Edition 640

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PAGES PA 25 - 27


Your dining experience aroundd our o restaurants


PAGES 39 -48




HE Canary Islands are pressing for more border controls in the face of a constant new stream of arrivals of illegal immigrants to the beaches of the archipelago. A formal request has been made to the Spanish Government to ask the African countries at source to introduce new policies and tighten up security. Canary Executive spokesman, Julio Pérez (PSOE) said the checks put in place “in the bad years of immigration” have decreased which has surprised all the bodies involved who have to deal with the constant arrival of small boats to the Canaries. Over the last fortnight, there have been arrivals virtually every day. The government spokesman said border control is a competence of the State, which is why he has demanded that Spain “intensifies and activates the policies of action at source”. He has also advocated joint patrols with the police of African countries and the continued presence of representatives of the Spanish Government in those countries. As for the origin of the people who have arrived in the Canar y Islands, he has detailed that the percentage of Maghreb has increased with respect to the Subharians. In 2017, 80 Maghreb and 107 sub-Saharan people arrived in the Canary Islands, in 2018 the Maghreb became 643 compared to 159 subSaharan; and so far this year 2019, 648 Maghreb and 675 Subharians have arrived. This increase in the number of people from the Maghreb is due, according to Julio Pérez, to the fact that the border control device of the Spanish Government has lowered its intensity and, at the same time, more means have been put in the Mediterranean, where 50% of migratory movements have been cut. Unfortunately, it has meant illegal immigrants using another route instead ie towards the Canaries. The government spokesman has reported that from Januar y 1st, 2019 until November 26th, a total of 1,546 people have arrived in the

Canary Islands in boats from Africa, 262 of them minors. In addition 13 have died in the attempt. Of the total number of people who have arrived in the Canary Islands by this route, if the number of deceased persons is eliminated and of the minors who by law have the right to stay on the islands, “just over ” 50% will be returned to their countries of origin. According to the Statute of Autonomy, he recalled that it is the responsibility of the Government to provide care to people who arrive in the Canary Islands from Africa in pateras, just as other people who need it are cared for. He has also asked for thoughts to turn to housing the immigrants in specific places as they “cannot be wandering the streets.”

New roadmap pledged for Puerto’s port


ENERIFE Cabildo intends to resume the processing of the port of Puerto de la Cruz and wants to work together with the rest of the administrations to create a project to serve tourists, commerce and passenger transport. The insular government says a “roadmap” signed on April 12th, 2016, by Puerto council and the Cabildo had been “breached technically and administratively almost since its inception” and many studies were missing. Minister of Sustainable Development and Climate Change, Javier Rodríguez said the new roadmap was realistic and would meet real deadlines to resume a process that had become obsolete. Reports missing include an environmental impact study which would look at various

issues, such as protection of some protected marine species. It would also be necessary to study the population of cetaceans and sea turtles off the coast of Puerto de la Cruz and to do an environmental assessment of the beach between Puerto and Playa Jardín. An economic-financial feasibility study and economic sustainability report of the port and maritime park must also also be carried out. All these procedures, deadlines and budgets far exceed what was established in the 2016 roadmap.



HE Canary Islands are to face the prospect of another global recession head on and will aim to provide better and different services for the tourists rather than trying to attract even more holidaymakers.

Minister of Tourism, Industry and Commerce, Yaiza Castilla says they have virtually given up the fight to compete against the resurgent markets such as Tunisia and Egypt in terms of price and are concentrating their efforts on making their own product the best possible. She made it clear in a parliamentary committee that the objectives of her department for the tourist sector was not for growth but for development. Detailing objectives, plans and strategies for the next four years, she admitted: “We are facing a scenario of global slowdown due to international situations, which require measures and strategies that cushion their effects on our economy and that, in the medium and long term, strengthen tourism, industry and commerce.” And the Minister added: “It would be a mistake not to recognise that we start from a negative and complex situation and in which the tourism model followed so far clearly demonstrates an exhaustion. “We know that the price battle with our competitors is lost. Therefore, our path must be that of differentiation, betting on innovative products, and the improvement and conversion of the traditional ones, “ she said.


































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Major waterworks planned for Adeje A

DEJE has unanimously approved an agreement with the Insular Council of Waters of Tenerife for the execution of various hydraulic actions in the municipality for an amount of ten million euros. The agreement was presented as a matter of urgency in order to have the budget transferred by the Cabildo within this fiscal year of 2019 and start the work as soon as possible. “Adeje council has spent more than 30 years investing in the development and updating of the entire water cycle and I am in a position to ensure that it is the best Canary system by far. One of the main concerns of this group of Government is the water and its treatment, both of the wastewater, which can be purified and reused for irrigation, as of the water supply. In Adeje we have opted, and will continue to do so, for desalinated water, which is the most responsible and sustainable way of providing water to all citizens, ”explained the Mayor, José Miguel Rodríguez Fraga. The economic contribution of each administration will be distributed as follows: Adeje council will invest 3,173,858

euros and the Insular Council of Waters will finance 6,977,925 euros for the execution and construction management, and health and safety coordination. The agreement includes several projects that in some cases will be executed simultaneously. The main works are limited to the district of Callao Salvaje, specifically the area of Sueño Azul, thus anticipating the next population increases that are expected in this nucleus. “It is our responsibility to plan for the future, to anticipate the demand so that when it occurs we can give the appropriate response,” said the Mayor. The hydraulic planning included in the agreement establishes that the Sueño Azul waters are transported to the Adeje-Arona Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) for biological treatment, thus complying with European Directive 91/271 on the treatment of urban wastewater. This planning entails the


in several sections coincide with those outlined in the aforementioned actions. Given the coincidence in the layout of the pipes, on the one hand, of sanitation water and on the other of desalinated water, both administrations have decided to carry out the works simultaneously to minimise the inconvenience that may be caused to the citizens affected by the work . After the approval of the agreement by the Insular Council of Water, the process of adjudication by public tender of the different projects contemplated in the agreement will begin.


Direct access Child, 12, soon for TF-28 injured in fall


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realisation of a set of hydraulic infrastructures, such as a new wastewater pumping station (EBAR), collectors and impellers that will allow increasing the capacity to transport the waters from Callao Salvaje to collector 1 and then direct them to the plant for treatment. All these actions will complement the purification and discharge system of Adeje-Arona. In addition to the infrastructures that have to do with sanitation, the agreement includes the conduction of desalinated water between the desalination plants of Fonsalía and that of Adeje-Arona, which

youngster aged 12 was injured after falling drom the first floor of a building onto the road below.

The accident happened at Fisherman’s Square in Los Cristianos just after 4pm in the afternoon. The child suffered cuts and bruises, described as moderate, and was transferred to hospital. The Canarian Emergency Service attended, together with local and national police.


RONA council has welcomed the signing of the agreement to approve the process of expropriation of land that will allow the construction of a direct access from the TF-28 road to the nucleus of Chayofa.

The Mayor, José Julián Mena stressed that “it has been a long process, in which the current government group had transferred the need for the roundabout to the Cabildo for years, at least since 2015, and that has now found the sensitivity of the current insular team. ” Hundreds of people who live or work in Chayofa have to travel several kilometres every day to La Camella before going back down again in the absence of direct access from the TF-28, one of the main and busiest roads in the municipality. “This situation will change in the coming months thanks to the expropriation process and the collaboration between the Cabildo de Tenerife and the City Council of Arona, “ said a council spokesman. At present, Chayofa is an area that houses a population of around 2,000 inhabitants and there are various facilities and services, some of a tourist nature, that bring together a good number of people.


Teenager hurt whilst board sliding


teenager was injured after suffering an accident while sliding on a board in Tenerife.

The accident happened in Calle Plano in the municipality of Icod de los Vinos where this type of sporting challenge is an annual tradition. The youngster, understood to be about 15, suffered a trauma to the lower limb of a serious nature and was transferred in a basic life support ambulance from the SUC to the Specialised Centre for Emergency Care (CEAU) of the Hospital del North.






Another atrocity in Tenerife as woman, 26, is stabbed to death


Playa Paraiso welcomes the new Rosa Center


26-year-old woman was stabbed to death in Tenerife just hours before thousands of people took to the streets of Spain to protest against domestic violence.

The victim managed to call a help hotline after suffering knife wounds to her neck at dawn on November 25th but when the emergency services arrived, she had already died. Her 29-year-old partner, who was found with cuts to his body, was arrested in connection with her death. His injuries were believed to be self-inflicted. He has since appeared before a court and remanded in custody, with no charge yet specified. November 25th was International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and protest marches took place in numerous Spanish cities including Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia and Alicante. The woman who died in Tenerife lived with her boyfriend in her grand-


new shopping centre in Playa Paraiso, the Rosa Center, will generate 300 direct jobs.

mother’s house in San Isidro in the municipality of Granadilla. She had heard an argument and screaming but when she went to their room, the door was locked. Several neighbours also called the police. The victim originally came from Leon in the north-west of Spain but had lived in Tenerife for years. She was taking a training course at the pioneering Technological Institute of Renewable Energies in Granadilla. Police confirmed she had managed to dial a gender violence hotline on 016 before she died. It was the eighth domestic violence death in the Canaries

this year and the 52nd in Spain. Granadilla council called three days of mourning and held a minute’s silence, reflected across Tenerife. The local Mayor, José Domingo Regalado said: “Sometimes I don’t know what country we are living in. If we are in 2019 or if we are still in black and white times.” The Canary Institute of Equality voiced its “most energetic pain, revulsion and condemnation” and demanded the end of gender violence whilst Spain’s Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez tweeted: “Reality hits today, in the #Day Against GenderViolence. Let’s act together, united.”

Located on Calle El Horno, the complex has an area of 10,000 square metres, distributed between stores, restaurants and terraces; In addition, it has 224 free parking spaces for customers. The opening ceremony was attended by several councillors of the corporation, numerous representatives of the society of Tenerife, business representatives and the Mayor of Adeje, José Miguel Rodríguez Fraga who highlighted “the important role of the business sector in the generation of jobs and in the complementary offer of a tourist destination. Adeje has several shopping centres where both residents and tourists benefit from the gastronomic proposals as well as the variety of shops and leisure services. ” “It is important to continue investing in the quality of the destination, only then will we continue to maintain our quality standard and this is achieved by betting on quality work,

respect for the environment, sustainability and the use of resources, “ said the Mayor. The building is distributed on three commercial floors and there is direct pedestrian access to all the floors. On the ground floor there is a “Hiperdino” supermarket of 1,600 m2, a “Levis” store and a “Sprinter” sports store with more than 500 m2. They are accompanied by a Parapharmacy, “Blend and Coffee”, a shoe store “Zone Zero”, a jewelry “Diamonds N Diamonds” and a Perfumery “La Rosa” etc. On the first floor there will be a very complete fashion offer with two labels of the “Inditex” group, among which “Lefties”

with 1,100 m2 and “Stradivarius” stand out, in addition to the “Tendam” group that will open “Women Secret” and “ Springfield”. The terrace floor will be mainly dedicated to leisure and catering, with “Burger King”; “La Navaja” restaurant, with seafood; “Fratellos”, of Italian food and “Chopstick”, of Asian food all with views of the sea and La Gomera. Other brands that will also be in the commercial centre are “Wanna Sneakers,” and “Oteros” of sports shoes that open their first store in the Canary Islands in this mall; also, there will be “Esprit”, “Salsa”, “Rickys” and “Obu” that complement the commercial offer.







Follow “La Ruta” for a taste of Tenerife L

A Laguna has presented details of ‘La Ruta’ an activity that combines gastronomy, culture and tradition of the products of kilometer 0, by joining wines from the northeast region with tapas made with local products from the area.

In ‘La Ruta’, which runs from November 29th to December 22nd, 24 establishments from the Northeast Region participate, scattered between Valle de Guerra, Tejina, Bajamar and Punta del Hidalgo. The offer of this gastronomic route is a glass of wine plus a lid at the single price of 3.50 euros. Councillor for commerce and tourism of La Laguna, María José Roca, thanked “the enthusiasm that this initiative has had in the commercial sector of the


Man arrested for mugging two tourists


ATIONAL Police arrested a 62-year-old man, with a police record, for two crimes of robbery with violence committed in the tourist municipalities of Arona and Adeje.

Northeast”, recalling that ‘La Ruta’ is an action that was born thanks to the collaboration of the areas of Commerce, Tourism and Rural Development of La Laguna, with the collaboration of COAG and the Northeast

CIT, as well as the sponsorship of Tacoronte-Acentejo, whose representatives have participated in the presentation, in addition to the Rural Hotel Costa Salada and Ocean Hotel Health Spa Tenerife . The initiative has also had

the collaboration of the chef of the restaurant ‘Aborigen’, Marcos Tavío, who offered at the Tejina Citizen Centre a master class to the restaurants, bars, tavernas and coffee shops that participate in ‘La Ruta’.


The investigation started following complaints from two tourists in separate incidents. In both cases, the elderly tourists were approached from behind in the street by a man. After pushing them hard, he pulled a necklace off one of the victims and in the other incident, snatched a bag. “The violence used by this man caused the victims to fall to the ground,” said a police spokesman. “In one of the cases, due to the injuries that


Puerto finally has its long-awaited bus station

Huge fines imposed on T illegal bookmaker


HE Canary Islands Government has imposed a fine of 20,002 euros for two very serious infractions (10,001 euros for each) to an illegal bookmaker for the organisation and exploitation of bets on sporting and other events.

This was done both in the face-to-face and electronic mode without the corresponding administrative authorisation and lacking the mandatory authorisation for the installation, opening and operation of an external betting establishment. As reported by the Ministry of Public Administration, Justice and Security, the fine is imposed for the commission of two very serious violations of Article 30 a of Law 8/2010 on Gambling and Betting consisting of “the organisation or exploitation of games or uncatalogued bets, or without having the corresponding administrative authorisations, or failing to comply with the responsible declaration regime, as well as the celebration or practice thereof outside authorised establishments.” In addition, until the resolution is enforceable, the precautionary seal of nine external betting terminals, which lack approval and identification documentation, and the establishment of gambling, will be maintained, as well as the prohibition of carrying out the practice of any activity related to the organisation and practice of the game in the sanctioned establishment. At present, a total of six betting companies are installed in the Canary Islands that must comply with the provisions of the Gambling and Betting Law. The location of the establishment fined was not disclosed.

were caused to him, an 80year-old tourist had to remain hospitalised for an important period of time until his recovery.” After the identification of the alleged perpetrator of the events, the agents established a police device aimed at locating and detaining them, taking into account the constant changes of address that he was carrying out. Finally, this person was found in the town of Adeje where he was arrested.

HE new bus station in Puerto de la Cruz is finally in operation.

After eleven years, the municipality has a modern facility adapted to the needs of the citizens of Puerto and its visitors. President of the Cabildo de Tenerife, Pedro Martín, together with a large representation of the municipal corporation, inaugurated the bus station last Friday. “A modern station, adapted, accessible to all people,” explained Sr. Martin who described it as “the model in which the institution wants to continue working on a commitment to public transport.” The Mayor of Puerto de la Cruz, Marco González, has expressed his gratitude “to all the government teams that have worked to make this

station a reality” and acknowledged that the new station “more than meets the needs of citizens and tourists who visit Puerto de la Cruz ”. Mobility director, José Alberto León Alonso said: “It is the largest bus station in the north and the fourth in the island. It is expected that 1.3 million people pass through it every year, with an average of 3,600 per day.” The opening included a tour of the facilities. This work, budgeted at 2.2 million euros, has been funded by the Cabildo de Tenerife, which contributes 1.4 million euros, and the Urban Consortium for the Rehabilitation of Puerto de la Cruz, which is responsible for 690,000 euros remaining.

