The Shofar Newsletter September -October 2017

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Temple Beth Sholom

The Shofar Elul 5777/Tishrei/Cheshvan 5778

September/October 2017


Reflections from Rabbi Estelle

OUR OBLIGATION AS WE ENTER THE NEW YEAR AND BEYOND On Monday, August 21, we will once again enter the Hebrew month of Elul. This entire month is a preparation for Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year. As we do each year, we will pray that it may be a good year for ourselves personally, our community, our country, and for humanity. Like in years past, we do not know what the New Year will bring, but we do have the ability to see changes occurring in our communities and country, and know it is our obligation as Jews to participate in Tikkun Olam: the repair of the world. This year the days immediately preceding the beginning of our Holy Day Season were marked by hatred and intolerance by white supremacists toward all individuals who were different from them. In this state, just 135 miles from Danville, the college town of Charlottesville had the attention of our entire country focused upon it due to this gathering of a Neo-Nazis and Klu Klux Klan members who were exercising their right to free speech. Their words and their actions serve as an alarm of what the New Year may bring if we do not condemn the hatred and proclaim by words and action that we will not remain silent and stand idly by while such intolerance is sweeping across our country. (Continued on page 2)


As Rabbi Rick Jacobs, President of the Union for Reform Judaism, shared in a statement: “the vile presence and rhetoric of the neo-Nazis who marched in Charlottesville is a reminder of the ever-present need for people of good will to stand strong, to speak loudly against hate, and act both to delegitimize those who spread such messages and to mitigate the harm done to the commonweal of our nation and to those that are the targets of hate messages. Racist, anti-Semitic, and xenophobic views have no place in a society that cherishes freedom and liberty for all. The right to speak and to hold repugnant views is not a right to circumscribe the ability of others to live in peace and security. Torch-lit marches of hate evoke the KKK; the image of a heavily armed “militia” standing among the neo-Nazi protestors should send an alarm to every person of good conscience in our nation. Once again hate has killed; we mourn the loss of life and those injured in the violence. We call on all, no matter what their views, to eschew violence and condemn in the strongest terms the car attack that killed and injured protestors. We commend the opening of President Trump’s statement condemning the “egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence” but are deeply troubled by the moral equivalence evident in President Trump’s statement today. White supremacists wielding Nazi flags and spewing racist vitriol need to be specifically condemned, not only violence and hate “on many sides.” If our leaders can’t call out this virulent strand of hate we will surely fail to stop it.” In this New Year, let us echo the words of Rabbi Jacobs and stand with the Reform Rabbis of North America who declared “we fervently pray that those who rioted against American diversity will repent of their racist hatred and violence, and join with all decent Americans who celebrate the humanity of every person in this great land. Let us pledge by our words and our actions to combat racism, anti-Semitism, and xenophobia.”


YAHRZEITS May Their Memories Be a Blessing September 1-2/10-11 Elul 27 – Jerome B. Kushner 28 – Rose Schein Manheim 29 – Mamie Zietz Singer 30 – Bessie Halperin Jaiven 30 – Rabbi David M. Kushner 31 – Harry Harris 2 – Sarah Heiner

September 8-9/17-18 Elul 3 – Ida Novakoff 4 – Josephina Sierra de Loper 7 – Gertrude S. Kushner 8 – Dr. Robert L. Kushner 9 – Elix Rubin

September 15-16/24-25 Elul 11 – Joseph Schriebfeder 13 – Celia Katzman 15 – Samuel B. Numark 15 – Ann B. Passamaneck 16 – Hazel L. Roman

September 22-23/2-3 Tishrei 17 – Howard J. Nakdimen 17 – Dr. Herbert R. Silverman 17 – Ernst Wassing 19 – Leonard Miller 20 – Gertrude Herman Calisch

September 29-30/9-10 Tishrei 24 – Saul M. Schreibfeder 25 – Louis Herman Calisch, Jr. 25 – Nathan Lester 27 – Emmanuel “Manny” Levy 27 – Emilie R. Mueller 28 – Louise D. Kushner 29 – Joseph M. Friedman 30 – Evelyn Novakoff Silverman

October 13-14/23-24 Tishrei 8 – Hormidas Santerre 9 – Dr. Dan H. Schreibfeder 10 – Bessie Klaff (2000) 11 – Dr. Harry Francis Calisch 11 – Moses Harris

