Edition 645

Page 1

Edited by Seven Islands Media Group S.L.U. Also distributed in Gran Canaria, Fuerteventura and Lanzarote

1.50€ at newsagents







PAGES 41 - 48

“STOP THINKING ABOUT TOURISM AS JUST A MONEY-SPINNER!” Hoteliers say sector deserves much more H

OTELIERS in Tenerife have urged the Canary Government to stop thinking about how much money tourists can generate and NOT to even contemplate introducing a tourist tax. Ashotel, the hotel association of Tenerife, La Palma, La Gomera and El Hierro, says attention should focus on new sustainable tourism projects, including cleaner and cheaper energy sources, the reduction of waste and improved recycling. The group’s president, Jorge Marichal says the Canary Government must stop seeing the tourism sector as a mere source of public revenue and share a more global, strategic and future vision of tourism. And he adds: “The implementation of a tourism rate,

badly called the green rate, is a bad idea because it reduces competitiveness to a sector in the Canar y Islands that competes internationally with world tourism powers, such as Turkey and Greece, among others. A tourist rate, in addition, would have a negative impact on the arrival of tourists to the islands as any tax increase directly influences the loss of competitiveness.” “It’s time to use taxation intelligently and tax those who do it wrong and reward those who do it well,” said the Ashotel president.

Sr. Marichal invited the vice president of the Canar y Government and Minister of Finance, Román Rodríguez, to support sustainable tourism initiatives with projects that, for example, contribute to the general implementation of clean and cheaper energy sources in companies or circular economy projects that help reduce waste produced in the sector and improve its recycling, as in Puerto de la Cruz. He encouraged Sr. Rodríguez “to be the bearer of exemplary projects such as the implementation of a pilot photovoltaic generation and self-consumption plant that can nourish a good part of the hotel plant and the tourism sector.”

Mafia gang’s 14 million euro link with Tenerife P OLICE have discovered that a Mafia gang led by an Italian linked to several murders established a major link with Tenerife, Gran Canaria and Fuerteventura where they laundered money by buying properties, cars and boats.

Many of the luxury homes were purchased with illicit money in Arona and Adeje in the south of Tenerife. So far, 38 people have been arrested for having links with the so-called “dellaMagliana band” which operated across Europe. They face charges of illicit gambling, money laundering and extortion. The police operation, codenamed Jackpot, was developed in Spain, Italy and Austria, in a simultaneous performance by the Civil Guard, the Tax Agency, the Italian and Austrian Police. The head of the organisation, now in prison, is associated with several homicides and murders in the 80s and 90s. Two of the detainees were

Jorge Marichal, presidente de Ashotel (www.ashotel.es) “This plant would undoubtedly become a powerful international tourism promotion tool for the Canary Islands, by positioning us as one of the first destinations supplied with clean energy in the world. Let’s also work on concrete projects such as a composting plant to supply ourselves with organic producers or a recycling plant for biofuel oils aimed at aviation or maritime transport,” he said. Tourism in the Canary

Islands contributes 35% of the gross domestic product, contributes about 16,000 million euros a year and accounts for 40% of employment in the islands (343,000 jobs). However, the hotel sector considers that the investment received in return is very low: just 35 million in tourism infrastructure and 19 million for tourism promotion, according to the latest General Budgets of the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands.

German tourist discharged after coronavirus diagnosis


HE German tourist who was tested positive for coronavirus on La Gomera has been given the all-clear and discharged from hospital.

based in Barcelona and Gran Canaria. A string of properties, 37 in all, and 19 companies with an approximate total value of 14 million euros have been frozen. Numerous vehicles and bank accounts have also been intervened. “This criminal organisation had the control of the gaming sector in Italy through the management and supply of gaming machines, the use of illegal software, as well as online gaming. As a result of

these and other activities, great economic benefits were generated that were used for the granting of credits and loans that were subsequently charged to their victims through extortion,” said a police spokesman. The criminal organisation laundered the money through a complex web of bogus companies, also linked to the gaming sector. Thus they tried to avoid possible controls and the application of measures to

prevent money laundering. The real estate investments in the Canary Islands was “significant”, say the police.

The Ministry of Health of the Government of the Canary Islands said he gave a negative result for the second time at the island’s Hospital Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe where

he had been kept in isolation.

Continued on page 2


































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Continued from page 1: German tourist discharged after coronavirus diagnosis


E can now carry out the activities he wishes with absolute normality, since no restriction measures of any kind are necessary, as established by the protocol,” said a health service spokesman.

His five travel companions, all of whom were tested negative from the start but kept in for observation, have also been discharged from their quaratine period. Since its launch on Februar y 2nd, the free information telephone about the coronavirus (900 112 061) has received 110 calls. This is a line that is coordinated by the Canarian Emergency Service and most of the queries attended are related to doubts about the virus. Minister of Health of the Government of the Canary Islands,

Teresa Cruz Oval, thanks all the professionals who have coordinated around this case and, especially, the group of German citizens who have been affected by this situation and who have had exemplary and collaborative behaviour at all times. The collaboration of the Cabildo de La Gomera was also praised, with the Minister saying: “The Canary Islands has once again demonstrated that it has a first-rate public health system that is, without a doubt, one of the strengths of our main economic activity: tourism.” From the healthcare

perspective, specific training has been given to hospital and out-of-hospital managers throughout the system. At the same time, the Canar y Executive Committee and the Canar y Islands Scientific Committee have been created for the preparation and response to emergency health situations as a collegiate body of decision-making and executive nature. The Ministry

has focused part of these actions on the workers of the Canary Islands Health Service. The Ministry of Health has convened for the next week a meeting of the Canary Islands Health and Safety Committee, within the follow-up that continues to be carried out around the coronavirus, and in the line of those already held at the island level in Tenerife and La Gomera.


Government seeks tenders for 20 new air routes


HE Ministr y of Tourism, Industry and Commerce of the Government of the Canary Islands is seeking applications in a public tender for the award of 20 new air routes to link the archipelago with European cities with which the islands do not currently have direct connections.

The total amount of the new call, developed within the framework of the Flight Development Fund, will be 3.5 million euros. Tenders will be submitted to contest 20 routes with cities in Germany, United Kingdom, Norway, Ireland, France, Italy, Austria, Poland and Hungary. Minister of Tourism, Industry and Commerce, Yaiza Castilla, said this is a new commitment by the Government to increase the connectivity of the islands “at a time of special concern for the closure of airlines and the change of business model worldwide, the juncture of Brexit and the reopening of competing destinations, facts that have reduced the availability of air seats with the islands, and their impact on the arrival of tourists. ” The Flight Development Fund is an incentive programme of the Government of the Canary Islands for the implementation of new regular routes, managed by the Ministry of Tourism through its public company Promotur Turismo de Islas Canarias and prior approval in 2014 by the Commission European According to Yaiza Castilla, the objective of the programme is to continue advancing in the achievement of new tourism issuing markets and strengthen the current ones, with the establishment of direct routes that are considered strategic for the Canary Islands. “The Canary Islands is a leading tourist destination, profitable for airlines, but currently affected by a readjustment of the global air sector,” she said. Of the ten large companies operating in the Canary Islands 12 years ago, today, there are just four left.




33-year-old man was seriously injured after being the victim of a knife attack in Gran Canaria.

Police are investigating the incident which took place in calle Secretario Artile in the municipality of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria just before 7.30am in the morning. The man suffered serious wounds to the head, shoulder and abdomen and was transferred in a medicalised ambulance from the SUC to the University Hospital of Gran Canaria Dr. Negrín. The knife attack happened in the public road.





A greener plaza for Puerto del Santiago


HE Mayor of Santiago del Teide, Emilio Navarro, recently visited the renovation works of the Plaza de La Vigilia in Puerto de Santiago which are in an advanced state of execution.

This action, for which the council has allocated a full municipal item of €1,099,274.33, responds to the need to generate a new space in order to obtain greater efficiency and accessibility of the place to make it a true zero zone of emissions. All this with the intention of recovering a zone with more green areas and with better security and accessibility conditions that will make this place more sustainable with the environment. The future plaza will integrate the installation of a fountain and various green areas along with a new playground, highlighting that the area can have multiple uses.


Arona continues rolling out its asphalting plan A RONA has started its fourth asphalting plan which will soon reach the 200-mark in roads tackled.

Túnez and La Camella are the latest locations for resurfacing of 45 streets as part of the #AronaAvanza programme and with which the municipality will have reached 199 streets and roads in the last four and a half years. An official visit was recently

made by the Mayor of Arona, José Julián Mena, accompanied by the councillors of works and security, transportation and mobility, Leopoldo Díaz Oda and Francisco Marichal, respectively. The programme has meant

Heroin found inside AIRPORT ARREST food cans


ATIONAL Police agents detained a 36-yearold man from Latvia at Tenerife’s south airport for alleged drug smuggling.

He was found with 1.8 kg of heroin, enough to make 15,000 doses, and more than 0.6 kg of MDMA, better known as ecstasy. The detainee had landed on a flight from his country, prior to a stopover in a member state of the Schengen area. The narcotic substance was transported hidden inside four tightly closed food cans. He was intercepted, by national police, when he was outside the airport. Once identified, they proceeded to check his luggage, observing four hidden food cans among his belongings. The success of the operation has been the result of the information obtained by the National Police of the airport and the established devices aimed at preventing the entry and distribution of narcotic substances on the island.

a total investment of more than five million euros, after many years of abandonment and deterioration. The fourth asphalting plan is taking in Cabo Blanco, La Florida, Arona centre, Túnez, Montaña Fría, La Sabinita, La Camella and Chayofa, in the same way as the rest of the previous plans have reached all the nuclei of the municipality. Sr. Mena said: “ When arriving in government, some streets and roads, in general, were in very bad condition and with a great state of deterioration. In recent years we

have made a great commitment to restore quality of life to our residents, modernise the road network and improve, to the extent of our competencies, mobility, which has led us to reach that record of almost 200 resurfaced roads in the next months.” Sr. Oda has stressed that “improving the state of our streets is also improving the quality of life of the residents and betting on the modernisation of the municipality, reasons for which we have made a important investment in all the towns of the municipality. ”










ANTA Cruz city council has taken the unusual but welcome step of unanimously approving the use of silent pyrotechnics at its fiestas.

The Carnival 2020 fair will also have a schedule without music so that people hypersensitive to noise can enjoy and participate in it without suffering any damage. The decision to use silent fireworks was backed by all the political groups during the recent municipal plenar y session so that all citizens can enjoy the events held in the capital. Councillor for fiestas, Andrés Martín said this would not affect the quality and beauty of the visual spectacle. It hasn’t yet been made clear when this will start or if fireworks during the imminent Carnival will be noise-free or not. Along the same lines, the council will regulate the use of firecrackers and pyrotechnics by individuals, will promote awareness campaigns about alternative fireworks and promote noisefree spaces during horse

Cruz in new “experience” package

parades, so that floats, batucadas, groups and decorated cars avoid these routes. In this way, a space “of some metres, where you stop playing and broadcasting music” would be enabled so that no-one would be excluded just because they suffer from some kind of problem. Adeje council recently took a similar step by making part of its Three Kings’ Parade noise-free.

During the debate, views were heard from María del Carmen Díaz, president of the Canar y Autism Spectrum Disorder Association, Apanate, which brings together more than 200 families. As she explained, the nervous and cerebral system of people with autism is very sensitive and very loud noises can affect them to varying degrees, potentially causing them loss of control and epileptic seizures or episodes of self-harm. “My 29-year-old son has never been able to go to fairs, or to horseback riding, or to

parties, which has greatly reduced the quality of family life,” she said, pointing out that in the city of Santa Cruz de Tenerife there could be about 2,000 people with autism, a disorder that affects one in 100 people according to the Apanate calculation. The noise of the pyrotechnics can also have negative effects on pets and there are cases of loss due to panic and escapes; even, in birds, disorientation, abandonment of nests and death of some specimens have been observed.


High-speed chase in Granadilla


RANADILLA police arrested a 32-year-old man after a high speed chase in the centre of the town.

He now faces prosecution for an alleged crime of theft and reckless driving. The events took place, specifically, in Granadilla centre just after 5pm when an off-duty police officer saw a man running away from a local business, located on San Francisco Street, and the owner shouting. The agent called in reinforcements and reported details of the car in which the suspect had fled. The vehicle was spotted in the El Salto district, circulating at great speed and at one stage, travelling in the wrong direction. Thanks to some good police driving, the car was forced to stop and the man, who had a number of notes in his hand, was arrested. The stolen cash amounted to 700 euros.


ANTA Cruz has signd a promotional agreement with Ashotel and Expedia in a bid to attract more visitors and place the city on the national and international tourism map. From February, the capital will be promoted on the Expedia channel through an “experience” package. First deputy mayor and councillor for economic promotion, Matilde Zambudio said the campaign was “the result of a collaboration agreement between the city council, through the Development Society, and the hotel management Ashotel.” “It is an innovative initiative based on offering a personalised, unique and memorable experience to tourists, through the creation of a tourist package that will be promoted on the Expedia platform and that can be purchased from February to May and enjoyed until December 2020, ” she explained. Vice president of Ashotel, Gabriel Wolgeschaffen, said: “The signing of this agreement is a clear example of publicprivate collaboration between the city of Santa Cruz and the hotel management. Having signed it with a company of such renown and international

presence as Expedia is a very important tourist landmark for the city and the hotels.” The campaign will be aimed at tourists and visitors with the possibility of an overnight stay in the capital. The campaign will be based on three lines of action: the Expedia user who is looking to travel to the Canary Islands, looking for hotels, packages and activities in destinations, as well as users of the strategic markets of Spain and the United Kingdom. The client will acquire their experiential pack through Expedia and upon arrival at the hotel they will receive a welcome pack with 24-hour tickets for the tourist bus and train, as well as for access to the Palmetum and the Carnival House, a tourist route guided by the main enclaves of the capital of Tenerife, a tourist map of Santa Cruz, a gastronomic offer of personalised experience and other tourist and cultural information supports of the destination.

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A greener cleaning service for Adeje


HE cleaning service of Adeje has incorporated new more efficient and environmentally friendly machinery.

The improvements are being provided by the company Ascan Torrabonaf. “This investment responds to the aims of the Strategic Plan for Climate Change of Adeje and the Covenant of Mayors,” said the councillor responsible, Esther Rivero Vargas. “Little by little, we are implementing measures that contribute to achieving sustainable municipality in all areas. ” More than 475 new surface containers have been installed, with a new design and greater capacity, as well as the installation of recycling islands in the high districts such as Taucho, La Quinta, La Concepción, Tijoco and Ifonche. The investment for the new containers has been 1,150,000 euros since it has involved the acquisition of special trucks equipped with an automated robot that, without external help, is able to load, empty and relocate the containers on both sides of the street, all from the cab of the truck and in a minimum time, which results in less disruption and greater effectiveness in the service. A project has also started for the installation of 30

underground islands for selective collection, with the three fractions of paper, plastic and glass, with an investment of 550,000 euros. These new containers, surface and underground, have been installed both in the tourist area and in various districts of the municipality (Adeje, Las Torres, L as Nieves) and it is the intention of the municipality to continue replacing the old containers with this new model progressively . The improvements made include heavy machinery that meets stricter environmental requirements such as Euro 6 standards that mark a drastic reduction in the emission of polluting gases, especially nitrous oxides or NOx, from 180 mg / km to only 80 mg / km In addition, 100% electric cleaning machiner y (0 emissions) has been incorporated, such as low maintenance sweepers and flushers, with autonomy between 8.5 hours / day and a payload of up to 1,400 kg for the first and 1,500 liters for flushers.

Palmetum, the paradise for nature, celebrates sixth anniversary The stunning Palmetum in Santa Cruz has celebrated its sixth anniversary since opening to the public on January 28th, 2014


HROUGHOUT all this time, the 12hectare botanical garden specialised in palm trees has reaped important landmarks that have turned it into the garden with the best collection of this type of plants in Europe.

