front of his head. There is then an explosion of blood and brain matter exiting the rear of his head as his head is thrown back. He then slides over to his left and into Jackie’s lap. This all lasts for only a couple of seconds, and yet it’s probably the most hotly debated piece of film ever recorded and, of course, was never supposed to exist. In fact it’s an absolute miracle is does as without it would have been left with the ‘forwards’ lie and no way to disprove it There are all sorts of questions surrounding this injury. While the Texas doctors describe a wound in the back of Kennedy’s head that was about the size of a large egg or baseball. The autopsy surgeons in Washington describe a much larger wound with 1third of JFK’s skull missing. While in Texas the staff saw an entry wound just below the hairline to the right. The Washington autopsy photos show an entrance wound in the back of JFK’s head. It’s interesting to note that when a member of the Dallas Hospital staff told the waiting media that JFK was dead he said, “… it was a simple matter of a bullet right through the head.” He then pointed to the right side of his temple indicating that that was where the bullet entered. There are many more strange and irreconcilable discrepancies between what was seen in Dallas and what was later recorded in Washington. But I’ll leave the issue here. The Parkland hospital spokesman telling the reporters that JFK was dead indicating that the bullet that killed him hit at the right front of his head.

Compare the two images above. Parkland is how the wound appeared to the Doctors and nurses who saw it. Bethesda is how the autopsy doctors described the head wound. These two wounds are clearly very different


KTPF Magazine

Issue 6 - Oct/Nov 2015

So, to summaries Shot 1 from rear – misses Shot 2 from the front – hits JFK in the throat Shot 3 from the rear – hits JFK in the upper back Shot 4 from the rear – hits Connelly in the chest Shot 5 from the rear – hits Connelly in the wrist Shot 6 from the front – hits JFK in the head, killing him Lastly, as this all happened more than 50 years ago why should we care now? There are several important answers to this question. Firstly the 50 years would have been very different. First and foremost there would not have been a Vietnam War. Kennedy was on the verge of pulling out all US troops. In fact he signed a document to this effect only days before being assassinated. Secondly he was strongly in favour of ending the Cold War and working with the Russians on the Moon mission. All of these ideas utterly enraged both the CIA and Military intelligence. Had the USA and Russia ended the cold war Russia would almost certainly not invaded Afghanistan. Why is this important? The subsequent Afghan ‘civil’ war lead to chaos in the region and gave rise to Islamic resistance, first in the form of the Mujahedeen, which would eventually morph into the Taliban, the long time protectors of Osama Bin Laden. Also the Iran/Iraq war directly came about because of the US/Russia arms race in the Middle East with each Superpower selling more and more weaponry to each country. No war would have meant Saddam Hussein would not have risen to power in Iraq, so no invasion of Kuwait and subsequent Gulf war (1 and 2). No Gulf War would have meant no massive military presence of the US in the Middle East. This presence of ‘the great Satan’ in the Middle East has given rise to organisations like Al Qaida and I.S. and the horrific consequences of their existence. Much if not all of this could have been prevented had the Cold War ended in the 60’s as JFK planned it would. These are not just my views they are the views of many historians who have speculated what the world would have been like had JFK lived and won the landslide victory he was undoubtedly heading for in 1964. Click on the left image to listen again to the show. Click in the right image to view the Zapruder film. (Graphic content)


KTPF Magazine

Issue 6 - Oct/Nov 2015


KTPF Magazine

Issue 6 - Oct/Nov 2015

At the End of August we were joined by writer, researcher and lecturer Andrew Collins. Andrew talked about research and exploration of The mysterious archaeological site Gobekli Tepe, it’s history and significance. But we started with the events that first brought Andrew to the Public’s – the true life occult adventure and drama that is ‘The Black Alchemist’ Below is an except from the book “The Mystic’s Gift Sunday, 30th November, 1986. There was something nagging at the back of Bernard’s mind as he got up. It was an impulse within him – an urge to go somewhere, meet someone, find something, although what exactly he did not know. The feeling intensified as the morning went by, and with this impulse now came the distinct impression of an area in Essex and an event taking place that very day. Without either believing or disbelieving his feelings, Bernard consulted a newspaper to see what was going on locally. Finger-flicking the pages, he first passed, and then returned to the coming events section. Scanning the different display adverts, he found it – and, yes, it was that day – an antiques and collectors’ fair not far from the Essex village of Margaretting. He wanted to go. But what would he find? A relevant book on heraldry. Yes, that seemed the obvious answer. For the past year he had been researching and painting the heraldic devices of all early members of the Order of the Garter, from its inception in the fourteenth century right down to the present day. Not an easy task by anyone’s standards. Yet to achieve this aim, he needed books – old, rare, out-of-print – and these were often difficult to obtain, and so it had been in this respect that in the past his acute psychic ability had come in useful. On at least three occasions he had received distinct impulses to go to either a specific second-hand bookshop or an antiques and collectors’ fair, like the one taking place that day. Once there Bernard had been intuitively drawn to rare books on heraldry relevant to his research at that particular moment. Such a talent was, he believed, one of the few ‘perks’ of being a good psychic So he would go, and should he be wrong and there was no book to be found, then it would still be a good excuse to get out of the house for a few hours before dinner. 26

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Issue 6 - Oct/Nov 2015

Having locked the car, Bernard walked across the car park to the entrance foyer and queued behind a couple waiting to pay their admission fee. Seconds later he was through the pay desk and within the hall itself. Before him stalls selling every kind of antique and collectable item filled the entire hall. The air was alive with the muted conversation of stallholders, dealers and visitors buying, selling, bartering and admiring. Yet the large room was by no means full. There was still ample room to wander from table to table without hindrance. Bernard strolled about not quite noticing anything other than the occasional pile of dusty books occupying some corner of a stall dedicated to other, more attractive items. One by one, he turned them over or lifted their covers to search for an author or title. None appeared to be relevant to his work. However, something would leap out at him eventually, he was sure. For twenty minutes he wandered about studying more or less every stall in the hall. But there was nothing at all that interested him. Growing a little disappointed, he began to accept that, on this occasion, his psychic abilities might have let him down. His earlier feelings were probably just his own imagination giving him an excuse to get out of the house. Having given up, Bernard wandered aimlessly and without interest along the rows of stalls stacked with curious objets d’art of every shape, size and colour. Glimpses of faces and snippets of conversation broke through his senses as he ambled about, not really knowing what to do next. ‘I can come down to twenty-two. No less, I’m afraid,’ a male face with receding grey hair and a moustache responded to a lady close by. ‘No, these are repro, darling. Those over there are original art deco,’ a pretty woman with shoulder-

