The Voice March - April 2011

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Vol. 90 N째1

March - April 2011 Adar I-Adar II- Nisan 5 7 71

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J o yo u s

Pa sso ve r!

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f you had your druthers, would you want a complete separation of religion and state, or accommodation by government to Rabbi Leigh Lerner religious facts on the ground? A recent round of letters in the Westmount Independent has brought the subject to the fore, based on complaints by some readers about the menorah at Westmount City Hall. Let’s take a close look at the facts. One letter writer argued that the Christmas tree existed long before Christianity and is therefore a secular symbol of the season. This is called the “genetic fallacy,” the idea that whatever something was when it began is what it still is today. Once there was a pagan Canaanite festival of matzahs. Is Pesach therefore a pagan holiday because it subsumed the matzah into its practice? Certainly not. Similarly, with respect to the tree, though many want to make it a secular symbol, ask a minister or a priest, and you’ll hear otherwise. The Christmas tree is a religious symbol for many residents of Westmount, and it appears on the lawn of City Hall. So also is the menorah a religious symbol, appearing on the steps. Both are there to say, we the City of Westmount invite you to feel at home here, regardless of faith, and if other faiths ask to be represented, city council would probably recognize them, too. Another writer argues that the tree is an innocuous symbol of the winter season. What if the city put up a crèche or a cross? Why should Jews get to put a religious symbol, the menorah? I respond, kindly look on the City Hall

building itself, left of the main entrance in the stone. In the winter, it’s easy to see – there’s a cross! Just as Montreal once had Protestant and Catholic School Boards, so also people felt impelled to inscribe the symbol of their faith into the city’s main building. Why? It was part of their lives, an expression of their faithfulness. Jews put up mezuzahs. Christians used to, and probably still do, put the cross on building fascia or on doors (Check your wooden doors at home. You may see a few crosses there. I found one large one at a synagogue not in Westmount.) Is the Jewish community up in arms, demanding removal of this cross on Westmount City Hall? Not at all. It’s a part of Westmount’s history, indeed, Canada’s history. The Ontario flag has the Union Jack on it – three crosses merged! Traditions matter in this country. We’re concerned about civil rights and equal treatment before the law, not small cues that say, this jurisdiction was founded by Christians. Finally, the real question: what is the general attitude toward religion and state in Canada? France is very strict about separating church and state, and has been so since the French Revolution. France is now influencing Quebec and its drive toward total läicité, secularism. The recent decision not to give government money to daycare facilities that teach religion shows this trend. The U.S.A. is relatively rigorous about separation of church and state, but the President has a Christmas tree on the lawn, does an “Easter Egg Roll” for kids on the White House grass, and last year went very visibly to a Passover Seder. Canada has not had as rigourous a division of religion and state, not because the division does not exist. It does. However, this is a country where schooling was entrusted to two religious

school boards in many areas. This is a nation that promotes multiculturalism, a way of recognizing the authentic roots of all its citizens, yet asserting their Canadian belongingness. This is a land whose courts are willing strongly to protect religious freedoms of individuals, as we Jews have seen in the famous Sanctuaire Sukkah Case and in the Get Law, areas where U.S. courts might well have disagreed or tossed out the law as a mixing of church and state. Canada’s separation of religion and state is simply not as strict, even though its practical application of human rights for its citizens is strict, indeed. With all that in mind, the menorah and Christmas tree both belong at City Hall as symbols not only of welcome to Westmount’s different residents, but also as a symbol of multiculturalism in practice in a country where diversity and harmony have the possibility of coexisting. South of the border, I was always a big ACLU-nik, opposing any admixture of religion on the state’s territory, but it is possible for neighbours to smile because another neighbour is celebrating, without endorsing the celebration per se. So also can our city government. If you disagree, send me a note, and we’ll make every effort to get it published in The Voice at a later date. In the meantime, please don’t miss our Beatles Purim shpiel on March 19th in the afternoon, and make your reservations for our Pesach seder in April. See elsewhere in the Voice. I wish you a happy Purim and a very good Passover season. Rabbi Leigh Lerner Contact Rabbi Lerner directly by email without attachments

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The Voice ~ Hakol T e m p l e E m a n u - E l -B e t h S h o l o m ’ s

Passover Services

Tuesday, April 19, 10 AM- First day services Monday, April 25, 10 AM- Last day services

Join us for a free breakfast to be served at 9 AM, before services on both days. Reform Jews follow the same holiday calendar as Israeli Jews. Since Passover is only celebrated for 7 days in Israel, Reform Jews celebrate for 7 days in the Diaspora, as well.

n e w s l e tt e r

Voice Graphic Designer: Maya Zivkovich Email: Please send advertising and editorial emails to Rabbi Leigh Lerner

rabbi @

S a r a h P o ls k y , R a b b i L e r n e r ’ s S e c r e ta r y

R a c h e ll e S h u b e r t , D i r e c t o r



rachelle @

S h e ll i e E t t i n g e r , E x e c u t i v e D i r e c t o r

shellie @

H o w a rd G l a z e r , A dm i n i s t r at i v e A ss i s ta n t

Seniors’ Residence Services

Marriage Information Meetings

March 11 and April 8 Rabbi Lerner leads once-a-month Friday Erev Shabbat services at Seniors Residences. If you have family members at the following residences, you are welcome to attend with them: 2:30 PM at Chateau Westmount 4:45 PM at Place Kensington

Wednesday, March 16, 2011, 5:30 PM Wednesday, April 13, 2011, 5:30 PM Couples considering intermarriage or conversion by one partner before marriage are invited to attend in order to learn about Temple's policies and practices, and to tour facilities. Rabbi Leigh Lerner will explain. Appointments with Rabbi after a brief meeting.

A n i ta B e n s a b at , P r o g r a m D i r e c t o r

E mm a C o h e n , A c c o u n t i n g

M e l a n i e A lt e r , D i r e c t o r

rosie @

H e i d i R e i n b l at t , D i r e c t o r

Sunday, March 13 and Sunday, April 10, 2011, 9:45 – 11 AM Join Rabbi Lerner to deepen your knowledge and understanding of key commandments among the Torah’s 613. This is the perfect class for those who wish to broaden their Jewish understanding in an atmosphere that is open to discussion and questioning. The upcoming classes will consider, among other mitzvot: - Tefillin - Are you superstitious? - How much influence of outside religions is tolerable? Chukat HaGoyim. - What is excessive mourning?

Senior Rabbi Immediate Past President President First Vice-President Vice-President Vice-President

Leigh Lerner, D.D. Brian Grant Alan Knopp Stephen Yaffe Denise Grossman Jane Rothstein

Saturdays from 9:15-10:15 AM Every Shabbat morning, Rabbi Lerner leads a discussion about Jewish ethics. Based on a recent book by Joseph Telushkin, the conversation is always lively and focused on key points raised by Jewish traditions about how to behave in society.

Next Voice: May / June / July 2011 Please send all submissions to by April 1, 2011 at NOON

Temple Emanu-El-Beth Sholom 4100 Sherbrooke Street West Westmount, QC H3Z 1A5 Telephone: 514-937-3575 Fax: 514-937-7058 E-mail: Founded in 1882 / 5642 Affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism

of marketing

a n d c o mm u n i c at i o n s

heidi @ Temple is now on Facebook, Become a Fan !


Weekly Shabbat Morning Study with Rabbi Lerner: Jewish Ethics

E d u c at i o n

R o s i e Z i z e k , A dm i n i s t r at i v e A ss i s ta n t

your out of town friends and

fa m i ly

Take Two Tablets: Key Mitzvot and Their Rationale


melanie @

T h e V o i c e i s ava i l a b l e o n l i n e ! V i s i t o u r w e bs i t e :

IN THIS ISSUE Rabbi ................................... 2-3 Leadership News ................. 4 -7 Children's Programming ....... 7- 8 Ar t & Museum News ................9 Holiday Celebr ations ....... 10 -11 Youth / Adult Programming ... 12 Adult Programming ........... 13-14 B' Nai Mit z vah ....................... 15 Human Tr af f icking ........... 16 -17 Announcements .................... 18 Cemeter y News .................... 19 Donations ........................ 20 -21 Yahr zeit - Yizkor .............. 22-23 Classif ied Pages ................ 24 -25 Calendar .......................... 2 6-27 Vice-President Honorary Treasurer Financial Secretary Honorary Secretary Executive Director Chair, Advisory Committee

Stephen Schneider Susan Szalpeter Mark Oppenheim Barry Katsof Shellie Ettinger Kalman Samuels