The botanical family of palm trees, technically called Arecaceae or Palmae, is the best represented in the collection, with more than 400 species distributed throughout the park according to their geographical origin. Most of the surface of the Palmetum has been dedicated to island territories, so palm trees from islands such as Madagascar, the Caribbean and Polynesia are very well represented. The Palmetum, located in the Cabo Llanos district next to the César Manrique Maritime Park, has in its magnificent collection more than 2,000 species next to lakes, viewpoints and waterfalls that allow you to

enjoy an oasis of nature in the heart of the city, from which, likewise, the facilities offer privileged views, as well as the Atlantic Ocean at whose feet this spectacular set stands. Likewise, for some years the mountain has become one of the best places in Santa Cruz for bird watching. It

should be noted that this location receives every winter the special visit of the herons. After the closure of the landfill in 1983, one of the greatest contributions of this unique project in the world is that it has successfully transformed what was once an inhospitable terrain, into a new ecosystem of life and an

internationally recognized example of sustainability. The Palmetum, considered a paradise for nature, has also been distinguished with prizes such as the Alhambra for the best public garden in Spain in 2018 and can be visited by the public from 10am to 6pm every day, including Sundays and holidays.

Recycling efforts in Granadilla earn highest national award CANARY LEADER


RANADILLA council, through its public company Sermugran, has received the highest national award of three blue bow ties for growth in the selective collection of paper and cardboard in 2019.

The municipality is the only one in the Canaries rewarded for its commitment to recycling for three consecutive years. In total, 35 municipalities of the Spanish geography receive this distinction, among which is Granadilla de Abona, which increases the degree of recognition granted by the Spanish Association of Pulp, Paper and Cardboard Manufacturers (ASPAPEL). The ceremony was held in Valladolid and was chaired by the Secretary of State for the Environment, Hugo Morán, and ASPAPEL President Jordi Mercader, who presented this distinction to the Mayor, José Domingo Regalado. He was accompanied by the president of Sermugran, Marcos González; the vice president of the municipal society, María Candelaria Rodríguez, and the manager, Aitor González. José Domingo Regalado said they were proud to obtain the maximum recognition of three blue bow ties and to enter the group of the 26 local entities where Barcelona, Lleida, Prat del Llobregat, Bilbao, Burgos, Cádiz, Ciudad Real, Córdoba, Gijón , Logroño, Segovia, Soria, Valladolid and Diputación de Córdoba, among others, feature. “The work carried out by the entire Sermugran team and the involvement of the population and companies has been key to this growing success and to place us as the only municipality in the Canary Islands to obtain these awards,” says the Mayor. The evaluation is based on 21 indicators that analyse everything related to the collection of the blue container and complementary collections, campaigns and citizen information and awareness actions, aspects related to regulation and management planning and results and traceability until the final recycling.





Cabildo acts to safeguard the ecosystem of Los Gigantes cliffs


ENERIFE Cabildo is to intensify environmental monitoring throughout the coast to try and prevent incidents which might damage the ecosystem in the southwestern sector of the island, specifically on the cliffs of Los Gigantes.

The monitoring will be carried out by sea and land, with special care to ensure compliance with regulations during surveillance services. In addition, environmental agents with the Rural Park of Teno will again contact active tourism companies and similar who carry out their activity on the cliffs of Los Gigantes, as well as with individuals and personnel of management of marinas, to inform them about the values, the fragility of this environment, the existing regulations, as well as the need to adopt responsible behaviours by all the people who work or enjoy these cliffs, especially during the period of breeding of the osprey or guincho, from January to August. "Los Gigantes cliffs, an authentic wall over 400 metres high, in addition to constituting

Ravine drama as 70 Chayofa residents HOUSING FEARS evacuated


WIFT action by the emergency services prevented what could have been a major disaster in Tenerife as the island was suffering strong winds.

an imposing landscape, is home to an enormous and unique biodiversity, which has some endangered species such as the osprey and the giant lizard of Tenerife," says the Minister of the Environment and Security Area, Isabel García. “In recent decades, this place is witnessing a close relationship between nature and tourism development, due to the many recreational and sports activities that take place every day both on land and at

sea. The large influx of visitors can compromise the conservation of species such as the osprey, especially in the breeding period, between the months of January and August, causing discomfort that endangers its reproductive success." In the last follow-ups carried out on the osprey, it has been found that its situation is extremely critical, according the experts. These cliffs are one of the few places in the

Canary Islands where they reproduce. Two couples did it in 2018 and only one in 2019. Among the general recommendations made to the population, it is requested to avoid making loud noises and use public address systems, maintain a distance of 250 metres from the coast and do not anchor at the coves or at the foot of the cliffs, hiking and other related activities outside the areas of greatest fragility, etc.

The drama happened when fire broke out on shrubland in a ravine in the picturesque village of Chayofa. There were real fears that the flames might spread to houses just yards away and the strong gusts of wind did mean the fire reached the terraces of the properties. Fortunately, firefighters were able to contain the blaze and none of the houses were physically affected. However, as a precaution, about 70 people were advised to leave their homes. They were able to return a short while later. The fire affected about 1,000 square metres of vegetation and palm trees in the ravine, leaving the ground visibly scorched. Some 80 emergency personnel were involved, including Arona police, Civil Protection, firefighters from San Miguel de Abona and volunteers of Adeje and Guía de Isora. The Mayor of Arona, José Julián Mena and security councillor, Francisco Marichaln attended to see what was happening and to give their support.










New commission to tackle negative La Laguna asks: “Have we no issues of Los Cristianos port powers over phone RONA council has created the first-ever commission to co-ordinate activity at the port in Los Cristianos, including looking at traffic flow and congestion.

It has joined up with the Port Authority of Santa Cruz de Tenerife and will meet on a regular basis to discuss issues which not only affect this part of the town but which have an impact too on the rest of the municipality. Issues will include mobility, working together on dates and times of increased traffic, coordinating the celebration of events, improving accessibility to the port and establishing action protocols. The agreement was reached at a meeting attended by the Mayor, José Julián Mena, and the councillors of the areas of Economic Promotion, Public Services and Works, Dácil León, José Luis Gómez and Leopoldo Díaz Oda, respectively. Also attending on behalf of the Port Authority were its president, Carlos González, its

technical director, Aitor Acha, as well as the area manager of Operational Development, Marcos Hernández, and the operations technicians of the port of Los Cristianos Salvador Méndez and José Ignacio Verduras . The accessibility within the port of this town, the impact of the traffic that it generates, the realisation of events and works, as well as the illegal anchorage of boats have been some of the topics that have been discussed in this meeting and that will be object of the work of the commission. During the meeting, it was agreed that both institutions exchange the planning of the events to be carried out so that they develop in the most coordinated way possible; also, that the port will communicate to the Arona council the forecast of


French citizen rescued from pool


maritime traffic peaks so that, both the Port Authority and the corporation, work together to improve mobility. Another issue has been the illegal anchoring of boats on the Las Vistas beach, against which an action protocol will be created. Sr. Mena highlighted “the importance of the creation of this commission for Los Cristianos and for the whole of the region which will allow for better coordination between the council and the Port

Authority, opening a continuous channel of communication so that the municipality and those responsible for this infrastructure can work in the most efficient way possible, a collaboration that will result in the benefit of this important core of the municipality. ” Sr. González said the Port Authority was delighted to move forward jointly with the southern corporation and reduce the negative impacts that saturation of the port of Los Cristianos can cause its users.

Mountaineers back environmental education

N 80-year-old man was rushed to hospital in a critical condition after being rescued from a pool in Playa San Juan.

The 112 centre received a call for help in the mid-afternoon, reporting that the French citizen had been pulled from the water with signs of near drowning. The Canarian Emergency Service, local police and Civil Guard all attended. The lifeguard of the hotel complex provided the first assistance and began performing resuscitation until the arrival of the SUC ambulances whose staff continued with advanced cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Once stabilised, he was transferred in the medicalised ambulance to hospital in Santa Cruz.


LIMBING fans have been pledging their support for the environment of Tenerife.

Tenerife Cabildo’s councillor for sustainable development and the Fight against Climate Change, Javier Rodríguez, recently met with members of the board of directors of the Insular Federation of Mountaineering of Tenerife. The meeting served to reinforce communication channels on issues such as environmental education and the activities that the island corporation develops in this area.


A Orotava council is studying whether it is necessary to develop a new ordinance to regulate mobile phone antennas after being “emptied” of all its powers. The current rules date from December 2011 but three years later, in July 2014, it was appealed by different operators. As a consequence, the Superior Court of Justice of the Canary Islands annulled part of the articles that established certain limitations to the installation of this type of infrastructure. In addition to this, the new state-level provision must be taken into account, specifically, the General Telecommunications Law for Local Administrations of May 9, 2014; the General Law of Telecommunications and 32/ 2003, of November 3, and 12/ 2012, of December 26, as well as the Urgent Measures for the Liberation of Commerce and certain services (effective as of December 28, 2012) which replaces previous licenses or authorisations with responsible

declarations. With all of them, the city councils “have been emptied of competences in this matter”, since the central government is the administration that regulates the concessions of antennas, to which it has declared of public interest, said La Laguna’s councillor of urbanism and territorial planning, Narciso Pérez. “There has been no time to assess the legal scope of these reports, which are also very broad, but according to a quick reading goes along the lines that municipalities cannot establish limitations,” said Sr. Pérez. For all these reasons, the agreement reached by the council was to study the possibility of having a new ordinance or if, on the contrary, within the new legal framework, only state regulations should be observed.




Rise! Take your mat and walk


OMEN, men and children of all ages are called to “Rise! Take your mat and walk”.

The women of Zimbabwe have prepared this year’s World Day of Prayer (WDP) service and we are all encouraged to reflect on the difficulties and unrest that have plagued their country over the years. They share with us the challenges they have met and the hopes they have for the future. They encourage us all, wherever we are, to “Rise take up your mat and walk” with them as they continue their, often, turbulent journey to full reconciliation. The Day of Prayer is celebrated in over 170 countries. It begins in Samoa and prayer in native languages travels throughout the world — through Asia, Africa, the Middle East, Europe and the Americas before finishing in American Samoa some 38 hours later. Here in the south of Tenerife the ecumenical service for the World Day of Prayer will take place at the Roman Catholic Church in San Blas, Golf del Sur at 3.00pm on Friday 6 March. Do join us for a colourful, joyful yet poignant service with traditional and African hymns. There will be refreshments after to which everyone is cordially invited.







All Saints Church news


OME and join us in weekly worship, a warm welcome awaits you at All Saints Church in Parque Taoro, Puerto de la Cruz.

Our Services are as follows: Holy Communion on Sundays at 9.30am and Sung Eucharist at 11am followed by refreshments in the church grounds. If you are visiting us please make yourselves known, it’s always good to meet new faces.Holy Communion on a Wednesday at 10am is followed after coffee by either a Bible Study on a particular passage from the Bible or a quiet Prayer Meeting when one can put forward ones own wishes for Prayer. An international Taize Service is held on the second and fourth Thursdays of the month at 5.30pm in the church.

Some dates for your diaries: The next Car Boot will be on Saturday March 7th in the church grounds, gates open at 11am. If you never been to one come along, it’s usually a very busy day. In fact our last one in February had a record attendance with over 1200 people through the gate. A wonderful atmosphere and a ver y enjoyable day for all who took part and of course all who came. If you wish for more information as to the availability of pitches please phone Wendy on 922320978/605 486792. Our next Inter Quiz will be on Tuesday March 10th in the

church grounds starting at 6pm. The hosts of this quiz are ESTA . Entrance is two euros which is given to charity by the hosting team. If you are a bit of a quiz fanatic or even if just for enjoyment come along and take part. A prior notice of three concerts to be performed in the church by the Reyes Bartlett, Tuesday 3rd March at 5pm and then later in the month on Saturday March 21st at 5pm and Sunday March 22nd at 8pm . Now some long awaited joyful newsfor the congregation of All Saints. A permanent priest has been appointed to lead us. Reverend Ron Corne will be joining us for his first Sunday Service on March 15th, followed a week

later by his licencing. This will be officiated by our new Archdeacon of Gibraltar, Reverend David Waller. Come along and celebrate this happy time with us all as we welcome Reverend Ron to All Saints. Have you got what we are looking for as two vacancies have arisen on our Chaplaincy Church Council which you may like to have a go at so to speak.Firstly we are in need of a Church Treasurer. If this appeals to you and you enjoy accounting and are familiar with the Excel computer programme this could be for you .A Safeguarding Officier is also required. This would involve some training unless of course you already have experience of this . For more

information on either of these posts please phone Wendy on 922320978/605486792 who will be very pleased to hear from you . As we are still in an interregnum until the middle of March our last locum is

Reverend Paul Skirrow who is here with his wife Wendy . If you wish to speak to Reverend Paul PLEASE NOTE CHANGE OF PARSONAGE PHONE NUMBER 922978863 or Wendy , our Churchwarden on 922320978/605486792.

The right time for Rex



AY in, day out we see so many abandoned dogs around the island who either end up living on the streets or ending up in the one of the shelters after being found by someone who happened to be in the right place at the right time. For this young boy, someone was there, and they brought him to K9. We named him Rex and when he was brought to K9 back in May last year he was still a young puppy, aged around 5-6 months old. He was found along with another dog, a young female who he seemed closed to. They were both found in Los Abrigos with leads on but to this day no owner has come forward. The female, who we named Bo was adopted a few months back but Rex still remains at the shelter. He is about a year old now and he has grown up into a handsome young boy. He currently shares with another male dog and they get on fine. Some of volunteers bring him to the local dog park sometimes where he meets other dogs also and he is ok with them so it seems he is ok with other dogs. He does have a lot of energy but is a very sweet boy and once he gets to know you, he gains more confidence. When he first arrived back in May, he was extremely nervous of all the new people

who were at K9 and all the new surroundings so he was a bit stressed at the start, barking etc. He didn’t want anyone to touch him or pet him, but he wasn’t aggressive, he just backed away, so we let him come to us in his own time, for him to gain our trust. When Bo, his female companion got adopted, he did seem a little bit lost for a while, wondering where his friend had disappeared to, but he did have Sprite to keep him company. That being said, he deserves a second chance at a loving forever home. He is a very healthy young dog but does need a bit of time to get to know you, a he is still a bit nervous of new people. If you can give him a chance and have patience with him, he will become a loving best friend and great companion for someone. If you cannot adopt him, please share his story to your friends and family and let us get Rex a new home. He is a young boy who need a happy life, and we don’t want him spending his life at K9. Please help us.

8th Aniversary

Susan Duddy In loving memory of Wife, Mum, and Sister Susan Who passed away on the 2nd of March 2012 “Death is a heartache no one can heal Memories are somethjng no one can steal” Loved and missed always Michael, Mikey, and Sister Linda



Our supporters do have a heart


Men rob cannabis club in Lanzarote


WO men have been arrested for robbing a cannabis club in Lanzarote.


HILDREN from La Mantanza school in the north of the island visited our refuge to take part in our educational programme.

The pupils were aged from three years upwards. At the end of their visit a little boy came up to us and said “only people with no hearts leave dogs on the streets” . Not a truer word could be said. No dog deserves that. Please be a responsible pet owner and sterilise or castrate your pet and please do not let your pet breed. The refuge is full of over 200 dogs that are all looking for loving new homes so please do come and visit us if you are interested in adopting a dog. Please do call the refuge on 664321219 between the hours of 8am -5pm if you can help in any way. We are always in need of tinned dog food for

our older dogs, blankets, towels, sheets, dog toys and collars and leads. If you have any of the above to spare, they would be very much appreciated at the refuge, or visit Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday afternoons from 14.0017.00pm and Saturdays 13.0016.00. We are situated directly under the Eolica Parque exit 52 on the TF1 north bound which is after the after the El Medano junction. Head for the giant windmills on the coast and we are the buildings on the right hand side or email the refuge at teneriffa@aktiontier.org or visit our Facebook page



The incident happened in Arrecife, with police having been alerted by a neighbour who heard the sound of glass breaking at dawn. Officers who went to the scene found the windows of the access door to the cannabis club were broken and the interior in disarray. A few yards away, they also spotted two men trying to put a large television into a rubbish container. When they saw the police, they fled but were later arrested. The men, aged 26 and 30, also had marijuana and hashish in their possession. A video game console with several games and a bicycle were found nearby. All the items had been stolen from the club.