length blonde hair said from behind another stall. He did not glance to see what they were talking about. It did not seem to mean anything to him. He was lost in his own frustration. Why had he been led to this place? There had to be something here somewhere. Images blurred into moving and stationary forms, and distinct conversation now became just a background murmur. He was losing orientation and perspective. Something was happening. ‘Yes sir. Can I help you?’ the clearly Asian voice asked. Bernard stared up at the intrusion. A smiling Indian youth in his late teens, dressed in an old, out-offashion man’s casual shirt, with frayed collar, stood behind a stall waiting for a reply. In front of the boy was an assortment of Indian and oriental curios and antiques, mostly of brass or wood. Geometrically- patterned plates stood behind brass incense burners, cheap jewellery and crudely-cast statues of Hindu deities. Bernard shook his head, but found his eyes scanning the stall for anything of interest. They caught sight of an antique brass cobra, standing some three inches in height, nestling among the collection of statuettes. They resembled cobra candle sticks that Andy possessed and they had used during Egyptian-based meditational rituals, recently. He picked it up. It was a little worn and, turning it around in one hand, he saw that on the snake’s head was a small Hindu deity who appeared to be dancing. Not that much interested, he placed it back down. 27

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Issue 6 – Oct/Nov 2015

How much?’ he asked. The Indian youth took hold of the item and surveyed it for a moment. ‘Two pound,’ he announced, a note of exactness in his tone. Nodding in acceptance, Bernard produced two pound coins and handed them over. The Indian carefully wrapped the coiled snake and returned it to him, the transaction over. For a few seconds Bernard paused, enough for the young Asian to meet his eyes and ready himself to speak: ‘You are in conflict with the one who reverses the wheel. Is this true?’ The question caught Bernard off guard. Looking up at the youth, he realised that he was merely conveying the question on behalf of an elderly Indian gentleman sitting down behind the stall, who also now looked up, waiting for a reply. Bernard tried to take in the situation before even contemplating an answer to the curious question The old man looked strange. He wore a long white robe which contrasted sharply with his deep brown wrinkled skin, jet black eyes, long grey hair and beard. In his right hand he fingered a long string of orange beads; an act he appeared to be doing almost involuntarily. It seemed that whilst Bernard had been studying the brass cobra, the old man, who, he assumed, could speak no English, had asked the youth to put the question to him and now the pair eagerly sought an answer. What did they mean? ‘You are in conflict with the one who reverses the wheel.’ Bernard decided that the statement had to be a reference to the Black Alchemist and his warped alchemical operations. Could he not be described as ‘reversing the wheel’ by causing the harmonious forces at ancient sites to fall into a state of chaotic disarray through dark ritualistic activity? It was the only explanation so, in response, he said, simply, ‘Yes.’ Accepting his word, the old man beckoned for the youth to lend an ear again. More words were spoken and, nodding, the boy returned to Bernard. ‘There is one who seeks to unblock the dam. “Is this true?’ He thought carefully before answering. One who ‘seeks to unblock the dam’. That had to be Andy. Yes, Andy. He was undoubtedly attempting to repair the psychic damage caused by the Black Alchemist. It was a reference to him so, once again, he said, simply, ‘Yes.’ The reply was acknowledged by the old man who again beckoned the boy down to his level. Further words were exchanged and once more the youth stood up straight and looked towards Bernard. ‘Is he the one where the two rivers meet?’


KTPF Magazine

Issue 6 – Oct/Nov 2015

Where the two rivers meet? That was a tricky one, Andy lived with his parents in Wickford, but was he anywhere near the meeting of two rivers? He was nowhere near the Thames. But what about the River Crouch and the River Blackwater? He couldn’t think. It did not appear to be an answer. He thought again. Was it then, perhaps not a reference to real rivers, but rivers of life, their coming together creating a duality, opposing polarities – one positive and the other negative, one black and the other white. “Andy often trod a narrow path between what some might consider as black and white magic. One week he might be in prayer with Orthodox monks in a secluded monastery on Mount Athos in Greece, whilst the next he would be wielding powerful and dangerous occult forces under the cover of darkness, combating fire with fire, so to speak. This was the answer the Indians were looking for, so he agreed and once again waited for a response. The old man, still turning the beads over in his hand, then spoke again via the youth, a more serious expression on his face this time. ‘The one you seek is like the coiled serpent,’ were the boy’s next words. It was, he felt, another reference to the Black Alchemist’s cunning activities, so he agreed once more. More conversation between the old man and the youth produced another strange statement: ‘The one will stand in front of many dangers.’ ‘Oh,’ he responded, assuming this to be another reference to Andy. ‘My grandfather asks that you accept a gift from him,’ the boy said. A sort of smile appeared on the face of the old man, who now nodded at Bernard. ‘Yes, but what for?’ he responded, wondering what was going on here. More words passed between the grandfather and the grandson before the youth spoke again: ‘But it will not be yours. You will not keep it.’ Bernard saw that with this statement the old man had “now raised up his hands in a gesture which said: need I say more? You will know what to do. He did. It was to be given to Andy

A similar sword stick to the one given to Bernard for Andy


KTPF Magazine

Issue 6 - Oct/Nov 2015

At that point the young Indian turned around and picked up a long, thin package wrapped in brown paper, which he handed to Bernard. It was over four feet long, pole-like and quite weighty.” Instantly, Bernard began to feel his hands tingle, almost as if he had just grabbed hold of a live wire. What was this ‘gift’? It seemed to be exuding an intense energy field of some sort, so much so that he almost dropped it. Still the conversation between the grandfather and the grandson continued. The boy looked up at Bernard. ‘It will protect you and give protection of the seven.’ Protection of the seven? He did not understand. Seven what? And protection from what? The Black Alchemist? Was he to just take it?” “Yes,’ the grandson responded. Did he want any money? The boy shook his head, and the old man merely lifted up his string of beads with a smile, as if to gesture goodbye. It was time to leave. Bernard moved away from the stall still holding the gift at arms’ length, as if he should not get too close to it. Without stopping, he walked away from the hustle and bustle of the fair and stepped out into the solitude of the gravel-floored car park. Once inside the car, the wrapping paper was carefully removed from around the object. It was a long walking stick in varnished black wood with chiselled grooves grouped in rings and lines running down the shaft, a metal cap protecting its tip. Around the bottom half of the handle was an inch wide brass ring set into the wood, and nudging up to this was what looked like an inset bone piece with a recurring floral pattern. Screwed into the cap was the face of a lion in brass. It looked very much like a standard design in oriental walking sticks, had it not been for one seemingly unique feature. Scratched into the “wood were strange looking symbols composed of zig-zags, circles and lines. He partially recognised their symbolism, but decided to leave their interpretation to Andy for when he saw him at The Griffin the following evening. More extraordinary than the walking stick’s physical appearance was the bright aura of light which surrounded the shaft and extended beyond each end by at least a couple of inches. But that was not all. Moving down from the handle towards the tip was a pulsating spiral of rainbow-coloured energy which – about midway along the shaft – altered into individual coloured rings of light that slowly advanced towards the tip, before reforming back into a spiral and extinguishing completely just beyond the metal cap. At any one time, no less than five of these detached rings of light could be observed moving down the central axis of the walking stick.