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A l a n K n o pp T e mpl e P r e s i d e n t


am often asked why I agreed to serve another term as President of Temple. The answer is probably quite similar to the one you would give if asked why you are a member of Temple: simply because we want to know that Judaism will continue to thrive among our greatgrandchildren. Although some of us may not have a strong belief in God or even in prayer, I’m sure we can all agree that Temple is where children learn what it means to be Jewish and that Temple is where we celebrate life’s most joyful moments and mourn the most painful ones. Some of you may be thinking: “I am a member of Temple, but I rarely attend services”; “I don’t have children or grandchildren”; “I simply drop my children off at Torah school and drive away”; “I did not have to join Temple. I did so because I wanted to. I pay my dues; I come to Temple on the High Holidays; what more do you expect of me?” Firstly, thank you for choosing to remain a member of Temple. Of course, we could not function without our members. Secondly, please consider not only everything Temple has to offer you,

but also what you have to offer Temple. Temple values the input of every one of our members and offers a myriad of opportunities for you to draw on your unique talents and put them to use for the good of our congregation. Read the Voice, visit our Website and Facebook page and read our weekly updates. You are sure to find an area that interests you. Why not join one of our committees and help shape the future of our synagogue? Lastly, please take a moment to let me know why you chose to become and remain a member of Temple. I care about your answer and your response will help us ensure that Temple continues to meet your needs. On a different note, although Temple appears to be a grand old institution on the outside, our beautiful building is aging – and not always as gracefully as we would like. We depend heavily on our annual fundraising events to help us maintain and upgrade our facilities. Our Spring Fling Cocktail, including a raffle and silent auction, will be held on Wednesday, April 13 and another event, which you will hear more about in the coming months, will take place in June. The older generation has supported and guided Temple over the years. Now, we need all generations to come together to ensure the future of our magnificent institution. This cannot be accomplished with the payment of regular dues alone. Please consider honouring or remembering a loved one or celebrating an upcoming simcha with a gift to Temple. Here are just a few ideas for how you can help:

A $650 contribution to our Torah School will help provide a child whose family might not otherwise be in a position to provide one, with a Jewish education. You can sponsor an Oneg Shabbat for $400 or a Kiddush for $200. A $2500 gift will help us provide stimulating Adult Education or exciting youth programming and an $18000 gift would enable us to refurbish the sanctuary bima. The list goes on. For more ideas or to discuss other endowment opportunities, please contact our Executive Director, Shellie Ettinger, at 514-937-3575, ext. 204. You might also want to consider planned giving through our endowment fund. For more information, please don’t hesitate to contact one of our endowment governors: Stephen Yaffe, Barry Katsof, David Mizrahi, Ken Solomon and Joel Goldberg. In Biblical times, the shofar was blown to announce the outbreak of war or the coming of peace. For thousands of years, its sound has called upon our people to reflect on the past and rise up to new challenges. I hope and pray that many of you will respond to this call to help us ensure Temple’s future. In closing, I would like to thank you all for your trust and confidence. I am deeply honoured and grateful for the opportunity to serve the Temple family once again. Alan Knopp

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LEADERSHIP NEWS FROM THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S DESK Shalom, ince our last Bulletin, several significant events have taken place. Most notably, at the 128th Annual General Meeting in December, a new Board of Trustees was elected and Alan Knopp took the helm as President. I look forward to working with Alan and the Board to build an even stronger and more vibrant congregation. I extend my thanks to our outgoing President, Brian Grant, for his time and dedication and anticipate his continuing involvement as immediate past president.

S S h e ll i e E t t i n g e r Executive Director

At the Special General Meeting, which was also held in December, a motion was approved to merge the yearly Special General meeting and the Annual General Meeting as one annual general meeting to be held within 180 days of our fiscal year end.

I am also pleased to announce that we have hired Heidi Reinblatt as our full time Marketing and Communications Director. This was one of the recommendations of the Strategic Planning Committee and the recommendation was approved by the Board of Trustees. Heidi brings to Temple many years of experience in this field, tremendous enthusiasm and very creative approaches, which we are confident will help us increase our membership base. Please read Heidi’s article to find out more and do not hesitate to introduce yourself to her the next time you are at Temple, by email , or by phone at extension 217. I now turn to you, our congregants, for help. Temple offers many opportunities for you to help us grow. Whether as a member of a standing committee, a volunteer at an event or simply being involved in new and special projects, there is something for everyone! According to community activist, Elizabeth Andrews “volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they just have the heart”. Please share yours with us! Shellie Ettinger To our members and their families, my best wishes for a Happy Purim and a festive Passover.

FROM THE PROGRAM DIRECTOR’S DESK “Passover affirms the great truth that liberty is the inalienable right of every human being.” ~ Morris Joseph


hat does Purim look like in Temple’s Centennial Year? A Beatles inspired Spiel featuring an allstar Temple cast of characters singing well known tunes with a “twist”! A delicious choice of either Fish & Chips or Chicken Nuggets & Chips Dinner with all the trimmings for the entire family! A colourful Purim Carnival for Torah School students, Kids First and Tween’s First with treats, games, costumes and prizes! Look for all the details within these pages- mark the date and don’t be late! Back for more delightful songs and guitar tunes are our popular Music with Jennifer classes for the very young. Dine & Discover kicks off with Saul Carliner in March and Anant Jesse in early May, who will speak on Identity, Health and Spirituality- don’t miss these two fascinating guests. We have quite a line-up for families and friends, including two anticipated talks courtesy of the Goldbloom Family Forum. Book Lovers returns for spring 2011; Temple’s Spring Fling Raffle, Jewish Women’s History A n i ta B e n s a b at Program Director Week Shabbaton and a warm, welcoming Passover Seder Dinner for all the family on April 18th, (a special number if ever there was one!)…and much more! Finally, this past December Temple was pleased to welcome Tarek Fatah, founder of the Muslim Canadian Congress and author of “The Jew is Not My Enemy”. He addressed a gathering of 300 people, who gave a standing ovation and much appreciation for his outspoken and well considered opinions regarding modern radical Islamism. Many were unable to attend that evening, and have expressed interest in hearing him. I had initially booked him to return to Temple on March 22 but due to an unforeseen medical situation, the date is postponed until further notice…stay tuned! Many blessings from our Temple family to you family~ See you all soon!

Anita Bensabat 514-937-3575, ext. 212 March March / April/ April 2010-2011 2011 | |55

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s the new Director of Marketing and Communications, my mandate is to promote Temple’s myriad of programs and services to both our membership and the community at large.

Effectively promoting an organization begins with the development of a clear marketing strategy and a strong brand. A “brand” is the image one wants to project and consists of several essential elements. These elements include a positioning statement (how we wish Temple to be perceived; similar to an “elevator speech” that you would give someone about yourself), a specific and consistent “look and feel” (colours, font, formatting, wording, general appearance), an attractive logo and a memorable tagline or slogan.

H e i d i R e i n b l at t

As a first step in creating a strong Temple brand, you will begin to see a consistent and recognizable “look and feel” emerge in all of our marketing materials and correspondence. Additionally, our logo will soon be accompanied by a new tagline that succinctly describes what Temple is all about and what we have to offer that other synagogues do not.

My goal is to make all of our marketing collateral, whether it is in print or online, more inviting, more contemporary and more user-friendly in order to better reflect our image as a welcoming and dynamic congregation and to help us attract new members in the under-represented segments of our congregation. Some of my current projects include updating Temple’s Website, creating a new informational brochure, designing eye-catching display ads and flyers, and increasing Temple’s visibility through increased use of e-marketing (such as the use of Constant Contact to distribute our weekly updates), social media (such as Facebook) and local advertising. If you are a member of our staff, Executive, Board, or one of corps of volunteers and you require assistance promoting any Temple event or service, please don’t hesitate to contact me. I’ll be happy to help you get the word out! Wishing all Temple members and their families a joyful Purim and happy Passover!


