The Brand

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Enrollment Continues to Rise Within the past five years, the Department of Agricultural Sciences has seen a phenomenal increase in enrollment growth. One of the factors contributing to the increase is the continual funding from the Agricultural Development Association. Since 2005, the ADA has given money to the department to be used toward recruiting and retaining students to WTAMU. “Members of the WT Ag Development Association and every member of its Board of Directors are passionate about WT Ag,” said Trent Tyson, current president of the ADA. “Alumni and friends of the Department of Agricultural Sciences are excited to see the growth and success of the department and the growth all over WT.”

“The College of Agriculture, Science, and Engineering is probably doing the best job among all academic colleges in [recruitment] efforts, and it shows.” ADA began making a conscience effort to raise money for recruiting in 2005. That year, the ADA board gave the department $2,900, and student enrollment totaled 450. In the

Department of Agricultural Sciences 11 year enrollment compared with Agricultural Development Association Recruitment funds. following years more support from ADA members and event support by alumni and friends has grown the donations to $43,500 in 2011. “As more alumni learn of the exciting things that are happening in the department, they get excited about returning to campus and increasing their support,” Tyson said. Tyson said much of the money raised is done at the Ag Reunion event in September. He said during the past 10 years, alumni and friend participation at that event has grown and made a big difference in recruitment funds for the department. “The first Ag Reunion was nothing more than a few alumni and several of the department’s faculty standing around the bed of a pickup exchanging white elephant gifts for a few dollars,” Tyson said.

The Ag Day Celebration has also seen growth. More than 100 items were donated for the silent and live auction which raised more than $43,500. Dan Garcia, vice president for enrollment management at WTAMU, said the College of Agriculture, Science and Engineering leads the University in recruitment efforts. “The College of Agriculture, Science and Engineering is probably doing the best job among all academic colleges in [recruitment] efforts, and it shows.” The ADA knows the importance of agriculture and the importance of the WTAMU Department of Agricultural Sciences. “Members have one common goal: to see the WTAMU Department of Agricultural Sciences be successful and continue to grow,” Tyson said.


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