KTPF Magazine

Issue 6 - Oct/Nov 2015

It was an amazing sight, yet one that Bernard knew could only be seen by another psychic. And its purpose was becoming apparent as well. It was a rod of magical power, a highly-charged ritual tool, imbued with supernatural energies by someone – possibly the old man, maybe someone else – for a specific purpose. If this was so, then it was to be used by Andy to invoke, banish and channel psychic energies for magical purposes. It would be able to protect them from the rising might of the Black Alchemist and, what’s more, it somehow embodied the true energies of the Stave of Nizar, for which it was surely a just replacement. You can listen again to our interview with Andrew Collins on our You Tube Channel where he talks about the Black Alchemist and his research in the ancient Turkish site Gobekli Tepe Click on the image below

Click the image to visit Andrew’s website Andrewcollins.com


KTPF Magazine

Issue 6 - Oct/Nov 2015


KTPF Magazine

Issue 6 - Oct/Nov 2015

In September we were joined by Nicole Strickland who talked about the Haunting of RMS Queen Mary

RMS Queen Mary: A Haunted Legend of the Seas *** I want to dedicate this article to Mark and Debby Constantino, who both passed away in a domestic crime on 9/22/15. The paranormal community is very saddened by their loss. They were well-known American EVP researchers. The last time I saw them was on the Queen Mary during a conference. There are very few ships still in existence that compare to the innate beauty and rich history of the RMS Queen Mary. The RMS Queen Mary is perhaps, the most legendary liner to ever sail the oceans. A testament to British shipbuilding, the Mary is currently moored in Long Beach, California, where it has ebbed and flowed with the tide since 1967. I have been conducting both historical and paranormal research on the Queen Mary for ten years. I have been able to investigate many popular and highly travelled to areas on the ship. When I step aboard the ship’s decks, I am instantly entranced by her innate beauty, innocent aura and historical significance. The task of building the RMS Queen Mary represented a brave and elusive responsibility, especially in the early 1930s, as she was to be the biggest, quickest and most luxurious liner ever constructed. The RMS Queen Mary’s design concept began in 1926 and continued for two years. It came at a time when there was fierce competition between ship building companies in Britain, Germany, Italy and the United States. Cunard’s elderly trio of express liners, Mauritania, Aquitania and Berengaria, were eventually replaced by the Mary and her running mate, the RMS Queen Elizabeth. Completely built, the RMS Queen Mary was equipped with many public rooms and facilities to cater to each passenger. Art Deco-inspired, she was equipped with Sports, Sun, Promenade, Main and A-H Decks. She had 27 public rooms, 21 elevators, three restaurants, a ball room, gymnasium, hair and beauty salons, a Turkish bath and two pools, a garage, mailing processing areas, two cargo holds, three children’s playrooms, a chapel and synagogue, writing and drawing rooms, two libraries, three lounges, three smoking rooms, a shopping area, isolation wards and a completely functioning hospital. Furthermore, her machinery was nothing less than pure engineering excellence. In fact, 56 different varieties of woods from all over the world were utilized for the ship’s interior rooms. The Queen Mary’s utilization of this material was so ubiquitous, that she was given the name, “The Ship of Beautiful Woods.” 32

KTPF Magazine

Issue 6 - Oct/Nov 2015

September 26, 1934 marked the official day of the RMS Queen Mary’s launching. More than 200,000 eager people came to watch her meet the waters. Children even had a day off of school to witness this majestic event. No one knew the ship’s new title. Interestingly, there were 101 suggested titles for Job 534. People assumed the liner would be named Queen Victoria and keep up with the tradition of titles ending in “ia.” However, as H.M. Queen Mary cut the satin cord and crashed a bottle of Australian wine against the ship’s bow, she said, “I am happy to name this ship, Queen Mary.” She went on to say, “I wish success to her and to all who sail in her.” The Queen Mary began her maiden voyage as a luxury cruise liner on May 27, 1936, completing successful pre-WWII and post-WWII round trip voyages from Southampton to New York City. Many notable people, such as business moguls, entertainers and actors, have traveled aboard the Queen Mary. While sailing on the Queen Mary, passengers had the opportunities to exchange viewpoints, political beliefs and ideas, while further enjoying various amenities catering to a broad range of interests. Furthermore, Art-Deco brilliance can still be seen throughout its inner walls. Even in retirement, the Queen Mary historic ship still remains as popular as she was the day she sailed. Arduous times lay ahead for the RMS Queen Mary. On August 30, 1939, the Queen Mary anxiously sailed from Southampton to New York, as war was nearly imminent. In September of 1939, war was officially declared between Britain and Germany, ultimately placing the Queen Mary in a precarious situation. Both the RMS Queen Mary and her sister liner, RMS Queen Elizabeth, were therefore requisitioned for service in World War II. In March of 1940, the British Government informed Cunard that the Queen Mary would be outfitted for troopship duties, lasting the length of combat. In fact, due to the liner’s fast speeds, she was able to carry numerous servicemen from all walks of life to and from their destinations. Adolf Hitler even had a ripe award of $250,000 out to any skipper who could sink the massive liner. Of course, Hitler’s plan never succeeded, as The Grey Ghost consistently outsmarted the enemy. The ship’s crew and servicemen should be remembered for their diligence in keeping its hull and inner walls afloat. The RMS Queen Mary, alongside her sister ship, the RMS Queen Elizabeth, have contributed to the World War II allied forces in so many unimaginable ways. Prime Minister, Sir Winston Churchill said, “, “Built for the arts of peace and to link the old world with the new, the Queens challenged the fury of Hitlerism in the battle of the Atlantic. Without their aid, the day of final victory must have unquestionably been postponed.” Post World War II, the RMS Queen Mary returned to luxury as an extravagant cruise vessel, where many people could relax, vacation and enjoy her ornate and gorgeous ambience, as well as the abundance of onboard activities. As previously mentioned, quite a few celebrity names have touched upon her decks during her reigning days on the seas. Long Beach, California has been Queen Mary’s docked home since 1967. Thousands of visitors flock from all over the world each year to visit the RMS Queen Mary in Southern California. 33

