The Brand - Spring 2014 edition

Page 35

The Department of Agricultural Sciences formally welcomes their new faculty members, (from left to right) Tim Steffens, Bridget Guerrero and Sam Ives. ,YHV VDLG KH FKRVH :7$08 QRW RQO\ because of the feedlot management opportunity, but also because he loves the interaction between students and professors here and having family close by was a “bonus.â€? He said that one of his ultimate goals LV WR HQFRXUDJH VWXGHQWV WR ÂżQG WKHLU SDVVLRQ DQG WKHQ ÂżQG D MRE VHUYLQJ WKDW passion.

-HQQLIHU 7UDF\ MRLQHG WKH GHSDUWPHQW as Administrative Assistant this May and brings a fresh dynamic to the staff. 2ULJLQDOO\ IURP 'HWURLW 0LFK 7UDF\ UHFHLYHG KHU GHJUHH IURP WKH 8QLYHUVLW\ of Michigan in communication and worked the majority of her career in California as an executive assistant for large corporations. She comes to the department from :DOW 'LVQH\ ,PDJLQHHULQJ 5HVHDUFK DQG

Development where she served as the Senior Staff Assistant. Tracy has lived in the Panhandle for about six months, is excited to be part of the department, and involved with the agricultural industry. She said entertainment is the industry in Los Angeles and agriculture is the industry in Amarillo, and she is excited to be able to have worked in each.

â€? . s e v i l r i e h t n i y a d a ’ k r o w ‘ r e ev Âł8OWLPDWHO\ , KRSH JUDGXDWHV QHYHU ‘work’ a day in their lives,â€? Ives said. Brand 2014.indd 35

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