The Brand - Spring 2014 edition

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spring 2014

The Brand A Publication from the Department of Agricultural Sciences at West Texas A&M University

“Students don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care.” Brand 2014.indd 1

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THE BRAND VOL. 3 The Brand magazine is a publication from the Department of Agricultural Sciences at West Texas A&M University. It is published annually and sent to alumni and friends of the department. DIRECTOR/EDITOR Tanner Robertson


Contents Student Updates

Competitive Teams

p. 3

Departmental teams are still bringing home the hardware.

Graduate Successes

p. 9

Young alumni are taking the agricultural industry by storm.

Rodeo Upgrade

p. 12

New facilities offer opportunities for new rodeo students.

Clubs & Organizations

p. 13

Catch up with departmental clubs and organizations.

DESIGN Andrea Becker PRINTER Cenveo, Inc. SEND COMMENTS AND NEWS TO: Department of Agricultural Sciences West Texas A&M University WTAMU Box 60998 Canyon, Texas 79016

p. 14


p. 15

Learning Outside the Classroom Departmental faculty take students outside the classroom for industry experience.

Department Updates p. 19

Another Ag Day Celebration Record The Agricultural Development Association hosts another record breaking Ag Day Celebration.

Investments in Education phone: 806.651.2550 email:

To view the fall digital publication, Braggin Rights, scan the code below with your smart phone or go to agricultural-sciences-successstories.aspx

p. 21

Donor support is more than just support for today’s agricultural students.

Facility Spotlight

p. 23

The Stanley Schaeffer Agriculture Education Learning Lab offer realworld, hands on experience.

p. 26

Alumni Highlight Harvey Smith takes this year’s honor.

p. 27

Growing the Future Plant, soil and environmental faculty and students continue to work on ground breaking research.

Faculty Updates The Best of the Best

p. 29

Departmental faculty continue to raise the bar when it comes to teaching, research, and service.

New Faces 1 Brand 2014.indd 2

p. 33

The department welcomes three new faculty members and a new administrative assistant to the family.

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Dean’s Message


ow, what a year! Enrollment in the Department of Agricultural Sciences topped 700 IRU WKH ÂżUVW WLPH HYHU DQG HQUROOPHQW LQ WKH 8QLYHUVLW\ WRSSHG IRU WKH ÂżUVW WLPH ever. Agricultural student teams excelled in competition across the board, and our JU JUDGXDWH VWXGHQWV DUH PDNLQJ DQ LPSDFW RQ WKH DJULFXOWXUDO LQGXVWU\ 2XU IDFXOW\ DUH GRLQJ UHVHDUFK th that is cutting edge and at the same time doing an excellent job of preparing the next generation of aagricultural leaders. We are on the verge of creating a new breed of cattle that hold the promise of iimproving quality while reducing the carbon footprint of the industry. Wow, what a year! Much of that would not have been possible without the tremendous support we receive from tthe Agricultural Development Association and our other wonderful contributors. In these days of shrinking state budgets and reduced grant opportunities, we are being forced to become more entrepreneurial and to look for other sources of money to support our students and our faculty. , SHUVRQDOO\ ZDQW WR WKDQN HDFK DQG HYHU\ RQH RI \RX ZKR KDYH LQYHVWHG LQ :7$08 agriculture and helped us have the kind of success we all desire. I hope you will continue to VXSSRUW XV DQG , SURPLVH ZH ZLOO GR HYHU\WKLQJ LQ RXU SRZHU WR KDYH D WHUULÂżF \HDU LQ DQG every year after. For the third time: Wow, what a year! Sincerely,

Don Topliff Dean and Professor College of Agriculture, Science and Engineering

From the Department Head


reetings from your Department of Agricultural Sciences! I am proud to report the GHSDUWPHQW LV ÀRXULVKLQJ H[FHOOLQJ DQG FRQWLQXLQJ WR JURZ 2XU VWXGHQWV FRQWLQXH WR impress us all. The undergraduate teams are competitive at the national level, and you will see that we have highlighted their success in this issue of The Brand. The M.S. and Ph.D. graduate students are conducting world class research and are critical to the teaching, research and service mission of the department. Faculty continue to excel in delivering excellent classroom instruction, mentoring students and conducting research that is making a difference to the region, state, nation and world. They remain the most modest, hardworking group on campus. I am proud of every one of them and appreciative of the difference they make to our students and the agricultural industries we serve. I hope you enjoy this edition of The Brand, and if you are ever close to campus, please come by and visit! Best regards,

Dean Hawkins Head and Professor Department of Agricultural Sciences 2 Brand 2014.indd 3

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On, On

BUFFALOS The Department of Agricultural Sciences competitive teams continue to bring home titles and hardware. EQUESTRIAN WESTERN TEAM 7KH 1DWLRQDO &KDPSLRQ :HVW 7H[DV $ 0 8QLYHUVLW\ (TXHVWULDQ western team has had another very busy and very successful spring season competing in the Intercollegiate Horse Show Association (IHSA). 7KH ¿UVW ZHVWHUQ show of the semester was held at Texas Tech 8QLYHUVLW\ RQ )HE and 9. The team fell just short of the High Point Team award by four points, losing to North Central Texas &ROOHJH LQ WKH ¿UVW show. The Lady Buffs came back strong in the second show winning High Point Team. Class winners were: In Beginner Horsemanship (BH), Cana Fitzgerald from Penn Laird, Va. and Elizabeth Gonzalez from El Paso, Texas; in Intermediate Horsemanship (IH), Emily Almquist from Spring, Texas, Katie

3 Brand 2014.indd 4

.DHJL IURP /DNH 2VZHJR 2UH DQG .LP Newkirk from Winsted, Conn.; in Novice Horsemanship (NH), Mary Trimble from Houston, Texas and Megan Pirtle from Pampa, Texas; in 2SHQ +RUVHPDQVKLS 2+ 0DULO\Q %UDQGW from Andover, Ill., and Will Wright from Louisburg, Kan. and Wright also won 2SHQ 5HLQLQJ 25 7KH ¿QDO ZHVWHUQ show was held at NCTC in Gainesville, 7H[DV RQ 0DUFK The weekend began with a perfect score of SRLQWV HDUQLQJ :7 the High Point Team DZDUG LQ 6KRZ DQG WKHQ DJDLQ LQ 6KRZ Class winners were: Gonzalez in BH and ,+ 5DFKHO )RVWHU IURP &XED 0R -HVV 2UWL] IURP %HOHQ 1 0 &DLWOLQ 5REE from New Windsor, Ill., and Kaegi in IH; Pirtle in NH; Kayla Wells from Chicago, Ill., and Trimble in Advanced Horsemanship (AH); Brandt,


Student Update

2013-2014 WT Equestrian Team “Marilyn is a great representation of Lady Buff equestrian,� said head coach Amanda Love.

Team classes are separate from individual classes and team riders are chosen by coach Amanda Love. The top three teams and top four riders LQ LQGLYLGXDO FODVVHV TXDOLÂżHG IRU WKH national championship.

6HPL )LQDOV &KDPSLRQV ZHUH 5REHUWV LQ LQGLYLGXDO 25 %UDGOH\ LQ LQGLYLGXDO 1+ %UDQGW LQ WHDP 25 6KXOO LQ WHDP $+ DQG 1HZNLUN LQ WHDP ,+ 5LGHUV who won reserve championships at the Semi-Finals show were Pirtle in team NH and Wells in AH. For the second year in a row at a Semi-Final Championship, :7$08 ZRQ FKDPSLRQ WHDP

The Lady Buffs won their secondconsecutive Western Semi-Finals Championship show qualifying WT for the IHSA National Championships.

2WKHU LQGLYLGXDOV ZKR DOVR TXDOLÂżHG for the national championship were Foster in BH, Lopez in AH, and Bridgman in NH.

“It was such a great experience to be able to represent West Texas A&M at the Sun Circuit,â€? Brandt said. “It was a beautiful day, and I had the opportunity to show two really awesome horses! I KDG WKH KLJK VFRUH RI WKH GD\ LQ WKH ÂżUVW round and it was a fantastic way to start RII P\ ÂżQDO VHPHVWHU KHUH ´

7KH :7$08 (TXHVWULDQ WHDP KRVWHG one of the three Western Semi-Finals &KDPSLRQVKLS VKRZV 0DUFK DQG

5LGLQJ IRU WKH WHDP ZDV 5REHUWV LQ 2+ %UDQGW LQ 25 .LQ]HH 6KXOO IURP Dolores, Colo. in AH, Pirtle in NH, Newkirk in IH, and Fitzgerald in BH.

ARIZONA SUN CIRCUIT SHOOTOUT Brandt competed in the inaugural Arizona Sun Circuit Shootout where she UHDFKHG WKH VHPL ÂżQDO URXQG RI WKH HYHQW Brand 2014.indd 5

%UDQGW DGYDQFHG WKURXJK WKH ÂżUVW URXQG DQG RQ WR WKH VHPL ÂżQDOV +HU ÂżUVW URXQG VFRUH ZRXOG JR RQ WR EH WKH highest score recorded in the event. Brandt then dropped a narrow decision in WKH VHPL ÂżQDOV


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The inaugural event was hosted by the Arizona Quarter Horse Association LQ 6FRWWVGDOH $UL] 2QO\ HLJKW WRWDO participants were selected from either the National Collegiate Equestrian Association (NCEA) or IHSA. EQUESTRIAN HUNT SEAT TEAM 7KH VSULQJ VHDVRQ VWDUWHG RII LQ -DQXDU\ when the Hunt Seat Team headed off to 5LFH 8QLYHUVLW\ LQ +RXVWRQ 7KH WHDP ¿QLVKHG WKH ZHHNHQG VWURQJ ZLQQLQJ WKH FRPSHWLWLRQ LQ 6KRZ Class winners were Gonzalez and Fitzgerald in Walk Trot Equitation :7( -HQQ\ )RLO IURP 0F*UHJRU Texas and Leah Thomas from South 5R\DOWRQ 9W LQ %HJLQQLQJ :DON 7URW Canter Equitation (BWTE); Carley +DQNLQV IURP 3ÀXJHUYLOOH 7H[DV LQ 1RYLFH (TXLWDWLRQ 2YHU )HQFHV 1( )HQFHV .ULVWHQ -RKDQQVHQ IURP %RHUQH Texas, Adalise Berg from Pine, Colo., and Trimble in Novice Equitation on the Flat (NE Flat); Chelsea Hilliard from Irvine, Calif., in Intermediate Equitation 2YHU )HQFHV ,( )HQFHV DQG 5LOH\ 0LOOEDXHU IURP $UJ\OH 7H[DV LQ 2SHQ (TXLWDWLRQ 2YHU )HQFHV 2( )HQFHV The Hunt Seat team traveled to /RXLVLDQD 6WDWH 8QLYHUVLW\ IRU D VKRZ )HE DQG 7KH WHDP ZRQ +LJK 3RLQW 7HDP LQ WKH ¿UVW VKRZ DQG ZDV WKH 5HVHUYH +LJK 3RLQW 7HDP LQ WKH VHFRQG show. Individual class winners were:

The 2014 NACTA Crops Team members. Fitzgerald in WTE; Shull in Advanced Walk Trot Canter (AWTC); Claire Lyons from Danville, Colo. in Intermediate Equitation on the Flat (IE Flat); Hilliard and Lyons in IE Fences; Hankins, Emilie Gardner from Austin, Texas, and Hannah (OOLV IURP *UDQG -XQFWLRQ &ROR LQ 1( Flat; Berg, Hankins, Gardner, Hannah Valigura from Austin, Texas in NE )HQFHV 0LOOEDXHU LQ 2( )HQFHV DQG -HVVLFD %DVV IURP %RHUQH 7H[DV LQ 2SHQ (TXLWDWLRQ RQ WKH )ODW 2( )ODW

Individual class winners were: *RQ]DOH] DQG -RVL 5HHG IURP &DYH LQ 5RFN ,OO LQ %:7& )RLO DQG :LOVRQ LQ AWTC; Berg in NE Fences; Hilliard in ,( )HQFHV DQG 0LOOEDXHU LQ 2( )ODW