Medics lose fight to save kitesurfer


HERE was tragedy in La Palma when a kitesurfer died at Las Monjas beach in Los Llanos de Aridane.

The 112 emergency control centre had received an alert requesting help for a man who was in distress. The Emergency and Rescue Group of the Canary Islands Government went to the scene with a rescue helicopter and land unit, together with Maritime Rescue, the Canarian Emergency Service. Civil Guard and local police. The GES helicopter rescued the affected person in a cardiorespiratory arrest, so rescuers began resuscitation during their transfer to the helisurface of the General Hospital of La Palma,” said a 112 spokesman. “There, the staff of the SUC ambulance continued with these maneuvers while transferring the affected person to the emergency department of the hospital where he subsequently died.”



Couple hurt as car plunges down ravine


man and a woman in their late 60s were injured after their car plunged down a ravine in Gran Canaria.

The accident happened on the Carretera del Barranquillo de Andrés in the municipality of Mogán just after noon. The 112 emergency control centre had received a report saying a car with a number of occupants had left the road and gone down a steep embankment. The Canarian Emergency Service, Gran Canaria Emergency Consortium, local police and Civil Guard all rushed to the scene. The car was detected but there was no-one inside as the couple had managed to get out by themselves. A 69-year-old man suffered head injuries, described as moderate, and was transferred by medical helicopter from the SUC to the University Hospital of Gran Canaria. A woman, also 69, suffered a number of injuries and she too was airlifted to hospital.


Tourist injured in fall down stairs


Norwegian man was badly injured after falling down a flight of stairs in Gran Canaria.

He suffered serious chest trauma in the accident on Avenida Las Palmeras, Puerto Rico, in the municipality of Mogán just after 10pm. The Canarian Emergency Service, local police and Civil Guard went to the scene following a call to the 112

centre which reported the man has fallen down some stairs and crashed into a wall. He was treated at the scene and once immobilised and stabilized, was transferred to the San Roque-Meloneras Hospital and subsequently to the Insular Hospital.







Gran Canaria drugs gang ran three labs and had links with extortion and forgery


Woman stabbed in attempted robbery


68-year-old woman was stabbed in the leg during an attempted street robbery in Lanzarote.

The mugging happened just before 9.30pm in the area of calle Antonio Machado in the municipality of Arrecife. Local and national police, together with the Canary Emergency Service, were called out following a call to the 112 centre requesting health care for the woman who had been attacked. During the attempted robbery, she received a slight cut to her leg, inflicted by a knife. Medics treated her at the scene and took her to the José Molina Orosa Hospital. Barring complications, her injury was described as “moderate”.


OLICE in the Canary Islands have busted an international criminal organisation which manufactured and trafficked narcotic, psychotropic and anabolic substances. The investigation was carried out in three phases and has led to the arrest of 18 people aged between 23 and 60. Three clandestine laboratories were discovered during raids on the holiday island of Gran Canaria. In these, police seized more than 1,800 kilos of hashish, nine kilos of anabolic, six kilos of MMDA, numerous

material for the production of narcotic drugs, almost 50,000 euros in cash and 900,000 euros in postal orders. One of the suspects is a police officer who is alleged to have been “a fundamental member of the criminal organisation” who helped to cover up the illegal activities and lied about links with the

justice system and other police forces to bolster his role and gain greater pay-offs. “His main task, taking advantage of his status as an agent of the authority, has been to give security and coverage of the different drug trafficking operations, advising and revealing reserved information on police action methodologies,” say the police. The investigation has taken two years to complete and managed to unravel the “complex network” designed

to launder the economic benefits obtained from their illegal activities. At one stage, police intercepted a boat which was trying to smuggle 1,350 kilos of hashish from Morocco into Gran Canaria and later found 1,500 kilos of the drug on a popular beach. Those arrested face crimes against public health, bribery, extortion and money laundering. Raids were carried out in the municipalities of Las Palmas, San Bartolomé de Tirajana, Santa Lucía de Tirajana and Telde, all in Gran Canaria. Cocaine, marijuana and synthetic marijuana were found in the labs, as well as 79,100 doses of steroids ready for distribution. Eight cars, a motorcycle and two boats were impounded, plus four guns, two laser guns, jewellery and various computer equipment. “In addition, we have blocked numerous bank accounts and collected evidence that connects the gang to other criminal activities such as extortion and forgery,” said a police spokesman. Eight of the suspects have been remanded in prison. The others have been released on bail. The operation was carried out in three phases by Civil Guard agents, in a joint operation with the National Police and the Tax Agency.


Man dies in accident with bus


tragic accident on the main motorway in Fuerteventura resulted in a man’s death.

The 112 emergency services said he was involved in a collision with a bus on the FV-1 at the exit of the municipality of Puerto de Rosario. It happened just after 9pm. The circumstances were not expanded on and no details were given about the man’s nationality or age. The Canary Emergency Service with a medicalised ambulance went to the scene, together with the local police and Civil Guard. The 112 centre had received a call to say the man had been hit by a bus. His serious injuries meant nothing could be done to save his life. An investigation was opened to determine what happened.

Hiker airlifted to hospital


HE emergency helicopter had to be called in to rescue a hiker who injured herself whilst walking in Gran Canaria.

The woman suffered trauma to one of her legs after stumbling on the Güigüí footpath in La Aldea de San Nicolás. She was unable to continue so a call to the 112 centre led to the mobilisation of the Emergency and Rescue Group with the rescue helicopter, the Canary Emergency Service with a basic life support ambulance, the Gran Canaria Emergency Consortium, local police and Civil Protection. The GES helicopter landed nearby and after the woman, age not given, was rescued, she was transferred to the helisurface of the University Hospital of Gran Canaria Doctor Negrín.






Doctors now performing heart transplants within the Canaries


Canary tourism strategy to tackle “shame of flying”


N 2020, the Canary Islands will allocate 24 million euros to tourism promotion with the aim of reactivating the main markets such as the United Kingdom, Germany and the Nordic countries and others in which there is a margin of growth, such as the national market.


EART transplants are being performed for the first time ever in the Canary Islands and the first patient to benefit says he is thrilled to be alive to tell the tale. Previously, heart transplant patients had to move to the Spanish mainland for the operation and after-care. Now, it is possible for them to stay in the Canaries and three heart transplants have already been carried out at the University Hospital of Gran Canaria Dr. Negrín under its Cardiac Transplant Programme, a pioneer in the Canary Islands. The programme was launched at the hospital in November of 2019 and represents a ver y important advance for Canarian patients. General director of Assistance Programmes of the Canary Health Service, Octavio Jiménez Ramos, regional transplant coordinator, Gemma García Poignon, the managing director of the Dr. Negrín Hospital, Jesús Morera Molina, head of the Cardiology service, Eduardo Caballero Dorta , head of the Cardiac Surgery department, Francisco Portela Torrón, and the hospital transplant coordinator, Vicente Peña Morant, were all present at a press conference. They were joined by the first transplanted patient, Pedro

José Luis Bordón González, who continues his recovery after undergoing the intervention. Sr. Ramos congratulated all the professionals who “with their work and involvement have made it possible for the Canary Islands today to have a Heart Transplant Programme that represents a very important boost to our healthcare.” He also highlighted the important role of donors and their families. “The Canary Islands have 50.7 donors per million population, which places us above the national average that is set at 48.9 donors. Without them, without their generosity, no doubt, nothing would be possible, ” he said. Sr. Molina recalled the “emotion” that was experienced in the hospital when the first heart transplant was performed. Pedro José Luis Bordón González, the first transplant patient, wanted to show his gratitude and that of his family to all the SCS professionals “who have made it possible for me to have received a heart that allows me not to tire continuously as I did before.”

Minister of Tourism, Industry and Commerce, Yaiza Castilla, reported in Parliament the main lines that her Department will develop to improve and increase tourism in the Canary Islands. She described the budget increase as “considerable”, derived from the contribution of 15 million of the agreement with the State for the bankruptcy of Thomas Cook, of which more than six million are expressly destined for promotion abroad. One of the new aims is to increase the presence of environmental content in tourism promotion as a factor of increasing importance in the decision-making process of tourists. “Our promotion must be aimed at minimising the barriers that the environmental commitment builds around the concept of vacations in a mature and remote destination,” she said. “Attention to phenomena such as the “shame of flying” are a

requirement that we cannot ignore and that will require specific lines of action that we are already developing. “ On the closing data of the year 2019 on the arrival of visitors, the head of Tourism defended that the figure of 15.1 million tourists, between foreigners and nationals, 2.9% less visitors than in 2018, “is not a bad fact, because there are still three million more tourists than we had been receiving six years ago, before the closure of competing destinations in the eastern Mediterranean.” Yaiza Castilla referred to the effort made by the Canarian tourism sector, in recent years, in diversifying markets and customer segments while global indicators showed a consolidation of a model of success and international leadership to reach record figures. “Today, we continue to be, of course, a model of success, but we cannot ignore that the growth of competitive intensity,

Police seize swords during drugs raid


OLICE who raided a house in Fuerteventura found guns and katana swords as well as drugs.

A father and son, aged 61 and 24, were arrested on suspicion of drug trafficking. The investigation was initiated following complaints from neighbours who suspected the property was being used as a point of sale for narcotic substances. Police confirmed that a number of people were visting the house in Puerto del Rosario. The raid revealed 660 grams of hashish, 102 grams of marijuana and 2.2 grams of cocaine, in addition to 422 euros in cash and two scales. Officers also found a machete, two katanas and five guns (detonators and compressed air).

together with other factors, has generated a new context that forces us to reflect on the need to adapt to a new situation and to do some things differently, also with regard to tourism marketing. ” She said the Canary Islands cannot focus solely on promotion. “We must consider the need to expand, through tourism intelligence projects, our knowledge of these markets, Germany and Nordic, which are experiencing a profound transformation linked not only to economic issues, but to behavioural changes in tourist consumption that are having a growing

influence,” she said. “Expanding this updated knowledge will allow us all to anticipate trends and better decision making, not hasty, regarding the best strategy to follow in the medium term, which in any case, must combine promotion and adjustments in the tourist offer, not only price but also in the value proposition we offer.” The tourism management strategy is based on combining the development of markets and growing customer segments, especially in the Spanish case, with the defense of the market share in the United Kingdom, Germany and Nordic countries.

Woman, 72, pulled from sea


woman in her early 70s was rushed to hospital in a critical condition after suffering a possible drowning at sea in Gran Canaria.

The incident happened on the beach of Puerto Rico in the municipality of Mogán. The 72-year-old woman of Norwegian origin had been rescued from the water by other people on the beach. Medics who attended found she was in cardiorespiratory arrest and performed advanced cardiopulmonary resuscitation, managing to recover her pulse. Once stabilised, she was transferred to the hospital.

“Violent” passenger on Canary flight


flight heading for the Canary Islands had to return to the Spanish mainland due to a “violent passenger” on board.

The plane had left Madrid for Lanzarote when some sort of incident happened an hour into the journey over Extremadura. The “violent” attitude of one of the passengers caused the caption to take the decision to return to Madrid so as not to endanger the rest of the passengers. Once on land, the Civil Guard identified the man and took him into custody.





Canaries wants to spend its excess money within the archipelago

Regret and apology after patient’s illness described as “transsexuality”



HE Canary Islands is demanding more resources to strengthen public services and boost infrastructure.

The call was led by vice president of the Canar y Government and Minister of Finance, Budgets and European Affairs, Román Rodríguez. The reform of the autonomous financing system, on the one hand, and a relaxation of the spending rule that allows the use of the accumulated surplus in the administrations complying with fiscal regulations, on the other, are the axes on which the Canary Islands is basing its case. With respect to the first of the points, the vice president said that regional financing is key to the articulation of the State, to the extent that it allows communities to develop competencies “whenever there are financial resources that make it

possible”. Sr. Rodríguez said that the Canary Islands will demand specific responses for the archipelago in future meetings of the Fiscal and Financial Policy Council based on their own reality. In this regard, the vice president has once again insisted on the need to make the spending rule more flexible, so that money placed in the autonomy and town hall surplus can be released to finance essential public services and to improve infrastructure. Minister of Finance, María Jesús Montero, has pledged to create a working group to articulate exceptions in the use of the surplus of those autonomies and local corporations that comply with the fiscal rules.

EALTH chiefs in the Canary Islands have issued a formal apology to a patient whose records were filled out to show he was suffering from transsexuality as a “disease”.

The Ministry of Health says this was down to human error and has described the incident as totally unacceptable. A major investigation was launched into the exact circumstances of the case and to put into effect any measures which might be necessary to ensure it never happens again. Health leaders say they are firmly committed to the defence of the rights of the LGTBI collective and staff receive constant training and guidance. The row broke out after the patient discovered that his notes said he was suffering illness classified as transsexuality. The Ministry of Health of the Government of the Canary Islands says it strongly rejects the denomination of transsexuality as a “disease”, as indicated by the World Health

Ministry of Health Organisation itself. The patient comes from La Palma. The health department says it was down to human error, generated by the use of a version of the administrative and clinical management system of primary care which had not been updated. The Health Services Management of La Palma has officially transferred its apologies to the patient, who has been invited to request the modification or deletion of the data that appears as background information in the database of the Canary Islands

Service of the Health, according to instruction 16/16. A spokesman said: “The Ministry of Health recalls its firm commitment in the defense of the rights of the LGTBI collective, as reflected in the development of the Case Manager, an accompaniment task performed by highly sensitive professionals. Thus, the Canary Islands Health Service will continue advancing in the implementation of the Protocol of Health Care for Trans people, a document resulting from the joint work between the General Direc-

torate of Assistance Programmes and the different LGTBI groups with the objective of homogenizing health care to Trans people, also establishing a specific circuit, facilitating the personal development and quality of life of all the people involved.” The SCS has been training over 700 professionals in health care for Trans people over the past three years through six workshops and through online training in promoting sexual health in the health field, with a specific thematic area about attention to trans people.






Multi-lingual 112 centre proves a life-saver during 2019



N the Canary Islands, 510,796 people requested help from the Emergency and Security Coordination Centre (CECOES) 1-1-2 during the year 2019 from different points of the rchipelago.

Nearly 40% of these citizens were facing an emergency, that is, in a situation of imminent danger to their life, property and /or rights, with an increase of five per cent compared to the previous year. To respond to the demands of different types that were received during the past year, CECOES 1-1-2, a service under the Ministr y of Public Administration, Justice and Security of the Government of the Canary Islands, activated more than half a million mobile resources of different services, both sanitary and police, of extinction and rescue or of attention to women. To facilitate access to the emergency services of the islands, both foreign residents and tourists, 1-1-2 Canarias has a multilingual assistance system guaranteed in person by operators who attend in English, German, French, Italian, in addition to an external translation system that allows to attend in more than 40 languages. In this regard, last year 1-1-2 answered 13,054


Two German tourists drown and relative injured after being swept into the sea


HE huge unexpected waves which regularly batter the coastline and rocks of the Canary Islands have claimed two more lives and landed a third person seriously injured in hospital.

calls in other languages, of which almost 72 per cent were in English. With respect to global activity, in 2019 528,962 incidents were attended and about half (262,229) were sanitary, followed by those related to citizen security that amounted to 169,816, with 32%. The cases of firefighting, rescue and technical assistance totalled 49,526, followed by traffic and labour accidents, among others, with 46,435 cases. The management of maritime rescue incidents, with 918, and the demands for information

before seismic movement were placed in the last places of the table, although with an increase with respect to the year 2018. The activity data also show that nine out of ten incidents were monosectoral, which means that their resolution was managed by a specific service or was carried out from the Operating Room itself 1-1-2. The rest was classified as a multisectoral incident, which implied the activation of different emergency services for resolution, depending on the type of emergency in question

and where it occurs. Regarding the distribution of the activity developed by 1-1-2 during 2019, the province of Las Palmas resolved almost 54% of it, while that of Santa Cruz de Tenerife assumed the resolution of just over 46% of help requests. By islands, 1-1-2 managed 223,758 incidents in Tenerife, followed by 277,908 in Gran Canaria. This was followed by the island of Lanzarote with 32,465; Fuerteventura with 24,293; La Palma with 16.095; La Gomera with 6,815 and finally El Hierro, with 4,386. La Graciosa accounted for 426 incidents.