KTPF Magazine

Issue 6 - Oct/Nov 2015

The RMS Queen Mary is equipped to fulfill the curiosity of many people, from children to elderly adults. She is loaded with many attractions, shops and various dining options. The Queen is home to annual events, various tours and a variety of ongoing and seasonal attractions. She has a variety of gift and souvenir stores that cater to those who love to shop. For those who love art, the ship still houses some of her original Art-Deco pieces. She also features great sightseeing views from her Promenade and Sun Deck. The ship wouldn’t be Queen without featuring award-winning restaurants, gratifying the pickiest of eaters. The Mary is quite the entertainer, as she has even been home to various television and movie productions. There is even a great hotel onboard for those who want to spend the night on the Queen. Passengers have the option of staying on A deck, B deck or M deck. There are many different cabins available ranging from small twin bed cabins to luxurious first class staterooms. Currently, plans are underway to develop a maritime history and science museum aboard the ship. Once established, this museum will offer educational opportunities for both, children and adults, another milestone for the Mary’s New Golden Era. Today, the Queen Mary is noted as the 6th most haunted location on our planet. Considering her history, it is no wonder why she has this statistic. There are some theories for why the liner has so much spiritual energy. History and the paranormal share a deep kinship. Ghosts and spirits seem to be attracted to places that have experienced a lot of emotion, tragedy and death. While the Queen Mary has experienced both tragedy and death, it has also seen much happiness and good times. There seems to be a connection between sentimental states and psychokinetic energy. Scientifically, water is a natural conductor for electricity and the ship sits in a body of water. Furthermore, she has elements that contain spiritual energy, such as quartz, iron and bronze. Inanimate objects, such as antiques and personal belongings, may also explain why a location becomes paranormally active. The Queen Mary holds numerous artefacts and original furniture pieces. It is theorized that some energies are attached to a particular object. Places that contain portals and vortexes are also known to house ghostly energy. Portals and vortexes are kind of difficult to explain and understand. Generally speaking, a portal allows spirits to travel from the living world to the spiritual world. Think of it like a bridge connecting two planes of existence. You guessed it: the Mary is said to house at least one portal in the women’s changing room, located in the former first and third class pool. Additionally, the ship seems to have some kind of psychokinetic influence where visitors from all over the world project their emotions and excitement on the ship. In my opinion, I do believe that there are other, more elusive reasons why the Mary is so paranormally active. Perhaps, we are not meant to know all the reasons for why she is. The image of a ghostly figure captured on a staircase leading to the indoor pool. Is it real?


KTPF Magazine

Issue 6 - Oct/Nov 2015

People experience many different types of ghostly energy on the ship. There are numerous visual sightings of apparitions and shadow figures. Individuals experience disembodied voices, cold spots and many personal accounts of the paranormal. There seems to be an equal amount of both residual and intelligent spiritual energy. In my experience aboard the vessel, and having investigated numerous locations throughout California and even out-of-state, I believe that the Queen Mary is the most active location I have ever researched. The historic ship is a mecca for paranormal researchers and a huge capacitor for spiritual energy. As moths are to a flame, spirits are to the Queen Mary! RoomB340 There is one room aboard the Queen Mary that has seen its share of legend and lore. I talked about stateroom B340 on my most recent KTPF Community Talk Show radio interview. B340 has been duped by a huge fable of nonsense, originating from when Disney had management rights of the ship. The company created a story around the room, claiming that murder and suicide occurred inside its premises. Patrick Wheelock and his team, Beyond Investigation Magazine, have conducted many paranormal research projects on the Mary. Additionally, he and his team have thoroughly researched these claims and found them to be entirely false. They found out that B340 has not been rented out since the ship docked in Long Beach in December of 1967, dispelling the claim that cleaning crews refused to work inside the room. Truth reveals that cleaning crews were never assigned to the empty B340 room since the ship has been in Long Beach. Furthermore, there is no forensic evidence suggesting that anyone died inside B340. So, we now know the story behind B340. With this said, is it possible that it sees paranormal activity from time to time? The entire ship is a spirit magnet, so it would make sense that this applies to B340 as well. I have investigated this vacant room a few times and haven’t come away with too much evidence. However, I do have one piece to share. One of my most memorable EVPs from this fabled space was captured in 2014. While reviewing my videotape of an audio session, the name, “Sarah” was captured. Could this be the child spirit named “Sarah” that is also witnessed inside the former first and third class pool room? Since I have been investigating the ship for so many years, I have been able to develop a rapport with some of its resident intelligent energies. There is one little spirit that I want to discuss in particular. Her name is Jackie. There are many theories attempting to understand her origins; however, no one really knows where she comes from. I will say that there is no forensic evidence that proves a little female child by the name Jackie passed away on the ship. None. With that said, it leaves many of us with questions about her: Was she a stowaway that somehow got lost aboard the ship


KTPF Magazine

Issue 6 - Oct/Nov 2015

Was the name “Jackie” a middle name suggesting why she wasn’t recognized in the passenger manifests? Did she ever travel the RMS Queen Mary with parents and other siblings? Or, was her dad one of the many servicemen fighting for freedom during World War II? Has she come through one of the alleged portals? Is she somehow the Queen Mary’s innocent voice? These questions and a lot more, are ones that investigators and researchers have tried to answer. Even though she displays typical childlike tendencies, I do believe that Jackie is a highly evolved spirit that has many ethereal duties on the Queen Mary. In many ways, I believe that she is a spirit ambassador aboard the liner. Another popular spirited individual aboard the Mary is an 18-year-old former fireman/cleaner who tragically passed on while working in the aft engine room. Out of respect for this individual and his family, I will refer to him by the initials JP. Before JP’s passing, he had worked on three prior voyages aboard the liner. Employed as of March 30, 1966, JP was originally assigned to the boiler rooms to work on bilge pumping duties. However, tragedy struck the ship in the early morning hours of July 10, 1966, as JP was found crushed inside watertight door #13, located in the aft engine room’s starboard side of shaft alley. Medical personnel administered morphine and the young man’s death was later announced in the ship’s hospital. There are many rumours and legends circulating around his demise; however, I do believe that his death was due to an accident. The ship was in a fog situation at the time and it was found that all watertight doors were working properly. Since JP was familiar with the boiler rooms, perhaps, he wasn’t as knowledgeable of the aft engine room’s layout – therefore, leading to this tragedy. Many paranormal researchers and visitors have reported interactions with JP’s spirit. Based on interviews and my own personal experiences, I do believe that he is quite content with spirit life aboard the Mary. He is most often sensed in the aft engine room, but has been known to travel throughout the ship, even making his way to staterooms from time to time. Just a few months ago, I had the honor of seeing his spirit inside boiler room #4 – an experience I hold dear to my heart. I am sure that JP was a remarkable man in life and continues to be in spirit. When you visit the ship, hopefully you will have the opportunity to meet him. Visitors can have a ghostly encounter in any area of the ship. Many people report the phantom smell of strong cigar smoke right outside British Prime Minister Winston Churchill’s suite. There have been reports of disembodied conversations and screams on various decks. Queen Mary’s curious ghosts also like to knock on passenger doors and walls throughout. Phantom footsteps, sounds, smells and voices can be heard from anywhere on the ship. You name the ghost and Queen Mary most likely has it. For ghost seekers alike, the Queen has various paranormal tours, where passengers can embark on the ship’s paranormal hot spots. The RMS Queen Mary isn’t just a ship, she’s a legend: a legend with a beautiful spiritual aura. She definitely speaks of a nostalgic and bygone era. There were many people from different walks of life who travelled the oceans on the Queen. The RMS Queen Mary has navigated folks who might not see the next day’s beautiful sunrise all the way to those folks who saturated themselves in her luxury and extravagance are waiting for you… 36

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Issue 6 - Oct/Nov 2015

For more information about the RMS Queen Mary, you can http://www.queenmary.com or you can call her directly at (562) 435-3511.