,Q UHJXODU VHDVRQ FRPSHWLWLRQ ULGHUV TXDOL¿HG IRU WKH +XQW 6HDW 5HJLRQ &KDPSLRQVKLS ,QGLYLGXDO ULGHUV ZKR TXDOL¿HG ZHUH %DVV LQ 2( )HQFHV Hilliard in IE Fences, Trimble and Gardner in NE Fences; Hankins in NE )HQFHV DQG 1( )ODW -RKDQQVHQ LQ 1( 7KH ¿QDO LQ VHDVRQ +XQW 6HDW VKRZ DQG Flat; Thomas and Lindsey McNeill from Houston, Texas in WTC; and Foster and WKH +XQW 6HDW 5HJLRQDO &KDPSLRQVKLS VKRZ ZDV KRVWHG E\ :7$08 RQ 0DUFK Gonzalez in WT. DQG 7KH WHDP ¿QLVKHG DV WKH 5HVHUYH 5HJLRQDO FKDPSLRQV DQG UHVHUYH High Point Team for the show and ended FKDPSLRQV TXDOL¿HG IRU WKH ,+6$ =RQH XS WKLUG LQ WKH 5HJLRQ SRLQW VWDQGLQJV Championship in Belleville, Wis. Hunt 6HDW 5HJLRQDO &KDPSLRQV ZHUH 0LOEDXHU LQ 2( )HQFHV DQG +DQNLQV LQ 1( )HQFHV 5HJLRQDO 5HVHUYH &KDPSLRQV ZHUH Gardner in NE Fences and Hankins in NE Flat. 7KH +XQW 6HDW =RQH &KDPSLRQVKLS ZDV KHOG $SULO DQG LQ %HOOHYLOOH Wis. where Millbauer won the individual 2( )ODW VHFXULQJ KHU D VSRW DW QDWLRQDO competition. For results from the IHSA National &KDPSLRQVKLSV WXUQ WR SDJH 2WKHU PHPEHUV RI WKH :7 (TXHVWULDQ team are: Amy Gallemore from Durango, Colo.; Cammille Graupman from Nacogdoches, Texas; Mallory Leach IURP )RUW &ROOLQV &ROR .D\OD 5HHYHV from Canyon, Texas; Nicholle Tieken

5 Brand 2014.indd 6

The 2014 Agricultural Communications Team at NACTA.

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from Shiner, Texas; and Ashlyn Tyk from Amarillo, Texas. AGRICULTURAL COMMUNICATION TEAM The agricultural communications competition team won its annual competition hosted by the North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture in only its second year of participation. The team managed to also post a perfect score in its only competition of the year. “This is an important contest for agricultural communication students because it is modeled after a real-world scenario and places them into a team handling issues they will work through as professionals,� said 7DQQHU 5REHUWVRQ assistant professor in agricultural media and communication.

HORSE JUDGING TEAM 7KH +RUVH -XGJLQJ WHDP KDG RQO\ one competition in the spring held April EXW WKH WHDP KDV EHHQ ZRUNLQJ KDUG in preparation for next fall when their season will be full of competitions. “The team is made up of students who represent several majors and have a great range of experience and are from all over WKH FRXQWU\ ´ VDLG 'U -RKQ 3LSNLQ FRDFK and adviser for the team. “That is one of the neatest aspects of a team growing and building for future success.â€?

Âł7KH ÂżUVW FRQWHVW RI WKH \HDU LV DOZD\V good to get under your belt and to have a little success there helped going forward.â€? At the Southwestern Exposition LQ )RUW :RUWK 7H[DV WKH :7$08 livestock team improved and continued to be competitive against other judging programs. 7KH WHDP ÂżQLVKHG VHFRQG LQ KRUVHV fourth in swine, fourth in sheep, third in cattle, fourth in oral reasons and fourth high team in the contest. As an individual, WHDP PHPEHU 5HDJDQ 5LFKWHU IURP 6DQ Antonio, Texas was ninth in horses and WK LQ FDWWOH “I think the success at Denver really pushed us to work hard for Fort Worth,â€? Begley said. “I was very proud of our ÂżQLVK DW )RUW :RUWK ´

The team put together another strong showing at Team members the San Antonio for this year’s team Livestock Show Feb. include: Brandon ÂżQLVKLQJ VHFRQG &DGH IURP 5RZOHWW in sheep and eighth Texas; Kassie Members of the 2013-2014 Livestock Judging Team. SODFH RYHUDOO 2WKHU WHDP UHVXOWV Mullins from Covington, Texas; included placing eighth in cattle, 7KLV WHDP ZLOO KDYH ELJ VKRHV WR ÂżOO Kelby Koelder from Cotton Center, VHYHQWK LQ JRDWV WK LQ VZLQH DQG 7H[DV -D\FH $SVOH\ IURP 6DWDQWD .DQ VLQFH ODVW \HDUÂśV WHDP ZRQ ÂżYH RI VL[ seventh in reasons. National Championships and previous DQG -HVVLH *ORYHU IURP *UDQWVEXUJ :LV WHDPV DW :7$08 KDYH ZRQ PRUH WKDQ ,QGLYLGXDOV SODFLQJ LQ WKH 7RS ZHUH CROPS TEAM 5HVHUYH RU 1DWLRQDO &KDPSLRQVKLSV Ellen Bardwell from Edgewood, N.M. The crops team continued to compete ZLWK D WK SODFH LQ FDWWOH 5LFKWHU ZLWK LIVESTOCK TEAM DW D KLJK OHYHO WKLV \HDU ÂżQLVKLQJ ÂżIWK D WK SODFH LQ VKHHS $VKOH\ .DQDPDQ 7KH :7$08 OLYHVWRFN MXGJLQJ WHDP place at its annual competition held in from Campbell, Texas placed eighth in began its judging season with an eighth Maryville, Mo. The team competed well sheep; and Ariana Scott from Prescott, SODFH ÂżQLVK DW WKH 1DWLRQDO :HVWHUQ 6WRFN Ariz. placed seventh in sheep. overall and looks forward to next year’s 6KRZ LQ 'HQYHU &ROR -DQ DQG competition in Illinois. The livestock team competed against 7KH WHDP FRPSHWHG DJDLQVW VFKRROV WHDPV IURP DOO RYHU WKH 8 6 DW WKH Team members were: Brandon Winters during the Denver contest. Team member +RXVWRQ /LYHVWRFN 6KRZ DQG 5RGHR IURP %XVKODQG 7H[DV &KDORQH +HĂ€H\ 5\DQ 'DKO IURP 7H[KRPD 7H[DV ZDV WKH FRQWHVW RQ 0DUFK DQG ÂżQLVKHG WK from Mobeetie, Texas; Tyler McCoy eighth high individual. from Burleson, Texas; Brandon Meir overall against competition that included IURP 'DUURX]HWW 7H[DV -HVVLH 0F&OHOODQ “I was pleased with the showing we IURP %OXIIGDOH 8WDK 3UHVWRQ 6LUPRQ had at Denver,â€? said Travis Begley, coach IURP $PDULOOR 7H[DV DQG =DFK &UHHG of the team and graduate student in the from Sweetwater, Texas. department. Brand 2014.indd 7

7H[DV 7HFK 8QLYHUVLW\ .DQVDV 6WDWH 8QLYHUVLW\ DQG 7H[DV $ 0 8QLYHUVLW\ (Continued on page 7)

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2WKHU WHDP SODFLQJV LQFOXGHG QLQWK LQ VZLQH WK LQ UHDVRQV WK LQ FDWWOH DQG WK LQ VKHHS The season was full of highs and ORZV IRU WKH WHDP EXW ÂżQLVKHG VWURQJ with a second place overall at the North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture contest in Maryville, Mo. Kanaman was reserve high point individual in the contest. 7HDP PHPEHUV LQFOXGH 5LFKWHU Bardwell, Dahl, Kanaman, Morgan Gadd from Indianapolis, Ind., and Scott. RODEO TEAM 7KH :7$08 5RGHR WHDP VWDUWHG LWV FRPSHWLWLRQ 0DUFK WKURXJK LQ 2GHVVD 7H[DV -RUGDQ )DEUL]LR IURP Pueblo, Colo. made the girls breakaway VKRUW JR ZLWK D LQ WKH ORQJ URXQG She also made the team roping short go, placing third in the long round with a DQG ZLQQLQJ WKLUG LQ WKH VKRUW JR DQG DYHUDJH ZLWK D Logan Dee Harkey from Vernon,

7H[DV SODFHG LQ WKH VKRUW JR ZLWK D and won second in the average in calf roping, and Quay Howard from Canyon, Texas made the short go in calf roping, and won third in the long round. Fabrizio also placed third in the long URXQG RI WKH EUHDNDZD\ ZLWK D DQG ZRQ ÂżIWK RYHUDOO ZLWK D LQ WKH VKRUW JR $SULO WKURXJK LQ 6Q\GHU 7H[DV The team then travelled to Big Spring, 7H[DV $SULO DQG +DUNH\ ZRQ second in the long round of the calf URSLQJ ZLWK D +DUNH\ ZRQ WKH WHDP URSLQJ ORQJ JR ZLWK DQ DQG placed in the average. Harkey ended the season second in the region in calf roping, qualifying IRU WKH 1,5$ &ROOHJH 5RGHR )LQDOV LQ &DVSHU :\R -XQH WKURXJK STOCK HORSE TEAM 7KH :7$08 6WRFN +RUVH WHDP EHJDQ FRPSHWLWLRQ )HE WKURXJK 0DUFK LQ $ELOHQH 7H[DV SODFLQJ WKLUG overall with its A team and seventh

overall with its B team. Danae Parman from Channing, Texas ZKR SODFHG ÂżUVW LQ SOHDVXUH WUDLO UHLQLQJ and cow horse competitions in the nonpro class. Taylor Hadden from Pueblo, Colo. was the top individual in cow horse and Laramie Stewart from Guthrie, Texas placed third in trail, also in the non-pro class. In the limited non-pro class, Nicole 5LFKDUGVRQ IURP +RXVWRQ 7H[DV SODFHG ÂżUVW LQ SOHDVXUH VHFRQG LQ WUDLO DQG FRZ horse, and third in reining. Madelyn Melchiors from Dewey, Ariz. placed VHFRQG LQ SOHDVXUH %HWKDQ\ 5LOH\ IURP Clayton, N.M. placed second in reining. The team travelled to Austin, Texas 0DUFK DQG WR FRPSHWH DW WKH 6WRFN Horse of Texas Collegiate Challenge in conjunction with the Star of Texas Fair DQG 5RGHR Team A placed second overall and 7HDP % ÂżQLVKHG IRXUWK ZLWK ERWK WHDPV dominating the competition.

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In the novice class, Kendra Smith from Dripping Springs, Texas placed ÂżUVW LQ SOHDVXUH DQG 0DUDO +RZHOO IURP Trinidad, Colo. placed second in cow horse.

Sorrells from Lubbock, Texas who placed second in pleasure and third in UHLQLQJ DQG &KULVWLQD &KROOHW IURP 5HG 2DN 7H[DV ZKR SODFHG ÂżUVW LQ UHLQLQJ and third in both pleasure and trail.

,Q WKH OLPLWHG QRQ SUR FODVV -XOLD 5REHUWV IURP &ORYLV 1 0 SODFHG ÂżUVW in pleasure and second in reining, Will Wright from Louisburg, Kan. placed ÂżUVW LQ UHLQLQJ DQG WKLUG LQ SOHDVXUH DQG Melchiors placed second in trail.

In the limited non-pro class, Courtney Catlin from Weatherford, Texas placed ÂżUVW LQ WUDLO DQG VHFRQG LQ ERWK UHLQLQJ DQG FRZ KRUVH 3DUPDQ SODFHG ÂżUVW LQ cow horse and third in pleasure and Howell placed second in trail.

In the non-pro class, Luke Abraham IURP &DQDGLDQ 7H[DV SODFHG ÂżUVW LQ FRZ horse, second in trail and third overall, and Hadden placed third in pleasure.

7KH WHDP ÂżQLVKHG WKHLU VHDVRQ E\ travelling to their national competition held by the American Stock Horse $VVRFLDWLRQ $SULO WKURXJK LQ /RYHODQG &ROR ZKHUH WKH\ ÂżQLVKHG VL[WK RYHUDOO DW WKH FROOHJLDWH ÂżQDOV Abraham won the cow horse in the QRQ SUR FODVV DQG 6WHZDUW ÂżQLVKHG ÂżIWK LQ FRZ KRUVH ÂżIWK LQ UHLQLQJ DQG VL[WK overall, also in the non-pro class.