R a c h e ll e S h u b e r t • Friday, March 11

Klez clarinet: Mark Simons; Piano: Garth MacPhee • Friday, March 18

Flute: Lucie Bouchard; Piano: Garth MacPhee • Saturday, March 19

Yeah, Yeah, Yeah! A Liverpool Purim • Friday, March 25

Harp: Olga Gross; Flute: Lucie Bouchard; Special appearance by Torah School student and wonderful pianist, Ron Berman • Friday, April 8

Kol HaNeshama Choir; Piano: Garth MacPhee • Friday, April 15

Concert Program - Harp: Olga Gross; Flute: Lucie Bouchard, Piano: Garth MacPhee

Rehearsals for “Yeah, Yeah, Yeah! A Liverpool Purim” are well underway and what a talented group of thespians we have! You do not want to miss this side-splitting spoof on the Fab Four. The hilarious script was created by Harry Rajchgot, with creative assistance from Cheryl Everett Rajchgot. Julian Naggar, a recent graduate of the McGill Theatre Program, is generously taking time out of his job at the Centaur Theatre to direct the play. I am immersed in directing the musical side of the production and what fun it is! Come see your Temple friends sing, act and dance their way through the 60s and 70s! The hard-working cast and crew consists of: Barbara Diehl, Brenda Epstein, Cheryl Everett Rajchgot, Debbie Beitel, Donna Pinsky, Elie Shapiro, Ellen Rabin Socransky, Frances Zyto, Gabriela Mizrahi, Gaby Samek, Harry Rajchgot, Heather Solomon Bowden, Helaine Haltrecht, Irving Epstein, Jennifer Rose Lapointe, Joseph El Rayes, Kady Michelson, Marcia Goldberg, Max Benady-Chorney, Sarah Sinacore, Suzan Carsley, Terri Allister, Terry Ritcey and Wendy Thomas.

• Friday, April 22

Piano: Damon Hankoff • Friday, April 29

Klez Clarinet: Mark Simons; Piano: Garth MacPhee

Rachelle Shubert 514-937-3575, ext. 235

Heidi Reinblatt

514-937-3575, ext. 217


Love the television series "Glee" and want to be part of a similar group of young singers? Then, Temple's youth chorus, "Ruach", is looking for YOU! We are planning a musical performance at one of our spring services that will require just a few rehearsals in the month of April. Join us! For more information, please contact Rachelle Shubert at 514-937-3575 ext. 235 or

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M e l a n i e A lt e r

s Director of Education, I am constantly seeking new programs that will attract young families and make them feel comfortable and at home at Temple. We recently held our first Tot Shabbat event. It was a “Pyjama Shabbat”, where children came dressed in their PJs and attended a special early evening Shabbat service, followed by a delicious dinner. Rabbi Lerner led a child-friendly and interactive service that included stories, prayers and music and a wonderful time was had by all. Given the success of this event, we will definitely be having another Tot Shabbat very soon, so stay tuned! In the meantime, here are some ways to make Shabbat fun and special at home: • Try not wearing a watch on Shabbat, a reminder that Shabbat is “an island of time”. • After Shabbat dinner, share a Shabbat related activity, like reading a Jewish-themed story. • Listen to some Jewish music instead of your family’s usual musical selections.

• During Shabbat dinner, take turns sharing a mitzvah (good deed) that you have done and/or something good that happened during the week. • Turn off your Blackberry or cell phone for the day and focus on spending special family time. • Develop special Shabbat rituals such as “Shabbat Snack”, where you all share a special treat and a game or read-aloud story. • Have a Tzedakah box that each family member puts a coin into at Shabbat dinner and mentions something that he/she is grateful for. • Reserve special toys or games that your children can only play with on Shabbat These are just a few ideas. Be creative! The idea is to make Shabbat feel special to your family. Hope to see you all at our next Tot Shabbat!!! Wishing our Torah School families a Happy Purim and Passover.

Melanie Alter 514-937-3575, ext. 210

CHILDREN’S PROGRAMMING EARLY CHILDHOOD Shabbat Shalom (18 mos-3 yrs) Friday mornings from 10:00 - 11:30 AM Are you the parent or grandparent of a preschooler aged 18 months to 3 years? If so, why not join us for a fun and educational Shabbat celebration? Activities include music, arts and crafts and great ideas for celebrating Shabbat at home!

Mom & Tot (0-2 yrs) Tuesday mornings from 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM Got a little one at home? Want to get out and meet other parents and tots? Just bring a brown bag lunch and drop by each Tuesday morning to spend some quality time in our clean, well-equipped, "nut-free" environment. We provide the coffee, snacks, toys, games and music! No registration required; no charge. Everyone welcome!

Music with Jennifer (6 mos-3 yrs) Tuesday mornings from 10:00 - 10:45 AM. Join the award-winning Jennifer Gasoi and her guitar for a fun-filled session of interactive songs, stories and games. The 6-week spring session will run from March 8- April 12, inclusively.

PARENT EDUCATION Parenting Discussion Group: “The Blessing of a Skinned Knee” Wednesday evenings at 7:30 PM beginning March 23, 2011 (Please note that there will be no class on April 20th.) Every parent hopes to raise a self-reliant, optimistic and well mannered child. In her book, clinical psychologist and Jewish educator Wendy Mogel presents nine blessings that address key parenting issues such as setting realistic expectations, respect for adults, chores, mealtime battles, coping with frustration, developing independence and self-control, and resisting over-scheduling and over-indulgence. Join us for this six-week parenting discussion group. Cost $60/6 weeks. Space is limited. To register, please call Melanie Alter at 514-937-3575, ext. 210. March / April 2011 | 7

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roud. I think I feel more proud every day. When I watch my daughter, for the first time, ski down the bunny hill all by herself, I feel so proud. When my son comes home and he has been awarded a certification for effort and improvement in class, I feel so proud. For these moments, I sometime cannot find the words.

So the next time you talk to someone, although it is ok to vent the negative, also try and remember about all the positive things too. Don’t forget to join us on March 19th for a Kids First, Tweens First and Torah school Purim Carnival extravaganza. Mark your calendars and we hope to see you there!!

Kids First Chanukah Party! Kids First Chanukah Party! Sunday, December 5, 2010 10:30 AM – 1:00 PM $10.00 per family No reservations necessary

Loved. My daughter has a hug and kiss that can melt your heart, and she has no problem dishing out lots of hugs and kisses. My son still doesn’t want to go to bed without a few cuddles from Mom. Loved is the only way to describe how I feel.

By Marla Greenspoon

Inspiration. The dictionary has 5 definitions of the word, all of them having to do with creativity. I am a far cry from anything creative, but for me inspiration is my children. With every smile, with every ‘funny’ that comes out of their mouth…. they inspire me to keep doing what I am doing, because I must be doing something right.

Community Hall Temple Emanu-El-Beth Sholom 395 Elm Avenue, Westmount, QC H3Z 1A5 So why is it, as I found myself talking to some younger coworkers this week, when I talk about my kids it always seems to be the negative

Kids First welcomes you all to their Annual Chanukah Party with all the fixings, fun, food and flavour!!

parts? ‘Oy, she didn’t stop crying for the first 18 months of her life’ or ‘if he would just listen to me the first time I asked’ or ‘sometime I wish they would stop pestering me all the time, do this, do that’. After a few minutes these young, kid-less co-workers said to me ‘Wow, makes you wonder why we want kids!’ I caught myself and then said, yes, but despite all that, the other good moments outweigh the bad and I went on to tell them about my daughter’s melting kisses, and how proud I am of my son’s skiing skills and his progress in school.

Are you a "Tween", 7-11 years old? Come and join our new group just for you and your friends!

For more information, call ANITA at 514-937-3575 ext 212 8 | March / April 2011

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Opening of the Shoah Memorial Gallery


Friday, April 29th, 2011, 8:15 PM


lease join us for the opening of the Shoah Memorial Gallery commemorating Yom Hashoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day) following Shabbat Services. We will feature a selection of works relating to the Shoah by the following Canadian artists: Marcel Braitstein, Sorel Cohen, Georges Dyens, Angela Grossmann, Marie-Jeanne Musiol and Marion Wagschal. Some of these works were originally shown in two previous exhibitions, “Afterimage” at the Montreal Holocaust Memorial Centre, Spring 2000, and “Memories and Testimonies” at the Leonard and Bina Ellen Art Gallery, Concordia University, Spring 2002. This exhibition is sponsored by the Temple Emanu-El-Beth Sholom Art Committee.