You can also visit Nicole Strickland’s www.spiritedqueenmary.com website and blog as well as her team’s site at http://www.sandiegoparanormalresearch.com Written by Nicole Strickland Paranormal Researcher, Author and Public Speaker Founder/Director of the San Diego Paranormal Research Society http://www.sandiegoparanormalresearch.com Southern California Area Research Director – Ghost Research Society http://www.ghostresearch.org Spirited Queen Mary Website and Blog http://www.spiritedqueenmary.com Author Field Guide to Southern California Hauntings (2009) The Haunted Queen of the Seas: The Living Legend of the RMS Queen Mary (2010) Reference Strickland, Nicole. (2015) RMS Queen Mary: A Spirited Ship. Paranormal Underground Magazine.

You can listen again to Nicole and the Queen Mary enigma on our You Tube by clicking on the link below


KTPF Magazine

Issue 6 - Oct/Nov 2015

Coming soon in October...


KTPF Magazine

Issue 6 - Oct/Nov 2015

The September 11th debate between Ben Emlyn-Jones and Andy Mercer was the first time we’d tried something like this. A live discussion, on any subject, where two people present opposing views on the same subject could easily descend into argument and chaos! Thankfully this was not the case and our two debaters listened to each other’s argument and responded respectfully. Neither was intent on trying to convince the other that their view was right; but as this was never the intent of the debate it was not a problem. And it was certainly not a ‘point scoring’ exercise. It was more about expounding theories and ideas based on each person’s interpretation of the presented evidence, and as such I believe the debate was a success – The Editor

The following article written by Ben is a summation of his position regarding the events of 9/11 9/11- What really happened? – Ben Emlyn-Jones Everybody remembers where they were when it happened. A news flash appeared on TV explaining how an airliner had crashed into the side of one of the world's tallest buildings. A short while later another rammed the wall of its twin in New York City USA. A similar attack at the Pentagon followed soon afterwards. It occurred to me that I was watching mass murder being broadcast live. After burning fiercely for a while longer, first one and then the other tower of the World Trade Centre collapsed to the ground. For many months afterwards it never occurred to me that I should doubt or reconsider anything related to the atrocity. Like most other people I was simply stunned and dismayed by what had been done to so many innocent people. However in 2001 I was already a long way down the road to becoming a "conspiracy theorist". I put that term in quotes because it is laden with so much pejorative baggage, but it is literally true and it would be dishonest of me to deny it; I theorize about conspiracies, ergo. It did not take long for the authorities to explain what had happened. Apparently 9/11 had been planned by Osama bin Laden, a Muslim extremist living in hiding in the mountains of Afghanistan. Nineteen of his agents had infiltrated the United States of America and carried out the attacks by hijacking airliners. Some of them were trained as pilots and so were able to direct the aircraft at the WTC and Pentagon in suicide strikes like the Japanese Kamikaze bombers of World War II. 39

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Issue 6 - Oct/Nov 2015

The damage to the buildings by the impact of the aircraft plus the fires caused the towers to collapse completely into rubble. When the police investigate a crime they first have to work out what happened before they can find out who did it. This is why they do a forensic pathology examination of the body. Does it have bullet wounds? Is there poison in the bloodstream? Are there strangulation bruises on the neck etc? When it comes to 9/11, the evidence definitely does not fit with the official narrative given to us by the authorities. Several years after the disaster I came across an organization calling itself "9/11 Truth". I joined the local chapter of the group and got involved in its activism events. I carried placards down the street yelling "Nine Eleven was an inside job!" The reason this tendency were suspicious of the 9/11 official story was because they believed that the twin towers had been brought down by controlled demolition. Explosives had been planted in the towers along with thermite, a chemical mixture that burns through steel structure. I did not question this hypothesis because it seemed natural to me that when you turn away from a lie you will invariably come across the truth. If you search the internet for "9/11 truth UK" you will find this group straight away and so for anybody who finds themselves travelling away from the official story of 9/11, this is their first and most obvious port of call. (3) However, it didn't take long for me to become dissatisfied with the 9/11 Truth UK group. To begin with, they objected to my interest in other paranormal and conspiratorial phenomena. 9/11 Truth UK is determined not to be associated with "that sort of thing!" (Interestingly the UFOlogist Bryce Zabel once wrote an article called UFO's and 9/11 Truth don't Mix making the exact opposite proposition, that UFO research is tainted if it becomes associated with 9/11 conspiracies). I also came across some new information that I found very credible, but the 9/11 Truth UK was not interested in, indeed they consider it nonsensical and misleading. One of the slogans of the Truth movement is "Reinvestigate 9/11!" You'll see it printed on banners, T-shirts and scrawled on walls as graffiti. However there already has been a proper scientific reinvestigation of 9/11. It was carried out by one Dr Judy Wood, a professor of mechanical engineering at Clemson University in North Carolina USA. She has published a detailed book called Where Did the Towers Go? explaining her discovery. Also, along with two other people, she has filed a lawsuit against the National Institute of Standards and Technology for the falsehoods in the original 9/11 "investigation", so-called. Dr Wood has proved that no conventional explosives were used to destroy the World Trade Centre, instead a weapon was deployed based on the "Hutchison Effect"; which was itself discovered by the Canadian investigator John Hutchison. Hutchison runs a private laboratory in which has been attempting to repeat some of the experiments of the Serbian electrical genius Nikola Tesla. He found that if electromagnetic fields interfere in a certain way strange things start to happen 40