Oct. 20-21/30 Tishrei-1 Heshvan October 27-28/7-8 Heshvan 16 – Paul Wall 22 – Moritz Feibelman 19 – Samuel A. Kushner, Sr. 22 – Moses Roman 22 – Michael Bercholz 23 – Tessie Berman 23 – Joel Singer 23 – Tessie Bermann 23 – Joel Singer 26 – Heller Cohen 26 – Joseph Kingoff 27 – Rachel O. Roman 28 – Alvin Harris 28 – Helen S. Silverman

October 6-7/16-17 Tishrei 1 – Max LeBof 3 – Leonard Harris 3 – Lawrence Koplen 3 – Ida Greenberg Newman 4 – Ruth Ann Fusfeld 5 – Florence Koplen


Temple Beth Sholom Donations Lo Lehitalem (Building Fund) Sam and Faye Kushner In Loving Memory of beloved mother, brother, and grandfather - Margaret, Jerry, and Rabbi David M. Kushner In Memory of dear friends Barbara Manheim, Ruth Koplen, and Ruth Feibelman Charles Silverman In Loving Memory of Heather Silverman Bonnie and George Brumfield In Memory of Mother, Louise Dillard Kushner In Memory of Grandfather, Rabbi David Moses Kushner

Sisterhood Building Fund Contributions Susanne Singer, 822-1114 Please remember the Building Fund for such things as Sympathy, Mazel Tov, Thank You, and Speedy Recovery. The list is endless. Your contributions are used to beautify our temple. Bernard and Belinda Baker In Honor of the Women of Sisterhood for all you do & for the support you have given us Don and Lynne Loper In Honor of Bernard Baker with his conversion to Judaism Ronnie Mand In Honor of Peter Howard’s 7th Paul Harris Award Susanne Singer In Memory of Rabbi Estelle’s husband Steven Mills Jo Ann and Peter Howard – In Honor of Esther Rippe’s 97th Birthday Mira Becher In Honor of Lenny Stendig’s 60th birthday 4



No Service Scheduled (Labor Day Weekend)

Friday, 8th

7:30 p.m.

Shabbat Service - Jo Ann Howard

Friday, 15th

7:30 p.m.

Shabbat Service – Don Loper

Monday, 18th

5:00 p.m.

Sisterhood Opening Meeting/Light Supper

Wednesday, 20th

8:00 p.m.

Erev Rosh Hashanah Bonnie Brumfield & Carol Caplan, Oneg Hostesses

Thursday, 21st

10:30 a.m.

Rosh Hashanah Service Rosh Hashanah Lunch at the Howards

Friday, 22nd

7:30 p.m.

Shabbat Shuvah Service – Peter Howard

Tuesday, 26th

5:30 p.m.

Tashlich followed by Dutch-Treat Dinner

Friday, 29th

8:00 p.m.

Erev Yom Kippur Service

Saturday, 30th

10:30 a.m.

Yom Kippur Services Break-the-Fast following services

Wednesday, 4th

6:00 p.m.

Erev Sukkot/Heavy Hors d’oeuvres

Friday, 6th

No Service Scheduled

Thursday, 12th


Cemetery Tree Planting by Stendig Family Reception at the Howards

Friday, 13th

7:30 p.m.

Shabbat/Simchat Torah – Peter and Jo Ann Howard

Sunday, 15th

1:00 p.m.

Tree Planting at Greenhill Cemetery/Reception

Thursday, 19th

5-9:00 p.m.

Rummage Sale

Friday, 20th

7 a.m.-5 p.m. Rummage Sale/No Service scheduled

Saturday, 21st

6:30 p.m.

Havdalah/Light Supper at the Howards

Friday, 27th

7:30 p.m.

Shabbat Service – Sam Kushner


(watch for flyer)


WITH OUR CONGREGATION Our heartfelt condolences are extended to the Rabbi Estelle on the recent death of her beloved husband Rabbi Steven L. Mills. Mazel Tov to Esther Rippe on the celebration of her 97 th birthday!

Our two college students have gone back to school. We hope they each have a successful year and will come to a service or two when they are home. Just as a reminder where they are: Asher Caplan – UVA; Noah Kramer Hampden Sydney. Congratulations to Faye Kushner on the publication of her book, The Time to Run.