7KH WHDP ÂżQLVKHG WKH UHJXODU VHDVRQ LQ /XEERFN 7H[DV 0DUFK ZLWK 7HDP $ SODFLQJ VHFRQG DQG 7HDP % ÂżQLVKLQJ seventh. Individuals competed well and contributed to the team successes. Individuals in the novice class who placed in the top three were: Hope


Bowl Team competed in Dallas, Texas )HE DQG KHOG LQ FRQMXQFWLRQ ZLWK the Southern Agricultural Economics Association (SAEA) annual meeting. 0LFKHOOH -RQHV IURP 6SULQJODNH 7H[DV ÂżQLVKHG IRXUWK RYHUDOO DQG &KHOVLH 0LODP IURP %XUOHVRQ 7H[DV ÂżQLVKHG VHFRQG overall. The SAEA Quiz Bowl competition is a unique networking opportunity for students who were randomly assigned to four-member teams consisting of agricultural business and economics students from universities across the southern states. This year was a record year for the 6$($ FRPSHWLWLRQ ZLWK FRQWHVWDQWV UHSUHVHQWLQJ RYHU FROOHJHV DQG universities. Members of the quiz bowl team are: Talia Tomlinson from New Braunfels, Texas; Caleb West from Fort Sumner, 1 0 -RQHV 5\DQ %\UG IURP &DQ\RQ Texas; and Milam.

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Jessica Bartel ‘12 agricultural media and communication graduate

Jake Becker ‘10 and ‘13 plant, soil and environmental science graduate

Department of Agricultural Sciences graduates are using their WT education and experience to go world-wide. :HVW 7H[DV $ 0 8QLYHUVLW\¶V Department of Agricultural Sciences is known for producing knowledgeable and employable students who are ready and willing to work. More often than not, universities highlight former students who have established their careers, however, there DUH PDQ\ UHFHQW JUDGXDWHV IURP :7$08 who are already leaders in the industry. The department is proud of all its alumni, but wanted to highlight a recent graduate from each degree area to showcase the impact graduates from the department are making and to highlight the possibilities these degrees from :7$08 FDQ SURYLGH WR IXWXUH VWXGHQWV After graduating with a degree in agricultural media and communication, JESSICA BARTEL µ EHFDPH WKH HGLWRU IRU WKH 1RUWK 7H[DV )DUP 5DQFK magazine. Two years ago, she was

originally hired to create the publication, but is also using her degree daily to conduct interviews, write articles and take photographs for the magazine. “There are many rewarding aspects to the job such as meeting great people and highlighting great causes and events,” Bartel said. Every day, Bartel uses her agricultural background and also her mass FRPPXQLFDWLRQ FRXUVH ZRUN DQG ¿QGV both to be equally important for her to do what she does. “Most days I don’t even feel like I’m working,” Bartel said. Bartel said her course work in mass communication classes helped her gain experience necessary for her position just as much as the agricultural classes she took. She encourages current agricultural media and communication majors to consider both sides of the degree equally


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Artwork by Don Bell ‘98 equine industry and business graduate

Clay Conrad ‘09 agricultural education graduate

Logan Holmes ‘12 animal science M.S. graduate

important in preparing for careers in this industry.

LPSURYH DJULFXOWXUH KHUH LQ WKH 8 6 EXW also worldwide. I am very thankful for this opportunity and for the education WKDW , UHFHLYHG DW :7$08 WKDW KDV helped me get to where I am today in my career.�

High School in Wolfforth, Texas. Conrad graduated with an agricultural education degree and attributes his success and his HPSOR\PHQW WR WKH IDFXOW\ DW :7$08

JAKE BECKER JUDGXDWHG LQ ZLWK KLV XQGHUJUDGXDWH GHJUHH DQG with his master’s degree, both in plant, soil and environmental science. As the Agronomy Manager for NexSteppe, Equine Industry and Business graduate Inc., Becker believes his professors at DON BELL Âľ LV ZRUNLQJ DV D KRUVH :7$08 ZHUH YDOXDEOH LQ SUHSDULQJ KLP trainer and horse show judge. for his current position. Bell was a member of the horse “I am originally from Illinois, so MXGJLQJ WHDP GXULQJ KLV WLPH DW :7$08 faculty in the agricultural department like and recalled that experience being the %RE 6WHZDUW &OD\ 5RELQVRQ DQG %URFN most valuable to him in his current Blaser really introduced me to different profession. methods of production agriculture than Âł-XGJLQJ WDXJKW PH KRZ WR HYDOXDWH what happens in the Midwest,â€? Becker facts, organize those facts, and defend said. my observation of the facts,â€? Bell said. In addition to faculty, his internship provided valuable experience and exposure he needed to be successful in assisting with a start-up company. Like Bartel, Becker enjoys his job and thinks it is very rewarding to be able WR ZRUN DW D QHZ FRPSDQ\ VSHFLÂżFDOO\ one that is literally changing aspects of production agriculture across the globe. He regularly works with scientists in countries such as Italy, Germany and South Africa and also travels frequently WR %UD]LO DQG 3XHUWR 5LFR WR FRQGXFW research. “Few people have the opportunity to help grow a business and introduce a new crop to producers around the world,â€? Becker said. “Not only do I get to help

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Bell is extremely fond of his career choice and considers it his passion. “I am one of the lucky few who get to do what I do,â€? Bell said. Bell discovered another one of his SDVVLRQV ZKLOH DW :7$08 Âą GUDZLQJ Many know him only for his artwork. “His art is highly sought after and world-renowned,â€? said Lance Baker, associate professor in animal science. “I would consider him one of the premiere western artists right now, and it is because he knows and lives his subject matter.â€? CLAY CONRAD LV D JUDGXDWH RI :7$08 DQG FXUUHQWO\ LV DQ agricultural science teacher at Frenship

“The most useful resource I had in ÂżQGLQJ DQG NHHSLQJ P\ MRE KDV EHHQ the faculty,â€? Conrad said. “Dr. Kieth ZDV LQVWUXPHQWDO LQ KHOSLQJ PH ÂżQG P\ ÂżUVW WHDFKLQJ MRE DQG P\ FXUUHQW MRE 7KH IDFXOW\ KDYH D ODUJH LQĂ€XHQFH LQ the agricultural education community and their recommendation has proven invaluable for me in job searches.â€? Conrad said the entire department has been helpful to him, especially after graduation. “Any time I need expertise or resources, everyone at WT has been more than helpful even though I am no longer a student,â€? Conrad said. The most rewarding part of his job is working with young people and watching them grow through his instruction and through the opportunities that FFA provides. He especially enjoys watching students excel in high school and continue to pursue a career in agriculture E\ JRLQJ WR FROOHJH ÂżUVW “Being an agriculture teacher is exactly what I expected it to be,â€? Conrad said. “Many days things don’t go your way, but, for the most part, this job is exactly what I expected it to be, and I enjoy every day of it.â€? &RQWLQXHG RQ SDJH

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would be leadership, hard work, and the passion for the industry,â€? Kratz said. “I learned these through a combination of my classes and my on-campus job.â€? Kratz takes pride in what he does and believes what he does is a critical function in food production. He said his job, like most in agriculture, is important to feeding the world. “The most rewarding part about my job would be the opportunity to provide a safe and wholesome protein source to the 8 6 DQG EH\RQG ´ .UDW] VDLG

Royce Kratz ‘12 agriculture graduate LOGAN HOLMES studied animal science and received his masters of VFLHQFH LQ IURP :7$08 +ROPHV VDLG KH RIWHQ UHĂ€HFWV RQ D KHOSIXO TXRWH from associate professor in animal science Ty Lawrence: Failure is not an option. Holmes is the Quality Assurance Supervisor at AdvancePierre Foods and knows without his professors, especially Lawrence, his professional network would be much smaller. “My outstanding education and experiences I received from WT, coupled with all of the networking I was exposed to, are what helped me begin my career‌and has helped me remain successful,â€? Holmes said.


PAIGE WILLIAMSON graduated LQ DQG DOUHDG\ LV ZRUNLQJ LQ KHU ÂżHOG RI DJULEXVLQHVV DV D IXWXUHV commodity broker. She attributes some of her success to the classes she took at Paige Williamson ‘13 agricultural business :7$08 VSHFLÂżFDOO\ D FODVV WKDW WKH department requires seniors to take prior and economics graduate to graduating. Holmes, like many recent departmental graduates, has a passion for his new career.

Senior seminar challenges students WR SUHSDUH WKHLU ÂżQDO UpVXPpV DWWHQG the annual career fair, and develop key ROYCE KRATZ Âľ JUDGXDWHG ZLWK D contacts to begin their job search before B.S. in agriculture and a minor in animal graduation. Williamson said the most rewarding science and currently is the Commercial Product Manager at the North facility for part of her job is when she gains customers’ trust, especially when there is 6PLWKÂżHOG )DUPODQG so much uncertainty in the commodities Kratz worked at the Meats Lab market. ZKLOH D VWXGHQW DW :7$08 DQG VDLG “I enjoy what I do on a daily basis and look forward to going to work every day,â€? Holmes said.

that between his classes and his job opportunity, he would not be where he is today. “The most successful resources I gained at WT that I use in my career

I am very thankful for this opportunity and for the education that I received at West Texas A&M University that has helped me get to where I am today in my career. 11 Brand 2014.indd 12

“My senior seminar class was H[WUHPHO\ EHQHÂżFLDO LQ SUHSDULQJ PH IRU the workforce,â€? Williamson said.


Williamson interned with Tru Trading, LLC, the company she now works for, assisting with a variety of things including managing margin accounts. Williamson was able to showcase her abilities and it paid off when it came time to graduate. “Paige is not only academically gifted, but has an excellent work ethic and vital leadership skills,â€? said Mallory Vestal, assistant in agricultural business and economics. Each of these distinguished graduates’ VXFFHVVHV LV D UHĂ€HFWLRQ RI WKH TXDOLW\ of students, faculty and education at :7$08 DQG WKH GHSDUWPHQW The department is honored to have so many graduates who excel after they OHDYH :7$08 DQG ORRNV IRUZDUG WR WKH next crop of students who will grace the hallways and classrooms.

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Continued support results in a growing facility for the WTAMU Rodeo Team.

The WTAMU rodeo practice facilities are used daily by student athletes working hard to better themselves LQ WKHLU VSHFL¿F HYHQW DQG GHYHORS WKH VNLOOV QHHGHG WR be competitive at the collegiate level. 7KDQNV WR WKH JHQHURXV ¿QDQFLDO GRQDWLRQV IURP WKH Spicer Gripp Memorial Youth Foundation and Stan Sigman, the rodeo facility was recently updated under the supervision of Steve Purcella to include new horse stalls, a calf shed and a pipe fence. These 20 new stalls are used as a recruiting tool and scholarship for rodeo team members who board their horses at the facility. The Spicer Gripp Memorial Youth Foundation and Stan Sigman have been consistent supporters to the University and also have provided scholarships to the department and the rodeo team. The WT Rodeo Team also offers a large quantity of practice livestock so students are able to adequately practice for competition. Some of the new facility updates include new pens for practice livestock. Coach Raymond Hollabaugh, professional calf URSHU DQG PXOWLSOH 1DWLRQDO )LQDOV 5RGHR TXDOL¿HU understands facilities improve the quality of learning,

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but also the quality of students that WT could attract. “The program is really growing,” Hollabaugh said. “A lot of kids want to come to WT for the educational opportunities as well as the rodeo team.” Hollabaugh said his goals for next year are to raise the level of scholarships in order to help more kids with the costs of education and to get the men’s or women’s rodeo team into the College National Finals Rodeo. “Raising the level of scholarships and the level of the facilities will make it easier to recruit not only good students in the classroom but top notch competitors in the arena,” Hollabaugh said. Hollabaugh’s goal for the future of the rodeo facility is to get more stalls as the program grows to allow more students to come to school at WTAMU at a lower expense to them. Those funds will most likely come from generous donors to the rodeo program. “I just can’t thank the community and all the local support enough for backing this program,” Hollabaugh said. “They are all the reason this program is growing and starting to be successful.” 12 6/4/2014 3:11:25 PM

fostering the


Pak for Kids fundraiser held on campus to raise money to help elementary students in the Panhandle. The BLOCK AND BRIDLE CLUB serves students in the department who have an interest in animal science and production. The club assists with judging FRQWHVWV KHOG DW :7$08 WKURXJKRXW WKH year. COLLEGIATE FFA is involved in promoting agriculture to the public through education, providing positive leadership to local and surrounding FFA chapters, encouraging fellowship within the local agricultural community, and developing career skills. This spring, the FFA chapter focused on serving the community through $GRSW $ +LJKZD\ DQG 5HOD\ IRU /LIH The club will attend the Texas FFA State Convention this summer and compete against other universities for QDWLRQDO RIÂżFHU SRVLWLRQV DQG YDULRXV skill events. The FARM AND RANCH CLUB promotes interest in agriculture and the environment. It provides education, social and service activities for its members and the department.