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ENERIFE Cabildo is about to begin the placement of traps to stop the plague of termites troubling various parts of the island.

The product with which the insect will be attacked is hexaflumuron and work was due to start on Wednesday, December 4th in the affected areas. The winged phase is not the one that worries the technicians especially, since the sun or the birds kill the termite, the problem is to get control under the subsoil, which is where it is difficult to stop the advance and is where the treatment will start. Tacoronte and La Laguna are being tackled, as agreed at a meeting of the technical committee for control and eradication of underground termite (Reticulitermes flavipes), chaired by the Minister of the Natural Environment Management Area, where different issues related to the implementation

of actions aimed at controlling this species were analysed. The suitability of having in the area an enclosure for storage for subsequent treatment of household goods, pruning remains and wood was also assessed so as to avoid the dispersion of these termites to other areas outside the area where they have currently been located. Likewise, the need to provide as much information as possible to the residents and farmers of the affected area was agreed and an information and training campaign is to be launched. The Governing Council previously approved the commission to the public company Tragsa for the implementation of the action plan for urgent measures and management strategy, control and eradication of the

underground termite with a total budget of 997,954 euros and a maximum period of one year from the approval of the document.

The work also includes the delimitation of the control perimeter and the installation of baits with authorised biocidal substances. In places

where the pest is not present, monitoring baits will also be installed without these products. Finally, the third phase will

consist of the follow-up of the tasks that have been established in the initial diagnosis and of the eradication strategy itself.


Inspiring artist uses just her left hand


HE exhibition hall of the Museum of History of Granadilla de Abona hosts until January 8th an exhibition of the artist Elida Medina entitled ‘Paradise’.

This cultural initiative reaches the municipality by Granadilla de Abona council, through the Department of Culture, Social Services and Equality, directed by Eudita Mendoza and María de la O Gaspar, respectively. Elida Medina, the eldest of six brothers, was born in La Gomera 51 years ago in a humble family. Self-taught for painting, she worked as a receptionist in the hotel sector and lived several years in England, where perfected the English language. She currently lives in San Isidro, is the mother of a thirteen-year-old son named Massimo who is her main source of inspiration for her works. In 2013, the Gomera artist became ill with a pathology called rare, ‘Devic Syndrome’, which caused her a tetraplegia; After a great fight with her illness, she continues to enjoy painting

and continues painting with just her left hand. Anyone who wishes to visit the exhibition, the schedule is from Monday to Friday from 8.30am to 2pm.





Suspected terrorist supporter, 26, New modern plaza for centre arrested in Tenerife of Arona P


OLICE in Tenerife have arrested a suspected terrorist supporter who shared extreme videos of executions, murders and bombmaking via instant messaging services. The 26-year-old, originally from Nouadhihou in Mauritania, used both WhatsApp and Telegram to circulate jihadist propaganda videos. He was arrested in a joint operation by the Civil Guard and Europol. Only his initials of Y.T.O.


HIS is how Arona council envisages the remodelling of plaza Antonio Correa in the centre of Arona will look when the work is completed next year.

The government board of the local council has approved the award of the renovation and improvement works to create a modern public space in a bidding process in which companies with people with functional diversity in the workforce have been prioritised. The plaza is located on the side of the general road near the petrol station and will get a new kiosk as well as landscaping. The Mayor of Arona, José Julián Mena stressed that “the square will be a new public space, modern and sustainable, for the residents of the municipality and also a reason for attracting visitors to the town”. Work is expected to start soon and take 275 days to complete.

have been revealed. “The detainee shared propaganda videos on WhatsApp and Telegram made by producers related to DAESH,” said a police spokesman. “The images showed executions of

Trio arrested for violent robberies


ATIONAL Police investigating a string of violent robberies in La Laguna arrested three men aged 18, 21 and 50.

The crimes took place between the months of June and November in establishments in different areas of the municipality such as Valle Guerra, Las Mercedes and Finca España. All of the robberies showed the same pattern. After breaking into the premises, the hooded men demanded money from the staff and wielded a large machete knife.

In some of the cases, after obtaining the contents of the till, they forced the victims to open the safe and took this as well. It’s estimated that they seized about 5,000 euros. Given the coincidences in the modus operandi, police suspected one group was responsible and arrested the trio, all with previous convictions.

extreme violence, techniques for the execution of attacks and murders, as well as detailed manuals for the manufacture of explosive devices.” The man is being held for terrorist glorification and indoctrination crimes. Police said he justified and praised terrorist attacks against “non-believers”and called on Muslims to join the armed struggle against the West. “Beyond the interest shown in the propaganda and activities of terrorist groups, the detainee actively sought content with a high level of

operational detail, among which are very detailed manuals for the manufacture of homemade explosives, such as the TATP - explosive known as the Mother of Satan’s - or techniques for executing attacks and murders,” said the spokesman. Armed officers with dogs have been searching his home and studying his internet history and network of contacts. Statements are also being taken from several people living nearby.








Another first for Granadilla with San Juan checks new organic recycling project the safety of its palm trees


RANADILLA de Abona will be a pioneer in Tenerife with the installation of its fifth container to recycle organic matter. The local council presented this initiative that will be a reality in 2020, within the framework of the National Association of Public Medium Enterprises Environment (Anepma) forum held at the ITER. The initiative was presented by the Mayor, José Domingo Regalado; the first lieutenant mayor and president of Sermugran, Marcos González, and the vice president of Sermugran, María Candelaria Rodríguez. “Sermugran has been working for some time on this new action for recycling consisting of the implementation of the fifth brown container, which we estimate will be launched for next year,” said Sr. Regalado. “Since 2017, we have been pioneers in managing the collection of paper and cardboard at the municipal level, obtaining two national distinctions thanks to the effort of all citizens and now we will be so again with the separation of organic matter.”. Marcos González said it will start with a pilot project in the catering and educational centres’ sector and that the composting plant will be located on the Las Crucitas municipal estate. María Candelaria Rodríguez said that it was

S “essential” to educate and raise public awareness about the importance of waste separation and an essential pillar is the development of campaigns in schools so the recycling of organic matter will begin in educational centres where Sermugran already develops various campaigns and awareness competitions in this regard. The placement of the fifth container, brown, to take advantage of organic waste, and which is a requirement of the European Union, will begin in Granadilla de Abona with a pilot experience in schools, in the catering and food sector. The containers, which are expected to be 500 litres, will allow compost to be used as fertiliser for the field, parks and gardens. What must be

deposited in this container are food scraps such as fruit skins, fish bones, plants, eggshells or coffee grounds; or used napkins and paper towels. So far, in the Canary Islands, only

La Palma and Gran Canaria, the latter very recently, perform the separation of organic matter, and in Tenerife, it will be Granadilla de Abona in 2020.

Internet coverage for all is aim of Puerto council PROJECT PROGRESSES


N 2020, 85 per cent of the municipality of Puerto de la Cruz will have fibre optic coverage.

Councillor for new technologies, María Jesús Hernández, together with computer technicians of the municipal corporation, recently met in the city hall with a representative of Telefónica to address the fibre optic deployment situation in the city. During the meeting, María Jesús Hernández reiterated the willingness of the council to collaborate in everything necessary for the deployment and installation work to be carried out as quickly as possible and with maximum respect for the historical heritage. “Approaching 100 per cent of the connections in the city will be an objective in this mandate. The internet connection is a necessity in the 21st century, a fundamental service for citizens in general, as well as for businesses and tourists, ”said the councillor. At the meeting, it was reported that 78 per cent of the citizens of Puerto de la Cruz can now access the advantages of fibre. Specifically, almost 25,000 homes and commercial stores in the municipality are connected to the fibre optic network. The network expansion work, which started at the beginning of 2015, has continued its course and it is expected that throughout the year 2020 the percentage of homes and commercial premises reach levels close to 85 per cent. María Jesús Hernández and the New Technologies department team valued the information presented and showed their support for Telefónica in the plan to expand the deployment of optical fibre to the entire municipality as soon as possible, in order to match the services offered to all citizens without the location of the house being a disadvantage of some with respect to others. Similarly, she confirmed the collaboration of the authority in everything necessary for the deployment and installation work to be carried out as quickly as possible and respect the historical heritage, in collaboration with the municipal area of Sustainable City and Planning, which will process the corresponding authorisations.

AN Juan de la Rambla has instigated a programme to check all its Canary palm trees to ensure they are healthy and just as importantly, safe. The work follows a situation a few weeks ago which forced the council to eliminate some copies in poor condition at the outdoor garden of the football field of Los Quevedos (San José) due to the danger posed by the risk of detachment of the branches. To prevent this scenario from repeating itself, an indepth study of the health of all the specimens that are part of the composition of most green areas was initiated. Most of them are in a good state but the minimum distance between trees needs to be looked at. ”The objective of the municipal department, with the support of a specialised company, is to guarantee the good growth of the palm trees by carrying out a thinning that

not only allows sufficient distance to the plant so that it can reach its state of maturity but also to give more light to the gardens, complementing the composition with another type of vegetation more in line with the temporality and geographical situation.” It is expected that the work will be carried out in the coming weeks so it can be completed before the start of the Christmas dates. The green areas that, in a first round, are benefiting from this programme are the gardens attached to the sports centre of La Vera, the garden that decorates the access to the Las Rosas neighbourhood, those located in the La Portalina area in San José and the palm trees of La Caldereta park in San Juan.

Burglars arrested after police chase


ATIONAL Police arrested two young men of 28 and 26 years, both with a history, as alleged perpetrators of a crime of robbery committed in the municipality of La Laguna. The owner of the house, who was inside when the events occurred, heard sounds coming from the top floor and called the police. On their way to the scene, police spotted a car with two people inside who were hiding their faces with sweatshirts and going in the wrong direction down the road. The vehicle tried to swerve out of the way but when thwarted, the two individuals inside abandoned the car and tried to run away, pursued by the police. One was caught immediately and the other shortly afterwards following a struggle. The man whose house was burgled identified the car as being his, the two thieves having stolen his keys during the burglary.







All Saints Church news A

LL Saints Church is situated in Parque Taoro, Puerto de la Cruz. Our weekly Services are held as follows: Sunday Holy Communion at 9.30am and a Sung Eucharist at 11am after which is a time to join together for a coffee or drink. If you are visiting us please make yourselves known it’s always good to meet new faces. Our Church Stall and Boutique is also open on a Sunday Morning. We also have a Holy Communion Service on a Wednesday at 10am, followed by coffee and then on alternate Wednesdays either a Bible Study or a Prayer Meeting under the guidance of our locum Priest. A Taize Service is held on alternate Thursdays with our Lutheran Brothers and Sisters. The next one will be 12th December at 5.30pm in the church. On Christmas Eve there will be a Midnight Mass and on Christmas Day a ChrIstmas Service. Times will be advised in the next issue of Tenerife News. We begin our Christmas Festivities with the ever popular Christmas Car Boot on Saturday December 7th an event not to be missed, gates open at 11am and the church grounds will be packed to capacity with stalls . Visit our Church Craft Stall, you will not be disappointed, lots of hand made ítems ideal for

Christmas gifts which our Sewing ladies have been making. If you have nimble fingers and can sew or knit, Carole and the ladies would be very pleased to see you on a Thursday morning at 10am in the parsonage. Refreshments are available throughout the day and our Bistro will be open selling burgers, hot dogs, quiches and sándwiches . I am told the burgers are a must try .Father Christmas will be there to greet the children and hear their Christmas wishes and the day concludes with our Grand Christmas Raffle with lots of wonderful prizes to be won . Tickets are on sale now at the church after the Services or of course on the day itself.Jumping ahead slightly into 2020 our January Car Boot will be on Saturday January 11th a week later than normal, after which the Car Boots will follow the usual pattern of the

first Saturday in the month. Our Carol Concert will be held in the church on Friday December 20th at 6pm, an occasion for all the family to join with us as we sing some of the best loved carols . Hot mince pies and refresments will be served after the Service. We celebrate Epiphany with a lunch at the Masaru on Tuesday January 7th at 1pm , tickets will be 17 euros, and to book your seat please speak to Wendy on 922320978/ 605486792. As always we would appreciate volunteers to help us with the upkeep of the church and its beautiful gardens. If you have a couple of hours free on a Tuesday morning at 10am for the Gardening Group or Thursday morning at 10am when our Maintenance and Sewing Group meets, you would be most welcome, a chance to do something you love in the company of fellow enthu-siasts. For more information please phone Wendy on the numbers above . A vacancy has arisen for a new Church Treasurer from January 2020, If you enjoy accounting and are computer literate we would be very

pleased to hear from you.Please phone Cheryl on 635666343 for further details. We are also looking for a Safeguarding Officier, training will be given although

experience would be preferred. Please phone Wendy if you would be interested in this. As All Saints Church is currently in an interregnum our

locum Reverend Jeff Green . If you wish to speak to him, please phone the parsonage on 922384038 or Wendy, our Churchwarden on 922320978/ 605486793


Gilbert is looking for a home


HO is this handsome boy you may ask? Say hello to Gilbert. He has been at K9 a few months now. As you can see from the lovely photograph of him, he is black and white in colour. He is two years of age who is an extremely friendly boy and who also adores attention.

We are looking for a forever home for Gilbert as he has ended up at K9 through no fault of his own. His ex-owner was going on holiday and put him into a cat hotel, but then never came back to collect him so Gilbert was left wondering where his owner had gone and why he had been left in this strange place. Gilbert is castrated and also has his own passport also. Can you or anyone you know offer him a forever home and take him away from the kennels where he can be loved and get lots of attention? Please call into us any day to meet him and all our other cats and kittens who are looking or their forever homes and their second chance. You can call in any day between 9.30-1.30pm. You are most welcome! K9 would like to invite you all to our Christmas Dinner and Cabaret this year, 2019. It is taking place on Saturday 14th December in St Eugene’s in San Eugenio. The cost for tickets is €20 which includes dinner and an amazing cabaret show.

There are a couple of dinner options, which does include a vegetarian option for those of you who don’t eat meat. Drinks include €8 for a bottle of wine, €1 water or refreshments, and €1.50 for a jug of beer until 11.30pm. We are inviting everyone to meet at the bar at 7pm and then the meal will be served at 8pm. The Cabaret includes Frankie Mack Rat Pack Show and Gary Nelson. Tickets can sell out quite quickly for this event so make sure you get your tickets early to avoid disappointment. We do have various locations where you can buy the tickets which are shown in the poster. We do have a Facebook page also should you wish to make contact this way. Our Christmas party is always a lot of fun so don’t miss out this year and get your tickets today. We are asking people to bring along some treats for our furry friends, our cats and dogs. We always get so many wonderful donations throughout the year for them, so we want to

continue this wonderful tradition and make our fur babies’ Christmas special for them. They don’t have their forever families(yet) to share this happy occasion, so we do our very best to make sure they are spoilt. For those of you who may ask, we are open on Christmas Day, and open all year round as our dogs and cats, still need to be walked, cleaned, fed and looked after every single day. If you are looking for a lovely way to spend your Christmas morning, please do call up and see us and maybe walk a dog or two. We have had many adoptions over the last few months but for every dog that leaves, one or two are found, surrendered or abandoned. We would like to thank everyone for their continued support every year and would like to wish you all a very successful, fur baby filled 2020. If you interested in donating or having your own fundraiser for K9, please contact us at the kennels on 667638468.