Siler's mother, Maude, is a religious fanatic who will stop at nothing—including breaking up her son's marriage and separating their six children—to save him, body and soul, from the devil's pit of an underground coal mine. The near collapse of Kentucky's underground coal-mining industry in the 1950s parallels the near collapse of Abe's family when he, a miner since childhood and now a celebrated foreman, is pressured into deserting his sinking ship in favor of a safer, cleaner life as a tobacco farmer. Lily, Abe's wife, struggles to keep love alive and the family together under the stress of Abe's failure as a farmer, his inability to find work, and the dark family secrets that breed distrust and even betrayal. This gripping novel reveals the human spirit at its best...and worst. $14.99 purchased directly from Faye or from Amazon. Our wishes for good health are extended to Mildred Barth, Ben Fraifeld, Patrice Kramer, Esther Rippe, and Charles Silverman. We know that some of our congregants become ill, have surgery, or suffer an injury between The Shofar publications, so please know that we extend a prayer of comfort and continued recovery to those who are not specifically named.

BIRTHDAYS AND ANNIVERSARIES September Birthdays: 1 – Barry Koplen; 3 – Sydney Fryman; 3 – Sean Fryman; 8 – Ronnie Mand; 16 – Peter Howard; 20 – Patrice Kramer September Anniversaries: 6 – Deborah and Ben Rippe October Birthdays: 7 – Bonnie Brumfield; 29 – Joan Newman October Anniversaries: 16 – Karen/Matt Harris; 31 – Lynne/Don Loper 6

Congregational Activities – Looking Ahead and Back Temple Beth Sholom This is Your Spiritual Home

Invest In It for Now and for the Future Keep our Temple and Judaism Alive!

The campaign for the funding of the Temple’s Endowment Fund is still underway. If you have not been already, you will soon be contacted by a member of the Board to set up an appointment to discuss the Endowment. Please welcome him/her into your home. The Endowment must be fully funded to provide funds for the maintenance of the Temple and to help insure its continuity. The Board rarely asks the Congregation for financial support above and beyond the payment of dues. But we must do so now. When you meet with your Board representative, PLEASE GIVE GENEROUSLY!

Be sure to pick up a calendar for 5778 – 2017/2018 the next time you come to services. The calendar has it all…beautiful photos, all holiday listings, Torah reading schedules, and times to kindle the Shabbat candles. Enjoy! A thank you note has been sent to Townes Funeral Home for this most generous annual gift. The next time you see David Fuquay, please let him know how much you appreciate receiving a Jewish calendar. Not all congregations are as lucky as we are!

The 2017-2018 Activities Booklet will be mailed soon. Please go through it carefully to see where you have been scheduled as a service leader, holiday chairman, and/or oneg hostess. Remember, it is your responsibility to switch with another congregant if you are unable to conduct the service or hostess on your scheduled date. 7

The Fall Holidays will be here before we know it! Rabbi Estelle Mills will be leading us in worship as we welcome 5778 and atone for our sins so that we can have a prosperous new year. Please make note of the following: Please be sure to bring your copies of the High Holy Days prayer book if you have them. Services for Erev Rosh Hashanah, September 20 th, and Kol Nidre, September 29th, will begin promptly at 8:00 p.m. Morning services will begin at 10:30 a.m. Peter Howard will be contacting you regarding your readings for the Holy Days. Be sure you know when your part is scheduled in the service and if for some reason you are unable to participate, please contact Peter immediately. Please R.S.V.P., yes or no, for the Rosh Hashanah lunch at the Howard’s home by September 12th. Watch for the flyer which will be sent out soon. Tashlich at the River – Tuesday, September 26th at 5:30 p.m. at the walking trail by the fountain. Bring bread crumbs to use as we cast away our sins. We will then go to Me’s Burgers and Brews for a Dutch-treat meal. Please let Jo Ann know whether or not you plan to attend. Your form and check for names to be read at the Yom Kippur Memorial Service are due to Jo Ann by September 15th. Reservations and monies for the Break-the-Fast are due by September 19th to Melanie Vaughan. Even if you do not plan to attend, please let her know. Contact her at 793-0577 or A flyer will be forthcoming. Be sure to join us for our Sukkot service on Wednesday, October 4 th. We will meet in the sukkah at 6:00 p.m. for the Sukkot ceremony, followed by a meal of heavy Hors d’oeuvres in the social hall. Watch for additional information Simchat Torah will be celebrated on Friday October 13th. Come and join the fun as we march the Torahs around the sanctuary and then read the end of Deuteronomy and the beginning of Genesis.