Clubs in the Department of Agricultural Sciences provide students with opportunities to improve their academic, professional and social experiences inside and outside of the classroom. The AGRIBUSINESS CLUB focuses on helping students be successful by providing them with a network of reliable people to help them achieve their goals in the agribusiness industry. Earlier this semester, the club presented the Childhood Leukemia Foundation ZLWK D GRQDWLRQ WR KHOS WKH association care for children and families who are battling Leukemia. The club won the Creative Club category at this year’s Agricultural and Applied Economics Association conference in part for its work in raising funds and awareness toward breast cancer.

13 Brand 2014.indd 14

The AGRICULTURAL COMMUNICATORS OF TOMORROW FKDSWHU DW :7$08 prides itself in building relationships among agricultural communication professionals, college students and faculty. The organization also provides professional and academic development for members and promotes agriculture through communication efforts. Club members participated in a national contest where students showcased their talents through exhibiting communication pieces. In addition, ACT assisted with the Snack

7KH FOXE LV DI¿OLDWHG ZLWK WKH 6WXGHQW Activities Subdivision of the American Society of Agronomy, which allows its members to participate in various national activities and contests. Members met with Texas Tech 8QLYHUVLW\ DQG 2NODKRPD 6WDWH 8QLYHUVLW\ DJURQRP\ FOXEV DQG WRXUHG agricultural industries and businesses. The club participates in Adopt-AHighway and plans to attend its regional and national meetings. The PRE-VET CLUB’s goal is to help members increase their chances of getting into a veterinary school, LQFUHDVH H[SRVXUH WR WKH YDULRXV ¿HOGV of veterinary medicine, and to form a network of fellow members to get help whenever they need it. The Pre-Vet Club met with area veterinarians and also traveled to a veterinary school in April. In addition, the club sold t-shirts as a fundraiser. 5/19/2014 12:56:55 PM

Four-time National Champion and two-time Reserve National Champion, Julia Roberts, won 2014 AQHA Cup High Point Rider, a ďŹ rst for WT.



The Intercollegiate Horse Show Association National Show was held 0D\ WKURXJK LQ +DUULVEXUJ 3HQQ 7KH WHDP FRPSHWHG ZHOO DQG ÂżQLVKHG ÂżIWK RYHUDOO ,QGLYLGXDO ULGHUV GRPLQDWHG the competition. National champions LQFOXGH -XOLD 5REHUWV IURP &ORYLV 1 0 LQ ,QGLYLGXDO 5HLQLQJ DQG 7HDP 2SHQ +RUVHPDQVKLS Âą $4+$ &XS +LJK 3RLQW 5LGHU DQG .D\OD :HOOV IURP &KLFDJR ,OO in Individual Advanced Horsemanship. 5DFKHO )RVWHU IURP &XED 0R SODFHG second overall in Individual Beginning Horsemanship, and Cana Fitzgerald from 3HQQ /DLUG 9D SODFHG ÂżIWK LQ 7HDP Beginner Horsemanship. “I am so proud of WT equestrian,â€? said head coach Amanda Love. “They rode

It was business as usual at the 2014 IHSA National Championships when Roberts led WT Equestrian into the history books again.

fantastic and to walk away from the weekend with three National Champions DQG RQH 5HVHUYH 1DWLRQDO FKDPSLRQ LV phenomenal. What a legacy they have upheld.� 5REHUWV DQG :HOOV DUH ERWK UHSHDW 1DWLRQDO &KDPSLRQV 5REHUWV LV DOVR WKH ¿UVW :7 (TXHVWULDQ PHPEHU WR ZLQ WKH SUHVWLJLRXV $4+$ &XS +LJK 3RLQW 5LGHU an award given to the overall highpoint ULGHU DIWHU ULGHUV FRPSHWH LQ ERWK 2SHQ +RUVHPDQVKLS DQG 2SHQ 5HLQLQJ 5REHUWVœ WKUHH QDWLRQDO FKDPSLRQVKLSV in one weekend put her into an elite JURXS RI :7 DWKOHWHV 5REHUWV HQGHG KHU career as a Lady Buff with four National &KDPSLRQVKLSV DQG WZR 5HVHUYH National Championships making her one Brand 2014.indd 15

of the most decorated athletes in WT Equestrian history. 'XULQJ WKH HYHQW 5REHUWV ZDV DOVR given the Equestrian Coach Achievement of Excellence Award. With the award, VKH ZLOO UHFHLYH D VWLSHQG WRZDUG a six-day apprenticeship at McQuay Stables along with a lifetime membership to Âł:KDW D ZD\ WR ÂżQLVK RXW P\ VHQLRU \HDU ´ 5REHUWV VDLG Âł7R DFFRPSOLVK every single goal I’ve ever worked for is such an unbelievable feeling. Hard work and dedication truly pays off. I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for my coach, Amanda Love, and founder of IHSA, Bob Cacchione. God has blessed me beyond belief.â€?

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LEARNING BY DOING Faculty ďŹ ll the learning process with real-world application as well as chances for students to learn from industry professionals.

As a freshman, Abby Campbell was thrust into a “real-world experienceâ€? the VHFRQG VKH VWHSSHG LQWR KHU YHU\ ÂżUVW FODVV DW :7$08 6KH VHUYHG DORQJVLGH a team of many other agricultural media and communication underclassmen who videoed and photographed the Tri-State )DLU DQG 5RGHR ODVW 6HSWHPEHU &DPSEHOO took the assignment as a learning opportunity as well as a chance to really get to know her classmates. “When we started at the beginning of that week, we didn’t have a clue what we were doing.â€? Campbell said. “Some of us barely knew how to operate a camera.

working on projects that are directly related to the industries they want to serve. Faculty and the industries they partner with make these opportunities SRVVLEOH 2WKHU FODVVHV RIIHU WKH VDPH out-of-classroom experiences. Some animal science courses often KDYH ODE VHVVLRQV DW WKH 1DQFH 5DQFK where students receive hands-on experience with livestock while other classes will go out and visit feedlots or other cattle operations in the area.

“The most rewarding part of this entire experience was seeing my work up on WKH ELJ VFUHHQ GXULQJ WKH URGHR 7KH ÂżUVW night I was so nervous and unfamiliar with the equipment, but by the end of the ZHHN , IHOW FRQÂżGHQW DQG UHDG\ WR VKRRW some live rodeo. Experiences like this can’t be taught in a classroom.â€?

“The thing I enjoyed the most about having my animal science labs at the 1DQFH 5DQFK ZDV , FRXOG ZRUN ZLWK the livestock and see past the charts and graphs in our textbooks,â€? said Kenny Patterson, a junior agricultural business and economics major. “During the semester we studied the actual reproductive tract of a pregnant cow and were given the opportunity to practice DUWLÂżFLDO LQVHPLQDWLRQ

2XWVLGH WKH FODVVURRP DVVLJQPHQWV like the Tri-State Fair, provide students with chances to immediately begin

“Dr. (David) Lust also hosted a classwide stock show where we competed for the showmanship title and learned

15 Brand 2014.indd 16

more about livestock anatomy and physiology.� The Little International, which is the stock show Patterson referenced, is a partnership between the Principles of Animal Science class and a senior-level agricultural education class. Students from the animal science class learn animal handling, showmanship and composition where agricultural education students learn how to train students on livestock exhibition. Plant science students also get the chance to learn from hands-on activities and trips outside the classroom. Many FODVVHV WDNH ¿HOG WULSV WR GLIIHUHQW vineyards, greenhouses and turfgrass farms throughout the semester where students learn what it takes to run these different planting operations. In addition, some undergraduate and graduate students get the opportunity to assist with the learning process for their peers. Senior plant, soil and environmental sciences major Chip Morris is a teaching assistant for the 5/19/2014 12:56:57 PM

introductory plant science classes at :7$08

seeds once I graduate and start a farming and ranching operation for myself.�

what they can do to ensure food security exists for future generations.

“Throughout these past four years DW :7$08 , KDYH EHHQ OXFN\ WR get involved with the plant, soil and environmental faculty,â€? Morris said. “In P\ SODQW EUHHGLQJ FODVV , ZHQW RQ D ÂżHOG trip to visit the Monsanto Company in Dumas. This was a great opportunity to practice networking and to get to know the people that are going to be selling me

The Department of Agricultural Sciences also hosts events throughout the year for students to attend where speakers present information that will JLYH EHQHÂżFLDO LQVLJKWV WR ZKDW LV JRLQJ on in the world of agriculture.

“During the Elanco speech, I was able WR KHDU -HII 6LPPRQV VSHDN DERXW WKH issues on food security and was asked to record and edit the footage of the speech to send to his company,� said Brandon Cade, senior agricultural media and communication major.

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3UHVLGHQW RI (ODQFR )RRGV -HII Simmons, met with agricultural students WR WDON DERXW WKH ÂżJKW DJDLQVW IRRG DQG

“This was a great experience for me because it gave me a chance to learn

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ADA AD Brand 2014.indd 18

The Department of Agricultural Sciences would like to thank the Agricultural Development Association Corporate Sponsors for their never ending support in bettering the futures of WTAMU agricultural students.

5/19/2014 12:57:04 PM

something new as well as a chance to get my name out there and make connections with new companies putting to use what I learned in the classroom.� Agribusiness and economics students gain valuable experience through an outof-classroom assignment that requires students in the agricultural sales and service class to spend a day riding along with a sales representative. Students are required to initiate contact with a career salesperson and arrange a day to join them calling on customers. “Initially, students are apprehensive as it is out of their comfort zone, but after their sashay with a salesperson, they always have positive things to say,� said Mallory Vestal, assistant professor and instructor for the course.

:7$08 IXQ DQG SUDFWLFDO “It is so much more fun learning from a salesperson in a truck than a book in a classroom,� Patten said. “I feel a good education should use both classroom and real-world experiences as a way to reinforce concepts that will be critical for graduates to know.� The agricultural education program area provides multiple hands-on, nonclassroom learning experiences. From courses in welding and mechanics to teaching lessons at local high schools, students in this area gain valuable experience and knowledge by emulating what a day in the professional world of teaching agriculture is like.

“It really gave me a perspective of what a salesperson does on a daily basis,� said Annie Patten, a senior agribusiness major. “It gave me insight to how they deal with customers and prospective customers.�

No experience is more valuable than the student teaching experience that all prospective teachers must complete before graduating. Students spend an entire semester under the mentorship of a current agricultural education teacher working every day teaching, training teams or working with student projects.

Patten also said these type of assignments are what make learning at

Agricultural education students also get to assist with contests and with managing

At the Little International students from the animal science class learn animal handling, showmanship and composition while agricultural education students learn how to train students on livestock exhibition.

Brand 2014.indd 19

stock shows, both valuable experiences that will help them as professionals. “Students learn the hard work and the amount of planning that goes into these events,â€? said Lance Kieth, professor in agricultural education. “They not only know how to train for these events or host their own, but gain a greater respect for the people who will someday host them in that capacity.â€? 2SSRUWXQLWLHV OLNH WKHVH DOORZ VWXGHQWV to broaden their horizons, dive deeper into their majors and see how their SDVVLRQ FDQ LQĂ€XHQFH WKH JOREDO LVVXHV LQ agriculture. “Employers are looking for graduates who have the maturity and experiences of someone who has been working in WKHLU UHVSHFWLYH ÂżHOGV IRU ÂżYH \HDUV ´ VDLG 7DQQHU 5REHUWVRQ DVVLVWDQW SURIHVVRU RI agricultural media and communication. “The mission and the support of :7$08 IDFXOW\ VWDII DQG DGPLQLVWUDWLRQ allow these unique opportunities to exist and foster so students can begin building experience before they graduate or even before they get into upper level courses.â€?