Farewell Luncheon for Suzan Carsley


special farewell luncheon, held in November by the Art Committee, brought together its members to honour Suzan Carsley, who will be moving to New Brunswick this spring. We have been fortunate to have Suzan as a wonderful long-time friend and member at Temple and in particular, as co-chair of the Art Committee for many years. We send her off with our best wishes as she enters a new phase of her life. Suzan’s devotion and conscientious leadership will be dearly missed. Art Committee members include: Anita David, Barbara Diel, Georges Dyens, Marilyn Green, Loren Lerner, Barbara Levine (Co-Chair), Barbara Morningstar, Suanne Ray, Lillian Vineberg, Anne-Laure Levain Viner.

his Passover, Temple’s Aron Museum will be displaying a number of Seder Plates in a variety of styles and crafted of silver, pewter and other materials. A red silk Matzah Cover, embroidered by the grandmother of the late Betty Ginsberg (sister-in-law of Museum founder , Josef Aron, and devoted “caretaker” of the Museum for many years), was chosen by the curators for inclusion in the major exhibition, “A Coat of many Colours – 20 Centuries of Jewish Life in Canada”, which toured the world in the 1990’s. Unfortunately, there is not enough space to show our entire collection of artistic and colourful Haggadot. One particularly valuable haggadah was printed in Amsterdam in 1794 and was donated by the late Michael Feidelberg in memory of his son, Peter, and daughter-in-law, Meredith, who died in the 9/ll/2001 World Trade Center disaster in New York City. The photo to the right is of a “Community Betrothal Ring” made of pewter in the Eastern European style of the 19th20th century. It depicts a castle, symbolic of the couple’s home or possibly, the Temple in Jerusalem. The roof can be lifted up and the “attic” used as a spice box. Traditionally, these rings were loaned to the bride by the community for a limited time. If you are interested in joining the Aron Museum Committee, please contact the Temple office or Nancy Strohl at:

ANNOUNCEMENTS Temple’s New Gift Shop Wants Your Input! Wednesday, March 23, 2011, 2:30 PM


s we prepare to move Temple’s Gift Shop to its new and expanded location, we invite you to join us for coffee and share any suggestions you might have to help us ensure the success of our new shop. We would also welcome the assistance of anyone who could volunteer some time to help out in the new shop once it opens. No experience necessary! For more information or to confirm your attendance, please contact Heidi Reinblatt at or 514-937-3575, ext. 217. March / April 2011 | 9

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ADULT PROGRAMMING COMING IN MARCH... “In the City” presents A Cinq à Sept on Snow Shoes! Saturday, March 5th, 2011, 5:00-7:00 PM Join us for a unique outdoor experience! Includes snow shoe rental, après ski and refreshments! Location details to be determined. Alternative program is planned in case of inclement weather. Cost: $30 per person. To register or for more information, please contact Stefani Novick 514-342-1234, ext. 7201.

Dialogue Judéo-Chrétien Le Mercredi 9 mars, 19 heures. Le Dialogue Judéo-Chrétien et le Temple Emanu-El-Beth Sholom vous invitent à leur Structuration du Judaïsme et du Christianisme présenté par Rabbin Lerner et Monsieur Jean Duhaime. La participation est de 7,00$. Afin de permettre l’aménagement du petit sanctuaire, nous vous demandons de confirmer votre présence soit par courriel à tklein@videotron. ca, soit en téléphonant à Louis Charbonneau au 514-484-7762 ou à Thérèse Klein au 514739-2103.

Dine and Discover at Temple: Saul Carliner on Fostering Jewish Identity-Part II. Wednesday, March 16, 2011, 5:45 PM dinner; 6:15 PM discussion followed by Q & A period. Saul Carliner is an associate professor of Education at Concordia University and cochair of the Youth and Young Families Planning Committee of the FCJA Communication Planning and Allocation Committee. Building on an earlier session, Professor Carliner will explore the challenges and opportunities for building a Jewish identity and more specifically, within the context of Quebec society. $12.00 per person. Everyone welcome. Reservations required by Friday, March 11, 2011. For more information or to reserve, please contact Anita Bensabat at 514-937-3575, ext 213 or

GOLDBLOOM FAMILY FORUM Jewish Women’s History Week Shabbaton: “From Farm to Fork~ Sharing the Delights of the Table” Friday, March 25, 8:15 PM Service; Saturday, March 26, 10:30 AM. Luncheon following services. Honouring three special “Faces of Food”: Mazon Canada, Karen Dubrofsky and Gigi Cohen. Shabbat luncheon $20.00 per person. Reservations are required. Please contact Anita Bensabat at 514-937-3575, ext. 212 or

“In the City” presents Passover Cooking with Gigi Cohen Tuesday, March 29, 2011, 6:30-9:00 PM Vegetarian cooking never tasted this good! Create delicious veg-etarian dishes for Passover- or any time- that are sure to please your palate and impress your guests! Class will take place at the Harvard Café, 5688 Monkland Avenue, NDG. Cost is just $30 per person and space is limited, so advance registration is required. Please call Stefani Novick at 514-342-1234, ext. 7201 to reserve your spot.


Temple Open House Weekend April 8-10, 2011 Come see what Temple is all about! Visitors will be warmly welcomed by our clergy, staff and lay leaders and learn about Temple’s exciting programming that offers something for everyone. They will also enjoy a series of stimulating lectures and fun events, as well as a tour of our beautiful synagogue, Judaica museum and Torah School facilities. Invite your family and friends to see all that Temple has to offer!


"Pope Pius XII: Myths and Realities" Sunday, April 10th, 2011, 7:30 PM Professor Robert Ventresca of the University of Western Ontario, author of a biography of Pope Pius XI which will be published in 2012, will discuss "Pope Pius XII: Myths and Realities" at Temple Emanu-El-Beth Sholom. Admission is free. Everyone welcome. For more information, please contact Anita Bensabat at or 514-937-3575, ext. 212. ON THE WEST ISLAND

“Interreligious relations, reasonable accommodation and life in Quebec.” Tuesday, April 12, 2011, 7:30 PM Dr. Victor Goldbloom will reflect on our 250 year presence in this province and in this country and on how we are perceived by our fellow citizens. Hampton Inn and Suites Dorval 1900 Trans-Canada Highway Dorval, Quebec H9P 2N4 Admission is free. Everyone welcome. For more information, please contact Anita Bensabat at or 514-937-3575, ext. 212.

Book Lover’s Forum 11 Spring 2011 Series: Michael Tritt reviews "Half Broke Horses" by Jeanette Walls Wed., April 13, 2011 9:30 AM Coffee & Refreshments; 10:00 AM Review Based on the life of Walls' Texas-born grandmother at the turn of the 20th century, the story traces the heroine's hair-raising experiences as a breaker of wild horses, school teacher, rancher, bootlegger, poker player, gambler, maid, bush pilot and much more. Through it all, she manifests grit, determination, independence, adventurousness, and an engaging wisdom. Named to New York Times list of top 5 works of fiction for 2009. Admission: $8.00. Chairperson: Vivianne M. Silver. For information, please contact Anita Bensabat at 514-937-3575, ext 213 or

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We congratulate our B’nai Mitzvah and their families on this important milestone and look forward to the B’nai Mitzvah joining our Confirmation Class and becoming active members of the community.


Son of Loretta Carter and Steven Brandspigel March 12, 2011

I attend St-Thomas High School in Pointe-Claire. What I liked most about preparing for my Bar Mitzvah was learning more about my history and my family heritage. One important lesson I learned is, if you don't practice enough you have to answer to Shoshana. Having a Bar Mitzvah is important to me because it is part of my growing up and learning responsibility. My favorite pastime is playing RPG games on the computer. I really love animals. I think that anyone who hurts animals without a good reason should be held accountable. I would like to give Tsedakah to the SPCA. Animals cannot speak for themselves, and I would like make sure that those abused and abandoned will be taken care of. I am not sure if there is a Mitzvah commandment concerning the cruelty to animals, but that is what I would emphasize. Be kind to animals.




Son of Dalia Katzeff and Boby Berman

Son of Maria and Guy Benghozi

Daughter of Mandy Steinberg and Judson Majdell

April 2, 2011

I attend École secondaire de la Cité-des-Jeunes, in VaudreuilDorion. I never thought I would say it but I prefer learning to singing. I am firstly Jewish and on second, I am hopefully more mature than a year ago. I really like music above all other interests. I think the Jewish Foundation for the Righteous is a good cause because they saved Jews and nonJews at the time of the Holocaust.

April 11, 2011

April 14, 2011

I am a student Pierre Laporte High School. I am enrolled in the music program where I study and play the percussion instruments. The thing I liked the most about this experience was learning all about the Bar Mitzvah. A lesson I learned while doing my Bar Mitzvah is that good things are rewarded. The commandment I will honor in my Jewish life is to always respect my parents and my sister. Having a Bar Mitzvah is important to me because it proves I have entered a new phase in my life. My favorite sport is tennis. I would like the congregation to know that I’m a very respectful person. The organization I would like to give tzedakah is to the Jewish General Hospital. I would like my donation to go toward buying a new instrument for the Pathology Department.

I attend Solomon Schechter Academy in Cote St Luc, Montreal. I like learning about the different organizations in the community that do charitable work. I wish to help people in need and donate money or anything else you could help with in your community. I believe we must treat others as you want to be treated. I am changing to a new phase in my life. A Bat Mitzvah marks the change from a girl to a woman. I love Math, English, Skiing, art, and soccer. I would like the congregation to know that my family is very important to me. I enjoy spending time with my parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. I also appreciate my friends and love the giggles we share together. One organization I like to give tzedakah to, is the Jewish National Fund, which plants trees in Israel.