If you haven’t experienced Tashlich, make every effort to attend this year. "Tashlich" means "casting off" in Hebrew and involves symbolically casting off the sins of the previous year by tossing pieces of bread into a body of flowing water. Just as the water carries away the bits of bread, so too are sins symbolically carried away. In this way the participants hope to start the New Year with a clean slate. 8

FEEDING THE HUNGRY Believe it or not, children go hungry in our city of Danville. During the school year they are provided with breakfast and lunch at school. But what happens on the weekends? What can we do about this situation? Let’s make a difference again this year and support the Malcom Huckabee Backpack program, which is coordinated through God’s Storehouse. Your generous monetary donation will provide students with food for the weekend. Please send your check to Peter Howard, made payable to God’s Storehouse, by October 20th. Yes, we can make a difference!

SISTERHOOD NEWS The opening Sisterhood meeting for 5778 will be Monday, September 18 th when we will discuss projects and plan our events and programs for the coming year. At the conclusion of the business meeting, members will be able to socialize at a light supper. Our Rummage Sale, Sisterhood’s major fundraising project for this year, will be held October 19th & 20th and we need YOUR help to make it another success. Please continue to save your saleable items which can be brought to the temple right after High Holy Days (schedule for drop off will come out next month). Since our “small but mighty group” will have one less member this year with the relocation of Mildred Barth, we will need all able bodies possible to help during set-up and during the actual sale. The profits from past Rummage Sales have enabled Sisterhood to pay for some major temple projects; please help our group continue this tradition by giving of your time. For decades, the women of Sisterhood have provided onegs whenever our Rabbi has conducted services. We hope to continue this longstanding tradition, but again, ask for any help from other congregants. With our small membership, the same group of Sisterhood members is responsible during the year. Thus, I would appreciate anyone willing to assist with an oneg contact me or Jo Ann. Basically, only refreshments have to be provided; Maria does the set-up and cleanup which Sisterhood pays for. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. I look forward to another productive year for Temple Beth Sholom Sisterhood. Ronnie Mand, President



We appreciate everything you will contribute, but please save and do not deliver to the Temple until 2 weeks prior to the sale. Nothing should be brought until that time. Specific drop off times will be sent out later in September. We will not accept anything after Thursday, October 12. Start collecting! Help Sisterhood so we can help the temple. We will also be asking for volunteers to help with the sale. So, check your calendar and see when would be good for you. In addition to people manning the sales floor, we need men to man the door. To insure success, this needs to be a total Temple effort. Thank you for participation and support! Ronnie & Melanie What we want: Household items such as: kitchen utensils, silverware, appliances, antiques, glassware, lamps, sheets & bedding, dishes, serving pieces, decorative pillows, art work, chairs and very small furniture, knick/knacks. Clothing needs to be in good shape and on hangers (if possible). Please NO specialized tee shirts, i.e. camps, family reunions, charity races—these do not sell and just take up space--handbags, jewelry, shoes, and coats. Please make sure everything is in saleable condition: no chips, cracks or missing pieces. What we are NOT taking this time: NO TVs NO computers or components NO electronics NO VHS tapes or old records NO magazines NO specialized books (medical, legal, encyclopedias) These items do not sell and the local thrift stores will not take them. Please do not use our beloved temple as a “dumping ground” for any of these items.


HAVDALAH AND DESSERT Thank you to Faye and Sam Kushner for hosting our July 22 nd Havdalah and Dessert. There was an intimate group of ten members who wished Shabbat good-bye, savored the delicious fresh fruits and home-baked goodies, and enjoyed each others’ company. It’s always nice being with family!

GOING AWAY PARTY FOR MILDRED Thank you to Melanie and Kevin Vaughan for hosting our congregational going away party for Mildred on Sunday, July 30th. Mildred just beamed as she talked about her move to Atlanta and her grandchildren who will be close by. It was with mixed emotions that we toasted Mildred with good wishes and much love as she begins a new chapter of her life.

SUMMER SHABBAT SERVICES What a wonderful turn out we had for our July 7 th and August 4th Shabbat services. It’s always nice to welcome Shabbat with lots of voices raised in song and prayer. For those who were able to do so, it was nice going out to eat together afterwards. Let’s do it again soon.


