The Brand - Spring 2014 edition

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from Shiner, Texas; and Ashlyn Tyk from Amarillo, Texas. AGRICULTURAL COMMUNICATION TEAM The agricultural communications competition team won its annual competition hosted by the North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture in only its second year of participation. The team managed to also post a perfect score in its only competition of the year. “This is an important contest for agricultural communication students because it is modeled after a real-world scenario and places them into a team handling issues they will work through as professionals,� said 7DQQHU 5REHUWVRQ assistant professor in agricultural media and communication.

HORSE JUDGING TEAM 7KH +RUVH -XGJLQJ WHDP KDG RQO\ one competition in the spring held April EXW WKH WHDP KDV EHHQ ZRUNLQJ KDUG in preparation for next fall when their season will be full of competitions. “The team is made up of students who represent several majors and have a great range of experience and are from all over WKH FRXQWU\ ´ VDLG 'U -RKQ 3LSNLQ FRDFK and adviser for the team. “That is one of the neatest aspects of a team growing and building for future success.â€?

Âł7KH ÂżUVW FRQWHVW RI WKH \HDU LV DOZD\V good to get under your belt and to have a little success there helped going forward.â€? At the Southwestern Exposition LQ )RUW :RUWK 7H[DV WKH :7$08 livestock team improved and continued to be competitive against other judging programs. 7KH WHDP ÂżQLVKHG VHFRQG LQ KRUVHV fourth in swine, fourth in sheep, third in cattle, fourth in oral reasons and fourth high team in the contest. As an individual, WHDP PHPEHU 5HDJDQ 5LFKWHU IURP 6DQ Antonio, Texas was ninth in horses and WK LQ FDWWOH “I think the success at Denver really pushed us to work hard for Fort Worth,â€? Begley said. “I was very proud of our ÂżQLVK DW )RUW :RUWK ´

The team put together another strong showing at Team members the San Antonio for this year’s team Livestock Show Feb. include: Brandon ÂżQLVKLQJ VHFRQG &DGH IURP 5RZOHWW in sheep and eighth Texas; Kassie Members of the 2013-2014 Livestock Judging Team. SODFH RYHUDOO 2WKHU WHDP UHVXOWV Mullins from Covington, Texas; included placing eighth in cattle, 7KLV WHDP ZLOO KDYH ELJ VKRHV WR ÂżOO Kelby Koelder from Cotton Center, VHYHQWK LQ JRDWV WK LQ VZLQH DQG 7H[DV -D\FH $SVOH\ IURP 6DWDQWD .DQ VLQFH ODVW \HDUÂśV WHDP ZRQ ÂżYH RI VL[ seventh in reasons. National Championships and previous DQG -HVVLH *ORYHU IURP *UDQWVEXUJ :LV WHDPV DW :7$08 KDYH ZRQ PRUH WKDQ ,QGLYLGXDOV SODFLQJ LQ WKH 7RS ZHUH CROPS TEAM 5HVHUYH RU 1DWLRQDO &KDPSLRQVKLSV Ellen Bardwell from Edgewood, N.M. The crops team continued to compete ZLWK D WK SODFH LQ FDWWOH 5LFKWHU ZLWK LIVESTOCK TEAM DW D KLJK OHYHO WKLV \HDU ÂżQLVKLQJ ÂżIWK D WK SODFH LQ VKHHS $VKOH\ .DQDPDQ 7KH :7$08 OLYHVWRFN MXGJLQJ WHDP place at its annual competition held in from Campbell, Texas placed eighth in began its judging season with an eighth Maryville, Mo. The team competed well sheep; and Ariana Scott from Prescott, SODFH ÂżQLVK DW WKH 1DWLRQDO :HVWHUQ 6WRFN Ariz. placed seventh in sheep. overall and looks forward to next year’s 6KRZ LQ 'HQYHU &ROR -DQ DQG competition in Illinois. The livestock team competed against 7KH WHDP FRPSHWHG DJDLQVW VFKRROV WHDPV IURP DOO RYHU WKH 8 6 DW WKH Team members were: Brandon Winters during the Denver contest. Team member +RXVWRQ /LYHVWRFN 6KRZ DQG 5RGHR IURP %XVKODQG 7H[DV &KDORQH +HĂ€H\ 5\DQ 'DKO IURP 7H[KRPD 7H[DV ZDV WKH FRQWHVW RQ 0DUFK DQG ÂżQLVKHG WK from Mobeetie, Texas; Tyler McCoy eighth high individual. from Burleson, Texas; Brandon Meir overall against competition that included IURP 'DUURX]HWW 7H[DV -HVVLH 0F&OHOODQ “I was pleased with the showing we IURP %OXIIGDOH 8WDK 3UHVWRQ 6LUPRQ had at Denver,â€? said Travis Begley, coach IURP $PDULOOR 7H[DV DQG =DFK &UHHG of the team and graduate student in the from Sweetwater, Texas. department. Brand 2014.indd 7

7H[DV 7HFK 8QLYHUVLW\ .DQVDV 6WDWH 8QLYHUVLW\ DQG 7H[DV $ 0 8QLYHUVLW\ (Continued on page 7)

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