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Thursday, April 7 9:00-12:00 AM: Student Study Day

Monday, April 4, 7:15 PM Vice in Montreal

(For high school students and teachers; by invitation only)

Member of Parliament Joy Smith will open our conference. In today’s session, Montreal Vice Squad spokesperson, Sgt. Dominic Monchamp, and Human Trafficking Awareness Coordinator for the RCMP Annie Robert, will address the current status of the commercial sexual exploitation scene in Montreal, with a specific focus on sex crimes, missing and exploited children, prostitution and the commercial sex industry.

This will be the third Student Study (SSD) presented by the Temple Committee Against Human Trafficking. Approximately 300-500 students from Montreal and the surrounding areas will arrive at Temple for a morning study session on child sexual exploitation. The session will include an interactive play by the Mise au Jeu theater company.

Tuesday, April 5, 7:15 PM “Somebody’s Daughter” by Julian Sher Julian Sher, noted journalist, author and documentary filmmaker, will discuss his research experience in the U.S, his findings, and his newly released book on the subject of teen prostitution, “Somebody’s Daughter”. Mr. Sher has been a significant contributor to our knowledge of child vulnerability, particularly on the Internet.

Wednesday, April 6, 7:15 PM Human Trafficking for Prostitution Diane Matte, member of Concertation des luttes contre l’exploitation sexuelle (CLES), feminist and community organizer, will discuss the transition from child to adult prostitution. Whereas most of society is gravely concerned with the issues of child sexual exploitation, many stop caring once that “child” reaches the age of majority. At that point, many assume that the individual is suddenly able to leave the streets, which is rarely the case. Ms. Matte will address this misperception.

NOTE: We consider education to be one of our highest obligations as a committee working to end human trafficking. Our SSD provides teachers, students and parents with the facts about human trafficking, prostitution and sexual exploitation. Our goal is to promote awareness and vigilance among students so that they can recognize the warning signs of a manipulator in their midst, the signs of an exploited child, and how to remain safe on the internet. We have found that there is insufficient information available and that adults and children may be missing signs of trouble right outside their own schools and within their student bodies. We provide information on where students, teachers and parents can call for help if they suspect someone is in trouble or to report a suspected recruiter or strangers loitering around the schoolyard. Knowledge of Internet safety is paramount for young people. Prevention and curtailment of future demand are among our two primary goals.

Thursday, April 7 7:15 PM: Law Enforcement Meets Microsoft Paul Gillespie is a former police officer, who worked with the Child Sexual Exploitation Unit in Toronto and is now President and CEO of KINSA (Kids’ Internet Safety Alliance). Mr. Gillespie and a representative from Microsoft will recount the fascinating history of their collaboration in the process of seeking out exploited and abused children and discuss the software currently being used to combat child sexual exploitation.

Friday, April 8, 8:15 PM Shabbat Services at Temple Emanu-El-Beth Sholom On Friday evening, Rabbi Leigh Lerner will lead Shabbat Services that include our Interfaith Coalition in expressing both the faith-based and the secular human rights foundation of our work.

Saturday, April 9: TBA

-Temple Committee Against Human Trafficking Co-Chairs: Liliane Kohl, Peggy Sakow and Denise Grossman

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TEMPLE COMMITTEE AGAINST HUMAN TRAFFICKING TEMPLE COMMITTEE AGAINST HUMAN TRAFFICKING LEADS A NORTH AMERICAN MISSION TO ISRAEL TO COMBAT HUMAN TRAFFICKING THERE JANUARY 12-12, 2011 JERUSALEM The Mission Statement of the Temple Committee against Human Trafficking includes a commitment to collaborate with ATZUM Task Force on Human Trafficking (TFHT) in Israel. Rabbi Levi Lauer, founder and Executive Director of ATZUM, invited us to support proposed legislation that will criminalise the buying of sex in Israel. Only the most progressive Nordic countries (Sweden, Norway, and Iceland) have enacted such legislation as a means to end human trafficking in their countries. Israel has a well-documented human trafficking problem with its so-called discrete apartments and brothels. While the State of Israel has made substantial progress in the 3 Ps: Prevention, Protection and Prosecution, the missing element is the market factor. The issues of supply and demand call on us to address the buyers who create the demand for paid sex. Human trafficking cannot be stopped without

ending demand and that is what the proposed legislation in Israel aims to do. Sweden’s 10year success report indicates that this is what must be done everywhere Although we were a small Mission group, we had some of the leading experts in specific areas of human trafficking: legislation, victims’ services, law enforcement, education, best practices, the demand side and public programming. We are: Beth Klein (Boulder) is a trial and human rights attorney, wrote the Colorado 2010 anti-human trafficking laws, helping other states replicate laws that work, served on the National Steering Committee for DemandAbolition, an anti-human trafficking coalition underwritten by Hunt Alternatives Karen McLaughlin (Boston), Director of Public Policy of the International Organization for Victim Assistance, an internationally recognized expert in victim assistance, served on the National Steering Committee for Demand-Abolition, an anti-human trafficking coalition underwritten by Hunt Alternatives. Peggy Sakow (New York/Montréal) represented the Temple Committee Against Human Trafficking of Temple Emanu-El-

Beth Sholom (Montreal) and is member of the Coalition Against Trafficking in Women International (New York) Dr. Wendy Zerin (Boulder) is a paediatrician with an interest in engaging her professional organizations and colleagues in ending child sexual exploitation, leader at her synagogue on bringing awareness of human trafficking We met with the Member of the Knesset who sponsored the bill, Orit Zuaretz , MK Vaknin and MK Bielski. Dr. Shoshana Zimmerman of the Office of the Ministry of Education described the curriculum for sex education and relationship building for Israeli students. As a psychologist and counselor, Dr Zimmerman advocates for the use of positive psychology in educating young people. Ideally, building healthy sexuality and relationships, fewer young people will fall victim to traffickers/ pimps and the buying of sex among males will be curtailed. Rahel Gershuni, Government Coordinator of the Battle against Trafficking in Persons (Ministry of Justice) met with us at the American Embassy. Also present were Giulia Falzoi, Head of the Migration Management Unit of the IOM International Organization for Migration, Stefano Volpicelli, also of IOM, and Richard Gellis of ICE (Homeland Security). We learned a great deal about smuggling and trafficking of human in Israel, Sinai labor camps, border security and the proposed legislation on buying sex. Ms. Gershuni will be joining Knesset members on the committee to study this bill in the coming weeks. There is much follow-up work to be done including organizing a speaking engagement at the end of February in New York and Washington for visiting MK Orit Zuaretz. We thank ATZUM Task Force on Human Trafficking and especially Rabbi Levi Lauer, for giving us the opportunity to be part of a positive social movement in Israel. Peggy Sakow, January 25, 2011

Breakfast Meeting in Jerusalem (from left to right) (Absent: Beth Klein) Ori Keidar, Kabiri-Nevo-Keidar Law Firm,Kayla Zecher, ATZUM, Karen McLaughlin, Boston, MA, Dr. Wendy Zerin, Boulder, CO, Peggy Sakow, New York/Montreal, Stefano Volpicelli, IOM, Rome, Giulia Falzoi, IOM, Rome, Avital Rosenberger, ATZUM, Rabbi Levi Lauer, ATZUM March / April 2011 | 17

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MARCH March 2 March 3

March 4

March March March March March

7 10 13 14 15

March 16 March 20

March 21

March 22

March 23 March 25

March March March March March March

26 27 28 29 30 31

April 2

Joan Oppenheimer Diane Engelberg Rachel Gropper Irving Bookbinder Esther Dagan Carlo Gualtieri Nadia Amiel Reginald Weiser Alan Greenberg Jack Richer Bonnie Kaplan Doreen Sternfeld Harry Burke Raymond Felson Igor Perlitch Elyce Minogue Norman Shacter Bettina Shore Howard Firestone Sharon Smith Stuart Millowitz Marc Benzacar Susan Grant Berger Audrey Bouadana Gerry Nichols Allan Schouela Aaron Leznoff Ruth Steinberg Russell Grant

April April April April April

April 10

April 12

April 13 April 14 April 17

April April April April April

April 30



March 27 March 31


N e w M e m b e rs

Aaron Leznoff and Graziella Marino Bruce and Bettina Shore Joseph and Lee Sklar Robert and Linda Guigui Andrew and Yvonne Koenig Michael and Bonnie Levinson Robert and Bluma Littner

35 years 35 years 40 years 30 years 45 years 65 years

Michelle Lariviere and Matthew Benizri Anita Ubfal and James Lawson Eduardo Chachamovich and Juliana Rigol Joel Yanofsky and Cynthia Davis Jack Gwiazda and Monique Ghanime Richard Friedman

APRIL April 6

18 19 20 23 25


3 4 5 7 8

Yvonne Gore Rochelle Singerman Rhonda Wolfe Ros Jodoin Lee Sklar Harold Goodman Felicity Blatt Martin Smith Louisiane Lalleman Fallon Vechsler Jennifer Ankcorn Debbie Basevitz Cecilia Chorlton Harvey Rayman Laurie Kader Erika Ludwick Judy Zimmerman Israel Libman Andrew Michelin Minna Shulman Neil Gold Gabriel Granatstein Sherri Stubina Henry Hirschfeld

Cathy Bettan Adolf and Stella Ullman

70 years

Katherine Delise-Dupuis Debra Strohl and Alexandre Denault Ashley Shaanan and Gregory Lazar Matthew Hiess and Heydi Blanco Matthew Sherman and Alexandra Leoblich Moris Danon and Durrin Refref Marco Palma and Liane Schinasi David Smajovits and Rosalie Wolkowicz

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to soften or beautify a scene of mourning. A donation to charity is more meaningful.

