The Brand - Spring 2014 edition

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Artwork by Don Bell ‘98 equine industry and business graduate

Clay Conrad ‘09 agricultural education graduate

Logan Holmes ‘12 animal science M.S. graduate

important in preparing for careers in this industry.

LPSURYH DJULFXOWXUH KHUH LQ WKH 8 6 EXW also worldwide. I am very thankful for this opportunity and for the education WKDW , UHFHLYHG DW :7$08 WKDW KDV helped me get to where I am today in my career.�

High School in Wolfforth, Texas. Conrad graduated with an agricultural education degree and attributes his success and his HPSOR\PHQW WR WKH IDFXOW\ DW :7$08

JAKE BECKER JUDGXDWHG LQ ZLWK KLV XQGHUJUDGXDWH GHJUHH DQG with his master’s degree, both in plant, soil and environmental science. As the Agronomy Manager for NexSteppe, Equine Industry and Business graduate Inc., Becker believes his professors at DON BELL Âľ LV ZRUNLQJ DV D KRUVH :7$08 ZHUH YDOXDEOH LQ SUHSDULQJ KLP trainer and horse show judge. for his current position. Bell was a member of the horse “I am originally from Illinois, so MXGJLQJ WHDP GXULQJ KLV WLPH DW :7$08 faculty in the agricultural department like and recalled that experience being the %RE 6WHZDUW &OD\ 5RELQVRQ DQG %URFN most valuable to him in his current Blaser really introduced me to different profession. methods of production agriculture than Âł-XGJLQJ WDXJKW PH KRZ WR HYDOXDWH what happens in the Midwest,â€? Becker facts, organize those facts, and defend said. my observation of the facts,â€? Bell said. In addition to faculty, his internship provided valuable experience and exposure he needed to be successful in assisting with a start-up company. Like Bartel, Becker enjoys his job and thinks it is very rewarding to be able WR ZRUN DW D QHZ FRPSDQ\ VSHFLÂżFDOO\ one that is literally changing aspects of production agriculture across the globe. He regularly works with scientists in countries such as Italy, Germany and South Africa and also travels frequently WR %UD]LO DQG 3XHUWR 5LFR WR FRQGXFW research. “Few people have the opportunity to help grow a business and introduce a new crop to producers around the world,â€? Becker said. “Not only do I get to help

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Bell is extremely fond of his career choice and considers it his passion. “I am one of the lucky few who get to do what I do,â€? Bell said. Bell discovered another one of his SDVVLRQV ZKLOH DW :7$08 Âą GUDZLQJ Many know him only for his artwork. “His art is highly sought after and world-renowned,â€? said Lance Baker, associate professor in animal science. “I would consider him one of the premiere western artists right now, and it is because he knows and lives his subject matter.â€? CLAY CONRAD LV D JUDGXDWH RI :7$08 DQG FXUUHQWO\ LV DQ agricultural science teacher at Frenship

“The most useful resource I had in ÂżQGLQJ DQG NHHSLQJ P\ MRE KDV EHHQ the faculty,â€? Conrad said. “Dr. Kieth ZDV LQVWUXPHQWDO LQ KHOSLQJ PH ÂżQG P\ ÂżUVW WHDFKLQJ MRE DQG P\ FXUUHQW MRE 7KH IDFXOW\ KDYH D ODUJH LQĂ€XHQFH LQ the agricultural education community and their recommendation has proven invaluable for me in job searches.â€? Conrad said the entire department has been helpful to him, especially after graduation. “Any time I need expertise or resources, everyone at WT has been more than helpful even though I am no longer a student,â€? Conrad said. The most rewarding part of his job is working with young people and watching them grow through his instruction and through the opportunities that FFA provides. He especially enjoys watching students excel in high school and continue to pursue a career in agriculture E\ JRLQJ WR FROOHJH ÂżUVW “Being an agriculture teacher is exactly what I expected it to be,â€? Conrad said. “Many days things don’t go your way, but, for the most part, this job is exactly what I expected it to be, and I enjoy every day of it.â€? &RQWLQXHG RQ SDJH

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