Lots going on at Friends of Tenerife


HE ‘Friends’, some 50 plus of them, enjoyed a visit to Iceland in the south of the Island on Tuesday 26th November to buy their Christmas goodies - it also happened to be a ‘Black Friday’ (albeit a Tuesday !) and many items were on special offer. Prior to calling at Iceland, some ‘Friends’ enjoyed a lunch of Fish and Chips (not forgetting the mushy peas !) at the Restaurant Scampi’s. The coach was loaded to capacity, and the money raised will be distributed to our charities.

On Tuesday 10th December our annual Christmas Dinner will be held at the Restaurant Mini Golf in La Paz, Puerto de la Cruz, Please note that this is an evening event, and the time is 7.00 for 7.30 p.m. The price is 30 euro for members. Our New Year’s lunch will be held at the Restaurant Ruen Thai in Puerto on Tuesday 21st January, the price 20 euro for members, and the time as usual 1.00 for 1.30 p.m. PLEASE NOTE that we are looking for someone willing and able to take charge of the running and organisation of the F.O.T. stall at the Car Boots held at All Saint’s Church in the Taoro Park on the first Saturday of every month (except for July, August and September). We will be very pleased to hear from any interested person willing to help us with this, one of our most important fund raising events. Please contact Maureen on 922 341 979, or Jean on 922 384 809 if you think that you can help us. You can also book for any of our future events by calling Maureen or Jean. We can also be found on Facebook.




It’s time in the market, not timing the market, that reaps rewards


By Paul Montague, Partner, Blevins Franks

IVEN current Brexit concerns and global economic uncertainty, we hear many people ask whether this is a bad time to invest. The simple answer is that it is not so simple! Generally, the most sensible approach is to invest for the longterm rather than wait on the side-lines for the ‘right time’.

The risks of trying to time the market It is impossible to consistently predict market movements; even experienced investors cannot always get this right. There is also the risk of missing out, as certain days in a market cycle can make a significant difference to returns. For example, if you had invested £10,000 in the FTSE All-Share index for the full ten-year period up to 31 December 2018, you would have earned a profit of £4,754. But if you missed the five best days, returns would fall to £3,764, and again to £2,081 if the ten best days were missed. Meanwhile, being out of the market on the best 20 and 30 days would have brought respective losses of £132 and £1,896.

Staying invested when markets fluctuate may feel uncomfortable, but this discipline usually produces better returns over the longer term than chasing short-term gains.


Investment performance: The bigger picture

Before investing, it is crucial to assess your situation, income requirements, goals and timeline alongside your appetite for risk. This is best done objectively by an experienced professional who can then build a diversified portfolio with the right balance of risk/return for your peace of mind. Your arrangements should also be structured as tax-efficiently as possible for your life in Spain. Talk to a locally based adviser with cross-border experience to make the most of available opportunities. If today’s climate still makes you nervous, you could consider spreading the timing of investments through ‘pound (or euro/ dollar) cost averaging’. This can help smooth out volatility and potentially improve average returns over longer time periods. You could also explore multi-currency arrangements that minimise exchange rate risk by allowing you to invest and make withdrawals in your preferred currency. Ultimately, a long-term, diversified investment approach is vital to help protect and grow your capital, whatever the economic climate. While a ‘keep calm and stay invested’ approach usually gives the best overall results, make sure you still review your planning once a year, or sooner if your circumstances change, to continue meeting your long-term financial goals.

It is common to remember extreme market highs and lows without looking at the overall picture. Most will be aware of 1987’s ‘Black Monday’ global stock market crash, for example, without realising that investors in the FTSE All-share index actually realised a 4% return over the year. While the focus also tends to be on share market performance, wise investors will never have all their interests in one asset class (e.g. equities) nor in one geographical region. So when we hear about shocks in one share market, this overplays the actual impact on most investors.

The importance of diversification Even patient investors are unlikely to benefit from an ill-fitting portfolio that does not meet their needs or is overly concentrated in one area. The best strategy for minimising risk is to spread investments across a range of different asset classes, geographical regions and market sectors. Diversification gives your portfolio the chance to produce positive returns over time without being vulnerable to any single area or stock underperforming. Choosing an adviser who uses a dynamic ‘multi-manager’ approach can help increase diversification, reducing reliance on any one fund manager making the right decisions in all market

Establishing a suitable investment approach

All advice received from Blevins Franks is personalised and provided in writing. This article, however, should not be construed as providing any personalised taxation or investment advice.

Keep up to date on the financial issues that may affect you on the Blevins Franks news page at www.blevinsfranks.com







Cruise tourism booms for La Gomera


A Gomera is becoming a popular stopping off point for cruise passengers, a trend the island’s Cabildo is keen to encourage.

The port of San Sebastián will close next January with the arrival of more than 48,000 cruise passengers in the 37 scheduled stops, with an expenditure exceeding one million euros. Minister of Tourism, María Isabel Méndez said: “The good prospects for this season show that the island is consolidated as one of the best valued for companies and, also, for passengers, who will leave an average of 29 euros per tourist thanks to consumption in local establishments. ”. “It is important to encourage spending, so that in the few hours that the stop-over lasts, they know our products and contribute to the dynamisation


Bales of drugs wash up on popular beach


OLIDAY makers in Lanzarote woke up to find bales of drugs washed up on a popular beach.

of island trade,” she added. Another positive impact of cruise tourism is the promotion campaign so that visitors know the island and

decide to spend their next vacation there. According to María Isabel Méndez, “this is one of the most powerful tools, since it is a way


for them to value the destination and receive information on the offer of services, strengthening the possibility that they opt for La Gomera.”


The Civil Guard found at least 28 bundles on the sand, each containing 30 kilos of hashish. They are believed to have come from a small boat which hit the rocks off Los Clicos beach. The packets of drugs had fallen into the sea whilst the occupants made their escape. Residents of the area were the first to spot the bundles and called in the police. The patera, probably containing illegal immigrants, had arrived the previous night but fell foul of the strong currents and broke up on the rocks. Los Clicos is in the municipality of Yaiza. Image of the bales on the black sand quickly circulated through messaging groups.

Tasty surprise for Paraglider crashes in Woman airline passengers Lanzarote suffers F T severe head BUS COLLISION

HERE was an unexpected surprise for the 180 passengers on board a flight from the Canaries to Madrid.

Much to their delight, they were treated to tastings of wines, cheese and jams on the Iberia Express, courtesy of Tourism Lanzarote and the annual “Saborea Lanzarote” festival. The two-day event later took place in Teguise. The action, promoted by the Lanzarote Foreign Promotion Society, was part of the annual co-marketing agreement that it has with the airline. Tourism promotion councillor for Lanzarote Cabildo, Ángel Vázquez stressed “the determined commitment of SPEL-Tourism Lanzarote for initiatives of this type to make known the excellent local products and our genuine gastronomy.”

IREFIGHTERS were called in to rescue a paraglider after he crashlanded in a difficult area to access in Lanzarote.

The 27-year-old man suffered various injuries of a moderate nature. The Canary Emergency Service, fire crew, police and Civil Guard all attended. The accident happened just before 5pm at the Órzola Beach in the municipality of Haría. Once rescued, the man was transferred by medicalised ambulance from the SUC to the Doctor José Molina Orosa Hospital.



woman was seriously injured after being hit by a bus in Gran Canaria.

The accident happened just after 10.15pm on Avenida Tirajana in the municipality of San Bartolomé de Tirajana. The 112 emergency control centre received a call to say a woman, aged about 40, needed help after an accident involving a bus in which she suffered severe head trauma. Medics treated her at the scene before she was transferred in a medicalised ambulance to the University Hospital of Gran Canaria.





La Palma forms new catastrophe response team

Fuerteventura pledges actions not words in fight for sustainability




UERTEVENTURA has reiterated its aim of becoming a model for 100 per cent renewable energy and says it is time to “move from announcement to action.”

HE emergency services have formed a new “catastrophe” unit on La Palma to deal with incidents involving multiple victims.

The SUC will now have a trailer packed with immediate medical response equipment and training workshops have been held in the main hospital. These are aimed at first respondents in an emergency on the island, both the personnel who carry out their work in ambulances, in the hospital or primary care centres and in other organisations. The project is aimed at improving the response time to “unusual” emergencies and get the new team out on the road as soon as possible. Health professionals are also receiving training from psychologists based in Tenerife on how to deal with those affected to try and mitigate the

consequences of a traumatic experience as much as possible, which can go beyond physical damage. There are similar disaster teams in regions of Madeira and Azores who have participated in the Canary scheme as project members. The new trailer has folding material, stretchers, spotlights to illuminate the affected area, beaconing material, identification uniformity for participants, triage cards or classification of victims, personal protection equipment ( EPI) and immobilisation material, among others. The programme has a total budget of 895,206 euros, 85 per cent co-financed with ERDF fund.

Cabildo president, Blas Acosta received the first official visit to the island of the councillor for ecological transition, fight against climate change and territorial planning of the Government of the Canary Islands, José Antonio Valbuena, considered by the insular president as “ one of the most important and most anticipated visits on the island of Fuerteventura. ” The work agenda included different meetings and visits to projects that both institutions have in common on the island. Sr. Acosta thanked Sr. Valbuena, and all his team, for visiting Fuerteventura, “an island that has a lot to contribute to energy development but an island of promises unfulfilled by the previous regional executive at the time to authorise vital infrastructures, such as ports and roads.”

Sr. Valbuena said: “From the Canary Islands Government, there is a firm commitment to facilitate and promote the penetration of renewable energies in the archipelago. For this we must carry out an exercise of solidarity between administrations, both in the case of the councils and in the case of the municipalities, so that we all walk hand in hand in this project for the future. ” The programme included a visit to a local school to demonstrate the operation of an electric vehicle to stress the positive effect of sustainable mobility in the fight against climate change. “Sustainable mobility will also be fundamental in this process of ecological transition and care of our environment. In this sense, the electric vehicle is the form of mobility of the future and that is why we

want to give this transport system a boost by providing it with an adequate infrastructure, starting with a true network of charging points,” said Sr. Valbuena. “Young generations have a fundamental role in the fight against climate change, since they represent the engine that is accelerating this transformation of mentality that we are perceiving in society regarding this problem. The smallest of the house will be want to suffer its effects more

directly and are the most aware of this phenomenon, both in terms of mitigation and adaptation,” he added. The visitors made a visit to the Gran Tarajal dock where cleaning and studies are to be carried out to check there are no polluting substances in this area where nine barges sank between February 27 and March 1, 2018, after a storm. It was also agreed to draw up a special marine conservation plan for the island.







Lanzarote confident of keeping loyal British market after Brexit L

Urgent road projects get go-ahead on La Gomera


ANZAROTE is confident of keeping its British market in 2020 but is still advising caution and diversification just in case Brexit does have an impact after the end of January.

Brits represent almost 50 per cent of the total influx of tourists to the island and following meetings with the main operators, the verdict is: “The United Kingdom has no structural symptoms of tourist weakness. ” This is one of the main conclusions announced by the president of the Cabildo de Lanzarote, María Dolores Corujo, the Tourism Promotion advisor, Ángel Vázquez, and the CEO of the Lanzarote Foreign Promotion Society (SPEL-Tourism Lanzarote), Héctor Fernández, in which they gave an account of the work carried out by the Lanzarote delegation in London for the 2019 World Travel Market that took place between November 4th and 6th. María Dolores Corujo said sustainability and technology are of increasing importance in the market: “We were able to clearly verify that sustainability and technological innovation are two factors that take on a leading role and are growing demands of tourism worldwide. In this sense, our message and our objective is clear: Lanzarote is a quality destination, which prioritises sustainability, culture and what César Manrique knew how to turn into art: the traditional relationship of human beings with their environment.” Ángel Vázquez stressed


ETTER roads and footpaths are coming a step closer for La Gomera.

that parallel to improving connectivity, the objective is also to diversify alternative markets to the British and to continue with the development, consolidation and promotion of the variety of tourism experiences and products offered. These include sport, music festivals, congresses, food and wine, among others. Both leaders highlighted the importance for the island of British tourists and their loyalty. Of the 2,880,051 tourists who visited Lanzarote in 2018, 47.3 per cent (a total of 1,368,155) came from the United Kingdom, compared to 11.9 per cent from Germany, 9.6 per cent from Ireland, nine per cent from the rest of Spain and five per cent from France. (In the Canary Islands, the British market represented 31.7 per cent last year, Germany 20.4 per cent, Ireland 3.4 per cent, peninsular tourism 11.5 per


cent and France 3.8 per cent). In relation to 2019, between January and September, the island accounted for a total of 2,205,821 tourists - 2.3 per cent more than those registered in the same period last year - of which 1,065,692 came from the British market , which represents a cumulative increase in the first nine months of 2019 of 4.6 per cent, despite the demise of Thomas Cook in September. Among the meetings carried out by Turismo Lanzarote during the WTM, the one held with Jet2, which has become the main partner of the Cabildo for promotion in the United Kingdom and the “most dynamic tourist actor in Europe, currently stands out. Jet2 has increased the number of places with the island by 37 per cent, thus absorbing practically 50 per cent of the seats that the former British operator had. easyJet

is also of increasing importance for the island, currently maintaining 15 routes from six countries and presenting “very good forecasts for 2020 with the opening of two or three routes of important and strategic markets for Lanzarote,” said Héctor Fernández. A meeting will also take place with Ryanair in January. Tourism chiefs are more concerned by the German and Nordic countries markets “where different variables slow down the issuing capacity” but there are better prospects regarding France, Peninsula, Italy and the emerging market of Portugal. TUI announced in the WTM its intention to add two million places in its main destinations, among which 25,000 new places with Lanzarote will appear for the summer of 2020, which represents an increase of 17 per cent.

Cabildo president, Casimiro Curbelo expressed his satisfaction after confirming the announcement of the Canary Islands Government to start the process for the drafting of two road projects that affect the island. This is the improvement of the GM-2 between San Sebastián and the Degollada de Peraza, as well as the extension of the current access road to the Insular Hospital to the area of El Pulpo, both included in the package of works that will have a project in the coming months “These are two actions that we have prioritised from the insular institution so that they were included in the Canary Islands - State Highway Agreement and that result in the internal cohesion of the island, especially when the orographic characteristics make these investments very useful,” he explained. . Sr. Curbelo emphasised the rest of the works that are being carried out on the island to optimise the road network and provide paving, safety devices, retaining walls and urban furniture in the access to Valle Gran Rey from Arure; the road between Epina and Alojera, as

well as the GM-3 between Degollada de Peraza and La Glorieta de La Junta. He also referred to the Vallehermoso Variant, whose works the Government said will begin next year, after updating the project and incorporating the environmental impact statement. “We start from the real need to provide our roads with more comfort and guarantees, both for those who circulate and for the walkers that border them, especially in areas of footpaths,” he said. The insular leader also reported the transfer of 900,000 euros made to the Cabildo to execute the project of conditioning and improvement of the slope of the area in which the Sanctuary of Los Reyes is located, in Valle Gran Rey. This includes drainage works, provision of a pedestrian crossing, transplantation of affected palm trees and stone wall on several levels. “We had been addressing the urgency of these tasks for some time. Now we will begin the relevant procedures to be able to tender and execute as soon as possible, ” he said.