The Origins

When mourners return from the cemetery, hands may be washed at the door, a symbolic acknowledgement of the sad duty just completed at the grave. A seven day memorial candle is then lit. A meal is served – “seudat havra’ah”, or “meal of consolation”, which serves as a graphic reminder of the fact that life must go on, even for those with a taste of death in their mouths. Eggs and other round foods, such as lentils, are often served as a symbol of the continuing cycle of life. Gifts of food are traditional at this time.

That a time be set aside for the expression of grief is indicated in the Bible, and is mentioned in its early historical narratives. For example, the Kohen Gadol, the High Priest Aaron, J a n e A d a ms R o t h s t e i n is stunned by the sudden death of his two sons at the apex of their careers. When Moses asks why the sacrificial offering was not eaten on the day of their deaths, Aaron replies: “There have befallen me such things as these, and had I eaten the offering, would it have been pleasing in the eyes of the Lord?” (Leviticus 10:19)

During Shiva, mourners refrain from doing business or experiencing pleasure. They

do not go to work, unless the business will founder without their presence or unless the employer absolutely refuses to give the time off. They should then spend as much time as possible at the Shiva house. They do not watch television or leave the house. Mirrors are covered to discourage vanity. Mourners often do not shave, wear new clothing or have sex. Some Jews do not wear leather shoes, because in the ancient world they were a sign of luxury and worldliness. Shiva ends on the morning of the seventh day. The memorial candle is blown out, and sometimes mourners go for a walk around the block as a way of taking a first step back into the real world. Jane Adams Rothstein Cemetery Chairman

Aaron’s explanation is that the time of mourning is not an occasion for feasting before the Lord; it is specifically for the expression of grief. Commenting on the verse, “And I will turn your feasts into mourning, and all your songs into lamentations…”(Amos 8:10), it was explained that just as the days of the feasts (Passover & Sukkot) are seven, so the period of mourning is also for seven days (Talmud Moed Katan 20a)

The Customs People often refer to this period of formal mourning as “sitting shiva” because of the custom of sitting on or near the floor, an ancient gesture of being struck low by grief. Some people remove cushions from couches and chairs and simply sit lower to the ground. At the funeral, the garment is torn (keriah), and the torn garment is worn throughout the days of Shiva. In Montreal, that is usually a tie or a scarf. Many rules of etiquette are suspended where people are sitting shiva. You’ll find the door to a Shiva house generally open because one enters without ringing the bell or knocking. Mourners are not hosts, nor are guests emissaries of good cheer. It is considered inappropriate to bring flowers, because bouquets or wreaths serve March / April 2011 | 19

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DONATIONS TEMPLE FUNDS Donations received after the 10th of the month will be acknowledged in the next Bulletin

ANITA DAVID GROWTH FUND Anita David, in memory of Samuel R. Mroz Anita David, in memory of Lewis Poch

ARON MUSEUM Sydney and Florence Pedvis, in honour of Sheila Goldbloom’s special birthday Nancy Strohl, in honour of Sheila Goldbloom’s special birthday Evy and Richard Uditsky, in memory of Nathan Bing, in memory of Dr. Lewis Poch, in memory of Ester Gerstenfeld Shirley Simon, in memory of Alfred Miller

ART FUND Nina Glick, Mazel Tov to Mr. & Mrs. Cohen, on the forthcoming marriage of their grandchildren

DAVIS FAMILY TORAH FUND Sophia Davis, in memory of Lloyd Davis, Julia Davis, Mayer Seidman

EDNA AND BERNARD MYERS GROWTH FUND Edna and Nelson Myers, in memory of Bernard Myers

BETTE SHULMAN FAMILY TORAH SCHOOL FUND Winnie and Phillip Margles, in memory of Edna Tunis Fenster Shulman Family, in memory of Edna Tunis Fenster Shulman Family, speedy recovery to Dr. Ewrin Goldberg Lynne Marler, in honour of Bette Shulman’s retirement and in memory of Bette’s sister Edna Tunis Fenster Bette Shulman, in memory of Esther Gerstenfeld Howard and Arlyne Fenster, in memory of Edna Tunis Fenster Bette Shulman, in memory of Harold Shulman Bette Shulman, in memory of the sister of Winnie Margles

RAYMOND AND RITA FELSON GROWTH FUND Vera and David Metrick, in honour of Rita Felson’s birthday Vera and David Metrick, in honour of Rita and Ray Felson’s anniversary



Sheila and Victor Goldbloom, in memory of Alton Goldbloom

In memory of Dr. Lewis Poch: Marilyn and Michael Green Heather Solomon-Bowden and Robert Bowden Vera and David Metrick Harriet and Marvin Corber Phyllis Goodman Dr. Stephen Miller Harriet and Joe Shulman Rona Bloom Sheila and Marvyn Kussner Malka Ettinger Grace Stober Sheila Stober, Robert Letovsky and Family Rita and Ray Felson Bette Shulman Irene Marks Stanley Lesser Marilyn and Sid Wasserman Paula and Sam Melamed Mr. and Mrs. Michael Goldenberg Irving Bookbinder Miriam and Ralph Weiner Marilyn and Bill Schreiber Ruth and Maurice Miller Bina and Leonard Ellen Cynthia Telio Bernard L. Isaacs Phyllis Isaacs Ruth Gould

FRED AND LIONELLA ULLMAN GROWTH FUND Lionella Ullman, in honour of Adolf Ullman’s special birthday Howard Cohen, Vivian Ullman Cohen and Family, in honour of Adolf Ullman’s special birthday Elliot Rappaport, Debbie Ullman and Family, in honour of Adolf Ullman’s special birthday

GENERAL DONATION Russell C. Baker Susan Szalpeter and Dr. Joseph Carlton, in memory of Dr. Lewis Poch Adolf and Stella Ullman Barbara Morningstar, David Mizrahi, Sarah Mizrahi, in honour of Gabriela’s special birthday Joan and Bernie King, in memory of Ester Rajchgot Amir Bhojani, in honour of Adolf Ullman’s special birthday Marlene Kronick, in honour of Norman Kronick’s birthday Barbara Sabbath, in honour of Adolf Ullman’s special birthday June and Marty Leopold, in memory of Ester Rajchgot Diane Guay Maurice and Lise Shriqui, on the occasion of Jonathan Shriqui and Sarah Choquette Fucks’ engagement Mona Golfman, in honour of Kalman and Stella Samuels’ anniversary The White Family, in honour of Stephen Yaffe’s special birthday Robin Behar, in honour of Gabriela Mizrahi’s birthday and Torah reading

KAHN FAMILY GROWTH FUND Helen Kahn, in honour of her granddaughter Hannah’s Bat Mitzvah, daughter of Anne and Jonathan Helen Kahn, in memory of Nancy J. Kahn Helen Kahn, in honour of Sheila Goldbloom’s birthday

LISE AND MIKE SEGAL MEMORIAL FUND Cindy Hass in memory of Michael Segal

IN MEMORY OF ESTHER GERSTENFELD: Hinda and Bill Letovsky Julia and Michael Sax Irene Marks IN APPRECIATION Cindy H. Dankner

HIGH KIDDUSH Patrick Soussan and Dayami Garcia Martinez

MARTHA AND SHURA HAICHIN GROWTH FUND Martha and Shura Haichin, in memory of Perry Lande, Naomi Davine

MAZEL TOV Nicholas Shinder and Stephanie Senay, on the birth of their son, Noah Stephen Shinder Patrick Soussan and Dayami Martinez, on the birth of their daughter, Rebecca Elise Soussan

