The Brand - Spring 2014 edition

Page 36

WTAMU Box 60998 Canyon, TX 79016

The cloning project that was conceptualized in 2010 is moving into its next phase. The bull, Alpha, that was cloned from a Prime, Yield Grade 1 steer carcass is now at a bull stud and is producing semen. The three heifers, Gamma 1, 2 and 3, that were cloned from a Prime, Yield Grade 1 heifer carcass are cycling and currently reside at the WTAMU Nance Ranch. The research team will super ovulate all three Gamma’s at the end of May and breed them with semen from Alpha. The resulting embryos will be transferred to recipient cows.

The hope is the resulting progeny will be outstanding for carcass and growth traits. These calves will be the base of the PYG1 herd WTAMU is attempting to build. The department is also in the final stages of identifying collaborators who will let us artificially inseminate mature cows to semen from Alpha and a known reference sire with high accuracy for carcass and growth traits. This comparison will allow us to determine the sire effects of Alpha in a commercial cow herd. Follow WT Agriculture’s Facebook for updates on clone research.

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5/19/2014 12:57:22 PM

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