Supporters and artist furious as Lanzarote removes “four horsemen” from the sea shore


OURISTS and local people alike have expressed their fury after a British sculptor’s iconic “Four horsemen of the Apocalypse” statues were removed from the sea off the coast of Lanzarote. They have slammed the island government’s decision as “an attack on artistic freedom” and “ridiculous”. “What a terrible shame destroying such beauty. Why oh why, it does not make any sense. A very sad day for the island,” said Kay Blount on a Facebook protest site. “Unbelievable. Such a great shame,” said Tricia Carmen Mcriner. “It’s very sad. I would have thought that they were a good topic of conversation and memory for the cruise ship visitors,” said Wendy Zaidi. The four horsemen were crafted by the internationally known sculptor Jason de Caires Taylor and had become a major tourist attraction in the water in the bay of Naos in Arrecife. Demonstrations took place off the shore, with divers swimming near the four horsemen and placing executioner-type hoods over the heads of the riders to signify their demise. Nevertheless, cranes moved in after the island’s Cabildo paid a specialist removal firm more than £200,000 to carry out the work. Protesters have accused local politicians of hypocrisy because the “The Rising Tide” was situated just in front of the International Museum of Contemporary Art at the ancient fortress of Castillo de San José which houses the work of Spanish artist Cesar Manrique who was famed for his defence of artistic

expression. A spokesman for Lanzarote’s government said the four horsemen had only been commissioned to remain in place for one year when first installed in 2016. The statues were designed by Jason de Caires Taylor not just as a striking piece of artwork but also as a reminder of the delicate balance between nature, man and the environment, as their heads are like oil drilling machines. They were made by Jason from the same mold as the ones he placed in the Thames in 2015. Tourists and other supporters say the statues should have stayed and more than 1,500 people signed a petition on change.org. They say it was an “unnecessary expense” to remove them and the wrong decision Made of neutral concrete and environmentally-friendly, each sculpture measured 2.70 metres high and weighed eight tons. Naos Bay is clearly visible to tourists flying into Lanzarote and the horses had become a symbol of the “green” island and its environmental concerns. Jason de Caires Taylor has created stunning underwater statues across the globe, including a submerged sculpture park in Lanzarote. On his Facebook site, he said: “Very sad to see The Rising Tide horses censored and removed. I hope that the new government have felt like

the artistic purge was worthwhile. I certainly think they should remove the word International from #MIACMuseo Internacional de Arte Contemporáneo. Visitors can now have a completely clear view of the industrial port and mega cruise ships, without being reminded of need for climate action!” “The last few days has made me reflect on how I want my artistic estate to managed after I have gone. I have decided to donate future revenue to #Greenpeace in order that it be used for positive environmental purposes and my artworks not exploited for political or commercial gains.” “I just want to thank again all the brave #Lanzarote residents who stood against this terrible act, it was incredibly inspiring. I hope you

(and the dive centres of #Lanzarote) are able to continue to fight in order to

protect #MuseoAtlantico from the same fate.” It is believed the horsemen

have been put into a warehouse. Their future is not known as this stage.


Police warn of internet sales scam


OLICE are warning buyers to beware of internet scams where people pretend to be representatives of companies selling various products which never arrive.

It follows the investigation of one incident where a man in Mallorca thought he was conversing with an employee of a scrap metal firm in the Canaries and ordered some car seats. He paid 460.65 euros through a bank transfer but the parts never arrived. The complainant made contact with the seller via a well-known online buying and selling portal who claimed he was a representative of a company which did exist in Santa Cruz and even gave his name. He contacted the police when the seats never arrived and it was confirmed with the company that the man did not work for them and they did not despatch to the mainland or the Balearics. The name, phone number and email he gave were all false. In this particular case, the man was deteted and arrested and had done the same sting elsewhere.

Employment, tax and accounting advice

Company accountancy (at our office or yours). Settlement of taxes (IRPF, societies, non-residents). Company constitution: (mercantile register). Representation of any kind of employment. Tax and accounting inspection. Settlement of estates (inheritance tax). Procedures for the transfer of vehicles. Contracts for renting houses, business premises, etc… Insurances: car, home, etc….

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Spain performing well with exports


PANISH exports of goods rose by 1.6% between January and September 2019 on the same period of the previous year, amounting to 215.6 billion euros, a record figure for the period, according to the trade figures declared by Customs, attached to the Ministry of the Treasury. Imports rose by 2% to 241.05 billion euros. The trade deficit for the period amounted to 25.45 billion euros and the coverage rate stood at 89.4% (down 0.3% on the period January-August 2018). “Exports continue to grow despite the complex global environment, which indicates the strength of our foreign trade sector,” said State Secretary for Trade, Xiana Méndez. “We are also observing very positive performance in such destination markets as North America and Asia.” Growth in Spanish exports between January and September (up 1.6%) was greater than that of Germany (0.9%), and the United Kingdom (down 0.7%), but less than that of France (up 4.1%), Italy (up 2.5%), the European Union (up 2.4%) and the Eurozone (up 2.2%). Exports to the European Union (65.8% of the total) grew

by 1.6% in the first nine months of the year, while exports to the Eurozone (51.4% of the total) rose by 1.1% and those to the rest of the European Union (14.5%) rose by 3.5%. Exports to third countries (34.2% of the total) rose by 1.6% in this period, with increases in exports to North America (up 9.5%), Asia excluding the Middle East (up 7.3%) and Africa (up 2.6%). In contrast, exports to the Middle East (down 11.5%), Latin America (down 0.9%) and Oceania (down 0.9%) all fell. The autonomous regions posting the strongest export growth were Aragon (up 15.3%), Asturias (up 12%) and the Provincial Region of Navarre (up 11.7%). In contrast, the largest decreases were posted by the Balearic Islands (down 9.3%), CastileLeon (down 5.7%) and Galicia (down 6.1%).


Lottery booth investigation after worker found dead inside A N investigation is underway after the body of a young charity worker reported missing by his family was found ten days later inside the tiny booth where he sold lottery tickets for the blind. The family of Miguel Rodríguez Garzón reported him missing in Madrid but claim no-one bothered to look inside the city centre box. He was only discovered by chance by a cleaning company on the tenth day of his disappearance. The blinds of the kiosk were down so noone noticed anything strange. The association for the blind, ONCE says they collaborated from the start with the family when they reported his disappearance and are currently investigating the circumstances surrounding his death. The organisation SOS Desaparecidos (SOS Disappeared) had put out an alert for the 28-year-old and posters were displayed

throughout Madrid city centre when he failed to return home from selling the lottery tickets. According to the disappearance poster, Miguel needed medication for diabetes, had a limp arm but was not blind. He worked at two of the charity’s kiosks but reportedly not at the one in which his body was found. The CSIF and CCOO unions have both filed official complaints to the Labour Inspectorate, alleging violation of labour laws and regulations. The unions claim charity workers did go to the kiosk but “did not bother” to look inside. A post mortem has revealed he died of cerebral edema the morning after his disappearance.

New plan to fight counterfeit goods S


PAIN is formulating a national plan to fight the persistent problem of counterfeit goods.

The announcement was made by Acting Minister for Industry, Trade and Tourism, Reyes Maroto at an event to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), based in Alicante. The plan has been drawn up by the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office around four main pillars: regulation, coordination, analysis and training, and raising awareness. There will also be an advertising campaign that seeks to raise citizen awareness of the dangers of buying counterfeit products. Spain is consistently among the 10 countries with the highest number of applications to the European trademark and design systems that are managed by EUIPO. In 2018, these amounted to 10,377 in the case of European trademarks and 3,649 in the case of EU designs.






Police make new Che the much-loved arrests in fight giraffe dies of old age against counterfeit at 24 money EXCEPTIONAL ANIMAL



NE of the oldest giraffes in captivity which had fostered numerous babies has died in a Spanish zoological park.

Staff at the famous Bioparc in Valencia were heartbroken at the death due to old age of “Che” who was rehomed after being born in a zoo from two of the giraffes there. Che was 24 years of age which is considered old in terms of giraffes who normallly live between ten and 15 years. The record is 27. Despite her death being expected, the team at Bioparc have been badly hit by the sad news as Che had been loved by thousands of visitors since arriving there in 2007, already aged 12. Loles Carbonell, one of the veterinarians of BIOPARC, said: “She was pampered and cared for until the end. She was an exceptional friendly animal and got on really well with the


ATIONAL Police have broken up a group in Alicante dedicated to the distribution of counterfeit money.

park’s other nine giraffes.” Che became an “adoptive mother” to other rehomed giraffes, calming them and helping them to adjust and shared her luxury home with four antelope right until the end. “Che was one of the first 16 animals to arrive at BIOPARC in 2007, with others as iconic as the Romulus rhinoceros. Since then her

quality of life improved greatly and it was exciting to see her in her new home jogging through the extensive savanna. In 2011 she had his first offspring in public view, who received the name of Africa by popular vote of the Valencians and still lives in BIOPARC. Two years later, in 2013, she gave birth to Kebo, a male who was transferred to Portugal.”

Six people have been arrested for introducing illegal five-euro bills not only nationally but also internationally. Investigations began in 2015 due to the significant increase in counterfeit copies, mainly in the province of Alicante. Since then, different operations have been carried out. “The investigation process has been complex because fiveeuro bills are not usually studied by the general public because of their low value, so there are usually no complaints,” said a police spokesman. “ For this

reason, the information received only arrived through false notes that were detected in the financial circuit.” National Police opened different lines of investigation that allowed the detection of counterfeit bills throughout the national territory, mainly in Madrid, the Valencian Community, Andalusia and Catalonia, but also in Portugal. These police efforts led to the identification of several individuals with a police record for similar events. Two simultaneous raids

were carried out in the Alicante capital. In one of the properties, 526 false five euro notes were found. “With this operation, one of the oldest organisations dedicated to the distribution of counterfeit money is dismantled,” said the police spokesman. This intervention adds to a similar one carried out two weeks before in Granada, where an individual was arrested, and another in Huelva, where a clandestine printing press dedicated to the counterfeiting of five, ten, 20 and 50 euro bills was dismantled.


Spain steps up safety for Christmas


ATIONAL Police have met with diplomats from 20 countries to promote a Safe Tourism Plan.

Spain is the second most visited country in the world and, with this call, the National Police intends to provide a safer environment for those who visit Spain, both during their stay and during their transfers throughout the country Consular representatives from the most important countries of the tourism sector such as Germany, Belgium, Brazil, China, Denmark, United States, Finland, France, Georgia, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Norway, Portugal, the

United Kingdom, Russia, Switzerland and Uzbekistan all attended. Given the proximity of the Christmas holidays, the Central Unit for Citizen Participation of the National Police has promoted the new prevention campaign with security tips for tourists. In this meeting, the novelties of the Tourism Plan of the National Police and the informative material - printed and audiovisual - have been prepared with recommen-

dations and safety advice for tourists. This material provides the visitor with information on the security measures they must adopt to avoid becoming victims of crime. “In this way, we respond to the requests made by the Embassies and Consulates of the countries whose citizens represent an important group among tourists visiting Spain, promoting cooperation mechanisms among the institutions involved through the awareness, awareness and training of all involved,” said a police spokesman.






Fighting violence against women is a priority issue for society T

HE National Police, through its Family and Women’s Service Unit and its Central Unit for Illegal Immigration and Documentary False Networks , has served almost 35,000 victims of gender-based violence and released more than 450 victims of trafficking and sexual exploitation so far in 2019. These figures were presented in Madrid by the Secretary of State of Security, Ana Botella. During her speech, she pledged: “The fight against violence against women is a priority issue for society and, in this sense, Spain is an international benchmark.” The event was also attended by the director general of the National Police, Francisco Pardo Piqueras and the police officers of the units directly involved in the fight against violence against women. According to the data of the UFAM, during the first ten months of the year 2019, there was an increase of almost ten per cent in the crimes of gender violence, domestic violence and sexual violence compared to the same period of the year 2018. In total, during the first ten months, 62,797 crimes related to these three types of violence were known, which represents 3.57% of the total number of crimes of any kind registered in Spain. Of that amount, 40,477 were for gender-based violence, that is, violence that a man exerts against a woman when there is or has been a sentimental relationship between them. Cases of domestic violence, which is one that occurs within the family in any direction except from men to women

when there is a relationship 16,759 cases were registered; while for sexual violence, which is the one submitted by a person who compels another to carry out a certain sexual conduct against their will, 5,561 events were recorded, 7.81% more than in the same period of the year previous. In that period of ten months, the National Police has made a total of 40,919 arrests within the scope of the UFAM, 7.68% more than in the same period of the previous year, which means that two out of ten arrested in Spain, specifically 20.19%, is for crimes committed against the family or against women. Of this figure, 27,733 were for crimes of gender violence. The UFAM has accounted for 54,860 victims of competed crimes within the scope of their competences, up 8.80% more than in the same period of 2018. This unit has dismantled during this year a total of 54 criminal organisations dedicated to trafficking in human beings for sexual exploitation, labour or forced begging. Of these, 44 were directed against groups dedicated to human trafficking and sexual


Baby chokes to death on plastic ice cube


one-year-old baby choked to death after swallowing a plastic ice cube.

Medics tried to save the life of the youngster and at one stage, managed to dislodge the obstruction from his throat. However, the baby later died in hospital due to lack of oxygen. The tragedy happen in Villarmero in Burgos, Spain where the local mayor, Juan Tomás Santiago tried to help when the child’s frantic parents ran to his house nearby. They saw the little boy put the reusable plastic ice cube in his mouth. He tried to swallow it but it got stuck in his mouth and he began to choke. Another neighbour and the mayor came to their aid. Mr. Santiago had first aid training and performed cardiac massage and mouth-to-mouth while they waited for an ambulance. Medics then took over and managed to expel the ice cube after about ten minutes. The toddler was then rushed to the University Hospital of Burgos and showed signs of recovery but surgeons were unable to reverse the signs of suffocation and he died an hour later. The family had only celebrated the child’s first birthday a week before and have been left devastated. The mayor said he was “very affected” and the entire town was very sad. It is understood the parents had used the frozen ice cube in its plastic square to put on a minor injury because of its cooling effect.

exploitation. In this area, 730 administrative inspections were also carried out as a preventive activity in the exercise of prostitution, of which 63% were carried out in alternate clubs. In these inspections, 4,303 people at risk were detected. By nationalities, the victims of human trafficking were, for the most part, Venezuelan, Paraguayan and Colombian, while the victims of sexual

exploitation came, above all, from China, Colombia and Spain. In addition, nine operations were carried out against groups engaged in labour exploitation. In is This matter was carried out, as a preventive activity in work activity centres, 2,160 administrative inspections, of which 32% were carried out in hostels. In these inspections 6,135 people at risk were identified.


Brian Eldridge




Hail the new bus station! But now, what about the old site? So the new bus station is open, just eleven years after the old one was forced to close


LEVEN years, it sounds such a long time, but it’s not really, not for Puerto de la Cruz. Take the extension to Jardin Botanico for an example, 30 plus years that project has been going and it’s still a long way from finished, although I did read that Gobierno, the Canary Islands government, are going to put a bit more money unto it next year. Whether that will be enough to get it finished, we’ll have to wait and see. It’s such a shame that it has taken so long, the situation made worse, I’m sure by so many premature announcements that it was going to open. Still there were a few of those with the bus station, but let’s be positive about it, it’s open now. What about the building? It is concrete and it’s grey and the site is surrounded by a grey concrete wall with holes in it. I

assume this is meant to resemble a banana plantation wall and expect some architect was handsomely rewarded for its cutting edge design. However, that said the building appears to serve its purpose, though I was expecting it to be a bit more ’technical’ with screens to tell you the time of the next bus leaving, its destination, and the bay it will be leaving from, but perhaps I am just being a tad petty.