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Barbara Diehl, on the birth of her grandson Logan Forrest Eric Schaap Korin David Bobrow and Marie-Josee Beliveau-Crevier, on the birth of their son, Joshua David Bobrow Marcia Goldberg on the birth of her granddaughter Violet May Goldberg Marco Palma and Liane Schinasi, on the birth of their daughter Saidie Ella Palma Benjamin Abecassis and Erica Cuthbertson, on the birth of their son Nathaniel James Abecassis Darren Goldenberg and Mary Grace Ocampo, on the birth of their son Jordan Joshua Goldenberg Lynn and Ron Waxman, on the birth of their granddaughter Maia Julia Waxman, Jay and Tracy Waxman, on the birth of their daughter Dr. Eduardo Chachamovich and Juliana Rigol, on the birth of their son Yaron Chachamovich Lynn and Ron Waxman, on the birth of their grandson Ray William Waxman, Randy Waxman and Elizabeth Cohene, on the birth of their son Gilbert Plaw, in honour of the birth of his grandchildren Alexandra Catherine Danek Plaw and Michaela Charlotte Danek Plaw

MUSIC FUND Ellen Rabin Socransky, in honour of her Torah reading Nancy Maklan, in tribute to Rachelle Shubert Eva Kuper and Harvey Rayman, in honour of Gabriela Mizrahi’s birthday Bernie and Joan King in honour of Gabriela Mizrahi’s birthday IN APPRECIATION Bea and Bill Taylor

ONEG SHABBAT Stanley Lesser Kurt and Ellen Samuel, in honour of their 55th wedding anniversary Yaffe Family, in honour of Stephen Yaffe’s special birthday David Abramson and Lee-Anne Torrens, in honour of their 20th wedding anniversary Phoebe Greenberg, in honour of Miles Greenberg’s Bar Mitzvah

DELLA PERGOLA MUSIC FUND Howard and Felicity Blatt, in memory of Betty and Jack Blatt

PRAYER BOOK FUND Elaine Baer, in memory of Edna Fenster, beloved sister of Bette Shulman

RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND Fern Cramer Azima, condolences to Joel Paris and Family, condolences to Naomi Frank and Family, condolences to Marla Gold Silverstein and Family, condolences to Renee Heller Shura and Martha Haichin, in honour of Shura Haichin’s birthday Ronald and Cecilia Chorlton, in honour of their 50th wedding anniversary Shirley Simon, in memory of Dr. Albert V. Simon Sabine Pinkus, in honour of her special birthday Lynn and Ron Waxman, in honour of the birth of their granddaughter Maia Julie Waxman Gilbert Plaw, in honour of the birth of his grandchildren Alexandra Catherine Danek Plaw and Michaela Charlotte Danek Plaw. Elaine and Avrom Podbere, in honour of Stella and Kalman Samuel’s wedding anniversary Sophia and Harry Wolkowicz, in memory of Dyna and Marian Reichental Lynn and Ron Waxman, on the birth of their grandson Ray William Waxman, Randy Waxman and Elizabeth Cohene, on the birth of their son

DONATIONS THANK YOU Temple Emanu-El-Beth Sholom would like to express its sincere gratitude to our members and friends for the generous donations that enable us to meet the many less visible needs of our synagogue. Over time, every building requires renovations, repairs and upgrades. Thanks to the generous contributions of our donors, Temple is able to carry out costly work, such as replacing our exterior steps, refurbishing our heating system, and many other important projects. So, to our many donors whose gifts are not necessarily on display for all to see and admire, thank you and please know that your gifts are very much appreciated by the entire Temple family. The Hess B. & Diana Finestone Foundation The Maurice Pollack Foundation

Temple thanks the Maurice Pollack Foundation for its newest lounge The Temple Emanu-El-Beth Sholom family extends its sincere thanks to the Maurice Pollack Foundation for their ongoing support of our congregation and their commitment to making Temple a warm and welcoming second home to all who enter our doors.

IN APPRECIATION Lorne Switzer and Nadine Larente Peter Reich and Eva Prorok Florence Solomon St. James Literary Society Korin Bobrow and Marie-Josee Beliveau-Crevier Zav Levinson and Wendy Thomas American Women’s Club of Montreal Ellen and Kurt Samuel Marcia Goldberg


STANLEY LIPSEY AND ESTELLE KATZ GROWTH FUND Estelle Katz, in memory of Stanley Lipsey and Sam Selinsky

STEFFI AND HARRY HALTON GROWTH FUND Steffi Halton, in memory of Harry Halton, Dr. Lewis Poch, Rose Wolkove

Over the past two years, the Foundation has donated three beautifully furnished lounges to our Temple. The two located across from the sanctuary were installed in 2009 and 2010 and immediately became a popular spot for members and guests to relax and chat. A third lounge was recently completed directly across from the Grover Auditorium. This newest lounge provides a quiet and comfortable seating area for guests of events being held in the auditorium. When the auditorium is not in use, it offers an ideal spot for meeting, socializing, or simply relaxing before and after services. Temple would also like to thank Jane Adams Rothstein and Denise Grossman who did such a beautiful job designing all three lounges. March / April 2011 | 21

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YAHRZEIT YAHRZEIT Betty and Barry Abugov, in memory of Leib Jakubovic Mirna and Saul Alter, in memory of Bella Rosenzweig Bettina Bayreuther, in memory of Jacqueline Gaiptman, Willi Bayreuther Larry and Claire Behar, in memory of Liliane Behar Deborah and Sam Beitel, in memory of Regina Goldin Alain and Donna Benitah, in memory of Willy Benitah Leatrice Berger, in memory of Wilbur Berger Harry and Elaine Blank, in memory of Yudel Blank, Shirley Izen Jack and Rhoda Blumer, in memory of Shirley Gordon, Arthur Diamond Thelma Bogante, in memory of Hilda Bogante Irving Bookbinder, in memory of Harry Engelberg, Liza Bookbinder Marina Breslavska and Vladimir Sapojnikov, in memory of Michail Sapojnik Adeline Bruder, in memory of Peter Block Rosalie and Sam Burstein, in memory of Adela Nisen, Michael Burstein Elaine and Don Charness, in memory of Fay Sturman Jerry and Joyce Cohen, in memory of Doris Wagner, Howard Leibov Phyllis Cohos, in memory of Abraham Cohos, Mildred Reisler Norma Cummings, in memory of Jack Cummings Peggy Currie and Irwin Segal, in memory of Harry Segal Maureen and Edward Daniels, in memory of Louis Tucker Jeffrey Derevensky and Lynette Gilbeau, in memory of Abraham Derevensky Ronda Diamond and Richard Cherney, in memory of Mel Diamond, Arthur Diamond Victor and Leslie Eiser, in memory of Herman Eiser Mendy Ellen, in memory of Gertrude Ellen, Israel Ellen Sheila Elman, in memory of Charles Elman Beno Eskenazi, in memory of Albert Eskenazi Murray and Lois Fainer, in memory of Lyon Fainer Dorothy Flomen, in memory of Eddy Flomen Michael and Judith Florian in memory of Marta Frank

Stanton Friedman, in memory of Diana Robins, Arthur Friedman, Marilyn Wener Carrie and Garry Garbarino, in memory of Fanny Kastner, Arnold Kastner Robert and Sheila Garfield, in memory of Sam Garfield Steven and Barbara Gellis, in memory of Jack Gellis,Cecile Gellis Saul Gerson, in memory of Gerald Gerson, Dorothy Gerson, Dora Gerson Rhoda Golick and Paul Shinoff, in memory of Bertha Brigger and Isadore Brigger Una Joy Graham, in memory of Douglas Lion Vivian and Brian Grant, in memory of Harvey Blake, Kay Blake Debra Grobstein Campbell and Barry Campbell, in memory of Harry and Mildred Grobstein Rachel and Aaron Gropper, in memory of Simon Beckerman Irwin Haberman, in memory of Saul Haberman Shura and Martha Haichin, in memory of Aron and Frima Raufman Cindy Hass, in memory of Carol Litwin, Lise Segal Claude and Carol Henle, in memory of Laure Henle Bernard Isaacs, in memory of I. Sydney Isaacs Isaac and Elizabeth Jesion, in memory of Henry Jesion, Leon Jesion Sheri Joseph and Gary Levitt, in memory of Irving Weinstein Helen Kahn, in memory of Nathan Ross Janis Kerman and Simon Wahed, in memory of Esther Pascal Bernie and Joan King, in memory of Valerian King and Arthur King Sylvia Kirstein, in memory of Esther Schwartz Trachimovsky Barbara Kneller and Dina Kneller-Gold, in memory of Ignacy Kneller, Rudolf Freundlich Djordje Konforti, in memory of Samuel Konforti Rhoda Kott, in memory of Cecil Kott Sheila and Morris Ladenheim, in memory of Celia Dickman Jeannie Lang and Leslie Laing, in memory of Leslie Guttmann Carole Lax, in memory of Abel Lax Harriet and Martin Lepler, in memory of Roslyn Melnicoff, Beverley Ronik, Sidney Melnicoff Stanley Lesser, in memory of Sylvia Lesser