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The Annual Ag Day Celebration continues to raise the bar and the Department of Agricultural Science’s enrollment. The Agricultural Development Association hosts the Ag Day Celebration DQG 5HXQLRQ HYHU\ IDOO WR FHOHEUDWH SDVW present and future students who share a SDVVLRQ IRU :HVW 7H[DV $ 0 8QLYHUVLW\ and the agricultural industry. Attendees saw yet another recordEUHDNLQJ \HDU DW WKH $J 'D\ Celebration. The Department of Agricultural Sciences awarded VFKRODUVKLSV WR RYHU FXUUHQW DQG incoming students and more than ZHUH UDLVHG DW WKH UHXQLRQ WR JR toward recruitment and support efforts ZLWKLQ WKH GHSDUWPHQW DW :7$08 Ag Day, as it is informally called by attendees, has grown since its beginning LQ ZKHQ RQO\ three members attended the reunion. :LWK RYHU LQ attendance for the FHOHEUDWLRQ WKH amount of money the group raises is not the only thing going up.

members, ADA corporate sponsors, friends of the department, students and faculty. In the past, the meal has been donated by: Coors Cowboy Club, Pioneer Seed Company, Southwest Dairy Farmers, Happy State Bank, Wells Fargo, %DQN RI $PHULFD DQG )LUVW 8QLWHG %DQN “Because of the tremendous generosity of our donors, sponsors and members, we have been able to help the department recruit top notch students across Texas DQG WKH HQWLUH 8 6 ´ %LJJV VDLG Students were also recognized for their hard work and dedication at the scholarship banquet held in their honor the morning before the reunion and auction that afternoon. Student leaders

“It has become more DQG PRUH GLIÂżFXOW WR measure attendance every year at the Ag Day Celebration and 5HXQLRQ DQG WKDW LV D JRRG WKLQJ ´ VDLG 7 - %LJJV Âľ SUHVLGHQW RI ADA. Last year’s event included a meal, a silent action and live auction. The meal and the auction items are all donated by ADA

19 Brand 2014.indd 20

and graduates are also recognized at the banquet. SCHOLARSHIP BANQUET The Smallwood Leaders Award is the most prestigious award the department awards to students. This award is in memory of Charles Smallwood, a man who played a vital role in developing students into strong leaders in the agricultural industry and who served as Dean of the College of Agriculture, 6FLHQFH DQG (QJLQHHULQJ IURP WR Lauren Christy, an Agricultural Business and Economics student from &DQ\RQ ZDV WKH 6PDOOZRRG /HDGHU -DPHV &ODUN IRUPHU 'HDQ RI WKH College of Agriculture, Science, and Engineering and head of the GHSDUWPHQW IURP WR VHOHFWV WKH -DPHV &ODUN )LUVW Choice Award. The -DPHV &ODUN )LUVW Choice Award Winners ZHUH -DF\H $SVOH\ DQ agricultural media and communication major from Satana, Kan. and Lyndi Locklar, an agribusiness major from Sweetwater, Texas.

Keith Brown ‘91 and Bob Robinson ‘70 show their Buffalo Pride at the 2013 annual Ag Day Celebration.

The Buffalo Award is chosen by the Agricultural Development Association ERDUG PHPEHUV 7KH Buffalo Award went to Southwest Dairy Farmers and Glenda Brazile-HorĂąey. 5/19/2014 12:57:08 PM

Department Update

The 2013 reunion attendance topped 300 alumni and friends of the Department of Agricultural Sciences and raised more than $95,000 to go toward recruitment efforts within the department. 7KH *UDGXDWHV RI 'LVWLQFWLRQ were Tom Troxel ‘77, Don Williams ‘70 DQG 0LFKDHO *LOEHUW Âľ 7KH )LUVW Choice award winners were the Piehl family, Steve Donnell and David and Sandie Cook. %HFDXVH WKH HYHQW LV JURZLQJ WKH Ag Day Celebration will start with the scholarship banquet on the evening of 6HSW LQ /HJDF\ +DOO RQ FDPSXV 7KHUH LV H[SHFWHG WR EH RYHU VWXGHQWV parents, donors, alumni and faculty in attendance. “It’s important for the students to be recognized for the awards they are UHFHLYLQJ ´ VDLG 7LP %\QXP Âľ WKH GHYHORSPHQW RIÂżFHU IRU WKH GHSDUWPHQW “Moving the events to two days will allow for more time to recognize those students and for the scholarship banquet to not be rushed.â€? 2014 AG DAY CELEBRATION 2Q 6DWXUGD\ 6HSW WKH FHOHEUDWLRQ will begin with a breakfast in the ANS atrium followed by the reunion at the

1DQFH 5DQFK EHJLQQLQJ DURXQG D P This year’s attendance is expected to DJDLQ EH RYHU LQGLYLGXDOV “Dr. Hawkins presents a slide every year with departmental enrollment plotted against money raised through ADA,� Biggs said. “The results are simply astonishing.�

“We are looking forward to making this year’s reunion the best ever,� Biggs said.

“Our goal is to break the $100,000 mark this year. Dr. Bob Robinson gives us a challenge every year, and we have met and exceeded it each and every time.â€? Âł2XU JRDO LV WR EUHDN WKH PDUN WKLV \HDU 'U %RE 5RELQVRQ JLYHV us a challenge every year, and we have met and exceeded it each and every time. I am not sure what his challenge will be this year, but we will do our best to exceed expectations once again.â€? Brand 2014.indd 21

Because of ADA’s hard work, dedication and passion for the success of the Department of Agricultural Sciences, recruiting efforts have been successful and will continue to be successful.

For more information about the Agricultural Development Association or to learn how to become a corporate sponsor, contact Tim Bynum at tbynum@ ZWDPX HGX RU 7R EHFRPH an ADA member, complete the form attached in this issue of The Brand.

20 5/19/2014 12:57:11 PM

The 2013-2014 Department of Agricultural Sciences’ Scholarship Recipients.

The Gift of Giving With the growing cost of education, donor support is important to agricultural students in more ways than one.

:HVW 7H[DV $ 0 8QLYHUVLW\ DQG WKH overwhelming majority of the gifts the Department of Agricultural Sciences college receives are designated toward XQGHUVWDQG WKH ÂżQDQFLDO QHHG WR VXEVLGL]H scholarships in the department. the cost of education. Within the department, there are The university awards approximately URXJKO\ LQGLYLGXDO VFKRODUVKLS PLOOLRQ HDFK \HDU LQ VFKRODUVKLSV DQG endowments that provide hundreds of DURXQG LV JLYHQ WR VWXGHQWV LQ scholarships every year. the Department of Agricultural Sciences. 7KH GHSDUWPHQW SURXGO\ DZDUGHG According to Tim Bynum, Director of Development for the College Agriculture, Science and Engineering, the university raises money for a variety of things, most commonly scholarships. An

21 Brand 2014.indd 22


DQG JUDGXDWH VWXGHQWV ZLWK PDNLQJ their education a more affordable option DW :7$08 “Agriculture students are going to be getting considerably more money,â€? Bynum said. “Not only are they getting scholarships from the agricultural department, but they are also getting scholarships that are awarded by the university as a whole.â€? These opportunities are not going unnoticed by students. Âł+DYLQJ PDGH WKH GHFLVLRQ WR PRYH 5/19/2014 12:57:12 PM


We feel like there’s not a better investment than in education.

hours away from home to attend school DW :7$08 LW ZDV D KXJH UHOLHI NQRZLQJ WKH VFKRRO ZDV JRLQJ WR KHOS ÂżQDQFLDOO\ support my decision to continue my KLJKHU HGXFDWLRQ ´ VDLG &DLWOLQ 5REE D member of the equestrian team and horse judging team. “I believe the scholarships given in the agricultural department are crucial to this institution’s success.â€? The students understand these scholarships would not be possible if it were not for donors. “Those who donate and make scholarships possible are greatly appreciated because they are making it possible for students to be a part of the WT tradition,â€? said Kayla Wells, a senior agricultural media and communication major. “I would not be here without ÂżQDQFLDO VXSSRUW ´ Donors give to the department’s VFKRODUVKLS IXQG IRU YDULRXV UHDVRQV Âą to honor a loved one, a former faculty member, to support an agricultural industry, to support a minority group or to just help students pay for education.


WHDPV DW :7$08 ZRXOG QRW KDYH WKH reputation they have today.

The changing funding structure of the university has increased the need for scholarships to support students investing in higher education, but this type of support also gives students opportunities outside the classroom. Without these scholarships, many of the successful

266 agricultural students

Not all scholarships are funded strictly by individual donors. Many of the scholarships in the department are sustained by endowments.

163 continuing students

Endowments are long-term investments WKDW SURYLGH EHQHÂżWV WR VWXGHQWV faculty and programs year after year. 6SHFLÂżFDOO\ HQGRZPHQWV SURYLGH support to help establish and continue support for students by helping to ensure the longevity of programs. 2QH SURJUDP WKDW LV LQ WKH SURFHVV RI growing an endowment is the Equine -XGJLQJ 7HDP 7KLV VSHFLÂżF HQGRZPHQWÂśV LQLWLDO JRDO LV VHW DW EXW ZLOO QRW stop raising money once it reaches this goal. “This particular endowment will help ensure the longevity of the horse

judging team program and help support scholarships, travel and other expenses related to maintaining the high level of VXFFHVV WKH VWXGHQWV KDYH KDG ´ VDLG -RKQ Pipkin, professor in the Department of Agricultural Sciences and director of the equine program. The endowment was created by Gordon Davis, chairman and founder of CEV Multimedia, to form an alliance ZLWK :7$08œV HTXLQH SURJUDP Brand 2014.indd 23

$160,000 in scholarships

“WT has provided me with countless opportunities from being a member of WKH ÂżYH WLPH &KDPSLRQ (TXLQH -XGJLQJ 7HDP DQG 1DWLRQDO &KDPSLRQ (TXHVWULDQ 7HDP ´ 5REE VDLG

“Agriculture students are going to be getting considerably more money.â€? “We (he and Mrs. Schaeffer) feel like there’s not a better investment than in HGXFDWLRQ ´ VDLG 6WDQOH\ 6FKDHIIHU Âľ ‘70 (M.S.), an alumni of the university.

2013-2014 BY THE NUMBERS:

63 incoming freshmen 26 transfer students 14 graduate students especially the students. Davis donated D JLIW WR ÂłVHHG´ WKH HQGRZPHQW DQG KDV DJUHHG WR D SHUFHQW PDWFK until the endowment reaches its goal amount. Since the initial donation, current students and alumni have donated toward the endowment. “While it will clearly take commitment and generosity from current and former students, as well as program supporters’ generosity, it is a goal that should be met and surpassed,â€? Pipkin said. “Alumni, current students, and many program supporters know the tremendous value this program has for students, and the ORQJ WHUP SURIHVVLRQDO EHQHÂżW WKDW students receive.â€?

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(A) Building



The buildings at WTAMU have always been more than brick and mortar and the Stanley Schaeffer Agriculture Education Learning Lab is no exception.

The practicality of educational instruction at West Texas A&M 8QLYHUVLW\ LV RQH VWURQJO\ URRWHG LQ WKH XQLYHUVLW\ÂśV PLVVLRQ :LWKLQ :7$08 the Department of Agricultural Sciences combines students and professors through research, teaching, competition and experiences that are unique to the agricultural industry in an effort to meet this mission.

7H[DV $ 0 $JUL/LIH + ))$ meetings and contests, Texas Pork 3URGXFHUV 1DWLRQDO 5HLQLQJ +RUVH Association, Texas Cattle Feeders Association, mass communications

23 Brand 2014.indd 24

Seven years ago, “the shellâ€? was the original structure built. The IDFLOLW\ LV QRZ RXWÂżWWHG ZLWK D VKRS FRQIHUHQFH URRP DQG RIÂżFHV EXLOW WR mimic secondary education teaching facilities. “The building has everything in it that a high school agricultural facility would have,â€? said Kevin Williams, an assistant professor in agricultural education who teaches multiple classes LQ WKH IDFLOLW\ Âł2XU VWXGHQWV OHDUQ WKH skills and teaching methods they need but also learn facility maintenance, vocational safety and facility management through the deliberate design features of the AEB.â€?