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Issue 6 - Oct/Nov 2015

A very powerful force is unleashed that is not currently understood by physics. When Hutchison generated this effect he found that it had certain properties that Dr Wood noticed were also present during the 9/11 attacks. For instance when the "collapse" of the north tower begins it looks as if it does so from the plane impact site and continues down the building. According to the NIST report this was a chain reaction of structural failure due to the weight of descending debris above; however when buildings normally collapse bits fall off them and make a pile of rubble on the ground beside it. In the case of the north tower, when the wave of destruction has reached the point where half the tower has already gone nothing yet has touched the ground. Instead there was a huge cloud of dust surrounding the carnage. There are chunks of masonry falling, but these are falling only slightly faster than the rate of general dissolution and they dissolve in mid air like a soluble tablet dissolving in water. In one of the news shots you can see the central core columns of the tower standing naked after the rest of the building has gone, and these then pulverize as we watch. There are bizarre effects noticeable in the vicinity during the period after the destruction of the towers too. Cars and emergency vehicles were found which are ruined, but this does not appear to be fire damage. They look more like cars that have been left in a scrap yard for twenty years, withered away by rust and the elements. This degeneration seems to be very localized. There is even a photograph of a police car in which the front half is completely destroyed and the back half completely intact; the tyres haven't even been punctured and the plastic fittings have not melted. Fires can be seen at Ground Zero which are burning right next to piles of paper, but the paper is not catching fire. Some of the "toasted cars" are parked next to trees which are completely intact. There are far too many other strange phenomena in the 9/11 attacks to list here, but Dr Judy Wood's book and website does (1). The mission to find the truth about 9/11 is accomplished. The challenge now is not to locate new information, but to persuade people to understand the importance of the information that already exists. So if we know what happened, can we now move on to find out who did it? There are some curious and suspicious clues. In 1982 John Hutchison received a strange visitor who spent several months with him observing him at work in his laboratory. This man was none other than Col. John Alexander who is a US military specialist in experimental forms of warfare, from non-lethal weapons to remote viewing. Could that visit have sparked the development of a secret weapon which was deployed in action on September the 11th 2001? (2) I have no firm answers, but clearly some people have serious questions to answer. At the time of writing it is just over fourteen years since almost three thousand lives were lost in New York, Washington and in the air above the USA. How many more anniversaries will pass before everybody finally knows the truth of what really happened. Sources: 1. http://www.drjudywood.com/ 2. http://www.checktheevidence.com/cms/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=412&Itemid=60 3. http://investigate911.org/

Clink the image to visit Ben’s website


KTPF Magazine

Issue 6 - Oct/Nov 2015

While I don’t intend to present a detailed reply outlining what I believe happened, mainly because I’m still open to various possible explanations and have not adopted a particular position. Saying that, I do believe that these were real aeroplane that really did hit both the Twin Towers, and the Pentagon as well as the plane that come down in fields close to Stoneycreek. And I believe they were hijacked and crashed by Islamic terrorists. However, there are certainly questions surrounding the events, serious questions that do need answering. Did the CIA know in advanced and allowed it to happen? The Twin Tower’s rate of collapse is highly unusual and seemed too fast, was some kind of accelerant used to enable almost direct decent of the towers at near free fall speed (Although physics may explain this) And, for me, the biggest mystery was the collapse of the Solomon building, WT7 – this was not hit, it was on fire but many large building have suffered extensive burning and yet not fallen. And how did the BBC reports its collapse BEFORE it fell? Following our show Ben and I continued to discuss the events and the conspiracies surrounding it. And I’ve decided to purchase and read Dr. Wood’s book. However, before I accept her theory I’d want to find answers to some questions. The following is a list of those questions that feel must be answered for the theory to be fully accepted. (These are MY questions not borrowed from elsewhere) - Andy

‘Where Did the Planes Go?’ – Questions for Dr. Judy Wood The following are 10 questions that I feel need answering; hopefully I’ll find the answers in Dr. Wood’s book

1) If aeroplanes were not involved what happened to the 4 aircraft and 300+ passengers and crew of the four missing planes? 2) What happened to the Pantagon? Was that an energy weapon too? If not, what then hit the building and where did the widely photographed debris come from?

3) If no planes were involved, what came down in the fields at Stonycreek? If not a plane what caused the damage in the field and who called the relatives of the people on the plane. 4) If the planes were not real how was the ‘image’ of planes hitting the building created? News media footage could be faked but what about the home movies filmed and 100’s of not 1000’s who saw the second plane ‘hit’ 5) At what point in time were the buildings hit by the directed energy weapon? The initial apparent impact of ‘planes’ or just prior to the fall i.e. to make them fall, or both?


KTPF Magazine

Issue 6 - Oct/Nov 2015

6) If none of the planes were real what appeared on radars? Not just military but also on civilian radar tracked all 4 planes and show all 4 disappear from radar precisely as the planes apparently hit the buildings and field 7) Can Dr wood point to any other occasion where directed energy weapons have been used on this scale? 8) Where are these weapons based? Where were they fired from on the (Found statements online with Dr Wood saying “in orbit” and ‘hidden’ – rather contradictory)


9) Dr Wood describes her work as fact when it fails the basic definition of the word ‘fact’ i.e. independently verifiable and repeatable. Shown to be accurate through repeated experimentation. Has Dr Wood carried out any investigation of debris herself, or been able to replicate any of her observations. 10) Why are there no other seriously minded, independent researchers coming to the same conclusion as Dr Wood. Dr Wood alone proposes the Energy Weapons solution to 9/11.

I have read through Dr Wood’s websites and those who closely follow her and I’ve not found answers to the above questions. I hope to in her book. And, at Ben’s suggestion, I’ve emailed this list to Dr Wood and will certainly let you all know if/when I hear from her. I’ve also asked if she’d like to come on to our show. You never know until you ask!

You can listen again to the ‘9/11’ debate on our YouTube channel by clicking on the link below


KTPF Magazine

Issue 6 - Oct/Nov 2015

Coming soon in November...


KTPF Magazine

Issue 6 - Oct/Nov 2015


KTPF Magazine

Issue 6 - Oct/Nov 2015

In August we were joined by Jenny Ashford and Tom Ross who talked about Tom’s amazing experiences at the Mammoth Mountain holiday home in California in 1982. Below is an extract from Jenny’s book based on the Events