The victims were two German brothers, aged 28 and 40, who had been admiring the views from a beauty spot in Fuerteventura. They were with other members of their family who were enjoying a holiday in the Canaries and were reported to be taking photographs. The tragedy happened at about 1.30pm off the popular beach of Aguas Verdes which is in the municipality of Betancuria in the western part of Fuerteventura. A huge wave struck the rocks with such force that it dragged the two brothers into the sea, together with a woman, aged 38, believed to be a relative. The woman managed to get out and survived, though she suffered multiple injuries, including fractures. It is understood the men’s mother and one of their wives were in the group and witnessed the tragic incident. The beauty spot is a wellknown place to enjoy the views of Fuerteventura but it can be dangerous because of the strong waves and currents. The emergency services had received a call reporting that two men were in trouble in

the sea. A full-scale rescue mission was launched to find the two men. This involved a rescue helicopter of the Emergency and Rescue Group (GES) of the Government of the Canary Islands, members of the Emergency Consortium of Fuerteventura, a Maritime Rescue vessel, a medical ambulance of the Canary Emergency Service (SUC) and agents of the Local Police of Betancuria and the Civil Guard. The men’s bodies were eventually spotted in the sea and they were rescued by the emergency helicopter. Both were in cardiorespiratory arrest and despite prolonged efforts to save them, they could not be revived and were certified dead at the scene. The woman was stabilised and rushed to hospital by the emergency helicopter. An investigation was immediately opened to determine exactly what happened. Regardless of the outcome of this, the emergency services warn about the potential dangers of the sea in the Canary Islands with its currents and huge waves which people need to be aware of.








Tourism creating more jobs in Spain and the Canaries



PANISH police say national and international athletes are under suspicion of illegally buying the hormone drug Er ythropoietin after a huge sports doping network was uncoverted.

The operation has led to the arrest of six people and the discovery of more than 850 doses of EPO, the largest seizure of its kind in Europe. Those involved had been obtaining medications from the Spanish legal circuit for several years through a dialysis clinic in Cádiz. The six people arrested in the provinces of Barcelona and Cádiz face alleged crimes against public health, belonging to a criminal organisation, money laundering, misappropriation, fraud against Social Security and document falsification.


OURISM in Spain is continuing to boost employment with thousands of new jobs created during 2019.

Operation HIPOXIANET operation started as a result of information received from the Spanish Agency for the Protection of Health in Sports which indicated that several

athletes could be accessing this type of doping substances through purchase through the internet. “In this way, the agents were able to identify at least

seven web pages that offered different anabolic steroid products without any sanitary control, “ said a police spokesman. “All the domains were hosted on servers in countries like Iceland or tax havens like New Jersey, whose legisla-tion is more permissive in terms of web hosting.” “These websites were aimed at potential clients nationally and internationally, in multiple languages and currencies, in which various types of medications such as hormones and steroids were offered. Some of them were dedicated exclusively to the sale of EPO, in which it was indicated that the mentioned hormone was sent from Spain.” “At the moment the study and analysis of an im-portant volume of informa-tion obtained, after the final phase of the investigation, is being carried out in different computers, tele-phones, emails and current accounts based in Austria, Slovakia and Cyprus, showing a wide list of possible final consumers, among which it is expected that there will be a large number of national and international athletes, from different sports disciplines and levels, who accessed these doping substances in order to increase their physical abilities.” So far, more than 800,000 euros have been blocked in different bank accounts and real estate / personal property, with more than 70,000 euros seized during the raids. The network was operated by several citizens of Serbian nationality, one of them based in Barcelona. Police believe the network had been operating for at least ten years and has netted millions of pounds.

According to figures from the Labour Force Survey released by Turespaña, attached to the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism, 2,677,371 people were in work associated with tourism activities in the fourth quarter of 2019, which is 93,850 more jobs than in the same period of the previous year, and amounts to year-on-year growth of 3.6%. The number of people working in the tourism sector accounts for 13.4% of all jobs in the Spanish economy, while the unemployment rate stands at 12.1%, lower than the national average of 13.8%, thus indicating that the outlook for work is improving in the Spanish tourism sector. State Secretary for Tourism, Isabel Oliver, said: “Tourism is consolidating its position each month as the main driver of job creation, with increasingly higher quality jobs, as can be seen in the increase in the number of permanent employment contracts registered and in full-time jobs. The government will continue to work along these lines to ensure greater job stability, better conditions, security and training.” Particularly noteworthy in the fourth quarter is the higher quality of jobs in the tourism sector, with an increase in permanent employment contracts of 10.2% - 68% of all contracts - while workers on temporary contracts dropped by 3.1%. In terms of the working day, the number of full-time workers increased by 5.2% and account for 73.5% of the total, while the number of part-time workers increased by 6.4%. The autonomous regions to receive the highest number of tourists - Catalonia, Andalusia, the Region of Madrid, the Canary Islands and the Region of Valencia - are, in turn, those that provide the highest number of jobs in the sector, accounting for 74.6% of all jobs in tourism in the fourth quarter of 2019. Those regions to see the largest increases in jobs in tourism are La Rioja (up 21.8%), Asturias (up 12.7%) and Andalusia (up 11.7%), while Murcia, Castile-La Mancha and Extremadura saw the number of workers in the sector decrease most on the same quarter of the previous year.







Four regions join forces to protest over air ticket prices


HE Canary Islands, the Balearic Islands, Ceuta and Melilla have officially joined forces to request that the State control the price of air tickets. The extrapeninsular territories are also asking the Spanish government to declare certain routes eligible for the public service grants. They further request the creation of a permanent committee composed of representatives of the State and the extrapeninsular territories to monitor and control mobility and make proposals to improve it. President of the Canary Islands, Ángel Víctor Torres, accompanied by the president of the Government of the Balearic Islands, Francina Armengol, the president of the Autonomous City of Melilla, Eduardo de Castro, the general director of Promotion of the Autonomous City of Ceuta, Bharat Bhagwandas, and the Canarian Minister of Public Works, Transportation and Housing, Sebastián Franquis, held a press conference to reveal a set of measures to facilitate the connectivity of residents in these territories

with the Spanish peninsular. The president of the Canary Islands advanced that they will request a meeting from the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda to convey the conclusions of the summit. He also highlighted the agreement so that this Summit is held every year in one of these four territories “to continue deepening our relations and dialogue,” he said, and work in an alliance that the president described as “strategic for our territories in terms of transport and mobility ”. The next summit will be held in the city of Melilla. All public representatives who have participated in this event agree that the 75 per cent bonus has been a milestone but “has to result in the ticket being cheaper for the user, and that the supplementation and financing by the Government of Spain does not mean an increase in prices, ”said Ángel Víctor Torres.

Drunk tourism clampdown to go-ahead despite hoteliers’ fears


HE Balearic Government’s tough new stance against drunken tourism, including a ban on happy hours, pub crawls and balconing, is to goahead, despite claims that it will lead to hotel closures and the loss of thousands of jobs.

The crackdown will be carried out in the party hotspots of Playa de Palma and Magaluf in Mallorca and the West End of Sant Antoni in Ibiza which are considered to be a blight on the islands’ reputation. However, it is widely felt that the new laws will be extended to other trouble areas, if not the entire Balearics. The islands’ government last week formally approved a raft of measures which will see pubs and bars ordered not to offer happy hours, two for one offers or alcohol self-dispensers. Anyone caught jumping off balconies will face a fine of up to 60,000 euros and can be immediately thrown out of their hotel or apartment block. There will also be a crackdown on party boats and shops will

not be able to sell alcohol between the hours of 9.30pm and 8am. Tourism councillor Iago Negueruela said there had been “international acclaim” for the Balearic’s “pioneering move” and deplored the constant images of drunkenness, fights, abuses, balconing and destruction of urban furniture which had blighted these hotspots each summer. The objective, he stressed to island newspaper Ultimahora.es, was not to raise money

through the fines that will be imposed but to “put an end to this type of behaviour that must be eradicated immediately.” However, the political party Vox voted against the measures, claiming it was not the right way to deal with the problems and casting doubt over whether they could be enforced. Spokesman, Jorge Campos said it was a “discriminatory” regulation that only affected certain areas. Vox says the tough stance

will lead to the closure of hotels, restaurants and bars in these tourist spots, where ten per cent of jobs will be lost. “This is not the way to do it, this is the way to harm the tourism sector of the Balearic Islands,” said Mr. Campos. The Balaeric Government says it does not want to approve the new measures by passing a bill but is asking for widespread co-operation instead to make them work. It has promised to review them at the end of the 2020 season. .









ATIONAL Police have arrested eight people in the Coruña town of Ribeira for being part of one of the most active criminal organisations in the introduction of counterfeit US dollar bills.

Officers seized just over $87,000, making it one of the largest seizures of this currency made in Spain. The police investigation began during the month of October, when the appearance of counterfeit banknotes and their introduction into the financial circuit were detected through various banking entities in Ribeira and some nearby locations. Initially, a young man was identified, who turned out to be the most active person in the

organisation. Subsequently, it was detected that another young man and a woman began to introduce new counterfeit bills of this currency in different banking entities. The notes were of very good quality and difficult to


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detect and came from a printing press located outside the Spanish borders. The counterfeit currency was provided by another Spanish citizen who is currently in a Swedish prison for a crime of drug trafficking and counterfeit currency.

Spain approves rise in minimum wage S


PAIN’S Council of Ministers has approved a rise in the minimum wage to 950 euros in 14 payments.

This amount has been set taking into account economic factors and competitiveness, among other elements. Minister for the Treasury and Government spokesperson, María Jesús Montero said this measure was the result of dialogue with various parties, whom she thanked for their will to forge an agreement. In this regard, she expressed her interest in talks continuing with a view to repealing the most harmful aspects of the labour reform and of drawing up a new Workers’ Statute to tackle such challenges as digitalisation, work/life balance and the incorporation of women in labour activities. María Jesús Montero highlighted that more than two million people will directly benefit from the initiative and hence it was “not just another policy but a policy that goes to the very heart, to the core of households and contributes to improving the citizens’ lives.”




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Countdown on to review UK pension options before Brexit By Paul Montague, Partner, Blevins Franks


FTER four years of uncertainty, we can now expect Brexit to start taking effect after the transition period ends on 31 December 2020. While nothing should change for UK nationals living in Spain until then, the countdown is on to prepare.

Once the UK sheds its EU obligations – including freedom of movement for capital – the government gains more scope to tax UK nationals abroad. Pensions are a likely target. Transferring your pension abroad Residents in Spain can currently move UK pensions to a Qualifying Recognised Overseas Pension Scheme (QROPS) free of any personal tax. Doing this can unlock several advantages, such as consolidating several pensions under one roof, gaining flexibility

to take your pension in the currency you need, and freedom to pass benefits to heirs other than your spouse. Once transferred, funds would be protected from UK lifetime allowance charges, as well as future changes to UK pension rules. However, the UK imposes tax penalties of 25% on transfers to a QROPS outside the EU/European Economic Area (EEA). There are expectations that the UK may widen this taxation net to include EU/EEA-based QROPS once the transition period ends in December. This could be easily done since the UK legislation is already drafted to catch all pension transfers; the government would just need to remove the EU/EEA exclusion to make this happen. As such, time may be limited to transfer without tax penalties. Pension transfers can take several months to process, so if you decide that transferring is right for you, act soon. The benefits of a QROPS can vary greatly between providers and jurisdictions, however, so take specialist advice to navigate the complex options and determine the most suitable solution for you. Leaving your pensions in the UK Of course, you could do nothing and access your UK pension from Spain. If you have a ‘defined contribution’ (‘money purchase’) pension, current options include taking cash, receiving a regular income (drawdown) or purchasing a lifetime income (annuity). You cannot usually access ‘defined benefit’ (‘final salary’) pensions as cash; instead you receive a regular income throughout

retirement. While you could transfer to a defined contribution scheme for more flexible access, this is likely to be less beneficial than receiving a guaranteed income for life. Note that UK pension payments are usually only paid in Sterling. If you are living in Spain and your spending is in Euros, you could find that conversion fees and the variable exchange rate reduces the value of your pension income. Remember also that UK pensions remain subject to UK rules, which can change at any time. UK funds are also vulnerable to lifetime allowance penalties of 25%/55% when combined pension benefits exceed £1.055 million. Your pension is likely to be central to your long-term financial security, so it is crucial to proceed with care and take regulated advice. An adviser with cross-border expertise is best placed to help you establish the best approach for you and your family’s particular situation in Spain. While there is no one-size-fits all answer for what to do with your pension, everyone can benefit from reviewing their arrangements as early as possible in 2020, before Brexit reshapes the landscape. Tax rates, scope and reliefs may change. Any statements concerning taxation are based upon our understanding of current taxation laws and practices which are subject to change. Tax information has been summarised; individuals should seek personalised advice.

Keep up to date on the financial issues that may affect you on the Blevins Franks news page at www.blevinsfranks.com









THURSDAY MARCH 5th - 2.00pm - FILM CLUB - DOWNTON ABBEY The beloved Crawleys and their intrepid staff prepare for the most important moment of their lives. A royal visit from the king and queen of England soon unleashes scandal, romance and intrigue - leaving the future of Downton hanging in the balance. Starring all the actors from the popular TV series. Entry is free small charge for interval refreshments. Library members only please leave your name at the Treasurer’s Desk. SATURDAY MARCH 7th DRAW OF THE RAFFLE IN AID OF THE VOLUNTEERS LUNCH Hope you all have your raffle tickets for the chance to win one of the many prizes. Without all our hardworking and dedicated volunteers there would be no library in this beautiful old building and delightful gardens. So please give generously and enable us to take our forty-plus volunteers for a well deserved lunch. SATURDAY MARCH 14th PIG ROAST - 1.30 for 2.00pm Our very popular pig roast returns. Succulent roast pork, canarian potatoes and a variety of salads will be on offer with refreshments all for 17 euros along with entertainment. Please book early at the Treasurer’s desk to avoid disappointment. Places for this event go at a cracking pace along with the crackling. We welcome visitors to join us during our opening hours Monday and Friday 3pm to 5.30pm and Wednesday and Saturday 10pm to 1pm. Refreshments are served in the garden on Wednesday and Saturday mornings Discover more about us on Facebook, TripAdvisor and our Website ‘theenglishlibrary.es’. Did you know you can access Facebook through our Website. You will find us at Calle Irlanda 5, Parque Taoro, Puerto de la Cruz. Telephone 922 383 098.


didn’t feel so guilty.... To escape the past, Anna takes a job at a hotel on the remote Scottish island of Rum. Yet even when seven guests join her, what started as a retreat from the world turns into a deadly nightmare. Each of the guests has a secret, but one of them is lying -about who they are and why they ’re there. There’s a murderer staying in the Bay View Hotel. And they’ve set their sights on Anna.

A HOME FROM HOME VERONICA HENRY In New York City, a young, seemingly healthy woman is struck down by a respirator y attack as she heads home on the subway. By the time she arrives in Manhattan, she’s dead. She ends up on forensic pathologist Jack Stapleton’s table, which reveals surprising findings about the cause of death. Fearing the woman’s case could be the first in a severe outbreak of a deadly airborne virus, Jack works in overdrive for a diagnosis. When further cases occur round the city, and then in LosAngeles, London and Rome, Jack enters a race against time to discover the link that connects all the victims before it’s too late....

SLEEP C.J.TAYLOR All Anna wants is to be able to sleep. But paralyzing insomnia, terrifying nightmares and memories of that horrendous horrific day are making it impossible. If only she

Gabriel Culbone, who has no idea what his connection to farm - or the Melchior family - can be.