Bonnie’s Book Beat The Kaiser’s Last Kiss by Alan Judd has been made into the movie, The Exception, starring Christopher Plummer, Lily James, and Jai Courtney, with a release date in theaters of June 2017. The book is based on both history and the imagination of the author. Kaiser Wilhelm II was exiled to Holland and stayed at his Dutch chalet, Huis Doorn. An SS guard was assigned to guard the Kaiser. The book is replete with contradictions, and the reader will quickly turn the pages, to enjoy the romance between the SS guard and the Jewish housemaid, who is really not a housemaid at all. A visit from Heinrich Himmler will be chilling as he expresses plans to kill Jewish children. The reader will empathize with the SS guard and welcome his decisions to protect those he has come to care for. Alas, a happy ending is not quite in the works (perhaps the movie will provide the happy ending). The Runaway Family by Diney Costelow follows a mother’s plight in escaping Nazi terror with her four children, after her husband is arrested during a deathly pogrom. Fleeing from their hometown in Germany, to her brother-in-law’s home, to her mother’s home, to her sister’s home in Vienna, in hopes of being reunited with her imprisoned husband, Ruth encounters brutal youth, corrupt officials, mob frenzy, and the endless search for safety. Her husband is released from the concentration camp only after promising to deed all of his property to ruler of the camp. He endlessly searches for his wife and children, always a few steps behind them in their flight. As the laws excluding Jews increase, Ruth fears that she may be breaking new laws unknown to her. At last, she makes the decision to send her children to England on the Kindertransport. Her husband has managed to escape to England where, as the book ends, she anticipates joining him. The book recounts, from an inside perspective, rampant antiSemitism, Jewish bewilderment, mob madness, sheer determination, and unprecedented endurance. The Covenant by Naomi Ragen takes the reader to modern-day Israel where an Israeli oncologist is kidnapped with his young daughter by Islamic terrorists. The unlikely heroines are three elderly women who made a covenant with each other during their time in a concentration camp. The doctor’s wife calls her Bubbie, who lives in NYC, when her husband and daughter are kidnapped. In turn, the Bubbie calls her two closest friends, all three of whom survived the concentration camps and resolved to help each other, no matter the time or circumstances. The three very different ladies (one a wealthy Parisian, one the head of a cosmetics industry, living in California, and the Bubbie, a middle class living in a small apartment in NY) converge in Israel to make plans to thwart the kidnappers. They call upon their resources and manage, through twists and turns, to get the release of the young daughter. This book will give the reader insight into the perseverance of the three ladies, the angst the mother experiences, the courage of both the doctor and the unlikely rescuer of the child. How easily such a kidnapping could happen in modern day Israel, but how unique and unprecedented the type of rescue!


A Bit of Jewish Humor So a Little Laugh Wouldn’t Hurt‌ High Holiday Services On Rosh Hashanah morning, the Rabbi noticed little Adam was staring up at the large plaque that hung in the foyer of the synagogue. It was covered with names, and small American flags were mounted on either side of it. The seven-year old had been staring at the plaque for some time, so the Rabbi walked up, stood beside the boy, and said quietly, "Good morning, Adam." "Good morning, Rabbi," replied the young man, still focused on the plaque. "Rabbi Resnick, what is this?" Adam asked. "Well, it's a memorial to all the young men and women who died in the service." Soberly, they stood together, staring at the large plaque. Little Adam's voice was barely audible when he asked: "Rosh Hashanah or Yom Kippur service?"

In the Army of G-d on the Holidays A friend was in front of me coming out of the Synagogue one day, and as always the Rabbi was standing at the door shaking hands as the congregation departed. He grabbed my friend by the hand and pulled him aside. The Rabbi said to him, "You need to join the Army of G-d!" My friend replied, "I'm already in the Army of G-d, Rabbi." Rabbi questioned, "How come I don't see you except for Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur?" He whispered back, "I'm in the secret service."

Food for the Fast Rabbi to parishioner: "Yes I understand that McDonalds calls it "fast food"...but you STILL can't eat it on Yom Kippur!"

A Picture is Worth It All


September/October 2017 Danville The anti-Semitism on display at the recent events in Charlottesville was terrible to see, and reminds us again of the need for organizations like Hadassah, the Women’s Zionist Organization of America. Hadassah has played a vital role in the fight against antiSemitism and continues that struggle, especially by advocating for our political leaders to take an unequivocal stand against bigotry and hatred. If you would like to join this effort, you may sign up for Hadassah’s Advocacy Alerts online to stay up to date on opportunities to make your voice heard. Just as Hillel said, “If I am not for myself, who will be?”, each of us has a responsibility to speak up and to speak out against hateful rhetoric and actions. Hillel also said, “If I am not for others, what am I?” Hadassah not only combats antiSemitism and provides support for Israel; we build bridges to peace through the Hadassah Medical Organization, which treats over one million patients a year regardless of race, religion, or nationality. HMO has a diverse staff and maintains partnerships with other medical institutions throughout the region, providing an inspirational example of cooperation and collegiality in that volatile area. Hadassah Medical Organization’s efforts not only benefit the Middle East, in addition its Research in Service to Humanity effort is leading to medical breakthroughs in the treatment of ALS, melanoma, multiple sclerosis, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and other diseases. HMO’s physicians are researchers and the researchers are physicians, bringing the latest medical expertise to the treatment of patients there and expanding medical knowledge worldwide. Summer is drawing to a close and we will soon celebrate the High Holydays, where we will pray for a good and sweet year to come. Your support of the Danville Chapter of Hadassah has worldwide impact and will help to make 5778 a better year for us all! Martha Woody, Chapter President