Bill and Hinda Letovsky, in memory of Frances Pinsky Helen Lefevre-Clark, in memory of Harry Clark Carol Libman, in memory of Sadie Mauer Larry and Barbara Libman, in memory of Blanche H. Libman, Judith Libman, Annie Linder Julius and Henrietta Lis, in memory of David and Gertrude Lis, Ian Shuster, Judith Shuster, Sam Szabo William and Lynda Luber, in memory of Mary Marian Sandra and Robert Lubarsky, in memory of Evelyn Raphael Pauline Manolson, in memory of Selma Himes, Eva Levine Felice Markow, in memory of Louis Joffe Eric and Penny Meth, in memory of Alice and Eugen Meth, John Meth Steven Milstein and Mrs. Anna Masciotra, in memory of Max Milstein David Mizrahi and Barbara Morningstar, in memory of Yona Mizrahi Miriam Morris, in memory of Myer Insky Francelle and Vicky Morantz, in memory of Nettie Scheffer Morantz Hannah Myers, in memory of Gordon Josefo Claire Ostroff, in memory of Marilyn Guttman Betty Palik and Michael Prupas, in memory of Felix Palik and Mel Prupas Ana Pascal, in memory of Marco Sinai, Louis Yore Norman and Claire Pearl, in memory of Morris Schwisberg, Esther Schwisberg, Harry Schwisberg Berel and Joyce Pedvis, in memory of Norman Pedvis, Bertha Rosenthal Florence and Sydney Pedvis, in memory of Maurice Pollack Leonard and Carole Pedvis, in memory of Saul Pedvis Gilbert Plaw, in memory of Catherine Shavick Plaw Penelope and Michael Polak, in memory of Clifton Kekshow Charles and Elizabeth Rawas, in memory of Victor Rawas Wendy Reichental and Paul Shade, in memory of Marian Reichental Linda Richmond and Steven Birnam, in memory of Helen Richmond Helene and Anthony Robinson, in memory of Denise Robinson Dr. Ethel Roskies, in memory of John Stonehewer

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YAHRZEIT AND YIZKOR Jane and Ralph Rothstein, in memory of Dora and Joseph Rothstein Michael and Doreen Rennert, in memory of Pauline Rennert Betty Rosenbloom, in memory of Bernard Rosenbloom Inge Ross Abony, in memory of David Abony Samuel Rubinstein, in memory of Ida Rubinstein, Max Rubinstein Roy Salomon, in memory of Hilda Salomon Ellen and Kurt Samuel, in memory of Alice and Max Samuel, Eugene Marcus, Erna and Otto Stern Julia and Michael Sax, in memory of Harry Davis, Julia Davis Ben and Eve Sevack, in memory of Judith Sevack, Bertha Cheroff, Maxine Sevack, Lily Sevack, Judith Sevack Angela Sfetcu-Terdiman, in memory of Lazar Sfetcu David Shapiro, in memory of Marie Solowey, Jo-Anne Shapiro Elaine and Elie Shapiro, in memory of Frank Zakam Paul Shinoff and Rhoda Golick, in memory of Samuel Shinoff Maurice and Lise Shriqui, in memory of Solanges Hetu Thomas and Ruth Shustack, in memory of Alice Shustack Isabel and Joseph Shuster, in memory of Max Esar Ada Sinacore and Freda Ginsberg, in memory of Harry Block Max and Tina Smart, in memory of Helen Smart Claire Smith, in memory of Sam Smith Aubrey Smofsky, in memory of Esther Ghent, Nathan Smofsky Heather Solomon-Bowden and Robert Bowden, in memory of Sari Solomon, Ester Rzepka Rajchgot, Kate Reider Sylvia Spires, in memory of Jack Schneider Nadine Steiner, in memory of Brian Stock Grace Stober, in memory of Sylvia Moses, Arnold Stober Susan Szalpeter and Joseph Carlton, in memory of Louis Salpeter, Jessie Carlton Michael and Cheryl Tritt, in memory of Bernard Tritt Carol and Neil Tryansky, in memory of Ruth Boxer, Morris Tryansky Hanny Varsaneux, in memory of Jean Varsaneux Carol Vengroff, in memory of Fay Brailofsky Lillian and Stephen Vineberg, in memory of Gordon Caplan and Etta Caplan Larry and Barbara Weiner, in memory of Lily Weiner Sondra and Fred Wener, in memory of Barbara Belson Green and Adolph Green Fred Woolley, in memory of Eric Marcus Miriam Young, in memory of Michael Young, Edith Schneiderman, Clarence Schneiderman Gail and Albert Zakay, in memory of Lillian Silverstein, Lucia Zakay Albert and Toba Zinman, in memory of Abe Zinman, Dora Zinman Lillian Zynger and Bryant Shiller, in memory of Ezra Zynger


Dr. Peter Boretsky, died on October 30, 2010, father of Dr. Linda Boretsky and father-in-law of Michael Blank Dr. Amnon Kahn, died on November 4, 2010, father of Dr. Susan Kahn, father-in-law of Michael Libman Norman Block, died on November 10, 2010, husband of Alice Kern and the late Marilyn Craft Esther Abugov, died on November 17, 2010, mother and mother- inlaw of Barry and Betty Abugov. Dave Shulak, died on November 17, 2010, grandfather of Melissa Shulak and Mahyar Vafi. Dr. Lewis Poch, died on November 19, 2010, wife of Jewel Poch Ester Rajchgot, died on November 20, 2010, mother and motherin-law of Dr Harry Racjchgot and Cheryl Everett Jack Gold, died on November 28, 2010, husband of Barbara Payne, father and father-in-law of Brian and Maria, and David and Anh Gold Esther Gerstenfeld, died on November 28, 2010, wife of the late Asher Gerstenfeld Naomi Sevack Greenberg, died on December 2, 2010 sister and sister-in-law of Ben and Eve Sevack. Erie Ulrich, died on December 3, 2010, brother of Alfred Ulrich Sol Kozlick, died on December 8, 2010, grandfather of Jill Tobenstein and Stéphane Bouchard Mary Medoff, died on December 13, 2010, mother and mother-in-law of Lori Medoff and Kenny Webber Alex U. Soyka, died on December 24, 2010, husband of Maria Pruszynska Boni Max Frank, died on December 25, 2010, husband of Viola Friberg Katalin (Ravitch) Vamos, died on January 8, 2011, Mother and mother-inlaw of Peter Vamos and Susan Mayoff

CORRECTION – VERA FREUD Reference October November 2010 Voice Temple wishes to make the following correction: “Vera Freud secured the UNESCO Human Rights Award in 1988.” The item inaccurately referred to Madame Freud as “earning” this award. March / April 2011 | 23

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Don't miss the Spring Fling Cocktail! 100 Years in Westmount. 100 Thousand Dollars. 100 Students in 2011

An Elegant "5 à 7" in Support of our Torah School Wednesday, April 13, 2011, 5:00 PM

Don’t miss the Spring Fling Cocktail

Join us at Temple for an elegant "5 à 7" cocktail featuring tantalizing food and drink, music, fun and prizes. We will also

in support of our Torah School!

hold a silent auction for many exciting items, including a signed hockey jersey, jewellery, spa treatments, gift cards and more, as well as a drawing for $12,500 in cash prizes, all benefiting Temple's Torah School.


Tickets“5are justincluding $100, $75 of whichfood is eligible for amusic, tax receipt. Join us at Temple for an elegant à 7” tantalizing and drink, fun and prizes. We will be holding a silent auction for exciting items, such as a signed hockey jersey, jewelry, spa treatments, gift cards and more, as well as a drawing for $12,500 in cash prizes, all benefiting Temple’s Torah School. Tickets are just $100 ($75 tax receiptable). Please use the enclosed order form to order your tickets today! Please see the enclosed order form for details. P M40035709

For more information, please contact our Spring Fling Cocktail coordinator, Pam Litman, at DON’T DELAY! ORDER YOUR TICKETS TODAY! For more information, please contact our Spring Fling at coordinator, or call Heidi Reinblatt 514-937-3575, ext. 217. Pam Litman, at, or Heidi Reinblatt at 514-937-3575, ext. 217.

Thank you for your support!

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