WAR OF THE WOLF BERNARD CORNWELL Lord Uhtred of Bebbanburg knows that peace is far from reach. Though he has won the battle for his ancestral home, rebellion looms in Mercia and invading Norsemen appear at ever y turn. Surrounded and outnumbered by new enemies, Uhtred must call on all his skill and courage to survive, and prevent his beloved Northumbria from falling to the Viking hoards.

ARIES (Mar. 21- April 20) Your fickle nature may cause jealousy. Stick to your work and avoid emotional confrontations. Social events should be the highlight of your day. If your lover tries to curtail your freedom, it may lead to conflict. TAURUS (Apr. 21- may 21) You will be able to make favorable changes in your living quarters. Make sure you concentrate if operating machinery or vehicles. Accomplishment is yours if you direct yourself accordingly. GEMINI (May 22-June 21) Offer consolation, but don't give them any direction. Red tape could be impossible to clear up today. Don't hesitate to sign up for creative courses or physical fitness programs. CANCER (June 22-July 22) You will have to help family members sor t out unfortunate difficulties. Joining organizations will provide you with stimulating romantic contacts. Stay out of other people's affairs.

LEO (July 23-Aug 22) Talk to peers who you trust in order to get sound advice. Based on your excitement, seriousminded individuals will be more than interested in backing your ideas. Deception and confusion regarding your status in society is likely. VIRGO (Aug. 23 -Sept. 23) Remember that no one can walk through your door if there's someone standing in the doorway. Be prepared to overcome frustrations and obstacles at work. They will not be in the right frame of mind to put up with tactless comments. . LIBRA (Sept. 24 -Oct. 23) Pamper yourself for a change. Be prepared to overcome frustrations and obstacles at work. Loss is evident if you don't consider all the angles.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22)


Dragonfly Farm has been a home and haven for generations of Melchior - rivals to the Culbones, the family who live on the other side of the river. Life there is dictated by the seasons and cider-making, and everyone falls under its spell. For cousins Tabitha and Georgia, it has always been a home from home. When tragedy befalls their beloved Great-Uncle Mathew, it seems the place where they ’ve always belonged might now be theirs. But the will reveals that a third of the farm has also been left to

Joan Castleman (Glenn Close) has spent forty years of sacrificing her own talent, dreams and ambitions to support her charismatic husband Joe (Jonathan Price) and his stellar literar y career. Ignoring infidelities and excuses made in the cause of his art, but Joan has reached a turning point. On the eve of Joe’s Nobel Prize for literature, rewarding a spectacular body of work, Joan will confront the biggest sacrifice of her life and some long-buried secrets. The Wife is a poignant, funny and emotional journey, a celebration of womanhood, self-discover y and liberation, featuring a stunning cast that also includes Max Irons, Harry Lloyd, Annie Starke, Elizabeth McGovern and Christian Slater.

You're best to avoid disputes. Don't let others saddle you with guilt that isn't warranted. You can come up with solutions to the problems responsible for inefficiencies at work.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 -Dec. 21) You can make changes that will enhance your appearance. Spend time getting to know each other. Do a little extra work at home.

CAPRICORN (Dec 22.- Jan. 20) You can get phenomenal returns if you present your ideas to those who can back your interests. Rewards, gifts, or money from investments or taxes can be expected. You could lose a good friend because of it. AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 -Feb. 19) Join humanitarian groups and let your leadership ability take over. Be prepared to encounter new friendships that will provide you with valuable information. Some relatives will be extremely perplexing. PISCES (Feb. 20-Mar. 20) Take a close look at any contracts you've signed in order to be sure exactly where you stand. Take care of the needs or responsibilities of elders. Take care that arrangements to spend quality time together are made in advance..

Alastair Robertson 23






N Spain the year 1898 is known simply as ‘The Disaster.’ That was the year when Spain lost its empire to a new imperial power, the United States of America. There had been civil war in Cuba and unrest in the Philippines for years, then during the early part of 1898 tension reached its peak over the U.S. support for the Cuban and Filipino insurgents, or freedom fighters, who wanted independence from Spain. When an American warship, the ‘Maine,’ exploded in the harbour of Havana in Cuba the American press went wild and immediately accused the Spanish of treachery. Breaking point was reached and the U.S.A. declared war on 25th April, although it was backdated dubiously to the 18th, so that hostilities it had already initiated could be covered. The war on land and at sea was carried out in and around the Philippines, Cuba and Puerto Rico, with the U.S. annexing the independent kingdom of Hawaii on the way across the Pacific, even though it had no connection with Spain. The Spanish navy, out-dated and fairly decrepit as it was, was weakened further when it had to be divided into three parts, between the Philippines in the far east, the Spanish possessions in the West Indies, and a fleet held in reserve for the home waters. Home waters because it was feared that the United States might attack mainland Spain itself, taking with it the Canary Islands, so a defensive naval force had to be kept on the eastern side of the Atlantic. The Canaries were put on high alert, with existing defences being rapidly strengthened and stores of munitions built up. The ‘Illustrated London News’ was one of the British periodicals that reported on the situation. On the 23rd April the paper reported from the archipelago: “The defensive batteries and garrisons in Tenerife and the Canary Islands have been considerably strengthened … Among the preparations for war made by Spain since the situation between herself and the United States reached its most critical stage, has been the taking over by the Government authorities of all chief public buildings and warehouses in Tenerife and Grand Canary for the use of troops if need be, and the storage of ammunition and provisions. Large cargoes have already been landed on both islands, and further supplies are on the way. The number of Spanish troops estimated to be due at Tenerife and Grand Canary almost immediately is estimated at a total of twelve thousand. The fortifications which have been some time in

progress are being pushed on apace, and even churches are being converted into barracks and store-rooms at points where other suitable buildings are scarce.” A state of war, with civil administration handed over to the military, was declared in Tenerife on 9th May. Any criticism of the government or spreading of false rumours was The Mole

Fort at Santa Cruz to be punished. Reports from Las Palmas featured more prominently in the ILN: “Las Palmas, capital of Grand Canary, and the most important town of the Archipelago, is protected by a mountain of some height, from the top of which a powerful land battery now commands the spacious harbour, which has been constructed within the last few years. Tenerife, the largest island of the group, is also being strengthened with batteries at its most commanding points.” For readers unfamiliar with the Canaries the paper gave some background information: “The Canary Islands have been a Spanish province since the end of the fifteenth century. Their internal history goes far back into antiquity, and they are now generally supposed to be the Fortunate Islands of ancient legend. They were known to the Phoenicians and visited by voyagers of that far-travelled nation. They have been noted for their oil, wheat tobacco, tropical fruits, and other products, but now they seem likely to afford a valuable stronghold to Spain in the event of war.” On Gran Canaria, La Isletta was the focal point for army training. Road-making was undertaken and two gun batteries were completed. “Scenes on Grand Canary Island, now being fortified and provisioned by Spain. Troops road-making on the

Isletta - A Spanish soldier of the 17th Cazadores - Breakfast-time on the Isletta - The Plaza de Santa Ana, Las Palmas, where the Militar y Mass was celebrated - The Port of Las Palmas and the Isletta, where

two batteries are nearing completion.” For the duration of the war the portion of the Spanish navy kept in reserve as a home fleet did not participate. But when news of Spanish reverses in the

Santa Cruz de Tenerife Philippines led to a government decision to send reinforcements, the reserve squadron, including torpedo-boat destroyers, under Admiral Camara set sail from Cadiz across the Mediterranean to Port Said. Spain was right to be concerned about the security of the Canary Islands. On 27th June the Marine Department of the United States announced the formation of an eastern naval squadron, commissioned to attack the Spanish coasts. A few days later, as Admiral Camara’s fleet was about to pass through the Suez Canal, half of the fleet, along with the admiral, was suddenly ordered to return to Spain, while the rest of the Spanish war-ships continued into the Canal. Admiral Camara expected that he would soon have to do battle with the greatly superior American force, commanded by Admiral Watson, which was about to cross the Atlantic. Before this could happen

however, fighting stopped in July. An armistice was declared on 12th August, and peace negotiations began that ended with the Treaty of Paris on December 10th 1898. Spain had lost an empire and the U.S.A. had gained one. Among the few islands that Spain kept were the Canary Islands. But it has to be said, if the U.S. had threatened the Canaries, the Europeans with their financial interests, in particular Great Britain, the biggest investor in Tenerife, might have had something to say about it and the war would then have taken a very different course.


The photos and quoted text are taken from bound sets of the Illustrated London News by kind permission of Jose Manuel Padilla Barrera, librarian at the Casino Club of Santa Cruz, with help from assistant librarian Maria Esther Tubia Perez.



The risk of older vehicles A

S we enter a more technical and computerised world, which is advancing very rapidly, the risks of older cars and their safety becomes more apparent. There have been recent comparisons done which show that accidents and incidents occurring with vehicle 15 years old or older are increased twofold when comparing cars that are younger 5/7 years. From that we can see, if we didn’t already know, that with enhanced safety features and technology our personal safety in an accident is improved in younger vehicles. This is of some concern to the DGT and therefore they have been running a campaign to target exclusively the safety and maintenance of vehicles. This campaign has been done in conjunction with local police, in some cases and has been targeting safety features such as tyres, brakes, lights and glass i.e. windscreens etc. Whilst this campaign has now finished (for the time being), it is highly probable that the Guardia Civil will continue to check these items in routine checks in the future as

a matter of course rather than a specific campaign. As well as the above-mentioned visible safety checks they are of course able and quite often do, check all documentation for the car and its driver. They will check the validity of the ITV, ensure that insurance is current and, in some cases, ask for proof of payment, and of course that the driver is holding a legal driving licence for driving in Spain, with the appropriate categories for the vehicle they are driving at that time. The correct maintenance of a vehicle contributes quite decisively to the safety aspect which are of course checked at ITV test but during a recent campaign by the DGT it was found that 1.64% of vehicles stopped did not hold a valid ITV. The fines for this are high apart from the fact that the vehicle could well be a danger to not only the driver but other road users. It is therefore vitally important that you ensure that your tyres have sufficient tread and are the correct size for the car( this can be checked on your Ficha Tecnica) that all lights are fully functioning and that they are visible (i.e. not so dirty that they are virtually unseen or permit the driver to see with them).If your

number plate is not clearly visible or does not have an EU symbol you may incur a fine of 200 euros . Of course the above doesn’t just apply to older vehicles but newer models should also ensure they receive the correct maintenance and servicing.



Lighting up can damage the health of your pets P

Did you know?

ASSIVE smoking doesn’t only harm human health, it has recently been suggested that it also poses a potential danger to pets.

Recent research carried out by a team at the University of Glasgow found that dogs, cats and small animals such as guinea pigs and birds could be just as much at risk from second-hand smoke as people. Other studies have shown similar findings. So why are pets at high risk of passive smoking? Many pets love to snuggle up with their owners or stay close, so they breathe in more smoke as a result. They usually spend more time in the house than their owners, lounging on carpets and furniture covered in carcinogenic particles. Those particles can also settle on their fur, so pets – particularly cats – can then ingest them as they groom themselves. Aside from the risks, the smell of tobacco smoke can also be unpleasant for pets as they have far more powerful senses of smell than humans. Second-hand smoke might also exacerbate conditions like bronchitis and asthma.

What are the dangers of passive smoking to dogs?

There is evidence to suggest that tobacco smoke increases the risk of nasal cancers in dogs. But not all cases of these types of cancer in dogs will be down to passive smoking. Whether you are a smoker or not, it’s important to keep your eye out for breathing difficulties or severe nasal discharge in your pet as this could be a sign of respiratory cancer, although it’s rarely the cause.

What are the dangers of passive smoking to cats?

Cats are more at risk than other pets due to self-grooming which means they can ingest the toxic particles. This, and regularly inhaling second-hand smoke, could possibly increase the risk of blood cancer lymphoma and mouth cancer.

M What can I do to protect my pet if I smoke? Not smoking around your pet is the only way to protect them completely. Smoking outdoors will help and having a cigarette in a different room will reduce the amount of smoke that they inhale, but not solve the problem as the particles will still remain on your clothes and any furniture nearby. Good ventilation to avoid smoky air stagnating is crucial and regular vacuuming of soft furnishings will also help lessen the amount of potentially dangerous particles in the home.

Is it safe to use vaporises or electronic cigarettes around pets instead?

While there have been no studies to suggest that fumes from electronic cigarettes pose any danger to pets, there is a risk of poisoning if they are ingested. The Veterinary Poisons Information Service has seen an increase in cases of electronic cigarette poisoning over the past few years, with 113 reported in 2016. The real figure is likely to be far higher. So, while electronic cigarettes are a better alternative to harmful tobacco smoke, be sure to keep them well out of the reach of pets.

OST overgrown tooth problems are preventable. Many owners see making multiple trips to the vet because their bun has developed a tooth or associated mouth problem, like abscesses, as part and parcel of giving a rabbit a home. But the vast majority of rabbit tooth troubles can be prevented simply by feeding them the right diet. Rabbits need a constant supply of hay or fresh grass to nibble on – in fact, 90 per cent of their daily diet should be made up of the stuff. An endless supply of hay and grass are essential if bunnies are to maintain digestive and dental health. Note: freshly cut grass is toxic to rabbits, so should not be fed to them.

Bunnies ‘binky ’ when they’re happy. You’ll know a rabbit is binkying because the happy hop in the air, twist of the body, and kicking of the feet look unmistakably like pure joy. Young rabbits that don’t have enough space to run about are more likely to break bones, according to studies. This is because they don’t get the right opportunities to build up their bodies properly. Rabbits have almost 360

degree vision but they are born with their eyes shut. Baby rabbits are called ‘kittens’ A single bunny is a lonely bunny. Rabbits are social creatures and are happiest in the company of their own species. The best combination is a neutered male and neutered female. They can become extremely sad and depressed if kept on their own.

Eating Out & About



The Oriental

Brunelli’s Steakhouse


Puerto de la Cruz

Puerto de la Cruz

Santa Cruz

Inaugurated in 1996 by Queen Sirikit of Thailand, our Oriental restaurant offers Asian style ‘haute cuisine’, which includes a wide range of delicious dishes with the unique flavor of an essential continent within the international gastronomic scene. The menu changes regularly and offers the best of the delicate and tempting, yet sophisticated cuisine from Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, China and Japan. The unforgettable experience in El Oriental is also felt though the traditional decor of the restaurant, which reflects both the magic and fineness of Thailand, making this restaurant the ideal place for a perfect dinner.

Just 50 metres from Loro Parque and with beautiful views of the ocean, Brunelli’s Steakhouse is waiting for you to explore the delights of the palate. Inspired in the original American steakhouses, this restaurant is located at the former fisher village of Punta Brava, in northern Tenerife, and offers you the best quality meat – tender, juicy and with an incomparable texture. Flavors like you have never tasted before thanks to a specially controlled maturation and their ‘Southbend’ oven, unique in the Canaries and which cooks the meat at more of 800ºC, highlighting all its properties and making your dinner simply perfect.

For reservations call 922 381 400 Avda. Richard J. Yeoward, 1 Puerto de la Cruz ( Hotel Botánico) www.hotelbotanico.com/service/el-oriental

For reservations call 922 062 600 In front of Loro Parque Puerto de la Cruz www.brunellis.com

The Hotel Silken Atlántida in the centre of Santa Cruz is the place to head for if you are seeking a unique slant on Canarian cuisine, courtesy of its SOOK Gastrobar which is open to all. This conveniently-located restaurant, just a minute’s walk from the Meridiano shopping centre, has always been popular with local people and tourists alike, regardless of their nationality. Now, it has been given a new look with new gastronomy and new experiences with beautiful but affordable dishes created by chef Domingo Álvarez. He bases them on the traditional Canarian produce but with an avant-garde twist which not only looks fantastic, it tasted delicious too! The kitchen team wanted to mix old recipes with new techniques creating a totally different concept. You can find the Hotel Silken Atlántida and SOOK in Avda. Tres de Mayo,Esq. Aurea Díaz Flores, Santa Cruz. It is just five minutes from the bus station and near the three shopping centres of Corte Ingles, Meridiano and Nivaria Center. Situated on a corner, you can’t miss its striking glass design. The Hotel offers free parking for their diners.