Keeping up with Danville Hadassah With our Members

Esther Rippe celebrated her 97th birthday on August 6th with her family. Faye Kushner recently published her first book, A Time to Run, available on Amazon. 14

Did we miss your news? Be sure to contact Martha Woody, 276-638-4316, and we’ll include you in our next newsletter!

Danville Hadassah Come Join Us on thMelanie’s Porch

September 10 at 3:00 p.m. 235 West Main Street Enjoy the afternoon as you join with Hadassah friends and learn about our Danville goals then and now ! R.S.V.P. to Melanie Vaughan by September 5th 434-793-0577 or What’s Happening with our Danville Projects

Angels of Mercy - Yes, it’s that time of year again…Angels of Mercy, our biggest project and we need YOU to help support this major fundraiser for our two Hadassah Hospitals! What needs to be done? Some of our members will be securing ads from businesses and non-Hadassah members. We’d love for everyone to respond to the mailing, which will be sent out in early September by co-chairmen Ronnie Mand and Jo Ann Howard. Thank you ahead of time for your donation which will make a difference in medical research and care, and will affect lives world-wide.

Candle Lighting - This is an opportunity for every Danville Hadassah member to participate in our beautiful candle lighting tradition! At the end of every meeting members light a Hanukkah menorah and share what is happening with their family and friends. Now, whether you can attend a meeting or not, you can light a menorah for just $18 to honor and/or remember family and friends. Send your check to Jo Ann Howard, Treasurer, 326 Rosemary Lane, Danville, VA 24541.

New Year Card 5778 - Denise Johnson, chairman, is busy getting this year’s card ready to go out. We hope you took advantage of this opportunity to wish members of our Hadassah family a Happy New Year!

Thank you to all of our Donor contributors!

We have reached our $2,300 Donor goal! Our chapter may be small, but our hearts are big! Thank you to all of our contributors. 15

What’s Happening on Hadassah’s National Scene? From Stage-Four Melanoma to Cancer-Free, Thanks to HMO "Doctors in Florida who pronounced me ‘soon-dead’ can't believe that I'm healthy today,” said Hadassah melanoma patient Stewart Greenberg. Standing with his wife, Maggie, in front of the famous statue of Hadassah’s founder, Henrietta Szold, who asked that her eyes “look to the future,” Mr. Greenberg is enjoying his future thanks to treatment at the Hadassah Medical Center in 2012 when he was diagnosed with stage-four melanoma. Although medical centers in the United States could offer him no hope, Hadassah’s Dr. Michal Lotem, head of the Center for Melanoma and Cancer Immunotherapy, successfully treated him with her individually tailored melanoma vaccine. Mr. Greenberg was back at Hadassah for his 10-month follow-up treatment. "It was bashert (fated) that I should meet Dr. Michal Lotem," he said. Thank you, Hadassah."

Hadassah Hosts Health Innovation Conference Over one hundred doctors, researchers, and entrepreneurs gathered at Hadassah Hospital Ein Kerem this summer to discuss how to advance the quality of patient care with computational power. At the Conference entitled “Trends in Digital Health Innovation,” Keynoter Dr. Michal Rosen-Zvi, Director of Health Informatics at IBM Research, talked about how cognitive algorithms are revolutionizing the medical world with the data they provide. Sponsored by Hadasit, Hadassah’s technology transfer arm, the conference also featured presentations by Prof. Shahar Arzy, Director of Hadassah Hospital’s Neuropsychiatry Clinic and the Hadassah-Hebrew University School of Medicine’s Neuropsychiatry Laboratory; Bruno Lavi, Senior Deputy Director General for Operations at Hadassah; and Talor Sax, Chief Executive Officer of eHealth Ventures.


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