The Stanley Schaeffer Agriculture Education Learning Lab (AEB) was built with the mission of :7$08 LQ PLQG /RFDWHG approximately a mile IURP WKH :7$08 PDLQ campus, the AEB currently houses numerous courses, programs and events related to the department. The Agriculture—Teacher &HUWLÂżFDWLRQ $JULFXOWXUH ²1RQ &HUWLÂżFDWLRQ DQG Agricultural Media and Communication programs host a variety of their classes in the building. The livestock evaluation team, welding and mechanics, Agricultural Communicators of Tomorrow club and Collegiate FFA are housed there as well.

regional meetings, LEAD WT, campus groups and more have also used the AEB for various events.

Lance Kieth, professor in agricultural education, said the building will change and adapt as the agricultural education and communication programs grow and the industries they serve change. “The idea was to design and build a building that students will see in the real-world,â€? Kieth said. “We designed it to be multifunctional. We built it to grow. We want to make it more than MXVW D RQH GLPHQVLRQDO FODVVURRP teaching facility, even though that’s its 1R SXUSRVH ´

Students learn practical skills in vocational sciences The building provides a student as well as valuable safety procedures in various experience that is very different from agricultural courses.

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the program’s humble beginnings. The ÂżUVW DJULFXOWXUDO HGXFDWLRQ VWXGHQWV had welding labs in the old dairy and buildings labs in the feed room at the 1DQFH 5DQFK Despite its beginnings, the agricultural education program grew rapidly and produced loyal and devoted graduates, especially in the early stages of development. Most would agree that :7$08 KDV DOZD\V EHHQ PRUH WKDQ buildings. Faculty are devoted to student learning and take genuine interest in student success. “Students don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care,â€? Kieth said, and says often. Facilities were always part of the vision in creating the agricultural education program. It took dedicated donors, including the Schaeffers, to turn the vision into a reality. “The Schaeffers got involved when students in the agricultural education program helped renovate the university chapel, something Geneva Schaeffer was very much involved with, “ Kieth said. “The other donors decided to name the building after the Schaeffers because of their dedication and contributions to this project and many others on campus.â€? The agricultural media and communication program has also found its home in the AEB. The program has grown exponentially since it VWDUWHG LQ LQ UHVSRQVH WR D QHHG for communicators in the agricultural industry. The program has proven to be a viable outlet for students who come to :7$08 ZLWK WDOHQWV LQ ZULWWHQ RUDO DQG visual communications. 7DQQHU 5REHUWVRQ Âľ LV WKH DGYLVHU for this program. Working with Kieth WR GHVLJQ FXUULFXOD 5REHUWVRQ EURXJKW his experiences in and perspectives of DJULFXOWXUH WR :7$08 LQ “The loudest dog in the yard is the one WKDW JHWV NLFNHG ´ 5REHUWVRQ VDLG His view is that in the face of negative commentary against agriculture, the industry must combine comprehensible VFLHQWLÂżF DQG PRUDOO\ VRXQG DUJXPHQWV

Students beneďŹ t from a multifunctional facility that hosts a variety of classes, meetings and contests. to make positive impressions among consumers, producers and opinion leaders. The AEB is now entering its sixth year of completion, and Kieth said he and his colleagues are greatful for those who helped make the facility a reality. “My wife and I are both graduates of :7$08 ERWK EDFKHORUV DQG PDVWHUV ´ VDLG 6WDQOH\ 6FKDHIIHU Âľ Âľ 0 6 whose name adorns the building. “We IHOW :7$08 JDYH XV WKH WRROV WR succeed in life.â€? The Schaeffer’s have showed their gratitude by reinvesting in the successes RI :7$08 VWXGHQWV 6FKRODUVKLSV WKH

Schaeffer is not out for recognition. His investment is in education itself. “You get out of education what you put into it,â€? Schaeffer said. “If you put your heart and mind into it, you’ll get a lot out RI \RXU HGXFDWLRQ DW :7$08 ´

“We designed it to be multifunctional. We built it to grow.â€? couches that dot foyers throughout the campus, the KWTS radio station, the softball park, improvements to the chapel on campus, a partnership with leaders at )LUVW 8QLWHG %DQN DQG WKH DJULFXOWXUDO building are just a few results of the 6FKDHIIHUÂśV SDVVLRQ IRU :7$08 Brand 2014.indd 25

“I’m not trying to toot my own horn or brag, but we have tried to broaden our gift giving all the way across campus,â€? Schaeffer said. “The fact that the (agricultural) education and communication programs have grown from nothing to the numbers they have now are great. My wife and I value the VDWLVIDFWLRQ RI VHHLQJ LW JURZ DQG Ă€RXULVK successfully.â€?

My advice would be that if you’ll surround yourself with good people, you ZLOO EH VXFFHVVIXO -XVW SXW \RXUVHOI LQWR it. Nothing is easy, an education also takes work. If it’s easy, everybody would do it.�

24 5/19/2014 12:57:15 PM

in memoriam

Kenneth Owen Wilson: 1935-2013 .HQQHWK 2ZHQ :LOVRQ GLHG 6XQGD\ 1RY

+H ZDV ERUQ -XO\ RQ DQ ,QGLDQ reservation near Winslow, Ariz., to Cecil DQG (PPD -RKQVRQ :LOVRQ +LV IDPLO\ soon moved to the Amarillo area, where he spent most of his school years. He ZDV D PHPEHU RI WKH ÂżUVW EDVHEDOO WHDP of Kids, Inc. in Amarillo. He moved to 0F/HDQ LQ DQG JUDGXDWHG IURP McLean High School. He married %DUEDUD :LOOLDPV RQ 2FW 7KH\ UHFHQWO\ FHOHEUDWHG WKHLU VW ZHGGLQJ anniversary.

and nursing departments, he managed the WT dairy and provided support for dairy and cattle ranchers in the region IRU \HDUV +H ZDV IRUWXQDWH WR EH DQ honorary State Farmer of the Vocational Agriculture, Future Farmers of America, and received seven outstanding school of agriculture teaching recognitions.

Dr. Wilson received a Teaching Excellence Award from WT and three national awards bestowed by National Association of Colleges and Teachers RI $JULFXOWXUH 2QH RI WKHVH LQFOXGHG being chosen from all of the agriculture teachers from colleges south of the Dr. Wilson received a bachelor’s Mason-Dixon line and another was one degree in agriculture from West Texas RI WKUHH JLYHQ LQ WKH HQWLUH 8QLWHG 6WDWHV $ 0 8QLYHUVLW\ DQG D PDVWHUœV DQG 2Q 0DUFK KH ZDV KRQRUHG WR doctorate degree from Texas A&M receive Professor Emeritus recognition 8QLYHUVLW\ +H WDXJKW DW $ 0 IRU WKUHH \HDUV DQG FDPH WR :7 LQ +H UHWLUHG for his excellence in teaching and LQ :KLOH WHDFKLQJ LQ WKH DJULFXOWXUH commitment to his students.

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2014 Alumni Highlight Smith knew how to work when he VWDUWHG DW :768 OLNH PDQ\ RI WKH department’s current students, but also knew he needed to take advantage of the opportunity to go to college. +H VDLG WKDW ZKLOH DW :768 KH ZDV forced to grow up and start a life of KLV RZQ ¹ VRPHWKLQJ 6PLWK QRWLFHG the department had done since his graduation.

+$59(< 60,7+ Harvey Smith is the 2014 alumni highlight recognized for his distinguished work in the agricultural community and continued devotion to improving Texas swine.


arvey Smith graduated from :HVW 7H[DV 6WDWH 8QLYHUVLW\ LQ ZLWK D EDFKHORUÂśV degree in agriculture and a minor in biology and English. While a student in the department, Smith founded the Block and Bridle Club at :768 DQG ZDV WKH ÂżUVW SUHVLGHQW IRU WKH organization. He also was a member of WKH /LYHVWRFN -XGJLQJ 7HDP

Smith and his wife have one daughter, Kelly. Smith is currently working closely with 7H[DV $ 0 8QLYHUVLW\ ZKR XVHV KLV swine farms to train new county agents and hosts students from the nutrition class once or twice a year. He and his family are known to feed visitors of the farm dinner before they let you go on your way.

Smith was the director for the Texas 3RUN 3URGXFHUV $VVRFLDWLRQ IRU \HDUV and president of the association for three years, all while managing his own swine farm. He has had a swine operation since

“Work hard. It doesn’t matter what time of the year, be honest with everyone, and it will carry you a long way.�

6PLWKÂśV VZLQH IDUP ZDV RQH RI WKH ÂżUVW in the nation to integrate technology and computer systems into his operation that included production as well as exhibition shows.

As a child, Smith was raised on a large ranch where he learned the value of hard work and honesty.

-XG\ 6PLWK KLV ZLIH KDV DOZD\V helped with the show side of the swine operation. At one time, they had over 700 sows for commercial and show use.

Brand 2014.indd 27

Âł'XULQJ WKH Âľ V WKH GHSDUWPHQW ZDV one of the smallest on campus and now it is one of the biggest,â€? Smith said. “The classrooms are bigger, the university farm is bigger and the overall campus is bigger.â€? :KLOH DW :768 &KDUOHV 6PDOOZRRG was his favorite professor. Smith would occasionally work for him and would help him take care of the university swine IDUP 5HFHQWO\ 6PLWK YLVLWHG WKH ROG :7$08 IDUP QRZ SDUW RI WKH 1DQFH 5DQFK +H KDG QRW EHHQ EDFN WR WKH :7$08 campus since he graduated and regretted not visiting before last September. His return brought back good memories of the place and the people who helped him get started. “Smallwood was a good man and a good teacher,â€? Smith said. “He was the main reason you picked agriculture at WT back then, and I am glad I got to know him.â€? Smith said Smallwood, working on the farm and getting involved with the WT campus furthered his education DQG KHOSHG KLP ÂżJXUH RXW ZKDW KH WUXO\ wanted to do with the rest of his life. He also learned that patience and hard ZRUN ZLOO RIWHQ WLPHV SD\ RII Âą DGYLFH he hopes the next crop of graduates will understand.

“Work hard,� Smith said. “It doesn’t matter what time of the year, be honest with everyone, and it will carry you a long way.�

“Don’t set your bar too high to start off with,� Smith said. “Do a good job and you will go a long way. Also, start off with a low paying job and you can work your way up.�

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Growing future the


he research and partnerships the plant, soil and environmental sciences faculty in the Department of Agricultural Sciences have created over the years assist in not only serving students but also in the growing need for practical crop research in the Panhandle of Texas. Each faculty member brings his or her unique expertise to the Panhandle, but all are working toward solving issues related to the ever-changing conditions farmers and ranchers are facing now and in the future. Brock Blaser and Marty Rhoades began to establish some small plot research on the Nance Ranch in 2010 and 2011. 7KH ÂżUVW VWXG\ ZDV completed in 2012 by Jody Gilchrest and was a forage sorghum study funded by the Ogallala Aquifer Program and Texas Grain Sorghum

Board. This study evaluated the effect of irrigation rate and nutrient source (manure vs synthetic nitrogen) on total production and forage quality. Yields ranged from 3 to 6 tons per acre with limited irrigation and production was similar between the manure and synthetic treatments. The similarities between nutrient sources will be valuable information for forage producers in the region who are seeking additional uses for the excess manure. Additional studies at the new research plots included sweet corn irrigation studies, urea and urease research on wheat, corn and dryland compost and tillage work with wheat and sorghum. There are also plans to develop small demonstration plots for the plant science labs and crops team practice. Other research trials by plant science faculty include the investigation of alternate planting geometries for VRUJKXP DQG FRUQ VSHFLÂżFDOO\ D process called “clumpâ€? planting. Clump planting involves planting