From that point forward, the family got very little respite from the actions of the unknown entity that shared their environment. “It was pretty much constant activity after that. Whatever it was, it definitely wasn’t subtle,” Tom says. “Obviously, there was an ebb and flow to it, with more things happening at certain times, and then there might be an hour or so where nothing happened. But it was surprisingly active. It would build up to a crescendo and then it would drop off for a little while. And then the sequence would start again, slowly building up and then dropping off.” Lois gives a short litany of some recurring incidents that took place over the next couple of days: “The oven and stove burners turned on and off. The TV would turn on and off. The hanging chain light in the stairwell would swing in a slow circle, up to about two feet. Small soaps and washcloths appeared everywhere, on the beds, in the kitchen, on the counters, even in our suitcases one time. The bunk bed that had moved up against the door moved back to the middle of the room at some point, even though we never heard it move.” She also describes a particular afternoon on the second or third day of their stay when she had been standing near the kitchen, talking on the phone. As she looked on in fascination, a coffee cup slowly traveled about twenty-four inches across the bar, evidently pushed by an unseen hand. “It occurred to us that the cup moving could have been just condensation,” she says. “But we checked, and neither the bar nor the cup was wet. Besides that, the top of the bar was a rough, tiled surface with grout between the tiles. It wasn’t the kind of smooth surface that would make a cup slide like that.” The feeling of being watched was also ever-present. Tom admits that he was reluctant to look into mirrors or glance at blank TV screens as he passed them, for fear of seeing a reflection of someone or something in the room that wasn’t there. “The feeling of a presence in the place was really intense,” he says. “You could just feel it everywhere, like someone was standing just behind you or in the corner of the room you were in. You were always expecting to see someone, pretty much every minute you spent in there.” Lois experienced this intense sensation firsthand one evening while she was taking a shower in the locked master bathroom. Her discomfort had been growing the entire time she had been showering, until finally the feeling of a presence in the small room with her was so overwhelming that she very quickly turned off the water, 46

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tore aside the curtain, and almost lunged out of the tub and toward the door. She then noticed that there were washcloths folded on the sink and over the doorknob that hadn’t been there seconds before. “God, that was so creepy,” she says with a shudder. And the following afternoon, while Red was in the master bedroom and Tom was standing in the doorway, the window shades behind Red abruptly slammed open with a sound like an explosion. “The shades were instantly open,” Tom recalls. “They flew open so quickly that I don’t think a person could grab the shade string and pull it down fast enough without breaking something. It was just, bam! And it was loud. I remember it being much louder than it should have been. It startled Red so badly that he just ran into me, trying to get out of the room. That wigged us out.” The family was exhausted and anxious from the almost unceasing onslaught of eerie phenomena, and wanted to spend an evening away from the house. Red was confused about the incidents, still hoping that a rational explanation could be found, and angry that someone was likely ruining his vacation with ridiculous pranks. Lois admits that while the phenomena were understandably amazing, they were also aggravating and stress-inducing because no one was sure what might happen next. There was also the additional pressure on both Lois and Red to protect their son and nephew from something that no one seemed able to control. “I don’t remember having any fun at Mammoth,” she says. “Other than a couple of days when we went skiing, we were mostly just holed up in that condo almost the whole time, waiting to see what else was going to happen, when the next shoe was going to drop. We hardly ate or slept. We just weren’t really having fun at all.” Tom remembers this ambivalence well. “In a way, it was sort of exciting because it was so unbelievable,” he says. “All these crazy things were happening around us and we didn’t know what was causing it, so for me, being a kid, it was kind of thrilling, like a real-life mystery or ghost story. But there was a lot of fear too, for all of us. We didn’t know what this thing was, or what it could do. Did it want to hurt us, or kill us? It didn’t seem to be doing anything overtly hostile, but obviously that could change at any time. So we were really just constantly on edge.” One evening, Red suggested they drive to a nearby pizza restaurant for dinner, to give themselves a break from the paranormal for a while. Many of the restaurants and shops in the area were shut down due to the snowstorms, but a few remained open. Relieved, the others agreed, and Red made the rounds of the condo, closing all of the window shades and shutting off the lights. All four of them piled into the Wagoneer, which was parked directly under the window of the secondfloor master bedroom. Tom, in the back seat of the car with his cousin, happened to glance up at the window. “Look!” he said, pointing. They could plainly see that the shades that Red had closed were now wide open, and the light in the room was on. “I closed that,” Red said. “I closed the shades and shut off the lights just now. I know I did.” 47

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He squinted through the front windshield up at the offending window. There was a pause, and then he said quietly, “Do you see that?” They all stared up at the window, and immediately knew what Red was talking about. “It’s blue,” Lois said. Tom tries to elaborate on what they saw: “It was a blue…I want to call it a haze, almost like blue cigarette smoke, but it wasn’t wispy like smoke. It was solid, like an energy field. It was up on the ceiling. It was maybe two or three feet thick, covering everything you could see of the ceiling through that window. It wasn’t luminescent, or glowing. If you were to turn the lights off, it wouldn’t glow, I don’t think. It reminded me of…you know when you rub your eyes and you see those weird colors? It was like that. If you tried to focus on it too hard it would go away. But if you relaxed your eyes you could see it.” This was apparently the same blue fog that Wes had seen in his room on the first night of their stay, though at the time he had vehemently refused to believe that he had seen such a thing. The family sat in the parking lot, not speaking, for almost five minutes, staring up at the strange blue haze in the window. Here was perhaps a definitive visual manifestation of the thing that had been invisibly toying with them since they arrived at number seventeen. The sight of it was somehow both intriguing and deeply disturbing. At last Red said, “Let’s get out of here.” At the restaurant, the family ate their pizza in almost complete silence, all four of them lost in their own anxieties about the entity that had for some reason chosen them as a target for its unfathomable activities. Tom remembers his thoughts as he sat at the table: “I still just couldn’t believe it was true. It was like something you were told your whole life, even though I was only thirteen at the time, you were told that something doesn’t exist—like ghosts—and they do. That’s all we could imagine this thing as being, was some kind of a ghost at this point. We had never heard the word poltergeist before, so we thought it must be the spirit of a person.” Tom also points out that they were all in a particular kind of denial about the entire situation. “It wasn’t the type of thing you sometimes see on paranormal shows, with people taking something ambiguous and blowing it out of proportion, making it into something supernatural,” he says. “What we experienced was so in-your-face, so undeniable, that our first instinct was just sheer disbelief. We were trying to tell ourselves that it just couldn’t be real. It couldn’t be happening. But it was.” Although Lois and Red had discussed calling someone to ask for help in dealing with their experiences, in the end the fear of being stigmatized was just too great, and they decided to keep their ordeal to themselves for the time being. Red, perhaps to lighten the mood, observed that it was a good thing they weren’t talking about their experiences out loud, or else everyone in the restaurant would think they were crazy 48

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He then jokingly suggested that they should come up with a code word to refer to the thing, so that they could talk about it in front of others without being hauled off to an asylum. He chose a word that rhymed with ghost, but was still silly and meaningless enough to pass unremarked. From then on, the thing occupying number seventeen was referred to as “The Blost.” Reluctantly, the family left the restaurant after dinner and returned to number seventeen. When Red pulled the Jeep into the parking lot, they all looked up at the master bedroom window in unison. The shades were still open and the lights were still on, though the blue haze was no longer apparent. Lois noticed that there was something different about the window—almost as though an invisible hand was in the process of writing in the frost—but at that distance there was no way to tell exactly what it was, so immediately upon entering the condo, they huddled together in a tight clump and went upstairs.