It is a vast improvement on the last station, that dark and dingy, fume filled excuse for one, and a great improvement on what the residents have had to put up with for the last eleven years. Have I mentioned its taken eleven years to complete the new bus station? That is almost three full council terms of office, and in that time there were so

many promises made, I have a good memory. There were valid reasons for the delay (excuses), not that these were forthcoming, Puerto had a reputation to maintain and it’s not easy to consistently stay near the bottom of the ‘transparency’ chart year on year. There were problems with the ownership of the new site, part of it was apparently owned by some long defunct government department in Madrid and no one wanted to take responsibility or ownership, quite literally. The problem for me, by my way of thinking, was not the ownership of the new site, but moreover trying to understand why they didn’t just redevelop the existing site. Presumably they knew who owned that? I can only assume it was considered to be too big a project, one that would take too long and be too costly. Besides, Puerto was without a bus station and needed one now , (remember this was eleven years ago, so the virgin site was the best option, which smacks of desperation, the need to be seen to be doing something. In hindsight, perhaps it wasn’t the best option. Now the bus station is finished, everyone can let out a great big sigh of relieve, put a tick in the box, job done, and move on to the next one. Hang on a moment, not so fast; correct me if I’m wrong, I’m sure the original project was to build a new bus station whilst redeveloping the old one. It was only at a later date that one became two and the old bus station was quickly brushed under the carpet, or wrapped in a €30,000 advertising hoarding to be more exact. How enterprising, they could generate some income while pondering on either, what to do with the site, or waiting for it to fall down, whichever comes first. Sadly that is not the case, the advertising hoardings were used exclusively for the purpose of telling everybody how great Puerto de la Cruz is, which of

course we all already knew. That is it, my final word on the new bus station; unless, that is, cracks start to appear in the concrete. However, I wait with bated breath for news of what is going to happen to the old one, it is the forgotten project, the elephant in the room if you like, where everyone knows it’s there, but no one wants to acknowledge its presence or talk about it.

That pool

Now to move swiftly on to the Municipal pool, this appears to be another project that has hit a brick wall. The pool was dying a slow death, purportedly through lack of maintenance. The final nail in its coffin proved to be damage to the pump room in December 2015. Damage that was quickly deemed to be an uneconomical repair and the pool was closed for good. Puerto was without a municipal swimming pool and a bus station.( Sorry wasn’t going to mention that again, still worth remembering it took eleven years to replace.) I have always wondered whether it was uneconomical in the dictionary sense or uneconomical in the, we haven’t got the money to repair it sense, but that’s just me thinking aloud, besides, a new pool would be a capital project, one that would be financed from outside the municipality, always the preferred option. And so the project for the rebirth of the municipal pool began, the project has another much grander name, but essentially it replaces the municipal pool, so to my mind it remains one. Ah, but that is not strictly true is it. While the ambitious €12.6 million project (I’ll pause to let you get over the shock) has been sold to the residents as appropriate to their needs, the facilities it is going to offer are more suited to club

rather than general use. I wonder now how much it would have cost to repair the pump room. Where are we now, almost four years on since the closure, clocks ticking? The present administration has recently succeeded, where the previous one failed, in clearing the site of squatters and making it secure, a necessary step required to take the project forward and to be able to formally hand the site to Cabildo who will be responsible for the build. There has been a lot of chatter on social media that the new team at Cabildo may have wanted to change the project, but it seems the project has been passed unhindered and should now go out to tender . €12.6 million, I read somewhere that this sum is more than three times the amount ever spent on a pool within the island. Whether this is fact or fiction, who knows, I often think if you believe half of what you read you are being overly generous. €12.6 million and it won’t even have a roof, not strictly true the bar and spectator area will have one to provide protection against the weather. Still, if you are swimming you are wet anyway so it doesn’t matter if it rains. It is not the rain, it is the chilly winter mornings, why bother to heat a pool if there is nothing to keep the heat in. So, if it goes out to tender this month, how long do prospective builders have, let’s say two or three months, to submit, then add a similar period for Cabildo to consider their submissions. More time will be needed for drawing up the contract and holidays have to be taken into account, meaning, surely, most of 2020, a further year, will be gone before a builder even steps onto the site. How long will it take to build? I have seen various timescales, the lowest being two years and probably the highest being three years and four months. My gut tells me it will be that and a bit more, but I’ll say three years to keep the sums simple. Four years to date, plus another year of red tape, then add three years for the build, gives you, without the aid of a calculator, the grand total of eight years without a municipal pool. Not as long as we waited for a bus station, I’ll grant you that, however, the buses still ran, so it didn’t inconvenience anyone one too much. Whereas eight years without what was a popular swimming pool most surely has.








Reminders of forthcoming events all planned for the run up to Christmas. Hope you are all well organised with your preparations. It seems to come round earlier each year. THURSDAY DECEMBER 5th 2.00pm - FILM CLUB - ROCKETMAN Starring Taron Egerton as Elton John, Rocketman is a one-of-a-kind musical celebration set to some of Elton’s greatest songs. This film is colourful, great fun, with a fabulous supporting cast. Free admission with a small charge for interval refreshments. Please book at the Treasurer’s Desk. SATURDAY NOVEMBER 30th UNTIL DECEMBER 14th PHOTOGRAPHIC EXHIBITION A selection of photographs from keen photographers Debbie Manning Denise Carr and Seigar will be on display in the DVD room. All three photographers have had their work included in Vogue Italia. On display during library opening hours. SATURDAY DECEMBER 14th - CHRISTMAS RAFFLE GRAND DRAW Hope you have your tickets ready to win one of our great selection of prizes. Star prize is a 50 euro voucher for any shop in the Meridiano Centre, Santa Cruz. DECEMBER 31st CLOSING DATE FOR OUR WRITING COMPETITION Don’t forget our first ever writing competition open to anyone over the age of 16. There is a 100 euro prize on offer for each category plus a year’s membership to the Library. For more information go to englishlibrarycompetition@outlook.com We welcome visitors to join us during our opening hours Monday and Friday 3pm to 5.30pm and Wednesday and Saturday 10pm to 1pm. Refreshments are served in the garden on Wednesday and Saturday mornings Discover more about us on Facebook, TripAdvisor and our Website ‘theenglishlibrary.es’. Did you know you can access Facebook through our Website. You will find us at Calle Irlanda 5, Parque Taoro, Puerto de la Cruz. Telephone 922 383 098.


in the company of two people who try to stay apart but find they can’t.


During WWII Churchill stumbles across a leak of vital information to the enemy and calls Johnathan Porrit to catch the mole, Porrit has no leads until Jane, a young British translator, unwittingly gets caught up, with a German spy trying to flee the country, can Porrit use his Special Branch teams in Glasgow, Yorkshire, London and Belfast to rescue Jane and smash the undercover spy organization before Churchill’s invasion plans are leaked. The captivating actionpacked thriller, full of twists and turns, provides powerful and intriguing lessons that still apply in today’s changing world.

CLEANING THE GOLD KAREN SLAUGHTER AND LEE CHILD Will Trent is undercover at Fort Knox. His assignment: to investigate a twenty-two-year-old murder. His suspect’s name: Jack

Reacher. Jack Reacher is in Fort Knox on his own mission: to bring down a dangerous criminal ring operating at the heart of America’s military. Except now Will Trent is on the scene. But there’s a bigger conspiracy at play - one that neither the special agent nor the ex- military cop could have anticipated. And the only option is for Jack Reacher and Will Trent to team up and play nicely. If they can...

NORMAL PEOPLE SALLY ROONEY Connell and Marianne grow up in the same small town in the west of Ireland, but the similarities end there. In school, Connell is popular and well-liked, While Marianne is a loner. But when the two strike up a conversation awkward but electrifying something life changing begins. Normal People is a story of mutual fascination, friendship and love. It takes us from the first conversation to the years beyond,

Anna is distraught when her beloved mother, Ines passes away. She inherits a box of papers, handwritten in Italian and yellowed with age, and a tantalising promise that the truth about what happened during the war lies within. The diaries lead her to the small village of Rofelle, her mother’s home, until aged 18 when she leaves for England after marrying an English soldier she nursed back to health during the war-time Nazi invasion. But what sent Ines running from her adored homeland?

YOUR HOROSCOPE WWW.ASTROLOGY-ONLINE.COM ARIES (Mar. 21- April 20) You are likely to be left alone if you aren’t willing to bend just a little. Pamper yourself today. Try not to let relatives or friends cause any friction with your mate. TAURUS (Apr. 21- may 21) Sign up for tours or courses that will enlighten you. Shopping could cost more than you bargained for. You don’t like confrontations at the best of times; however, you may find them difficult to avoid. GEMINI (May 22-June 21) Be careful not to push your luck or take too much for granted when dealing on either a personal or professional level. This is a turning point. Unexpected events may be upsetting.

CANCER (June 22-July 22) Your charm will mesmerize members of the opposite sex today. You won’t be well received by superiors or by your spouse. You need an outlet that will not only stimulate you but also challenge your intelligence as well. LEO (July 23-Aug 22) You have more than enough on your plate already. Trips will be enjoyable, and communication with your lover will clear up any misconceptions. Don’t hesitate to voice your opinions at a group meeting; however, keep your thoughts to yourself at home. VIRGO (Aug. 23 -Sept. 23) Valuable information can be yours if you listen to those with experience. Your best results will come through business trips. Be aware of any deception on the part of those you deal with. . LIBRA (Sept. 24 -Oct. 23) You must be careful not to ignore the needs of the youngsters in your family. For best results get out of the office and do your job en route. Put your efforts into your work or money making ventures rather than your emotional life. SCORPIO (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22) You are in a high energy, get it all done, mood and you’ll have little patience with those who are slacking off. You should sit down with someone you trust and work out a budget that will enable you to save a little extra. Be careful when dealing with superiors. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 -Dec. 21)

LINE OF DUTY SERIES FIVE DVD - DS333D When three police officers are shot dead during the hijack of a seized drugs transport, AC-12 move in to investigate possible police collusion. AC-12 investigators Superintendent Ted Hastings, Detective Inspector Kate Fleming and Detective Sergeant Steve Arnot suspect corrupt police officers of leaking information. As the body count rises AC-12 realise they’re facing their most vicious adversary yet. The previous four series of this excellent police drama are on our shelves.

Do not get into uncertain financial deals. Social gatherings will be conducive to meeting new potential mates. If you’re single, get out there and you’ll meet someone new. CAPRICORN (Dec 22.- Jan. 20) Do your best, but don’t make too many promises or you may exhaust yourself. You will have the discipline and fortitude to accomplish what you want today. You will have splendid suggestions for fund raising events. AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 -Feb. 19) Put your energy into learning new skills or picking up valuable information. Some of that extra energy you have stored up might just be put to good use. You would be wise to consider attending lectures that will broaden your awareness concerning your professional direction. PISCES (Feb. 20-Mar. 20) You may have difficulties with someone close to you. You will be able to catch up on overdue paper work. Residential moves will be favorable.



Servicing your car


EGULAR car servicing, whilst seeming sometimes an expense you put at the back of your mind, can in the long term actually save you money. Having your car regularly serviced can make the difference to smooth running and efficient and save fuel, plus the risk of an unexpected breakdown.

The service schedule of your car is normally determined by the manufacturer’s guideline from new and if followed correctly (although if the recommendation is for 10,000 kms for example and you have done 10,500 there is not a major issue) can save you money and identify early signs of adverse wear on your brakes, tyres, potential small oil or water leaks to name but a few things. If your car has a service light and it is on it’s the car’s way of saying “hey I need a review”. If a person feels unwell or off colour we would normally seek help from a medical expert, same applies to your car. One of the major issues we come across is when people drive their vehicles with little or no oil for extended period of time, i.e. because they do not check the levels, which of course is the owner’s responsibility. If you drive for long periods without oil you CAN severely damage the head gasket or the pistons and when and if they break the repairs can be extremely costly. Costings in these circumstances often cannot be given until the engine is stripped to see the precise damage that has been caused. A car service can involve many component checks, at Motorworld we offer three levels of servicing. Main dealers and independent garages of course have their own schedules but the amount of component checks can be upwards from 40 points.

Whilst a service is not a legal requirement it is highly recommended.

Some people may ask, does a car service improve my car’s performance?

The short answer is likely yes. Having clean oil in your engine means that the performance is likely to contribute to an engine’s life.

So, what happens if you don’t change oil for a long time?

Firstly, the oil will become dirty and the engine will probably run too hot, meaning it is running less efficiently and as time goes on it CAN CAUSE engine components to warp or wear out. Eventually of course the engine is likely to stop completely.

Pets World

Introducing your kitten to your children C HILDREN and cats can be best friends for life but first impressions count. Our tips will help get their relationship off to the best start!

Before collecting your kitten Encourage your child to get involved with the practical side of pet ownership by drawing up a shopping list of things your pet will need when they come to live with you. These could include a bed, food, toys, poo bags or litter trays etc. Write down some kitty dos (or rules), specific to a cat’s needs. Not only can this be fun to do together, but it is something you can easily refer back to if needed once your pet has come home. Ask your child to think about how your new pet might like to be treated and note these down, eg do be gentle when stroking (cat’s name), do leave (cat’s name) alone when they’re asleep, do make sure (cats’ names) always have enough water. If you don’t like the sound of dos, how about promises to the pet instead? You could turn the dos or promises into a poster and decorate it or colour it in. If your child is a little young to understand written rules about pet care, they may get used to the idea of looking after a pet by caring for a toy animal. There are some lovely toys available that come with accessories such as a bowl, bed etc and these are great for encouraging children to have empathy towards animals. If you’re bringing home a kitten, consider getting a cat toy before your kitten comes home. Ask your child to think about what the ‘pet’ might like, and encourage them to brush and feed the toy.

First introductions The first meet will be really exciting for both, so talk to your son or daughter beforehand about how to welcome your kitten to the family. You can even turn this into a fun activity by getting your child to make them a welcome home card. Your kitten will likely be very tired on arrival, so having a dedicated ‘quiet room’ just for them is a good idea. It’s important that while your kitten is in their quiet space, they are

given space to relax and learn that they won’t be bothered. Kittens, just like children, need some quiet time and a chance to recuperate, especially after all the excitement of exploring a new home. Once your kitten is rested and calm, or even starting to become inquisitive, sit down on the floor with your child, making sure they stay still and relaxed. Let the kitten come to them and encourage gentle strokes. Short bursts are a great way of making sure the first few days are full of positive interactions for kit and child. Keep play sessions nice and short. Kittens will naturally play

with their teeth and claws, so teaching them to focus this onto appropriate toys as early as possible will really pay off when they eventually grow into adults. Kittens need to sleep a lot, so best that they are left alone to rest when they need to. Just like children, if kittens don’t get enough sleep they may become irritable! Although it’s good to get your kitten used to being picked up gently, children may want to do this more than the kitten wants! Actively supervise when your children handle your new kitten and make sure that the kitten is well supported, comfortable and happy.