II Pappagallo

Hotel Botánico & The Oriental Spa Garden

Black Sea

Puerto de la Cruz

Puerto de la Cruz

Puerto de la Cruz

Il Pappagallo restaurant perfectly combines the old art of making pasta dishes and innovative side dishes that will both delight diners. The menu has been entirely renovated to offer diners a modern culinary repertoire that matches our attention and love for details, as well as our passion for excellence. A varied buffet and a great selection of Italian specialties await you in its terrace overlooking the Atlantic, ideal to enjoy unforgettable sunsets and the tranquillity of the night during summer. In addition, our wine cellar houses the best Italian wines, chosen amongst the most traditional wines of the country.

The Hotel Botánico & The Oriental Spa Garden in Puerto de la Cruz has launched a new weight loss programme which will allow their guests to delight themselves with delicious, lowcalorie cuisine in an idyllic environment. A combination of taste and aromas will make you forget you are on a diet. This method carefully elaborated by some of the most respected French chefs from the region of Brittany completely avoids any fats and promotes intelligent consumption of proteins and carbohydrates,while also boosting the primary flavoirs and the freshness of ingredients. The hotel has devised a seven-day accommodation programme which combines a holiday with health and fitness, with the special three meals a day combined with health, nature and organised activities such as tai chi classes, yoga, qi gong, pilates and meditation. Do ring for details.

The Black Sea Restaurant in Puerto, just opposite the Botanical Gardens, is receiving rave reviews and delighted customers are probably the best people to recommend it. The Black Sea, offering seating both inside and out, is a family restaurant and its owners are very proud of their food and service. Fresh food is available every day. Do try the suckling leg of lamb or choose from the large selection of tapas. The gourmet burgers are also a firm favourite with many diners. With its international menu, the restaurant welcomes guests of all nationalities and can cater for larger groups as well. You will find plenty of shade on the big terrace under awnings or the trees and only the best of products are used, not least the meat and fish, which are transformed into wonderful dishes, tasting as good as they look. There is also an extensive wine list.

For reservations call 922 381 400 Avda. Richard J. Yeoward, 1, Puerto de la Cruz www.hotelbotanico.com

For reservations call 922 38 63 95 Calle Retama 3, Puerto de la Cruz

For reservations call 922 381 400 Avda. Richard J. Yeoward, 1 Puerto de la Cruz ( Hotel Botánico) www.hotelbotanico.com/service/il-pappagallo

Avda. 3 de Mayo, 3 Santa Cruz Tel.: 673 856 937 www.hoteles-silken.com


Eating Out & About


Your dining experience around our restaurants

Sabor Canario

Restaurante Gom

La Orotava

Santa Cruz

If you haven’t yet discovered La Orotava, you must do so as it is the most wonderful town full of charm, character and Canary architecture. This restaurant is located in one of the oldest buildings in the centre of La Orotava in a two-floor house of 800 square metres and two patios. Here you can taste the best of traditional Canary food with flair and innovation and wines from La Orotava. Its style is home-made Canary food, with both conventional and creative dishes, always inspired by the best produce from the town. Prices suit all pockets.

For reservations call 922 322 793 Calle Carrera 17 La Orotava info@saborcanario.es

This iconic restaurant in the heart of Santa Cruz is definitely a place to head for if you enjoy stunning decor and high-end cuisine but at prices you can still afford. The food here is best described as a slice of home-made cooking with the taste and touch of nouvelle cuisine. The emphasis is on quality, freshness and naturalness where the raw product is the star, depending on what is available that day in the market. They offers a special menu for celiac and can help create food for anyone with a specific allergy. Weddings, etc are also catered for and there is always a dish of the day. You will find GOM within the Hotel Taburiente, located in front of Parque García Sanabria. Their opening times are Tuesday to Saturday from 13:00 to 16:00 and 20:00 to 23:00.

For reservations call 922 276 058 Calle Dr. Guigou,29 Santa Cruz www.hoteltaburiente.com


FREE APPETIZER WITH THIS ADVERT Bar El Pincho Las Vistas, Los Cristianos At Bar El Pincho you can enjoy good prices, good food, good service and a fantastic view of the ocean. They are winning fans because of the friendly staff you encounter and the delicious Spanish tapas. They have a great offer, a combination of tapas for two for only 12.50 euros. There is also a wide selection of main plates, such as steak, chicken and fish, all cooked with love and the best ingredients they can find. Do try their fantastic cocktails which they always try to improve. Try also the special dishes from the north of the island and the drinks. Open everyday from 10:00am to 22:00pm. Live music from 5:00 to 19:00pm

For reservations call 649 431 110 Paseo Las Vistas, Los Cristianos www.barelpincho.com

Tacoa Cervecería & Fábrica

Brunelli’s Steakhouse


El Sauzal

Puerto de la Cruz

Puerto de la Cruz

Craft brewery & restaurant

A wonderful place to discover and explore! This is the oldest craft brewery in Spain, having been in Tenerife since 2001, and offers a restaurant-brewery area, two terraces, guided tours with beer tasting in English, German and Spanish, is fully accessible for the disabled and has a playroom for children. You can enjoy different types of craft beers, ten at the moment, including the most recent “Winter Porter” and a “Tajinaste”, with Teide floral honey. Gastronomic specialities feature a wide range of snacks, delicious salads, smoked food, various types of sausages, Geman grills and roasted knuckle of pork. Also home-made desserts. And new on the menu: vegan cuisine. This super brewery/restaurant is even more popular because it sells its bottled beer to the public who can walk here just like they can to other bars and restaurants!

Carretera General del Norte, 122, El Sauzal Open daily from 13:00 to 23:00, Mon. open from 18:30, Frid. & Sat. 13:00 to 12:30am. Wednesday Closed. Tel: 922 56 41 73

Just 50 metres from Loro Parque and with beautiful views of the ocean, Brunelli’s Steakhouse is waiting for you to explore the delights of the palate. Inspired in the original American steakhouses, this restaurant is located at the former fisher village of Punta Brava, in northern Tenerife, and offers you the best quality meat – tender, juicy and with an incomparable texture. Flavors like you have never tasted before thanks to a specially controlled maturation and their ‘Southbend’ oven, unique in the Canaries and which cooks the meat at more of 800ºC, highlighting all its properties and making your dinner simply perfect.

For reservations call 922 062 600 In front of Loro Parque Puerto de la Cruz www.brunellis.com

If you want to seek out a really good Italian restaurant at an affordable price with a lovely terrace, look no further than Tressardi. It offers a very varied menu including traditional Italian dishes, pizza and pasta with gorgeous fillings and sauces, meat dishes, fresh fish and crunchy salads. The desserts like tiramisu and panna cota are to die for! So if you want a good Italian restaurant for a family meal, a romantic dinner, a quick lunch when working or take away, Tressardi is your restaurant. A friendly and homely restaurant that has quality products combining fast food and well elaborated dishes for kids and grown ups. Depending on your choices the price can go higher but an average 15-16 Euros per person is what you can expect.

OPENING TIMES: 15:00 -23:00 pm Wednesday closed Friday & Saturday: 15:00 -24:00 pm For reservations call 922 382 056 Calle Aceviños, La Paz, Puerto de la Cruz

Eating Out & About


Donde Mario


La Bodeguita de Enfrente

El Calderito de la Abuela

Cuesta de la Villa

Cuesta de la Villa

Cuesta de la Villa

A great part of the fun of wining and dining in Tenerife is finding somewhere different and it’s well worth a trip out to Santa Ursula to the warm and inviting Donde Mario. Though from the outside you might easily pass by it, the inside is elegant and captivating. Restaurateur Mario Torres surprises us every day with his extensive use of produce in season, and his unbeatable experience with wines and cookery. Just try his Cherne warm salad, a super-healthy Canarian fish soup, or his Lomo de Vaca Morucha. You will be captivated.

Set in a series of old Canary houses, this restaurant is made up of a labyrinth of inter-connecting rooms leading off from the bar area in the centre. The atmosphere is reminiscent of an English country pub with its low ceilings with wooden beams and warm décor. The food is fundamentally Canarian. They grow most of their own produce at their allotment and only use olive oil to cook with. Their ethos is a simple one, only use the best, fresh produce and cook it with thought and care. The menu is described as Picoteo, slightly more than tapas without reaching the full-blown three-course meal status. It is delicious and affordable. “La Bodeguita de Enfrente” won the “II Gastronomic Awards Cruzcampo Gran Reserva El Día-Mesa Abierta”, which took place last year.

Why not try a touch of “picoteo”, the Spanish-style of eating where, as the name suggests, you pick a selection of dishes and share with your companions. You will find “El Calderito de la Abuela” in Santa Úrsula and it offers a unique and homely atmosphere combining Canary cuisine with modern creativity. In 2016, “El Calderito de la Abuela” won the “Best Canarian Kitchen Restaurant Award” in the first edition of the “El Dia-Mesa Abierta” Awards on July 28th. The exterior of this property belies what you will find inside as it is full of charm and carácter and there is an incredible view of La Orotava valley. “A gem” is how it is described.

For reservations call 922 302 760 Exit 31 TF-5, Carretera Provincial, 205 Cuesta de la Villa, Santa Úrsula www.labodeguitadeenfrente.net

For reservations call 922 301 918 Exit 31 TF-5, Carretera Provincial, 130 Cuesta de la Villa, Santa Úrsula www.elcalderitodelaabuela.net

For reservations call 922 304 585 Exit 31 TF-5, Carretera Provincial, 119 Cuesta de la Villa, Santa Úrsula www.dondemario.net









concerts in Golf del Sur


ARD Rock Hotel Tenerife has announced that Lagoon Party is returning for a third season with Craig David confirmed as the headline act for the opening party on June 6th.

The five-star hotel near to Adeje in the south of Tenerife has confirmed five dates for Lagoon Party between June and October 2020 and is set to add an electronic groove to the Canar y Island’s extended summer season. Since his debut album ‘Born to Do It’ in 2000, the British DJ and R&B singer has grown to become one of the most talented contemporary artists in the UK with more than 15 million records sold worldwide. Following his rise to fame after the release of ‘Re-rewind’ with Artful Dodger in 1999, Craig David has since released a number of chart-topping songs, such as ‘Fill me In’ and ‘7 Days’. Craig David is the first big star to be announced for the 2020 season of Hard Rock Hotel Tenerife’s Lagoon Party – a musical project that has been a growing success in the Canary Islands since its launch

three years ago. Tickets for the opening party are now available to purchase on the The Lagoon Party website. The event will start at 2pm and finish at 9pm. Four further dates for Lagoon Party at Hard Rock Hotel Tenerife have been confirmed: 11 July, 8 August, 5 September and 10 October. Each party will welcome world-famous DJs and international music stars to the lagoon-side, open-air stage at Hard Rock Hotel Tenerife. Previous headliners include Erik Morillo, Nervo, Jucy M, Rudimental, Harry Romero, Fat Boy Slim and Roger Sánchez, among many others. The Lagoon Party was created by Hard Rock Hotel Tenerife and Green World Festival to boost tourism in the region. This collaborative effort has introduced a new leisure concept to the south of Tenerife, attracting electronic music fans


HE 16th Festival of the International Music Academy of Tenerife is currently presenting a series of concerts.

and creating a new reference for the island’s tourism sector. Entrance to Lagoon Party at Hard Rock Hotel Tenerife is free

for hotel guests and €30 for non-guests. www.hardrockhoteltenerife.com / www.lagoonpartytenerife.com/

These concerts and competitions present a wonderful programme of Chamber music with piano and strings by very talented young players from around the world as well as interna-


The Musicals arrive in Puerto de la Cruz P

UERTO de la Cruz has kicked off its 2020 Carnival which revoles around the colourful theme of “The Musicals”.

The Plaza Concejil brought together more than 1,000 people in an evening which featured the participation of singers Míriam Reyes and Néstor Galván, two prodigious island voices linked to the world of musicals and opera respectively. The event, which was presented by Pedro Rodríguez, featured a performance by the comic group Abubukaka as a prelude to the programme which lasts until Sunday, March 1st. Candidates for the adult queen were also officially announced, as well as the aspirants to the children’s throne. Puerto council is calling on everyone to take part, with “nobody staying at home”. “Our carnival deserves recognition, that honours the surname of international, earned by our tourist character, and that of the creative,” said Alberto Castilla, head of fiestas. The esplanade of the fishing pier will be the epicentreof Carnival 2020 which will have three differentiated spaces but still close together to make it as safe and attractive as possible. The main Carnival day is on the 29th. All the information of the Carnival of Puerto de la Cruz 2020 can be consulted on http://www.puertodelacruz.es/ sitecontent/uploads/2020/02/PROGRAMA-DEL-CARNAVAL-INTERNACIONAL-DE-PUERTO-DE-LA-CRUZ-2020.pdf

tionally known professional master class musicians. The festival was first created in 1991, continuing every February, up to this date with the participation of international acclaimed musicians from Tenerife and from other countries including Russia, South Korea, Germany, Italy, France, Spain and the UK. The 2020 series started on February 13th and continue until February 23rd (concerts every night from the 16th). The events are taking place at the Auditorio Aguamarina Golf on Avenida del Atlantico, Golf del Sur (next to the Golden Bay restaurant). Highlights will include Saturday evening, February 22nd (7.45pm) which will see the prize-giving ceremony for the winners of the music competition followed by the winners’ concert and the final closing concert is on Sunday, February 23rd (8pm). Tickets are just six euros on the door. For more information, please visit www.musicfestivaltenerife.com (in English).

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Company accountancy (at our office or yours). Settlement of taxes (IRPF, societies, non-residents). Company constitution: (mercantile register). Representation of any kind of employment. Tax and accounting inspection. Settlement of estates (inheritance tax). Procedures for the transfer of vehicles. Contracts for renting houses, business premises, etc… Insurances: car, home, etc….

Ctra. Provincial nº183 Edf. Itahisa, Portal H, 1 Cuesta de la Villa Santa Ursula Tel: 922 30 48 58

urbano@asesoriaurbanotorres.com www.asesoriaurbanotorres.com







Fantasy engulfs La Orotava as thousands set to celebrate 2020 Carnival


And to end this Carnival in La Orotava, on Sunday, March 1st, at the Liceo de Taoro

A Orotava is about to celebrate its annual Carnival based on the theme of “Villa of Fantasy” and will be welcoming back the competition to select the Carnival Queen and her attendants. The programme begins on Friday, February 21st with the children’s parade, leaving from the Plaza del Quinto Centenario towards the Plaza Franchy Alfaro and then through the streets of Cantos Canarios, Calvario, San Agustín, Tomás Zerolo, the Puente de Carrera Escultor Estévez and back through Calvario to Plaza Franchy Alfaro. More than 2,500 children from nursery schools and schools in the municipality will be taking part. This same day, starting at 9pm, the grand Gala of Election of the Queen and maids of honour of the Carnival 2020 will take place. The show, which will be presented by the journalist Fran Peraza and directed by the Amarca company, will feature performances by Sandra del Castillo and all the groups of the carnival: the Murgas Virgueritos, Pizzicatos, Apresuradas, Trinkosos and Minivirgues; the Fanfarria Orotava Peña el Casco; Los Villeros and Rondalla Volcanes del Teide. On Saturday, February 22nd, the Carnival of Solidarity is celebrated with the XIII Solidarity Pizzicatos, the IV Solidarity Exhibition and the V Carnaval Race, with the benefits of the event going to the Pinchón Trail Founadtion and Actay´s . The appointment will be in the Plaza del Ayuntamiento and calle Carrera Escultor Estévez between noon and 10pm. On Sunday, February 23rd, the streets of the historic centre will be filled with rhythm and

Cultural Society, the Carnival Festival of Rondallas will be held.