WKUHH RU ÂżYH VHHGV RI FRUQ RU VRUJKXP respectively, in the same area that one seed normally occupies under traditional planting scenarios. The clumps are then spaced further apart in the row so traditional dryland plant populations can be achieved. Bob Stewart has been testing these alternate planting geometries with multiple graduate student projects over the past several years with the belief these new arrangements will prevent tillers (typically waste resources in dryland situations with little to no grain production) from forming in the crops but still allow for enough space around the clumps to utilize the water available. “For dryland cropping in the Texas High Plains, it is essential to have ZDWHU VWRUHG LQ WKH VRLO SURÂżOH DW WKH time of seeding to supplement growing season precipitation,â€? Stewart said. “With high plant populations and low precipitation, most of this water is used during the vegetative growth stage resulting in low grain yields.â€? The hypothesis is that plants growing close to one another will improve the microclimate, reduce formation of tillers that use water but seldom produce grain, and plant roots will not extract all the plant-available soil water between the clumps until late in the season. When compared to traditional planting patterns, the clumps yield levels below about 2,500 lbs. per acre and have shown no yield reduction at levels below about 5,000 lbs. per

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acre. Although large increases in grain yields are not expected, there is little or no input cost, which results in positive yields. Stewart and others conduct clump planting trials at the WTAMU greenhouse to evaluate the differences of crop water use among the different geometries. Larger scale trials at the Bushland AgriLife Research Station and on-farm trials in Hereford and Dumas test these different geometries in real-world situations. Rhoades said early test results indicate the yields of these crops have increased a slight amount with a lower rate of evaporation. Stewart, Blaser and Bonnie Pendleton have also collaborated with multiple scientists at Agricultural Research Service (ARS) and Texas AgriLife in Bushland to co-advise graduate students in plant and soil science research. As WTAMU students have opportunities to work with these scientists, they are exposed to additional resources and research experiences and most importantly, often result in more industry connections. One such partnership involved WTAMU, Texas A&M AgriLife Research and industry leaders in drought tolerant corn. This study compared multiple drought tolerant varieties to a traditional corn variety at different seeding rates, plant populations and irrigation levels. The study design was practical to producers in the Panhandle and found

that drought tolerant corn, especially when used under water restrictions, can produce a reasonable yield and might be one way to sustain production in times of drought. “Collaborations like these are good for everybody,” Blaser said. “We (WTAMU) have a way to fund a graduate student, Texas A&M AgriLife and USDA-ARS gets a dedicated employee and the seed companies get unbiased results they can take to producers.” Blaser also said that graduate students working in these partnerships are able to travel with industry UHSUHVHQWDWLYHV WR ¿HOG GD\V DQG other events where they meet people that could later hire them to work on similar projects. Rex Brandon ‘11, a master’s student in 2009, investigated a new herbicide option for sorghum under the direction of former Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service agronomist, Brent Bean, in cooperation with WTAMU for his master’s thesis. Brandon’s study found Huskie™ (bromoxynil + pyrasulotole), from Bayer Crop Science proved to be an excellent over the top broadleaf herbicide with a quick and long lasting burn down when combined with atrazine. Brandon and Bean were some RI WKH ¿UVW UHVHDUFKHUV LQ WKH nation to evaluate this herbicide on sorghum. Their studies included application rates, crop injury, tankmix options and application timings. Demonstrations were established around the Panhandle and results

ZHUH VKDUHG DW QXPHURXV ¿HOG GD\V and professional meetings around the country. Because of Brandon’s research, Huskie™ received a label for sorghum in 2012, allowing them to provide an excellent herbicide option for sorghum producers throughout the nation. Faculty and graduate student research constantly evaluates ways to increase yields for Panhandle producers including the impact of insects on production. Pendleton, with the assistance of master’s students, worked to assess resistance of sorghum genotypes to maize weevils. Sureño sorghum weighed 2 percent less, while B.HF8 weighed 64 percent less after being exposed to male and female weevils for 105 days. WTAMU and Texas A&M Agrilife/ USDA-ARS collaborations have also SURYHG EHQH¿FLDO IRU PDQ\ SODQW science undergraduates. The majority of student workers employed at Bushland are WTAMU students who are gaining hands-on experience not only in the summer months, but throughout the school year. These experiences have allowed many students to make contacts that have evolved into careers with Texas A&M Agrilife, USDA-ARS and numerous plant science industry groups. “The research in the Panhandle will continue to be practical and student driven as long as a need for educating students in the plant, soil and environmental sciences exists and as long as area partners and collaborators exist,” Blaser said.

“Collaborations like these are good for everybody. We (WTAMU) have a way to fund a graduate student, Texas A&M AgriLife and USDA-ARS gets a dedicated employee and the seed companies get unbiased results they can take to producers.” 28 Brand 2014.indd 29

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BEST BEST Faculty in the Department of Agricultural Sciences continue to excel both inside and outside of the classroom.


The faculty in the Department of Agricultural Sciences continue to raise the bar in teaching, research and service. Their never-ending hard work and dedication to our students is not only unmatched, but is the critical component of what makes this department a FIRST CHOICE.


29 Brand 2014.indd 30

“The faculty in the Department of Agricultural Sciences continue to raise the bar in teaching, research and service. Their never-ending hard work and dedication to our students is not only unmatched, but is the critical component of what makes this department a First Choice,� said Dean Hawkins, head of the Department of Agricultural Sciences.

licensed judge for American Quarter Horse Association, was asked to judge WKH 1HEUDVND 6WDWH + +RUVH 6KRZ He is the co-adviser for both the Pre9HW DQG :7 5LÀH &OXE &XUUHQWO\ KH LV the adviser to one Ph.D. student and one master’s student.

ERIC BAILEY has completed two research projects since his arrival at LAL ALMAS has been conducting :7$08 LQ -XO\ RQH RI ZKLFK ZDV research in groundwater resource VXSSRUWHG E\ D .LOOJRUH 5HVHDUFK )DFXOW\ management water planning irrigation Grant. He is advising two graduate V\VWHPV )RU WKH \HDU KH VHFXUHG DQ students working on M.S. degrees. H[WHUQDO JUDQW DURXQG WR VXSSRUW ,Q )HEUXDU\ %DLOH\ ZDV DQ JUDGXDWH VWXGHQWV DQG LQ DORQH KH invited speaker at the New Mexico KDV DOUHDG\ UHFHLYHG LQ IXQGLQJ 5DQFK 0DQDJHPHQW 6HULHV ZKLFK KHOG Almas advised one graduate student panel discussions with ranchers coping ZKR JUDGXDWHG LQ DQG FXUUHQWO\ with restocking cow herds in times has three master’s and one Ph.D. student of unprecedented risk. These panel under his advisement. Almas is the codiscussions were held in three cities adviser for the Agribusiness Club and across eastern New Mexico. Bailey also WT Agribusiness Quiz Bowl team. He was interviewed for an article published also serves on the board of the Canyon LQ WKH 0DUFK LVVXH RI :RUNLQJ 5RWDU\ &OXE 5DQFK PDJD]LQH LANCE BAKER ZHQW WR WKH BROCK BLASER completed his Equine Science Society Symposium second year as chairman of the national in May where two of his graduate visual presentation contest for Students students, Amanda Burrows and Kelsey of Agronomy, Soils and Environmental Nonella, presented their master’s thesis. Sciences held in conjunction with Lena Cottle, also a student of Baker’s, the American Society of Agronomy attended the meeting and presented her annual meetings in Tampa, Fla. He doctoral thesis and is now working at the DOVR SUHVHQWHG UHVHDUFK DW WKH 2JDOODOD 8QLYHUVLW\ RI 1HEUDVND Aquifer annual meetings that was Baker, being both a member and a

a culmination of a forage sorghum 5/19/2014 12:57:17 PM

Faculty Update

LUULJDWLRQ IHUWLOLW\ VWXG\ IXQGHG E\ WKH 2JDOODOD $TXLIHU SURJUDP DQG WKH 7H[DV Grain Sorghum Board. Most importantly, the Blaser family wants to express their appreciation to the faculty, staff and students for the love, support and prayers given in their behalf as they welcomed their miracle baby, Flint, into this world. Flint continues to inspire as he shows what the faith and prayers of so many people can do. 2QO\ DW :7 DQG LQ WKH 'HSDUWPHQW RI Agricultural Sciences would so much love and support be found. That is what family does. BRIDGET GUERRERO has just completed a study on the economic evaluation of potential water conservation strategies for the North Plains Groundwater Conservation District. Guerrero has been the coLQYHVWLJDWRU IRU WZR VHSDUDWH 2JDOODOD Aquifer Program projects and was DZDUGHG FRPELQHG IRU the two projects. She advises one master’s student this year and has also collaborated with researchers from WKH 8QLYHUVLW\ RI *HRUJLD RQ D MRXUQDO

article about the economic evaluation of different types of irrigation. DEAN HAWKINS currently is serving as the director-at-large of the board of directors and executive committee of WKH PHPEHU $PHULFDQ 6RFLHW\ of Animal Science. Hawkins is also WKH SURJUDP FKDLU IRU WKH -RLQW $QQXDO Meeting of the American Society of Animal Science and the American Dairy Science Association to be held in Kansas City this summer. Hawkins advised one M.S. student and co-advised one Ph.D. student who both graduated this past year. He published three refereed manuscripts and gave DQ LQYLWHG WDON DW WKH 5DQJH %HHI &RZ 6\PSRVLXP LQ 5DSLG &LW\ 6 ' +H also serves as superintendent of the San Antonio Livestock Exposition Collegiate /LYHVWRFN -XGJLQJ &RQWHVW LANCE KIETH served as the superintendent for the barrow show at the 6WDU RI 7H[DV )DLU DQG 5RGHR LQ $XVWLQ and the heifer show at the Houston /LYHVWRFN 6KRZ DQG 5RGHR TY LAWRENCE and his team of Brand 2014.indd 31

WZR 3K ' IRXU PDVWHUÂśV VWXGHQWV undergraduates, and Meat Lab manager -RKQ 0LWFKHOO WDXJKW FUHGLW KRXUV published nine peer-reviewed journal manuscripts, presented six research SDSHUV DW WKUHH VFLHQWLÂżF FRQIHUHQFHV HYDOXDWHG EHHI FDUFDVVHV KDUYHVWHG SURFHVVHG VROG DQLPDOV hosted and taught four beef short courses, DQG JHQHUDWHG Lawrence also spoke at six different national and international conferences DQG ZDV D UHFLSLHQW RI WKH LQDXJXUDO XQGHU $ZDUGV LQ $JULFXOWXUH IURP WKH Vance Publishing Group. AMANDA LOVE was elected to WKH %RDUG RI 'LUHFWRUV IRU WKH &HUWLÂżHG Horsemanship Association. DAVID LUST served as the Assistant Superintendent at the San Antonio Livestock Exposition Collegiate /LYHVWRFN -XGJLQJ &RQWHVW /XVW LV WKH DGYLVHU IRU WKH :7$08 %ORFN and Bridle Club. He also serves as WKH DFDGHPLF DGYLVHU IRU RYHU undergraduate students and one Ph.D. student.

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Lust attended the Beef Improvement )HGHUDWLRQ $QQXDO 0HHWLQJ DQG 5HVHDUFK 6\PSRVLXP LQ 2NODKRPD &LW\ 2NOD +H VHUYHV RQ WKH :7$08 6WXGHQW 5HVHDUFK &RQIHUHQFH FRPPLWWHH DQG WKH :7$08 Agriculture Development Association board. /XVW UHFHLYHG WKH XQLYHUVLW\ service award that was selected by the provost. Lust was nominated for the award by the department and also won the honor in the College of Agricultural, Science and Engineering.