Eating Out & About



The Oriental

Brunelli’s Steakhouse


Puerto de la Cruz

Puerto de la Cruz

Santa Cruz

Inaugurated in 1996 by Queen Sirikit of Thailand, our Oriental restaurant offers Asian style ‘haute cuisine’, which includes a wide range of delicious dishes with the unique flavor of an essential continent within the international gastronomic scene. The menu changes regularly and offers the best of the delicate and tempting, yet sophisticated cuisine from Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, China and Japan. The unforgettable experience in El Oriental is also felt though the traditional decor of the restaurant, which reflects both the magic and fineness of Thailand, making this restaurant the ideal place for a perfect dinner.

Just 50 metres from Loro Parque and with beautiful views of the ocean, Brunelli’s Steakhouse is waiting for you to explore the delights of the palate. Inspired in the original American steakhouses, this restaurant is located at the former fisher village of Punta Brava, in northern Tenerife, and offers you the best quality meat – tender, juicy and with an incomparable texture. Flavors like you have never tasted before thanks to a specially controlled maturation and their ‘Southbend’ oven, unique in the Canaries and which cooks the meat at more of 800ºC, highlighting all its properties and making your dinner simply perfect.

For reservations call 922 381 400 Avda. Richard J. Yeoward, 1 Puerto de la Cruz ( Hotel Botánico) www.hotelbotanico.com/service/el-oriental

For reservations call 922 062 600 In front of Loro Parque Puerto de la Cruz www.brunellis.com

Summer has arrived and the wonderful SOOK restaurant has devised a refreshing and appetising menu for the hot months. New mouth-watering dishes are home-made salmorejo with extra virgin olive oil, diced Iberian ham and bread croutons, avocado from our islands in tempura, served with sweet chilli sauce and soy, tuna tataki with seaweed salad and caramelised soy sauce and duck breast soft grilled, with papaya chutney. In addition, the air-conditioned restaurant continues to offer its refreshing desserts such as seasonal fruit salad with guava mayonnaise. SOOK is now also opening with its a la carte during the weekend, both for lunch and dinner. The opening times are 13:00 to 15:30 and 20:30 to 23:30 and for your convenience, there is a parking area. You might also like to try the full breakfast buffet open to the public from 7am to 11am from Monday to Sunday. Ideal to start a day of shopping or tourist visit to Santa Cruz. The price is 16 euros per person.

II Pappagallo

Hotel Botánico & The Oriental Spa Garden

Black Sea

Puerto de la Cruz

Puerto de la Cruz

Puerto de la Cruz

Il Pappagallo restaurant perfectly combines the old art of making pasta dishes and innovative side dishes that will both delight diners. The menu has been entirely renovated to offer diners a modern culinary repertoire that matches our attention and love for details, as well as our passion for excellence. A varied buffet and a great selection of Italian specialties await you in its terrace overlooking the Atlantic, ideal to enjoy unforgettable sunsets and the tranquillity of the night during summer. In addition, our wine cellar houses the best Italian wines, chosen amongst the most traditional wines of the country.

The Hotel Botánico & The Oriental Spa Garden in Puerto de la Cruz has launched a new weight loss programme which will allow their guests to delight themselves with delicious, lowcalorie cuisine in an idyllic environment. A combination of taste and aromas will make you forget you are on a diet. This method carefully elaborated by some of the most respected French chefs from the region of Brittany completely avoids any fats and promotes intelligent consumption of proteins and carbohydrates,while also boosting the primary flavoirs and the freshness of ingredients. The hotel has devised a seven-day accommodation programme which combines a holiday with health and fitness, with the special three meals a day combined with health, nature and organised activities such as tai chi classes, yoga, qi gong, pilates and meditation. Do ring for details.

The Black Sea Restaurant in Puerto, just opposite the Botanical Gardens, is receiving rave reviews and delighted customers are probably the best people to recommend it. The Black Sea, offering seating both inside and out, is a family restaurant and its owners are very proud of their food and service. Fresh food is available every day. Do try the suckling leg of lamb or choose from the large selection of tapas. The gourmet burgers are also a firm favourite with many diners. With its international menu, the restaurant welcomes guests of all nationalities and can cater for larger groups as well. You will find plenty of shade on the big terrace under awnings or the trees and only the best of products are used, not least the meat and fish, which are transformed into wonderful dishes, tasting as good as they look. There is also an extensive wine list.

For reservations call 922 381 400 Avda. Richard J. Yeoward, 1, Puerto de la Cruz www.hotelbotanico.com

For reservations call 922 38 63 95 Calle Retama 3, Puerto de la Cruz

For reservations call 922 381 400 Avda. Richard J. Yeoward, 1 Puerto de la Cruz ( Hotel Botánico) www.hotelbotanico.com/service/il-pappagallo

Avda. 3 de Mayo, 3 Santa Cruz Tel.: 922 294 500 www.hoteles-silken.com


Eating Out & About


Your dining experience around our restaurants


Sabor Canario

Restaurante Gom

Tacoa Cervecería & Fábrica

La Orotava

Santa Cruz

El Sauzal

If you haven’t yet discovered La Orotava, you must do so as it is the most wonderful town full of charm, character and Canary architecture. This restaurant is located in one of the oldest buildings in the centre of La Orotava in a two-floor house of 800 square metres and two patios. Here you can taste the best of traditional Canary food with flair and innovation and wines from La Orotava. Its style is home-made Canary food, with both conventional and creative dishes, always inspired by the best produce from the town. Prices suit all pockets.

This iconic restaurant in the heart of Santa Cruz is definitely a place to head for if you enjoy stunning decor and high-end cuisine but at prices you can still afford. The food here is best described as a slice of home-made cooking with the taste and touch of nouvelle cuisine. The emphasis is on quality, freshness and naturalness where the raw product is the star, depending on what is available that day in the market. They offers a special menu for celiac and can help create food for anyone with a specific allergy. Weddings, etc are also catered for and there is always a dish of the day. You will find GOM within the Hotel Taburiente, located in front of Parque García Sanabria. Their opening times are Tuesday to Saturday from 13:00 to 16:00 and 20:00 to 23:00.

Craft brewery & restaurant

A wonderful place to discover and explore! This is the oldest craft brewery in Spain, having been in Tenerife since 2001, and offers a restaurant-brewery area, two terraces, guided tours with beer tasting in English, German and Spanish, is fully accessible for the disabled and has a playroom for children. You can enjoy different types of craft beers, ten at the moment, including the most recent “Winter Porter” and a “Tajinaste”, with Teide floral honey. Gastronomic specialities feature a wide range of snacks, delicious salads, smoked food, various types of sausages, Geman grills and roasted knuckle of pork. Also home-made desserts. And new on the menu: vegan cuisine. This super brewery/restaurant is even more popular because it sells its bottled beer to the public who can walk here just like they can to other bars and restaurants!

Carretera General del Norte, 122, El Sauzal Open daily from 13:00 to 23:00, Mon. open from 18:30, Frid. & Sat. 13:00 to 12:30am. Wednesday Closed. Tel: 922 56 41 73

For reservations call 922 322 793 Calle Carrera 17 La Orotava info@saborcanario.es

For reservations call 922 276 058 Calle Dr. Guigou,29 Santa Cruz www.hoteltaburiente.com


Brunelli’s Steakhouse


Las Vistas, Los Cristianos

Puerto de la Cruz

Puerto de la Cruz

At Bar El Pincho you can enjoy good prices, good food, good service and a fantastic view of the ocean. They are winning fans because of the friendly staff you encounter and the delicious Spanish tapas. They have a great offer, a combination of tapas for two for only 12.50 euros. There is also a wide selection of main plates, such as steak, chicken and fish, all cooked with love and the best ingredients they can find. Do try their fantastic cocktails which they always try to improve. Try also the special dishes from the north of the island and the drinks. Open everyday from 10:00am to 22:00pm. Live music from 5:00 to 19:00pm

Just 50 metres from Loro Parque and with beautiful views of the ocean, Brunelli’s Steakhouse is waiting for you to explore the delights of the palate. Inspired in the original American steakhouses, this restaurant is located at the former fisher village of Punta Brava, in northern Tenerife, and offers you the best quality meat – tender, juicy and with an incomparable texture. Flavors like you have never tasted before thanks to a specially controlled maturation and their ‘Southbend’ oven, unique in the Canaries and which cooks the meat at more of 800ºC, highlighting all its properties and making your dinner simply perfect.

For reservations call 649 431 110 Paseo Las Vistas, Los Cristianos www.barelpincho.com

For reservations call 922 062 600 In front of Loro Parque Puerto de la Cruz www.brunellis.com

If you want to seek out a really good Italian restaurant at an affordable price with a lovely terrace, look no further than Tressardi. It offers a very varied menu including traditional Italian dishes, pizza and pasta with gorgeous fillings and sauces, meat dishes, fresh fish and crunchy salads. The desserts like tiramisu and panna cota are to die for! So if you want a good Italian restaurant for a family meal, a romantic dinner, a quick lunch when working or take away, Tressardi is your restaurant. A friendly and homely restaurant that has quality products combining fast food and well elaborated dishes for kids and grown ups. Depending on your choices the price can go higher but an average 15-16 Euros per person is what you can expect.

OPENING TIMES: 15:00 -23:00 pm Wednesday closed Friday & Saturday: 15:00 -24:00 pm For reservations call 922 382 056 Calle Aceviños, La Paz, Puerto de la Cruz

Eating Out & About



Donde Mario

La Bodeguita de Enfrente

Cuesta de la Villa

Cuesta de la Villa

Cuesta de la Villa

A great part of the fun of wining and dining in Tenerife is finding somewhere different and it’s well worth a trip out to Santa Ursula to the warm and inviting Donde Mario. Though from the outside you might easily pass by it, the inside is elegant and captivating. Restaurateur Mario Torres surprises us every day with his extensive use of produce in season, and his unbeatable experience with wines and cookery. Just try his Cherne warm salad, a super-healthy Canarian fish soup, or his Lomo de Vaca Morucha. You will be captivated.

Set in a series of old Canary houses, this restaurant is made up of a labyrinth of inter-connecting rooms leading off from the bar area in the centre. The atmosphere is reminiscent of an English country pub with its low ceilings with wooden beams and warm décor. The food is fundamentally Canarian. They grow most of their own produce at their allotment and only use olive oil to cook with. Their ethos is a simple one, only use the best, fresh produce and cook it with thought and care. The menu is described as Picoteo, slightly more than tapas without reaching the full-blown three-course meal status. It is delicious and affordable. “La Bodeguita de Enfrente” won the “II Gastronomic Awards Cruzcampo Gran Reserva El Día-Mesa Abierta”, which took place last year.

Why not try a touch of “picoteo”, the Spanish-style of eating where, as the name suggests, you pick a selection of dishes and share with your companions. You will find “El Calderito de la Abuela” in Santa Úrsula and it offers a unique and homely atmosphere combining Canary cuisine with modern creativity. In 2016, “El Calderito de la Abuela” won the “Best Canarian Kitchen Restaurant Award” in the first edition of the “El Dia-Mesa Abierta” Awards on July 28th. The exterior of this property belies what you will find inside as it is full of charm and carácter and there is an incredible view of La Orotava valley. “A gem” is how it is described.

For reservations call 922 302 760 Exit 31 TF-5, Carretera Provincial, 205 Cuesta de la Villa, Santa Úrsula www.labodeguitadeenfrente.net

For reservations call 922 301 918 Exit 31 TF-5, Carretera Provincial, 130 Cuesta de la Villa, Santa Úrsula www.elcalderitodelaabuela.net

For reservations call 922 304 585 Exit 31 TF-5, Carretera Provincial, 119 Cuesta de la Villa, Santa Úrsula www.dondemario.net

El Calderito de la Abuela






La Laguna plaza to host university farwell party to 2019



HE Plaza del Cristo de La Laguna will host on December 14th a very special celebration in which the music will not stop playing, thanks to some of the best DJs and national and Canary artists.

New Year’s Eve University Goodbye 2019 will be a party that will advance the End of the Year for the students of the University. The initiative, organised by Actual Events, with the collaboration of the University of La Laguna (ULL) and the Autonomous Organism of Musical Activities (OAAM) of the City Council, will have 2,000 square metres of tents, as well as outdoor spaces. Access to the celebration will be prohibited to persons under 18 years of age. Goodbye 2019 is a variation of the event held in several points of the Spanish geography but is adapted to the tastes of the Canarian public, giving it variety as it is the first party of this type that is made with several independent areas , each with its own scenario.


Christmas competitions in La Orotava


A Orotava is sending out a rallying call to encourage as many people as possible to take part in the annual Christmas competitions.

Three of the four areas in which the enclosure will be divided will be covered with large tents that will house the majority of the audience. The fourth will be outdoors and will host the different shows and the most spectacular performances, among other proposals. Thus, within the list of already confirmed artists, to be followed by others, includes K-Narias, Lara Taylor, Neno, Abel González and J. Rodríguez on the Urban Stage; while in the Live Stage they will be, among others, Material de Contrabando, La Sra. Tomasa, 101 Brass Band and

Airan Afonso. On the electronic music stage, Groove Stage, Javi Row, David Manso, 2Robles, La Maldita and Vicky Morales are already confirmed, but, as already noted, the list will be much broader. Goodbye University New Year’s Eve 2019 will begin on December 14th at 8pm and will last until 3.30am. Tickets, at the price of 25 euros, which include a drink, can now be purchased by contacting the designated university representatives in each faculty. In addition, they are on sale in the Tomaticket platform and in physical outlets such as the Levi’s store in La Laguna.

The contests, which include the creation of Christmas cards and nativity scenes, are intended to “promote traditional values and the true meaning of these Christmas dates, as well as encouraging creativity and imagination”. The competitions are intended for both children and adults, as well as private and public institutions in the case of nativity scenes. There are four categories in the nativity contest : group A includes nativity scenes installed in public places; in B and C those of private homes, made by people over 14 years of age and children under this age. And in D those who are in schools. The style, tradition and originality of the nativity scenes presented will be valued. The application for registration can be made until December 16th and can be

registered in the Department of Education and Culture. All works must be exposed to the public from December 20th until January 7th, 2020. The jury appointed to elect the winners will visit on December 23rd. In the Story Contest, literary creation will be rewarded and the theme will be related to Christmas. All the residents of the island may participate, establishing two categories: one for schoolchildren under 14 and another for young people and adults. The deadline for submission of works is December 20th. The creativity of the children

of the Villa will be rewarded in the Christmas Card Contest, whose motto will be “Christmas in any of its aspects”. In this contest, all children resident in the municipality, aged between five and 14, can participate. Three categories are established: A between 5 to 7 years, B corresponds to the ages of 8 to 10 years and the C to children from 11 to 14 years. Again, the deadline for submission is December 20th. More details in Spanish on http://www.laorotava.es/es/ noticias/creatividad-eimaginacion-para-losconcursos-de-navidad


Nativity scenes wanted for La Laguna’s annual competition


A Laguna council has announced a new edition of the Nativity Scene Competition, a contest that has been developing continuously for more than 20 years.