Opera de Tenerife searches for talented young ITALIAN THEATRES singers

colour with the celebration of Carnival in the Street. Throughout the day. you can enjoy a unique exhibition of old photographs about the carnival in the Plaza de la Constitución. From 11am, also in this square and the Puente de Escultor Estévez, the children’s carnival will be developed with multiple activities such as a costume contest, performances, disco, workshops, children’s show, games, bouncy castles, gastronomic workshops, face painting and an educational workshop on the importance of the carnival and others. There will be performances by the children’s troupe Los Villeros and the Minivirgues carnival group. In the afternoon, from 4.30pm, from the Plaza del V Centenario, the parade of the carnival groups will depart in the direction of the Town Hall Square, crossing the streets Cantos Canarias, Calvario, San Agustín, Plaza de La Constitución , Tomás Zerolo and Calle Carrera Escultor Estévez. Once the parade is finished, various perfor-

mances will begin on the two main stages located in both places. The closing of the day will be in the Town Hall Square itself with the joint performance of the 101 Brass band and Arístides Moreno. The Farmer’s Market is also joining the celebration of the Carnival. Thus, on Monday, February 24th, from 7pm, the ‘Carnaval Gastronomy’ will be held in the Plaza de la Constitución. In the same place and at the same time will begin the contest of masks for the whole family. Then, at 8pm, the Parody Festival will take place and this carnival Monday will end with the “Masquerade and Mas-querade Dance”, starting at 9pm. As tradition marks, on Carnival Tuesday, there will be a parade of antique cars and performance by the Orotava Fanfarria Peña el Casco. And in the afternoon, starting at 5pm, the Grand Cosote Apotheosico of the Carnival will depart from the Cruz del Teide with the participation of various groups of the island of Tenerife. The route is Cruz del Teide, calle Salazar, San

Francisco, Carrera Escultor Estévez y Calvario, until culminating in the Plaza la Paz. And once it ends, around 7.30pm, a gala dance will take place in the Plaza de la Constitución enlivened by the Sabrosa orchestra On Wednesday, February 26th, there will be the burial and burning of Crispín Duel. The evening begins at 7.30pm, and this year, as a novelty, the funeral procession will depart from the Town Hall Square to the Plaza del V Centenario where the burning will take place, plus a concert by Salvapantallas. On Friday, February 28th, the carnival moves to the Villa Arriba. At 7.15pm, the parade of the carnival groups will depart from the Plaza de Candelaria del Lomo to the Plaza de San Juan Bautista and at 10pm, the Carnival Festival will be held. On Saturday, February 29th, the Piñata Dance will be held in the Plaza de San Juan Bautista, with the performances of Miguel Lorenzo and the Dinacord orchestras and the Banda Loca.


PERA de Tenerife has opened the deadline to participate in the eighth edition of Opera (e) Studio, the academy for young artists, a programme shared with two theatres in Italy: the Teatro Regio di Parma and the Teatro Massimo di Palermo. In this edition, the title chosen is the opera “Il matrimonio segreto”. In the auditions, which will take place in the two Italian theatres, in the Auditorio de Tenerife and in the Escuela Superior de Canto de Madrid, young artists will be able to show the talent, quality and excellence of their work. The team of professionals of Opera of Tenerife will work with those selected from next September until the production of the opera, which will be represented in four functions, from October 22 to 25, 2020 in the Symphonic Hall of the Auditorium of Tenerife. Likewise, the opera will be performed by the same cast of artists at the Teatro Regio di Parma and the Teatro Massimo di Palermo in 2021. Opera (e) Studio has auditions in four cities in this edition, which will take place on May 11 and 12 at the Escuela Superior de Canto in Madrid; on May 14 and 15, at the Teatro Regio di Parma; on May 17 at the Teatro Massimo di Palermo and, to end the audition cycle, at the Tenerife Auditorium on May 19. For more information, the rules are available on the Opera (e) Studio website, www.operaestudio.eu, as well as on the Tenerife Auditorium website, www.auditoriodetenerife.com.







Overnight sleeps Turning the clock back to Spanish in museum boosts painting in the 80s visitor numbers


F you are interested in contemporary art, why not plan a trip to Candelaria and visit a new exhibition in the recently-resorted arts space in the old town hall.


HE Museum of Fine Arts in Santa Cruz received 20,617 visitors during 2019, of which 13,511 were Spanish and the remaining 5,568, foreigners. The number of children was 979, thanks mainly to promotion campaigns launched by the city council to publicise cultural heritage among the youngest sectors of the population. These activities include ‘The Sleeping Museum’, which allows children to stay one night in the museum when it closes its doors to the public. Apart from the permanent exhibition, it also has temporary exhibition halls. During 2019, eight exhibitions were held in the ‘Sala Pedro González’, the most visited being the anthology of José Carlos Gracia, which attracted 5,035 people. This anthological exhibition, which included more than 100 paintings, was integrated by works from different stages, between 1960 and 2018, some of them belonging to private collections that were expressly granted for the exhibition. The next temporar y exhibition that had a better reception was the exhibition

‘Cristino de Vera’, composed of 13 oil paintings and eight drawings made by the painter between 1954 and 1955. The biennial photography exhibition ‘Fotonoviembre’ was attended by 4,051 spectators, while ‘Nido’ 1,884, a musical project by singer Marta Solís, transformed into a visual work. ‘Time of vigil’, by the artist Carlos Rivero on the work done on the occasion of the artistic residence Tarquis Robayna 2018, attracted 1,313 people. But the Museum of Fine Arts also hosted numerous cultural exhibitions not directly related to painting such as book presentations, concert cycles, educational workshops, conferences, poetic-musical evenings, including the recording of a short film about women with disabilities. Histor y days were also held in the art gallery, which included talks by experts who spoke on the intangible heritage of Santa Cruz.

The venue is hosting “Pintura de los 80 en España” (“Painting of the 80s in Spain”) as part of the decentralisation of cultural activities by Tenerife Cabildo and the TEA Tenerife Espacio de las Artes in Santa Cruz. The exhibition brings together a selection of works from the Los Bragales Collection and features the versatile and colourful creations of Juan Muñoz, Menchu Lamas, Víctor Mira, Bonifacio, José Manuel Broto, María Girona, Manuel Rivera, Joan Brossa and Santiago Serrano. It can be visited free of charge until March 20th, Monday through Friday from

9am to 1.30pm and from 4pm to 8pm. “Espacio TEA de Candelaria contributes to this decentralisation of the culture we want. It is an opportunity for this centre to host this important exhibition of the Los Bragales collection,” said the Cabildo’s culture councillor, Concepción Rivero. The decade of the 80s of the last century will go down in art history as that of the return of painting after the excessive conceptual and minimalist theorisation of the years that preceded it. This celebrated return to painting was unanimously welcomed by museums and art centres



ON’T forget the Swallows Art Exhibition currently being held in the Swedish Church on the sea front at Los Cristianos until Saturday, February 29th.

It will be open daily from 10am to 3.30pm every day except on the Sundays and features a variety of paintings, all for sale. The artists paint varying subjects such as beautiful floral art work, still life and portraits as well as dramatic landscapes of corners of the island that might otherwise be forgotten. Admission is FREE. Everyone is welcome. Delicious cakes and varying hot drinks are available in the charming café in The Swedish Church. Jacqueline Hankin can be reached on 922 738 143 if you wish for further information. Do call leaving you name and telephone number . The Swedish church is called Casa Sueca, located right on the sea front of Los Cristianos by the main beach. Walk from the centre of Los Cristianos towards the harbour, turn left when you reach the main beach and it’s a third of the way along the sea front.

throughout Europe and the United States at a time when the emergence of new artistic spaces occurred, as happened in Spain. Also, in the heat of this impulse of the artistic sector, the international circuit of contemporary art fairs was born, which in Spain began its journey in 1982 at the initiative of the Juana de Aizpuru gallery with the creation of ARCO Madrid.

The Los Bragales Collection was born as a result of the work that Jaime Sordo has been developing as a collector of modern and contemporary art. The importance of its collection is not only estimated by the exceptional quality of the pieces that shape it but by their social value. Jaime Sordo’s commitment to art and collecting led him to found, together with an important number of national collectors, the 9915 Association.

A frenzy of Carnival PUERTO EXHIBITION posters


UERTO de la Cruz artist, Jonás Emanuel knows what it takes to design a Carnival poster!

Since 2017, he has designed multiple posters in six of the eight Canary Islands, showing his talent and creativity knows no borders. Now, members of the public can see all of his work under one roof. The Casa de la Juventud (Youth House) in Puerto is hosting his new exhibition “Frenesi” (“Frenzy”) until February 29th and all are welcome. The opening ceremony was attended by fiesta councillor, Alberto Castilla and youth councillor, Noemí Fernández along with other government and opposition councillors. “From this town hall, we are proud of his work that is undoubtedly an exponent of what these holidays mean for the culture and identity of our Puerto society,” said a council spokesman.






Treatments for hearing loss






EARING loss sometimes gets better on its own or may be treated with medicine or a simple procedure. For example, earwax can be sucked out, or softened with eardrops.

But other types – such as gradual hearing loss, which often happens as you get older – may be permanent. In these cases, treatment can help make the most of the remaining hearing.

This may involve using: Hearing aids – several different types are available on the NHS or privately Implants – devices that are attached to your skull or placed deep inside your ear, if hearing aids aren’t suitable Different ways of communicating – such as sign language or lip reading.

Preventing hearing loss It’s not always possible to prevent hearing loss, but there are some simple things you can do to reduce the risk of damaging your hearing.

These include: Not having your television, radio or music on too loud Using headphones that block out more outside noise, instead of turning up the volume Wearing ear protection (such as ear defenders) if you work in a noisy environment, such as a garage workshop or a building site; special vented earplugs that allow some noise in are also available for musicians Using ear protection at loud concerts and other events where there are high noise levels not inserting objects into your or your children’s ears – this includes fingers, cotton buds, cotton wool and tissues

EAK FLOW is a simple measurement of how quickly you can blow air out of your lungs. It’s often used to help diagnose and monitor asthma.


HESE are small stones that form in salivary glands in your mouth and can block your flow of saliva. They’re not usually serious and you may be able to remove them yourself.

Check if you’ve got salivary gland stones: Most stones appear below your tongue in one of the tubes (glands) supplying saliva to your mouth. You can’t always see them. Stones are white and feel hard Stones are white or pale and feel hard Salivary gland stone They vary in size but most are about as big as a pea The stones may cause dull pain in your mouth that comes and goes, swelling in your mouth that flares up from time to time and/or an infection around the stone If you feel intense pain during mealtimes, this could mean the stone is completely blocking a saliva gland. The pain usually

Peak flow test to detect asthma

lasts one to two hours.

Things you can try yourself You can try to free the stone by doing things to increase saliva production, such as sucking on a lemon or lemon drops, drinking plenty of water or gently massaging around the stone.


Don’t use a sharp instrument to remove the stone as this could cause injury and infection. If you have pain and swelling: take paracetamol or ibuprofen and/or suck ice cubes or ice lollies. The symptoms won’t go away until the stone has been removed.

The test involves blowing as hard as you can into a small handheld device called a peak flow meter. These are available on prescription or can be bought from most pharmacies. Why peak flow is measured By measuring how fast you’re able to breathe out, your peak flow score can indicate whether your airways are narrowed. This could be a sign that you have asthma, although other tests such as spirometry will often be needed to confirm the diagnosis. If you’ve already been diagnosed with asthma, measuring your peak flow regularly can be a useful way of monitoring your condition. Your score can show whether or not your condition is getting worse. It can also check if your medication is working, and indicate whether you’re having an asthma attack. Measuring your peak flow before and after exposure to a possible asthma trigger, such as something you’re allergic to or a substance you’re exposed to at work, may also show if anything in particular causes your symptoms. How to measure your peak flow The first time your peak flow is measured, you’ll be taught how to do it by a doctor or nurse. After this they may advise you to carry out the test regularly at home using your own peak flow meter. If you’re monitoring your asthma at home, you may have a diary or chart to record your score. You can download a peak flow diary (PDF, 2.2Mb) from the Asthma UK website if you don’t have one.

How to treat earwax build-up yourself


O not use your fingers or any objects like cotton buds to remove earwax. This will push it in and make it worse.

Earwax usually falls out on its own. If it does not and blocks your ear, put two to three drops of olive or almond oil in your ear twice a day for a few days. Over two weeks, lumps of earwax should fall out of your ear, especially at night when you’re lying down. There’s no evidence that ear candles or ear vacuums get rid of earwax. Speak to a pharmacist about earwax build-up. They can give advice and suggest treatments. They might recommend chemical drops to dissolve the earwax. The earwax should fall out on its own or dissolve after about a week. Do not use drops if you have a hole in your eardrum (a perforated eardrum).






DISCOVER A SUCCESSFUL ALTERNATIVE TO BRACES Are you thinking of invisible orthodontics? Go to the accredited centres in Tenerife


NVISIBLE orthodontics triumph especially among adults who do not want their aesthetics to be affected by the use of the famous “braces” or metal appliances. If you are thinking of using it, it is interesting to pay attention not only to the details that define it and differentiate it from other types of orthodontics; but do it in centres with professionals trained to apply this treatment. Sonsoles Pérez Tamajón, an orthodontist at the Artedental clinic, in the municipality of Puerto de la Cruz de Tenerife, defines orthodontics as “the branch of dentistry that is responsible for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of tooth position abnormalities and of the jaws .” That is, the monitoring of the position of the teeth and their correction in case they do not fit and/or do not work properly. Among its benefits, it is worth highlighting the alignment and correction of the position and size of the maxilla (upper jaw) and mandíbula, improvements that prevent a bad occlusion, that is, that the teeth do not fit correctly and their functionality is damaged. Of course, aesthetics is also a fundamental factor for those who decide to start such a treatment.

Types of orthodontics Orthodontic appliances can be fixed, lingual or removable. Fixed orthodontics is that of a lifetime, the lowest cost and aesthetic metal appliances. The lingual is the one that is placed on the back of the teeth, much more aesthetic, but with greater contact problems (punctures and scratches) inside the mouth. And finally, the removable. Among its advantages, no food has to be excluded from the diet and its cleaning is much simpler because they can be removed.

However, their results take longer.

Invisalign Among the types of invisible orthodontics, Invisalign stands out. This type of “bracket” is made up of transparent aligners, that is, transparent covers and splints that are changed as the treatment progresses. Artedental, an accredited centre for the use of Invisalign, also has Dr. Pérez Tamajón, who not only has such accreditation, but also currently holds a five-module master’s degree for the professionalisation of treatment. If something characterises Invisalign is that it offers not only mandatory training, but also expanded for those who wish to specialise in the application of this invisible orthodontics. With this accre-

ditation, the provider keeps track of its accre-ditation, guarantee of confi-dence and

tranquility for patients. The orthodontist of Artedental stresses “that it is a ver y

advantageous treatment. Although the results take longer, it is not noticeable, it is

comfortable, they do not hurt and it does not imply changing habits. ”


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Thrilling surf championship Praise for pledges its commitment to women’s basketball team the environment MILESTONE ANNIVERSARY



HE president of the Canary Islands, Ángel Víctor Torres, has received the players and the management team of the Canary Islands Basketball Club, Spar Gran Canaria.

The club is celebrating its 40th anniversary and in the current season in the Women’s League 2 is focusing its efforts to ascend to the highest category of national women’s basketball. The president congratulated the team for their extraordinary career and for the excellent season that the players are having. He conveyed the support of the Government of the Canary Islands and the entire society of the islands, a support that in the case of women’s sport should be greater in order to achieve equality with the masculine sport.