BONNIE PENDLETON is 3ULQFLSDO ,QYHVWLJDWRU IRU D grant for research and education titled “Development of Biotic Stressresistant Sorghum Cultivars for Niger DQG 6HQHJDO´ IXQGHG E\ WKH 8 6 Agency for International Development. Collaborators include Lal Almas and VFLHQWLVWV ZLWK 7H[DV $ 0 8QLYHUVLW\ AgriLife and government agricultural agencies in West Africa. This spring, she published invited RU VXEPLWWHG DUWLFOHV LQ WKH -RXUQDO of Economic Entomology aand Yale -RXUQDO RI 0HGLFLQH DQG %LRORJ\ 6KH -RXUQDO RI 0HGLFLQH DQG %L and the three M.S. students and one graduate advisory Ph.D. student, whose gradu presented committees she chairs, pre national and research at several natio conferences. international confere Pendleton ser serves as a PHPEHU RU PHPEHU RU RIÂżFHU RI RUJD RUJDQL]DWLRQV incl including Editor of S Southwestern Ent Entomologist; cha chair of national and international ento entomology comm committees; mem member and RIÂż RIÂżFHU RI :7 org organizations incl including Faculty 6HQDWH RIÂż 6HQDWH RIÂżFHU )DFXOW\ Handbook Com Committee, Student Fee Advisory Ad Committee, St Student Scholarship aand Financial Aid Committ Committee; and 5RWDU\ 'LVWU 5RWDU\ 'LVWULFW 5RWDUDFW &KDLU DQG & &KDLU DQG &DQ\RQ 5RWDU\ Board. As co-ch co-chair of the WT Ag S Scholarship Committ she did the Committee, paperwo and helped paperwork VFRUH VFRUH VFKRODUVKLS applica applications this spring spring. JOHN PIPKIN JOH was aw awarded both the Tex Texas A&M

31 Brand 2014.indd 32

8QLYHUVLW\ 6\VWHP 5HJHQWV 3URIHVVRU DQG WKH :7$08 0DJLVWHU 2SWLPXV WKLV year. He served on two master’s students and one Ph.D. student committees, conducted research on equine nutrition and agribusiness. Pipkin is a board member of the American Quarter Horse Association. ,Q KH FRDFKHG WKH +RUVH -XGJLQJ WHDP WKDW ZRQ RI FRPSHWLWLRQV including the AQHA World and 1DWLRQDO 5HLQLQJ +RUVH $VVRFLDWLRQ Championships. MARTY RHOADES established a new course titled “Agricultural Equipment Safety, Maintenance and 2SHUDWLRQ ´ 5KRDGHV DWWHQGHG DQG WDXJKW DW WKH )HHG\DUG &DPS DQG DWWHQGHG WKH 6WDWH ))$ &RQYHQWLRQ LQ 'DOODV Fort Worth. JOHN RICHESON and his graduate students within the ruminant health and immunology program have been busy conducting research to evaluate the safety DQG HIÂżFDF\ RI UHVSLUDWRU\ YDFFLQHV IRU beef cattle, effects of different castration methods on stress and animal well-being, and biomarkers and other technology to predict and diagnose bovine respiratory disease in the commercial feedlot setting. Since becoming a faculty member in KH KDV UHFHLYHG JUDQWV WRWDOLQJ RYHU IURP IXQGLQJ DJHQFLHV VXFK as Texas Cattle Feeder’s Association, American Association of Bovine Practitioners’ Foundation, Killgore )DFXOW\ 5HVHDUFK *UDQW 3URJUDP DQG 7H[DV $ 0 $JUL/LIH 5HVHDUFK 5LFKHVRQ FXUUHQWO\ KDV WZR 3K ' DQG ÂżYH 0 6 JUDGXDWH VWXGHQWV ZKR KH advises. He is an active member of the ,QVWLWXWLRQDO $QLPDO &DUH DQG 8VH DQG Institutional Biosafety Committees. TANNER ROBERTSON KDG D scholarship awarded in his name to the JHQHUDO VFKRODUVKLS IXQG DW :7$08 E\ + IRU KLV VHUYLFH WR 'LVWULFW 5REHUWVRQ KHOSHG HVWDEOLVK WKH :7$08 ,QWHUQ RI WKH <HDU DZDUG DW :7$08 DQG served on its selection committee. 5REHUWVRQ DOVR VHUYHV DV WKH VWDWH ))$ superintendent for the extemporaneous

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speaking competition, serves Area I FFA in multiple roles, and co-chairs two graduate students. TIM STEFFENS has given several invited presentations regarding grazing and rangeland management throughout the Panhandle and is making plans for a WULS WR 2UHJRQ WKLV VXPPHU ZKHUH KH KDV been invited to address a beef producer direct marketing cooperative regarding grazing management. He is currently the chair for the 2XWVWDQGLQJ 5DQJH 0DQDJHPHQW Committee for the Texas Section of the 6RFLHW\ IRU 5DQJH 0DQDJHPHQW +H DQG co-authors also won the Texas Section publication award in the Technical FDWHJRU\ IRU WKHLU SDSHU LQ WKH -RXUQDO of Environmental Management titled “Multi-paddock grazing on rangelands: Why the perceptual dichotomy between research results and rancher experience.� He also co-authored four papers published in a special edition RI 5DQJHODQGV RQ VWUDWHJLF JUD]LQJ management.

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BOB STEWART LV VHUYLQJ RQ D ÂżYH member Independent Science Advisory &RPPLWWHH IRU D PLOOLRQ DQQXDO international dryland systems program funded by the Consultative Group of ,QWHUQDWLRQDO $JULFXOWXUH 5HVHDUFK Target areas are West African Sahel, East and Southern Africa, North Africa and West Asia, Central Asia, and South Asia. MALLORY VESTAL has been conducting research in equine and livestock economics. She completed an analysis of the domestic economic impacts regarding the termination of KRUVH VODXJKWHU LQ WKH 8 6 IRU KXPDQ consumption, which is forthcoming in WKH -RXUQDO RI $JULFXOWXUH DQG $SSOLHG Economics. Vestal has also collaborated with 5LFKHVRQ WR GHWHUPLQH WKH HFRQRPLFV of a BVDV-PI control program in backgrounding calves of differing management backgrounds. Vestal and Guerrero were recently asked to submit a grant proposal to the B.E.N. Center at &RUQHOO 8QLYHUVLW\ WR VWXG\ EHKDYLRUDO

economics in child nutrition programs. Furthermore, Vestal is collaborating ZLWK UHVHDUFKHUV IURP 2NODKRPD 6WDWH 8QLYHUVLW\ DQG 8QLYHUVLW\ RI $UNDQVDV DW Pine Bluff to determine the relationships between AMA (alternative marketing arrangements) for fed cattle and swine. Vestal advised one graduate student who JUDGXDWHG LQ 0D\ DQG FRQWLQXHV WR advise two master’s students. Vestal is a co-adviser for the Agribusiness Club and WT Agribusiness 4XL] %RZO WHDP DQG ZDV WKH adviser to the Agricultural Ambassadors. KEVIN WILLIAMS served as the Arena Director for the gilt show at the San Antonio Livestock Exposition and for the barrow show at the Star of 7H[DV )DLU DQG 5RGHR LQ $XVWLQ +H DOVR presented a paper at the North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture Conference. For more faculty achievements, go WR ZWDPX HGX DFDGHPLFV DJULFXOWXUDO sciences-success-stories.aspx

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here are three new faculty and a new staff member in the Department of Agricultural Sciences this year at West Texas A&M 8QLYHUVLW\ %ULGJHW *XHUUHUR 7LP 6WHIIHQV 6DP ,YHV DQG -HQQLIHU 7UDF\ are all passionate about agriculture, and also about the opportunities they have at :7$08

Tim Steffens is the new Assistant Professor and Texas A&M AgriLife ([WHQVLRQ 6SHFLDOLVW LQ 5DQJHODQG 5HVRXUFH 0DQDJHPHQW DQG LV H[FLWHG about the opportunity to teach again.

“It is fun to see the light come on for somebody when they start to understand something,� Steffens said about why he is drawn to teaching.

Steffens has many years of teaching at *XHUUHUR D 9HJD QDWLYH DQG D :7$08 both high school and collegiate levels. After earning a Bachelor of Science at alumna, describes herself as helpful, fun 7DUOHWRQ 6WDWH 8QLYHUVLW\ DQG D 0DVWHU and easy-going. RI 6FLHQFH IURP 7H[DV 7HFK 8QLYHUVLW\ Guerrero is currently teaching Steffens went on to teach high school fundamentals of agricultural economics, agriculture in D’Hanis, Texas. agricultural marketing, and an advanced 6WHIIHQV HDUQHG D 3K ' LQ 5DQJH farm and ranch management course. Science from Colorado State 6KH JUDGXDWHG IURP :7$08 ZLWK KHU 8QLYHUVLW\ +H WKHQ ZHQW RQ WR UHVHDUFK Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness soil conservation, water quality as well as her Master of Business demonstrations and rangeland for a few Administration. She received her different organizations, including the 3K ' IURP 7H[DV 7HFK 8QLYHUVLW\ LQ 1DWXUDO 5HVRXUFH &RQVHUYDWLRQ 6HUYLFH Agricultural and Applied Economics. Her passion for becoming a teacher FDPH ZKLOH DWWHQGLQJ :7$08 LQ D FODVV taught by the late Don Williams. “I realized when I started, I am in the same position he was,� Guerrero said. “I am elated to have the opportunity to be a professor at WT and to re-join the closeknit community.� She hopes to be a positive role model and encourage students that persistence, hard work and a good attitude will pay off, she said.

Gaining from his own personal experiences, Steffens hopes to teach students not to be afraid to look at the world and get inspired to be inquisitive. Coming from a rural community (Slaton, Texas) he said he understands agriculture is changing and there are opportunities for graduates, but they have to look for them. “Two years after you graduate, nobody will care about your grades, so I want

e p o h I , y l e t a m i Ul t


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The Department of Agricultural Sciences welcomes four new faces.

to make sure students also learn to understand and ask the right questions,� Steffens said. “I hope students will learn more than just material, but that they will also learn to be productive members of society.� Ives, the most recent addition to the department, is an Associate Professor in animal science and manager of the )HHGORW 5HVHDUFK *URXS $OWKRXJK KH is new to the position, Ives wants to get students excited about the opportunities they have in life, and also in the beef cattle industry. Ives is originally from Topeka, Kan. and received his Ph.D. in ruminant nutrition, Doctorate in Veterinary Medicine and a Bachelor of Science in agriculture, all from Kansas State 8QLYHUVLW\ Ives has many years of experience in research and has a multitude of experience in feedyard management as well as private consulting for veterinary medicine. “I really enjoyed the beef cattle industry, and joined the university because it was time to give back to others what has been given to me as far as all of the learning opportunities I have had,� Ives said. He has a real passion for research and is very excited to be managing the university’s feedlot because he gets to blend research and teaching.

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The Department of Agricultural Sciences formally welcomes their new faculty members, (from left to right) Tim Steffens, Bridget Guerrero and Sam Ives. ,YHV VDLG KH FKRVH :7$08 QRW RQO\ because of the feedlot management opportunity, but also because he loves the interaction between students and professors here and having family close by was a “bonus.â€? He said that one of his ultimate goals LV WR HQFRXUDJH VWXGHQWV WR ÂżQG WKHLU SDVVLRQ DQG WKHQ ÂżQG D MRE VHUYLQJ WKDW passion.

-HQQLIHU 7UDF\ MRLQHG WKH GHSDUWPHQW as Administrative Assistant this May and brings a fresh dynamic to the staff. 2ULJLQDOO\ IURP 'HWURLW 0LFK 7UDF\ UHFHLYHG KHU GHJUHH IURP WKH 8QLYHUVLW\ of Michigan in communication and worked the majority of her career in California as an executive assistant for large corporations. She comes to the department from :DOW 'LVQH\ ,PDJLQHHULQJ 5HVHDUFK DQG

Development where she served as the Senior Staff Assistant. Tracy has lived in the Panhandle for about six months, is excited to be part of the department, and involved with the agricultural industry. She said entertainment is the industry in Los Angeles and agriculture is the industry in Amarillo, and she is excited to be able to have worked in each.

â€? . s e v i l r i e h t n i y a d a ’ k r o w ‘ r e ev Âł8OWLPDWHO\ , KRSH JUDGXDWHV QHYHU ‘work’ a day in their lives,â€? Ives said. Brand 2014.indd 35

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WTAMU Box 60998 Canyon, TX 79016

The cloning project that was conceptualized in 2010 is moving into its next phase. The bull, Alpha, that was cloned from a Prime, Yield Grade 1 steer carcass is now at a bull stud and is producing semen. The three heifers, Gamma 1, 2 and 3, that were cloned from a Prime, Yield Grade 1 heifer carcass are cycling and currently reside at the WTAMU Nance Ranch. The research team will super ovulate all three Gamma’s at the end of May and breed them with semen from Alpha. The resulting embryos will be transferred to recipient cows.

The hope is the resulting progeny will be outstanding for carcass and growth traits. These calves will be the base of the PYG1 herd WTAMU is attempting to build. The department is also in the final stages of identifying collaborators who will let us artificially inseminate mature cows to semen from Alpha and a known reference sire with high accuracy for carcass and growth traits. This comparison will allow us to determine the sire effects of Alpha in a commercial cow herd. Follow WT Agriculture’s Facebook for updates on clone research.

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