The municipality has a consolidated Belenist tradition, where art joins religion to enhance the figure of the birth of Jesus. Proof of all this is the high participation recorded in the contest, where more than 40 nativity scenes are usually presented. Likewise, its importance is reflected in the number of modalities it has, seven, and in the amount of its awards. Individuals as well as associations, groups, companies or entities of the municipality can take part. According to their regulatory bases, each contestant may submit only one nativity scene. All interested parties must complete the form deposited in the General Register of the City Council, on San Agustín Street, No. 38, from 9am to 1.30pm accompanied by the documentation required in each case. The deadline for submission of entries will be December 5th, both in the General Register of the City Council and in the City Hall, where you can consult the rules in full. Nativity scenes which gain prizes will remain open to the public from December 14th to January 7th, at least for three hours a day in the afternoon. On December 25th and January 1st and 6th, they can be opened at discretion. Those who present themselves in the prize mode without economic amount will not have the obligation to keep them open. The nativity scenes will be assessed by a jury made up of people with proven knowledge of the purpose of the call. The jury visit will take place on December 11th and 12th, the decision will take place on December 16th and will be published from December 18th on the notice board of the City Council and on its website. Prizes will be 300, 200 and 100 euros, respectively, for the first, second and third places. All of them will also receive a plaque and commemorative diploma. In the modality of prize without economic amount a diploma of recognition will be granted. The awards ceremony will take place at the Department of Culture, in an event scheduled for December 20th.









AZZ and Wine Flavours” combine to provide a unique way to enjoy the best jazz accompanied by the best wines of Tenerife in the incomparable setting of the Casa del Vino. The appointment is on Saturday, December 7th at 8.30pm at the Casa del Vino de Tenerife and the musical protagonist of the evening will be singer Carmela Visone, accompanied by her inseparable ‘The Grooves’. Carmela Visone & The Grooves have two albums: “Just an Art” (2017) and “Carmela Visone & The Grooves” (2015) and have

performed at the most important festivals in the region: ‘Sofar Sounds Tenerife’ -2017, ‘Canarias Jazz & Más Heineken’ - 2019; ‘Canarias Jazz Showroom’ - 2018, ‘Festival Santa Blues de Tenerife’ - 2019; ‘Blue Jazz Festival’ - 2019 and ‘Hidrosfera Festival’ - 2019. Admission is free, until capacity is reached, being able to reserve a seat by requesting

it on the Tickety.es platform [https://tickety.es/events/0jazzwine-flavours]. All guests will be welcomed with a glass of wine from Tenerife. Carmela Visone was born in Germany. With a Spanish mother and an Italian father, she grew up in the heat of a family from southern Italy who emigrated to Germany during the crisis of the 60s. From an early age, she was influenced by traditional Napoletana music that was always present in family life. On the other hand, his mother used to listen to African-

American music from the US military bases installed in the country. This crossing of cultures was what forged a marked vocation of musical miscegenation. At an early age, she began to sing in several choirs. When 12, she emigrated with her parents and siblings to the Canary Islands, nourishing again the values and traditions of a new culture. It was not until her teens that she resumed her musical activity, singing as soloist in different bands and later in a gospel choir, performing

various styles such as soul, funk, blues and gospel. Carmela Visone & The Grooves emerged as a result of the friendship between Carmela and Pablo Díaz after meeting again in a gospel choir, for which the singer began to opt for Jazz music. Jonás Álvarez (drums) would later join the band. Currently the singer and her band are immersed in a new musical project, recording new songs, experimenting

with new sounds and with the collaboration of other musicians such as Sissi del Castillo to percussion, Oscar Hernández (trumpet) and Fran Rodríguez al sax, of course always true to the group’s personal seal. The event is sponsored by the Government of the Canary Islands through its Canarias Cultura en Red platform, and the invaluable collaboration of the Casa del Vino de Tenerife / Tenerife Rural Foundation.

Puerto Carnival poster is spectacular!


PECTACULAR. This is the name of the poster announcing the next International Carnival of Puerto de la Cruz 2020.

The author is the young illustrator Jonás Emanuel Hernández Plasencia who received the most votes (255) in the competition which more than 600 people responded to with their favourite choice. The ballot box had been installed in Quintana Street during the celebration of Ando por el Puerto, the new commercial initiative of Puerto de la Cruz. The Carnival of Puerto de la Cruz is dedicated this year to the wonderful world of musicals, which have undoubtedly marked and will continue to mark the collective memory of movie and music lovers in general.






Canarias EnCanta and timplist Benito brings popular music to students A

band of musicians, directed by the timplist Benito Cabrera, is once again bringing the popular music of the archipelago to Tenerife, Gran Canaria and La Palma, thanks to the fifth edition of Canarias EnCanta. This project is sponsored by the CajaCanarias Foundation and the Obra Social ‘la Caixa’ and is sponsored by the Government of the Canary Islands (Canarias Cultura en Red) and the collaboration of the municipalities that host these events. So far, CanariasEncanta has released music with roots to 72 schools and more than 8,000 schoolchildren (8,114) of the eight islands, in four years. This fifth edition began in Arona, on November 27th

at the Leonor Infant Auditorium, with the assistance of students from the El Fraile Infant and Primary Education Centres; Chayofa-LaCamella; Los Cristianos and Playa de Las Américas. Next, on December 11th, students from centres in northern Tenerife will be able to enjoy this show, in two sessions, at the El Sauzal Theatre. A day later, on December 12th, the Nuevo Teatro Viejo de Arucas will host two other educational

Mueca announces 2020 dates and invites participants

concerts of CanariasEnCanta, for schoolchildren in Gran Canaria. The show aimed at family audiences will take place on December 4th at 7pm at the Windward Culture House, in La Palma, with free admission until full capacity is reached. This show, with a duration of between 40 and 50 minutes, offers a tour of popular Canarian music, in order to sensitise schoolchildren, between eight and 12 years, about the traditional cultural event, familiarising it with the main genre of the Canarian popular music. The musicians participating in this fifth edition, with the direction of Benito Cabrera, are: José Manuel Ramos (guitar and

voice); Ehedey Sosa Pérez (bass); Montse García (voice); Francisco Javier Yanes (guitar); Luis Suarez (percussion); Antonio Jesús Sosa (voice), Eva González (flute) and Salvador Bartolomé Ortega (guitar and voice). This initiative, which was born in 2014 by the hand of Benito Cabrera, brings children the cultural heritage of the islands, so that they see it as something fun and enjoy it, while generating identity links. The chosen repertoire combines popular songs with genres of island folklore with the intention of offering a contemporary and updated vision of the different genres without betraying the traditional spirit. A guided narrative and

audiovisual support illustrate theoretical notions and musical interpretation. In addition, students and teachers receive a didactic guide, prepared by the

musician and educator Ehedey Sosa, to facilitate the pedagogical use of the show and to continue developing their knowledge related to Canarian popular music.


Christmas windows sought to light up Granadilla districts


RANADILLA’S Agency for Employment and Local Development (AEDL), whose head is Yanira González, has launched a window decoration contest aimed at businesses in the municipality in order to boost the local economy this Christmas.


UERTO de la Cruz can now announce the dates for the next Mueca “Grimace” (“Grin”) festival in what will be its 18th edition.

May 7th to 10th, 2020 are the dates chosen by the Cómplices Mueca Platform and the culture department of Puerto council for the celebration of one of the largest outdoor art shows in the Canary Islands. The streets and squares of Puerto de la Cruz will once again be the scenario for companies and artists from around the world to offer their best shows in an event designed for the enjoyment of the whole family. For this to be possible, the culture department hand in hand with the Complicit Mueca Platform has already opened the deadline for the registration of all those who wish to participate in this open call for all types of scenic representation, whether local, national or international. All information for those interested is on the official website: www.festivalmueca.com. “We want to redouble our commitment to convert Mueca into an avant-garde reference event and a unique showcase that serves not only

to enjoy but also to raise awareness and reflect through art, music, theatre and any other artistic experience shared by tens of thousands of people who visit the city that weekend of May,” said a spokesman for the organisers. Mayor Marco González wanted to thank the commitment of so many people who so passionately share their love for art and culture by promoting a festival that is part of the identity of the municipality. “Grimace is a symbol that happily belongs to each and every one of Puerto’s residents,” he said, in addition to highlighting the unique nature of a cultural proposal open to talent and creativity of both local companies and those that come from all the corners of the world. “Mueca represents very well the character of what Puerto de la Cruz has been, is and will be: a cosmopolitan, open city where culture and art are protagonists of the history that unites us as a people.”

The initiative, whose registration concludes on December 2nd, is aimed at commercial and service companies. Yanira González explained that the contest aims to boost Christmas window dressing and encourage purchases in the small business of Granadilla de Abona. The councillor invites merchants to join this initiative and to put, together, a much more beautiful Christmas for the municipality. Among the requirements, the windows must be exhibited from December 10th until January 5th. The prizes will be differentiated in three zones, that of Los Abrigos and El Médano; San Isidro and Granadilla centre and districts. The criteria that will be judged, both outside and inside the establishments, are design, originality, lighting and the combination of colours and textures, among others. The winners for each commercial area will receive a gift voucher as a prize, in addition to benefiting from the recording of an advertising spot for dissemination on digital platforms. Special mentions will receive a diploma. Registration is free and can be done at the offices of the Citizens’ Attention Service (SAC) of Granadilla, San Isidro and El Médano, from 09.00 to 14.00 hours.








Scarlet fever CHECK TO SEE IF YOU is still a risk HAVE AN AAA


N abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is a bulge or swelling in the aorta, the main blood vessel that runs from the heart down through the chest and tummy.


CARLET fever is a contagious infection that mostly affects young children. It’s easily treated with antibiotics.

The first signs of scarlet fever can be flu-like symptoms, including a high temperature of 38C or above, a sore throat and swollen neck glands (a large lump on the side of your neck). A red, patchy rash on a young child with white skin’s chest and tummy. The rash feels like sandpaper and starts on the chest and tummy. On lighter skin it looks pink or red. On darker skin it can be more difficult to see, but you can still feel it. A red and swollen tongue with a white coating. A white coating also appears on the tongue. This peels, leaving it red and swollen (“strawberry tongue”). A red, patchy rash on a young child with white skin’s face.

The rash does not appear on the face, but the cheeks can be flushed. The symptoms are the same for children and adults, although scarlet fever is much rarer in adults. Non-urgent advice:See a GP if you or your child: Have scarlet fever symptoms Do not get better in a week (after seeing a GP), especially if your child has recently had chickenpox Are ill again weeks after scarlet fever has cleared up – this can be a sign of a complication, such as rheumatic fever Are feeling unwell and have been in contact with someone who has scarlet fever Scarlet fever is very infectious. Check with a GP before you go in. They may suggest a phone consultation.

An AAA can be dangerous if it is not spotted early on. It can get bigger over time and could burst (rupture), causing lifethreatening bleeding. Men aged 65 and over are most at risk of AAAs. This is why men are invited for screening to check for an AAA when they’re 65.

Symptoms of an abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) AAAs do not usually cause any obvious symptoms, and are often only picked up during screening or tests carried out for another reason. Some people with an AAA have: A pulsing sensation in the tummy (like a heartbeat) Tummy pain that does not go away Lower back pain that does not

go away If an AAA bursts, it can cause: Sudden, severe pain in the tummy or lower back Dizziness Sweaty, pale & clammy skin A fast heartbeat Shortness of breath Fainting or passing out

Call 999 for an ambulance immediately if you or someone else develops symptoms of a burst AAA.

When to get medical help

Make an appointment to see your GP as soon as possible if

you have symptoms, especially if you’re at a higher risk of an AAA. An ultrasound scan of your tummy may be done to check if you have one. Call for an ambulance immediately if you or someone else develops symptoms of a burst AAA.


Why does my gallbladder need to be removed? G ALLBLADDER removal surgery, also known as a cholecystectomy, is a very common procedure.

The gallbladder is a small, pouch-like organ in the upper right part of your tummy. It stores bile, a fluid produced by the liver that helps break down fatty foods. You don’t need a gallbladder, so surgery to take it out is often

recommended if you develop any problems with it. Surgery to remove the gallbladder is usually carried out if you have painful gallstones. These are small stones that can form in the gallbladder as a result of an imbalance in the substances that make up bile. Gallstones often cause no symptoms and you may not realise you have them, but occasionally they can block the flow of bile and irritate the gallbladder (acute cholecystitis) or pancreas (acute pancreatitis). This can cause symptoms such as sudden and intense tummy pain, feeling and being sick and/or yellowing of the skin and the whites of the eyes (jaundice). Very occasionally it may be possible to take tablets to dissolve gallstones, but surgery to remove the gallbladder is the most effective treatment in the vast majority of cases. There are two main ways of removing a gallbladder: Laparoscopic (keyhole) cholecystectomy – several small cuts (incisions) are made in your tummy (abdomen) and fine surgical instruments are used to access and remove your gallbladder Open cholecystectomy – a single larger incision is made in your tummy to access and remove your gallbladder Keyhole surgery is used most often because you can leave hospital sooner, recover faster and are left with smaller scars than with an open procedure. Both techniques are performed under general anaesthetic, which means you’ll be asleep during the operation and won’t feel any pain while it’s carried out. It doesn’t usually take long to recover from keyhole surgery to remove your gallbladder. Most people can leave hospital the same day or the next morning. You’ll probably be able to return to most of your normal activities within two weeks. It takes longer to recover from open surgery. You may need to stay in hospital for three to five days and it could be six to eight weeks before you’re feeling back to normal.







Some festive tips you DO want to take heed of for your teeth!


HRISTMAS excesses will not only increase your weight, they can also cause dental fractures, cavities, bleeding and even the fall of dentures, bridges and veneers.

It’s Christmas already. As every year, magazines and the press offer an endless list of tips so that the excessive consumption of this era does not wreak havoc on health. Tips that most will not follow. However, many continue in their efforts to report what is best for health. In this case, dental. The Artedental clinic illustrates a series of common situations at this time in which our teeth can be involved, and which can be very harmful. Apart from the usual hygiene advice for maintaining oral health (brushing after each meal, especially after dinner; avoiding excess sugar and cleaning the tongue), Artedental recommends being cautious with the following habits:

Constant picking

Visits, children at home. During Christmas there is a constant protagonist and it is the offer and acceptance of sweets in someone else’s house. The hygienist staff insists that it is better to fill up with candy and chocolates during meals than to pick constantly. Cavities are caused by the effect of the acid that sugars contain on teeth, and this will have more impact by frequency than by volume.

In addition to picking, toffee

This candy has the peculiarity of adhering very annoyingly to the teeth. It seems silly, but if you have had some kind of restorative treatment, such as the placement of a crown, a veneer, a bridge, fillings or even if you wear a denture, these prostheses can come off. The main consequence will be aesthetic at a time of the year

in which everyone pretends to be radiant, but it will also be functional, because the bite will not fulfill its mission and can cause discomforts such as migraines.

Cut the adhesive tape with your teeth

Bad very bad. We always leave the task of wrapping gifts for the last moment. And the scissors to cut the tape? They are probably under a pile of glossy paper with illustrations of Star Wars or Disney princesses. In that case, we will use our teeth. Well, know that the pressure that is exerted at that time on the teeth can weaken and fracture the crowns. Think twice before

abusing this habit.

Use and abuse of toothpicks

How annoying it is to be in someone else’s house and have some food trapped between your teeth. You will look for a toothpick between the cups that are still on the table and rummage until you find the culprit of the inconvenience. The use of sharp objects can cause bleeding to deep wounds, and therefore infections. The best thing you can do to prevent these situations is to leave home with the basic dental hygiene kit (toothbrush and travel toothpaste or floss if you prefer) and avoid further damaging your dentures after a dinner full of sweets.


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Promising young soccer player in Tenerife

Adeje to host international soccer tournament for police officers


DEJE will host, between December 12th and 15th, the first edition of the International Soccer Tournament 7 for police officers.