“We went directly to that window to see if we could see any kind of evidence of anything strange,” Tom says. “I stood there at the window, and my uncle was behind me. We were looking at the windowsill and the shades and the lights. And I noticed something on the window. “It was a clear mark, like scratching,” he continues. “I looked closely at it, and it was like a child’s scribble. It said, ‘Go.’ It was clearly written, but it was done in a primitive hand. It was a clear smudge. And then I looked right down below the window, and there on the carpet was a folded twist tie, one of the old-fashioned twist ties for a loaf of bread. I picked it up and I made a line on the window right next to the word, ‘go,’ and it made that same smudge.” Tom showed the twist tie to Red. “Look. It wrote it with that,” he said.

The family was simultaneously amazed and terrified. Was their “blost” now trying to communicate with them? Was the phenomena escalating to a point where they would no longer be able to deal with it? And what did the alleged entity mean by writing the word “go” on the window? “We were trying to interpret what it meant,” Tom says. “Did it mean, ‘Go, get something to eat, it’s going be all right,’ or ‘Go, get out and never come back?’ The way it had been behaving so far, it really could have gone either way.” He points out that until then, the blost hadn’t seemed particularly hostile toward them, the savage breaking of the front door chain notwithstanding. But that was part of the reason that the seemingly commanding tone of the writing was so confusing for them. “It didn’t usually communicate, it just did things. They weren’t, for the most part, intimidating things. You could read into it if you wanted to, and it would be spooky. But it was best not to read into things. We tried not to let our imaginations run away with us. We just kind of accepted it. It said, ‘Go.’” But of course, they were still snowed in on Mammoth Mountain, and couldn’t go anywhere.

You can listen to our interview of Tom and Jenny on our YouTube channel


KTPF Magazine

Issue 6 - Oct/Nov 2015


KTPF Magazine

Issue 6 - Oct/Nov 2015


KTPF Magazine

Issue 6 - Oct/Nov 2015

The Fleet Street Phantom- Hallowe’en London 1684 - Brian Langston Who was the menacing and malevolent stranger who climbed into Tom Cox’s Hackney Carriage on All Hallows Eve 1684 who not only terrified him out of his wits but changed his life forever? Tom Cox was a well known and popular cab driver in the London of Charles II. He had previously worked for years as a labourer, grafting on building sites in the City during the vast rebuilding programme, led by Sir Christopher Wren, following the Great Fire of London in 1666. The work had been hard and brutal but Tom had saved assiduously to buy his own Hackney Carriage and a pair of fine horses and now revelled in plying his trade through London’s dark and narrow streets. Although in no way as physically demanding as his former occupation, the job had its own hazards. Cutthroats and highwaymen lurked in every alley but Tom was strong and fearless and gave short shrift to anyone who tried to relieve him of his hard-earned fares. Many a vagabond who had chanced their arm had felt the searing pain from lash of his whip across their face. For several years, Tom worked the City streets night and day and became a familiar sight around London with a reputation for being an honest and industrious cabbie. On Halloween eve, Friday 31st October 1684, Tom picked up a fare little suspecting that it would be his last and he would never drive a cab again. The evening had begun innocently enough. Tom was coming to the end of a busy 12 hour shift. He had taken a fare from White-Hall Gate to Water Lane which was a narrow street leading down to the Thames. He drove down to the end of Water Lane to turn his carriage around and headed back up towards Fleet Street stopping off at the tavern for some much-needed refreshment. After a pot or two of ale he got into his carriage and began his journey home. Just before the upper end of Water Lane he was beckoned by a man standing by one of the posts near the wall. Although it was dark, Tom could see from his attire that it was a gentleman dressed all in black and holding a roll of parchment in his hand. Tom was in two minds whether to take the fare but when he asked for the Lower Church Yard at Fleet Ditch near St. Brides Church, he realised it was on his way home and so would be no great hardship. Tom opened the door to the carriage and the mysterious stranger climbed inside. Immediately his horses began to agitate which was unusual and Tom had difficulty in bringing them to order. He took the lash to them and they bolted causing him to lose his hat. Cursing under his breath Tom stopped the carriage and climbed down into the inky black cobbled streets to search for his hat. He searched in vain for several minutes before the stranger called out from inside the carriage and asked what he was doing. Tom told him that he’d lost his hat and would rather have lost eight shillings from his pocket than his precious hat. 52

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The stranger told him to look under the feet of the horses which he did and to his surprise discovered his hat even though it was so dark that he had to find it by touch. Tom thought this was a little odd as the stranger could not possibly have seen it but climbed back into the driving seat and continued the journey. The horses were restless throughout the journey and when he finally arrived at the Fleet Ditch they stopped a few paces from the churchyard and would go no further. Tom tried to gee them on but they resisted and behaved in such and unruly manner that had difficulty in controlling. He shouted to his fare from his seat that he could take him no further and opened the door of the coach with one hand whilst clutching the reins of his horses on his whip, which he had made into a bow to lengthen them so that he could reach the door handle. The gentleman held out his hand and told the coachman to take what he would for the fare. Tom looked down and could see the man’s hand but saw no money and as he went to take it he could feel no hand although he man was standing plainly before him. The man then emerged from the coach which caused the horses to rear up in terror and drag the coach forwards. As he struggled to control them he looked back at the carriage and standing where the stranger had been he saw the monstrous figure of a roaring black bear with flaming red eyes lunging towards him. Tom screamed out in terror and lashed out repeatedly with his whip as the enormous beast descended upon down on him. Tom screamed and struggled for all he was worth then in a huge flash of fire and sparks the monster was gone. Tom had collapsed on top of his carriage and the next thing he knew he was at home in Cradle Alley in Baldwin’s Gardens. His horses had taken him home where his wife found his unconscious body slumped on the coach. He was taken from the carriage and carried to bed where he remained delirious and unable to move or talk for a week. At dawn on Thursday 6th November, his wife entered his bedroom just as the cock crowed and at that instant he roused and with difficulty spoke for the first time, telling her of the dreadful apparition that had attacked him. Tom Cox recovered his speech but was paralysed and unable to move any of his limbs. He was visited by a great many friends and scholars of the day who listened with horror to his ordeal. Many were convinced that he was one of the few men who had met the Devil himself and survived to tell the tale. Tom Cox never regained his mental or physical faculties and was unable ever drive his carriage again through his beloved London streets. He went to his grave a broken man and the truth of what malevolence befell him on that Halloween night in 1684, remains a mystery. About the Author Brian Langston QPM is the former Assistant Chief Constable for Thames Valley Police. He was born in Bilston although now lives in the South of France where he writes on topics including true crime and the paranormal. His book True Ghosts and Ghouls of Windsor & Eton is due to be published later this year. He can be reached on GhostsofWindsor@gmail.com 53

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Issue 6 - Oct/Nov 2015


KTPF Magazine

Issue 6 - Oct/Nov 2015


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