HE last day of Cabreiroá Pro Las Américas 2020, reserved for the celebration of the semifinals and finals in the women’s and men’s categories, produced two stars: Pauline Ado and Gaspard Lassonneur, both French surfers. It proved a very tight final, worthy of the level shown throughout the event on the beach of Playa de las Americas with its famous waves. Both competitors gave their best in a spectacular final in which Pauline ended up dominating, with an incredible wave of 8.27 points. Pauline, who in the 2018 edition of this same event was in second place, was able to go one step better in this new edition and commented that she gave everything she could to win. The sea conditions did not disappoint, and the waves were at the height of this grand finale, waves that helped competitors make a great show. After a vibrant women’s final it was the men’s turn, which featured surfers Jonathan González and Gaspard Larsonneur. The French surfer began leading the manga, shortly after being surpassed by the canary, although towards the end, Larsonneur got the lead again, taking the sleeve and

victory. Both competitors complete an impressive championship, where they had been leading from the beginning. Gaspard said he got the best score of his career in one of the best weeks of his life and he was very happy with his victory. Jonathan, on the other hand, commented that it has been a very close final, and that in the end, ever ything was decided in details. After the championship, the corresponding awards ceremony was held, attended by David Pérez, CEO of Tenerife Tourism, Juan Sebastián Roque, Arona Sports Councillor, Lorenzo Spinelli, Commercial Director of Fred Olsen, José Luis Bouza, Director of Communication of Vithas, Jaime Perozo, Cabreiroá Sports Sponsorships and Ángel Lobo, president of the Canary Surf Federation. Last year Cabreiroá developed a new initiative called Bosque de Campeones, which, as its representative, Jaime Perozo,


explained, is an action that they have within the company’s sustainability axis. They have a series of objectives to communicate and their brand is really concerned about sustainable trends and initiatives and circular economy. From sports sponsorship they try to link these actions to a sports field and this was born from an idea that makes them very excited. The Forest of Champions tries to meet reforestation objectives to reduce the CO2 footprint in the atmosphere. In each of the championships in which they collaborate as sponsors, which are the Pantín Classic, the Cabreiroá Pro Las Américas and in the Cabreiroá Pro Zarautz, they give a tree that symbolises the victory of each of the winners. That tree

is planted in an area near where the championship takes place. And so, little by little they achieve their goal, which is to create an authentic Forest of Champions, where the victory of the riders is symbolised for the future and where they can gradually reforest areas and thus reduce the carbon footprint on the planet. Crucial also the choice of the tree, since they always try to choose a type of native tree from the area where the event takes place. So, Cabreiroá Pro Las Américas is much more than a surfing championship. In it, different activities related to sustainability, talks, workshops and even beach cleaning are carried out with the attendees of the event. And now also, the Forest of Champions initiative.

City Night Race to be held on March 7th


HOSE interested in taking part in the tenth edition of the City Night Race of La Laguna can already sign up for the appointment on March 7th.

The test returns to present two distances: five and ten kilometres. The event is organised by the Autonomous Sports Organisation of Aguere council. As usual in these cases, you must complete the form and make the payment through the web platform www.deportelagunero.com. There is the option of registering in person at the OAD offices, from 9am to 2pm. The deadline ends on March 2nd. The test will take place from 8pm on the night of March 7th, leaving from the Plaza del Adelantado, where the finish will also be located. Competitors will take a tour of the following circuit: Nava Grimón, left turn Plaza del Cristo, right turn Camino Las Peras, turn before reaching the roundabout of the Vía de Ronda, again Camino Las Peras, Tabares de Cala, right turn San Agustín , left turn Ascanio and Nieves, Carrera, left turn plaza Doctor Olivera, Herradores, left turn Tabares de Cala and right turn Carrera. Those who participate in the ten-kilometre race must take two laps of the circuit.








Tenerife has Spanish frisbee champs!


A Laguna sports department, within its Deporvida campaign (Sport for Life), has launched a new skate school in the Las Mantecas Technology Park.

Each participant will have to wear their skate with their corresponding protections: helmet, knee pads, elbow pads and wristbands. The cost of the activity will be 16 euros per month and will have discounts based on income, reaching a “zero” fee for families with fewer resources. The registration period is now open and the procedures can be completed at www.deportelagunero.com. The activity will continue until June, although the forecast is to have quarterly workshops to respond to the waiting list, including activity in the months of July and August. It is also planned to stop at Carnival, Easter and Christmas. Councillor for sports and president of the OAD, Idaira Afonso, explains that “from the city council and the OAD we are giving momentum to urban sports. The skatepark of Las Mantecas is being a success, hence the suitability of launching a municipal school, which we are sure will have a great reception. ” In the case of Las Mantecas, the classes will be taught by Jorge Salazar ‘Coco’. The activity will include tuition for initiation and others for improvement.


ENERIFE shines in all kinds of sports and frisbee is one of the more unusual ones!

The Mayor of Santa Cruz, Patricia Hernández recently received members of both the men’s and women’s team of the frisbee club, Guayota Ultimate after their recent conquest of the title of champions of Spain. She expressed her congratulations and pride in the fact that a totally team in Santa Cruz had, for one more year and in front of more than 250 athletes of the 20 most prominent teams in the country, the trophy that accredits them as the best in Spain, both in the male (Open) and female (Women). Also present at the reception was the councillor for sports, Elena Mateo who said she wanted to encourage the practice of outdoor sports and involve all citizens in their participation, regardless of their age. Before saying goodbye, the athletes presented the mayor with a frisbee . The tournament for which Guayota revalidates its title of Champions of Spain was held on the Valencian beach of La Malvarrosa. The next challenge of both formations, both the men’s (Guayota) and the women’s (Platilleras), will see them travel next year to Portugal to contest the European Championship that will take place in the Algarve.

Youngsters invited to water sports campus


ENERIFE Cabildo, through the public company Ideco, is organising a water sports campus as part of the Carnival celebrations and it will be held at the facilities of the Tenerife Marine Sports Centre (Cidemat), located in Santa Cruz. The activity, which will take place between February 26th and 28th, is aimed at children between the ages of six and 17. Participants can choose between two types of campuses: a multi-activity one, where they can practice different marine sports such as sailing, water skiing, windsurfing and stand up paddle, or opt for an exclusive windsurfing campus. In the latter case, the required age is over ten years. Minister of Education, Youth and Sports of the Cabildo de

Tenerife, Concepción Rivero, highlights “the importance of instilling sports habits from an early age” and adds that “it is essential to have adequate facilities that favour and make sport practice attractive among the population.” The price of the three days of the Carnival campus, which will take place from 8am to 2.45pm, amounts to 57 euros, although you can choose to hire single days at a rate of 21 euros / day. Campus participants will receive theoretical and practical training on the four

sports modalities so that they can have a first contact with different water sports. The only indispensable requirement is to know how to swim. In parallel to the campus, two new activities have been organised for Wednesday, February 26th and Thursday, February 27th. It is a windsurfing and sailing course (initiation level) for children between seven and 17. Those interested can formalise their registration through the Cidemat website www.cidemat.net or request more information via email cidemat@idecogestion.net or by calling 922 597 525. They can also go to the offices of the centre of Monday to Friday from 8am to 3pm.







Praise for basketball cup as Iberostar Tenerife take the crown


ENERIFE Cabildo paid tribute to Iberostar Tenerife, proclaimed champion of the FIBA Intercontinental Basketball Cup, with an official recognition of the entire corporation held in the Noble Hall. The president of the Cabildo, Pedro Martín, welcomed the team, its technical staff and the board of directors and conveyed “the gratitude and pride of the entire society of Tenerife” for bringing the name of the island to all of Europe, as well as the support of the corporation for its next challenges. The Mayor of La Laguna, Luis Yeray Gutiérrez, said that “talking about the Canary Islands is talking about La Laguna” and also expressed his gratitude to the team for “carrying the flag of La Laguna for Europe.” For his part, the president of Iberostar Tenerife, Félix Hernández, recognised the work of the Cabildo de Tenerife with his support for the celebration of the Intercontinental Cup on the island and

added that the FIBA stressed that the island “has been at a high level in the organisation of this event”. The Iberostar Tenerife coach, Txus Vidorreta, was very pleased to have won the championship “especially against such difficult opponents”, and thanked the fans and the whole island for their support. The Intercontinental Basketball Cup 2020 was held in Tenerife with the support of the Cabildo in Tenerife and with the Iberostar Tenerife Canarias as host and organiser club. The Rio Grande Valley Vipers (United States), current champion of the NBA Development League, participated; Virtus Bologna (Italy), current champion of




HE Montes de Anaga Hostel, managed by the Cabildo through the public company Ideco, last year housed a total of 3,060 people of about 20 nationalities that generated 4,935 overnight stays in the period.

The Spanish lead the ranking of nationalities, with 1,452 clients, followed by French (356), Germans (291) and Ukrainians who, with 129 lodged, outnumber the Russians (92). The clients of the hostel come from the five continents and have come from countries as far away as Japan, the United States, Canada, Argentina, Australia and Belarus, among others. Last December was the month that registered the highest number of nationalities among clients, including New Zealanders, Czechs, Bosnians, Israelites, Dutch and Poles. “It is good news to be able to make these occupational data public, because it confirms that this type of accommodation has an interesting demand between alternative tourism with very diverse interests, among which are mountain athletes and hikers,” said Minister of Culture, Sports, Youth and Education Council, Concepción Rivero, who added that the “Anaga hostel is a proposal available to all people who want to know in depth about Biosphere Reserve or simply spend the night in an environment unique, close to nature. Walkers are loving the Albergue Montes de Anaga”. The Montes de Anaga Hostel has a capacity for 40 people distributed in nine rooms for two, four or six people. Tourists, students, walkers or simply lovers of sports and nature are the main users of the facility, which is also open to organised groups. The building is equipped with parking, bar-cafeteria, free Wi-Fi and an electric car recharge space. In addition, the installation is fully adapted for people with reduced mobility. The Montes de Anaga Lodge, located in the village of El Bailadero, is in an ideal place to explore the trails of the Anaga Rural Park, declared a World Biosphere Reserve in 2015. The hostel is the perfect starting point to know the spectacular landscapes and the corners that Anaga hides, spaces that go far beyond a beautiful postcard: they are the result of a perfect combination of geological formations, diversity of flora and fauna and the contact with the people of the hamlets. the Basketball Champions League; San Lorenzo de Almagro (Argentina), two-time champion of the League of the Americas; and the first team of the La Laguna entity, current runner-up of the #BCL.

Marcela hailed by Granadilla council


RANADILLA de Abona council has celebrated one of the best surfing hopes for the Canary Islands.

Marcela Machado, a young 22-year-old from the municipality, was champion of the Siroko Super League in Galicia last December and was ranked third in the National League of the Spanish Federation, Fesurfing 2018. The first lieutenant mayor and councillor for sports, Marcos González, received Marcela at the municipal sports facilities in order to transfer his congratulations for her recent sports achievements. Marcela also won a fifth place in the first round of the Iberdrola National League held last weekend in Playa de Las Américas. Her other titles include Canarian champion in 2013, 2014 and 2015, as well as fifth of Europe and champion of Spain in the junior category.



RE rent controls on the way or not? Recent comments by the Spanish Vice President and Economy Minister Nadia Calviño suggesting rent controls don’t work will annoy cabinet colleagues from the hard left of the governing coalition, who made rent control one of their main campaign issues. Rent controls are so important to the hard-left Podemos party they insisted they were one of the key issues in the coalition agreement signed between them and the Socialists who now make up the government. The agreement states that they will “implement the normative measures necessary to cap the abusive rent increase in certain market areas under pressure” using a rental price index created by the government. A disagreement over the efficacy of rent controls is not a good sign for coalition harmony. In a radio interview discussing rent controls a few days ago, Nadia Calviño, Socialist VP and Minister for Economic Affairs, said “there are different cities experimenting with that, establishing limits, but without much success.” With that in mind, she went on to explain that this government will focus instead on increasing the supply of homes for rent in line with a new housing plan prepared by the Ministr y of Transport, Mobility, and the Urban Agenda to build 20,000

council houses for rent. Seen as a moderate, and safe pair of hands for the economy, Calviño was appointed VP and put in charge of economic policy to send a reassuring message to Brussels and the financial markets. When she speaks it matters. This was not some unauthorised comment from a government small-fry. No doubt she will have seen a recent report from the Bank of Spain evaluating the results of rent control programmes in other countries, which noted that though they can have the desired impact in the short term, in the long term they lead to “significant adverse effects” as the “supply side tends to react to price controls by reducing the number of homes available in the market” and “reducing investment in the maintenance of buildings.” Another negative consequence, noted in the report, is the emergence of “segmentation in the housing market as control measures are concentrated in certain groups and areas of a city.”

Someone who can’t afford to rent in Barcelona camping just of Paseo de Gracia. This would not be allowed in other cities, but anything goes in Barcelona under Ada Colau. © Mark Stücklin Podemos cabinet members like Pablo Iglesias or his partner Irene Montero have yet to comment publicly on Calviño’s position, but I suspect they will be arguing heatedly about it behind closed doors. With Calviño publicly arguing against rent controls, it’s not clear if they are coming or not. The Mayoress of Barcelona Ada Colau, a leading figure in the Podemos world, claimed last week on radio that

Calviño’s scepticism towards rent controls is due to lobby pressure from powerful real estate interest groups, rather than because she sees there are no real-world examples of rent controls improving access to housing. Colau and her Podemos colleagues blame rising housing costs exclusively on “speculators” and “vulture funds”. Housing affordability is a growing issue in Spanish cities like Barcelona and Madrid,

where powerful forces like globalisation and urbanisation are driving up demand for housing without a corresponding increase in supply, and the resulting housing shortage pushes up prices. Low productivity and salaries in Spain only exacerbate the issue, but it’s not exclusively a Spanish problem – Berlin has just introduced a controversial rent cap in response to skyrocketing housing costs in the German capital, though legal challenges could keep

the law from going into effect. Outside of Spanish cities housing costs are probably still falling in many areas, especially in those where the population is declining as young people move to the cities. If the government does legislate rent controls, it will leave it up to local authorities to enforce them. Madrid has already said it will not impose rent controls even if given the power to do so. Barcelona most certainly will.

Written by Mark Stücklin Mark Stücklin is a Barcelona-based property market analyst and consultant, and author of the 'Spanish Property Doctor' column in the Sunday Times (2005 - 2008).

He can be reached by email on: ms@spanishpropertyinsight.com.






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This top floor apartment has been beautifully refurbished and is also sold pleasantly furnished. Situated in the quiet community of Hibisco III, this properfty boasts one double bedroom, one bathroom, open plan lounge and kitchen. The large terrace is accessible from the lounge area, offering wonderful cliff and sea views and access to the roof terrace. The roof terrace is also a great size and boasts all day sunshine and magnificent sea and cliff views. Centrally located, this property is a real must see.



RECENTLY REDUCED. Beautifully presented studio apartment situated in the sought after complex of Jacaranda in Los Gigantes. Based on the second floor in the complex, this property comprises one bathroom, sleeping area, open plan kitchen and lounge. 12.55m² terrace accessible from the lounge boasting wonderful sea views and all afternoon sunshine. Well maintained complex with heated communal swimming pool and garden areas. Centrally located, within walking distance to all local amenities.



Pleasantly furnished, top floor apartment situated in the complex of Florida in los Gigantes. Centrally located, this property comprises of two bedrooms, one bathroom, lounge and open plan kitchen. Great sized terrace benefiting from all day sunshine and offering stunning views of the cliffs and the ocean. This well maintained and gated community has a communal swimming pool, gardens and residents car park. Close to all local amenities.The yearly service charge is very reasonable.



Fantastic, centrally located apartment situated in the complex of Hibisco II in Los Gigantes. Based on the first floor in the complex, this property comprises of two double bedrooms, two bathrooms, lounge and open plan kitchen. A large terrace surrounds the property benefiting from all day sunshine and pleasant views. Offering amazing potential, this property is a must see. Low community fees. Within walking distance to all local amenities.



Recently Reduced. Fantastically positioned, front line, penthouse apartment situated in the sought after complex of Vitamar. Top floor, this property boasts three great sized double bedrooms, all of which have en suite bathrooms, open plan living with spacious dining area, lounge and a separate kitchen with pantry. Pleasantly decorated and tastefully furnished. Extensive terrace space accessible from the master bedroom, dining room and lounge offers magnificent 180 degree sea views, all day sunshine and also hosts a bar area. Extremely well maintained complex with heated communal swimming pool. Garage with upstairs store room included.



Fantastic villa situated in the area of Lajas De Chapin. Constructed over three levels, this spacious property is well maintained and fully furnished and equipped. Boasting lower floor with open plan lounge and dining area, large seperate kitchen, cloakroom and one double bedroom. The upper level comprises of master suite with dressing room and en suite bathroom, two double bedrooms and family bathroom. All bedrooms have access to a balcony. Large three car garage with direct access to the house. Extensive terraces with private swimming pool and gardens. A must see.

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