The competition is organised by Nova Eventos in collaboration with the IPA Association (International Policy Association) of Tenerife, Tarragona and the Canary Islands and Adeje Town Hall. IPA is an association focused on promoting social, cultural and sports activities in the collective of police officers throughout the world. It is the largest police organisation in the world with 300,000 members in 62 countries. Founded on January 1, 1950, its motto in Esperanto is: Servo per Amikeco (Service through Friendship). This four-day international sporting event is intended for police teams from all over Europe, national and island (of all bodies), who will be accompanied by their families, which apart from the sports competition, is intended to create friendship ties between the different delegations and exchange of cultural. The format of the championship will be as follows: Participating teams from the Canary Islands, the peninsula and other European countries,

with a format similar to a World Cup or European championship: • Group stage • Qualifying • Semifinal • Final The approximate number of attendees between players and companions will range from 300 to 350 people. The entire tournament will be held at the premises of the municipal soccer field of Adeje. On Monday, December 9th, the official presentation of the event and the draw of groups of the different teams will be convened. On Thursday, December 12th, in the afternoon, the tournament opening ceremony will be held. All the participants will join in, with a uniformed police parade for each team represented, with the corresponding flags of the autonomous countries and communities. On Friday, December 13th, the competition will begin with the group stage, on Saturday, December 14th, the championship qualifiers and the final will be played. On

Saturday night, trophies and awards will be given at a dinner with the presence of all

participants, authorities and collaborators, in one of the hotels of the organisation.


promising young footballer has been honoured by La Orotava council.

Javi López was invited to a council reception when he was welcomed by the Mayor Francisco Linares and sports councillor, Antonio Lima. Javi was trained at UD Orotava and CD Tenerife and is currently a player at Deportivo Alavés. Recently he participated with the Spanish National Team in the U17 World Cup, which was held in the first half of November in Brazil. This left back of the Spanish U17 National Team set the bar high in the different matches that were played, being nominated in the ‘Eleven Ideal’ of the first phase and European sub 17. He renewed his contract with the Deportivo Alavés last year (until 2020) and at 17 is considered one of the strongest promises of football in the islands.


Santa Cruz hails success of island car rally


HE Mayoress of Santa Cruz, Patricia Hernández attended the delivery of the trophies of the 45th edition of the Tenerife Island Overcame Rally and presented the prize to the absolute winners, the drivers Yeray Lemes and Rogelio Peñate. The first mayor, accompanied by the councillor for sports, Elena Mateo congratulated both the participants and the organisers for the success of the competition and did not forget those who could not complete it for having suffered some kind of accident or break-down. Following the departure ceremony held on the Friday, there were two stages: Saturday, with nine timed stages, and Sunday, with two more stages. As a novelty, this year the

competition stage traditionally held on Friday was changed to the Sunday with the aim of seeking more daylight and for the benefit of the safety and image of the sporting event. As Patricia Hernández pointed out “this is a very demanding test that requires great preparation, since it consists of more than 420 kilometres and has 27 per cent of the total of its route timed, that is, 110 kilometres.” She also wanted to highlight the effort made by the corporation so that the

competition is maintained in the municipality given its importance to stimulate both trade and restaurants, as it travels through the centre and south of the island “taking as a nerve centre the environment of the Plaza de España and the new coastline of Santa Cruz. ”

The Rallye Isla Tenerife, organised by the Rallyten Sport Club, is one of the most emblematic and historic automobile tests of the archipelago and marks an essential date in the regional calendar of Canary asphalt rallies.






Tendering represents next step for Puerto’s aquatic centre



All set for sixth Costa Adeje bike experience challenge


HE Iberostar Costa Adeje Bike Experience Challenge will climb 350 cyclists to take competitors up Mount Teide.

The Governing Council of Tenerife Cabildo has approved the tender for the Puerto de la Cruz pool


ABILDO president Pedro Martín said the project would ensure “an historical demand of the municipality that has been carried out in a reasonable manner” is met.

“It will be the pool that citizens deserve and will be done in a way that does not imply an extra cost for themselves,” he assured. “It will be an infrastructure accessible, efficient and sustainable in every way.” Likewise, he has stated that “the tender will be done - as it could not be otherwise - through an open procedure and taking into account the plurality of award criteria based on the best value for money.” For his part, the Mayor of Puerto de la Cruz, Marco González, underlined the work coordinated with the Cabildo de Tenerife to make the land available for this tender to take place as soon as possible. “We appreciate the predisposition and diligence that the insular institution has had that from all the areas involved has expressed its priority interest to realise what were once only promises,” he said. Sr. González also said that work will continue to be drafted for a use agreement that takes into account the needs of the citizens of Puerto and their clubs to ensure that this Insular Aquatic Centre responds to their just demands. The project, with a base budget of 12,603,730 euros, contemplates the construction of a new 50-metre pool, the creation of another 20-metre pool, a counter-current swimming glass, the integral reform of the changing rooms and offices, a room of fitness, multipurpose classrooms, and a dry training space.

This cycle tourism test, which will be held on December 8th, will have a route of 100 kilometres and will depart from 22 metres above sea level to reach 2,200. Minister of Sports of the Cabildo de Tenerife, Concepción Rivero, presented the sixth edition of the eventwhich has the support of the Cabildo, through the sports area and will bring together approximately 350 cyclists from various backgrounds. The test will start from Costa Adeje and will end in Adeje centre in the Plaza de España. The presentation of trophies will also take place here, with prizes for the first three classified in each category, as explained by the organiser of this challenge, Andrés Vargas. Concepción Rivero pointed out the importance of “every year there is more female participation in this test, which goes along the lines that we promote from the

Cabildo to promote sports among women in all disciplines, modalities and categories”. For his part, Andrés Vargas stressed that the former cyclist Igor Antón will participate in both the test and the colloquium that will be held one day before, on December 7th, in Costa Adeje. That same day will also be the collection of bibs. The Iberostar Costa Adeje Bike Experience Challenge is a consolidated, non-competitive cycling tour that attracts many athletes, whether federated or not. This is a high difficulty test in which you can participate once 15 years of age. The itinerary will cover Costa Adeje, Guía de Isora, Chío, with a stop at the La Estrella bar for supplies and regrouping of the participants, to continue through Las Lajas, arriving at the passage control at El Teide. The return will be through Vilaflor, Arona-Playa de Las Américas, Costa Adeje, to finish in the town centre.







San Silvestre pulls in the competitors to close the year The XXXVIII San Silvestre Lagunera has exceeded 1,500 entries with still a month to go before New Year’s Eve


HE Autonomous Sports Organisation (OAD) of the City of La Laguna, organiser of the sports event, reminds would-be competitors that the deadline for registration will close on December 20. The procedure to sign up for the last sporting event of the year in the Canary Islands can be carried out through the website www.deportelagunero.com, duly filling out the

form and making the payment through the web platform. It can also be done in person at OAD offices, from 9am to 1pm. “We have set a cap of

3,200 people registered for this edition and we are certainly surprised by the excellent progress of the registrations. It could happen that the deadline is closed early if the quota is exhausted. In any case, I think that on December 31, starting at 6pm, we will live a sport party, ”said sports councillor, Idaira Afonso. “This sporting event is a good example of the commitment we make from the OAD for the promotion of physical activity and for healthy lifestyle habits. We understand that there is nothing better to say goodbye to the year than doing sports.” The Olympic Vicente Hernández and Raquel Aróstegui were the winners of the last edition of the San Silvestre, which brought together more than 3,000

runners through the historic centre of La Laguna, in addition to thousands of people following the test in the margins of the route . Started almost four decades ago, San Silvestre Lagunera has been growing every year to the point of being on the island’s athletic calendar as one of the most outstanding competitions and with the highest demand in the Canary Islands for the prestige of participating in it.


More than 2,000 take part in El Corte Inglés race


HE Mayor of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Patricia Hernández attended the celebration of the XXIII edition of the popular race El Corte Inglés which took place in the surroundings of the Plaza de España of the capital of Tenerife. The first Mayor, accompanied by sports councillor, Elena Mateo kicked off the popular five-kilometre race and presented prizes to the winning athletes of the modalities of Sub 18, Sub 20, Athletic March and Queen and Absolute Categories. Patricia Hernández celebrated the successful participation of the event, which exceeded 2,000 registered, and noted that “these types of events that promote sports as a family and outdoors can count on the support of the City Council of Santa Cruz de Tenerife.” The Mayor of the capital also highlighted the inclusive nature of the race, which encourages adapted sports and the registration of runners with reduced mobility, as well as the volume of young children who joined the event and ran the circuit.

Is foreign demand for Spanish holiday-homes sustainable?


ITH some ups and downs along the way, the Spanish holiday-home market has expanded for about the last thirty years. Will this growth story continue, or are there reasons to think the market will peak and reset at a lower level, ending up a smaller niche business than it has been in recent decades?

I can’t find accurate figures, and I doubt they exist, but I can say with confidence that there are millions of second homes in Spain, hundreds of thousands of them owned by foreigners, tens of thousands of them are bought and sold each year, and tens of thousands of new ones being built right now. Spaniards buying second homes they can easily reach by car is one thing, and that has been going on for much longer than the boom in foreign demand, which really started to take off in the 1980s. Local demand shares some headwinds and tailwinds with foreign demand, such as property prices and the availability of mortgages, but foreign demand has its own unique set of brakes and drivers that I think could prove challenging in the years to come.

Tailwinds Foreign demand for holiday-homes in Spain has boomed on the back of demographics (baby boomers), post-war economic growth, European integration, Spain’s transition to democracy, cheap mortgage credit, low cost air-travel, the middle-class fashion for owning a status symbol, and the investment opportunity of convenience and saving money on holidays with a property that can be rented out when not in residence. Those were the main tailwinds I can think of that have driven the boom in foreign demand for holiday-homes in Spain. Foreign demand for property in Spain has recently turned negative after years of growth (graph below), dragged down by lower demand for Spanish second homes amongst northern Europeans.

This might be because some of the tailwinds have already lost strength with time, for example European demographics, and lower economic growth. Some of them could even turn into headwinds in future, so let’s look at the potential breaks on foreign demand in future.

Headwinds Environmental concerns

Written by Mark Stücklin Mark Stücklin is a Barcelona-based property market analyst and consultant, and author of the 'Spanish Property Doctor' column in the Sunday Times (2005 - 2008). He can be reached by email on: ms@spanishpropertyinsight.com.

You don’t have to travel far down the Spanish coast to see how the second-home industry has over-developed many areas with no concern for the environment. It was always a turn-off for some, but I think the problem grows as society gets more concerned about the environment. And even though some people deny it, and the negative consequences are still not clear, global warming is becoming a bigger issue every year. The way things are going it’s easy to imagine that air travel will get more expensive as Governments increase fossil fuel taxes, which could really put a dent in foreign demand. It might soon be frowned upon and unfashionable to own a second home abroad, if the likes of Greta Thunberg and Extinction Rebellion change attitudes towards the carbon-footprint of second-homes you can only reach by plane. And lastly, if global warming has a big impact soon, that could affect the climate in Spain and northern Europe in a way that undermines demand for holidays in Spain. It seems to me that global warming and environmental concern could become a big headwind for the Spanish holiday-home market in years to come.

Spanish holiday-home prices Spanish property used to look very cheap to northern Europeans, but prices rose as Spain got richer, and despite a window of opportunity during and after the crash of 2008-2014, the bargain argument is not as strong as it was, especially if you want something nice. When you throw in transaction costs, bureaucracy, and the lack of professionalism in the sector, buying a second-home inSpain is not the no-brainer it once was.

Spanish Holiday-rental controls There is a patchy trend towards controlling or limiting holiday rentals in many areas on the Spanish coast. For example, holiday rentals are now, to all intents and purposes, illegal in Barcelona, the Balearics, and the Canaries, and controlled in Andalusia and Catalonia outside Barcelona. Taxes on rental incomes are high and better enforced. If it’s hard or impossible to rent out a second-home when not in residence, it becomes much more costly to own, and the investment case much reduced. The trend towards greater holiday-rental controls could blow a stiff breeze in the face of foreign demand, as I think it has already started to do.






Financing dries up for small and mid-sized developers in Spain


HE Spanish home building industry is facing a familiar problem in the lack of financing for small and mid-sized developers, claimed industry insiders at a recent conference organised by the IE Real Estate Club, part of a business school, and Urbanitae, a real estate investment platform. At the conference industry insiders from the building and investment world discussed the financing options open to Spanish developers in the

current market. Carolina Roca, General Manager of the developer Grupo Roca, and VP of the Asprima builders’ association

in Madrid, warned that banks are turning off the taps to small and mid-sized developers, many of whom need 100% financing above land acquisition costs. Banks are reportedly tightening up their lending conditions, meaning that only the biggest developers backed by international funds who can afford to finance 30% to 40%

of development costs from equity can now get financing from banks with interest rates of around 2%. If small and mid-sized developers turn to alternative sources of funding other than banks, interest rates go up to 8% or more, making the business riskier. In large percentage of cases the numbers don’t add up with

such high financing costs in today’s price-sensitive market for new homes. Unlike highly consolidated markets such as the UK and France, where big developers dominate the market, small and mid-sized players are the backbone of the home building industry in Spain. According to industry estimates (see graphic

below) the top two biggest home builders in Spain have about 1% market share, compared to 19% in the UK, and 23% in France. If financing dries up for small and mid-sized developers it is unlikely that Spain will be able to deliver the 150,000 new homes each year that developers claim the market needs.

A supply shortage implies higher costs for new homes in a market where housing costs are already a political hot potato, with a ctivists calling for legislation to control rents and clamp down on developers. The situation implies reduced competition for big developers and higher costs for new homes.





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SPANISH HOME SALES – SEPTEMBER 2019: Blip or downward trend? It’s not yet clear What might have caused the fall in sales? The market is facing a variety of headwinds at present, which I’ll discuss at the end of the quarter. The most obvious cause of the decline in June and July was the introduction of a new mortgage law that held up sales due to the confusion surrounding its implementation. The figures from the notaries show declines narrowing over the summer, and disappearing in September. If that trend continues the market will be growing again in the last quarter.

Association of Spanish Land Registrars

The number of Spanish home sales inscribed in Spain’s Land Register in September for sales completed in the proceeding months was 34,493 excluding VPO subsidised housing sales, down 11% in a year. That’s the second consecutive month of double-digit declines in these figures, which lag notaries’ figures by a few months. Declines should narrow and disappear over the next few months, following in the steps of the data from the notaries.

Spanish home sales figures released for September 2019 show the market going through a period of weaker demand, though the figures also suggest the decline might be temporary.

Association of Spanish Notaries

Data from the Association of Spanish Notaries reveals that Spanish home sales declined heavily between May and August compared to the same months last year, but settled down in September with sales returning to the same level as before.

New home sales declined by 20% whilst resales were down by 9%, which fits the explanation of the new mortgage law holding up sales – mortgages can be trickier to arrange for new homes than existing homes with a track record.

Spanish home sales in September 2019 by region

By region, sales were down in almost all areas of interest to foreign investors, with the exception of Murcia (+2%) and Valencia city (no change). The 20% decline in Málaga province, home to the Costa del Sol, is noteworthy, as that is one of the most popular areas with foreign buyers, especially British buyers. A decline in foreign demand will be part of this story. Year to date the picture is less negative, with sales down in just over half the selected regions led by the Canary islands, in particular Tenerife. Sales were still slightly positive in Catalonia in the year to September, but it’s possible sales in the region could be hit in the last quarter by the flare up in political tensions.

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