TexAppeal October 2013

Page 25


Fine wine, bourbon, single malt scotch The older the age, the smoother the drink. When bourbon and single malt scotch is aged in a barrel at the distillery for 8, 10, 13, 15, or 18-plus years the flavor becomes more concentrated and mellow as the alcohol evaporates—hence the reason they come with such hefty price tags, you’re paying for the storage fees. The type of wood used to make the barrel is a major contributor in giving the whiskey it’s distinctive color, complexity, and richness. However, once the whiskey is bottled, the aging process stops. Wine is the only alcohol that will continue to age in the bottle.



Puppy love is fun and exciting, but it’s only when it grows and matures do we truly appreciate the significance of our partners and the intimacy, security, trust, and devotion we share with them.



Been there, done that. The older we get, the more experience and knowledge we possess; therefore, we are better prepared and equipped to handle situations or to make important decisions. Knowledge is power and it’s the fuel that boost our self-confidence.



What is the secret to those exceptional, melt-in-your-mouth steaks you find in the high-end steak houses? Dry aged beef. This process involves hanging a side of beef or prime cuts in a specialized cooler that adjusts, controls, and maintains specific temperature and humidity levels. The longer the meat ages in this controlled environment, the more the enzymes in the meat break down the proteins and the excess moisture is released and evaporated. As this happens the natural flavors of the meat begin to emerge and combine leaving the meat with a sweet, rich, complex and nutty flavor. The longer the beef ages, the more flavorful and tender it becomes; thus justifying the expensive price tag on it.



No use crying over spilled milk, go ahead and laugh it off. Even our humor improves with age. Stories from our past, messy mishaps, and watching little children play, are daily reminders to lighten up and enjoy some humor in our lives.



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